LEARN an Amazing/Easy Card Trick that Even Magicians DON’T KNOW! Magic Tutorial, Revealed by Spidey.

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this week i'm going to teach you a really easy card trick secret that even professional magicians don't know about so you're going to fool everyone with this [Music] what's going on everyone welcome back to the channel and this week i'm teaching something that you guys have been asking about for a while and this is something that i've kept close to my heart for years i didn't tell anyone for years but i decided to release it on the channel finally so a couple of weeks ago on one of my live streams i performed a trick for you guys and i used a four of diamonds that was missing one of the diamonds and normally most magicians know this to have a card like that you have to have it custom printed or you have to buy like these expensive gaff decks and you might get a card or two like that in there but i told you guys that i have a way to make these at home with something that a lot of you probably have and all of you can easily get and today i'm telling you what that process is so that you guys can learn how to erase ink off cards to do a whole bunch of different tricks some of which i'm going to teach you today some of what you're going to create all by yourself i'm going to run down the cards like this and you're going to say stop when you like and i'll show you the card you stopped me and that's because you're not here and i can't actually run you a card so whenever you say stop i'll show you the card you've stopped at all right uh stop is that exactly what you said yep that looks good right there do you want to change your mind uh we're good right there yeah i'm gonna turn away i'm gonna show you the card i don't have any monitors on this side so you don't need to worry about me seeing anything just let me know if you can see and remember that card uh yeah got it it's in frame yep okay great i honestly wasn't looking there's no monitor or anything like that now check this out we're gonna put the card back in the middle of the deck like that and i'm gonna give the cards a couple of cuts now and i'll even give it a mix so here's the goal of this trick morgan the goal is for me to cut exactly to your card but not only do i have background in magic which would allow me to do something like that i'm also a mentalist i read mind so i'm going to try to read your mind figure out what you're thinking and then cut to it and that'll be the greatest thing any of us ever seen correct yeah okay focus on regard look at the screen i'm getting that it's a red card correct yep it's pretty low yeah your card is i got it i got it i'm gonna cut right to it check it out one cut two cut three cuts and with a little bit of luck i've cut exactly to your card which is the four of diamonds uh close it's not the four of diamonds no is it almost the four of diamonds what was it yeah yeah almost what was it it was a three of diamonds three of diamonds okay well here's the thing um that's close enough i'm i'm like one away i'm just yeah i'll give it to you yeah like look i mean if i just do this that's three diamonds you know like if just one time you know what hold on um man this is really like i don't want to fail like this is really close so let me try this watch the four if i just do this what i can wipe away one of the diamonds and that right there oh my god is your three of diamonds okay no way hold on technically it's not the three of diamonds it's the four of diamonds that looks like the three of diamonds uh there's four in the corners and the uh the pips aren't in the right place hold on i can fix it watch if i just grab that car and give it a shake like this the diamonds rearrange themselves and the corners change that is your three of diamonds yeah it is and that is your card a mystery so that's so cool there it was i hope you guys enjoyed the performance now it's time for me to reveal to you my super ultra secret method of erasing ink off of cards now again this is not something that other magicians know about i discovered this all by myself don't even ask me how it's a crazy story but when i tell most magicians they don't even believe me like i told uh xavier spade shin lim and katarina and they were all like what are you talking about doesn't make any sense and then they tried it and they were all like literally freaking out and now they all use the same way to erase ink off cards so i'm gonna tell you guys what it is now and a lot of you already have this thing at home and you're gonna go grab it you're gonna try it and i promise you're going to freak out when you see how it works and if that happens let me know in the comments because i want to i want to feel that excitement ready here it is you're probably not even going to believe me boom axe deodorant body spray i don't know why i don't know what chemical in there does it the one that says deodorant body spray erases ink off of cards almost effortlessly in less than a minute something in here or a mix of things in here react with the ink and just wipe it right off i mean everyone knows where to get this it's pharmacies all around the world carry this walmart carries this but if you don't know where to get this or if you don't want to leave your house you want it delivered i will leave a link in the description but i doubt any one of you need it everyone knows where to get this okay so now i'm gonna show you exactly how to wipe off the ink or the pips off of a playing card and then i'm gonna go into the explanation of the trick that you saw me do in the performance and additional ideas with this principle but before any of that do me a favor hit that subscribe button turn those notifications on for more unique magic mentalism and hypnosis i mean think about it where else are you going gonna learn things like this nobody even knows this one okay so the first thing you need is a playing card from any deck that has air cushion finish which is most decks uh that magicians use or that anybody uses bicycle b pretty much anything we use the second thing you need is as i said my secret potion which is axe deodorant body spray now again i will leave a link in the description for those of you want to get the same one i use delivered to your door but i mean most of you anyone in the world knows where to get this so i really doubt you need a link but i'll leave it just in case the third thing you need is a hard surface a hard table what you want is a hard surface like this and the last thing you need is paper towels a roll of paper towels a nice thick absorbent one and i'm just gonna tear off one rectangle they're not even squares anymore so one rectangle like this now check this out you guys aren't even gonna believe it i know some of you already have this so you're following along but uh check it out so you're gonna fold this up like this just fold it up no no real technique there and from about a half a foot away you're gonna spray one corner of this you don't want it dripping like super soaked but you do want it like quite quite a generous amount so give it a shake and give it a spray like that so it's nice and soaked now check this out you're going to take that you're going to scrub the pip that you want to remove with a good amount of force not too much force but a good amount of force like this little circles back and forth and check it out isn't that crazy like like i know some of you are looking at this like what the heck just happened that actually removed the ink off the card now when you do this you might notice a bit of the diamond is still there but more importantly you're going to notice that that ink smudged a little and it kind of moved around a little more so you're going to want to take another spot because if you do the same one you might put some of it back on and you're going to do the same thing with a lot less pressure and this is more just to clean up wherever you had a bit of ink left that looks pretty good to me i might need to do one more actually no this looks great so as you could see right there that four of diamonds is missing a pip obviously you let that dry look at that that is a four of diamonds with a missing pip now let's learn the actual trick that i did in the live stream which is one of my favorite mixes of sort of like mentalism and visual card trick with a really surprising moment which is that missing pip so you're gonna need your card that you made with the missing pip in this case i'm using a four but whatever card you want i prefer red cards when it comes to racing pips so just a little bit easier but it works as well with spades and clubs you need the actual card that matches that one and then you need the same card but one less value so in this case the three of diamonds the three of diamonds is gonna go so this is the rest of the deck obviously the three of diamonds is gonna go on top of the deck face down so there then at the bottom of the deck you're going to put the um gimmicked card the one with the missing pip with the missing pip towards myself so like this so that missing pip is here and under that you're gonna put the actual four of diamonds so if i turn this over four of diamonds the gimmicks four of diamonds with a missing pip towards me the rest of the deck and the three of diamonds now you're gonna start with a riffle force a riffle force is a very easy way to make someone choose the card you want them to choose in magic and here's the way it works my right hand is gonna hold the deck from the top like this with the thumb and middle finger my index finger is going to cut some cards and swing them to the left my left hand is going to come grab those and as i come to close this my little pinky little bit of the pinky stays on top of that three of diamonds like this so from the front to them it looks like well nothing it looks like you're holding a deck of cards but secretly my pinky is holding that spot that's called a pinky break now i'm going to move my thumb down the side and this works really good for virtual because they can't pick a card they're not there but it works live as well really good as you run down they say stop when they want and as my finger comes in to open at that location to make it seem like i'm opening it up where they said stop my thumb actually comes back here and opens up from where i'm holding that spot and this front closes up and that is one fluid motion that looks like that and notice how i tilt forward as i do that because if you do it here they're gonna see that you didn't open it up where they said but as i tilt forward as i go grab it that looks like my finger went right in and i opened it up where they said but in fact i'm picking it up from the back there so essentially wherever they say stop doesn't matter you're opening it up at that three of diamonds practice that a couple of times it's really easy or you can use any other force you give them the card like this now remember you have to cut to where the four of diamonds goes back to the bottom so the left hand cards go on top and this if they're live in front of you they take it they look at it if not if it's virtual you close your eyes and you show them their card which is the three of diamonds now the three of diamonds has to go right back where it came from so in that case we're going to do a double undercut i've explained this a lot on the channel but here it is really quick again same thing hold the deck like this middle grip my right index picks up half the cards swings them over i go here either they put it back or i grab it like this show it to them one last time put it back close it keeping again that pinky break so as it goes like this as you close the deck the pinky is staying on top of that three again now i'm going to do a double undercut basically this just looks like two quick cuts but what happens actually is my thumb comes over here i'll do this so the focus doesn't go nuts on me the thumb comes over here grabs about half these cards cuts them to the top then all the cards under the opening and cuts those to the top that's called a double undercut super easy to do so now you've forced the three of diamonds and we've come right back to where we're in the same exact position but they don't know that they think they picked a card and it's lost in the deck now you're going to pretend to read their mind you're going to say okay focus on your card it's a red card it's not very high uh okay i think i got it now you're gonna double undercut again but this time you're double undercutting two cards from the bottom to the top and again this is super easy if you don't double undercut grab a deck of cards follow along it's it's so easy basically what that means is my thumb drops two cards like this so i put a lot of pressure my left hand is here so the cards won't fall and i drop with my thumb one two cards see one two and then my thumb keeps that spot and again same thing as before left finger i'm sorry uh right index finger kicks over half the cards that comes over here into the left hand and is added to those two cards so now the two cards are on top of that bottom packet now again as before i come here this is again just a normal double undercut my left hand takes half those cards cuts them to the top then the rest of the cards from that opening cuts those to the top and what that did now is it brought this and this on top of the three now you say this you go i you know what i think i got it this is your card you deal off the one card the the freaky one with the missing pit you don't show it you just do this and as the focus is here with my left hand subtly i just push that top card get my pinky under it and bring it back like this so now i'm holding a break under that card i say i think i've got your card it's this one i bring it back here i say your card was and now i'm turning over two cards this is called a double lift or double turnover i'll leave some links in the description to where you can really master this move uh for free but basically it's turning over two cards as one and that's what that looks like but again check the links in the description to really master that move so now i say your card was the four of diamonds and you know you think you're done you found their card and they're gonna say no or that's not quite it or you know close but no and you go okay what was it they go three of diamonds you go all right come on now that's that's pretty close i mean come on let's let's let's nitpick that's the four it's pretty close i mean like if i just do that that's the three of diamonds right and that usually gets a good laugh and you go okay you know what i i'm a bit of a perfectionist i want to do this so now you turn the two over and you deal that top one off and you grab it like this look how cool that looks it doesn't look like you did anything because that's still the four now get super magical with this as you rub and you vanish that four and you go there you have it that's the three of diamonds three diamonds thank you very much and they're looking at you like what the hell just happened you know because like you were so like clumsy about it you're like okay well it's almost three but this is such an amazing moment because they've never seen a card like this while they're looking at that you're gonna do a slip cut over here you're basically going to get rid of this four and the way to do that is very simple you just grab like you're gonna cut normally but your thumb just peels off that top card like this and you just do that so you just got rid of that four and not just a slip cut is supposed to look like just this casual cut now the three is on top you're gonna do at this point what's called a shape shifter color change or a pirouette color change what that means is while they're looking at this again you're gonna push that over get your pinky under it you're gonna grab this card set it on top and say actually you know what it's not quite a three i mean it's three diamonds but it's not a three you pick this up from the corners so my thumb is on the back right corner middle finger top left corner and here's what it looks like it looks like as you shake it it looks like they just rearranged themselves but basically in slow motion what you're doing is on your way back your ring finger here is pushing down and your index finger is pulling and landing in this position and that happens really quickly while you're shaking so you go well that's not a three but look if i just give it a shake you can actually see it change to a three and then you set that down and now you've gotten rid of that four so you can hand them that that's their card and you have gone full circle and solved the problem okay so here are a bunch of other cards i've made this one is a five of diamonds that looks like a four of diamonds so there's some cool ideas with that uh this is a a queen of spades that i did more of a fade on uh rather than a full vanish um here's a king of diamonds with a missing head so i've erased that and here's a really really cool one this is a uh there's a seven of diamonds missing from like the sort of center of the jack of clubs now as you guys know every week i do a live stream so on the next live stream so week from today i'm gonna go into great detail about ideas with this different handlings different manipulations so make sure to go check out that live stream cause i'm gonna give you guys a whole bunch more ideas and i'm sure you guys will come up with your own ideas as well so there it was i hope you guys enjoyed that let me know what you guys thought of that i know it's really hard to believe anyone i tell it to is like what do you what is even happening here so let me know what your reaction was also let me know if you tried it yet because i know a lot of you have ax deodorant at home also let me know in the comments are you gonna do the trick that we learned today or do you have some ideas of things that you want to do with this yourself share your thoughts with us maybe we could come up with some good ideas as a community so let me know in the comments and make sure to check out the live stream next week for my additional thoughts on this thanks for watching guys i will see you next week
Channel: SpideyHypnosis
Views: 69,772
Rating: 4.9399762 out of 5
Id: rpZV3optLiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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