Minecraft, But It's Only One Block!

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on this single block is 100 minecraft players i'm about to let them build and whoever is the last man standing gets an ultimate youtuber setup comprised of all these items here server give the blocks oh i got blocked trying to get a few quick knocks when we start build children built only one person is building and they're all following yeah oh he died hey jimmy i found chandler no they're still respawning i know i can kill people and not feel bad about it i know i just killed this guy but don't worry currently anyone who dies respawns but we're gonna end that starting now if they died don't respawn them server i was about to kill carl oh no they're building up let's get some land of our own i think we need our own little area of land oh wait where are you where am i i don't know it's been less than a minute and they went from one block to this and you guys know the deal carl and chandler in a different discord call competing like normal whoa look how much of a civilization we've already built together look at this this started at one block there's a lot of people on this giant block here and then there's just wine why also there's been some savage people they'll just run up to people and destroy the block underneath them oh you mean like this just kidding kidding kitty get him get him oh hey we got the bait and trap wait mrs carl jacobs chris chris chris yeah i have a challenge for you what's up can you go this entire video without killing someone starter timer let's see how long you can go without killing someone oh look at carl he's begging for it man one less to worry about huh what is up contestant the prize for this competition is an ultimate youtuber setup you get a beefy pc you get three monitors actually we'll make it five monitors mouse keyboard camera tripod everything and anything you need setups for the boys i'm like mr b yeah because i am mr beast good luck and whoever wins gets us set up wait this guy's literally creative look at this island of people over here whoa what is going on over there all right so this guy's got the strat he just sits in this little thing i think this guy kind of has a strat right now mr morgan chris look i'm on both sides of my screen right now and you look at yourself you're like other jimmy what do you think about that should i kill tom cobbler no you shouldn't kill him that's why they hate chris okay i won't kill him i now have an inner monologue let's get him hey what's up newbie doobie what up noob nothing uh carl and chandler just came up and killed him while i was talking to him oh newbie no go sorry doobie they're going around bullying the people we're trying to interview they don't want us to get good content the only logical thing to do is to neutralize the threat to the content but you're not allowed to kill people what if i do this though this isn't me killing time out since you keep killing people you have to sit on the toilet for how long until the video's over no oh hey chris i didn't see you there hey it's me chris while i was putting chris and time out you guys did a lot with the colored blocks meanwhile we gotta talk about this toilet paper wall it's like translucent i don't know what to do i'm all alone [Music] all right so carl if this person's actually dream they'll be able to survive this oh dreams in our video non-clickbait here let me let me add them to the call to test it what up dream hey dream hello are you still like best friends with george and stuff nah live action drama right here right now you're already a youtuber so you don't need a youtuber set up so we can just give it to whoever else if you win no no no what are toilets made out of we just gave him different color wool but it means nothing carl i think it's time we spice things up p v p enabled oh look at chandler now that pvp is on there i'll get a darker chandler blue team let's go whoa whoa whoa oh no oh no no no one told me 65 people remain 65 and 64 of them aren't getting an ultimate youtuber set up welcome back chandler hello carl we need to spice things up i want mayhem i want chaos they want to take our tnt go down with the tnt oh my god look at my character look at me oh my there's still 52 players remaining which is 51 more than i want server start shrinking the circle carl watch this when i right click the circle shrinks i have all the power bring me my phone i'm remoting into this computer and now i'm going to ban my account on his computer wait who are you just laying tnt everywhere i don't know why you're looking at my screen right now carl can you stop playing tnt of course good because i wanted to this started out as one block and look at it oh god this entire tribe is going down oh dreams in it two dreams are in it ban chris drinking the circle by 12 wait what happened i got banned wow what did i get banned yeah i banned you from the toilet baby what the heck yeah i'm at my computer now remind me next time i put chris on the toilet to take his phone can i get off the toilet now you can stay on the toilet forever now it looks like a map it is crazy to think about that this used to be one block anyways as i was saying boom boom boom should i stop no two more wait did you mean two anymore 20 seems kind of crazy but five doesn't we're down to 35 players i'm rooting for the second place person right now if five people do not die in the next minute i will get angry don't please stop guys hurry kill each other there's currently 35 people alive the minute has started oh please don't get jimmy angry guys oh carl's best killed monarch knights oh oh guys yo carla's best is insane two people have to die in the next 10 seconds so i'll get mad stop no no guys stop hurry three two one somebody die five people did not die no you know what happens when i'm angry no i don't holy cow you thought that was it no there's more i'm doing an air strike i didn't want to resort to this but all you had to do was kill some people yo good jimmy jimmy that's half the map i don't care they should have killed some people what now they don't have much land to walk on well good let's shrink the circle some more oh it's shrinking it's shrinking i just clicked it 30 times i don't even care i'm doing one more air strike jimmy stop being so angry no oh oh somebody fell i would jump off too if i was you oh somebody fell i'm still slightly mad we're gonna shrink it more are you okay man i am no longer angry jimmy now i'm happy again this is a fun video aren't we having fun carl yeah man yeah we're all having fun sounds like they're having a lot of fun in there i wish i had friends if 10 people do not die in the next three minutes i swear on my mama no not his mama it will get bad no there's 30 players remaining holy cow oh someone's fine oh 29 oh double team over here oh my gosh oh my that bodied what is going on here carl tp to me okay i'm right here are they teaming wait here wait wait oh my gosh i accidentally dropped something can you help me pick it up oh i think it's too late oh yeah yeah you dropped some tnt oh there we go poor guy we have 50 seconds for seven people to die let's start fighting do it oh carl that's evil that way they don't see it coming that's something chris would do yo yo stop time's up with seven seconds remaining ten people actually died thanks guys i don't have all day players forgive me for what i'm about to do oh no holy cow very small now this one person carla's best is literally alone right now what i don't understand is why aren't they fighting only one of them is winning fight each other they're being dimwits entertain me fight oh we got some fighting they're all in the mix fighting right now holy oh oh coral asbestos literally on the floor oh that might be a mlg strat right here wait carl's best is on the border so what happens if i do this oh my gosh they literally built in at the perfect timing i don't know what's about to happen but forgive me lord all right wish of luck where's the block everybody oh carpet bomb holy cow how many people just died wait a minute like six guys you gotta be on your toes we got one underneath and no one knows carl yeah i need you to tnt while i shrink the border okay go how shrinking tnt is falling what would they do pal why don't they just survive it's not that hard just don't die let's add some of them to the call what up everybody left hello hey man hello hi we just gave all of you armor and the diamond sword last standing gets that ultimate youtuber set up paul talk great i love you man i love you too if you guys don't start killing each other i'm gonna keep shrinking the circle oh i can name one person that wouldn't like you to keep oh wait the guy in the box fell oh all right now seven or eight why are you guys running around each other start fighting here i'm gonna cause some man tnt going down have fun everybody oh someone fell oh my gosh dream died dream's dead it's a 1v1 1v1 all right it's a 1v1 coral is best all right this is a no girls best just fell let's go chris you can get off the toilet yay you just want an epic pc five monitors a keyboard a mouse a microphone and whatever else we throw in the package what's your final word oh my god it should help me with my universe to work well now you can drop out of school and be a youtuber i don't think i would win thank you for watching hit the subscribe button see you later
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 29,302,498
Rating: 4.9333668 out of 5
Id: jl7whFSiE0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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