Among Us In Real Life

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- Shayne also made quite the show of doing the pencil tasks for maybe eight minutes. - Yes, it was very hard. I've been here doing my job. And you mother (bleep) are all suspicious! - I'm sus, red. (high pitched tone) - [Sarah] Welcome to the Smosh Star Enterprise. There is one imposter among us. Every player is handed an envelope labeled either crew mate with tasks, or imposters with how to kill. Silently, everyone will accomplish tasks or perform kills. After a whistleblower notifies the team of a dead body or emergency meeting the team deliberates, votes someone off the ship, hoping it's the imposter. If the crew mates eject the imposter, they win. If the imposter kills more than three crewmates, the imposter wins. - What up people? (Courtney laughing) - That's a new intro, that's good. - What's up imposters! - Welcome to the Smosh Games space ship. We have designed a real life Among Us game. In this envelope we have a thing telling us if we are the impostor or just a crewmate, and we're all going to do our tasks. There's no talking allowed. Just like in the game. We have the storage area, the lab, the kitchen, the study, the hallway, and the control room. No bathroom. - No bathroom. - There's no bathrooms. We have space suits that you can (bleep) in. - Basically, we had so much fun playing Among Us, so we just needed to make it a reality and try and see if that's actually possible to do in real life, in our own workplace. - So the imposter will have a kill card. They're going to give somebody. Those kill cards are located somewhere on the map. The imposter has to find them, take them, and then start doling out them murders. - And if you see a dead body, you're going to whistle once, toot. And then if you want an emergency meeting which we each have one of those powers, you'll toot toot twice. - I'm going to play this like I played in the actual game, badly. - Also, we're doing two episodes of this. So this is the first episode and there'll be one imposter. And then a new episode is going to come out Friday so we could do it again with a new imposter. - Do you wanna know how you automatically see it? Subscribe! (dramatic music) - [Matt Raub] Five, four, three, two one, begin! - All right. Good luck everybody. (dramatic music) (machine beeping) (music continues) (machine beeping) (paper slams) (machine beeping) (wood crashes) (music continues) (heavy breathing) (pencils rustling) (machine beeping) - Oh (beep). (machine beeping) (heavy breathing) (dramatic music) - [Shayne] Oh, (bleep). (gentle sweeping) (machine beeping) (upbeat chime) (pencils crash) - [Shayne] (bleep) (bleep), oh (bleep). (box crashes) - [Shayne] Oh, (bleep). (metal sliding) (lips smacking) (Damien laughs) (upbeat chime) (suspenseful music) (button clicking) (suspenseful music) (heart beating) (dramatic music) (dramatic tone) (steady beep) (pencils crashing) - God dammit. (dramatic music) (whistle blares) - I didn't even get this done! I didn't even get my task done. - Either you found 12 bodies or six sus behaviors. - [Matt Raub] All right. You have two minutes to deliberate and speak starting now. - All right, let's see. I saw Tommy dead in the kitchen. I had passed him on my way to the control room where I saw Damien? No, wait, were you in the control room? - I was in the- - Yeah, it was us three, it was us three. - I can can vouch for Ian, sorry. I can vouch for Ian because he came in and did the boxes task. Had every opportunity to kill me while I was sweeping up leaves and did not. - That's true, the box task- - I will say though I was directly outside of that room, watching you guys shuffle about. If you knew I was there then you would definitely kill Courtney cause I was literally- - That may be true, however- - In fact- - Definitely know it's not Shayne because he's the loudest silent task person ever. - See, cause, Shayne, I walked down the hallway and Shayne did walk past me in a goofy way. I went in the control room with you and Sarah, and then Tommy's dead. Shayne also made quite the show of doing the pencil task for maybe eight minutes. - [Ian] Yes. - [Courtney] I mean- - It was very hard. - I was doing quiet a task, I was doing quiet a show myself. - [Ian] I don't think Courtney- - I've been here doing my job! (laughing) - And you mother (bleep) are all suspicious. (Courtney laughing) - [Sarah] I think it's between Damien and Shayne because I was with Ian- - What the (bleep)! - I was with Ian multiple times. - What the (bleep) are you saying, Sarah? She's guilty! - I will say if Damien was out there- - [Matt Raub] You have 30 seconds to lock in your vote. (all yelling) - Why was it me, I was with Ian! - You saw Damien? - I saw Damien, look, I think it's possible it's Sarah or Shayne. - What, I- - Hold up, Sarah and Ian and I were all in the control room. Ian leaves, Sarah and I made eye contact. I started doing a task and she was like. - [Courtney] I'm gonna skip. - [Damien] She was like, "Oh, hold on, stay here for a second." - [Matt Raub] 30 seconds left in your vote. - I'm going to skip because it's between all three of you. - I'm gonna skip. - I'm gonna skip. - I don't feel confident in any vote. - Can I make one more statement? I'm fine with skipping. Shayne is not off, he doesn't like lying. I feel like doing a big character like this is how you would cover it. - When was I not in a public hallway? I was in the hallway or I was in there. - [Ian] I think we gotta skip, I think we gotta skip. I think we're running out of time. So let's skip. But let's be, I'm sus red! - I skip my vote for Shayne, I skip it. - I also skip my vote. - I too will skip but I'm sus, red. - I'm skipping, and I'm sus about blue. - I'm skipping but I'm suspicious about everyone. (machine beeping) - All right, let's have a moment of silence for Tommy. (angelic singing) - All right, let's go. - [Shayne] Damn. (Sarah laughing) (dramatic music) (angelic singing) (hitting table) - You're lucky. I have a lot of work to do. (upbeat chime) (both laughing) - (whispering) She's drunk, she's drunk. (shhhhing) (machine beeping) (bottle squirting) (upbeat chime) (music continues) (machine beeping) (Courtney laughing) - (whispering) Shayne is drunk, everyone's drunk in this game. Everyone turned drunk. (duel music) (footsteps) (suspenseful music) (hitting wall) (Damien laughing) (creepy organ music) (suspenseful music) (heart beating) (machine beeping) (button clicking) (dramatic tone) (sustained beep) (whistle blaring) (loud buzzer) - [Matt Raub] Emergency meeting! - Is this everyone alive? - [Courtney] All right then, who called it? Who reported it? - So Sarah's dead. Sarah is clearly dead somewhere. - You reported it? - No, I, reported an emergency meeting because I'm just really annoyed of Shayne. Also, I'm annoyed at plug thing cause I got paint all over my hands. - Okay, two things my guy. I got paint all over my hands. The plug thing was my task. And I'm very curious why you stopped at the edge of the hallway and did one long blow, not seeing anything cause Shayne and I were right there. - Yeah buddy. - Excuse me? Are you turning this on me now? - Yeah, I was suspicious as hell of Shayne, but you stopped, looked at both of us, got to the edge of the hallway and did one long blow. - I haven't seen Sarah. I don't know where, I didn't know where Sarah is. I don't even know where Sarah died. Did anyone see Sarah? - No, I didn't see. I only saw her once. When she came in there for a little bit, while I was doing my task, still the leaves is the longest task in this game. And I just finally finished. I will say Shayne was just minding his own business at that spot the whole time. - I was working very hard. - With the pencils and pens, he was, I don't, I'm not sus of him anymore, I'm no longer sus of Shayne. - I think this just the thing he's hanging around at one task because he's surveilling everyone waiting for a moment to strike. - I don't know. I was going to maybe stop doing the (bleep) leaves for five seconds and do filling up the waters in the kitchen. I found just you two in there looking at me. And so I came back. Then later I came back to the kitchen again, to do my water task. Damien came up into the room, looking real sus. I looked him in the eyes and I held up my whistle. And then he walked away. - What! - Don't know what that means. (laughing) - I didn't do that. I will say down that hallway for a long stretch of time you were absent, which I guess doesn't put you in the scene of the crime, but it was me, Ian, Sarah and Shayne. You were smacking the wall art and we just did the lighting thing at each other for a while. - So are you placing suspicion on her now? - I can't. No, she wasn't anywhere near there. Unless- - [Matt Raub] Lock in final votes! - Unless, hm... - I mean, I called this emergency meeting just to, just to eject Shayne because he was being annoying. - [Courtney] No, I don't think we should vote out somebody like, cause if we vote out somebody just for being annoying, then we have a bigger chance of losing. - What am I, Socrates? - I don't trust Ian because this was my task. - I'm sus of you two. - Can two people have the same task? - This was also my task. - Shayne, who do you want to vote for? - [Damien] I don't think two people have the same task, my dude. - My gut says Sarah. (laughing) - She'd dead! - The perfect crime. - I think I have to skip. - I'm voting Shayne. - Can you give me one more thought on why it would be Shayne if he was just flipping around with his task for a while? - Cause I don't like him. - He was literally at that spot the whole time and suddenly Sarah's dead. - Yeah, I was just doing the thing! - And he was being hella creepy to me. I was in, I was in the control room and he peeked around the corner like a little monster. - [Courtney] Now that's just being prejudiced! - And then cartwheeled past the entrance. - Come on, you know Shayne's a (bleep) weirdo. - [Ian] I know and that's why we want him out. - We gotta figure this out. - We want him out of our ship. - We're in space! Gravity's weird and it's easier to cart wheel than to walk. Fool. Anyways, it's probably Damien. (laughing) - Alright fine, I vote Shayne. - I'm voting Damien. Are you confirmed? Come on, you have a chance. I really, I don't think it's him. I really don't. - It's Ian for sure. - I do, I do think it's him. - [Courtney] I don't think it's you and I don't think it's you. - I think it's Shayne, so. That's two votes to Shayne. (machine beeping) - [Matt Raub] Shayne is not the imposter. - Oh, you mother (bleep)! - No speaking! (dramatic music) (heat beating) (dramatic tune) (sustained beep) (whistle blares) - Courtney, what's going on? You called this meeting. Where's Ian? - I don't know, I heard a (gags), and then I whistled. - So you didn't see a body? (laughing) (dramatic music) (Courtney screams) - Damien won! (cheering) - Imposters win the game. - Damien, you were really smart in voting for Shayne in the last minute. - Thank you. My goal was to really actually vote Shayne out, but do everything I could to make it seem like I didn't want to. I wanted this to put blame on Ian until I was convinced that it was Shayne. (all agreeing) - No, that was just- - Why didn't you vote for Damien? - I didn't actually think it was Damien. (laughing) - Cause best friends always trust each other. - Who'd you think it was? - I actually thought I, if I had to pick, I would say Ian but I skipped because I genuinely was like, "I don't know." I didn't really see anyone that entire round. I was very much in my own world. - Yeah, that was very clear. - My tasks were also very isolated. I was out there doing that task. - [Courtney] Yeah I was back there the whole time. - [Sarah] I didn't see Tommy at all but you died so early. - I died so early. - Sorry, it was, it was really difficult because three or four people would be in the hallway area all at the same time. And there was no really good time. So literally I wanted to make a big show of it, but I couldn't the only opportunity I had. Cause I took a long time to do anything. I ran right up to time was like, "boop," and then immediately walked back. - It was just like a "woop." - Yup. - That was good. Where did you die, Sarah? - Yeah, where'd you go? - I died in the control room. I was in there. - [Ian] Like behind the table or something? - Yeah, I was in there and I was pressing lights and then Damien, just like, "poot," and I was like, "Mother (beep)" - Yeah cause I didn't- - And then I died and then I heard whistles and I was like, "No one saw me die, what's happening?" - I think Ian if you had gone down the hall and reported specifically seeing Sarah, I was the only one down there at that moment. But the fact that you didn't go all the way down yet, I think was the only thing that- - Yeah, I know. I knew. I mean like it had to have been one of the three of you guys, cause yeah, damn. - Congratulations Damien! (applause) - You played us good. - Imposters win. - You did so good. - Thank you, I had a lot of fun. I never thought I'd be the imposter but I always kind of hoped. - It's almost like scarier in person. Cause I'm like looking you in your eyes. - Also that baby puzzle is really hard. - It is, isn't it? - It's hard. - I was trying to set it up and it's really hard. - It's hard! It's a hard baby puzzle. - That was the first episode of our Among Us series. We have another episode coming out this Friday so make sure you're subscribed. Come back and watch that. Who knows what will happen but I bet it's gonna be Shayne wins. - Will the imposters win again? - No, I want crew to win, I want the crew to win. - What if it's Damien again in the next episode because it's random? - That actually would be kind of crazy. - Oh, that'd be a bummer. - We'll see you Friday! - Bye!
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 1,692,234
Rating: 4.9109259 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Among Us In Real Life, among us, game play, smosh games among us, among us irl
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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