FOOLING Mentalism Trick You Can do With ANY PAPER! Read Two Minds! EASY Magic Tutorial

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what's going on guys this week we are doing a deck giveaway for two of you you're gonna win four decks each and an amazing tutorial this is one of my favorite close up mentals and pieces it's deceptive it's easy and the best part is you can do this pretty much anywhere with borrowed objects all you need is a couple of pieces of paper a pen or a pencil and you're good to go in fact this trick was in my lecture a couple of years ago that i do for professional magicians all over the world and it was one of the most popular pieces and today it's all yours before we jump right into this awesome mind reading trick and i teach you guys step by step how to blow minds with this a couple of really important announcements first of all we did it guys abc the trick that i released right at the end of last year has won trick of the year at the penguin magic awards and i am so thankful to all of you who went and voted this is such a huge honor and i couldn't be happier for those of you messaging me because you want to buy it i know it's sold out within a week but it's going to be back in stock this week it looks like it's going to sell out again i don't want to get my hopes up but it looks like that but i'll leave a link in the description to where you can put pre-orders that way as soon as it's available you'll be on the priority list for it to be sent to you but once again guys thank you so much for all of you who got it who supported it who are out there doing it i'm so happy with the results secondly i want to talk to you guys about the deck giveaway so i'm giving away eight decks of cards in this video and they're related to a cause that's happening right now that's really heartwarming so my good friend andre seneca i don't really know how to say his last name actually i think the correct pronunciation is andre andre is a very gifted magician from the czech republic and he is the creator of the butterfly playing cards a beautiful deck of cards and he just created an addition for the ukraine with the colors of the ukraine flag and it is available on penguin magic where they are giving 100 of the proceeds to humanitarian causes in the ukraine i find this so heartwarming and i'm going to give away eight decks at the end of this video but for all those of you are interested in owning this beautiful deck and being part of this cause part of history please head over to penguin magic get yourself some decks they're beautiful cards from a great guy and an amazing cause okay that's it for all the announcements now let's jump right into the trick here is the performance people misunderstand mind reading they think once you can read minds that you can just read everyone's mind that's not the case there's actually like levels of difficulty and i want to demonstrate that right now eric for you i'm going to do something that's a little bit more sort of like a warm up and then joseph for you i'm going to do something a little more challenging sir we'll start with you i want you to name any fruit or vegetable in the world kiwi one of the easier fruits to spell okay kiwi now i want you to name an animal that is not a household animal something a little exotic like a jungle animal or a desert animal what something something cool that comes to mind uh kangaroo kangaroo it's k-a-n-g-a-r-o-o because in french there's a there's an o in the middle it's congo in french so i just want to make sure in english that's where you spell it okay and finally any celebrity in the world eric anne hathaway i might need help on the last name h-a-t-h a-w-a-y hathaway that looks right that yeah i mean that's i'm sorry if it's wrong but i believe that's that would be the way to start and have the way right there wonderful so the reason i say this is a warm-up eric is because in a moment you're going to choose one of them and you're going to think about it and if i even have a slight feeling i would know which of the three you're thinking about because the way your mind works when you're thinking about hathaway would be very different than for example a kangaroo like those are two very different images correct makes sense for you we're going to try to make it a little more challenging joe because you're going to think of three things that are very similar so i want you to name three household pets so anything i'll just go ahead and off top if you had like common household pets what do you got let's do uh fish bird and cat fish i got another spell out bird [Applause] and a little kitty cat the cat is that what you said okay cat [Applause] there we go so wonderful now you have three pets and like i said earlier if you focus on one of those even if i have a feeling you're thinking of an animal i have to put in a bit more extra work to know which one so joseph here's what i need to do grab your papers like this in your hand and mix them around like this mix mix mix mix mix and just throw them on the table make sure they don't mix up perfect right there excellent now you're each going to narrow these down to one selection trust your gut clear your mind take both your hands and pick up a paper with each hand excellent i'll take those and that leaves the ones on the table here's what i want you to do grab that paper open it up look at what it says but don't say to me or to each other what it is make sure i can't see it i'll stay like this make sure it's only to yourself okay you got it yeah eric you got it awesome close it up put it uh in your pockets or out of sight i don't want to have even a slight chance to see what they are okay good awesome i'm gonna start with you because this is the warm up three very different thoughts i'm gonna try to narrow in on which one it is when i say go i want you to imagine you have a pen in your mind and when i say go you're gonna start drawing whatever this is okay okay one two three go start drawing this okay stop you started with like a almost like a big circle or an oval yep okay keep going stop i'm it's weird because i it's almost like you're fighting the urge to to feel a certain texture does that make sense like there's a texture associated it's like you're trying to dry but there's a texture coming through yeah and you're trying to figure out how to best illustrate that yeah okay okay good i'm gonna go with this i'm not i think this is what you went with also correct me if i'm wrong you're tempted to draw more than one of these so like that's what like it can't be on the way because i see like i feel like you want to draw more than one oh yeah okay but i'm just gonna do the one let's stick to the one i've got this i think it's obvious of the three which one this is eric in a loud clear voice what did you choose kiwi a kiwi i think that's pretty cool is that what you were going for a little bit like a bit of a fuzzy kiwi show the camera there we go so like i said the moment i knew that this was like an oval like sort of textured thing that there was many of it couldn't have been i mean it could have maybe still been the kangaroo fuzzy many of but i knew it was not half the way with you it's a lot harder because even if i know that this is an animal i have to put in the extra work to know which one right focus on what this is and once again when i say go you're gonna imagine in your mind that you have a pen and you're actually drawing this one two three go stop you also started with a circle yes okay keep going stop um does a triangle tell you anything is it a triangle triangular shape yeah and and correct me if i'm wrong a lot of times when i do this people draw an animal that's facing me you've i think yours is facing like sideways yeah okay like that okay that's what i got um keep going let me know when you're done you got it yeah let me ask you one question how is your animal supposed to breathe you forgot to give it nostrils you didn't put those in did you you're good now there we go i'm going to add the nostril as well okay so three very distinct animals you had uh fish you had a bird and you had a cat this is what i'm going with i felt this in a loud clear voice what were you thinking of a bird a bird but then you put the nostrils then it's a good thing i put the nostrils as well that is a bite bird wow wow boom that's awesome okay i also drew a cat and a fish on the other page yes i'm kidding there's no there's no multiple outs that's it just bits of paper let's learn it so there it was i hope you guys enjoyed that usually this is the part where i give you history but there isn't much to say here um obviously i didn't invent you know the equivocate or i didn't invent some of the parts of this there's also some great psychology here that relates to something banachek does but the routine itself the idea of having two things that look the same but aren't the same and therefore it becomes more deceptive because you can show certain things on one side but not on the other but then you could show things here that you can't show there that construction is mine and i love doing this in casual settings i've done this in restaurants before with napkins or like paper menus that are ripped up it's really something that you have in your back pocket anywhere you go with borrowed things i love it and we're gonna jump right into the explanation right now and at the end we're doing the deck giveaway but before any of that guys do me a huge favor hit that subscribe button turn on notifications on for more amazing magic and mentalism okay so for the explanation we're going to do it from this angle because it's really important what's happening on the table there isn't much sleight of hand also in the performance i used a pad of paper but for this i'm going to use a piece of paper like this because i want to show you can do this with literally any bits of paper you only need eight so if you have a piece of paper like this you're going to tear it in half three times and that's going to give you eight pieces of paper so you tear it in half once then you put these together you tear that in half as well and that's going to be four like this and again this could be 100 borrowed and then one last time you're going to tear it and you will have eight pieces of paper and you're good to go that's it so we're gonna do this for the explanation we're gonna imagine spectator one and spectator two so in the performance spectator one was eric the bald guy on my right and joseph was to my left spectator too so spectator one is going to name a fruit or vegetable an exotic animal and a celebrity the reason it's those three things is because with an exotic animal that's a little more rare and a celebrity you might have to check the spelling whereas with household pets you probably know how to spell all of them and that's all part of the psychology here so let's say he names a fruit and he says something like plum so i'm going to write down plum now with something like plum i don't really need to check the spelling of plum but if you were to say something like zucchini or raspberry that's something i might be like wait is that is that how you spell it but for plum really not necessary so they say plum and i take that and i crumple it up and i place it on the table in the furthest position from me so i'm going to put it right there imagine one two three it's going in position one then they're going to name a jungle animal so let's say they say i don't know something like a hippopotamus that's something that is a little confusing so you might want to check wait where's the two ps where's the is this how you spell it you might have to ask them and i like that because hippopotamus i'm not even sure if i got this right and that's exactly what i'm going for because i go wait is this how you spell it so they see now that i'm actually writing what they're saying so that really relaxes their guards hippopotamus that's gonna go here and finally you're gonna ask for a celebrity and let's say they say benedict cumberbatch one of my faves so you're gonna write and that's again some of you go you're gonna have to help me with this benedict i know how to spell is it c-u-m cumber b-e-r-b-a-t-c-h is that how like is this how you spell it so again there's a natural reason to show this because celebrity names are likely to be more complicated to spell than animals and now you put this down now you can go back to the performance to see what i say but i say basically these are three very distinct thoughts and what happens in your head as you think of one of these is very different than the other two now i'm gonna turn to this guy and i'm gonna have him name three household pets now if i have a group of people i sometimes have people just shout them out but basically i'm gonna write the same thing three times now my preferred animal is bird when they say bird because i have some cool subtleties there that really make it seem like i'm in their head but they're gonna name a bunch of animals whether it's one person or a bunch of people and you're gonna write the same thing down three times now they've seen you write these three legit so their guards are down so you just go okay would you say cat so you say cat and you just write down bird and then you crumple it up like this it makes sense that you don't need to check the spelling of the word cat so you put it down here then bird i write it legit and this time as i come up like this they can get up they can get a peek at it and what'd you say the third one fish like like i asked fish yeah it doesn't matter i'm gonna write down bird and i write down again bird and i crumple it up like this to myself so now when they think back on what happened here they're going to remember that you show them what you were writing because you did that here but not here now in the selection process you're going to get fair here but not here so we're going back and forth with the fairness that's why i love this so what's going to happen is i'm going to tell spectator to grab those pieces of paper and i'm going to show them what to do in doing that i'm going to grab these but i'm going to thumb palm whichever one i want to draw from this guy so you have plum hippopotamus benedict cumberbatch it's totally up to you if you want to draw doctor strange go for this if you want to draw a hippo go for that i'm going to go with the plum because i feel like my artistic prowess is on par with plum more than benedict cumberbatch so you're going to grab the one you want to force plum in my case you're going to put it in your thumb like this this is a this is a thumb palm it's very easy you're just clipping it with your thumb you're going to grab the other two like this and you're going to shake look how good that looks that looks like i'm just shaking up the balls of paper and you're gonna have this guy do the same so they're mixing it doesn't matter those all say bird so now i mix and i'm gonna drop like this i'm gonna drop the two and then the third so i can keep track of it this takes very little practice you'll have it down in two minutes so i drop and like that so i know the plum is here don't care what these two are plumb is there now this guy's legitimately shuffling these so again at the end of this they're going to remember that they mixed and that's really fair and now i'm gonna do an equivocate or magician's choice on spectator one but the brilliance of this is that spectator two is doing the same process so you're not saying okay you pick up two and give me one and then you pick up two and get rid of them they're both doing the same thing so it seems really fair so here's what i'm doing i'm holding out my hands like well i don't know about my hands yet i'm gonna tell them with each of your hands grab one paper ball and it has to be with one of each hands because if you say grab two paper balls they might just grab two in the same hand and you'll lose track of that plum right over there so it has to be one in each hand so i say one in each hand pick up a paper ball in each hand now i'm watching this guy i don't care about this guy let's go through the different scenarios so this one over here is the one that says plum let's say they don't pick it up and they pick up the other two that's what happened in the performance i say great hand me those so we're getting rid of them and it just seems so fair because they're both doing the same thing but what happens if they do pick up the plum well first of all always remember with the magician's choice never say your sentences like you're done so i never say okay pick up two papers one on each end and like that's where it ends i go okay pick up two papers one in each hand like i've got more to say here as i'm waiting for you to do the thing and now they pick it up like this and the plum is here and i simply say and hand me one so again one of two things is gonna happen if they hand me the other thing that's not the plum so they picked up the plum in something else and i said hand me one they hand me this i go great so you guys kept those ones and i get rid of everything else i get rid of the one they handed me and the one on the table so it looks like they picked you up and they gave me one and this is the one they kept and both of you are going to do this one in each hand grab one paper in each hand each of you and just hand me either one and either one okay so we'll get rid of these look at the one you kept each of you look at the one you kept if they pick two up and i say hand me one and they hand me the plum i say great these are the ones you chose so they picked you up they put this in mind i go great these are the ones you chose get rid of everything else so in any case it looks like that's the one they chose either they eliminated two by handing them to me either they picked up one and held on to one or they picked up two and gave me one in either case it looks like they chose the plum and on top of that because you're doing the same thing to this guy it seems extremely fair that this is just the way the process works so again let's say all right guys pick up uh with one in each hand pick up two paper balls one in each hand and hand me one and they hand me these two like okay great get rid of the rest these are the ones you chose so they get rid of those and i say that's the one you chose that's the one you chose i'm not gonna look i'm gonna turn away take a look at the information that you chose so they open this up and they look at it themselves i'm going to turn to the first person and whatever they chose i'm going to have fun with it imagine them drawing it imagine if you had to draw it and i like to do that stop and go where i kind of say what happened in my head and most of the time it's going to connect i love that process so we're going to get that the first one is a plum and we're going to say okay focus on what this is one two three go stop okay you're getting it's like i'm getting like a flavor here like you're tasting something more than imagining something and see that helps me narrow it down a lot because i don't think you're tasting a hippopotamus so i'm gonna go with that you go what was it they say it was the plum you drew a nice plum now i'm going to turn to this person now i love bird because with the bird i've done this so many times that i've noticed certain patterns first of all i find it's pretty 50 50 whether they draw the bird standing up facing you like with the downwards triangle so kind of like or what i did in the uh in the performance which was like a sideways bird like this so i find that this is 50 50. this is i would say maybe a little bit more common and i can guide them to do that as well but i like to take a guess here i like to say and very few times very few times i've had someone just do that v like you do like a bird in the distance like this but that's a skeptic person who's going to do that if you do this someone was really like into it and enjoying it they're going to try to do this detail plus you could say make this detailed so i say one two three go i start by saying one two three go start stop did you start with a circle this rarely misses everyone starts with the face of the bird or almost everyone then i go okay keep going stop does a triangle mean anything to you because everyone's going to make that whether it's this or this they're going to make that triangular beak everyone is then okay keep going this is where i say stop now most people do this vertically like it's facing me but from you i'm kind of feeling like it's sideways it's just a guess i was feeling lucky i went with that sometimes i don't have fun with it but the one thing i've noticed which is really really awesome is that in more than nine out of ten cases the person forgets the nostrils on the beak because they didn't feel it's important or because uh they just forgot and i make a joke out of this i like to say i don't know how your animal is supposed to breathe because you forgot the nostrils and that gets a laugh and they go yeah i did so it really seems like it hit and like oh my god yeah i totally forgot that and this hits really really hard anyways whatever the case you go okay this is what i'm getting i'm gonna lock this in what did you draw or what did you pick a bird bam and now you have two amazing moments of mentalism with papers and a marker there it was i hope you guys enjoyed this awesome tutorial let me know in the comments what you thought of it and now let's talk about the deck giveaway of eight awesome ukraine butterfly playing cards that i'm so excited about so the contest will be held on instagram in the description i'm going to leave a link to the video that andre made on instagram to promote the deck it's a beautiful video with a beautiful message so here are the rules go to that video link in the description and like it comment on it then share it to your instagram story and tag andre penguin magic and my account i will leave all the details and all the sort of handles in the description here but you have to share it to your story and tag me andre and penguin if you don't tag us i won't be able to see it and i won't know that you've entered the contest so on that video like comment and share and tag the three of us penguin andre and my instagram account spidey hypnosis and i will pick two winners from all those of you who share it and i will send each of you four butterfly cards decks the ukraine edition which is really awesome and for those of you who don't win or even if you do win please guys go encourage the project get some of the cards they're beautiful and they're for an amazing cause so thank you so much for watching thank you for the encouragement thank you for voting for abc trick of the year and i will see you guys on the next one
Channel: SpideyHypnosis
Views: 66,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gMMqMOdtd5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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