Try Guys & Friends Play Among Us

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- Today we are playing among us. It wasn't me. - Keith seems uncomfortable, is he lying? - [Keith] You're traveling in a space station, you're doing work and somebody's killing people and you're trying to figure out who it is. - No, no, no, no! - I saw Keith running away. - I saw Ariel running away. - [Zach] You know it, you love it. It is the most popular game in the world right now. - Yes Sue! - You know it let's go! - Time to kill my friends! - No! (Lauren exclaims) - I'm dead! - Yeah, they're dead you idiot. (The Try Guys theme music) - [Keith] Check out the new black acid-wash line. - [Ned] Hoodies, t-shirts, pants and more only at - [Keith] Oh spooky! (booming) - Welcome everybody to Try Guys and Friends Play Among Us. Now you might be thinking, guys you're a little late to the game. Well, guess what? We never even showed up to Fortnite so this is really good for us. (group laughs) Most of us had never played this game before, we just learned how to play it. Now it's time for us to find out who's a murderer and who's a good guy. - Now everyone please mute your computer but leave your zoom on. (swooshing) - (gasps) I'm the imposter with Ariel. - It's me, it's me, oh my god, it's me. - I'll stick next to Ariel, hey! (Ned chuckles) (blood splatters) - No, somebody died! (Jared exclaims) - No, is it me? - Sorry honey, I love you. - Oh it's me, oh no. - Guys, I saw it, I saw it happen. The Sherif saw it. It was for sure Ariel. - No, it wasn't me. It's not me, I don't even know how to play this game. - So Jared, what did you see? - I saw little teal baddy slice up the red guy like it was nothing. - So you're saying Ariel, who just said she doesn't know how to play the game, murdered someone. - Oh, that's fishy. - I think it's Jared. I think he's lying. - He came in hot. - Yeah, it's a little suss. - Suss. - Sharon, Poppa is on your side. I'm a man of the people. - Well it wasn't me! - I think it's Ariel. I think it's Ariel. - It's Ariel, it's Ariel. She slit that guy's throat guys. - I, I swear. I'm just, I'm looking for like engine one. - Engine one? There is no engine one. (computer beeping) - Oh no! - Oh wait, I'm a ghost I gotta do my tasks. - Yeah, I didn't know how to turn the headphones off so I don't even know where to find tasks. - Okay, I'm following Ariel. Ariel, don't you (beep) do that again girl. - Oh my God, just over here doing a task. - Yeah, kill Lauren. (blood splatter) - Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! - Get outta here. Get out, get out, go! - Oh, that's, that's you, oh my God, okay. - Oh, bitch! (Lauren exclaims) - I don't know. I think Ari... No, no, no, no, no, no, no. - Oh, come here task. - No, no, no. (gun shots and creepy music) (Ned laughing) - Oh shit. - Oh my God. - Um, is this real? Am I going to die here? - Report, report. Oh, there's so many dead people. Who found the body and where was I? - I found the body? And I don't know where I am. - I don't trust Ariel, one bit. - I'm just watching people die over here. - I'm dead and I'm mad. (group laughing) - It's okay, I wish I were dead. - As a ghost, I'm not doing any tasks. I'm just watching what happened. - No Ned, you've gotta work for us. - It's a tie. - Okay, no one was ejected. - All right guys, back to mute, here we go. - I'm mad. - So I got to do some tasks here. I guess even now I'm kind of rooting for Ariel. 'Cause she's my wife. - Ariel is following me. I've got here to get away from her. - Okay, there's Becky. I'm going to kill that mother (beep). (creepy music) - I've been killed. - I didn't even get a chance. - Ariel's finding dead bodies, somethings up! (Ariel protesting) - Okay, no, it's gotta be Ariel. - It's not me, it's not me! I'm just wandering around trying to do my tasks. And I see all these dead bodies. - That sounds so suspicious, I'm voting for Ariel. - I think Becky's following me. - I don't even know how to walk anywhere. I don't know what my tasks are. (group laughing) - I vote Ariel. - Ariel. - I vote Ariel. - [Ariel] Come on! - So much suspicious. - I'm sorry Ariel. - Oh man. - Okay, I still don't really know what. Hey, who's that, who's that? (blood squelching) (creepy music) What the (beep). - I'm here to fix the lights. I killed Becky and she doesn't even know what's happening. Fix the light but I don't think anyone knows how that works. So I'm going to kill Will. (cheering) - I knew the whole time it was Zach and Ariel. (beep) Will had you like, "no it's not Ariel, save her". You're wrong! I bought it till your act of like, not knowing how to use it and that for me for buying into gender stereotypes. - Yeah. That's true. - Ariel actually has more experience than I do. She practiced last night. - I played for 20 minutes. - You practiced! - [Keith] Oh shit, its starting. - [Chucking] Oh it's us again Zach. - Oh my God, I'm the imposter again, no with Ariel again! Oh my god, how's that happening again? - Shit, I killed Ned first again. - Gotta get the (beep) out. Get away from me, Zack. - Oh I don't know what to do. I want to kill Ned so bad. There's Ariel, okay, there she is, hey girl. - Hey Zach, what's up man? It's cool, I weigh 92 pounds, I feel hot. Sorry, pandemic way. (blood squelching) - Oh no, Ariel. (Lauren gasps) (blood squelching) - I just saw Zach, oh my god, oh my god! - Oh shit, Mark's on me. - Oh my, Ariel is over here just taking people out! - Oh no Ariel, what did you do? (Jared vocalizing) - Oh we're bad, we're bad. - Oh my god, oh my god, get away from me Zach. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! - Lauren doesn't know what to do, oh god, oh god! - Oh my god, I'm so stressed. I'm so stressed, I'm so stressed. (klaxon sounding) - Oh my God, oh my god. (group shouting) - Holy shit! - I saw corn diddy slip through, a little suss. - Oh wow! - Simultaneously two dead bodies behind Ariel, again. - Okay, no, no, no, no, no. Lauren is obviously the killer, there's no way. I called the meeting, I called the meeting! - You think that we're the killers again? - Literally, I was in a room with four people. Two ended up dead and Zach was like, "bye", down the vent. - Guys, no (beep) way. You think it's them again? Isn't that statistically, like. Okay, Lauren, you can only kill one person at a time. You can't kill two people at a time. You have to wait 15 seconds. So that seems like it's self-report. (Lauren screaming) (Lauren laughing) - I voted for Lauren. - I swear on Moose, it's not me. - She swore on Moose! - I swear on Moose! - I've voting for Zach. I'm going to say that, Ian and Jared are being very quiet right now. - I'm dead. - Yeah, they're dead, you idiot! (laughing) All right, no one got ejected. - No one was, oh my God, I'm mad. I'm staying away from Lauren, oh wait, sorry, mute, okay. - This is (beep) rude. This is (beep) rude. Where's, where's Ariel. I want to follow this bitch around. Have absolutely no interest in doing a single task until I get to the bottom of this (laughs). - Just trying to do my tasks. (gun shots firing) - I'm just trying to kill people Zach. I'm just trying to kill people. - Oh is Ned about to fuck me up. No, no, no, no shit, shit. - What is he doing? Is he the (beep) killer. I don't know, he's leaving me alone. - Oh my god, dead body, dead body. - Okay, so I found this near, I don't think it was Ned for this one. I thought it was Ned, for sure. Ned was acting weird and suss. - I thought you were going to kill me so many times, Miles. I was so scared. No, no, no, no, no Miles, no, no, no - You know actually, now that I think about it, Ariel was coming exactly from that direction. - Lauren was following me the whole time. I was just trying to do my tasks. - You would've seen the dead body if you're coming from that direction, Ariel. Was she an imposter? - Yes! (group cheering) - Whoa a meeting already. - What happened? - I call them meeting, I called a meeting because if Lauren is telling the truth about Ariel, that means that Lauren is also telling the truth about Zach. - Yes! - That means we should vote for Zach. - It was corn diddy! - It wasn't me. That's crazy to think that we're the killers again. That's insane. - I voted. - I voted. Okay guys, I was the imposter again. I don't know how that happens. (group cheering) - I would like a credibility card, please. - You guys ready to go again? I'm going to tell you no matter what I'm definitely not the imposter this time. I'm a good, honest guy. - Zach you led discussions when you were the imposter. - Literally, take note, take note! - Zach's good at lying. - Oh God, what am I going to be? Okay, so I see where I am and I'm just going to pretend to be a confused. That's going to be my strategy. - Navigation. (tense music) No, Will! (tense music) You guys have to see this. You guys have to see me! Why did everyone just walk by me. You guys saw that! You guys didn't see that? You guys just walked by me. - Oh, someone's dead. - Ned's dead again! (laughing) - Oh my god! - This is very upsetting. - All of y'all just walked by my dead body. (laughing) I think Ned was maybe killed there for a while and just left to rot. Just there, he said people walked by his body. Like I think maybe people just missed it. I have no idea who did it. I'm going to skip the vote. I have truly zero clue. (tense music) (Jared screaming) - I just saw it, I just saw it! - What did you see Jared? - I saw Will kill that guy. Here's what happened? (laughing) I'll just say it, I'm an imposter. - Wait why would you say it? (laughing) I'll say it because I forgot that you can't just kill people. I used to play games where you're killing capacity is not limited. - Okay, but let's not rush to conclusions. (laughing) - I'm gonna follow Zach, 'Cause I feel like he is a crew mate for sure. And I feel like I'll be safe with him. - I trust Jared, I'm going to ride with him. But he may think that I'm trying to kill him. - What is Zach doing? - No, Jared, Jared. (laughing) - I'm just gonna follow him. He probably is so scared. It's probably like, "Lauren's about to kill me any second". - Get the (beep) away from me Lauren, no! - Just hanging, just hanging. - No she's trying to figure out how to kill me! - Two crew-mates, just doing their thing. - Lauren, I swear Lauren, no, now! - I like have trouble, can I just kill it? (blood squelching) Run away! - Don't kill me (gasps), Rebecca! - I knew it was Becky. - It's definitely Lauren. How could it not be? How could it be anybody else? (klaxon sounding) - I'm doing it. I'm calling the meeting guys, I think it's Lauren. - Hang on, hang on, no, no, no!. I followed Zach around the entire time, 'cause I was like, Zach's not the imposter and I want to, I want to prove my credibility. I'm gonna follow him the whole time and not kill him. And also I was near Miles a whole bunch. I was like "Zach's gonna think that I'm about to kill him at any moment". - To me, it felt like she was cornering me, but didn't know how to kill. - No Zach you're my buddy. I can't wait for you to watch the footage back And I'm like "just having a crew mate, little buddy hang". Love this fuss! Just hanging, just hanging. - [Zach] No, she's trying to figure out how to kill me! - Two crew-mates, just doing the thing. I'm really leaning between Becky and Ian. - I have a question about the door locks. - She's always got a question. - But I don't play video games! (group laughing) I don't play video games! I don't know how this works! (group laughing) - Oh that's okay, I was the killer. (cheering) - I watched Becky kill Ariel and I was like "oh my god". (laughing) - But I still actually really don't know how to play. - [Keith] I just really hope I'm not the imposter. I hate it when I have to lie. I'm not a good liar. Can it be this again? - Wow, big poppa pops the imposter. (blood squelching) (creepy music) Gosh, darn it. Get out of there, get out of there! Run, run run! - Now let's go down to the lower engine path. (blood squelching) Oh shit no! No, no! - Who's dead? - Oh my god. - I reported it. - What happened? - I did see Ned sort of standing there seemingly waiting for his kill down clock to expire. - Well Ned's dead. - Oh! (group laughing) - I'm just awkwardly sitting there guys. - He killed himself! - But Jared was following me at one point. - I don't even recall that. (group laughing) - I'm voting for Zach now. - All right well Jared I'm voting for you mother (beep). - So petty. - You're voting for me, oh no! - Zach, you (beep) ousted. (laughing) - Which was the correct move to make. (group cheering) - Whoa that was great. - Okay look at this, some tasks are getting done. - Moving those leaves baby! (blood squelching) (gun shots firing) - I found Miles and I saw Keith running away. - I saw Ariel running away! - I was emptying the trash, there were leaves in there. (group laughing) Keith was running away from Alice's dead body. - That's crazy. You're gonna listen to Ariel, who's constantly the imposter. - Keith seems uncomfortable, is he lying? - I think Keith's lying! - I voted for Ariel, I can't, I can't kill you honey. (Keith vocalizing) - You tricked me! And I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for Ariel. (group laughing) That was miserable for me, I hated that. - You're a bad liar! - I was so stressed and then when Jared, the calm, cool collected killer was going: "well (beep) you!" You could be among us in your apparel. - [Zach] And when you wear this, you won't be an imposter. (group groans) - [Ned] Call an emergency meeting with your parent's credit card. (group laughing) - Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. I'm gonna do some (beep) tasks now baby.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,627,276
Rating: 4.9551601 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, among us, gameplay, video games, gaming, winner, loser, try guys & friends, friends playing, quarantine games, 2020 games, games, video game, imposter, multiplayer, 10 player
Id: CkqI8IW8MlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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