Creating ICECREAM CAKE in Krewcraft!

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hello everyone welcome to crew live what's up hello hello so um before we start this hi kf we hope you're having a great friday so far but as you can see rainbow you're gonna have the best friday of them all can you i am jesus welcome welcome everyone welcome kf welcome my lovely beautiful siblings on this wonderful citizens citizens she swallowed that out real quick i was trying to multitask and think so sorry um anyways welcome to our yeah i'm scared what did you just say what oh what it's my it's my ice cream stand it's name is arg is she yelling is she a pirate oh she's saying argh because she's screaming like the joke is it's an ice cream so she's like wait i don't get the joke that's the butt of the joke there is no lunatic there's no butt on the joke because there is no joke that's there's no butt on that joke because there's no butt on my stand okay so anyways welcome to i don't know can you stop you're gonna lose customers if you keep doing that you're gonna tear them away is that how you greet customers you just scream and i just have the ice cream yeah oh jacko you have to you have to say my shop name oh no i'm running just say it jacqueline scream you're not gonna get any business you know what um joke's on you because i will get no it's not even picking discord can't even pick you up because you'd be yelling too much girl all right i can't hear her okay step a little closer step a little closer what so sir what's up what's back okay [Music] yeah that's how you know because that's how we do it in rainbow land this is my world and you must step in that square if you want service okay um gold would like some ice cream please the hat is trying to take the hat off does it scare you this is my hat i've been working all day i just want something i wanna i swear cold please cold wow you're in luck because i have the last ice cream cake slice on the server question here i want it what happened to the other slices of cake it melted in my mouth okay next you ate it you ate it because you opened your business that's kind of weird but i had to taste it and it tastes really good okay so uh okay yeah so you guys are gonna have to have a bidding war over this last ice cream okay i will i will start i will give you one loaf of bread that's wait no i can't even see the product where is it i can't see it you can't you can't see it in my hands right is screaming for ice cream rainbow thank you okay ice cream sandwich have some ice cream cake all right i'll come out i'll give you these ten cursed coins that i made earlier today i'll give you seven cursed you understand how coins works i'll give you five you guys are lagging the server rainbow just take it it's cheap you're not gonna take it i will take it and i will give you more cursed coins i don't want cursed coins they're not cursed they're just coins literally okay dracula and luna are insane how do you have so much money oh come on take it okay can you guys give me please i need something else i want that's it i just have stuff to travel today that's it give give all right jacko that's enough coin noises for the stream are you looking forward to stop chocolate the sound is the cursed part rainbow are you hiring an employee i can stand here while you make fresh ice cream no i'm not hiring an employee gold okay can you hurry up and sell it the ice cream's gonna melt at this rate i don't have money yeah can you hurry what if what if i never really wanted to sell it what if i wanted to save this what's the point of this ice cream stand i'm just gonna like make us wait here for nothing i don't get it guys you wanna know why we don't have enough materials to make me a beautiful bakery so i just settled for this stand instead you scam yeah this is a nice scam this is what it was oh what it's a what it was a nice scam stand no no no no no death to scammers she took our money that's your money back give me the ice cream cake it's your money there's your money give me the ice cream cake okay one person oh my god there's like they're sorry this is a citizen yes a citizen of a crew uh he's not chill i'm sorry sir sir it is actually the clown you gotta teleport somewhere else and come back all right take the waist though you guys i am so sorry that i have to do this i'm like really hungry right now and i need him i i'm sorry great i went to elsa's castle that is not really elsa's castle we should make out if we are making rainbows ice cream cake today stream we got two make the ice cream cake all right so first we need milk and sugar and snow we need lots of snow at home well we have lots of snow right here boom snow you know what we're just gonna actually start harvesting this area don't hit the ice so then the snow won't come back we need these snowballs for ice cream what are you doing okay whatever is golden rainbow gonna meet us at elsa's castle the most most okay is biome yes i'm waiting i'm gonna put on this mic waiting for a while i don't need to hold it for rainbow oh yeah what is rainbow doing she's stealing no i'm not doing anything while all of us are out here grinding and getting supplies you are stealing and that's not cool rainbow we don't steal yeah and you ate the last ice cream slice but it was my ice cream cake it was always mine yeah it was always mine why am i getting some why are we lagging is minecraft yeah it's lagging that's why oops i almost went to 10 frames it's oh it's very leggy gotta get all the snow we have enough crab guys it's because we have to travel together whoa maybe it's nice that's the new mods i think it's the snow i'm gonna tp to one of you guys because the way stone's not working for me same maybe that's why it's lagging ew why is it how many frames am i at i'm at fif this is not 53 frames ah what leggy i think the server itself is lagging bruh what's a great no fight you could say our game is freezing maybe maybe frozen ew i don't think we could i don't think we could travel here guys this is it's okay let's just collect some ice cubes to make unlimited ice cream cake and then leave the beauties i got the snow all right i got it there's much sleeping it's for ice cream um yeah i have enough snow and it's starting to waste my inventory space like can we stack no we can't stack you have a backpack well i can't stuff my backpack full of snow that's just why i just throw it at gold yeah throw it at me i'll collect it oh dracula turn on pvp in the server oh i've never seen that before why thank you you beautiful killer whale orchestra oh my gosh oh my gosh oh wait actually whoa ice cubes wait thank you what can we cook [Music] whoa what a majestical being um you guys chad saying why don't you make a snow golem for infinite snow that's a good idea oh yeah we don't need us no golem when we have elsa's castle thank you laggy whale we love you you're not a whale you're killer whale right where's guys we gotta return we gotta return it's too much right here maybe we should listen to the chat and make a snow golem yeah and instead of going back to elsa's leggy uh zone right we'll make it through this okay let's leave okay that's what much better wow that mob is quite something all right so we have a bunch of ice cubes which it said we can make napoleon ice cream oh where's the wafer we need lemon oh that's a lot of stuff no we're not using this recipe we're going to use the easy recipe so we have to find berries guys and do we have pumpkins i found pumpkins like across the river down what's that noise yeah go get the pumpkin the sound of people using waste oh we have the power of the orca all right um wait luna do you have a pumpkins i know there's pumpkins down that river i'll go get some okay i'll make the blocks we will make our snow golem where do you want the ice cream wait go feed stoopy first oh yeah i forgot what should we make for stupid chat kf what should we do what should stupi get today we forgot to check on the bunker wait here honey where are you what in the kitchen here give stoopy green eggs and i don't have ham but how about green eggs and beef there you go green eggs and ham now i'll put it in here give soupy some breakfast gold i'm sorry the takeout window is gone um just get out but i bring i bring money don't you like money how why is there a hole here why weren't there a hole why is there a hole here that was for delivering food faster because i store some up there what you know i just but let's drop it down that's the guest patio where they oh it's kind of like those uh no dracula's cookies elevators but everyone says ice cream for soupy we don't have ice cream sorry after being preserved everyone's saying healthy soup all right healthy soup we don't like snoopy yeah stop eating on stupi what did scooby do for this society for him to deserve how do i make stew again i forgot oh i need an egg right hot yeah i know but what do i need in the pot i need a potato no way who made this soup this isn't my recipe someone was touching hey luna you need to speak a little louder what in your microphone oh i stopped yelling because i would get cut off rainbow oh that's why potato carrot beef potato just i am talking there she goes oh do you guys have potatoes potatoes yes my inventory is full of snow this is so hot let me go get it okay yeah i don't want to potato oh whoa we just made cabbage rolls that's cool we don't want cabbage rolls though you're a chef you made cabbage rolls yeah thank you what else can you make for us okay i'll put like some snowballs away it's like hogging my inventory we have to hurry up we have to set sail as soon as dawn rises h yeah let's go all right guys we're gonna go feed stoopy let's go down somebody took all my potatoes oh no they like they like sit on the garden oh i'm so dumb i thought this was our hideout where we left stoopy yeah i was like this isn't the bunker this is gold baked potato funny here oh wait i got raw potato too i just have to like give me something i don't need it are you sure okay i'm just gonna put it in here give me my raw potato okay thanks put it in i totally um mixed up the two bunkers oops that's when you know you everyone to the stupid bunker that's why i was like wow the path down is so short it's so easy it's actually not the stupid bunker it's the soupy mall also if you guys are wondering where the statue is the statue broke because we deleted one of the mods because it was horrible so yeah that's it that's it with the statues it's replaced with money now jack was replacing it with beautiful money replaced with pressed coins it's stupid hey stoop is still here let's go no it'll be like it's little resting area dracula the food bowl got broken sad no what is it now it's like it's like a weird texture chat okay no it's it kind of works it kind of looks like a chicken stick okay it kind of looks like ah okay kf this is for you here you go stupi the question is will stoopy eat the bowl could that be weird right yeah that would be weird stupid are you gonna eat the bowl you could go wash it now because like apparently you wash i'm gonna push your butt to go wash stuff all right is it just you guys comments before saying that uh raccoons like to wash their food before they eat it but i don't know if i just hate this door how clean uh are you having trouble death all right everyone say bye to stoopy it's time to explore and get some more ice cream ingredients we have to find what is that biome the tiger biome we have to find the forest biome for berries we have to go explore i say we climb the mountain man i say we use one of our waypoint thingies to get farther no no no we're not going back to that that way point please no we have other ones though not for me i know i only have two what you don't have the third one who designed this cursed door i did i put them on the third one you let me out let me out um oh it's morning we gotta go gold is to trick people all right it's morning guys let's go first coin trick we got so you must leave i have a i have a waypoint that's farther no no draco i want to go this way you must travel boy draco draco the waypoint is safe remember the golden land okay can we just tp to him then because we don't i don't i don't have that one oh yeah i don't got it you don't remember the golden land i remember you traveled there there you go i just activated it oh thank you thank you draco but what's here i'm pretty sure me going up the mountain would have found a tiger biome no no no see up there that's a tiger biome okay my render distance is not that far sooner i don't know what yeah i'm just putting away my pumpkin oh wait wait wait actually let me go back let me go back i have a bunch of garbage no no no oh i'm not you know i'm here okay so also update on the server creepers actually explode now they no longer turn into a million billion tiny creepers yeah or if we updated the mods a little bit or draco and funny did okay now i need to make a crafting table uh did you know what the traveler backpack i have three crafting tables funny rainbow i don't need that i have an epic backpack it does chores for me it's so cool okay i no longer need to oh man i don't have enough okay you know what there let's put half of this stuff away because we don't need it anymore done done done done bye bye this is the ice cream chest no one touch it lulu let's go it's time to it's time to go oh there's the golem nice yes wait are you in my house no i'm i was behind you the golden land bunny i'm waiting oh i thought she was like elsa's castle where are we going golden land why does no one have the golden land i'm just gonna teleport to you guys i must have not clicked it i don't think i clicked i was yeah probably like uh oh whoa bee bee can we bring on it it will sting you draco be careful but it's so cute should we swear these on minecraft are so cute oh my gosh those the frames bro the frames okay let's go this is why should we just stand here and wait and answer questions yeah we should just wait we should wait no traveling i don't think it's gonna get any better there's more bees they're gonna lead us to the queen come on is that why there's leg um this is wait aren't these berries oh these are berries we can't hear you luna um oh luna's mic is broken wow the technical difficulties hello wait there's the hive you broke the hive what how do you harvest it i don't know actually okay guys follow me follow me um let's oof i did not think we would run into this okay so are you guys teleporting yeah follow me follow me let's go let's go back to my idea of climbing the mountain because the mountain left leg i'm pretty sure we climbed the mountain are you sure a mountain is less laggy yes i am pretty much a lot of love on that mountain i love it i don't know i just feel like i just feel like around crew town it's more rendered out so we shouldn't we shouldn't go to golden lands tracker i'm pretty sure we climbed this mountain to get to golden land and there was nothing to see here and i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure you won't die by this arrow and i'm pretty sure you want to meet the end of the sword you know why we should climb this area it's because it is the berry bushes zone what do you mean we were just at least we just had a bunch of berries in the golden land i got no you didn't you dropped any berries you didn't get any berries yeah i did i got so many berries look there's unlimited strawberries i don't know why you're who mulberry wait what kind of berry variety are you looking do you guys not know how to craft the ice cream well what kind of berry are you looking for the the regular minecraft berry the wild's berry oh yes guys we are finding the thing we must take we're taking the mountain because the mountain is better unlike draco's golden thing no golden land is clearly better go to the blacks the pig are you guys going to tp ah i'm gonna harvest more pumpkin okay we need pumpkins definitely oh my gosh i'm sorry i keep complaining about leg but ugh funny everyone has teepee the beautiful all right we are good okay let's go find the the berries guys oh cherry blossom tree tower oh pretty is mine hmm why is the screen black what screen your stream what is happening with minecraft today yeah yeah what it's not weird all right no it's good guys it's good sorry for this going down it is uh it's quite wonky we have to op re-optimize this world it is just quite can we can we talk about how guys and she killed one rainbow you've seen so many pigs that's not new oh i thought this was a cow what what are you kidding me oh my gosh i don't think rainbows okay but why are you getting wood we have tons of wood because dracula where you know what day is it today it's material day without yeah harvesting day it's everything day bakery this is a nice color yeah remember how i wanted to talk about making my boujee bakery no not really no i want to make a bakery if you guys have ideas for a bougie bakery tell us leave us in the comments please ooh draco found the llama they're taking me to their master okay they go away they go now i figured out how we suppress this leg just stop right now just everyone just walk just walk yeah okay you need to walk i'm like walking too bad you have to walk today i don't know okay i'll walk does that have the materials to finish this portal it does not okay it does not but i am stealing it all i'm stealing i'm beautiful and i'm stealing this chest because it's cute i want this uh is tiger like the rarest biome now i haven't seen the tiger in forever uh i don't does anyone even see any berries i always see planes planes for days oh it's a plane oh it's a mountain oh it's another plane rocco's teaching us about uh draco the study of oh i love the cow's hair i wonder what material it gives okay cow cow where's cow it gives the same stuff it gives us wool though gold do you want to take this cow back it's really cute but like i'm not trying back yeah no i'm not traveling this is a very barren mountain what's that funny what is that a mosquito what is that it's ew it's grossing me out what is that why is that a fly that buzzes by your ear and annoys you like when you're just sitting and doing nothing and it comes in and it's like oh wait it gives us a really cool food material i don't want you you i don't want that your draco take it nutritional no we're finding more mobs than we're finding berries look there's another variant of cow uh rainbow and gold do you want to pee to us yeah yeah you're down there oh gold does not last i feel like rainbow gets lost i was i'm i'm oh i see you guys don't worry i'll run there i'm trying to read stuff on twitter since you're lying and i'm waiting for this i have these cows already what do you mean no there was a cow with the hair it was those cows are so tough wow how fascinating a crow this is unbearable oh wow oof this uh this leg why this maybe we should just belt i think we should yeah yeah no traveling too laggy this is actually so bad i don't even know why it's so bad that's so weird sorry stream guys we had a plan today to epically travel and you know find materials but i guess we can't travel whoa white what i want okay no we can't we like can successfully make the ice cream but we just need whatever the berries are but there's no berries what's that oh i don't know it looks so cool okay let's slowly walk into it building up t-shirts leg yeah guys the leg is going burr my rendered distance was so short that now i see it wait why is there tnt on top of it i don't know but can we live there too can this be like our second baby wait a minute look at them what do you guys see that where'd you guys go i got lost but i see an airship yeah yeah yeah it's bighorn sheep what what is this that's so cool how do we get on top of this guys stop building well just gonna start wrecking the land here and by the way stream we we do plan on making ice cream but we that was supposed to be what we were going out for we are gonna make ice cream we just need to find we just need one berry just find the berries if we find the berries you can make the cake that's all we need but like these last slide to the bottom of the sheep what are these why is chili draco where are you what draco building i'm gonna go i'm not building ladders i'm just gonna go straight up or i'll build the thing and you put the ladders on the thing oh yeah no i'll build the thing and then you guys put the ladder on i'm building the thing i'm already here i'm in the thing this minecraft world make us go oh whoa oh what whoa whoa draco why are you in the ship get out whoa there's chests in here you guys gotta destroy the atrocities you guys made after nah they're your weapons i think mobs are spawning what what what what are you asking about why are you dropping tnt down i'm not going to give it to you open that up it's an illager trouble kill it you kill it that's so cool it's like a pirate ship well done we're just can you like destroy the spawn is like good whatever the person that will like let the other person you took you took all the good stuff there's only a golden apple in here i don't want that actually wait wait wait no no go get the golden apple oh and there's a villager spawn egg and there's a bunch of seeds for beet roots all right everyone all aboard the pirate ship everywhere i'll take it off backpack is so helpful get the golden apple funny what the what are you trying to do i'm not doing anything i claim this ship as my home we should steal everything this is all ours we should take everything yeah like yeah cute ship in the sky but you know finders keepers we need everything what else is going on we'll take the change the changes are nice oh my back my backpack is going to be good today why what are you wait these chains are nice yeah we can take it these are really thick chains yes okay let me put some stuff away thanks pirate thank you oh i have lost my arrows uh just don't fall we are destroying everything everyone's saying yes look at all the loots i'm gonna bring this back and do all your rainbow i was being greedy i did something stupid i did something stupid guys guys oh my gosh i think that i think we looted it pretty good these jeans are really pretty right yeah now we can make an ultimate prison yeah take it off um first thought for chains ultimate prison yes we'll make a prison out of them i don't know guys what else can you do with these chains let us know i will say oh guys you should leave the ship it's burning oh it's burning why is it burning why is it it's on fire gold get out i don't care i'm getting my chains gold get out i need to finish getting the chains gold gold i think uh that tnt is going to touch nope nope i was going to cover this part cart gold it's going to explode up there this is going to look something wait there's bigger chains you guys missed it i want to watch the fireworks show she's still up there she's scared she doesn't get scared it goes wine okay guys let's find some sweet berries i want to watch this firework show gold gold why what um honey look at this bird it's so cool it is cool well guys gold disarm it if you are new here please consider subscribing to the stream don't forget to like because we are super pro at minecraft totally ooh stupid crew fan page says that make a dungeon oh what that's true we could make a really cool dungeon yeah bring all the chains all right i'm putting all this stuff in my little backpack are we ready to travel more for the berries somehow i feel like the server feels better now this the server don't go yet we just need the berries we're such griefers this is great [Music] what does it do like what picked it up it's kind of it's just a bush it's just for us not a berry bush it's just a bush yo we have to find the berries there's no way we're not i don't care if we like not strawberry that's not what you're talking about a blueberry sweet berry it's sweet it's a regular it's the minecraft it's a blueberry milk cow bye blueberries i'm starting to write wait why do i have eel meat evil what what's the detailed wheel wait what is this mod what there's rocks now cool pebbles that's cool we got stone blocks leaf carpet gosh i'm collecting everything so we need mushrooms carpet mushrooms yeah good you could collect some mushrooms this does not make a bear sense about the mods you found a bear wait wait a beer where yeah over here a bear where a bear over here where teleport to what what rainbow wait i see gold i see gold too where's there the bear over there oh oh we're getting a little like can you stop running now okay okay we can't we need the materials we need the materials i got a tea leaf i don't know how i got a tea leaf though i i found flower berries no my fairy no the vanilla berries it should be around here somewhere where you guys know what the sweet berries are right yeah are the reds no they are the reds berries they are the ones that hurt me when i step on them they are normal minecraft fairies oh i thought it was a modded berry okay guys you gotta keep walking we keep walking okay thanks draco thank you what's that al in front of you funny that cave looks so magical this cave it looks leggy and magical wait i have to have to get a clear view it looks so crazy where bring me to uh just keep following me keep following me keep following me oh my gosh look at that what is that that why didn't we build our house on these it's so you can't see that that's not a cave i see nothing no you see the vines that are like shiny and blue yeah yeah i do and they're going into a cave i wanted to climb this mountain this mountain looks cool it looks like it goes to the sky and the tree on top of it looks cool why didn't we build our house in a cool biome it's too late yes i think that's what everyone always thought tracko i see so many berries oh my gosh it's a it's a possum a possum i think shall we go in there yeah how we gonna go up we must die stop witches please i am but a humble citizen just trying to get there let the dig up begin someone find the berries while we dig ow i'm trying i'm trying no i feel like oh why can't we build up should we dig ourselves in a draco why do we have to dig up here what okay fine i like i'll use i'll use ugly cobble and i'll build up a water bottle whatever you can swim i want to see what's in the cave that those shiny vines lead to we had so much berries before i'm i'm like surprised it's rare now there's like tons very very very done done strawberries is where it's at now we have too many strawberries and we can't really all right water coming down where are you oh water's coming down impending leg oh look at that waterfall wait wait wait wait we can't eat fowl berries can we no i don't know you can eat fowler berries they sound safe to eat delicious i was gonna yeah i like this treasure on this mountain because it's just so magical so is there anything i'm gonna go to i'm going up all the way all right what an elevator let's feel like i'm scaling mount antar i mount everest but in minecraft oh it's sorry all right i hope this was worth the travel taco there's never just keep going up you guys go up there i'm gonna keep scouring down here and see if there's any whoa look how high we're up we are i feel so high up okay there's nothing up here it's just really high oh there's a bigger mountain what what what teleport what teleport to me it's crazy so like i got to the top of this and look it's a bigger it's a big mouth it's like a hole it's like climbing everest but minecraft is a bigger mountain that's what i thought i climbed to the top it was a dollar mountain so i can continue your adventure yeah i'm going to continue i feel like once we get to the top we'll be able to see every biome you know are you sure an immense lag you mean what just happens how much these berries are rare is there a way we can like convert our vanilla bit i mean our modbury i mean i think maybe you could trade with a villager i don't know villagers my villagers might be yeah you religious style berries all right you climb that i think they do they might but yeah they're also kind of kind of useless oh my gosh it feels like actual mount everest there's a request from shammy and they said make an evil themed parkour map or an adventure map with your chains that's awesome oh i mean well that's cool yeah like a theme park i remember funny saying she wanted to make a theme park in a conservative i've always wanted to make a working theme park in minecraft but then i was like but now you want to scale mountains he is different now why do that when i can scale this huge mountain so how's your scaling going it's still going it's like a whole different world up here like a jungle i feel like i'm in up that's what i feel like i feel like i'm gonna up you could just build up oh yeah but that's not that defeats the purpose of fun i could beat you to the top okay ooh a competition i'd like to see you try using tools no no zombie zombies let me go away oh glare cruz is asking any new merch this month yes squishies are actually coming back in stock they're supposed to uh they're they're stuck right now yeah yeah wait is it high that's not the highest peak i am at the highest peak i am clearly at the highest peak i am at the highest peak okay okay when you wait are you guys actually at the highest peak now or or is there a higher peak that now that you got to the top higher people i think mine just yelled at the fairies yes luna did you finally you're so sick teleport to me thank you so cool though mvp oh okay thank you i scream out welcome uh oh i lost my voice okay now the thing is we can't actually go back until we find a way stone so or someone no i have a waste on my inventory oh nice what you were hiding one like laying your inventory sorry i wasn't hiding it i said i had it oh my stream's to be so big berries we called it back very bad very large oily phantoms oh the phantoms are coming hurry hurry everyone all right everyone go sleep i won't go to sleep i'm actually not scared of phantom people make it less painful we've been awake for too many nights oh my gosh but first first look look i got the vine from the shiny cave and did you bam thank you oh my gosh i love it i love covering my house and moss and making it look like it has been here these are large banana leaves i'm giving you an all right time to go sleep okay let me go to sleep so it's gonna stop the pain lunar did it guys could we leave one like that yeah good job lunar all right many squishies are on the site right now they should they're being released today i see is it not up yet i don't know i didn't look yet no it's up it's up yay squishy restock last resort they're super cute and very limited let me go sleep so for anyone who missed out on the crew squishies they are back for limited time so you might want to if you missed out this time you might want to grab them and then they're gone yep epic so everyone's on the stream right now we didn't even promote it anywhere so everyone watching the stream now yeah right now you get the exclusive straight from us whatever like every morning do you look at this photo and just remember what happened i just remember what dude i remember this so vividly look how happy i look look how happy i look look how happy i look see i need to keep the ends of what actually happened are you okay all right we ready are you okay yes yes let's make let's make a berry farm so we never have to go back to the leggings i agree gold no but i love those leggy mountains they're so beautiful taco then you can go by the bridge okay guys everyone please place your backpack down near this wall okay if you have a backpack just place it there drop it [Music] you know what rainbow i don't know i just have to drink water i don't know what's lagging us oh the leg is in my mind should i like eliminate those it's not oh my goodness put some stuff in the chat it might be this this might be look at me i'm slowed down it's like cobwebs i'm sorry lunar it has to go ah if it is the stongs whoa i feel better no you just think you feel better all right let's do this i also think it's dracula's watching can we hurry up and make the ice cream before i eat these you guys how do i put my backpack down i forgot please oh let me drop it oh yeah you gonna do that sorry i have to get stuff that's the oh oh oh oh we need sugar but thank god we have a sugar oh it's like an abundance of sugar yeah another stupid wait this stoopy's like bigger what what the hell like what the snoopy's bigger right no way oh no it's smaller the stupid smaller are you sure you look bigger to me bro why are you holding the chain no it looks smaller like that stupid oh this is this raccoon definitely smaller um yeah okay so let's do this so in order to make ice cream we need milk which we have the bucket oh no please someone has to go find the jungle biome someone go off no what are we missing cocoa beans okay but wait does anyone have coco do we have any cocoa beans like star trade with me trade with me we have a pumpkin no it's not good that says not cocoa beans cocoa beans don't come from pumpkin oh my gosh no i don't think it's a far travel though all right i think i saw the trees i'm pretty sure um east of here east of here is a jungle and our golem is about to die so we need to give him more iron okay you do that guys okay we are in the search for cocoa beans oh wait i forgot the bucket was in my backpack i got a basket oh i have two buckets you want the buckets um sure you know what throw it against me can you can you tell me how to take off this backpack i think it's lagging b you press b you press b thank you and then you have to click that um icon i thought everyone else told you what the heck thank you all right thank you so much okay so milk oh there's no crafting table here rainbow what where are you i'm so lost we need a town map hmm you know what these won't work i'm just to start destroying your trees but nothing oh you're at my i'm gonna go on an adventure to find the jungle biome and bring back home cocoa beans okay good luck luna if you run into a tiger can you bring it home please thank you no oh i forgot back to the secret house where i was hiding all the materials what what it's me you just said you're hiding what oh yeah i was hiding ice cream will that be taxed you can't tax ice cream did i just what was that big leg i just laid i just like went back in time what happened you shouldn't time trap like uh you should like come back no no you can you can come you can travel but just walk you're not yeah that's welcome to the stream if you have any questions feel free to feel free to ask us right now because we are on conquest to make ice cream and totally not stalling definitely like i mean it kind of fits the theme of the live stream today because we're literally frozen oh luna ah luna crashed good job luna rainbow are you okay with draco putting chains over your ice cream place definitely i mean yeah it's kind of nice um draco i don't think that's really the aesthetics of my ice cream stand honey does this look like an ice cream stand it looks like a ice cream stand for very intense intense battlers dungeon wheels is in your ice cream stand intense wasn't that the name no what no you totally don't get it that's it's it it's a funny ice cream stand here rainbow i got you some aesthetic things where are we traveling let me see where where look isn't it cute i don't i got two of them for her oh nice thank you oh get rid of these ugly trees here are these basic trees bye bye okay let's say milk sugar wheat okay sugar and meat sugar bunny's making ice cream scoops did you know that to make ice cream cake in real life you just put ice that's it yes it's just like minecraft oh wait funny every ice cream cake for you in real life remember oh yeah that's cool for your birthday did you like it did you like it where are you yeah i loved it no i'm getting ready is that mirror is really slow at response like responding she's like up to something i'm not she's not doing anything i'm just like she's up i'm not just lagging you you think you're not suss but you're like you're so sorry i'm not i'm just making ice cream gold i'm not doing anything there's nothing to best about i'm just trying to make some ice cream cake sugar wheat we need wheat if i was eating okay wheat all right so any luck on those cocoa beans maybe i should travel out i'm still trying to find you're just gonna lag i mean it's not like leaving this bubble i found a swamp but not not a jungle keep going luna keep going luna just one coco we just need one cocoa bean no no no just tell her to bring as much as she keeps it in her backpack no just one cocoa bean i just need to make this ice cream cake i can teleport and help me pick some okay we got our ice cream where should i plant the trees looking pretty tasty someone made my ice cream stud uggies i'm gonna it was ozaki yeah it's a nice ice cream but we also got these really cool samplings too but i don't know do you think it'll look cute what is it oh yeah okay i'll take this one i'll take it i have to move some stuff i have finally got to the ocean and i will now both do a job you're going to tell us you got to the cocoa i was literally so excited i thought i thought you're going to say those cokes don't worry lunar i'm going to also mega-like the worlds i i swear i remember we went to seoul we're gonna go mega like the world too no draco there's so many big whales i'm gonna we have i'm gonna did you guys go to elsa's castle do not use the wasteland do not use the waste stone dude i don't know everyone do you guys remember we we crossed the jungle before it's like the the thing is the place where we chose our town it was the center of beauty it had it had lots of biomes around us so that's why i'm around the center i wouldn't say the center of beauty [Laughter] uh gold can i have that tree back please i'm trying to make my town the world's not rendering it's just nothing these the tree color might be different those are just yeah okay wow everyone's saying oh yeah check the water check the water follow the water just like follow the water all the water too oh my god whoa whoa whoa i think i think i remember they're saying it because remember when we followed the water near the left river it led to a job oh in our town yeah oh hey draco i didn't even see you hi bye i think i might know the problem of why the server is a bit too laggy whatever chisel mod you guys got rid of there's like little chisel remnants around the server there's no chisel remnants i i just broke it there was like this random weird white chisel block here well that's not me i do clean work it was probably winner what okay nachos i think chiseling bits is actually kind of like it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine we don't need to talk about it but it makes it we don't need to talk about leg normally we'll fix it we'll fix it later we'll fix it guys don't worry right now our only concentration is cocoa beans oh my gosh i keep running into like mushroom volumes because i can't see the render i will not sleep until we eat cocoa beans said that you just passed the jungle turn around and keep walking no i didn't they said you just passed the jungle 21 seconds ago thank you thank you for the tweet 21 seconds [Music] according to my calculation turn around it's not too late i'm just suffering sorry guys my render distance is unbearable can i melt ice elsa's volume no no luna her leave it alone i've come here are you going this way i'm just going circles now just ignore me just just go find it i just fell down a pit and lost all my stuff draco that's your fault oof oh oh the cool thing is when you eat a banana it gives you a slip effect which makes you fall isn't that bad interesting it means you want a banana no no i don't like bananas it's ayo3 asks what is your favorite drinks by the way i love you all thank you we love you guys my favorite drinks oh thank you we love you too um you love you too what kind of drink like soda pop or lighter i love mountain dew and drinking i think mountain dew is okay i like cocoa pepsi but bunny just water really i'm thinking i'm trying to think any drink because we don't really well we don't really drink pop to be honest yeah he mostly drinks water i like bubble tea brown sugar bubble tea is good wait a minute no but the thing is every time we get bubble tea it doesn't taste bad funny that's why i stopped liking bubble tea what i went to elsa's biome and i found seals no luna i thought you know [Music] [Applause] no lunar i was so excited i was like yeah she got the cocoa beans okay i'll continue to find cocoa beans if no one cares about the seeds well apparently um some of kf are saying elsa's biome has the cocoa beans but we're not where no no they're saying like there's a jungle there's a jungle biome there ah all right time to leg the soils out let's go all right i'm trying to so you you try to find that i hope my ice cream doesn't melt in my inventory that'd be so sad kf what's your favorite drink let us know in the live chat where did i fall or in the comments yeah i like green tea [Music] whoa i found a cave house in a ravine everyone's saying pink lemonade save the corn what's the difference between pink lemonade and regular lemonade i think it's just pink rainbow don't you like that isn't that an aesthetic um it's pink yeah i like the way it looks isn't there like strawberries or something taco you are the biggest moocher usually it's very shallower i don't like that um it's sweet yeah what happened to my stuff why is it on the floor please give my stuff back floor i feel like one day we need to organize these chests they're everywhere everything's ever dude the chests are so messy but it's fine we have a mod where it organizes it cool the legs stole my wheat they stole my wood what the hell this is all right jack where did you go draco are you tping back and forth no i'm running okay gekko we said walk don't tell me don't tv back and forth it's just gonna make it worse you are only allowed two steps everyone's saying coke coffee rainbow you didn't say coffee i know i forgot i'm sorry it's because you drink it daily so you don't know yeah it's not special to me actually i'm like it's not sad you drink it every day and you're saying it's not special coffee it is mayonnaise a drink funny i [Laughter] [Music] don't go to ellis biome if you want to teleport to me i don't care i'm finding that jungle bio and we're going to eat that cake because this is we're going to shallow great yeah i have no rhymes i don't care if i fall off the end of the earth i will find the jungle biome no matter what i will get that's what you think uh i might have traveled to the north pole that's cool you don't see any polar bears there oh no i'm just i'm just saying because this is like this whole area is very icy i'm trying to get out of it but like i'm i'm gonna also biome isn't that hard to get out of lunar you just go to the nearest piece of land everyone's saying dr pepper um we actually don't like dr pepper we think it tastes like soap i mean i think i tried it like a while ago and it's not i haven't tried it since i was when i was a kid i thought it tasted like soap yeah maybe like root beer is that similar i don't think no like why is dr pepper different like what is it made out of it tastes so funny so dr peppers dr dr pepper's watching i dislike your opinion yeah dr pepper it's like spicy everyone said why is it pepperoni is it that's a first spicy what are you talking about oh man this is a swamp this is luna's in the elsa's biome i don't recognize i told you i'm just gonna wait i'm just gonna wait it out just oh wait okay um the same person that said you missed the jungle said that okay funny teleport back to the village and head a little bit left and then go straight the jungle is right there i don't know if this is like wow someone tried that someone tried that i'm too far out okay i'm already here i'm in the village um left left away i'm guessing to the way stone so where's the waste i'm too far out i'm i'm venturing i'm vegetarian here but like all right now if i head here i go left there's a rainbow you sure what's up everyone's saying doctor root beer root beer is good pass the mountain ow i just hit the rock i think it's that way rainbow i can travel that way here okay i bought you some really cute pink flowers pink clovers how's your swamp searching going funny pretty bad you know what's good you know what's better than root beer white ginger beer oh we had it the first time when we ever went to vancouver to try australian pies oh so delicious all right minecrafters it's getting dark are you safe out there oh no i found a temple holy cow safety square jungle bibles are supposed to be we always find jungle biomes oh wait wait remember the first time we survived weren't we in a jungle biome it's too late to talk about that yeah yeah we were and i found cacao beans but i was too lazy to harvest them did you just say cacao beans okay the server is lagging so bad it's rendering chunk by chunk i can't should we go to sleep yeah don't play i'm totally we've already traveled gold thinking you don't understand i'm too far i'm not going back okay i'm never gonna leave but never come but i could teleport and give each of you a bed i don't know if you know this gold but i am near no land gold you should just help us search but it's dark we travel the four corners of the world and we find those stinkers we find the coco [Music] what the heck we should actually split i will be the fire nation someone be the water nation aggression yeah we'll split the town i want to be the um i want to be the very best it's like for animation you want to be the air nation yeah cause then i can fly youtube's youtube chat said isn't there a jungle biome behind bunny's house okay let me go wait my house or like funny house they said bunny's house i don't know well funny my old house staying at draco's house where's your old house no way this way oh that's a snow biome though i swear oh the truck maybe it is i swear they're still behind my guys i'm not lost clearly i've been traveling for more than 20 minutes now that doesn't mean i'm lost it just means i'm i'm finding it just means it's too late to turn back yeah sometimes when you like just go too far in it's just like i'm just going to keep going you know no i saw the glacier house house it's the tax house remember dude nothing's rendered okay now it's actually the race it's the race to see who could find the jungle bomb first champion is lost i'm not i'm just i'm finding myself guys i'm fine i don't see i just see snow okay honey you find yourself in that sea wait that's such a good quote funny 2021 i'm not lost i'm just finding myself in the ocean that's for hours hopefully finding a jungle biome um hi guys just don't mind me i'm just trying to find the job where we've seen a jungle bombing you're traveling and it isn't even that hard we've seen a thousand jungle bios and not once not once did we care to pick up a a stinking cocoa bean a simple small coco or even a jungle sapling yeah we're just like no we don't want cocoa beans so this comes to the fact that when you do play minecraft collect everything and don't don't you just make like ice cream that's not coco no draco we can't make it no draco i don't care i don't care if this goes on until midnight i'm finding the jungle coco we're not leaving the stream does not end i don't it's just going to take forever to render minecraft for 24 hours until i find a jungle biome this rendering time though is ridiculous eh dude oh i keep hitting the wall i feel like i have to slow down is there like a full map wow the ocean is so empty you know if we had like those mini map mods this would be way easier when it doesn't update please ready someone find it it's laney is asking for a pun so i have to open up the ponder dome okay ow guys i think the ocean's empty i don't think anything's rendered here i only see i'm a swan i'm officially lost i'm lost for real wait you guys might like this joke what's up candy what why did you say rainbow what's the stupidest candy um [Music] wait what about them those lollipops it's the bubble gum what i thought they were lollipops i thought they were the bubbles oh no that's double bobble what dum dums guys they're lollipops dum dum is a brand of lollipops they're i found bananas do we need bananas i'm littering just grab them oh my gosh i almost got my ice cream here oh i was gonna die for ice cream that said stop finding yourself and teleport back no guys i still i i just hey if i didn't find myself how would i find this delicious does anyone know where the jungle biome what are you finding i found some weird soup and i'm eating it it's killing me why am i probably shouldn't do that um here's the pun for your sorrows what did the french fries say hamburger um you're slow food no ketchup yeah um oh my gosh my stream you found it are you teleporting to me yeah dude because my whole screen glitched huh you got out of the scene oh my gosh i can't so far while you're adventuring here i've only found bananas oh stupid banana ice cream stupid bananas okay who's actually back at hometown whoa whoa whoa what did you do oh i'm don't mind me i'm just dying don't you know you're not supposed to eat random things yeah gold i don't know how old it was in the expired chest but now i'm hurting the poison yes hashtag crew live ask us anything when we go on this epic hunt for cacao beans [Music] i don't know i actually say it is it cocoa beans cacao cocoa kale but it's sour jacko i don't care for the reindeer okay for coco they're literal reindeer they're like they're like i'm following you but not cocoa beans but funny can you explain to me okay you're calling it cocoa beans but it's not spelled c-o-c-o it's spelled c-o-s i wouldn't know i don't have cocoa beans to read i thought it was spelt c-o-c-o-a oh cocoa oh no that's totally different no no oh yeah i forgot i spelt it backwards my brain nowhere sorry yeah i don't know my brain only find jungle right now jungle jungle my brain try jungle whoever finds jungle jungle song can we install a mini map oh my gosh i found a family of stupiza and they have a baby stupid funny you have to comment no i traveled so far no just tp it's so cute it's a baby snoopy everyone has to see this wait how about okay draco how about you stay there now you stay there and we keep traveling and when we don't grow up wait can someone tp to me so and then just keep walking when i'm walking so i can go see um i can't i'm trying to they're both begging me for bread oh my gosh i'll see you guys chad said no it's not cacao not coco draco cacao is chocolate bean cocoa is hot chocolate hot cocoa look at them they both beg for food when you eat oh my gosh that's so cute that's so cute okay taco does not want to listen to you yeah oh they're going to go wash it coco they're gonna go wash it while lagging i'm kidding luna or rainbow do you have a lead a little baby when do i carry leaves and i don't know how to get oh the parent is savage wait they're not feeding the baby if everyone talks should you find should you find snoopy uh a partner baby stupid yeah no i don't care for it i'm gonna have to go find you guys just hear what luna said what what luna she said if everyone's teleporting how are we making phones lunar everybody who's home no [Laughter] rainbow are you it's fine where's the stupid jungle vine insanity it was adorable that just made my whole entire week you know what made my year just kidding tall trees but it's not a jungle it's a tiger [Music] there's snow we have the grapes guys where is the jungle line we're so cursed why why i wish i had the mini map so i could see jungles are usually on the shore of islands ooh that's true that's true draco use the minecraft knowledge on oh my gosh i found a cute hut what is this i just found it what is this place it's so cute wait wait honey tp this is so cute no jocko just like a nice house i found one yeah i'm like about to reach the jungle ah but this is a really cute building it's so cute it's like i think it's a mod building it's a pub it says pub rainbow can you tp of me i need you via we aren't lost home anyways like it's super cool like this building is so cool you'll be like whoa cool i want this to be my house oh cool wait should we live there instead gold you have to see this what uh get to tp you have to get all these yellow flowers that's so cool okay look where where not to me not to me teleport so funny what the heck yo this is actually cool there's a ship at the bottom that draco was with you oh no i'm standing here oh whoa okay this is mine okay stay stay at the teleport point okay look at this it's a full pub there's like there's food okay draco's too excited cool this villager looks so cool oh they have they sell maps and then there's like a ship in the bottle let's take that um do we want to no okay you know what just mark this off well we'll go loot it later it's very cute wow i'm gonna screenshot these chords because this pub is so cute okay thank you for helping us find cocoa beans wait what if there's cocoa beans in the pub let me leave this pub i mean just someone just lose you have cocoa beans pub i have so much food i found away stone i'm quitting on finding the cocoa beans i'll go back no no no no you're the only finder you found the berries and you're gonna find i'll continue my search but someone better find home click the waste don't click the waste on there i didn't okay just click remember just remember i feel like we just keep running looking in the right places maybe we're like oh my gosh i found another cool building right beside the cool pub then why don't we just live there can we live there can that be our new home is this a graveyard draco you're having too much fun you're not a goal is to make ice cream yeah dragon find ice i want to i want to go to where draco is no he sounds like he's oh he sounds like he's going the coolest places oh this is a cemetery dungeon oh wait let's get out let's get out and save this this this cord i'll save it and then we can we can come back here later we're not prepared for this can you see we just our favorite is the most weakest ice cream materials i know i'm just finding so many cool buildings there's so many swamps and no jungle wow what's the value of ice cream after no what'd you do it all goes back to the golden land oh my gosh the golden lag i want [Music] the cocoa beans where are you cocoa beans what what what what what mod did we download where the creepers have skills now what the heck that's cool to be any mod yeah hey just optimize this after uh is someone calling me we need to upgrade this yelling at me yeah i found monkeys little monkeys oof monkeys living hear me okay now tell the monkeys to lead you to their jungle i found my way back to the village this is pointless i even left my crafting table that's how lola is like wait did you just take a boat all the way back to the village yeah i did that's amazing oh my gosh these teleport to elsa's castle take a boat oh i keep glitching this is so bad going in circles we must have success i am currently in tall birch hills okay that's that's you want to feed me and see the monkeys oh no i don't think we can afford any more tps yeah rainbow i have to find yeah not unless it's coco hashtag crew live on twitter guys let me know you passed cocoa beans twice funny everyone keeps saying we passed it i don't know if we've actually passed it i'm so sad i think they lost their sanity hashtag probably i'm so sorry i'm so sad these chunks are loading so slow yeah look at this i just have to wait it's like i'm queuing i'm queueing to wait to play to play minecraft it's painful oh by the way our internet is bad i know that's a really cool idea we should make bumper boats where we run boats into each other that'd be fun like a little like amusement park i found the dark forest but that's not a jungle oh save that save that we need so basically i'm saving a bunch of coordinates please please jungle please jungle what is this what is this whoa there's a lot of pebbles like everywhere for some reason where did they come from they weren't here before were they i don't think so he's appeared out of nowhere why is there a giant off oof do monkeys spawn in the jungle this doesn't really look like a jungle bomb i don't know monkey should spawn in the jungle oh i should stop okay sorry i'm gonna stop i'm gonna stop doing that where is the jungle there's no bearing it's the bad chunks for me it's literally a cow why because there's so many mushrooms i've never i never want to see a mushroom again my boat burn i don't even think mom's responding because we're lagging i'm not getting hurt by bob's at all anybody anything more no nothing more more snow doesn't sound fun i'm going to raise her he's not okay oh pink mushroom more snow yay i feel but i feel like what i wanted to be so magical more cows why there's so many mushrooms is anyone close to it or do you just want me to render it maybe i should just render it for what render one return back to crouton why what why no i will are you sure you feel close i'm closer than i've ever felt before all right you can feel it i can feel it you know how when you want to find something you can never find it i know that is life this is exactly what this is seals i found bananas and grapes like a cow draco stop killing the fly not block my path why do i just keep going more swamps apparently kf keeps tweeting us on twitter that jungle is one of the rarest biomes but we've seen it so many times wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute our first house was a jungle yeah where was it let's walk that way minecraft we always run into jungle biomes and we always leave it yeah because we don't like it do any trees we like the basic the planes or the tiger planes okay maybe the jungle biome is rare oi please but is it like this rare like yeah i know it's a like well i mean we did install a more biomes mod so now we have like a whole lot more to look at you know i've been looking at the same some of which don't have cocoa beans apparently oh did you find one no no no i i stopped gasping around absolutely destroyed a beehive and now the bees are angry i'm sorry i'm sorry run i'm sorry i'll stop i stop hitting you what's up in here i found passion fruit can we do anything with passion fruit no please no okay time for me to yo um chaos are swamps rare but oh i don't think so because there's so many swamps we have a swamp close by yeah sponsor probably you keep saying that but i don't say it are swamps you know what i also haven't seen desert yeah in the desert right oh cool i found a waypoint i am the ocean is so beautiful in minecraft um follow the moon and it will lead me to a jungle is i hope is this it is this where we throw on the bread would like take this i don't know where is oh a big wall where is it where is it where are you the lucky person to find it whoever finds it i'll be so happy i'll be jumping off my seat kf should we keep looking for the jungle bomb should we go do something should we just go cry no we set a goal we said we are going to get cocoa beans and we are going to how about you guys build a bakery and i'll continue the search for cacao no we weren't going to build a point we are going to be building a bakery we're just going to find cocoa beans hmm literally found every other biome render chunks please please i turned my distance up render it doesn't help [Music] why do the hills never end maybe these biomes are like blasted bigger because it's my same i don't know i i feel like it's been the same green biome with the same trees like not even a change yeah it's just the brush and the oak which mod did this to us which made everything but yes i have a phone to pick with you merch i thought someone just yelled that we found coco oh no i think you're hallucinating is this becoming like an oasis thing where we're gonna just shout jungle mirage are we just gonna see a jungle mirage from afar like is that house is that how it's gonna go down i feel like so yeah all right it's fine i'd rather hallucinate oh my gosh a cocopee [Laughter] i start in the middle guys it's starting to look like strawberry hello oh oh i found a goat and the goat's starting to look like oh my gosh what stop why are stone biomes a thing whoa yellow flowers that kind of look like a no oh my gosh this is this is the pit of insanity there's no cocoa bean wait why is that lava gray oh what the what no no no no no no no why is that magma block what where am i no i'm not i'm not a completely new biome that's probably rarer than the zumba but the jungle moms not like deadly though please turn day time so i can stop talking about fake cocoa beans i'm just gonna bury a hole oh my gosh this is actually sound let's see where i'm walking this whoa you know i think what's worse is that it's loaded with one chunk by one chunk so even if we locked past the jungle we wouldn't even know i found horses but there's no way they're going back to the village use it time to throw snowballs at things is that a cocoa bean nope yeah chaos is saying that uh jungles are very rare no way you found we found our base from all the way from elsa's castle find our old base gold leggy snowballs i found another golden tree i found some chickens i found a purple cat and now i am not discovering live that jungle biomes are actually very very rare cool oh in one can we use our big brains to go backwards in time does anyone have records to our original place did anyone take a picture wait no or was that from the hardcore minecraft oh i just remember i think we're mixing it up i'm falling into this we're spiraling we're spiraling out to be honest i don't even know when's the last time i saw jungle hey what up what was that hi i got stuck in the sea i wanted to puke so i had to teleport to you okay cool so it looks like the world just stopped rendering now the end of the world we hit the end of the world everybody lagging we're legends we hit the end of the world gold is like celebrating back in what sorry no no i thought you said cocoa beans i don't know how did you fall i thought you had cocoa beans oh my gosh this is like the search for the infinity of nothing this is the search for herobrine this is the go fart with vines or if i'm out actually a jungle biome i'm just gonna start eating this ice cream ball because i deserve it because i made it eat the ice cream come on but i want to eat it i need to [Music] [Laughter] she is she doesn't care guys and that's what it is being a citizen of creator i'm trying to find a jungle we're all siblings so we're zipping i don't know what why did what why where are we here i'm gonna find that jungle biome i guess i'm gonna decide it should be called 24 hours trying to find a jungle bomb in my head die die i need your costume who's this so cool hi are you saying a lot of things to die because i think it's wearing a scuba suit when i want it sir give me a scoop of scoop scuba scoop i can't even talk give it give give die die die what's in here person said do you guys not have a mindy map no we don't have a minion yeah jungle jungle [Music] wow that's so lame it didn't give me anything boring so stuff is rendering better now was this already rendered is this why i wanted to probably render you're probably going in why am i if it's if it seems like it's already rendered it probably is sorry we are a walk funny tv to lunar why should i tp the lunar lunar and why is chad telling me to tp to you don't tp to me i am at nothing i have no i know this is it okay guys i don't think i found i think we have to we have to be able to find it come on i found a tiger biome that has to show you remember remember how we went too far this is like we have to persevere if we don't we need ambition i know right wait a minute it's too late you were just at our base what the heck did you tell me to come here what no wait wait is anyone yes oh wait wait wait okay okay someone came called crew helper said listen to me jungles commonly spawned next to the mega tiger biome or near forest oh my gosh i don't know if that'll make a tiger that doesn't help i can't find a mega tiger well funny foundation go to her it's not a mega tiger oh it's just a little stupid island okay no the world rendering is working better now it's just no it's actually rendering better maybe maybe just let me explore wait who's not exploring we need to i'm i'm still exploring okay then why is it right well i explored back to crew town if you count that because that's what put me i think i think we're kind of all exploring so i think we're all trying to find ourselves in the ocean yo i found tyga i don't know where that meme is from no no mega tiger no i feel ow no i think it's mega tiger it's really big everyone should just tp just check with f3 it says it's the minecraft overworld no no it's in biome it's it's clear up the fifth line yes is minecraft for help i should say minecraft like mine says wooded mountains mine says minecraft tiger oh are you looking at the left side oh yeah no never mind i looked at it i got tiger tiger tiger tiger okay guys we could just vibe with the beautiful sound of the minecraft water the beautiful sounds of crew going insane i found the beach and i found some ducks hello doc you know what i might just settle i feel close but i'm going to follow the water line i can sense the jungle you said that like 30 minutes the jungle calls to me great coco here we go here dude when we get the cocoa beans it's going to feel amazing if we miss if we're missing another thing you're sure cocoa beans are the last one yes yes if we come back and you have another one there's another missing ingredient i just oh i threw my wheat out earlier that i needed oh i'm talking okay we have we have we i think we have the ocean because i was like why do i have this one dumb wheat in my mouth but um we need luck we need luck we need luck kf but we we got this chat said creative mode no no no no we don't cheat we walked on and we will continue walking on feet we will not cheat goes on creatively and the rendering is slow again okay can we go on creative cutely though how about cute me i don't know ask the chat maybe i add this okay but at this rate if we do cheat and creative that's technically just cheating we just get the cocoa because we don't need to find it yeah no we're not doing that we're finding it you spent over an hour looking for cocoa yeah we're not doing it yeah we have to no i feel close i feel really close just give me where do you feel where did you feel ten minutes maybe i can bro maybe we should sing i feel so close to the cocoa beans you're right and if i find a jungle with no cocoa beans i'm just gonna cry you're just gonna leave it out in the desert i'm gonna try something wait that's hey that's a good sign deserts are usually near um oh never mind i thought it was a desert but just a pile of sand [Laughter] okay here's my spleen let's make a cocoa bean wrap chat make a cocoa bean wrap cocoa bean you're so mean where are you in the jungle wow we're so good at rhyming beautiful dude we're the climbing masters just a few more chunks this feels like traffic but in minecraft because the chunks are so slow cocoa beans okay who who has a really good wrap for us um cocoa beans for my ice cream cocoa beans cocoa beans where is my ice cream cocoa beans everyone keeps saying i passed the jungle i swear to you i did not pass the jungle or did i how do they if we would play the streaming pass the jungle if i like if like someone on twitter screenshots the part where i pass the jungle i will scream no that's just i'll be like what the heck no i found bees buzz buzz buzz no we did not find each other if we found each other no lunar i see someone over there render when a wall's rendering no i can show you cocoa beans but they're hiding is this how it feels to be trapped in a forest like far out like to find civilization again this is how hard it is really wait this is like whoa i see like mobs that are super scary what would you do if you were trapped in the forest cocoa cocoa beans how could you be trapped in a forest unless like the trees are limited you're so mean um okay um someone on lazy crew on twitter said save your life go to traders they sell cocoa beans there's a wanderer in our village before there was a wanderer i don't know where they went because they're wondering so they probably left what do you mean but you killed them off screen all the time no i didn't kill them no no no no i'm following you if someone finds a wanderer please please let please tell them to give us cocoa beans and i'm starting to run out of bread so i'm definitely going to start i have to oh jacka what are you doing nothing i'm just traveling and i feel so close and i feel nauseous to start but the chunks don't render and can someone try finding the villager that trades cocoa beans where are you wandering villager all right yeah the wrap is probably this far cocoa beans you're so mean that's all right i found a big pumpkin bio with a huge pumpkin wow look at all the weird stuff too bad we don't need anything oh that's a huge pumpkin it's like five blocks big oh what yo i just found a skeleton dog that's so cool look at all these cool things you'll find no it's aggressive that's progressive cocoa beans for the life of us like we don't care about cocoa beans this stuff is way cooler you can die we care about cocoa beans skeletons we care a lot about cocoa beans oh wait i just let all the good wraps what cocoa beans driving us loco looking for the cocoa so everyone in chat is also saying that villages sell cocoa beans i'll let you in on a cool cool little secret chat we never found a village yet yeah i mean we live in a village you know i know but like we need another village because everyone in our village doesn't sell coconuts i've been traveling quite far and i haven't found a single village you know what i think draco how do you feel like you're near something i just feel like you know i'm having a snack break i'm using oh my god i found peacock roosters turkeys yeah i found turkey fly the craziest you could um you could make a nether portal and like i think like 10 blocks in the nether portal is like a thousand blocks in the overworld and then you build another nether portal and you get out does anyone understand what he's saying yeah dude i just said i wanted to fly i did not want to build i just said is anybody home no no what no i want to go home now too bad no one's home find the cocoa beans or you're not getting home at home secure cocoa beans secure them we need to find the jungle we need all the luck right now the jungle is gone i like seriously i thought i thought finding the berries was hard but now it seems like we are stuck you know honestly haven't found a coral reef oh yeah yeah oh yeah which which mod wrecked our worlds time to go delete it which mod caused this i feel like by deleting the baby creeper mod a bunch of mods fixed themselves and now there's just a bunch of generation happening yeah i see a lot of whales interesting yeah else please guys draco where there's no cocoa pizza this is right the ocean i feel like the next piece of land i hit will be a jungle that's what i thought 30 minutes i hope it'll be a jungle it's i feel like this is like those games where like you think you're about to beat it and they'll suck you back i don't want to be stuck in the sea please please please surrender oh my gosh i'm gonna go back to reading some stuff rainbow's just like rainbow maybe you should just go back to the village no i've already traveled too far go go go go you make me loco loco and then i say coco coco i'm gonna grind you to dust and eat yard chocolate deliciousness coco wow that's a great song draco everyone you have to say draco he needs the cocoa it's draco needs the coke oh draco you okay i found snails they're saying dracula don't care about snails those aren't coco where's coke please minecraft i've been on this ocean for a really long time and you know i have some really good vibes about this ocean can't get good vibes now you're ocean that's going really bad man come on all right i have a good vibe it's literally feels like traffic oh oh i almost squished it you guys stop gasping how about no gasping every time you gasp i think you found coco let me on my boat let me out of my boat leg this is that this is hopeless what what it finds a jungle thing is mine's a jungle thing do you have cocoa wait no this is a big jungle jungle it's a big jungle [Music] oh [Music] i'm gonna crush you and eat your guts yes this is who found it who found it good job draco is back good job okay how do we get back you have the way no i don't have to wait [Music] someone just died [Music] no one please no no boy wait okay draco save these coordinates we have to put a waste down here dracula good job you had the vibes and you found it dude his vibes were strong he was survived it yeah survived to the jungle who has more cocoa beans don't die eight okay i can't believe it i thought we were never gonna get coco i want more though there's like times why are we right where you just gotta look up high i'm looking i see no cocos where are they they're hiding from your eyes because they're like i don't want to get eaten no you're going to get crushed and eaten my guts all right who wants to die and go back to the village this is it we found it chat is hyped they said good job dracco we are hyped we're gonna make this ice cream cake that took one hour and 46 minutes to make this is gonna be glorious oh one hour and 46. guys come on someone go back to the village someone died too many valuables okay i have basically nothing i'll do it okay thank you thank you for your sacrifice wow that was easy he was just like okay let's go let's go okay chat let me clean up my inventory i'm gonna try to find a way stone before i teleport back here you know we don't want to lose this is exciting times luna just take the screenshot where's our camera you take a picture that's not no rainbow i meant like minecraft screenshot oh what the heck okay guys this glorious moment i'm just going to steal this weight okay i mean yeah i give you permission it's weird the world isn't lagging anymore so you're telling me as soon as we discovered the jungle biome or the internet just got better i don't know i don't know we'll never know who knows everything is solved now all the problems will go away because we have the cocoa beans and we found ourselves right from being lost this whole we also found ourselves yeah we found ourselves one okay i'm so tired why did i make two i don't care all right let's do this so snowball cocoa beans milk nope i'm not doing this right sugar yeah there you go wouldn't it be so cute if you made ice cream like that in real life with just snowballs milk sugar yeah that'd be super cute milk uh what was i doing again sugar wait what's up sorry this ice cream cake is gonna be good yeah i know it's gonna be great all right maybe delicious kf like forever strawberry honey guys we're missing something what do you mean what um please what are we missing okay can everyone just come back no have a bad day no before we come back what are you missing let's just come back just come back let's come back have an announcement what you i think chisel's liking us yeah what yeah chisel bad chicken cute everyone please return back okay we have bad news about the ice cream cake we are missing and no okay under eye are you [Music] our messy chests i thought we used them i thought you used them all when you're doing your fall off the cliff done yeah i don't know i'm gonna go find any other ice cream besides it's an ice cream you need under eye thanks for joining we're gonna leave now we'll search it another time because it's under ice cream duh [Music] yeah i don't know where we go let me go look let me see in gold's chest if she we have some we have a lot of garbage you think i have an end dry my chest do we have more milk i have one bucket of milk in my inventory wow wow you guys sound like you you're you lost your mind everyone search every chest yeah search every chest for the under eye that we need for the cake uh i'm gonna make some more ice cream while i wait because i forgot to put it look rainbow i found bananas for you oh thank you oh can we make a banana sundae because i have bananas is there bananas we're making maggots sorry gold you gotta find that under eye under eyes banana totally exactly banana [Music] how do i move it oh why like i put a weird uh man i have to discover it later i put a weird cube on my screen weird are you the one placing random chisel blocks everywhere that's lagging you guys did you find it yet it's not you night time did you find the underwear no we don't have anything i'm looking at we don't have under eye wait a minute what oh my gosh you have to go to the nether i'm choking blaze powder to make under eyes so we also have to go to the nether and find a blaze and murder it can i say something now what are you giggling are you pranking us kill her now let's kill her where is she get your pitchforks that's nice okay big banana leaf and little banana pitchforks time to kill wait i watched it when i looked at the recipe i already i was like so we i don't remember that in the recipe because i was like what i want blood hey wait wait don't kill me hey i have the stuff i have the stuff all right then i'll take the stuff you caused us more strikes rainbow okay look what so cute you gotta decorate where everyone meet up oh cute it was too funny not to lie okay we didn't have ice cream i have made a delicious chocolate cake luna you always have that kid's boring she's dying ready look at that cute yummy yeah i was gonna give you ice cream cake here look it was worth it it was worth it than that guys a slice yes this is well deserved ice cream cake chicken now make a banana one no no gold i'm not i'm not your cake crafter oh ooh before we end the stream though can we play hide and seek cake i be the seeker and you guys go hide somewhere in the village three and one and then we win yeah if if i can't find you and i give up you get to keep the cake and if you find us wait what's in it for us oh you get to keep the cake okay but what's what do you get i get i have to kill you okay but why don't we just keep the cake and not do this no okay you have three seconds ten seconds we're gonna play hide-and-seek who took my banana tree i'm gonna go in the kitty game close your eyes and i'll go in f1 mode you i still have this player whatever we're gonna have to do a little game all right ready we're counting down in ten to the next ten seconds ten nine eight a counts lower count slower counselor six okay ready all right let's go find some people hmm uh-huh so did you guys know a cool fact about minecraft no what so when you don't shift everyone can see your name tag yeah everyone knows that i thought you said you were doing this in s1 yeah i am shifting you know so that's the cool you're cheating no i'm not that's the cool thing about minecraft if you don't have one from afar people can still see you no matter how far you run or how great you hide i always see you whoop like for instance who likes to party around here anyone like to be in the crew party by any chance why do you need you're pretty bad at this oh by the way what's your time limit oh yeah oh yeah uh stream give up y'all kkf one minute one minute yes one minute yes how are some of you so deep in the mind you guys are hiding the crap right they ran far yeah i feel like some people aren't hiding when they're supposed to be hiding what where are you hiding i'm hiding in crewtown what do you mean are you hiding are you hiding where stoopy lives no [Music] that would be silly have one minute oh my gosh kfc i have 30 seconds this there's no way i can make it up in the ladder in 30 seconds okay you did no i did it whatever i'm going down with the arrow where are you at lunar one 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. she is 21 20. fine you all win my time is up owner good hiding spot let's go find rainbow hey look at me look at me rainbow you were how did you get back here i'm sneaky that's why oh that's wait a lunar oh my gosh rainbow i actually would have never guessed it that's okay right now i did a i did a whoop super glad i tricked you what where are you draco's broken did you break it i didn't break it this is my vent it's been here forever wait you shouldn't have the whole time and i didn't notice you yeah i was just right here i was like no you're lying no you're lying you have to play the clip no way are you feeling real are you trolling no you're trolling me wow okay that's a good hiding spot wow we should play hide and seek in our bunker that was good okay i trolled you you guys trolled me ha ha we're all such a funny but guys that is it thank you so much for joining us um with crew crew craft live we had some hiccups here and there but i think it turned out pretty well pretty well so thank you so much for bearing with that um we hope you guys have a wonderful weekend the crew um don't forget to check out the crew squishies they just released again for this limited time yeah so make sure you stop if you missed it out yeah it's the last restaurant and yeah have a wonderful lesson what from this crew live is never give up you know that's true yeah because that's a good one that's good you were definitely never gonna find the jungle and then when we found it we were screaming through your earphones or your fingers so it takes to show that thanks persevere through everything yeah inspirational and feel the vibes and sometimes if you don't find it maybe it's gonna make a little rap or chat like draco that's how he found cocoa beans take your advice yeah our advice is so helpful guys that's it have a wonderful weekend we are crew we love you leave a like and subscribe if you're new yada yada bye-bye bye guys [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,280,543
Rating: 4.8890204 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft mod krew, minecraft mods krew, minecraft krewcraft, krewcraft, krewcraft funny, krewcraft series, minecraft survival series
Id: xazOPq5ulC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 55sec (7135 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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