They Will Never Guess How You Did This! Fooling/Easy Card Trick REVEALED! Tutorial By Spidey

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there are three things you need to know about the trick that we're learning today one it's super easy two it can be done with any normal deck of cards and three it's so deceptive that it'll fool you even if you're the one doing it let's go welcome back everyone i hope you're doing well this week we're learning another one of my ridiculous masterpieces uh this trick is extremely simple to do most of you will be able to learn it by tonight it's done with normal cards so all you need is a deck of cards but the best thing about this trick is that it's extremely deceptive in fact i'm not 100 sure why it works it's just one of those things that while you're doing it in your head you go like no way and then it happens and you don't even know what just happened the other great thing about this trick that i really love is that it's extremely versatile you could do it as a performance without any spectators you know the way you're going to see the performance right now you can do it for spectators they each pick a card and you do something with their three selections you could do it virtually you could do it live there's so many different ways to do this now for the performance here i'm going to do the basic version which is three cards no spectators done virtually for the camera here we go i'm gonna show you the difference between a beginner and amateur and a professional magician using the ace the two and the three of spades i'm gonna put a bunch of cards on each one of these so there's a bunch for the ace there's a bunch for the two and there's a bunch for the three now watch carefully the first card goes right there in the center of the packet slowly and fairly that's the first one that's the second one watch that one same thing slowly goes right into the packet and finally the third one i can't imagine it getting much more fair than that now i'm going to start with beginner magicians beginner magicians definitely know a couple of very cool tricks but they often mess up as well for example i'm going to try to snap my fingers and make the first card the ace of spades impossibly turn upside down check it out just a snap and one card in the whole deck turns upside down yeah that's a seven as i said beginners every now and then will mess up but the key to being a good magician is to know how to recover from that so here's what i'll do i'll count down seven cards into the deck and hopefully that'll be the first card one two three four five six and the seventh card is the first one the ace now amateur magicians have practiced a lot more they tend to not mess up for example this time if i just snap no mistakes that second card the two of spades magically turns upside down but professionals now they could do things with a deck of cards that nobody can explain for example i am going to just by giving the cards a cut tell you that the third card the three of spades is exactly 11 cards down in fact check this out if i just give those cards a cut one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and the eleventh card that i cut to exactly is the three of spades so there it was i hope you guys enjoyed it now once again that was the version of just me performing for the camera so if you guys want to do something on your social media and you don't have any spectators you can perform that for the camera but most of the time when i do this i have people whether it's virtual or a live show i have three people choose a card you know you can do it physically or virtually then i do the whole sequence with the three selections and i think that's probably more powerful but i wanted to show how versatile it is so let's talk about the trick a little bit in the 60s there was a book published by a gentleman called cliff green called professional uh card magic and in that book there was a routine called henry christ's fabulous ace routine and it was spectacular the four aces were found in an amazing way but i wanted to simplify it i wanted to remove some phases and i wanted to make the final phase like a real big punch to the head so i modified it and this is the version i've been doing for years so without any further ado let's jump right into the tutorial the explanation get a deck of cards let's learn this step by step but before you do hit that subscribe button turn those notifications on for more tutorials mentalism and hypnosis to do this amazing trick you're going to need a standard deck of cards any deck will do i'm using the industry standard which is bicycle rider backs if you want to get these i'll leave a link in the description but any deck of cards works at the bottom of the deck you're gonna need an upside down seven seven of diamonds hearts club space doesn't matter upside down at the bottom now if you're starting with this trick you can just already have it upside down and go right into it but at the end of this video i will show you how to do that subtly how to write in front of their faces turn a 7 upside down at the bottom so you can go into this at any point in the middle of your set finally if you're doing the version that i did in the performance which is with the ace 2 three then you need the ace the two and the three at the top but more often than not i have people choose three cards they put them on the table and i do it with their selections i think that's a little bit better but for explanations we'll use the ace the two and the three on top so we have the ace the two the three the rest of the deck and then an upside down seven at the bottom now for what i say you can go back to the performance and check it out but here is what you're doing it's actually super simple you turn over the ace the two and the three or again this could be their three selections now on the first ace or on the first card you're gonna put down nine cards so you casually spread like this and i like to count in my head three three three and just casually drop them there it looks like you just took a bunch of cards and threw them there don't make it look like you're counting now you're gonna do a swing cut so you're going to grab the deck from above like this with my thumb in the back middle finger in the front my index kicks up a bunch of cards and sends them over to the left like this and my left hand comes to grab these cards and this bottom packet goes on top of the two which means the upside down seven is landing on top of the two and finally these cards doesn't matter how many there are go on top of the three that's totally random now you're gonna grab these nine cards you're gonna spread them and the ace is gonna go fourth from the bottom so one two three four that's where i put it so i could see this as i hold it up and i'm putting it forth it's supposed to look like you're randomly throwing it in the middle but it's going forth so one two three four now you close it up and if you have spectators there you let them push it in because that's as fair as it gets i'm not even sure why this works now you're gonna grab the second selection so if it's two you're gonna take it out if it's their selection it's gonna be face down you take it out and as you're showing it to them your left hand with this packet over here is going to give a squeeze a good just one squeeze like this and it's going to bow those cards like that it's subtle it doesn't have to be a huge like you just a little squeeze like that a good squeeze you take that second card now that they've seen it you place it on top of this you put all these other cards on top and again they push it in how fair is this it's ridiculous then the three is going to turn over like this on its own pack all these cards are going to go on top and they're going to push it in now most of the work is done i don't really know what mathematical principle applies here but everything is in place for some reason now you're going to snap your fingers you're going to spread and the 7 is going to be face up you're going to take all the cards above the 7 turn them face up set them down here pick up these cards and as you talk about the seven and you say let's use the seven my left hand subtly pushes this top card over gets my pinky under it that's the two by the way it's the second selection my pinky goes under it and my thumb pulls back and we keep what i call a pinky break under there so my pinky is under one card and that happens just like that as i show the seven i say we're going to use the seven now i come back i add the seven to that card remember there's that break now under two cards i come over and i pick both up like this this is the easiest double lift in the world i just pick both up so that to them looks like one card but i picked up at that opening and now i've got that other card secretly under there and i place it here square be careful here so they don't split and i say i'm gonna count down seven cards one two three four five six and that seventh card is the first one now again i really like it when they chose cards because here you go and the seventh card what was your card the first one boom and you show the first card now you've already flipped over the second card because that double so you set it down you ask the second person if you're doing this with the selections what was your card they say two of spades in this case you spread and that is face up now for the third card this is crazy naturally where you split you grab all the cards here you put them on top here and you close it up now you can do it right away but i like to throw in a couple of fake cuts to really make it seem like the deck is totally messed up and you can't have a clue where that last card is if you want to learn the best fake cuts in the world check the link in the description where you could learn a bunch of fake cuts to do at this point but the bottom line is this whether you do the fake cuts or not because of everything you just did somehow the third card is always the 11th card down and because you gave the cards that bend earlier you can easily cut there because that bend is really easy to grab see i just did it that's it it's as simple as that they're naturally bent so that i can just go and grab 10 cards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. that's because of that bend i gave earlier and the 11th card guys this for your spectators is a killer it looks like you have such mastery of a deck of cards you go what was the third card in this case three of spades boom there is the last card now sometimes when you do this every now and then because you didn't give a good bend or something like that you may not cut exactly ten so you might do this and you cut more don't panic you said it's the eleventh card so you go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that's the eleventh card i said your card was eleventh and down but honestly if you give that a good bend it's almost impossible to not cut there i don't think i've ever failed that with a bit of practice you're gonna nail it now as i mentioned earlier there's a way to do this where you turn the seven over subtly right in front of their face so they can mix the cards give them to you and you're ready to go and for that check the link in the description i've made a completely separate video to teach you how to turn over that seven subtly i really hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial let me know in the comments what you thought of this trick and also let me know how are you going to use this are you going to do it like i did just for the camera or are you going to do it for people with their selections how are you going to use this how do you see yourself working this into your repertoire hope you guys enjoy it put in the practice and you'll have a great trick right in your pocket and i will see you on the next video you
Channel: SpideyHypnosis
Views: 272,761
Rating: 4.9374032 out of 5
Id: 6STa6z8g9Rc
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Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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