Building a CANDY SHOP in Minecraft!

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to our first ever minecraft survival series livestream welcome to my welcome welcome to Lunars home for those who don't know she expanded as the last episode lunar where's your living room it's not there yet can't you see my co sided do you know what it says Drago oh yeah I forgot about Drago side Drago's sign is right there so guys today let me explain to you all actually you know what rainbow you can explain what's gonna happen today okay okay okay so got a day what is anything it's my bushes Oh today we are collecting materials because you know no one wants to see that on a video and then we're going to try to oh I remember what we're gonna do we know you know why it alright I will say thank you so guys today we are going to ask you what we should build in this town rainbow and now just what saying it is my fault yeah I blame myself I was on to talk yesterday but yeah so we're done with collecting materials first and yeah sounds yeah oh also since this is kind of like a chill stream if you guys want to ask questions or say anything hashtag crew live on Twitter yes no stop funny night what you did I told her to stay on top you should go to the mines press okay we'll put on everyone to our minds put on your gear I only have a helmet and some pants but I feel ready for anything wait up a pickaxe wait why don't you guys have full armor we have an extra gear chest nothing track oh I'll save you yeah you've got collected the iron well gold your house doesn't have a chest I mean crafting oh my how fun nor all of our ayran is it's back at the other base in the chest that I so lovely made organized guys should we gold mining first or should we go get likes wood and stuff we need one I say what you need what to build hi to everyone oh look everyone's in the stream hello Friday I lost my family oh I'm you think I'm gonna die from these berry bushes managed such it's a good defense mechanism does anyone want to go into the pit no no no may I suggest something why should we just all go to sleep good morning I didn't know we play at night we like playing at night especially with 19 I'm losing my inventory out oh my chest I need a chest you know what when you need to go return everyone is saying we need to go get wood first all right let's go all right would you wanna ride my island let me join I'm gonna follow Ryan funny right wait for me my choco wait for me you guys can't leave crewmembers behind let's take a look I know you drive faster we're gonna leave them rainbow in the pit of shame Suns coming up oh wait I don't even need you to return back over there I have everything I need there really I just stay here yeah well I'm just gonna take off my iron we're gonna go ruin her chest oh can you make me an iron please Annie now I just have to rainbow you're not a tree that was griefed who did grief is briefing on our server oh I haven't logged on so not to me oh I'm glitched in the boat how great our server is griefed oh why are you always what Isaac it's an emergency you have to come back oh no seriously it's actually an emergency so what is this time we call it towns of dead things yeah leave a comment I don't know what's your emergency look someone clearly grieved our place or that's probably just struck by lightning Leon disarmed shut his - harvest this wood I need I'm looting this collector stuff collect our stuff no no don't wreck everything owner we still have to leave it oh and we still kind of meat on animals my mom's good because like we're a group of five people that are all grief you guys I just look scripted but I swear it's not like I actually of lightning and all the trees around red I honestly don't know what happens here man hey good yeah and someone clearly bad oh wait God take that wood what's important yeah take everything I can fill my pockets too my pockets are too full already I can't that's so rude why would someone do this to us we have to take our war cease course he's dying okay berry bushes are done because they're killing our animals hey no berry bushes dog defense mechanism will they're actually animals and jackal has our one and only diamond pickaxe I just made it up here I have five diamonds in my inventory protect me okay a little bit loud can you turn it down is it sorry I used off our diamonds come on it's okay I still got five protect me from drink I have a full set I was a diamond sword whatever volume now I can't tell it's the change you want yeah you should do this honey where are you sowwy anywhere are you I gotta flex my diamond I am we gotta collect all this way is anyone taking a bed okay funny I have to show this green I'm collecting wood little me told me Oh actually my inventory of all I can't collect anymore wait stream how much wood do we need until we're like amazing you know I have to show you something cool if to show the stream something cool okay but I have to find funny where did she go I don't see the lumberjack where's our lumberjack yeah where is she she said she's going to the forest but I don't see her anywhere I think she's actually doing nothing I mean I see like floating trees everywhere so oh my gosh the leg the leg is so bad Oh an apple oh I see you troll okay are you trying to attack me yeah here look what does it look like protect this with all with all of our might okay a grass block what yeah it's a grass block but fever dropped at the other day peepers don't drop fast blocks these are an Enderman or a creeper I don't remember hashtag nub he have like a sack of wood and 12 pieces but my axe is gonna break soon so I think it's time to go to the mines okay we need food I have so much food okay I'm out guys we're ready we have wood so I'm village we just need to make some chests so we could put our important stuff away and then go to the mines I'll just steal these chess too much garbage in them everyone returns no way those chests wouldn't in actually it's a very still now and our donkey also people getting in oh my expensive glow so Black Hill forever be here let's do it don't destroy it okay we ready yep hey stop visco stop right now let's go okay we can always come back and collect this stuff I'm ready here I will pop the boat blew the boat you know what lunar you drive launch okay you drive push go Luna all right we returned back to other islands we can always make another nether cover the peg no we will not ami puff that look like we have any pink for you we cannot have I will not build Peppa oh wait we can just get a poor host of all the boat mo name for Peppa what yeah maybe if we get a pig oh look lunar ooh wait that's food we don't got a chance lunar style hot food who discussed the boat I'm going in what I think I care whatever by the way it's raining in our other town and it's very scary right rainbow do you know that no one's at the boat I don't know did you take it oh here's a question from lovely xox they said are you guys doing another charity livestream this year yes we are yep don't want to spoil but we might be doing but yeah we are it's gonna be lit I have your money if you guys have some ideas to torture us no sorry I'm late was at school or it's awesome if you like alright there is a random kitty in my house gold you can't like keep breeding your kitties and putting them all around town That's not me okay go let's go I guess we're not a server super lagging all of this stuff I don't know Oh No what are you coming I already left oh gee she left rainbow let's make ourselves just why is there so much lightning it's raining outside how do I make a lightning you quiet it's so loud all right we got chest everywhere to store all of our drivers love garbage we've lost our baby love for Cosette you should build a candy shop that's run by moi it's a candy shop meeting or is it just a want man once by the Irene yes you can borrow iron can I have iron sword please my stone swords almost done okay you may not wait we should actually just go to sleep Wow thank you because we should not be mining right now actually I'm in bed I'm going to sleep get out of my house alright night wait you're mining I was remodeling my beautiful house yeah we all go mining Drago first crazy guys are you sleeping or not I'm sleeping yeah rainbow yes you don't have a bag disconnect I have to find my red just connect build a prison okay okay that that's needed see you guys a prison already I see rainbow running outside she has no bag okay YouTube night jobs we do need jobs I will be the butcher what you gotta do is go down press the join button or look in the description box below to become a member today lots of fun perks we have a water bottle as a joke a hydro flask as an emoji right now so check that out if you understand what the hydro floss stands for ok I did reconnect yes you are ok we going to the pit I'm excited I want to go to the pit we're not mining the pen the pit isn't where beauty is we're going through the mines whoa why don't we build a jail in the pit what he's here we heard you're confused I'm confused okay guys the mines are very dangerous right now well I did funny go it's daytime I'm in the mines the city mine town mine whatever I know where the time my name is right beside my house mm-hm gold alert everyone go ring the bell or something okay I see the bell i see the bell and i see a creeper oh did you blow up my house by pit no you must go into the pit if you ruin the town you might come hello okay my no funny just jump straight down there did it you think I'm bad dog to jump straight down I am building a very humane staircase okay everyone's jumping down you eat we're pros we don't need to you know just gonna be with all the stairs in this stream guys we find diamonds where's Leo how come I can't I'm safe sorry I was gathering berries for food how many berries I'm only five I'm not I have all over we don't live in everyone saying you have to go in the pit rainbow I'll go in the pit later hey hey hey if we can yells in like five five K legs right 5,000 likes sure yeah 5,000 likes and rainbow goes into the pit hey hey I'm gonna go back to my house we're already in the mine oh you have to jump down to the mine wait Rock will bring wood back and like what's new miner are you in the mine in the pit no no we're not hiding in the pit the pit is sacred Drago we mined in the mining job at PD shaking our berries grow fast keep on mining people I think I'm gonna hit diamond soon possible I'm only mining so I can get materials from this strip mine is that a good idea life yeah yeah guys should we strip-mine please let us know I'm just and of mine yes feels dangerous but I have a lot of so this is good I have to go to the pit Wow should we feed for something I don't know how long should be should she be in the pit for it because the YouTube chat is like the jury five thousand okay it was too easy you should have said like 20,000 to go the pitch fun for rainbow into the fifth not have to go back I'm gonna go make it okay rainbow go to kids how do we go back up you know what we're done we should've brought my gosh why there's so many zombies here oh this is how we got back up funny with a bunch of stone when I come back we'll bring ladders okay everyone saying pit pit pit alright bring a bucket of water No out please don't steal all my stuff hey rainbow all the way I never slept in a bed I'm gonna the beginning it says I can't sleep cool whatever everyone crew town meet at the pit I just got in the mire that deadly zombie horde right here man get out we got five K 21 rainbow I made a creeper blow up the town and she didn't even fix her mess you were like creeper wait where's everyone point you I'm just gonna run through get my babies oh my gosh I know how to make the pit better after No yeah ETP we have rules tipping is allowed but creative is not okay all right into the pit can you say a few words please okay fine stream what are our few words to bring rainbow to the pit Oh rainbow so dumb you exploded a creeper in our town now you shall see now you shall fall into the pit and wait wait I don't get to go down there I'm scared oh I see all my stuff back I had a good boat better watch out I'm a criminal now I don't care watch out okay they are now we are no no rap I'll catch you I'll let you go I'll catch you guys later and I whoa where is she and that means there are no loss for us we are the outliers oh hey I wasn't I've been to jail funny I've been to a lot of diamond I'm gonna come out of the mine I won't be fully decked out in diamonds we have something to say you didn't have that much cool stuff anyway so no I did I had all the horse farmer I had like why are you going on boys armor when you don't have any horses yes self throw her in the pit for stealing how about you see Hey I am holding the armor for us okay uh-huh why don't you just put it in a chest because we don't have a home you put it in your home we can convicting welcome to the stream where we convict people of crimes my strip mine is very bountiful and dropping keep showing up good use at Minecraft yeah Jack Oh show ah thank you go you're not very funny took some of my stuff she took my torches you can have them back when you're in the mind working people who work I need wood planks what was I gonna make with wood planks I forgot we're gonna build whatever the chat whoa I'm gonna bladders why we stir what on matters what do you mean it's so smart we need ladders and then I will get a couple of sticks and then we go to the leg easy oh by the way you guys I don't know if it was mentioning skin except for streaming for two hours today [Music] hours of strip mining the whole stream is just us mining basically what was us collecting materials because you know we need it to demise oh I have to start a tree farm in my basement can you make it automatic tree farm no it's just for me you guys can go fix your own you are so selfish I'm gonna have my little monopoly in my house your comment said track was not allowed to make his own town I'll be in town it's my own house Rocco do you want to go in the pit again where should I put these ladders let's try to get back up gold I will build up I will be nice and build stairs I'm dangerously putting down ladders right now in the pair no no she's putting ladder ladder I need torches torches torches where the rest of you guys I am expanding my house lunar is expanding does not contribute to the town I think she should go in the pit yeah I am trying to get back Jaco are you contributing that - for himself benefit for your own selfish needs everyone is saying Drakh oh now has to go to the pit my strip mine I mean if you guys can do an impossible goal oh oh creeper oh oh is it back down here hello drugs oh I almost got killed by creeper and that's what you care about a bat so how do you strip mine just like this go straight seems scary or you can go right okay strip mining is totally safe let's do this writing until your inventories fall and then you leave well just went to the top no no you're not supposed to go down funny yes are you trying to get yourself into lava are you sick wait you said strip mined them like I said dig straight not down yeah never dig down not down here either you have to strip mine at y12 this level this level everything on this level Drago is all about stats no not this level this level this level are you a Minecraft pro just people ow oh sorry like this like straight yeah okay go go go right I'm going straight alright you go right go right yeah I'm going straight hey don't go down ok BRB nobody once we get out there enough materials guys we're gonna do our house building competition I think you should make the nicest hit everyone's ever seen you know luxury pit yeah and if you're extra bad you go to the non luxury pit mining is if you see a cave don't explore it I'm just gonna pull through yep it's gonna go on through now everyone's saying everyone has to go into the pit why why do we all go into the pit guys I don't know I don't think we should trust the jury anymore the jury how many iron pickaxes do you have jack oh I have one diamond pickaxe oh I finally I see you hello hey hey look behind you I'm getting ready don't what you want a diamond pickaxe yes please do you have a crafting table yes I do look I'm prepared for every situation here go Wow okay here I give you a diamond pickaxe s diamond pick last to leave the pit challenged Rocco is the guard why does travel get it I don't have wood so okay - fine I'll make it pickaxe diamonds I will make myself of this I'll do I'm building the house so how did your strip meet up with my strip now I love it we should like make a pit prettier no the pits supposed to be a place of shame both yeah I'm not a piece of half I think we should put a bunch of berries at the bottom of the pit so you can live there but you live only on there you like that idea I'm very pet but berries are like something delicious you would eat right very standing on the berry bushes isn't it fine um I see a question from artists in training they said can the crew get pets like for example foxes wolves cats parents awesome oh yeah I don't even think we saw a fox yet I want to follow we didn't know that we don't even have dogs nope no I saw wolf earlier Oh why'd you tame it yes guys I have no I have like bones someone took you oh I might have your bones oh yeah hi all right I am super bored of strip mining I'm going to go okay I think it's time to ask the stream once I get back though let me just get my just got here sorry just keep yelling pit in the chat make a deal I feel like the like ratio is too easy to reach 20,000 likes and Rocco will go in the pit will decorate the pit at 20,000 boy but for now can't convict me well yeah yeah Drac oh you better be well fine the next crew member who breaks one of the crew town rules when 20,000 likes hit you must be convicted for your chopping trees around no blowing anything up no Green Bay sucks - I know breathing in people's faces no pushing people off cliffs but that was already pushed everyone off the cliff no farting yeah yeah there's a lot of rules how do we get out of this review no no skiing no chick talk memes and especially no Peppa memes oh it's nighttime hundred golden rules of crew town still adding on yeah we should make a whole day - oh my gosh we should take all of our gold and we should make gold blocks and then we should build a giant sign says golden rules we should be cool but I feel like this isn't our town town what do you mean better town oh my gosh fix the rule of crew town no talking about moving yeah no bashing you all wise I wanna move the cold no bashing town snow do you guys want to go to sleep yes disconnect again I found lava yeah yeah yeah is there diamonds here no let's just go sleep Oh what is what eat like we need to update this server I sleeping I'm sleeping I'm sleeping I'm sleeping I disconnect because I can't sleep guys what other rules should we put in crew town leave a comment we accept not sleeping Cora ginger said build a pepper house you are bands I'm kidding no more Peppa we should get a pig though name it pepper the town mayor tell me like I don't know ready peeps today is a glorious day because we are building whatever the chat tells us to Laurie are you scared yeah me rainbow folks dracco you saw nothing how did you die oh my gosh I'm gonna go hide in Lunars house okay there's a lot of zombies near my house guys Luna that's cuz we live in a dark forest oh that's nice us choosing bad places to build houses oh oh I just let all the zombies in here oh my gosh I like my house on fire shut the door what are you doing sir sabotage Wow Luna has really nice house doors Wow yeah thanks did you happen to destroy any trees around here no I would like to say one of the trees near my house is kind of floating hey that was not me oh no what do some time I did this remove these wait don't you guys need to collect more wood nope no in here Iren okay we're ready all right everybody gather around the bell it is time to add additions to this weird odd looking at haunted town of to I am listening I'm too deep in lava mine no gold I'm almost gonna find diamonds everybody when bell is rung I hit notify Austin and subscribe did you guys hit the bell button get out get out the bell like this to get notified wow yeah wow what a great way to plug anyway rule number 64 from the chat if the bell is rung and you do not stop ringing if you abuse and hit the bell too many times out of annoyance yeah you better hang out with you that doesn't count you just made the rule cam coming coming keep eating strip-mine yeah yeah yeah we're all what do we build then guide we have to wait for everyone what's awaiting ring hey hey back illegal I'm probably okay what should I don't know if we should split up for these but we're just gonna ask guys what should we build right now in our town take a gander who stole my berries and ate it from these two bushes problem 7 all berries outside on government grass taxes ok guys can you build an obsidian cookie says Trista obsidian cookie that's ok I guess not one obsidian back at the fizz ins land we just need water and you guys got to find that law do you mean what I'm sitting is a cookie I see a lot of Peppa statues in the chat but I'm just gonna go ahead and ignore those you guys we have no sign aside from the peppers we have a shop or a pig house which is I think we just have a pig house it's either going to be pig house or candy shop they were way out what about pig mansion what no no that's a waste of supplies also funny we must decide where are we putting this new project yeah because we're gonna have to clear out a very specific amount of trees you can put it beside me I have a room for 800 gold gold sub yarby we could ruin her house and put it right beside her like animals just saying it's kind of cool and we put it on a bridge across over on that mountain yeah oh yeah away but we still everyone's voting just pick it looks like a pig house and candy shop I don't know we'll see pig house or a candy shop we need more votes bridge see a lot of candy shop all right mm-hmm don't fall off track oh this is a weird bridge you have to fix this eventually it's really ugly yeah it looks like we are building peppa pig house a big house it's a big house big house yep all right we're gonna build a big house you guys know how much it's all and should be clear what this bridge over here maybe we should have some trees hey hey the pig have rights to knock this tree down we got a mark down I need a permit miss you gotta mark the trees down with torches okay really I can cut this one down oh it's just a twig trees it's all cut this tree down and this tree down I think that's all we need to cut all right we are building the pig shop and then probably a candy shop a pig house it's a house for me I'm sorry not a pig saw wait what is holding picking a pig Oh like a pig then we cut down this tree and then our area is ready where are you guys anyone yet you have to fill in this hand we have wondered oh that is not helpful oh wait no but this over here go eat dirt I mean I could chop this part off this is nothing you're going to remove the top layer I'm lube it Warhawk target gold actually chop uniform and so doesn't just look like a black thing can we talk about what we envision our pig house is gonna look like all right thank you clearly oh how dare you guys build a bridge across my place a lot of people would be jealous of your real estate but you're lucky is giving this to you for free and across from it we're gonna put these plaid these ugly plants you anymore dirt we need more dirt anyway it's just temporary it's for food it's temporary okay all right ugliest piece of land we like to ruin lands on my credit so any ideas for our house guys everyone drop think yeah it should be like in this shape it should have like ears and that's hail the battle I'm making okay making a fight one two three wait I need some more trees can I go get some not after year housewives Lauren what trouble this is a sad pig house yeah well it can't be any bigger bigger it can be two story or a pig hotel does anyone have like that wood spruce please like I died I only got oh six logs of it I have one log young sapling please give them to me I will soon stir but you want me to chop some some jungle trees No make this look you wait okay you can chop trees no you can chop cheese along the bridge path to make it less you can chop this one yeah I guess so all right just put torches on where I can chop and you can chop this one what is our vision for a pig house put a pig head and hang back yeah color though we can we can always redo everything later once we get wall and stuff we can make it it needs to have double doors cuz need to get big mouth what are we doing for flooring dirt right natural yeah yeah I love dirt they love mud is that supposed to is that some lady watch my art watch my heart I'm build master pro okay is that supposed to look like a pig looks like a chimney wait or at Rocco I'm building it's a very dark we should go to sleep guys you have a regular work schedule like regular people at the end of like okay hi I don't - hi yeah it's not you enough and they seem like chibi size like chibi yeah chibi pig-like these aren't ears right Oh God we need color guys you will be our queen or king Oh does anyone have a carrot oh no no that's what I was asking oh I don't know how I feel about this lure what you're starting with me sorry papa [Applause] you're now that's good I mean boats good copy okay there you go this is maybe you can just decorate it in a pig theme like along the path pigs they're just square with us now unless you want the doors to be this now laughs doors we are wait why don't you mean pig you know like like you make the details wait wait oh wait then remove the wood remove the wood or if you want to waste a lot of mats we could you oh wait are we making a full pig head you stream guys should it be a pig head or like a full pig body we need some big body more space Drago use iron block everyone says I cannot see the pig resemblance oh maybe we should just not know the stream boat it may be a pig sitting on it too but like like okay imagine like pig sitting on its butt and these are its legs you know sounds like weird I don't know what you want everyone's just saying pig head okay we're doing the pig head put the wood back jack the wood we're making a pig head piggies don't have wood on the side of their head no imagine everything is over just making it a square I got this I got this you know what it's time for me to take action with my build battle skills I shall make pig head that's not a square yeah you should go one block higher oh yeah any school one ball hired money no one will hire were you talking about wait Oh what wait but then it's not a house anymore well we thank you the top floor could be second no I can you can't put a floor here wait what she's BR being okay you know what yeah are you gonna ruin her head I mean we're building a pig house not a pig statue that's true that's true I understand where there's Bruce logs on the side I mean the best way okay you know what we're and then stick eyes on it [Music] norisse pretty don't touch it no I already taught this too late put it back find make her put the tree back she cut a pretty tree make up put it back honey make her put it back make her poke the locks back this is a funny idea from Megan on mango naughty she said build a barn and get one pig and name it Peppa yes yeah really right there in the pit yeah Peppa she's she's there is this a square yeah it's a square okay this is where the nose would be yeah that's where the nose will be and then we stick eyes on it and bam it's a pig I don't see your I don't see your vision but I don't see my vision oh I'm burning the spruce samplings why are you lighting them on fire I'm a girl I have coal don't waste no you see what burning Junkers oh I got it look at these okay yeah robot no enter through the nose of the pig this is the nose okay we're gonna put stairs we're gonna put stairs going up to it you walk in through the nose aha yeah you don't you don't see it you don't see it but making our builds look very glad well we only have a second later yet we have to get the structure down for you anything fine I understand what you mean once we get the structure down first we can decorate it but we must get the structure the structure is important destruction what said I dare you to find 64 diamond tonight 64 diamonds how are we supposed to do that girl minecraft money what are you doing i building a pig no your pig was too creepy we have to build a cute pig this is too high see that's like you know pakka knows is in love look that's not a pig that is rainbow do you see the pig I'm reading Twitter comments I move your chinny-chin-chin for my pig but it kind of looks like it kind of looks like a red panda it's a llama that is a llama it's not a pig you don't have time to work on it this pig maybe if I squint and then step 20 meters back we built something really pretty beside your house gold oh wait wait oh gold I stopped fixing the bridge can you go fishing and get a name tag that's very hard well well I mean like we need to make sure we name Peppa on the stream mm okay you I'm not I thought that I'm trying to figure something just go do your thing I'm trying to imagine something all right doors Corley makes that figures I need doors I will go make candy shop I cannot figure anything out with doors hello are while you're making our bridge cute mm-hmm you have cobble for me thank you I'll have lots of cobble I'll put it in a chest over here here do thank you it's there you go here's before a cobble and we are going to build our candy shop I feel like a candy shop would look cute right outside why am i dropping so much right outside the island rainbow yikes what you need funny what I need yes all you need food okay oh my gosh we are so silly I just realized you can just build a regular looking house and then we can just take a peg on top of it you gonna build a house in okay this tree is covering a candy shop while you're moving right rainbow if you don't fill in that hole yeah yeah wait where's funny I I'm gonna teleport knew the dog the dog oh she do the gun wait you're building a candy shop near the dogs yeah do you have a problem that I can attract tourists you trick them into our first I ever heard a candy shop in the dog I bring it magic okay let's build oh thank you stakes we're trying to make everything match with the town so our candy shop needs to look cute Luna do you have any item frames well it's an item or glass I have glass pane yes I have 48 glasses that you need a craft you here oh you will be in charge of glass painting this okay oh all right I'll be back I need a crap hey hey hey are you taking that fan from our beach from our Beach ok that's sacred sand ok I did sorry where do you want me to put the glass scene it should be a drive-through candy shop like a small candy cup with just a window that sounds crazy oh maybe just a giant window lunar yeah okay you want people to see inside the candy shop okay okay I'm starting to envision I'm making yep he started to vision something magnificent something I hope when we come back jackal has made like let's put down oh no no we need more spruce logs though please like these okay I'll go get some more then thank you okay good how can we help guys yes I don't know I'm currently minding and trying to find dirt this looks good so far stream what type of items look like candy let us know and we'll go grab some the shop needs to be good maybe we can rename stuff but that's too expensive because Andals mmm woods we can change up I am working on the bridge the bridge rainbow what's your progress I'm mining and I'm trying to get enough dirt to fix the mess I made so I don't go in the pits once I have proper wool this Pappa shop a look much better sure oh I'm 64 dirt blocks if you need a rainbow it's 13 spruce blocks enough for you I don't know where I'm the host yeah yeah it's good yeah all right here oh thank you make the shop taller make it three like this learner to give it more shape I look ridiculous yeah wheat I don't have wheat can you eat dirt I mean dirt now in candy so if we had this in the store stream just this what would you call give you the crazy doors I'll be back chocolate like I hold it like a chocolate brownie chocolate all right chocolate brownies around our shop [Music] here's a beautiful door for your candy shop but then I have a different texture packs I don't know what's gonna look like that I hope is beautiful oh we built this wrong back home well so Lunars saying this store needs to be taller because it's too short right now which is true it needs to be more grad oh we need more spruce litter oh gosh okay I'm I'll be back thank you oh you're destroying trees nothing you heard us say how do you make an item frame again it's like string wood sticks we don't have a string it doesn't matter oh I have string one string do you want it I don't need one string anymore Queen said if you use a little button it could look like chocolate a spruce button oh yeah like a chocolate bar that sounds like a waste of life it does look like a chocolate square my supposed to get trees your Creator your creative you'll think of a way are you saying think when you go into the car maybe this is where the cashier should be what would are we using I use that word using spruce but like for the countertops something that's easy to look for diamonds Oh diamonds it's like a rich man shop yep you know what we're gonna and you stairs I think like this oh that's such a good idea this is from Michaela and crew and they said you should build a boardwalk and have a bunch of shops and things there sounds like a batch sounds like a lot of wood that sounds like a good idea that isn't really gonna get yeah we can all like sell our own stuff forget that just sounds magnificent all right ancient pepper shrine is complete I mean I don't see I see Peppa see rainbow sees Peppa you defended dracco like areas weak does anyone have gold if we made Peppa gold like if I ain't they do hold off of unique gold blocks and then we can uh Wow that's actually magnificent I will be the judges Dracula very pretty bells okay all right let's go take a look at Rocco well Luna comes back with that with carmine mm-hmm Stream copy your eyes this is gonna be amazing that's right guys are closed I'm walking am I here yet walking in the side okay stop I'm ready I'm Ella look in three yeah so what do you think but it looks a bit weak like super culty this is where pop our lives I think missing something though just gonna run really quick ah Sirocco you put a berry bush in front of my house I could stab my foot out what no I did it I've been building the Poppa shrine I feel like we should build it for me too because I come back with 49 spruce belong from where from outer outer Calgary yes the outer territory wolf tails asked by the way does anyone like puppet tea yeah I love boba tea I like the one with the like the salted cream you guys have that delicious you should try it you taste the sea salt firm why did funny give a funny come collector spruce no ma'am alright it's the mighty yeah definitely you look scary how do we feel um irate Peppa six out of ten I guess I guess everyone's saying redstone redstone torches look like lollipops Wow it is $10 and should I usually help us hand we gotcha wolf said you could do apples and there's gonna be candy up would you like to buy a tetrad still naughty poppy oh sure how much healing ten dollars ten gold bars I don't have gold bars okay sorry you have to give it back I have to say oh I have gold gold or rainbow I cannot eat your son how fine that's a free lollipop it's free promotion oh thank you and love free samples guys over to the candy shop to help build yes oh that's a weird spot for a candy job she's supposed to attract bateau and whose house is it beside Oh doesn't look very delicious this is what it's missing a cute little door thing adorable wow this looks like a chocolate chocolate I wanted to introduce another room giving blue gummies to everyone who helps here have a blue gummy placing crafting bench I know I literally found one behind the hill over there okay someone please search and you want someone search I'll sorry I know how to make it but like book is mine oh wait that's wrong that looks freaky what are you building aha it's a candy oh I have to put it in minecraft it's like our rings are subtle but like that's the lead I guess if you like deep color oh you need to leather funny so it's just a bunch of sticks and they're in them okay cool cool - Jacqueline you maybe put that on the top I think yeah you move it up and then someone find white and red walnuts perfect you put multiple ones on top like candy yeah and in the future will we become rich and we get quartz we could actually build something nice haha I see it can anyone get us wheat no I have tons of wheat all right you guys tell me when you're ready for me I go make a tree farmer I'm gonna bring some sheep over here all right okay you know what I'll finish doing the top ah why they're these bushes everywhere I know I know I we need to eat you don't understand we need to have an actual place to put these bushes instead of littering them all black what a cute candy stole we need a safe bush for yo taco we're ready for your whatever candy Thanks oh my god I didn't well whatever whatever I'm a PC on Twitter actually has a good idea did anyone find like a lot of oak no what did anyone find a lot of redstone in the mines cuz we could just make redstone dress for Peppa a red dress I think we have a bunch of redstone in ah no man oh we should go back and get it I can go back together bye yeah he should don't know it's nighttime oh yeah I am like a pepper dress yeah we'll be cute I happy background getting something alright I got eight blocks wait I think Oh rainbow when you're there and there's like another rock can you get a suit or another now the courts would be good oh nevermind Drock oh I got it why you got why it's ready I have the pepper mint color oh yes I think it's good so this is our candy store we can make the floor look more cute where do you want me to stick the thingy right here like right here let me get off the door bonnie has redstone I do okay we're gonna start brainstorming our candy so we have a redstone lollipop which could go here and then we need a cash register but I'm not sure how to make one we can do this but it's gonna be pretty ugly does she stares there cash register it kind of blends with the wall though I don't like that you can use wood stairs I guess I can use spruce stairs [Music] roosters there you go we have a cash register all right the peppermint thing is made let's take a look you want two more in the front do you think here in here would look good yeah but not like all around that'd be too much no you know what I'm gonna ask the stream stream what do you think should we add like three like I mean one here and then one here like two more peppermint things or should we just do one I will test it out first let's go read make a dial right stairs I don't have enough dial right I think I have some die right here drop I could do it give me them okay oh yeah you know to get them up here some people are saying one two more I think one yes yes yes do two more two more dracco all right oh if we have bones wait ahead bones what happened to right here make some bone meal and craft ourselves some beautiful bone blocks foam blocks and we have enough bones for bone broth yeah we do they're from Kohl's don't tell her can you use bone blocks for stairs thank you you're gonna go into the pit please 10,000 likes Wow thank you guys so much and we have 19 thousand nine hundred and seventy-six people watching almost 20,000 Wow so much for tuning in we appreciate it yeah ain't killed ourselves there done oh it's good Wow I would eat here that's because it's your candy shop no it's art can i rate this candy shop bad tastes like rocks look at the chocolate machine is right in that Center you get a tripwire reliever right here I don't know how to I don't make levers usually how you correct me and lunar have a lot of blobs near our house blobs new mobster yeah every now I heard blobs - okay let's take a look see I would like like permission to clear the tree in front of his learner's house we could make a nice fountain or something to use me my tree is too big it's like an ogre Shack how dare you come onto your door that's bad feng shui how do you Bupp how dare you make fun of hooters oh gosh heck yeah how dare you do you not see my beautiful ogre Shack it is it is pretty ugly I don't know what I'm building I don't want to make this look too cluttered [Music] I'm not even fake disco girl what we need help with this interior structure oh wait I'm so derpy yeah this looks too cluttered what do we do hey you guys have chest up there a little bit yeah okay I'm gonna put my stuff in and I'm gonna break all the stuff from over there back here I'll be the post whamon that makes sense delivery one day Amazon delivery right rainbows on prime I am does everyone like the chill stream so far it's so chill I'm like not even talking I'm redecorating my so are we gonna have like an organized farm or we well yeah but you should does anyone have a bucket you should make a farm next to your house since you're like the farmer sorry oh no bucket there's some buckets an old dead men I mean no man's land land of fizz ins its battery ethers I didn't want to go ooh panda corn candy said that you guys can make seeds look like green candy which is cute Oh what type of green candy like M&Ms bougas mean candy jelly no what's a good green candy that I can think of scuttles dis green skittles ah but you're supposed to taste pretty boring but that's all I got stream what do you got what does this look like these little wheat seeds they're green they look like jelly beans sprinkles you are gonna say boogers maybe this should be a two-layer candy shop okay we still have enough Seuss to build something I would just like to say that we left a really good we left a lot of materials back at our old place yeah out of laziness I'm gonna collect it all right now good for you rainbow no I am almost done this candy shop not really where are we going with this I don't know funny you can make one for sure - gummy melons you guys are telling me we are for sure never coming back to this implant right yes dead that's like our sad sad place you know a place where we get fishes resources break down trees and don't grow them back okay community of glass follow me looters not me I will destroy this tree funny you need to eat I just ate yeah I totally forgot I was just building and I did not remember so we're gonna put glass and then our roof is gonna be what everyone's roof looks very expensive how come all these town rules are made out of logs because that's all we have now when lunar comes back from AF King she'll be like what I'll be like I mean I gotta get the other one does anyone have spruce logs for me no no please now you had a lot they're all gone from demolishing my house let's take a good look and step back and check out our a candy bill see what actually looks pretty good we did a great job and that's an we I might need just kidding Wow I need more ice yeah I'll be bear I wonder where Lunas getting all these logs no way you're gonna find like one part of them just all ruins hey you say there has to be a couple of metres away from town and I obeyed that rule don't be replanted lunar 3 so yeah I hope you better have or you're gonna be spending a lot now it's chopping what I didn't get any um I think any size wait we are at 11,000 likes someone that's crazy so try to like one if you're enjoying the live stream so far I'm not going welcome to the crew craft chill stream Oh a dog crew craft is minecraft yeah regular minecraft it's this crew my fries I'm confusing you built this slushie machine I'm gonna fix it I think it's a chocolate machine selection but what is the chocolate I never seen I don't know it's chuckling behind like that yeah what are you talking yeah okay it's raining no joke chocolate chocolate if we get a water wrong way [Music] wait how much spruce do you need like how much more clean let me look let me look I think about like Oh stack it's you fam squatter rainbow has come to help what what um what do you mean there's something at the dock someone bad it's scary calm she's a dog she brought the show I buy sheep and I have another one so okay what have you seen it's our sheep we can we can breed them and then we're gonna make colored sheet and everything's gonna be good Peppa candy store yeah come on sheep get out of here bad news no no no I gotta lead maybe we need a lead no no I can do this oh no no no guys she shop run that she's crazy no no she crazy she's my sheep bunny help me trap the Sheep look look Oh fine I'll do all this work rather not stream I'm gonna need your help here so what does this look like and what does this look like this is gonna be what's in dark chocolate making machine you know what that references from Hey dark oak sampling I want to put this you guys cold she's returning goodbye rainbow thank you no sorry rainbow goodbye I am I I will be back to save humanity no I dramatic but okay I really want to say ghosts like chocolate and vanilla vanilla and co loco Coco Loco what's coming a loco I'm gonna try that sounds crazy scream vanilla and it's a chocolate and vanilla ice machine yeah and you work it and you can request the twist it is the best of both worlds chocolate and vanilla this where's the twist function do you make twist here ice cream hello do you have coal this I do in my house what's news I guess my wooden planks cuz I'm too lazy to go got cold and then we're gonna burn what am I supposed to get from our house again Oh buddy zone leather and leather why you guys are needy hey you askin I come back if with sixty Bruce tree what maybe you come back what I forgot how playing minecraft I was like I know took myself out of the stream mmm question for pro minecrafters can you tie any wall or does it have to be like what you can only die white wall yeah no because you can't die over all red color I know this is like super picky but can you make white stained glass and chocolates in glass like brown how you do not have cocoa beans never mind can you just be nice I I have bountiful amounts of glass I will get it for you okay that's good yes when do the dual window stuff I need to know wow we have so many valuable do I chew we're gonna build a top like this out we also have obsidian so you guys can make your obsidian but I have to breathe oh great just great when I bring the donkey back don't care don't go do not kill the donkey oh that's right we didn't even bring our animals back yeah you didn't you guys guys just let me know bring it on even we've where are you here's glass late you need pain or you need like actual glass actual glass I have 43 glass blocks that's perfect do you want me to give it to you you want me to breakfast dirt yeah you if you can please okay alright let's take a step back how does our roof look oh it looks so pretty it looks like a cake out of it nice maybe we should put a cat giant candle on top it looks good from the material here I brought another sheet nice is the Glide oh no no no I'll drop it from here oh wait we're funny don't you I'm right here okay oh gotta drag it out boom she swims so slow what is happening behind you it's on oh yeah thank you no mood I need your help oh why this has to look like a chocolate and vanila machine but I can't see it I don't maybe I need birch tree and dark oak oh right whole sheep coz birch is like God oh I get it so just place dark oak here and birch here right and then put put glass like put the look at the glass trapdoor over it you have to make a pop-out no you got to make a pop-out so it looks you know like oh do I have to do everything around no baby sheep escapes alright look everyone you do you do this and then you place the thing on top like this so then it looks you know not empty and then you can add stairs and then levers on the side I don't understand wait on this door GC glass or do you see what you use oh okay so you're playing with a texture pack I'm playing with basic yeah my texture pack it has glass on all right new plan so where's the glass pane I'm gonna give you all the Redstone do you wanna make Peppa's drum you ready red glass panes you have a lot of red I don't think cocoa beans so this he's white but we can like temporarily do something and then after when we have the more materials yeah when we have more materials than they could yeah let's do that yeah we can make it better oh oh I kind of like this Ruth thing yeah and then and then we can add oh we can add the blocks in here and then we can add a glass pane right then that looks nice then like this hey don't break my lead here here's all the Redstone makeup-free bow is creepin leave bunny body want me to leave the leaves of the tree near my house Jacko can't you see all of us are having a candy shop Freeman right now yeah we're having a candy shop predicament you're not helping yeah you have cobble wait I have an idea lunar you have cobblestone is Peppa yes I guess can you just burn some cobblestone for me in here down the pit okay I got an idea oh it's gonna look great oh I get what you're doing no no no back to the old school minecraft how many crafting tables is funny need too many a lot here chat I found one right here to put it nephew never know when you like crafting tables okay mmm-hmm is there a recycling machine in Minecraft can you know what is this minecraft say funny in love I found another lost crafting bench are you my god all this girl bench I swear they're not oh here's some glowstone dust you're some white wool oh wait while I make a glowstone flavor a lot of nether quartz if you guys like a banana flavor glow so much oh here's all the leather for your item frame thank you three pioneers all of sugar yeah here's some green skittles keep her in the Tesla battery ball no okay a lot of garbage how do you make okay let me try remembering an item frame my string only eight string that's not enough if I don't what are you been stringing for you just need sticks oh you need sticks all around and then a letter in the middle we have to love it pretty sure that's enough to make 36 here's my sticks which is not much but you know yes now we can finally make candy cool sticks got more sticks um no but I'll get more well let's stop reading Holst oh I just made buttons oh boy we have nothing we swear we have nothing we didn't steal okay so let's go with our stone and this is like one of my favorite blocks okay that's not how you make it must go here it is this stone slabs they're cute for every equation hi everyone watching this dream just half an hour I felt too fast I know when you play Minecraft Eagles it's the Minecraft grinds that's like yep do you need Birchwood funny have a long burst would ya just pretty but I don't think we need it save it put everything back okay only I'm bread yeah we need to go to the mind get more wait I can just go back and grab all a cobble for pest sure to worry go Amazon rainbow what was your order cobble yes stacks of cobble okay due to the rain your cobble will not be a bit no no sad better I'm happy with this we could do three flavours lunar I think you're right can you make a banana flavor or pink we could just making a pulley up glowstone do you have enough glowstone maybe I think so if I just join another portal over here will you guys why would you destroy our harder nether yeah why would you because you're not gonna come back here we might use it though yeah we might use it okay how's this look stream oh my gosh I just discovered why my house has a bunch of zombies what there's a zombie spawner right here we City Council you here the High Council says no I'm gonna kill it I saw y'all I'm gonna be back I'm gonna put a door here um Jocko should make an XP farm oh yeah you should yeah so then we can enchant our stuffs Drock oh you go ahead and make an XP farm my house is gonna be bigger than Lunas oh yes jealous could be saw my house the whole stream dragons just trying to make a bigger and better yeah so the whole time everyone was contributing as I Jack was just selfishly upgrading his own land selfish much hey I made Peppa do you think we should put banana flavor here which is yellow or would you prefer pig leave comment thank you pink pink or honestly pink or banana will look good these ice cream machines look great very nice someone have wood it's fine have enough to make a couple of sides we have six sides stream help me out so we got vanilla and chocolate but what flavors will this these be named more flavor no you show me tik toks I don't even have the app installed everyday pink rainbow I grant you with this challenge before the streamlines you must go find pink wool one piece of pink wall just one let's talk I can do that easy and if you see chocolate like please get chocolate for me too because right now we have a wood ice cream and I'm not liking it but go go like brown wool yeah how much what's my reward you if you get this rainbow we grant you with this diamond pickaxe I don't want to use I already have a diamond pickaxe I want a sword like exacts wrong I grant you my used iron sword and don't want an iron sword your very privileged I grant you nothing you get nothing you get this dreams on appreciation that's what you get I love that okay yeah all right stream this is for you so for our vanilla everyone wants to name the vanilla let's see crazy vanilla what is a good vanilla flavor well we could we should call the banana flavor wacky wacky banana I have bad news for you 54 39 percent who voted banana and Plus you lunar no one won they want strawberry lunar opens like a little banana shocked beside you what's a good name for vanilla vanilla ice cream it needs to be some vanilla Vilna basic vanilla have you ever heard someone say oh I crave vanilla Villa before it weighs even better visca vanilla sales through the roof for the stream you four right for getting two right basically if you come back please bring basic would thank you bill cream blue vanilla grace no no flu vanilla subs Gary would you how dare you hopefully he's offended Pikachu face on the screen funk win illa being oh I like vanilla bean vanilla jack tasty vanilla visco vanilla pepper vanilla vanilla Vaughn sweet cream that's good vanilla sour swirl sounds gross I scream I don't know oh wait that's like sherbert right oh yeah sure but that's a fruit not sour vanilla yeah I would pass our vanilla sounds like expired milk I guess being the most seen on this stream we have to go with visco vanilla how do you guys want she wants a lot what should our chocolate yeah we'll leave comment for chocolate I'll just play ice cream yeah that's why you should get bananas - oh before ending the stream we have to finish this I'm gonna go to the top we need to finish the top we cannot leave this candy store we must finish okay cobble honestly glass will look good did it be funny stream if I just burnt down this wolf and we will throw you in the pit yeah you can't be so funny don't gay hard to fill up the tub the pain donkey donkey hey old donkeys drowning it's not your donkey it's our donkey and I would never kill us dude okay she doesn't know you don't even know all these did you know was his birthday yesterday and what did you do you left him at this is land I'm sorry donkey forgive me I promise I will get you something nice what do you like I don't know what donkeys like I do donkeys like babies block sperg flavor chocolate potato ice cool play hockey rainbow do not kill donkey I swear I swear the donkey because we have no name [Music] so our chocolate flavor look at that glitch a chocolate flavor will be officially named potato flavor because that's all I see or donkeys ice cream I know brownie ice cream happy bday donkey its donkey's birthday okay if rainbow is back donkey in one piece we will make a very special celebration for donkey since we missed donkey's birthday can you make donkey cake no donkey does not accept your apology unless you give them chocolate potato doesn't fit potato poke yes can donkeys going boats Oh rainbow do you have that wall what oh she does not have pink ice cream no no I can make it I just got donkey back there you're kind of relying on you trying to show me off across because I'm in a nice little cottage and now he's trying to make it figure than monkey Wow good job jack Oh item frames mmm what happened here fix slab and let's put some item frames we need more sticks it's night time guys we haven't slept since phantoms might haunt us alright stream this is good probably gonna be the funnest part we get to name our candies finally I thought it'd take years years for this candy shop to be finished so a couple of candies that we already discussed well do you have a lead I know these are very hard to get by the way yeah what is glowstone dust sugar does it could be flavored sugar we got candy apples here what else in other words kind of looks like chocolate too I guess the wheat seeds look like gummy bears also news carrot says that's so smart we don't have carrots right no well I did have carrots when you told me in the pit and I think you took it I didn't take it I think I send salt from like is where I like 60 diamonds I don't know whatever do it alright stream we got this lapis lazuli we got a bad one No we don't sleep we wait till the moon goes down what does lapis lazuli look like in my opinion it kind of looks like those do you guys have a little sour whale catties and I hated them yeah me too that's why I remember it it was like there's it's like a whale candy and then there's like white it's like it was blue and then there was like white stuff on the back like oh yeah I remember I don't know what it was called but I never liked those candies pop rocks I like that idea what else looks like rocks go monkey that's punishable doesn't want to leave this place I'm leaving without it someone else rugs time how much do pop rocks cost $99 e my donkey price Robin cost 99 cents they look like blueberry gummies they look like sour candy strawberry a jelly bean jelly bean an airhead so we'll put this in like the jelly section and what else cool that looks like jumping horse armor and how many emeralds do we have left oh you once like I see one Wow oh can you bring back normal would rainbow [Music] someone have normal wood I just want to finish my signs rainbows tired of your wristwatch a sad person it's fine I'll go search in the wilderness hopefully I don't die there's so many monsters behind you jellybeans a lot of stuff look like the jellybeans go to the end I don't think we're ready to go the end and we'll be like our finale Gold growing wheat dragon did you make puppets dress yet no it's too dark hi Peppa I can't build there's witches down there cool don't be scared of witches look we're fully armored look you like it you see those lilacs over there that right yeah I built that whole thing oh you spilt water everywhere uh uh-huh it's gonna I'm gonna bring all the animals to that I what oh shoot oh shoot nice guys we should go to sleep right nope nope bunch of notes Wow trying to be better than women sleep sleep this is sleep that is all why is whose cat is this why are they in my column and the irony is good hi are you sleeping I'm sleeping yes can I be on YouTube said guys do you know there's a sour patch kids cereal what that's crazy I don't know where was it like limited edition it's limited edition I'm just abuse what it would taste like cuz I like sour patch kids cuz they're chewy but what you need in this area I don't think that sounds gross salary guys if I get lost tell donkey graders get away sorry I am no hero I will run I don't get the Raiders do you have wood for me oh yeah if you kill them like good like I don't want spruce I want the basic wood yeah [Music] they're right here add Peppa I don't know what that Raiders doing in the middle function hello Oh does that mean there's a raiding village beside us if there's Raiders stream to you about Raiders cuz like we never played yeah wait nice so where's the cape you should flex it did you kill my chickens funny know how to kill your chickens I had like three your three chickens are down here Oh yeah gold mask oh you better not say that to me ever again fine Dhalsim please where's my chicken over there what is that so weird stream do you know what this is I need your help there's some scary eyeball emoji beside my right screen on the right side of my screen okay I'm going first yeah what does it mean if you're cursed like what happens they said if my mom near the village like our hometown a bunch of Raiders are gonna come in hope you better stay away yeah thank you guys all right back to the candy shop yep I have home back to you hey what are you doing on this island someone ring the bell I have a bad omen I've never seen this before I'm so excited yeah let's see you're excited to get attacked yep you ready to see this bad omen does actually do anything just gonna sneak my way back into the village Wow look at Pepe's trust no I lost all my stuff when I talked it said no income I don't know why everyone's free yeah I literally don't see anything I don't get it Wow the only thing dangerous in this town everyone said funny your broth bad everyone's freaking out sure I don't know what you guys are talking about I'm gonna bring misfortune on earth yeah I don't see misfortune you heard their curse and they will raid sure here here here what thing don't wait close the doors yes doorbell oh hi no I didn't ring the doorbell yet we have no doorbell we're too broke to afford one dingdong um Amazon one-day delivery chocolate ice cream that's for you strawberry ice cream aq jawbreaker Oh career rate sour lemons dick I am thanks my inventory is soulful all that sucks umm obsidian cookie thank you thank you glowstone to make candy shop party bingo leave her leave her down down and then the strawberry flavor I still need to make a side how'd you get all the stuff rainbow miss that's rare I cheated I'm getting no I didn't if you cheat it we would now because you'll be decked out in diamond which you aren't snow didn't she get the ender pearl funny before D spawns I can't I don't have enough inventory Oh poop but you made are you pooping I put down without you making [Music] under parle enderpearl if we make it right we can find the ender portal all right let's make ourselves Yammer industry sign also leave a comment on what we should name our little candy shop right now guys yeah we will name this boardwalk idea I think like when we get more stuff we can totally build like a whole bunch of pretty shops yep I just put ice cream very cute so pop rocks these are jelly candies they cost how much does jelly I don't know how much jelly like 399 that sounds like expensive job is it yeah fine we're making $1 candy shop jelly candies for 100 duck no way oh okay rainbow you're welcome into the store I'm doing something what's red what's a red candy like these two crew candy Cove oh I like that come home super cozy but it works through candy store yeah let's spell everything with a K true Kevin candy Cove and in Lunars words opened whenever nice ogre I wanna open candy floss does it Apple look like a candy floss I mean the roses looks like candy floss it's like a cool candy floss the candy shop what's - [Music] Cheetos Jolly Ranchers rainbow are you building an animal pit in front of our candy store don't worry it'll be a cute little rainbow our rainbow bring the animal it will fit down here I'm building a place for ya rainbow structure 20 minutes working on I already have a place it's down here just song it's inside Peppa if you spent 20 minutes to build that no like I meant from dragging everything it's ok once we get a lead it'll be easier ok fine goal come here and help me bring the Sheep Oh name the unnamed one one chocolate just one chocolate the string should be candy floss we'll call this wait candy floss is cotton candy yeah so string doesn't look like cotton candy all right these prices are totally affordable would you like to steal a little we're bringing me chief across the bridge rainbow would you like to see the candy shop okay yeah I'm not doing this look while 50 crew candy Cove open whenever step right in and choose anything that you want Wow Oh expensive what what do you mean what what and what is a bougie candy and why is it like 1 trillion dollars why she can't a rainbow rainbow do you know what bougie candy is smell this Apple smell it you have no nose in Minecraft I smell it yeah it smells like nothing you know why hi cuz this is market place value candy if you can't appreciate crew can you cook get out could I please get one Gucci jelly candy yes do you have $1,000 oh my arm and my leg gold you don't accept humor to get out all right we have to put it in get my Beach weird to put a new sign in here no trolling no bartering no no samples no no pepper hey Pat Pat deserves everything she's the queen of this village rainbow got a point I don't see it anyway go check out Peppa the streams almost done got actually it is done it's been two hours I'm starting to predict something boy oh it's over that your candy shops gonna go bankrupt and broke no it's not look at the candy shop no customers that's beautiful Gold's have you aren't allowed no trolling let's go before we end off the stream let's go check out Drago and Lunars build now let's see what they've been up to yes thank you guys so much for tuning into our stream and really appreciate and really appreciate everyone's laughing so we love watching you guys let's go check out choco choco hello I move my incomplete house whoa you've got a hot yeah oh I know our Dracula's houses it must be where all these let's go take a look oh the never house is across from mine oh wow you both Wow someone's competitive high yeah show us around Drac oh hi there's gonna be glass here there's gonna be glass here this is my hot tub in the front so I can stare at lunar coming off my hot tub look this is gonna be no but I have something better I'm upstairs come upstairs gonna stick a fence here I'll stay below big window so I can stare at lunar from my pillow what are you thinking about to me just why you there like enemies so I can see if anyone just coming over this is a cute house I like it mm-hmm okay but it's not gonna finish so kind of disappointing to see a not finish build welcome to my home whoo she's jack-o'-lanterns cute yeah and this is my extra room which I haven't put anything in yet but whatever's come up this ladder up she says she says whatever's a lot walk through my beautiful like this that's going to be built our soon-to-be bell tower right there and this is my garden where I will make food why how are you gonna get a bell right mooners house is more practical but drop over like a nice modern twist I don't know stream what do you guys think who's beating who right now is Luna do you like Lunars house or do you like Jericho's house leave a comment leave an alley let's go check out Peppa oh I want for the finale I know this video is gonna hit 20,000 likes anyway so we're just gonna end it off in the pit we're just gonna jump oh wait wait okay fine but we check out Peppa first fine Apple scares me stream before we end all right you must say some words to our Peppa statue where does Peppa go Peppa is all the way up on that nobody knows we own please relocate Peppa coz I don't want it's too late gold my view is ruined like even if it is alchemy I just stare at pan watch gold waking up in the morning we just have to knock down that tree and then gold will get beautiful view of Peppa now thanks house vote so everyone's saying lunar sorry dracco and then people are saying I like yours both it's both you both win you're both we know you have to pick one so Peppa Peppa thank you so much for keeping us company on the stream you weren't creepy at all just couples we will have lots of pink wool and she will be the true Peppa yeah she needs more pink oh you were just hitting me I was like Peppa you're beautiful and now we're gonna go with it away baby we should - bonnet banner here wait I'm putting this in front of my house so y'all know we should put it in front of the candy shop well this scared people away can you not looks good oh no sorry I'm funny to me he's gonna sign over here guys what what good I'm not up there oh what's the sign you gotta come read it god this time better be good for making me I bet you with something like kick pepper out of her house uh-uh it's something lunar would really like why it's you Peter Goldson me what was it says coming soon free-range animals oh you're making up with yourself is that actually yeah I think all gonna be down here for you lunar no fat oh wow thank you I will be sure to grab food there yes follow me or teepee yeah I don't care follow follow go ahead pit pi2 P IT pit is right here no one pushed me I'm doing outro fine it's okay for baseball well guys that is authorized stream why is this a zombies guy thank you so much for joining us for Minecraft stream we hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like don't forget to subscribe if you're new thank you so much for everyone for the members ships and the super chats we really appreciate it have a wonderful horse Rocco Drago please write that behind the tree working on his mansion hey yo turn around the stream is ending we must I can't watch you from here we have a wonderful weekend guys thank you so much for watching and we will see you all next Friday bye bye we've hit 20,000 likes just kidding no but we're going to schedule the text it's a water slide pin we just damaged the pit rainbow rainbow what sport Oh favorite ah the pit is a great place to add [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 1,501,412
Rating: 4.9271445 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft roleplay, Role-playing Game (Game Genre), roleplay, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh, funneh, minecraft, minecraft school, minecraft adventures, funny minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, playthrough, let's play, no cursing, no swearing, mmorpg, rpg, no swears, minecraft channel, minecraft live, minecraft livestream, minecraft survival, minecraft survival series, minecraft vanilla
Id: LqfnIg4GXcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 5sec (7685 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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