AMAZING Mind-Reading Card Trick YOU CAN DO! Easy. Impromptu, Normal Deck Tutorial, Learn Now!

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what i don't understand what's going on everyone welcome back to the channel and this week we are learning an extremely easy deceptive and practical card trick you can do this with any deck of cards it could be borrowed shuffled it doesn't even have to be a full deck of cards and it's so easy that beginners can do it but so strong that even pros will get a lot of great reactions with this now before we get to that i have a big announcement for all my subscribers as you guys know besides magic and mentalism i'm very passionate about body language behavior analysis lie detection persuasion all that real psychology stuff and just this week i created a completely separate youtube channel devoted to that kind of content so if you're here for magic and mentalism performances tutorials stay here you don't have to subscribe to that other channel there will be zero mentalism or magic tutorials none of that stuff will be there but if you're interested in that content and if you guys enjoyed that type of content that i was doing on this channel now it's all moving to that one and i will leave a link in the description and i would really appreciate if those of you who like that kind of stuff would head over there engage share comment watch the videos and help me get that channel to where this one is just like we did with this one so i'll see you guys over there and now back to the trick that we're learning today as you guys know performances are always extremely important for me so let's start with that what's going on guys spidey here i'm in the bahamas with my friend tayray she has an awesome tic tac and instagram page i will leave the links in the description make sure to go follow her she's a lot of fun but right now tay ray i'm gonna do a trick for you and you're gonna do one for me so i'm gonna teach you how to do one okay so you'll start take the cards give them a cut or a mix or whatever you're comfortable with oh okay nice is that a cut that's great yeah it's a card and now spread through the cards and make me choose one all right you have to choose one but but only one that was really good that was really convincing i'm gonna grab that one now you have to tell me to remember it okay remember your card got it i know you have to let me put it back okay now place the card wherever you may please you're so good at this there we is that a good spot yeah it's perfect okay and now you could cut you can mix whatever you like just to make sure the card is lost great that's great nice cut couple cuts there good all right wonderful you good with that yeah okay my turn now so i remember a card now i'm going to get you to pick one choose any one of these okay okay look at it remember it make sure you can remember it okay i got this you got it i got it and then put it back wherever you like oh yeah wherever you like that that's a good spot yes excellent and just like you did i'm gonna give that a couple of cuts i'll even throw in a shuffle that way both of our cards are totally mixed up okay now we're gonna find each other's cards with pure intuition i will go first here's how check it out i'm just gonna focus here and watch carefully i'm going to cut just a few cards like this turn them upside down put them back on now i'm going to cut a bunch more flip them upside down put them back on so totally randomly i have cut to let's see here this card over here right i'm gonna take that card out that's what i think your card is totally random now you take the deck okay and you do the same cut just a few cards a small packet okay that's perfect flip all these over no no bring them flip all those upside down yeah put it back on okay now cut a whole bunch more okay turn them all upside down and put them back down like that yeah and now spread through to the first face down card that's totally randomly you got to that card right back up so they could see it back up perfect right there that's the first face down card wonderful we're gonna take that out drop the rest of the deck we don't need that nice don't look at it yet okay so tay ray we each thought of a card and then each of us tried to find the card that the other one was thinking of what was the card you were thinking of king of hearts king of hearts yes taylor i nailed it [Music] oh my god hold on hold on that's my job right finding your card it's what i do i was also thinking of a card okay i was thinking of the seven of diamonds take a look at which one you got is it let me see show the camera show the camera oh my god wow ah what i don't understand you found it that's insane i just imagine y'all first time there it was i hope you guys enjoyed that performance and as you could see it's really powerful and impromptu trick where you intuitively find their card and they intuitively find yours now as you know history is very important to me especially in this case because this trick goes way back for me when i was younger i had a lot of videos from a magician called john kerry who i really looked up to as a magician because all his work was quite simple but really really effective so i studied his work i did a lot of his routines and this was one of my favorite ones that he created that i used to do very regularly in my professional work or socially now i always thought that this would be the perfect trick that i can teach on the channel because it's simple but powerful but it wasn't mine so i couldn't teach it but completely by coincidence john kerry wrote to me a couple of months ago he told me that he's seen a couple of videos on the channel he really enjoyed them which was such an honor for me because i've always looked up to him as a performer and he said listen if there's any of my pieces you ever want to teach and i said well you know what there's that one where you find the spectator's card and they find yours i've always loved it i think it'd be perfect for the channel and he has very kindly given me the permission to teach this to you guys and i appreciate that so much and i asked him what can we do to say thank you john is there some product you want the subscribers to go check out a website he just said you have to do any of that just tell them to go check out my facebook if they feel like doing that so i'm gonna leave his facebook page uh in the description guys please go give him a follow it's the least we can do for him allowing me to teach you guys this amazing trick okay so let's start with how you're going to set up the deck you're not that's it you're done it's a completely impromptu trick so there is no setup it could be legitimately shuffled you can go into this after any other card trick that you do uh you can borrow the deck it doesn't even have to be a full deck you know sometimes people have decks of cards there's cards missing the deck's a mess it really doesn't matter you're gonna be fine so the deck is shuffled and the presentation is actually quite a little bit up to you uh john in his original presentation does a very classic do as i do plot so he says okay i'm gonna do stuff with this deck and then you're gonna follow along so he takes the cards he mixes them he gives them and they mix then he cuts and they cut and he has them choose one and then they have him choose one so they're following what he's doing i like to start with this in their hands i want them to remember that it began with it in their hands and i have the mix and i have them shuffle so it's super fair and i kind of guide them through it i like to have a little bit of fun with this like you saw in the performance sort of like guiding them through the steps of being a magician so i say okay mix the cards shuffle them up now spread the cards and have me choose one so ultimately they're going to spread the cards and they're going to have you choose one you're going to take any one at all you're going to look at it but you're not going to remember it it doesn't matter but you're going to pretend like you are so it doesn't matter what i picked here i actually picked my favorite card in the deck seven of spades but it doesn't matter you're just gonna look at it you're like okay i got it now tell me to put it back somewhere and you can instantly forget that card it doesn't matter now you're going to do the same to them so you're going to take this oh by the way you tell them to shuffle after you put your card back you tell them okay now shuffle it out make sure it's lost now they give you the deck and you do the same so you're going to shuffle the cards yourself however you want to shuffle doesn't matter and you're going to have them choose anyone they want so let's say they choose this one the five of spades that's their card now you're going to tell them to return it back in the deck exactly like you know they did for you and they're going to put it back wherever they like so let's say here and all you're going to do is keep your pinky on top like this just a little bit of your pinky as you close the cards up like that that's called a pinky break it's covered elsewhere in my tutorials but it's just like that as you close the deck you keep a little bit of the pinky above their cards so from the front they can't see that but you've got where their card is held in place now you're going to do a double undercut to bring their card to the top this is very simple and again in the performance you could see me say oh just like you did i'm going to cut these cards a couple of times so to perform the double undercut basically i i've got this break once again my thumb is going to come over like this and i'll show you what's happening hold it like this so you can see my thumb is going to come over and it's going to you're transferring that opening to the thumb basically you're doing this while your left hand still stays in place and you're going to take half the cards from under that break and cut them to the top and then you're going to take all the cards from under that break and you're going to cut those to the top so it just looks like you gave it a couple of cuts and secretly what you've done is you've brought their card to the top of course you don't show them that it just stays there now you're basically going to use the cut deeper force which is a very old and very practical force that makes it seem like you're just cutting twice to a random card so you tell them now we're going to find each other's cards and i will go first i'm going to use my intuition and cut this deck twice let's see how i do and essentially you're just using this really simple card force on yourself because the cut deeper force forces the top card so basically the way it works there's really no manipulation you take a small packet of cards about a third of the deck flip it over put it back down then you cut further in about two thirds cut off like this flip the whole thing over and set it back down and that just looks like you randomly cut twice but all it does is it puts a bunch of cards face up and the first face down one is going to be what was originally the top card so it's a really convincing sort of random looking cut so now you're gonna spread through and you're gonna say okay let's see what i cut i cut right there now while they're focusing on this you're remembering one very important thing you're remembering this card the first face up one you have to remember that so in this case the three of clubs but you're not stopping you're not stalling you're just going and saying oh look i cut to this one randomly and you're setting it down on the table or holding it in your hands now you're turning this over the whole thing and you're handing it to them and you're telling them to do the same thing but because that three of clubs remain on top and it looks totally random now they're gonna do the cut deeper force and force the three of clubs to themselves this is so brilliant honestly high five john you nailed this so they're going to cut about a third like this wherever they want and you're going to tell them flip it over and put it back on and then cut more cards flip them all over and put them back on like this and now you say and make sure your pattern is clear because for the cut deeper force there's no slight of hand done but what you're saying has to be very clear so here you say now spread through all the cards until you get the first face down card that's the card you cut to so the wording has to be very clear so they spread through and they go to the first face down card that's the card they cut to and you have them hold on to it or put it down on the table get rid of the deck very important you don't want them to suspect there's any cheating sleight of hand nothing like that get that out of the frame it all comes down to these two cards now once again remember wording is important here i like to say we both thought of a card not picked a card not chose a card it's okay if you say that but we thought of a card and i randomly cut twice and i got to this card you randomly cut twice you got to that card it was completely intuitive now it's totally up to you in which order you want to reveal these i honestly see benefits to both if you reveal their selection first that leaves what they did for second and i like that that's what i did in the performance it's like i did this i found your card but that's what i do i find cards i'm a magician but you did this as well so i like to end on how amazing what they did is but if you do it the way around to where you say what your card was and they show it and they found it and then you show their card it ends on the big wow of you finding their card which is the goal of most card tricks so it's totally up to you you could try both let me know in the comments which one is working better for you but let's just assume you do this the way i did in the performance so i say okay so you randomly thought of a card i cut the cards twice and my intuition led me to cut to this card what was your card and they're gonna say five of spades and you dramatically reveal that you got that and they freak out then you say but hold on that that's what i do i'm a magician i'm supposed to find your card but you did something amazing you intuitively cut the cards twice and you cut to this card the card that i was thinking of was the three of clubs take a look at how you did and now they turn it over and they found your card as well and honestly this gets such beautiful reactions for such a simple trick and there it is so there it was guys i hope you enjoyed this and i hope you're going to use it to get some amazing reactions out there let me know in the comments as always what you thought of this and don't forget to go check out the new channel if you're interested in learning lie detection body language analysis persuasion and real psychology tools that can help you in performance or in your day-to-day life i will see you guys on the next one
Channel: SpideyHypnosis
Views: 103,977
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Id: hRTu7QadMVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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