Learn the Trick that FOOLED ME and All of YOU!! Easy Magic/Mentalism Tutorial with SpideyHypnosis

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this week we're learning a really easy card trick that anybody could do but it's so strong that when i first saw it i was totally fooled and i'm like the best at magic let's go hey guys welcome back to the channel and before we talk about anything else check out the new background so i just had these put in this week let me know in the comments what you think of my dope new background speaking of new things this week i'm doing something i've never done on the channel now as you guys know every two weeks i do a live stream on the channel where i hang out with you guys i bring in guests we honestly do some of the best tutorials on the channel and i even invite some of you guys to come in and show us some magic if you guys haven't checked out the live streams yet please go ahead and do so they're honestly a lot of fun and it gives us all a chance to hang out together but on the last live stream we had a guy called morgan who came in and did a really really cool card trick and i was totally fooled i love the trick so many of you commented saying how much you love the trick and then morgan generously offered to teach the trick on the channel and i was very surprised when i found out that it's done with a regular deck of cards and you don't need anything more it's an honest killer effect so the performance and the explanation you're about to see were filmed and generously sent to me by morgan morgan is a musician and magician from minnesota and he's been doing magic since he was five years old and he loves to create card magic it's a real passion for him i'm gonna leave a link in the description to his youtube channel or you could go check out more of his work now as you guys know performances are very important for me on this channel i want you guys to see what the trick looks like before you learn it so i asked morgan to film a performance now because we're all still in quarantine and we're not doing any shows or public events he filmed this at his house for his parents so here is the performance enjoy so i'm gonna give these cards a bit of a mix before we start and you'll actually help me help shuffle once we get going here um but to start i'd like you to pick a card so mom if you can just tap back of any card you want right there sure great now i want you guys to both look at the card i'll look away and show everyone at home too and remember this card very important and when you're done with that you can go ahead and set it down on the card map and let me know when you're ready it's down great um so again remember this card think of this card i'll even show you one last time just to make sure you got it great now we'll do this card somewhere in the middle of the deck and we'll start mixing them up here just like this um so we'll set here and you want you guys can help me out here so i don't care you can take a bunch of cards you can just start shuffling them so yeah get in there really mix them up i'll be mixing some up yeah just shuffle them up shuffle shuffle shuffle you can cut a little bit yeah mix them up start setting up some down too yeah yeah get going set a bunch down i'll slip them down you can set some down you can fit some more down sure i don't care i'll set them down you can set them down i'll slip them down just like that this big old mess here now we'll square this up and i don't really want to touch the cards anymore i uh dad could you actually cut the cards cut them about in half you know just yeah give the deck a cut great so you cut from here to there right you're thinking of one card we shuffled we mixed them up wouldn't it be incredible if you cut your card yes what is the card you're thinking of three well you know what i i think i can make this work um like i don't want to touch the deck you you cut to an eight you saw if you cut one more what about like a two or a yeah right something different i well i want you to pick up the deck and one by one count eight cards one two three four five six seven eight stop right there with that card okay you're thinking of one card you cut that to the eight you could have one more you would have had a two or six right you stopped exactly at eight one more time what is the card you're thinking of two hearts go ahead turn over the three the hearts there went home that is the three of hearts there it was wonderfully done morgan i hope you guys enjoyed that as much as i did now grab a deck of cards because morgan is going to teach you exactly how to do that but before we get to that please remember to hit that subscribe button turn those notifications on for more magic mentalism and hypnosis content so for this trick you're going to have a bit of a set up deck so the setup is this you're going to have eights and sevens alternating with random cards at the bottom of the deck so it looks like this random card eight random card eight random card eight random card eight random card seven random card seven random card seven random card seven and a random card now i use the king of hearts for the very bottom and the queen of hearts at the top and that's just for a marker should anything go wrong and you'll see what i mean about that so your stack looks like this sevens and eights alternating you're going to take this and place it on the bottom of the deck and you're ready to start the trick now with this setup you can handle the deck pretty freely you'll see that it takes up about a third of the deck but anything above that you can shuffle so you can do some overhand shuffles as long as you put it back on top you can even do some riffle shuffles again keeping that brick of cards so when you go to have the spectator pick a card you want them to pick a card somewhere above your stack of cards so again that'll be somewhere in the upper two thirds of the deck so to do this i just push off a few from the top and ask them to touch a card and go a little bit slowly here and they'll pick a card before your stack so in this case we'll say this is the card they pick the ten of spades from here you're going to have them look at it and remember it and set it back down on the table and this is an important step because you want an excuse to pick the card back up to put it in the deck so once they set it down you pick it up and show them and have them remember it one last time and then you go to put it in the deck now you want to put it about a third of the way into the deck or higher so about there maybe we'll do a little bit higher and as you push it in you're going to catch a pinky break now a pinky break is when you place the flesh of the tip of your pinky above a card and it holds the position of the deck so in this case i'm holding a pinky break and that means that below the break is their card the ten of spades so for the tutorial purposes i'll even keep the chosen card face up so again put the card about a third of the way down and as you push it in you can lift up on the back here and catch a break and there's lots of great tutorials on brakes if you want to go more in depth so holding this break you're then going to push off some cards to start mixing them up now when i do this i push a few cards off right away as soon as i get the break and that covers any gap that the audience might see and this is under the act of shuffling and mixing them up so take a few cards push them off mix them up and set them down from here what you're going to do is push off all of the cards above the break leaving their card on the top of the deck in your hand and hand them to the spectator now instead of just pushing them off in a big block and handing them to make this extra convincing while you're holding the break you continue to shuffle and mix up again freely any and all of the cards above the break while you're holding the break this gives the illusion that you're really shuffling the cards because you are but it also loses the place of the deck you don't know how many cards you're really working with right now so you shuffle the cards and you hand them to the spectator just kind of in clumps like this again all the way down until the break so now this is the position you're in you have some cards here starting the deck the spectator has a bunch of random cards you have the spectators card on top of your deck and your stack is still fully intact on the bottom of your deck and between the stack and the spectators card you have dozen or so cards to freely shuffle around from this point you instruct the spectator to shuffle the cards and as you do this you're going to demonstrate now this is a very important point because this is how you position their card correctly so as you demonstrate how to shuffle you're going to push eight cards off the top of the deck now i do four cards and another four cards and because you're explaining this to the spectator you can be very casual and pretty open about your counting because they're not even thinking that that's something you're doing so again you push off eight cards just like that and from here you're going to take that eight take their top card off and continue to shuffle and shuffle and shuffle holding a big break with your fingers above this stack of cards so at this point you're holding a break with their card at the bottom of eight cards and now as you instruct them to shuffle you want to put these cards at the bottom all you have to tell them is as they're mixing them up tell them that they can cut the cards and do that action and you can be open about that so you take the stack that you're holding the break of and place it on the bottom of the deck and again hold a break and you can hold a break with all your fingers because you're going to continue to push cards off and jumble them up and mix them up as this is going on you want to make sure the spectator starts placing some cards down on top of the deck here so they'll be mixing them up they'll be placing them down again you have some cards to play with here so if i look here i have about a few cards here so you continue to shuffle and mix up and you can put a couple down the spectator will put a few more down you can put a couple down and when the spectator sees that they've put about half of the remaining cards down you're going to place the entire block of cards that you're holding with the break on top of the deck what this does is this places your stack of cards in the middle of the deck so again you're holding a break you see the spectator has just a few cards left place this entire block on top of the deck now to hide the number of cards that you're placing i sort of jitter them out a little bit like this and set it down and it just looks like it's part of the mess now and tell them to place the remaining cards on top and what you have left is seven random cards and they're indifferent in their chosen card from here you can shuffle as much as you want as long as you don't affect the position of their card shuffle shuffle shuffle set it on top square them up and at this point the trick is basically done because here's the position you're in their card is eight cards down from the top in the middle of the deck you have a stack of alternating eights and sevens right here so when you instruct the spectator to cut the cards it's very important that you say cut them about in half because if you say that they are likely going to hit an eight or seven in a position and i'll discuss that in a second so they'll cut the cards and they'll set them off to the side and at this point you want to pick up this half of the deck and one of two things will happen either you'll see a seven or an eight on the face of this deck or you'll see a random card if you see a seven or an eight on this deck that they cut here this is the card you'll show them as if they cut to their card even though it's wrong you'll take this card off set it to the side and show the other cards on either side and complete the cut now if they cut and you look and you don't see a seven or eight then you will turn over this next card because the next card will be a seven or an eight so again you peek at this card i don't i see it's not a seven or an eight i turn this card over as the card they cut to and again make sure you show the cards around it this is an extra convincer that it really is a free choice and when you do the setup in the beginning choose cards that aren't close to a seven or an eight and that are on either side different so in this case i don't have two fives i have a six and an ace very clearly different numbers so i've set aside the card they've cut to and again it'll either be a seven or an eight in this case it's an eight what i do if it's an eight is i tell them again they can pick up and count the cards and i say to count to the eighth card and stop at the eighth card so they'll count one two three four five six seven eight and this will be their card again their card will be face down they're holding it you ask them to say their card again and they turn it over reveal their card now if it's a seven that they cut to so in this case we'll say it's a seven you have them deal the cards and say stop after you've dealt seven cards so they deal one two three four five six seven and this next card is going to be their card so after the delt seven you say stop and say turn the next card over and that's their card there you have it guys i hope you enjoyed the explanation to this really awesome card trick done with a regular deck of cards it's so rare to find amazing tricks like this that don't use any gimmicks so let me know in the comments if you love this as much as i did also let me know in the comments should i do more of these should i have subscribers submit explanations to tricks that they came up with or that they've worked on for us to all learn together what did you think of that concept let me know in the comments and i will see you guys on the next video thanks for watching you
Channel: SpideyHypnosis
Views: 182,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #cardtricks, #tutorial, #bestmagic, #mentalism, #mentalist, #cardmagic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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