THE KISSING BOOTH 3 - The Nonsensical Conclusion Nobody Wanted

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all right what are people saying in the comments today no dude they gotta be trolling they gotta be troubled there's a lot of hype around these kissing booth movies i don't know why the first ghostwriter movie was original and good review kissing booth 3 please it's so bad [Applause] no not doing it i'm not doing it no i refuse i'm not doing it all of those people all those kids they thought i was going to actually make another video on a kissing booth movie then again it is what the people want just just do it just do it how hard it gonna be it's just a movie it's just a movie we got this let's go come on it's only what two hours long [ __ ] come on dude we got this we got this give the people what they want it can't be that bad i mean the other two were abysmal but let's let's just let's just give it a shot who knows who knows [Music] thank you so much to helix for sponsoring this video there's only one thing worse than watching the kissing booth 3. it's falling asleep in a chair so 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god okay attempt number two let's go i got it this time i got this time i just have to stay awake for how long is this movie almost two hours great i got this i got this come on come on all right well after graduation noah lee rachel and i decided to take one week okay i got this dude so where are you so guys i did it i finally finished the kissing booth 3. after days of struggling to watch it in 10 minute increments it's done this movie starts just like the first two l recaps all the activities that she noah lee and rachel occupy themselves with since the second movie ended it's all a bunch of pointless details so the big conflict in this movie if a person with a normal functioning brain would even describe it as a conflict is l not knowing which college to attend because she was accepted at both harvard and berkeley both very nice schools so it's kind of silly right like she doesn't care about the courses she'd be taking she doesn't care about the school itself or what it would mean for her future all she cares about is the fact that her best friend is going to one school and her boyfriend is going to the other and she's not sure which one to go to because all college is is just hanging out with someone that you like all the time so the big question should she follow her boyfriend noah to harvard or should she go to berkeley with lee or maybe she should go to a school that will benefit her future because that's a lot of money to throw away on a school just to hang out with someone that you like now i know a lot of people going to college don't really know what they want to do with their lives so they go for like a basic business degree or something like that in that case that'd be fine but she doesn't even think about what she wants to do not once she hasn't mentioned it once she has to have other characters in the movie do it for her so weird it's like she thinks college is just a big party i know a lot of people do think that way and they end up flunking out and wasting a lot of money of course elle doesn't even consider her future until the end of the movie why are we still here so the flynns are selling their beach house and it's a place they all used to spend a lot of time there's a montage of them having fun so they convince their parents to let them look after the beach house for one last summer before they sell it elle then finds a secret beach house bucket list that she wrote with lee when they were younger it's hidden for some reason why would you hide this it's not like a treasure map or anything it's just a list of like activities why would you want to hide this from your parents i guess maybe they would want to hide it from noah because they kind of harassed noah on this list there's a part where they like pour ice cream all over him and then they give him a wedgie so maybe they were hiding it from him still kind of weird initially elle decides that she wants to attend harvard with her boyfriend noah when lee finds out about this he freaks out like a little baby remember how immature and childish he was in the last two movies nothing changes here he's the same character no growth no development of course there wasn't this is the kissing booth we're talking about he then brings up rule 19 it's very important because these are rules that they created when they were like little little kids why are they still referencing these rules it's so dumb grow up so yeah rule 19 is that besties must go to the same college it makes no sense neither him nor elle think about what a college means for your future they're just like oh it's just a place to go with your friends and spend thousands of dollars so l has to calmly down somehow because he's a big whiny baby so in order to do this she promises him that they will fulfill their entire beach bucket list this summer like they will do all the activities together because lee can't come to terms with the fact that he won't always be attached by the hip with l i think all the main characters in these movies are super childish and very immature which makes them hard to watch first they had their list of rules that they had to abide by and now they have their beach bucket list what is with these two and their weird like religious bond that they have with these baby documents i guess they both have the mind of a child still so it makes perfect sense that they would want to do the stuff on these lists so noah invites some of his friends over to the beach house in order to celebrate their last summer together and by some of his friends i mean the entire state because holy [ __ ] noah just randomly turned into great gatsby when he hosted this party like holy [ __ ] so then ellen lee start fulfilling the activities listed on their beach bucket list some of which are really strange like winning a pie eating contest and winning a sandcastle building contest so they have to win not just try to win what are the odds that they just happened to win both unless they just did them over and over and over and over again until they won another thing on this beach bucket list is to give noah a wedgie because they totally couldn't have done that when they were little kids when they created this list and then there's stuff on the list like go skydiving but the best one is number 22 and guess what it is guys it's to live together at berkeley because that's what all kids are thinking about what college they want to go to that's on all their minds not legos not video games not cartoons but college remember marco from the second movie while he pops up again he just happened to get a job at a water park that's right next to the beach house and then he runs into l because l is working at this restaurant that's on the beach so that worked out nice remember how much tension noah's friendship with chloe caused in the second movie and how it almost like destroyed his relationship with elle don't expect noah to have learned from his mistakes because he hasn't at all in fact he spends most of his time with chloe in this movie he decides to call her up and he asks her if she wants to stay at the beach house yeah the same beach house that elle noah and lee and rachel are staying at and being sensible chloe's like hey are you sure you should probably ask l about this and then noah goes nah it's cool you can come don't worry it's not like you were a massive problem for our relationship in the past later that night while they're walking on the beach elle and noah tell each other about marco and chloe elle is surprisingly okay with chloe living with them at the beach house like that's that's very strange but noah is not okay with the fact that elle just randomly ran into marco like she didn't ask him to move into the beach house with her she just ran into him and noah's pissed off about that because i guess she asked him if he wanted to help her with some of the bucket list stuff that's a big no-no you can't do that but hey chloe come and live with me that's cool noah goes but at least i didn't kiss marco yeah but you prioritized her over your own girlfriend and were extremely flirtatious with her and he also completely disregards the context of the kiss it wasn't just like a normal kiss it was different but whatever if it wasn't completely obvious from the previous movie noah is a very shitty boyfriend lee and elle ask him if he wants to dress up as a mario character and ride around and go carts with them which sounds amazing i think anybody would love to do that and he refuses why does he not like fun what a massive killjoy this dude is and of course the next thing noah does is he meets up with chloe to hang out with her on her massive fancy yacht because that's totally fine l then tells marco about the go-kart race and marco shows up to the race dressed up as wario i've been telling you guys okay marco is the better guy in like every way i don't know why she isn't with this guy like it's so weird he goes above and beyond for her in every way and noah is just an overprotective weirdo that doesn't like fun so i don't oh my god of course noah seeing this while sitting in the stands gets salty so he joins the race and like a big baby rams into marco's cart forcing him off the track turning it into a dick measuring contest even after the race is done marco being the better guy actually shows some sportsmanship and walks over to noah and offers a handshake bitter noah denies him of course noah then immediately hangs out with chloe again because of course he does like why would he ever spend time with his actual girlfriend that makes no sense yeah just hang out with chloe all the time this next part is hilarious so noah sets up this nice candlelit dinner to make things right with l but on the same night l has a huge flash mob performance planned with lee so when noah surprises elle with the candle at dinner she's like oh [ __ ] i have this huge thing planned tonight i'm sorry i gotta go i think this is more elle's fault than noah's because obviously she should have told him about this huge flash mob event she even tells him in this scene that it took weeks for them to get this right so she didn't mention it to him once this entire time she didn't tell him about it the night before or the day of this is kind of a big deal there's a lot of people involved including lee and rachel so like what why wouldn't noah know about this it makes no sense does she just not want to include him in anything i mean yeah he did deny the irl mario kart race which is kind of ridiculous but still you couldn't at least have him sit down in this restaurant and watch this cool flash mob thing take place it's kind of a huge thing that doesn't happen every day and she just didn't tell him about it why are these two even dating their communication sucks and noah is salty about the fact that she can't have dinner with him why on earth would he be understanding and supportive of the fact that his girlfriend has this massive flash mob thing to do tonight because that's what a good boyfriend would do and he's obviously not that marco then visits l while she's working and noah goes surfing with chloe so you can see the movie is attempting to do this whole like oh no ella is hanging out with marco and noah is hanging out with chloe bad bad the movie is trying to convince the viewer that it's the same thing that they're both in the wrong but they're not though noah is way more guilty of being weird than l l is just working and marco is showing up and being like hey what's up noah is actively seeking chloe out like they hang out on a yacht they go surfing together they play pool in one scene like they're just constantly hanging out i don't think there's one scene of ellen marco like hanging out aside from while she's on break at work like that's not the same chloe echoes my sentiments in this scene well then do something about it like talk to her or fight for her anything l then vents to marco about noah and her college predicament and of course he's very sweet with her he then asks if he can visit her after her shift which is kind of weird right like what are you gonna do take her home she's dating someone so that's one strike against marco against the like thousand strikes against noah so chloe's parents are getting divorced and she's having issues dealing with it so she vents to noah and noah cares more about helping chloe than he does about keeping his relationship with his girlfriend it's so weird cringe lord noah then visits elle after her work shift he's holding a single rose and he plays a song on a jukebox i'm surprised he didn't have the rose in his teeth you know how the these scumbags always have the rows in their teeth marco shows up a little bit afterwards finds them dancing and he leaves elle calls marco the next day to apologize about ghosting him and of course he's very understanding then there's a party being held at the beach house marco and noah are facing off playing volleyball and noah spikes the ball into marco's face wow dick move dude marco calls him an [ __ ] after the game i mean i would too and then noah goes up to him and he's like hey you don't have to be a sore loser he's not being a sore loser you just spiked a ball into his face and all these people were watching i mean come on dude he didn't just lose he was humiliated so then noah being a big baby because he doesn't like being called an [ __ ] that's me so he raises his voice and he tells all the surrounding people that marco is just there because he's in love with elle which is obviously very awkward for marco right and margo's like shut up dude come on just be quiet but he just keeps going so marco punches him and it's this big thing we're like oh marco's the bad guy come on dude is he though i mean he probably should have just walked away instead of punching him but still so that's two strikes against marco a billion like a huge pile of strikes against noah who's worse huh so noah rides away on his bike after saying i told you not to let him back into our lives to l he's just whining some more there's a lot of whining in this movie and that's kind of rich coming from the guy that spends like all of his time with chloe the same girl that caused so many issues in their relationship before so look in the mirror dude margot then does something very strange he tells l that he loves her after this huge thing that happened and that she's not meant to be with noah which i agree with but he definitely could have chose a better time to say this stuff to her like god damn let her calm down a little first that night elle is a huge [ __ ] to her stepmom in front of the whole family she walks out on her family and she's all upset her dad races after her she then tells her dad that he's selfish for finding love is there a single soul in this movie that l does not want to start some conflict with doesn't seem like there is like her stepmom is a sweetheart in this entire movie and her dad is extremely understanding the three main characters in these movies are so infuriating to watch because none of them have any self-awareness lee noah l they're all terrible in the next scene noah explains the obvious to elle that she should chase her passions and make her schooling worth a damn instead of chasing people also he says this to her under the hollywood sign i think that's illegal arrest this man arrest them both please so elle had plans to play this dance game with lee but things came up with noah so she couldn't make it she tries to explain this to him later that night and of course he [ __ ] and whines about how she doesn't care about him uh what dude this entire summer she's been spending all of her time with you doing all this ridiculous [ __ ] like does anything happen in here like come on use common sense please if this were the case then i think that's fair because she's dating noah and you're not little babies anymore but the funny thing is i don't think this is the case i think she likes lee more than noah did he completely forget about the flash mob thing that she completely abandoned noah for she could have easily had dinner with noah instead but she didn't but lee has the memory of a goldfish so i guess we can't blame him it seems to me like the movie is kind of coming to a close right there should be like one big scene of her making amends with everybody and then the movie's over no there's 30 minutes left the entire premise of this movie is incredibly idiotic elle then has a conversation with mrs lin that sums up pretty well how dumb this movie is maybe it's time that you think about what it is that you want to do figure out what your dream is what you're passionate about and then choose a school based on that obviously she should attend a school that leads to a future that she wants the people that happen to go to that school should be a bonus they should never be the reason for attending figure out what you want to do with your life first and then go to college don't waste all that money going to a college just because you want to be with a certain person that's ridiculous but l is too stupid to know this until people spell it out for her she needed an entire summer to learn this very simple lesson the rest of the movie is just l tying up loose ends with the other characters it's very very boring and of course she doesn't go to harvard or berkeley she ends up going to usc for game design because i guess she loves video games i mean yeah she plays a fighting game like once or twice in this movie but there was never like any scenes that made me think like oh this girl loves video games so that was kind of random also the kissing booth shows up randomly at the end just like hey this is the kissing booth it's still going on for some reason they're still doing this this creepy creepy kissing booth where people can sexually assault people yep it's still happening that's good news oh and her hair gets shorter at the end like she has short hair now cool that's it that's the kissing booth three overall it's not as bad as the first two but it's definitely still bad i can't believe i watched it wow what a waste of time thanks guys appreciate it please let me know if there's a movie that you'd like me to review in the comment section down below if you like the shirt i'm wearing or the hat that i'm wearing you can get them at and thank you so much to all my patrons i love you guys so much and i'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 712,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, the kissing booth, kissing booth, kissing booth 3, the kissing booth 3
Id: pBtVsynF83g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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