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hey what's going on guys plug that zip here as you know minecraft 1.13 aka the update aquatic recently came out and with it came brand new moms brand new items and most importantly and the subject of today's video brand new game mechanics look at this thing we have made welcome to the ultimate dance floor and its ultimate namely because it's a dance floor you can't technically stand on top of look at me I'm going crazy right now how is this happening you say well I'll explain to you in due time first I'm going to show you exactly how to build a few different amazing water physics contraptions in fact right now on screen you're seeing a preview of everything going to be doing today not only the dance floor but a mob cannon awaits us as well and a few other contraptions that you're gonna be able to your hands up with your minecraft worlds very very soon it's all to do with soul sand and bubble calls that's right so sand now in the update aquatic will allow you to you know make things float kind of like what we're seeing with that little dance floor here not just entities but blocks as well as items so if you want to make some really cool dance floor so get ready we got some monster Orioles coming right up not only for Java but the Pocket Edition as well like we're in Pocket Edition right now we got a little bit of boat so stick around it's gonna be a good video my friends to be enjoy leave a like on today's video subscribe hit that Bell get notified and with that so here we are in Minecraft Java dish Nick a Minecraft 1.13 and we'll be showing off a few different builds you can add to your game to take advantage of the brand-new water physics first of all these collectives were created by different reddit users everything's gonna be in the description including you know credits to the original builders but this world was put together by xavier dragon zr1 for he's my little friend the elf see all the time he's not my little friend he's my regular sized friend he's a normal human being and i love him you should check out his channel but with that time for water elevators look at this thing already look how fast look Oh huh I press the wrong thing look how fast this elevator goes it's so it's okay it's not that fast it's pretty good though it's in it's and it's pretty low profile look at this all you need is a one block area using the fact that you can water log blogs in conjunction with the fact that you can play signs down as well you can make a very low profile elevator that you can access from all four sides of look at ash this is nice it's also good because they change how bubble columns work where they all need to be source blocks originally you just needed one block at the bottom and it would work properly now that that's time yeah now that that's change there's a little bit of a different story is that it this is the most interesting place for a desert temple I think I've ever seen just nicest cool world we'll keep on going up for the mean one look at this is very convenient first set of water physics water logging blocks in this very interesting way wow wow this goes forever okay you know we're gonna we're gonna see this at the top okay we've made it to the top oh I thought we had oh wow I know we self a long way to go so how uh how's your day me oh I just keep attacking with my game you know standard stuff how many more I thought I would totally could this goes forever look how far up we are in the sky oh it's madness we're like losing render distance on like what's above it I think we finally actually made it to the end can we we did it fantastical where y equals well yeah this is height limit right now we all went with the height limit we're at the height limit in a very quick manner as well and then check this out look we're totally safe totally safe totally safe totally safe totally stay to the right look at that slows us down perfect timing great use of water elevator so how do you build it exactly Firebug 160 cuz Firebug what 60 is the person that made this I will show you right now you're probably gonna want some golden carrots just for nourishment everybody eats it's good for your eyesight and bad for your teeth because it's made of gold and why would you ever possibly do anything like that mainly here is the process you're gonna want to take you're gonna need some supporting areas for the original signs and you'll see why at the end of this video why you need supporting things for signs but for the time being here's what you'll want to do pillar up one two three four five you all get the picture we're gonna take one two three four five now that you've done that you're gonna want to take a non full-size block in this case we've got our cobblestone wall it's very important that we take advantage of the fact that we've got the cobblestone wall right here now what we're going to do is slowly waterlog all of these specific walls every other block before we do that though we'll want to place down one of these signs so that none of this stuff like breaks you know what I mean okay so check this out this is a little bit of a finicky placement wherever you want water to go place a sign against the cobblestone the gate or whatever it's called the wall I supposed on any and all sides at once you've done that it's a simple matter of sneaking and water logging the actual fence posts there the signs are what are keeping the water from flowing so you'll need to remember that when you're placing it down like this just like that we are nice and fixed once again and from there it's just a matter of constantly building on top and repeating that exact same process I'll grab another bucket we want to go up one more oh boy oh boy are we gonna be hold on we need to be able to get a flip I see look what happens when you don't do it right you do everything right that time worst guy honestly yeah in theory you don't even really need these little supporting blocks like we could we can just build it from right here watch check this out well I mean okay really get some height on this I all right here just so we can jump to it check it out jump to this look at look at look at that place this down we'll look at look at look at it's good ayyyy not bad next one not bad next one not bad next one okay one check it out boom now look at that you got an instant water better water what instant water better up to place sign place sign place sign place sign place water etc etc etc not bad but it's time for another creation this next was a little bit more complex it's courtesy of use your Fenrir warrior and it's anvil skipping you know when you throw rocks across like a river and it starts bouncing across and you like disobey the laws in the world and gravity in the birds that right we can do it we're the anvils check this out look at this whole contraption all made for the simple purpose of setting an anvil of and having a grand old time you see like you got all different layers you got repeaters you got falling the snow you got slime blocks and of course you've got your bubble columns soul sand the key to pretty much the majority of these water physics check this out don't mind if I do goodbye boom and it skips it's the best it was slowly and slowly make its way all the way over until slides right on down in that fantastic well the coolest thing I'm gonna do it again you know that was awesome not even mad about it in fact we need to grab the anvil I forgot did I I broke the anvil alright anvil anvil if I'm an animal I'm in the creative mode check this out already in and then once again place the torch on the side this essentially times everything so that the moment the anvil drops it hits the slime block right here we'll go ahead and rebuild it in a second but just for good measure I guess yes yeah it's good now I'm curious will this do damage to me game-mode survival you gonna hit me with that good come on come on Wow it did and in one one-shot it wouldn't you moon that fast Wow use this for like ultimate timing deaths hold on we're gonna build this now the exact placing of the redstone wire doesn't really matter all we need to know is that you have at least five tics of delays using repeaters going on on your anvil dropper so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna place our first repeater tick delay right there that just means you don't touch it all and in the second one one two three right click it three times you get a 4 tick delay right there go ahead and wire everything down so that all the wire is connected just like that we'll place a torch right here that's gonna cause most of this signal oh wait it needs to go this way 1 2 3 4 and that just lovely and then this one these good right sorry it's been a long day ok now check this out it's nice and wired what we're gonna do next is place down the sticky piston and then we're gonna place down our slime block now this thing is primed however we need to basically invert the signal one more time so we'll go ahead and place an additional snow block both for the torch that activates all this it needs to happen in this order your Peters gonna go down right here you're gonna actually want to set this guy to a slight delay right-click at one time one additional area of snow block just like this or whatever block really and then your torch goes right there so now this is totally good and Prime and when we're gonna break this block with the ambulance hop whale gets pushed now we didn't have any soul sand ready for that but that's what this little area over here is for it's dead so with gusto one time my friends oh we did we ready that's why you don't forget the torch because you got to be able to reset everything nice and Willy just like that yeah it's good good good ooh now the true moment of truth what happens when there's an anvil in the way hold on hold on whoa what it Hey what is this about it looks like you got just it just looks like it's stuck oh do another play me like that you think you can just up here and stand and exist right on top of one another hold on a second now what you come to I don't even buy it oh it stayed in the exact same place interesting so what happened I break this does it slowly oh one of them broke okay so what if I break this does it just keep it just keeps on floating it just keeps on floating is it even getting closer anymore I don't think he's getting closer anymore yo y'all can just have an evil squid I gotta go nice so funny okay oh look it looks like it eventually broke what a shame yeah so yeah looks like it did break but you can't in fact throw handfuls essentially by pushing them with pistons two more contraptions to go although only one left on our Java Rose this was courtesy of so to tell and it's a mob powered water cannon yes yes I've been waiting for this you can change the mob to most different moms and will power the cannon all the same and we've set max entity crime which is a game rule that you probably don't need to worry about too much to off so that you can see see I say so you can see this contraption now I'm not gonna bother showing you how to build it it's pretty simple enough all you need really is the soul sand to cause the bubble columns to go up a long and tall set of water blow so that your Bible column is huge this is where the mob would be shooting at it and then a way to see inside which I would say is stained glass in this scenario so you can see inside now we've got ahead and replicated the idea of a whole mob a bunch of moms getting stuck in one single place did that just oh you know why it's cuz I have peace oh I did slippery fingers today meant to put it to normal it was on peaceful that's why the mobs aren't appearing so look we have a whole bunch of creepers in here like many so pretend this is a chicken coop and you've got constant eggs being shot into the spot you've got all these mobs stacked up in one place doesn't have to be creepers and have to be chickens gonna be whatever mob that you decide to cram into one little spot we've got a piston here that's gonna retract this glass allow the water to slowly take these guys over towards them and look what happens the moment it does go oh that's good we're gonna keep it keep going keep going baby you go baby it's a oh this is dangerous this is dangerous but we're gonna change it up yep we're gonna put a whole bunch in like so many oh yo that guys on his way he's already on his way yo they're starting to get hold on it's going and goodness egg we're just let a few more spawn and I know there's a lot going up here but check this out y'all ready wha oh my gosh happiest day imagine if this was the ground floor level of your world and all he had was a conscious stream of chickens just going up like this this is so much fun like simple this is a simple survival fun like these are ways that you can very easily just add to your game without needing to worry too much about ridiculously hard to make bill just messing with water physics like look we get a little final guy popped out right there cutie really look at these guys oh look at another one came out oh man this is so much fun not as fun or as rainbow fantastic as our last and final creation the disco floor moving over to pocket that allows my friends we are here back again the dancefloor look makes you want to bust a move Saturday Night Live style ok mercy Allah too young for the point is special edition update aquatic this is the only way you can do this in update aquatic concrete powder bounces as well does not do it in the Java version of this new update so y'all pocket plays get a pretty special exclusive look at this if you're wondering how to do it it's pretty simple in nature all we need to do is go ahead and make sure that we have soul sand as we've had for the other contraptions at the bottom of a little water pool and inside we've got bubble columns popping off look real good now a I'd do is decorate we're gonna go ahead and show you in some greater detail in the hot second I was gonna grab a whole bunch of blocks let's get rid of these ones they're not really colors yeah much better okay cool so check this out it's as simple as ABC a 1 a 2 a 3 boom boom boom they just start bouncing just like that you can make them go to a certain pattern so that they're constantly bouncing at different speeds or you can alternatively use the sine method that I was using before to make them all drop in unison and now I'm somebody get me out of there alright do you see the difference this is kind of placed willy-nilly at random over here we had the signs essentially drop all of them at once and I'll show you how to do that specifically because it is an important thing that you could take advantage of like this looks sweet you could have what looks like a like imagine putting glass on the actual top light in fact hold on imagine if this was your floor you've got a glass layer underneath and just you walk around and you see this amazing bouncing now us placing these glass blocks cause them all to start bouncing unevenly so that is one downside to being able to do this but again you'd always reset it in theory if you want and get the goodness coming back in again I really want to make one of these I'm gonna show you how to do that right now it takes advantage of the fact that signs can be placed on top of one another so you can just keep adding signs into your Minecraft game all placed against one another and then look at what happens the moment not this guy the moment you break the original and look all pop all at once perfect amazing time I'm curious to see they'll all pop at once like super far out hold on I'm curious to see how far this can go exactly is it still gonna be immediate left let's see how they already check it out immediate it's all immediate amazing okay well now you sure to use that with the concrete first of all you're gonna want to dig the area out in which you want the effect to take place you're gonna want to dig it so that there is at least two water blocks worth of height to it and then the bottom area can be where you have your soul scent same story is the other stuff right you need to have at least some distance between both of them so soul sand it up just like that and then you're gonna grab your water water bucket it up just like that look at this look at it look at it is good again for good measure now we're talking mm-hmm and then start placing your science place one on flat ground so you can actually place it down and then it's just a matter of making sure that there is a sign taking up the space above each of these individual block I guess holes it would be would that be the case I don't know it doesn't matter you you get the picture now and then from there all you got to do is place down your two blocks of choice let's go I'm thinking yellow and blue mm-hmm just like this no I don't want that one there we want that yeah right there uh-huh that's nice okay and another one right no bad right here okay so these guys are actually extra we didn't need those I thought we might then you can just boom boom boom and then it's a matter of breaking that and look they all well I mean yeah there is oh you know why it's because the water hold on and then once you've placed down your blocks just like that you're ready to break the original one and check it out look at the beauty behind it all falling in lovely using I'm a flying carpet because you matter it'd be like an obstacle ahead jump over it nice nice now you know my friends how you can add all sorts of floating fun with water physics to your Minecraft game whether it's an animal cannon whether it's an awesome disco floor or whether it's whatever else you can imagine using these awesome mechanics you can go head and make it happen hope you enjoy today's video thank you so much to our contributor you can find the links to the originals in the description up to date video hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like subscribe hit that Bell get notified and with that we leave you have a good one see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,439,040
Rating: 4.8526926 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 1.13, 1.13, aquatic, science, water, water physics, anvil, anvil skipping, update aquatic, update aquatic features, minecraft 1.13 features, water update, minecraft update, mcpe, minecraft pe, minecraft 1.13 update aquatic, pe, features, items, blocks, builds, build, minecraft building, AMAZING WATER TRICKS in MINECRAFT 1.13!, amazing, tricks, minecraft tricks
Id: L__4l-0pO-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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