Amber Heard Body Language — Expert Analysis of Her Depp Deposition

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scott i like the haircut i just spent the last 10 minutes smashing my hair down so it doesn't look covety i told you that story about getting a haircut right i asked somebody said hey look i need to need my haircut and this you go this guy's name charles he's up here at england's so i said okay great i'll go catch my hair and afterwards he puts that [ __ ] in it i said he said oh what do you think and i said well he looks good i just wish he hadn't put the [ __ ] in he said no okay then i come back it's time for another haircut and he says so what are we going to do and i said well this haircut again this time don't put the [ __ ] in it and and just before i was about to get up you put that [ __ ] in it real quick i said i'm going to go one more time if he puts a [ __ ] in my hair i'm not going back so i go back this third time and we sit down he goes so what are we going to do today i said listen to me and i tell you every time don't put that [ __ ] in my hair this time do not put the [ __ ] in my hair and he goes like this hand to god he goes scott this is not about you i was like that guy's gonna he's gonna cut my hair till one of us dies unless unless what are they putting that hot chicken oh god i don't know man it's awesome i'm scott rouse i'm a body language expert and analyst and i trained law enforcement in the military in interrogation and body language and i created the true crime workshop with greg hartley mark hi scott i'm mark bowden i'm an expert in human behaviour and body language i help people all over the world to stand out win trust and gain credibility every time they communicate including some of the leaders of the g7 chase thank you i'm chase hughes i'm a behavioral expert did 20 years in the u.s military published a number one best-selling book on behavior profiling influence and persuasion and i teach those things to the government and the public at large greg i'm greg hartley i'm a former army interrogator interrogation instructor resistance to interrogation instructor i've written 10 books on body language and behavior and created this course with scott the true crime workshop i spend most of my time in corporate america and on wall street all right well today we're going to talk about amber heard she's married to johnny depp and apparently they're getting divorced now the argument is and they're both doing depositions about this there's a lot of violence going on a lot of domestic violence in their home and that's what she's been questioned about in the videos we're going to look at we're going to get three uh short clips of of her uh deposition as we go through this now keep in mind as we go through this we don't care if she's telling the truth or not we're not on one side of the other we're not on we hope she's telling the truth we don't care if we're not over here we say well i think i hope she's lying we don't really care we're just telling you what we see that's all we're doing here we're telling you what we see so not advocating yeah exactly exactly so that's what we're going to be doing anybody got anything they want to add yeah i think this divorce is over i think there's been a defamation suit libel suit a lot of other things but this has been going on for a while it's kind of a circus if you go look at it all right great now as we before we get started go ahead and subscribe like everyone else we're trying to build our subscription numbers so get a chance go down there to the bottom where mark is right there to his not on the chase side but on the other side and hit that little no the other side there you go right there is the subscribe button so click that and subscribe become a subscriber and you'll know when we have something come out and which is every thursday so all right you guys ready ready here we go may 22nd 2016. did you ever commit an act of domestic violence against johnny depp calls for a legal conclusion and irrelevant but go ahead do you understand what i'm asking you no no yes i understand what you're asking okay and prior to may 21 2016 or may 22 2016 is it your testimony that you never committed any act of what would be considered domestic violence against mr deb calls for legal conclusion and irrelevant to these proceedings i did my no i did my best to defend myself and not um get seriously hurt or be a doormat to whom this happens to all the time all right uh greg you want to go first yeah so a couple of things here um she starts off you'll see what we refer to often here as mouth grooming but she's eating so let's just write that off as off the baseline i don't think that has anything to do with this she starts off with an eye lock and her chin up and she has kind of pursed lips she's not really happy with this she deep swallows at the may 22nd date because she knows something's coming up and you can see there's some fight or flight there but then she goes out of her way not to get too wound up and she does do some sacred space in this one as she crosses her body creates a barrier and starts to adapt i refer to that as sacred space and everybody had their own version of that but if she does that she goes into what chase i think you most likely the guy who branded on this team the resume statement about what she was doing instead of going straight into no i did not and you can see you're going to see her do this over and over and over she uses the biggest barrier she has and that's her attorney you'll see that over and over and over in this she'll look at him before she answers the question and i would say if i'm trying to figure out what's going on in her head because she lowers her voice and then she says the one thing i think is more telling or more meaningful to her than anything else in this entire thing we're going to watch i was trying not to be a doormat to whom this happens all the time i think that more than defending herself was what she was saying and we're probably going to hear a lot of things from her in these coming pieces but that's what i had chase what do you got we see massive massive eye accessing cues right at the beginning so we see almost kind of going around the entire circle here and this i have seen many times when someone's trying to recall something they've been coached or i'm not alleging coaching witness prep someone has been prepared a certain way i prepare witnesses as part of my job and we see that a lot when they're when they're trying to recall what to say what do i do but i also think that that is a potential deception indicator so let's see if there's anything else that feeds into that we also see a lot of chin boss movement throughout this and that's genuine i think there's legitimate shame present here or grief and this big cross-body arm movement is something that is very very common with people trying to protect themselves it's actually more common in women than it is men and the single shoulder shrug happens directly when she says no when she gives her denial and all of her denials throughout this whole thing are couched and hesitants and i will say something when any attorney any good attorney prepares a witness for a deposition they're going to say wait a few seconds before you answer to give me an opening so i can object to opposing counsel and that's just trial prep 101 you need to wait a couple seconds give me a window to object before you start answering or say yes or no because if you answer before the attorney objects the answer is still on record even if you strike it from the record it's still on the record as being stricken from the record and if the judge decides to keep it that's something they call spontaneous utterance so that could be one of the reasons but we see her in all these other interviews she's fine to answer questions doesn't really overhesitate or over exaggerate any of these movements like we see here so i think there is a likelihood of deception for this one statement mark what do you got yeah so uh all in white there and buttoned right to the top so quite an uh conservative uh almost slightly austere uh dress uh for her so uh i think that's a clear statement of of trying to look you know conservative and relatively innocent and then she's quite minimized for a lot of the time she minimizes even more throughout this but she starts at quite a minimized level so again trying to look or looking um a little bit at risk essentially there uh when i see um i i concur with you there uh chase that we see lots of eye accessing cues we see probably a memory of the event and then her eyes going up remembering that she's most likely been been coached been advised to have a specific story about this not necessarily how she might recount the memory but a different way of recounting that memory and i think she goes from that to a new access up there now however having said that i went and looked at some of her baseline of her on chat shows and she does her head really does wander around all over the place and her eyes wander all over the place so that eye wandering is within something of her baseline of when she tells a story and and partly how she creates quite a comic narrative around thing how she entertains people we see the mouth grooming as well in her baseline of being on chat shows so again many people might you know note those things as being quite out of the ordinary i think they are more pronounced but they're still within a bass line there there's something here therefore for me around she's very much in a performance mode here or it's similar to the performance mode we see her in i just want to point out i've seen in other people have tried to point out that the no that they think it's weird that she says um uh you know no to do you understand what i'm saying the no is a no to the previous question the yes that comes afterwards is is is does she understand what's being said um yeah that's what i've got uh scott where you go i think what we're seeing here is a combination maybe she was prepped you can tell she was prepped but we're seeing a combination of things here having been in this situation a lot and having to deal with a lot of of getting somebody ready for uh you know witness preparation um when she rolls her eyes i think what she's doing is it's a combination of what chase said but but at the same time she's pretending to look for the time like she's actually because she's being videoed and she's got viewers somebody will be looking at this later on some people like us maybe and those attorneys she's dealing with as well so i think we're seeing part of an acting show she's putting on there in other words i think i agree with you chase but at the same time i think it was so quick i think what she's doing is a show there to look like she's thinking it looks like she's looking for the answer as people look around look for answers and when she looks down her nose at these people when she's given the answer i think that hints at a narcissistic behavior a narcissistic personality she's been told to give very broad answers so that's what you do in these cases you don't say don't do this this and this you want to you want to give as broad an answer as you can so it can be read either way well she meant this by that not this specific thing you don't go in a microscope but you want to go and give them a big old hunk of stuff and you want to spread it out so that's why her answer is so odd sounding at the same time she's looking for how she's not i don't think she's the smartest person in the world but that's why she's having a problem making this broad because she's been told to do these things that she has been prepped but she didn't listen because she's an actor and she thinks she can remember all these things to say so that's why she's looking around for the things she's supposed to be saying she's not ready for him and i agree with you greg because what she's doing she's lean she's leaning in and toward and almost on that other attorney because she's using him as a barrier as well and to as a protector to take care of her at the same time showing i've got somebody in this with me i'm not wrong i've got these these attorneys here because this guy keeps butting in which he's and he's fairly aggressive i would say to say the least about that um and then when she starts fidgeting that's just a group of adapters to get rid of some of that built up stress and tension that's because i'm sure she'd been sitting there while we saw this and that attitude of just being fake and phony sort of shines through here i think from my point of view i don't know it's because i've seen it so many times you can just spot it once you see it but it's fairly obvious and i think women if a woman is watching this i think that she'll be able to see exactly what i'm talking about because they pick up on that stuff fast a lot faster than men will um that's what i got so let me a point i'd like for us to discuss you know mark i get people say well she's an actor and you can't read actors by language well not true because an actor has only so much control over muscles and everything else that anyone else does and most actors internalize and then the symptoms come out as how they actually act well i i would say the internal eye movement and then i want your comments on that mark but the eye movement everything she did with the exception of that demonstrative one is all internal conversation it's down left down right down left down and right and down left is typically hey i'm talking to myself about something and down right so i'm feeling something and that those two things i i always say they're not many absolute somebody language but when you get somebody down here it's all internal and that they're not accessing something they've recalled except for through a lens if that makes sense to you so what do you think mark i mean you've coached actors forever so so the the thing you've got to remember about actors and what what the public tend to do around actors is to say well they're actors so they'll be like this well there's many types of different actors and qualities of actors and some actors are really good and some actors are really bad i mean just because you get the name actor doesn't mean you're any good at it so you know you have to look at how good they are at being able to sustain a believable performance for a certain amount of time and under pressure and so i think what we get here is the pressure does show through there are some performance elements here there's some very true elements going on and they're mixed up with a whole bunch of pressure as well so i think that's why we get quite a a chaotic um succession of different gestures and adapters and all kinds of things mouth grooming and eye accessing going on all at the same time is that it's just a bit chaotic and uncontrolled at times thanks okay may 22nd 2016 did you ever commit an act of domestic violence against johnny depp calls for a legal conclusion and irrelevant but go ahead do you understand what i'm asking you no no yes i understand what you're asking okay and prior to may 21 2016 or may 22 2016 is it your testimony that you never committed any act of what would be considered domestic violence against mr depp calls for legal conclusion and irrelevant to these proceedings i did my i uh no i did my best to defend myself and not not um not get seriously hurt or be a doormat to whom this happens to all the time all right let's uh move the next one do you recognize the voices on that tape and who are the people on that tape it's johnny and i okay and uh is johnny describing an act where uh you uh made a door go into his head objection harassing argumentative vague i um i was trying to escape from a room where johnny was attacking me and in order to escape i was trying to get onto the other side of the door attempting to close the door and he was attempting to get in despite my attempts to try and escape an assault all right mark what do you got okay so uh more minimizing gets even tighter in there um frustration i think in the tone of voice going into anger here's why i think we get anger is we see that hair flick beforehand and i would suggest that is the is is often a faint signal it's a distraction signal from here i come i'm coming at you right now so watch out we see um uh kamala harris uh do it in in the vice president's debate a little flick back with the head just before she goes into what she thinks will be a really good uh attack on on pence and then we get um that very kind of considered and uh angular voice of frustration around escape room attacking me escape close in escape the assault she put starts putting stress on the words that she wants the audience of this to most latch onto which is the idea of her being cornered closed in and trying to escape from a room where there's an assault and an attack going on there that's what i got for you scott what do you got thanks mark um all right i think she when she's eating she's using that as when your brain tells a lot when you tell a lie your brain has to do three things and i'm always talking about this but it has to stop and keep you from telling the lie has to create the lie then deliver the lie that's what she's using the food for she's using as that barrier to give her a little bit more time before she delivers her answer because on some of these things she's got to come up with that emotion that goes along with this and we see this one ramp up her motion toward this or as she starts dealing with this when she's also when she's when she's um eating it's almost like she's dismissing the person that's talking to her it's almost like when when you're talking to someone or you'll see someone in deposition and they're trying to make the people who are asking questions angry you'll see them start this stuff start picking lint off like they're just doesn't matter that person is there to totally ignore them i think that's what she's doing as well coming from that perspective i don't think she sat out and sat down and planned that out but as she's doing it i think that's what's going on there um then when the question is is johnny describing an act where you made a door uh going to his head and she says um or she says she doesn't say um she says um because she knows the answer she's getting ready to give it but that guy stops her attorney stops her because he needs to give her a broad answer so saying yeah she's got to give a broader answer she can deliver a whole bunch of information that can be construed as other things that have been said um now when she starts saying um um i was trying to escape from a root this totally goes against the way she's been talking up to that point she's trying to ramp up that that anger as she goes along and she's trying to build this picture inside these people's minds so that's why we see when when when she stops she's not loping uh so i say looking you just tell a story like that when she starts when she stops and she starts talking like this because so and so happened that's what she's doing she's trying to ramp that up and she's making sure what she's saying is right because she knows she did this it's on record she did this and she said she's done this so they're trying to get so she's got to say why she did it she's trying to to make her rationalization of this ballot for whoever's watching for the viewer and for the attorneys as well now at first her arms are in a lap they're down here then they start get the illustrators start coming out and they start getting bigger and bigger as she starts to to build this picture for these people because she's got to put this picture in their mind so when they go off and talk about her when they're thinking about they're going to remember what happened seeing him at the you know whatever was going on at the time whatever picture she's building they've got to have that that picture in their head that's what she's got to get across at this point i think they did prep in this situation but and i'm not so sure it's i don't think it's bad prepping i think she just doesn't listen i think she thinks she knows it and how to do it she's an actor and i can remember all that i think she hears it once and it says i got it and then comes in and tries to pull it off and it's not working that's why she starts making those things large as well chase what do you got yeah i agree with both of you guys fully eating is actually common in some of the more advanced witness prep so what either a helps to calm the witness down or b give the witness an appearance of being calm and we see this in in brad pitt movies where he's talking to somebody eating an apple at the same time we it makes him look casual and confident and that actually does help and there's some other things in here when a good person is prepping a witness is talking to them he'll give them a great piece of advice to make what you say stick in someone's head and this is called show don't tell and this is great advice for writers so think of the difference between me saying it was hot and me saying the sun was beating down everybody was soaked in sweat and sunburned so one of them i showed you the other one i told you but the one i told you isn't effective i showed it to you and you knew it was hot and you probably imagined a whole scene of things instead of just temperature was x amount of degrees so one more quick example if i say she was confident that is showing or telling what do you think that's me telling so if i say she strode into the room and everyone there turned to look that's showing you what happened so i'm giving you an image instead of telling you exactly what's going on and no matter what job you're in if you want an image to stick in someone's head show don't tell and that's one of the things she probably could have done better with her story here the attorney objection is a is a very welcome relief for her her head snaps in that direction immediately i think she also realized she didn't pause but i thought it was interesting there's contempt here showing her canine to opposing counsel during her her testimony and i think there was again genuine chin boss movement here and if you're watching this right now try to tighten this muscle right here without turning your lips downward we'll all do it we'll all do it for you it makes it happen it makes your lips kind of turn down but when it's natural you don't see the lips start to move downward so i think there's a lot of natural uh grief or shame involved in this question here long answer uh greg thanks chase yeah so i'm going to echo some of what you said and point out some other things number one her musculature and every person is different in her forehead means her grief muscle looks different than it does when i pronounce that way hers is a very small too little lines versus her request for approval when i'm saying you believe me don't you and i have all those wrinkles in my forehead her request for approval is two solid lines her grief muscle is two small short little lines and that jumps off the plate when the questioner says did you cause a door to hit him in the head bing grief muscle pops it just shows when you go back and watch this you'll see that's number one number two these three videos are fantastic because we get a baseline of her just answering a question and showing a little grief in the first one of her telling a story in the second one and then the third one we're going to see some emotion around her indignation and that kind of thing so you can get a baseline from her and look for what's normal and what's different she goes out of her way to use her hands and it's almost awkward scott your point about cadence of speech you can't overstate it here it isn't normal she's going and then i went to wait until you see her next time when she's talking about something and why here she's trying to tell a story and one thing i always think about story scott you pointed out before is the gun not a gun there's not the to the room she's getting assaulted in to the assault or to the door she said it happened in a room there was an assault and she swallows the word you call it fading facts i call it swallowing words at the end when she says assault i had to crank up the volume to hear what she was saying when someone's assaulted there's emotion associated no emotion in this thing it was storytelling to me i don't trust it i would be all over this person in an interrogation room because i wouldn't believe what they're saying they're a list of things stories are definite these are indefinite articles a and and when when you're asking a question in the deposition or anywhere else anytime you give a person a question will have did are you're allowing them an out you're not forcing them to tell you what happened those are leading questions and they allow the person to just say yes or no or in very well lawyered organized or very well lawyered presentation she's being told you don't have to answer exactly what she asked you so yes that gives her time to do a diatribe and to tell her story and she is in storytelling mode and great actor here this to me is least believable of the three that's what i got okay do you recognize the voices on that tape and who are the people on that tape it's johnny and i okay and uh is johnny describing an act where uh you uh made a door go into his head objection harassing argumentative vague i um i was trying to escape from a room where johnny was attacking me and in order to escape i was trying to get onto the other side of the door attempting to close the door and he was attempting to get in despite my attempts to try and escape an assault all right anybody want to add anything no all right let's move at any time has johnny have you ever hit johnny depp you've already asked and she's already answered and you interrupted her miss heard have you ever hit johnny depp prior to today everyone on this side of the room please objection 352 it's not relevant to this domestic violence pursuit thank you your honor answer it however you want to including the way you were just i'm asking for a yes or no answer you don't have to answer it the way she wants you to answer it he was about to push my sister down the stairs she was attempting to break us up i am protective over my baby sister when he laid hands on her i don't know what i did but i know i jumped in between the actions that i saw could lead to a fatal injury to my sister she was standing on the top of a flight of the stairs and she has never hurt anyone in her life and she does not deserve to be pushed down by the stairs and it looked like she was about to be and i would have done with anybody who has a child or sister would have done i acted defensively in her life i saw her standing on top of a flight of his stairs and trying to interrupt a fight in between him and i i don't know what part of my body i put in between me and him and her but i would have done anything i would have done anything to prevent her from being pushed on a flight of stairs all right uh chase what do you got so i'm gonna i'm gonna tarantino of this so i'm gonna start in the middle here so when she is in the midst of these people in the courtroom freaking out i think it's very interesting how she scans each one of them individually to see whether or not they're on her side granted that's my opinion but i think a person who is telling the truth about being abused and all this stuff is probably less likely to turn and then scan each person individually i thought that was a very interesting point here and there's genuine grief on the forehead the moment she says somebody who had a child or a sister as if those two were the the same thing and her baby sister by the way is a fully grown adult there's genuine hand movement to the beat of her testimony there's genuine anger when the upper lip rises exposing her teeth there's genuine chin boss movement there's genuine anger when she says i would have done anything we saw the sclera the white part of her eyes get exposed there and none of that really means that she's innocent and here's why a person who is doing that who might have egged on a situation so they're fighting she might have caused a situation may or may not have and then the sister gets involved absolutely she's going to protect her sister whether or not she was the causal factor of that is not part of this question and not part of this statement that she's making here so whether or not she was an abuser or she was domestically abusing johnny is not part of this statement so her answer is genuine in the fact that she's angry of being questioned that she was there to protect her sister and scott what do you got right all right when she's going back when she's looking at everyone at those different attorneys she goes back and forth between those two here's what i think is happening there because i've seen this as well plenty she's when she's she leans into the first attorney and she's blah blah blah and she goes to the second one now when she goes to that second one she's ramped up a little bit and that ramp up is the show for the first one as she ramps up because that one at that point that person becomes watching her do something she they're they're part of the conversation but they're not it's not directed to them at that point then she moves from the the second attorney back to the first attorney and it gets even even more it gets even bigger at that point and that's the show for the second attorney as this thing grows and it goes back and forth it gets bigger and bigger because the first attorney's going geez he's getting mad and the second attorney once it goes back to the other guy or the other woman goes geez she's getting mad and starts it starts getting worse those are a show so she can start ramping up i'm not doing this and that net and then greg i'm not doing so and so because mark you don't know what it is and chase i'll tell you what and so it's a show for everybody to watch that's what i think she's doing there so i think that's i agree with you but at the same time i think that's that's one thing she sees as as important to pull across because this she did that we know we know from her testimony before if you've listened to any of this because we watched a long form of this she this this happened so again she's trying to make this valid that's why that story has to be great now um she can easily ramp this up because she's talking to she puts it in that mode of a mother protecting your child and she puts her in the form of i'm a protector and that's why i have to do this that's when she says my baby sister that's what i think anyway i'm sure mark's gonna say something about that but that's what's happening there so she she takes on the thing i'm a protector and this was gonna happen and that was gonna happen i can't let that happen no matter what so she starts getting madder or even more angry or angrier um again she's leaning toward that attorney hard this time so she's not only saying using him as a barrier but she's also using him as this is part of their they believe me too as they're going through this i'm sure that guy's doing this no you're shaking said oh yeah i get one of those numbers so she's showing she has people backing her up as well another thing that bugs me about this we don't see the the expression of anger in her inner in her eyes at all not even a little bit she doesn't even do a good fake anger when somebody is being angry or they're trying to pretend they're angry just see him squint their eyes and god tell you what i want to do so and so that you see that we've all seen that across the table it's been going well you think so well if you think but when you see this their eyes squinted like this that's no big deal because you're not seeing anything in here then you'll see those eyes come together like that and they're still squinting don't worry about it not a big thing but they squint and you see those eye and you can see the whites of their eyes while they're trying to squint that's anger that's when they're going to swing at you just ask me so that's where they're going to come across the table at you so what you're looking for in anger we don't see here not even a little bit of that um she's acting this uh this is she's acting and i'm sure she's not a a famous actor maybe she is favorite is she pretty famous oh yeah she's famous yeah no okay well i didn't think she was a very zombieland okay okay you're right so she's she as she goes through this process she's as she ramps up she's in other words mark i guess you would say she's summoning her anger because she's not really angry there's none there she's worried about herself and she wants to look good in this that's the only thing that bothers her but we're not seeing any classic anger expression at all not a little bit we see something we see her trying to that's why we see some things that that people will call micro expressions as she goes through and shows her teeth and opens her mouth too wide and starts leaning in and doing those things but i don't think she's mad here i think she says she's feigned this this is fake and i don't think she's got anything greg what do you got yeah i think what you're seeing is indignation rather than anger right how dare you ask me this question and she's prepared for that question you see her body language is demonstrating what she's saying much more believable in the last session because her illustrators are making the point she starts almost a pound more interesting now i'm going to be you chasing be tarantino i'll go back to the beginning as she's sitting loading for this question she does the disappearing lips thing as i think you call it that scott what i call lip grip her lips compress her eyelids flutter as they're asking a question then she launches at them almost like okay you asked for it and then she starts down this path and i see indignation i see regardless let me also say motivation to the way a person behaves can be very different to what happened to your point scott or to your point chase just because it may be something she caused i don't know that or it may just simply be the way she remembers it remember i've interrogated many people who've been in a firefight or those kinds of things and they can't remember the fire fight because that's recorded in a different brain that's recording in your limbic thought system and now you're recalling it with your thinking brain and your story is going to be all kinds of shadowy and messy happens a lot of times to people who are traumatized you can't get real facts you get what they felt when they finally do get to it and lots of animation never mind everybody that i've read and everything i see about this relationship looks like it might have been pretty tumultuous so it might have been a normal thing for them to go this way when she goes into the thing about protecting her sister you see that request for approval that's the only place you see it when she's demonstrative she never denies hitting johnny depp in this thing which is an interesting piece she simply rationalizes it and when she gets her points of rationalization that request for approval bam pops up right there every time when she hits the story about i was looking out for my sister i was in fear for her life those requests for approval come up so i think it's indignation at the story and her having to defend herself and i think her story is well thought out and well prepared even if she can't remember what happened exactly and i would honestly tell you i think she might remember that he was about to push her sister down the stairs whether it's true or not that's what she's working on his memory from whatever altercation they had and scott you're right there's tape where they said did this happen did that happen did you punch him yes did you slam the door in his head yes those kinds of things come up in the in the tapes so the thing here is to look for what she's after with this story she could have simply said no or i didn't or but she gives this long drawn out thing because she is defending her actions this is a story of defense mark yeah so let me talk about that defense of actions and that that look of approval why would you need that look of approval on the idea of my baby sister it's more about my baby my baby rather than even the baby sister the the idea of a mother protecting a child is an approved way for a female generally to be violent to be aggressive to be thoroughly aggressive most societies when they when there's a story of a a mother protecting their child you know all bets are off around how you can perform and what is socially normal around violence levels here's a great example i don't know because because chase loves me to give you a bit of roman history um beautiful or bodica as some people would say the leader of the icini tribe in the in the uh in britain the leader of the britons at the time uh there was a roman that came in and did something very bad to her daughter well what she decided to do was go all the way to london and kill everybody i mean just everybody because of that and bodacia is a national hero when you see when you look at the the image of britannia when you see thatcher margaret thatcher in a tank basically you were showing the mother scorned the mother's aggression the mother bear and i think that's the image that she's trying to get there is that anything aggressive or violent that i may have done at that point there's a good reason for it it should be approved because i was a mother protecting my child at that point uh what else do we see in this situation this situation i think it's really interesting that when those when there's that kind of argument going on badonage between the uh the different lawyers she's pretty calm in the center of that she's pretty calm and i think because she's waiting for her moment she's going okay you're gonna do some stuff i've got a big piece coming up i'm just gonna stay calm before i i do my bit we see this really nice fast flow of language at the start and i would say in you know that that's a kind of a fast lope for me as scott might say but then it gets very very halting as she gets into i don't know what i did but i know i jumped in between the action i saw that could lead to a fatal accident and then this emotion ramps up now there are some of the indicators of anger there but scott's right there aren't all the indicators of anger there i think this is a prepared piece that is designed to ramp up into some anger and the image of the mother so that the audience get a sense of we know exactly why you may have done something that you maybe don't even remember because you were a mother protecting your child at that point uh but yes for me it doesn't it it lacks some of the elements of real anger potentially because that mother protecting the child maybe wasn't there at the time and so the real mother's anger isn't actually installed there there there's my bit well i think some of the forehead or lack of forehead movement is due to botox it could be after three or four months of having uh botox the muscles start to come back and they come back in little pieces so some of that could be coming back [Laughter] [Music] i think you have to go look at her baseline and see is that her musculature because i think it's just you know people are different in the way their muscles work there and you know like you if you make a brow you don't have all the wrinkles i have it's just the way our brains you know where our heads are formed so yeah the thing that is interesting when he said when she said i thought this might happened it looked like it was about to happen her eyelids goes off the charts at that point that's where i think yeah maybe not maybe that's the excuse for whatever went on between and who knows what happened in this house there's allegations they're throwing beer bottles and or full bottles of vodka and pots and pans and all kinds of stuff in each other yeah listen if i was hanging out with johnny depp i would expect to be throwing beer i would have arrived going yeah honey when do we when do we start throwing the beer bottles mate because let's let's have this one let's go yeah remember mark when you were talking about how that argument started at the beginning when there were and he was telling writers settle down and she got real calm because she likes that it doesn't bother her at all she's used to it and she lives in that world if i was there and when the lawyers were going at it like that i'd be like i'm there's trouble going on oh yeah you see like this what what's going to happen to me and she's just this eye of this calm she understands that she understands that world and she likes it i think because she's so calm during that it's just that was that just was bells and whistles for me saying wow i can see exactly what's going on that says a lot about a person when things start going on the less they say the better off they usually are and she didn't get up and she didn't get she didn't start looking around a lot she didn't do anything she didn't get worked up didn't get tense she just sort of relaxed some remember on downton abbey where that woman was and i've talked about this before was having a baby and she was starting to bleed out something had gone wrong and there's the guy that was there that worked for him and he was taking care of her and the moment said why aren't you nervous and he said because i've seen so much blood before it actually makes me calm so i think maybe she's grown up in that atmosphere of all that stress and a lot of hollering stuff so when she hears that it makes her relax she feels at home in that that's why she's in a relationship where something fires off or something jumps off she can get right in there with it and and act the way she's been raised to act that's my opinion i don't know i don't know that girl never even really heard of her before but i agree the more duress people are accustomed to the more comfortable they get and those kind of people usually use the word fine when things go crazy because they're like yep go right ahead yeah yeah i think he's conflict dependent at any time has johnny have you ever hit johnny death you've already asked and she's already answered and you interrupted her miss heard have you ever hit johnny depp prior to today vegas at times everyone on this side of the room please objection 352 it's not relevant to this domestic violence pursuit thank you your honor answer it however you want to including the way you were just i'm asking for a yes or no answer you don't have to answer it the way she wants you to answer it he was about to push my sister down the stairs she was attempting to break us up i am protective over my baby sister when he laid hands on her i don't know what i did but i know i jumped in between the actions that i saw could lead to a fatal injury to my sister she was standing on the top of a flight of the stairs and she has never hurt anyone in her life and she does not deserve to be pushed down by the stairs and it looked like she was about to be and i would have done what anybody who has a child or sister would have done i acted defensively in her life i saw her standing on top of a flight of his stairs and trying to interrupt a fight in between him and i i don't know what part of my body i've put in between me and him and her but i would have done anything i would have done anything to prevent her from being pushed on a flight of stairs so uh what i want you to do if you like what we're doing subscribe just hit that little button below and where it says it says youtube and it's red down there near mark hit that and subscribe to our channel thanks for it see you guys next time [Music] is
Channel: The Behavior Panel
Views: 235,785
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Keywords: johnny depp amber heard, amber heard johnny depp, johnny depp, amber heard, johnny depp amber heard trial, johnny depp amber heard court, johnny depp loses case, amber heard deposition, amber heard interview, amber heard liar, amber heard deposition body language, justice for johnny depp, amber heard and johnny depp, amber heard trial, johnny depp lawsuit, johnny depp trial, johnny depp court, johnny depp verdict, johnny depp news, amber heard defamation
Id: 04Cz-uOognU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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