Playing as ANGEL or DEVIL in Among Us?

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we are the evil crewmates and we do you know evil things turn off powers like turning off the power yeah menacing they're not imposters they can't do the power whatever we're gonna do evil thing see you later suckers you should not be bad though you should be good like us yes no no do i decide get out of here good conscience evil for life i am the conscience behind your head future self-conscience yeah conscience mute yourself okay so i don't think they know that i am the evil one oh i'm not fixing that because i am evil not doing it uh-uh dracco don't fix it i have to unmute i have to tell dracco draco we're not supposed to fix it we're evil oh my gosh i just locked all my man i'm a crew member yeah we don't do nothing yeah we're both crewmates but we don't fix it because we are villainous see not gonna fix it seriously they're gonna let they're gonna die to reactor it's not gonna help no deaths yet no deaths ah doing evil things is quite nice right evil funny draco he can't hear me but i know they're freaking out right now what do i do how do i kill without being found maybe i could do my fake task in here you know what i'm just gonna no no they're gonna figure out i vented i have to play smart hello hello goat draco you better not rat wait does this mean draco can't rap me out because we are both evil and we should watch out for each other's oh my gosh come on jaco yeah let's not fix that maybe if i hide here i'll hide here and then if i see someone creeping out i'll stab them don't be shy don't be shy come back yellow one boop uh oh oh no and yippee i go i think someone saw that lay gas what just happened amongst us no thank you absolutely obvious having um evil crewmates really sucks because we keep almost dying from oxygen because the evil crewmates refuse to fix it yes i agree yes it's lunar luna's dead okay so jaco where did you find this dead body because they might pin it on us just because we're evil interesting okay anything to say goody two shoes this must have been a self report this is not a self-reporter good angel gold do you think so i can neither nor or deny dracco i think it's one of the angels you can't blame us we're goodbye dracco we're an angel we can't do that well i mean draco but like they were fixing the reactor while we were just chilling they're doing doing no no there was one there was one in the admin that didn't follow me which one was it should we vote them i don't know which one it was okay it's clearly rainbow um i'm just gonna go ahead and vote the self report yeah it says self reporting what that's my thing no no hey who voted me dracco i think it's not you man even though if it is you [Music] all right we're good oh my gosh it's clearly rainbow we're good goldberg yes we are good you know what let's set the demon in their place okay are you ready do you mean wait are you guys ganging up on me that's mean no well we're the angels we have to work together so hurry up chip chip cheerio yeah you should go fix that any last words gold oh wow you are actually a good devil bye bye everyone bye i'm so scared why would you start off with bye bye everyone that's like i don't know all i know is why is one of my partners in crime standing there doing nothing luna what's that this is how devils speak to each other they're just like what's up hello fellow demon um hello fellow demons i'm just trying to do my task right now i uh i failed it how could you fail a task i know wait the more you nag at me the more i can't connect mistakes oh my god today's just the day okay i think it's the blue thing it's literally failing everything it's okay double buddy i'll help you out okay thank you is someone gonna go do that did you get it i don't need a hell yo go do it luna my job thank you for being my double buddy but i'm crewmate and i want to live okay i don't want to die time to go do my favorite thing everyone loves it when i sit on security and do nothing all right let's see come back here so i could yell at the both of you guys oh what what oh my gosh whoa what oh why are you welling i saw something i can't get enough again everyone follow my lead no no follow my lead it's it's way too funny it's way too funny hold up yeah i got it okay just follow my lead and don't call them out all right yeah we have to find yellow we have to find yellow i saw gold event but we have to find her it's going to be so funny don't rat her out don't let her out let's see what she reacts like i can't believe gold just did that she knows i'm on camera 24 7. but she did that in front of my face come on we'll find her guys where is she come on follow okay oh hey hey hey huh hey gold are you gonna go fix the luck with us come on yeah let's go come on okay let's go come on quick yo did you see draco anywhere nope i was doing the rocket ship stuff but you can't see dracco wait who locked this i don't know wait why didn't you see draco um wait is there a dead body somewhere though i think a draco locked in wait who do you think's the m i'm pretty huh who's doing that who do you think's the imp hey stop guys guys let's fix the like we gotta fix stuff you guys shouldn't we be on the mission to find draco why are you guys just fooling around together it's true yeah she's such an angel she's a true angel guys okay how about you leave sweetest gold the angels what i didn't hear she cut out i said you murdered draco is that true gold did you know because you didn't even find you didn't find his corpse okay maybe we should find wait how do you know he's dead wait yeah luna said oh hello kill me gold come on i know i know i know you're evil come on kill me come on kill not evil just go find grandpa's body stop framing me wait gold why aren't you gold gold hey come on kelly go gold jigs up we saw you event so get out of the vent right now i'm not the angels who's well i'm not joking hello do you ancient vents where did you go i thought you were searching for dracco yeah i was but luna told me to come up here no i said kill me gold kill me i know you okay we have to go find draco together all right come on let's go i feel like he probably died in this room nope maybe he's in the maybe he's in the laboratory wait wait i have a question gold what hello how's it feel to be alive i'm gonna die i'm gonna get inside oh not doing anything chill funny what are you guys doing why are you freaking out come on lock me in there she's gonna stab me funny funny is trying to frame me let's go fix the lights together i'm scared luna she's following me the thing's following me why are we stalling this we all know who the killer yeah i know we should just go hit the button i bet you rainbow's dead we all know who the murderer yeah yeah yeah clearly hit the gold let's just say where'd you come from don't touch me don't touch me she killed rainbow i bet you rainbow's dead oh my god get out wow wow get out i know this look get out why would you oh my god [Laughter] i have turned a new light i want to become good i am good now like i always have good she's a liar once the demon always says the demon okay bye good people i'm gonna do my task and go sit on cameras like i always do hey what i mean that's what angels do right but i heard that they said i will be yeah i will be your guy's guardian okay you guys oh how about you be bait wait wait wait what excuse me you just said you were our guardian and you're telling us to be baked no you have no seriously be bait no seriously i'll watch your back okay all right i'm a guardian angel i got this okay okay let's do this so i have to go fix electricity going in to fix the lights leaving i need no prey yeah yeah yeah banana plan go split the devil why'd you fix the light all right let's see if they follow me did someone just shut the door oh my god it's rainbow it's it's rainbow i saw her stop luna rainbow why would you rainbow she was like la la la and then she went through the door and she stabbed luna are you laughing rainbow or do you not want to talk to us why are you bad rainbow rainbow are you are you laughing too hard you you can't talk oh no no no no no no excuse me i was muted why who's blaming me what's happening uh-huh it was you you literally stabbed luna you were like la la la and then you stabbed her and then i wrote no no no no you see here gold is truly the devil in disguise you are on cam she is truly the devil in disguise i saw her i was walking out to the camera please and then like throw gekko what's happening i don't like both of them we should kick balls you need to vote out both you need to vote out gold she's a devil in disguise i shouldn't have voted i don't really know who to vote are you guys kidding me oh my gosh okay whatever you all deserve to die oh uh oh you all on your eyes guys dracco if you chose this wrong oh my god buddy run drago this is your fault hit the button find me right goldie sweet guardian angry wait what's your cooldown what's your cooldown gold what's your cooldown what's your cooldown hey gardening what's your cooldown to protect me remember oh remember hello yes yes we can all hear you i'm funny here of course what do you want traitor okay funny i have something to say you're my guardian angel we must protect each other oh yeah conscience on your shoulder okay cool i voted dracco i voted for that's good what's up draco die demon you could trick people you traitor you were supposed to protect me wow you thought yourself i had a good run easy one everyone as the goody crewmate i am i hereby announce luna the traitor what that's right i have changed myself to the demon because i feel like i don't deserve angel anymore yeah you really don't go wait can you do that again can you say that again what did you luna is evil i'll all right i would like to deem that lunar is a dumb demon really lunar you just had to and so why would you do that because i wanted to prove her boy okay everyone get out lunar that's that's messed up subscribe so you can have 500 iq like me so far this is so easy being good is better than being right i just want to be eating hopeful ones i just want to get off this ship i'm tired of you guys uh-huh let me get out of here okay all right what are you so tired of rainbow get away from me get away from me you're an angel you're supposed to be uh fixing the stuff what you're supposed to be fixing the stuff why is no one guys get your butts over there and fix the but i have to find the telescope what are you finding in there i'm looking for the squid the thing that looks like a giant squid yo do you want to see my innocence look at my innocent here look i'm interested okay just let me see there's no test potions okay what oh draco draco what are you guys doing why are you guys talking to each other dracco can i can i say something you two are sass is there a task right here yeah um no i swear i swear to you i've never done a oh wow she's totally innocent thank you yeah i think it's rainbow no i've never i've never seen a test there i'm going to the emergency button she's still there no wait no this is a vile task it's the one where they make the potion i swear i never had a task like that and i played among us a lot so that just quite suspicious although um hey what's up do you see gold around here why is no one fixing lights did you see hey stop that you guys are pretty lazy huh i don't think anyone saw gold yet let me look at the cams real quick yeah i don't see anything hmm yo what's up stop following me dracco i'm just trying to do my daily tasks just like you are man i don't trust you i'm just trying to beat my mission just gotta fill up the water because this is exactly how it works okay i see lunar actually doing a task rainbow though hey luna yes we gotta go fix that but me and dracco we have a suspicion that it's a rainbow we have to go fix that though go uh luna luna take left luna take left oh did you say something hello hopefully she hears that i didn't say anything why is the one on the second side hello rainbow oh my gosh oh sorry i didn't hear you i was like i was really confused you kept doing this and i was just like i can't hear anything okay uh guys i think gold's dead so we better search for her body rainbow what oh my gosh she's not even beating her heart's dead my task was a waiting test would you like to follow me and watch me do my task no it's quite boring lunar can you come confirm this with us so rainbow thinks that this is a real task wait that's not it yeah i'm gonna do this right here i don't know if you can see it but i just did that task and then watch i'm going to go over here that's not a waiting task this one okay and watch out luna is this one here and i'm going to do this task look it says select anomaly and the anomaly is the red vial okay so you're saying you're saying you just resetted your task and you're doing it again that's suspicious oh wait no it's actually going up it's real i told you okay yeah okay okay it's luna let's go hunt for gold's body are you kidding me are you just some funny murder tracker are you kidding me seriously dude don't even don't even let her talk don't let the devil talk get out of here how are you lunar why just why get out fast suckers she's so toxic we have to ban her from the game we have to she's crazy everyone put your hands together everyone it's lunchtime sing a song ooh i love lunch time lunch time today we are having a good potato is bad he's walking away from us that's sad that rhymed does rhyme all right okay would anyone like to watch me shoot asteroids because i'm crewmate that's pretty boring i have literally been the true angel of all these games well that was boring see you later lunar what are you doing i was about to commit to murder no i don't know why you're walking around can we talk about how i am the true angel of this game i have not been back true angels don't flex oh snap she has a point i guess you're right double i guess you're right hello hey aaa what are you doing beside that event gold hey what are you doing what what is she doing she was above she was above away [Applause] wait what where's rainbow i heard rainbow was she an event rainbow hello rainbow raine i just heard everyone talking i summoned the ghost rainbow oh where did she come from rape what are you draco why are you being so spooked my little lights are off i literally walked from up here okay i was coming down from doing my test go fix the lights i was looking for the party rainbow what the stay where you at what i want to do my task the scariest part of the room the electrics and you always want to watch me i'm doing my boring thing you sound so bored you're just like well it's boring i don't know what you want i'm always uh why are you moving like that dracula stop saying it's so i'm doing the wire don't do that what is wrong with you what's wrong with you chill chill i'm not doing opening down do you know who's the only one that locks doors around here it's draco i know right that's why i said it's truck luna get on the other side mm-hmm i can prove my innocence father all right wow i came late to the party didn't you didn't yeah i swear i thought someone was gonna die i could look at my innocence follow me follow me hey hey follow me i can prove my innocence what if i do i don't see nothing on cams y'all by taking out the trash i don't think watch me take out trash oh oh yeah yeah okay wait should we trust him i don't trust him no i'll go with you don't try it are you sure okay yeah are you not gonna fix that gold you're not gonna fix that what oh my gosh i have to go fix that yo is anyone not going to fix is no one going to fix that what happened okay well i was going to fix it gold screaming you heard gold screaming because you killed her no i did not kill her well i saw rainbow at oxygen uh-huh yes so it can't be rainbow i also saw draco at oxygen okay he came from some other side okay where was the body lunar yeah the body was unbearable i never i never remember what these rooms are it's lunar oxygen are you kidding me oh she died in oxygen trying to save our lives oxygen no no no no i don't think it's the auction you guys were out it was like i was on the right side on the side i was like oh wait honey was not on the right side what do you mean i was walking i was in the cafeteria no no no funny was not on the right side right side of the map no i meant i was thinking i think it's funny i think i think he's trying to do some weird smart play here you're not doing a smart play you're you're an angel you don't call us idiots you idiot are you are you the real devil no i'm an angel you lose goodbye i tried i wanted to have small talk with gold and i stabbed her yes so sad everyone i am a crewmate please stop hurting me all right i'm so sad all the time i'm crewmate oh hey crewmate what's up traitor just doing a task what do you want traitor face what's up hello don't you even think about it hey gold what's up wait what's up oh my audio huh no i think that's the next what do you mean i just had to reconnect to the thing is that a self report rainbow no i am in the admin room i was humming my songs while doing my tasks and i was going to do the download task until i saw a report button appear on my screen and that's where i found draco's green body his dead you didn't see it green body no i saw it it was next to admin he was probably doing some of the card swiping stuff well that doesn't make sense because i just entered the room with funny and gold in it and everyone is there but you are buyer exactly you just put yourself in a bad situation yeah detective detective devils gold and lunar but you guys just went there the kill could have been like a while ago maybe i should watch the video i walked down from the right side i'm an angel i've i've been an angel this whole time have you we'll see about that we'll see about that rainbow jerks okay hey does an angel say jerk i don't think so all right like clearly rainbow was not the imposter you were gold huh who is it what do you uh says to the one that just came to us and then kicked out rainbow lunar it's clearly you all right who's the murderer here what it's two of you i know it is because i'm not the murderer stop putting on a show lunar uh yeah you could kill me now no one can leave don't leave this area no one leave hey hey hey don't don't exit this door don't exit this door step back go together we're gonna die come on funny hurry step back i don't know i'm really lucky today for reals for reals i'm crewmate for reals oh yeah of hanging out with y'all crewmates doing the same task over and over again i need sustenance i need to go sit on cams don't follow me if you're gonna stab me okay if you follow me and stab me it means it's you i'm gonna go do sustenance things things that give me life like sitting on the cameras and watching the screen it's very amusing i saw dracco luna looks like she's actually doing a task um i don't see anything very exciting happening oh hey why aren't you talking i don't know you're behind me dude why aren't you talking if you're in cats i didn't know i was behind you either woody what do you mean hello there's someone in the vents oh oh she's right there she's scared there's not the vent is all the way down here okay but like i don't think multiple people should be watching the cabs okay you're relieved of your job i don't think anyone should be watching like hey this is just creepily hey she was creepily spying on us she was staggering she's like where did you come from why are you watching rainbows rainbows do you know what to do rainbow do you know what to do go hook a bun she's going to kill me lunar you vented i know you vented you freaking you've entered you ventured you've entered i know you invented i know you vented your inventor oh oh okay are we seriously going to do this are we seriously doing this today she killed she killed everyone hello luna luna luna you don't even want to talk are you gonna talk or you're just gonna laugh you're gonna sit there and laugh what oh i can't hear anyone but i mean pretty sure it's funny i saw her just stab rainbow rainbow right then and there you know she's a demon i can't man i can't what's happening with your mic lunar i don't know i might why do you keep doing it get out of the ship you crazy dun dun dun dun dun dun as a good devil i promised i promise i am now good oh okay here at luna follow me and come be my bodyguard all right protect me to watch you i'll trust you 100 okay make sure no one hurts me because i am a good person why are you doing the vents hey hey you come on let's go okay okay so all right so luna you're going to be my bait i'm going to need you to stand draco stop following us luna stand right here stand right here just party party here stay there for the rest of the game good girl thank you dracco get away from me um why so draco i don't know why he's following me it's weird luna stand there and be the best bait ever this is good it looks like rainbow's actually doing her task oh gold's there hi gold oh wait hi can you hear me what sir oh what so do you know what's going to happen to you that's your rejection in the hallway no no please one minute hey i was supposed to be the bait in front of the security cams but then the security cameras were off and then i went to the security and now she's dead what kind of sound god are you it sounds like a you problem luna i can prove my innocence go to the med bay i have a med base again i can prove my innocence okay let's skip vote let's get vote what if she kills us we'll enter table it's fine we'll still have a vote like i knew it was too quiet i was like i don't see funny nowhere she's probably a ghost or something because she was looking at the security cams and now she's dead i will haunt you let's go let's go okay go let's go hut too hot too hot too okay med bay ah hey close together oh wait what ah it's not med based scan it's the antidote are you gonna scan we gotta go yeah so she can scan i'm gonna go fix it she doesn't need to let it fix the scan um turns out it wasn't a scan it was an antidote oh she's a liar she's a liar she's a liar she's a liar voter draco's the murderer he was last seen with funny rainbow it's draco it is drastic what hey so what happened i was fixing the lights can we all agree i thought i had med bass scan but turns out it was antidote and i believe draco was last seen with funny i think he is the murderer luna you literally lied about yeah how could you mix it up i am a dumb i am dumb i didn't know i thought that glowing thing was for mexican gold why didn't you skip but i believe oh i don't think she's oh my god i don't know luna always plays dumb you dingy dong dum dum dum dee dum dum dum dum girl why are you making yourself suspicious yeah she said funny part she's toxic okay gold come with me i don't trust draco funny high toxic wait wait wait wait wait wait wait if he kills us we're gonna die i'm not gonna kill you rainbow's gonna kill us run run run run run run run [Applause] say goodbye we should have trusted you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,682,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, among us, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us itsfunneh, among us funneh, among us krew, among us gameplay, among us youtubers, among us hilarious, among us hilarious moments, itsfunneh among uis, funneh among us, krew among us, itsfunneh plays among us, among us retexture, new mod among us, among us mods, proximity chat, proximity chat itsfunneh, proximity chat krew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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