If Everything Was Like Among Us 7

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*Gasp* Where?? Someone licked the frosting off the cupcakes- and now they're just UGLY MUFFINS! *Groupd gasp* Who would do such a thing?! Judah Are you still gonna eat that? Nooooo Okay! Is anybody sus? Red's sus!! Now you guys won't believe me at first but-- wait what? Yeah I agree. Red is sus. Yeah she's been imposter like 50 percent of the time!! Haha!! Britney... was... The imposter? yeah!!! Oh yeah!!! We were actually right?? Oh yeah!!! YEAHH!! WHOOOOO!!! Mom gave us each a list of tasks to  do what we're boat sitting the cruise ship, again!   So get 'em done! And remember there were three imposters but now they're only two! Yeah!! Judah. Put the muffin back. Wait. I don't have any tasks up here why'd I come upstairs? Hey hey! Mary's leaving! That's sus! That's sus!! No!! I forgot where my tasks were!! That's sus!! That's sus!! Oh hey what's that? Ah this book I got. How to be a better crewmate. Step one! Red is sus. I knew it! Greatest crewmates! We're the greatest crew- Wait wait wait Jocelyn! We can't sing that! We're not crewmates We're the imposter!! Oh! We're the greatest imposter!! We're the greatest imposter!! Okay. Glue back the ancient vase. Don't sneeze. We're the greatest impoooster What did she just say? Nothing! Kids say the uh... strangest things. Hmm Can we get him now? No Jocelyn we have to do this smartly! Could we get him smartly? okay! Ah! What is it? My task is to clean the boys bathroom! I am so sorry... Thank you. *inhales* Left! Right! Left! Right! Stop! The lights?? Turn them off and get the people. Sabotage lights and throw out the  people who come to fix it?? I like it!! Mhmm!! Ohh lights are out!! Oh no. Decided to join me, huh? I'm going back in the water. Lights are out! Oh. We got them! Now we vent!! I'm the leader, I say when we vent. Now we vent! *gasp* Where?? Someone left the milk out and now it's room temperature! *group gasp* And someone got Daniel! *Group gasp* Wait a second I didn't do either of those things.... 'cause I'm an innocent crewmate. Oh look someone got Judah out oh no. *Group gasp* Daniel? AH! Okay does anybody know who the imposter is? yeah Jessica is the imposter! What why?? Yeah, why should we believe you? 'Cause I am so cute! Awww Yeah. I mean she is a pretty cute baby. I'll vote for that! No guys! Jocelyn's been acting super sus. I think it's her and Micah. *Cries* Awwwww No, no. Please don't cry. Wow good job Josiah. You made a baby cry Okay fine we can vote out Jessica. Yaaayyy! Ahhh Jessica... Was... Not this imposter! Aww man!! Your cheese is dripping. Yay we got Daniel! No Jocelyn that wasn't us! That was the other imposter! They must be super good. Yeah really good. It's all clear! Oh hey, Josiah's safe. I wonder what he's doing. Not today imposter! Oh I think he found something! Wait up!! Ahhhhhhh Mary's the imposter?? No no no... No she's just really sus. Yeah, yeah. Okay Mary is the imposter. She chased me around the whole ship and I barely avoided her not throwing me off. *Gasp* Oooohhhh Okay so there's actually a really good  reason for this... okay! Mary... was... NOT the imoster! What was that?? I was investigating!! Gosh it's like none of you have done this before! Jocelyn what did you do?! You're gonna overheat the engine and blow up the whole boat!!! hehehe... YESSS Man being the imposter is not good for you. oh Elijah I think you dropped this. oh that's weird Uh oh... okay okay! Uhh Don't look sus! Don't look sus! Do you know how to cool down the engine? I don't know I'm not an engine doctor! Ahhhh Micah have you been here this whole time? Nooo I was just innocently fixing the engine Innocently.. woooow I know it was Jocelyn and Micah! Yeah! AND they were waiting by the engine for us! And they've been acting super sus this whole time! I will get you next! *Slow gasp* And by "get you next" she means get you flowers! Next... No! I will throw you off the ship! You know maybe it's best we take  a break from being the imposter? Okay come on! Micah was.. AN IMPOSTER!!! YEAH!! That's a lot of crime for a little baby. yeah Now remember guys there's still one impostor left! right right Mom said I had to come out here. Why? Okay! I think it's Kaylee! Most often the new person is the imposter. And the last three imposters have been girls! What about Shiloh? She's a girl. Shiloh's not a girl. Shiloh's our sister. Pfft yeah. Okay Kaylee! Are you the imposter? Noooo? Why are you smiling? I don't know why but when I'm accused I smile. And it's becoming a real problem... Okay. If you're not imposter, stop smiling. I can't... All right. Kaylee was... NOT the imposter. Guys that means it's one of us. I only have a couple tasks left. Let's finish them and end this! That's right. Why is it always down to three people? Can't we win at four or five? or even right off the top? *gasp* Josiah it's Elijah! I'm positive! What?? I've been doing my task this whole time! I have a reason but it's gonna sound crazy! Josiah you just have to believe me. Oh snap. It's her! Okay think about it! we know this imposter is really good! which means it can't be me it has to be her! Come on Josiah! You know the right call here! It's Elijah it's him it's not me! Okay at first I thought it was Shiloh. Then Elijah and then Shiloh! And I just don't know who it is! oh come on!! Think about it! Think about it. Its her!! You have to believe me!! It's Elijah! Its her!! Come on Josiah it's him!! It's not me! okay.. Shiloh. I'm gonna trust you. Okay okay! Elijah was... THE imposter!!! YEAHH!!! Woooo!! How'd you know?! I saw his book had tape lines on it. Which means the real title should be... How to be a better imposter... Oh that's good. You three stink at imposters! *arguing*
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 25,971,598
Rating: 4.7946725 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us in real life, among us imposter, in real life, irl, among us reality, if everything was like among us, imposter iq, imposter among us, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, imposter, among us but in real life, real life, among us irl, among us parody, among us skit, funny among us, funny, funny among us moments, real life among us, imposter iq 999, imposter vs crewmate, siblings, comedy, shiloh, shiloh and bros, real, shiloh nelson, among us song
Id: V5H4blgtPjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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