BEST IMPOSSIBLE Card Trick you will EVER LEARN! Make Cards Appear Anywhere! Easy/Fooling Tutorial.

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just a snap turn it over this is going to be your new favorite trick i'm not kidding i legit believe that and if a year from now i ask those of you who come to my channel to learn magic what your favorite trick is that you've learned on the channel i think a lot of you are going to talk about this one it's got so many reasons that once you've got this in your pocket you feel so confident that you can blow minds it's direct it's simple it's pretty easy just a little bit of practice and you're ready to go and it always gets insane reactions and today we're gonna learn how to do it now before we get to that just a couple of updates about the channel as some of you have noticed lately i haven't been uploading as regularly because things are opening up again i'm out on tour again i'm doing live shows again so it's hard for me to keep up with that but i am trying my best also you may have noticed that lately i've been uploading a lot of videos about behavior analysis which is really the closest thing to real mind reading and mentalism that you will ever learn just by looking at people the way they speak the way they move the way they hold themselves you can know what they're thinking what they're feeling if they're lying to you it's really great stuff and it's really hard to find good information about this usually they're very expensive and hard to find but i've been studying this for years with some of the best in the world and i'm making a lot of content about that but because that content is new to my channel youtube isn't pushing it as much as my magic stuff and this is where you come in all my devote subscribers who over the years have engaged with my comments i've shared my videos and i've helped me grow to where the channel is right now if you know anyone who's interested in psychology or reading people or lie detection this is real great stuff just this week i did a whole video where i analyzed an apology from a social media influencer and told you exactly how to know when she's lying and i interviewed a military interrogator who taught us about how to get information out of people conversationally so if you know anyone who's into that kind of stuff watch it comment share it guys let's get that content and make it as successful as the magic here and speaking of magic let's get right into today's trick as you know performance is always very important to me so here is a full performance of this miraculous trick i want to start by showing you guys all different yeah good nadia here's what i'm going to mix these up a little bit like this and i want you to cut about half the cards wonderful and set it down there excellent like that do you want more do you want to take some away this is good okay but you could have cut a little deeper and it could have been these cards would have been there as well yeah okay amongst these cards nadia i want you to just pull one towards me anyone your call that's the one you like i can't interest you in this one how about this one over here maybe oh do you want that one okay this one right here oh wait so we put this one back okay now hold on now now they're thinking wait i'm the one who said this one you want the one next to it maybe a little bit more here that's the one okay you're sure wonderful now i want you to be aware you almost picked that one that's the ace of hearts you could have picked any one of these these are all different you see but you chose this one you have any idea what it is you don't let's take a look all of us together it's the nine of spades ninety-six i'll show the camera as well nine of spades i'm going to make that nine of spades disappear and it's going to happen right in front of your face check it out nine of spades i'm going to take it like this i'm going to put it in the middle of the deck like this can you see it there can you see it there camera as well um isabel hold on to it like this just pinch the card right there don't move that's perfect i want you to see i'm doing this as fair as possible one card in your hand the nine of spades right watch i'll put the rest of the cards down it's not anywhere there just a snap turn it over [Music] it's gone not there not there there's a nine of clubs not there anywhere none of those no no not there and you could have chosen any card and it's gone my wallet's been sitting on the table the entire time no it has right it has it was sitting there nothing in the hands watch i want you to see if i open it up like this one card makes it into the wallet right there just one card just one you chose the nine of spades you could have changed your mind you did change your mind minus that was the performance i hope you guys enjoyed it as you could see it's direct visual really strong and we're going to learn it right now but before we do guys do me a huge favor hit that subscribe button turn those notifications on for more amazing magic and psychology content now this is the part of the video where i typically give you guys history about the trick where i learned it what it's based on but realistically i don't have much to say about this one um there's two parts of this trick as you're about to see and the the first one i've seen jay sankey do something similar but i saw that after i'd been doing this for a while but it's also such an old principle such an old idea that i'm sure a lot of different people have different ways of doing this i can't claim that this is mine because i'm sure a lot of people have done it as for the second part of the trick there's a very famous trick with four aces the pros will know what i'm talking about it's a trick that has to do with burgers and fries if you know you know and in there there's a very beautiful moment where a card changes in the spectator's hands but i wanted to take that out of context and just do it with a selected card as a vanish and a way to get someone to disappear before it appears elsewhere and so that's where that kind of came from but it's such an old principle with such an old sort of idea that i'm sure a lot of different people have a lot of different applications for this it's in a lot of magic books so it's not something i could claim i created but it's so old that i can't even tell you where it originated from to do this trick you're going to need a standard deck of 52 cards i am using tally ho wheel backs i use the blue ones in the performance this is my favorite deck of standard cards i'll leave a link in the description if you guys want these delivered right to your door but you can use any deck at all you're gonna need one extra thing it is a double faced card a double faced card is basically a card that has a face on each side a king here an eight of spades there there are two ways you can get a double faced card one is to buy printed double faced cards this is the thickness of just one card but as a face on each side it's printed this way it's better it's more deceptive and it's easier to manipulate and i will leave a link in the description to where you can get a box full of these and that'll last you a lifetime because you only need one and you can do the trick again and again the second way to get a double faced card is to take two cards from a deck where the faces look the same as the deck you're going to use and crazy glue them back to back that one's going to be a little bit thicker and a little bit harder to manipulate but it's something you can make up in a couple of minutes so there you have it you're gonna have your double facer in my case it's a king of hearts with an eight of spades on the back now i'm gonna go through my deck and i'm going to remove both those cards so the king of hearts and the eight of spades have to come out there's the king of hearts [Music] and there is there it is the eight of spades and the reason you're doing this is because one of these is going to be the selection and the other one you don't want them to notice that there's two of in the deck so in this case let's say i get rid of the king of hearts i don't need that anymore you could put in your box you know keep it for later to do do you know normal tricks with and then the eight of spades uh this is the card they're gonna choose this is the one they're gonna select and therefore i'm gonna place this where i want their card to end up so in my performance i put in my wallet which was on the table the whole time you can put it in your pocket you could put it somewhere in the room you could hide it you know under a chair or behind something that's always really great but you can hide this wherever you want that's going to be the miracle revelation so let's just say that goes over there in my imaginary wallet by the way if you are going to put it in your wallet i like to remove all the clutter from my wallet you know you could have like some money or something like that but don't have like a bunch of receipts and a bunch of cards and like it looks like a mess with a card in there when i open that up i want them to see that there's really just one card in there and it's all like it's such a mess that who knows what else was in there you're gonna start with that double faced card at the face of the deck with the card that you've hidden facing down so the eight of spades is facing downwards the king of hearts is facing up now i can show the deck and show them that all the cards are different like this and i can even do certain shuffles i can do an overhand shuffle like this because that just pulls packets off the top of the deck as you can see as long as i don't go all the way to the bottom and then i throw that packet at the bottom like this that looks really really good you can even do a hindu shuffle for those of you who do that and once again this is just pulling packets off the top of the deck as you can see so that bottom card stays exactly there and nobody could see it and then this whole thing goes at the bottom so basically whatever shuffle can keep this card at the bottom without seeing the back of it is really convincing and it looks really fair because you start the trick with a shuffle and showing them that all the cards are different now you're going to ask them to cut some cards and put the packet down here i usually say cut about half cut a big bunch of cards so i'm going to cut a bunch of cards and put them right there now we need a justification to turn over these cards for later i'm gonna do it right now so it's already in position i say you could have cut deeper and it would have been all of these but you cut these ones so now that was only an excuse to turn this face up now i'm going to tell them to push any one of these cards out either that way or this way it doesn't really matter depends on where they're sitting and you saw how much fun this could be in the performance you know they push that one and i say are you sure you don't want this one and it was funny how in the performance she was like oh no i do want that one but you know typically you go do you want this this that no nothing that's the one it's really a fair choice here so really take the time to make sure it's a free choice so they pull it out like this now it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for me instead of showing them that card like this it doesn't make sense for me to put it down here and turn it over it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to do that so i'm going to justify it with some really good pattern while they're pushing this card forward secretly my left hand is pushing this card over and getting my pinky under it like this right under that double face card that's happening subtly no one's seeing that it's happening like that really quickly getting a little bit of the pinky to hold that spot now the card is pushed over that's the one they want i'm going to pick it up and it's like i'm going to talk a little and as an afterthought i'll be like i want to show them these cards right so right now that i'm holding this card if i want to show them these cards i have to put this card down so i set it down here just to show them and say look these are all different and you could have chosen any one of these and that gave me an excuse to put that card that they chose over here on top of the king as i show them look you could have chosen any one of these now i'm in a really great position because i could turn over this double and show them that eight of spades and they 100 believe that that is their card because it you know you're putting it down here and you're turning it over so in fact what's happening for those of you who didn't follow that is i'm actually turning over two cards so this is called a double lift or double turnover my my index is lifting like this my thumb is coming down i'm sliding both cards against the cards like this and turning both over and pushing back up now when i push back up i like to lift a little so it gives me an opportunity to get my pinky once again under the two cards it just makes my next double lift a lot easier so again i've got my pinky under there comes here i turn both over as i slide back a little so i show the eight of spades now as i push forward i lift with my thumb so i can get my pinky under the two cards it's a little pro tip for you guys to set up your next double so they've picked their card you say look i want you to notice they're all different you could have chosen any one of these you almost chose this one but the one you did choose is the eight of spades that looks really clean now we're going to do the cleanest vanish imaginable you're going to turn over the double like this back again same thing a little bit backwards so that when you push forwards you can lift with your thumb like this and grab both up so again we were here we're turning both and lifting like this that's a double that's two cards right that they think that's their card eight of spades but it's actually whatever they did choose sitting on top of that double face i'm going to lift like this my thumb is going to now notice how i'm holding this with a bit of a bend because if you hold it like this they might separate but if there's a bit of a bend they stay together so my index is helping there my left thumb is now going to riffle down this remaining packet to about halfway and i'm going to readjust my grip here my index is going to go to one side my pinky is going to go to the other side so i'm gripping the card like this that's a really good way to keep that double together the thumb pushes on top to keep that arc and i'm going to come and place that double inside that opening like this and notice how i still keep that arc my thumb is pushing down my middle finger is pushing up so i go from here from here to here to there because now as i show it to them i don't want that to split with good quality cards they won't split anyways like even here if i let go but to really make sure it doesn't if you just pull back a little like this and show it to them that is not going to split now check this out they see the eight of spades you show it to them like this now as i say to someone i want you to hold on to this it's going to look like i'm just you know instructing them to hold on to it but in fact what's happening is i'm pushing in a little bit and i'm it's really hard to explain but i'm pushing in a little and then with my index and middle finger i'm doing this i'm pushing that single card further in and then my left index is going to pull that in like this and that's all in the action let me do it again in real time this is all in the action of saying so that's here eight of spades it's all in the action of saying i want you to hold on to this and that's it i've done it so now if they go to hold on to this it's not the eight of spades anymore it's something else it's whatever they chose just like that so you go back and watch that a couple of times but essentially i'm just getting that face card that double into the deck now the beauty here is this they're holding on to that card and now i'm gonna spread like this and look how good that looks because now that double facer is over here the eight of spades is actually over here on the back of this king but when you spread this like this it just looks so open and that eight could not have possibly gone anywhere it can only be in their hands so they've got it in their hands you let them pull it out they turn it over and it's just not their card and you saw in the video how crazy they react to that because you can do this you can be super open and clear here there is nothing brains melt when they see this and now that's it you're basically done you slowly reveal wherever the card is so if it's somewhere in the room you say you know hey can you go over there and get that card and by the way if you're going to do it somewhere in the room fold the card because you don't want them to go and on the way back some of them could see what the card was you want to build that suspense so fold it up and say go grab it bring it here don't look at what it is and then you unfold it and show it but in the wallet you can dramatically open your wallet so look there's one card in there take it out and it's your eight of spades guys to a layman audience who doesn't understand double facers and double lifts in sleight of hand there is very little you can do that's more impossible than this so there it was guys i hope you guys enjoyed this let me know in the comments what you thought of it how are you going to do this also is it going to go to your wallet is it going to go in your pocket is it going to go somewhere else let me know how you see yourself using this and always remember to come back after you've done it to let me know how it went hope you guys enjoyed it i will see you on the next one
Channel: SpideyHypnosis
Views: 260,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to do card tricks, best card trick, tutorial, card magic, cardistry
Id: NC8BQ_0cqsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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