Learn the MOST AMAZING CARD TRICK I have ever created! Magic/Mentalism tutorial ft. Alex Boyer

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[Music] what's going on guys spidey here and this week we are learning the best card magic trick i've ever created i'm not kidding i've come up with a lot of really great mentalism but in terms of visual card tricks this is the best one i've got it has three moments of magic for your spectator it's done with a normal deck of cards but the best part is the presentation just has something so compelling about it that it draws them right in now before we learn this amazing routine as you guys know my trick abc is up for trick of the year and i want to thank you guys so much for your votes i know i saw from your comments how many of you went and supported abc and voted for it for trick of the year and you have no idea how thankful i am but i also got a lot of messages from you asking me what my favorite trick was of 2021 and if i recommend anything that really was a game changer for me first of all let me know in the comments is this the type of thing that interests you i've never really considered giving you guys product recommendations but if this is something you'd be interested in let me know in the comments but i do want to mention two products that i discovered one in 2021 one in 2020 that are real game changers for me the first one is called divine and conquer by leo reed now this is kind of ironic because this is up against me for trick of the year but i really don't mind talking about it because it's so great uh let me describe the effect for you guys you have a full deck of cards you spread it and you have two spectators think of any card that they can see in the whole deck there's no restriction you look at the first person and you tell them what their card is you just read their mind and then the second person you count through the cards one at a time there are only 51 cards in the deck one's missing their card isn't there you reach into your pocket and you pull it out when i first learned this i did it to a couple of friends of mine who understand magic get how i operate and they were completely floored it is an amazing principle one of the best think of card effects i've ever seen and i highly recommend it the second product that is at the top of my recommendation list is something that was released in 2020 but i used it so much in 2021 and it's called snaps and as you can see i've got two of them i actually have three of them these are my backups and it's by my good friend david jonathan who's an amazing creator an amazing mentalist and this piece is so unique it's not one trick it's a tool it's a stack of photograph cards and every routine is very different but they all have one thing in common they end with this huge surprise where your spectator's jaw is going to hit the ground when they realize what they're looking at it's like that plot twist at the end of a movie it's insanely good it's so good in fact that i now have it in every single one of my virtual shows and it always gets insane reactions so i recommend it very highly you get hours of instruction with it with all kinds of routines but you'll think of your own applications for it as well it's amazing i will leave a link in the description to where you could get both divine and conquer and snaps they both get an enormous recommendation from me and they're both from penguin magic which has amazing customer service and worldwide shipping so they will get this over to you and you could start blowing mines all right now let's talk about the trick that we're learning this week for the performance segment i would like to welcome to the channel a very dear friend of mine this is someone i respect enormously as a performer as a creator as an artist and just this week he posted on his channel an amazing tutorial for a card trick you could do with a regular deck of cards highly recommended and last week he was on pen and teller full us and that clip is on his channel as well he did such a great job i loved everything about his performance so make sure to encourage him go subscribe to his channel check out his videos but for right now for this performance i'd like to welcome to the channel alex boye alex boye welcome to the channel man super excited to have you here what's up guys thanks for having me man i'm super excited to see this trick you hyped me up so much let's do it i want to see it i'm excited to show you let's go okay alex i'm going to ask you a question i want you to really think about this um if you had one wish anything in the world that will for sure happen what would you wish for it's a great question i'd say to maybe never lose my hair i mean come on that's a good one you know what i think i would wish for the same thing for you to never lose your hair that's an amazing wish i'm gonna be honest with you i asked a lot of people what they would wish for if they could only get one wish and i found that every answer falls into one of three categories the first category is impossible knowledge to know something nobody has access to for example what are the winning lottery numbers what's the meaning of life where's my soul mate out there things like that the second category of wish is impossible change to change something that we have no control over like you to say i don't want to ever lose my hair or i want to be richer i want to be thinner i want to be younger changing things that we can't really control and the third one which i find the most interesting is time manipulation i want to go back in time i want to see what's in the future i want to slow time stop time things along those lines now i'm going to demonstrate all three of those with a deck of cards before we begin alex i want to show you these are all 100 different correct they are yeah okay wonderful and i'm going to run down the side of the deck like this slowly i want you to say stop whenever you like and make sure i stop exactly when you say so here we go whenever you like um stop right there is that exactly what you said yeah right there now you could have stopped one earlier alex and that would have been the ace of spades you can see that you could have stopped one later and it would have been the nine of hearts right but alex you stopped me right over here on this one and i'm going to show it to you and guide me a little because i'm not going to look at the monitor so i won't know what it is but i want you to see this very clearly can you see that card uh don't move yeah got it awesome yeah remember that card and everyone watching from home you guys remember the card as well i'm gonna cut the cards a little like this to lose it somewhere in there and i'm gonna demonstrate the three wishes that i told you i'm gonna need a little post-it for this so i'm gonna grab this little blue post-it i'm going to put it on the back of a random card this random top card doesn't really matter what it is as long as it's not your card it's the king of hearts was that your card no okay good so on the back of this i'm gonna try to demonstrate the first one impossible knowledge alex focus on your card for me now there's no way i can know this you could have picked any card i'm gonna go with i'm gonna go with this i'm gonna go with this alex in the loud clear voice i want you to tell everyone what was the card that you chose seven of diamonds seven of diamonds the first wish is impossible knowledge what okay now that's the first one no no knowing something nobody can know that's the first one now that's on the back of the king of hearts we already saw that yeah i'm going to set it down over here because i'm going to demonstrate the second wish now your card is somewhere in the stack i have no idea where it is to be honest with you but that's not the point because the second wish is impossible change just like that that was on the back of the king of the king of hearts or whatever it was impossible change what now the uh the third and final wish time manipulation you can see that seven of diamonds right there and i'm going to destroy it this is why time manipulation is so interesting to me because if we can go back in time we can fix things that were once broken mend things that are unfixable alex the third category of wish is going back in time dude what and that is back it is restored they can take that seven of diamonds they can check it out they could take it home it's examinable boom torn and restored man what a sick routine are you teaching that you're gonna teach it yeah what no yeah subscribers are lucky to have you bro this is a sick sick sick routine man thank you so much subscribe to my channel peace [Laughter] so there was i hope you guys enjoyed that as you could see it's a one two three punch with a very compelling presentation and just an amazing moment at the end gets great reactions really gets great audience involvement as well like when you ask what you guys would wish for now as you guys know i love to give you guys the history of tricks when i teach them to you but in this case there really isn't much to say because as i told you this is a piece that i created from scratch now i'm not claiming i created all the moves i didn't create the double undercut the pirouette change the double lift obviously but the presentation the plot the way it all comes together the tone and restored posted at the end that's all mine so there isn't really much to credit so without further ado let's jump right into the explanation to perform this trick the first thing you're going to need is a regular deck of cards now i am using the industry standard which is red back bicycle rider backs and i'll leave a link in the description to where you can get these but they're really easy to find pretty much anywhere the second thing you're going to need is small sticky notes now these are available once again at almost any stationary store in the world there's all kinds of different brands but i'll leave a link in the description if you guys want to use the same ones that i use finally you're going to need a permanent marker and you're going to need one extra card from a deck that matches this one so in my case it's a seven of diamonds now i like the seven of diamonds because it's really easy to draw it's just two straight lines for the seven and then four straight lines for the diamond if you pick like the queen of spades you know sometimes it's gonna look very different and obviously different but seven of diamonds so easy to draw so that's the one i like but you can pick any card you want in your deck of cards you're gonna find the actual seven of diamonds from this deck and you are going to place it at the top so that's what this seven of diamonds is is from this deck and then you're gonna take the duplicate one from the other deck you're gonna grab one of your sticky notes you're going to place it on the 7 like this i like to go near the top you could do it in the middle whatever you like but i like it right about there and on it you're going to write down the name of the card itself seven diamond like that and this is going to go second from the bottom so once again our setup the seven of diamonds is at the top and the one with the post-it is second from the bottom you are now ready to begin so for the pattern presentation you can go right back to the performance to listen to what i say but in essence i ask them if you guys had one wish what would you wish for and this is such a great opportunity to get some laughs to get some creative answers to really connect with your audience but after we're done that i say i ask a lot of people what they would wish for and i find that every single wish falls into one of three categories impossible knowledge impossible change or manipulating time and i'd like to demonstrate that with a deck of cards now you're going to show them that all the cards are different so i just spread the middle like this and show them the only thing you want to stay away from is spreading that to expose that so just like this and they see all the cards are different now i turn the deck over and you are going to force the top card now i'm sure those of you who have been practicing magic for a while have a favorite way to force a card but i used the backslip force in this performance which is a force that i really love and we're going to take a look at that right now so what i love about this is you start from the deck like this no breaks or anything like that no preparation you say i'm going to run my thumb down the side like this and you're going to say stop when you like so you run down they say stop and you instantly and very clearly open up exactly where they said stop and you want them to see that six of clubs where they said stop now a lot of people do this really awkwardly they do this weird quick like sort of gesture like this as they pull that seven of diamonds down to that position i really dislike that there's a much better way to do it when they say stop you open up like this six of clubs again and you turn a little bit to your right and this is more important both my hands are going to sort of tip this way so my spectator is basically just seeing the top half of that six of clubs and i'm gonna tell them the justification is to say you could have stopped one earlier and that would have been the six of clubs so there's this natural reason to point to it in fact what's gonna happen is as you're moving this away to show it the right fingers these three fingers are contacting the top card here the back of it and keeping it as you could see like this like that they're keeping it and sliding it right there onto that position and you're doing this once again to them they're just seeing this so i'm gonna do it right now as you move out you keep the seven of diamonds there see even to the zoomed in camera that looks really really good so the seven of diamonds now goes into that position so they say stop you open up and as you move you use your fingers to just put the seven of diamonds there and you say you could have stopped one earlier that would have been the six of clubs but you stopped me there you could have stopped one later and that would have been the ace of diamonds but you stopped me right there you put the top packet exactly where it came from and you set the card down there at this point if you're doing this live you invite them to take that card and look at it but if you're doing it virtually you're going to take your deck and you're going to give it a swing cut which means the index is going to cut half the cards like this swing it over and the left hand is going to grab them like this and you're going to take that card over the left-hand packet and show it to them turn your head away they chose the seven of diamonds that goes there this packet is dropped on top but a little bit in jog towards me and as i push it forward to square up i'm gonna pull up on this packet and get my pinky under it like this so as i push forward my a little bit of my pinky goes above the seven of diamonds that is called a pinky break and i use it a lot as you guys know so now you're holding the pinky over their card you're going to double undercut their card back to the top what that means is my right hand is going to come over and my thumb is going to take over this break and i'm now going to come over with my left hand i'm going to let go of half the cards of that bottom packet cut them to the top and then grab all the cards in that bottom packet and cut them to the top so it just looks like you gave it a couple of cuts after the card went back but what that does is it brings a seven of diamonds to the top and we're right back in position because the other one with the post-it is second from the bottom now you're going to tell them that it's time to demonstrate the first type of wish so you're going to take one of your post-its you are going to remove it and stick it to the back of the top card now that is secretly seven of diamonds but they don't know that so you're gonna stick that there and i like to get my double ready way in advance so i say okay i've put a post it on the back of this card it doesn't matter what it is as long as it's not your card but while i'm saying that my left hand is going to push that top card get the pinky under it and get once again a pinky break under just one card that way now i can come back set this on top and i can now do a double lift to say as long as it's not your card and what a double lift is basically my index comes over here i open up both these cards like this as one thumb comes on top as i turn towards myself a little bit and i turned it like this to show that's not your card the ace of hearts i flipped over two cards now i like to do this a little bit towards myself because as i push it forwards to square it up with the deck once again my thumb lifts and my pinky can go under that opening as i push forward and i get my break under the two cards which makes it really easy to just come back and flip it back and i do that again like this and get my pinky under it again because it's gonna make the next phase much easier so now i've shown the back and front of this card they think there's a post on the back of the ace of hearts but it's actually on the seven of diamonds at this point i say the first wish is impossible knowledge i want you to focus on what your card was now guys don't underplay this to us it might be simple or you just force the car and you're going to tell them what it is but do not underestimate how strong that is for your spectator so you're going to hold this against yourself you're going to take your marker and you're going to try to draw the seven of diamonds more or less the way you did it on the other one it doesn't have to be exact as long as it's not really far off like it's not one's tiny and one's gigantic so more or less i'm gonna make a seven of diamonds that looks similar to the other one they're not going to have too much time to examine this so don't worry about it too much so you write this obviously towards yourself they don't see that you ask them what their card was they say seven of diamonds you go the first wish impossible knowledge and you turn it and you show it to them they react now you come back and you say now remember that's on the back of the ace of hearts you turn it over flush this time it doesn't matter and you drop it on the table or in their hand it's really strong when you do this in their hand now you're going to say i'm going to demonstrate the second wish impossible change now that's on the back of the ace of hearts and your seven of diamonds is somewhere in this deck now as you say that you spread the cards that say somewhere in this deck but this is an excuse to get a pinky break above the two bottom cards so as you spread it's very simple your thumb is going to clamp down on these two cards and you're sort of going to lift this packet off just a little bit and your pinky is simply going to go on top of those two cards before you close the spread and you've got those two cards and that just looks like this your card is somewhere in this deck and that's it i'm done i've got the break above those two cards now you're going to double undercut those two cards to the top so the way to do that is once again the thumb comes over and we grab that thumb break and of course we can't cut that packet to the top because it's just such a small packet so first we swing cut you know about half the cards here over and add them to the bottom like this to those two cards and now we cut half those cards to the top and then all the rest like this to the top so it again looks like you're showing the cards and you're cutting but what you've done with that sequence is you've brought the seven of diamonds with the post-it to the top position after you do that you snap your fingers you say the second wish is impossible change they turn this over or you turn it over and they see that it's a seven of diamonds again that is a killer moment for your audience now while they're distracted by that card your left hand is once again going to push that top card over bring it back and get a pinky break under that top card now you take the seven of diamonds here you remove the post-it you flip the seven of diamonds over and place it on top of the other seven of diamonds and you have a break beneath both you're going to take this post-it and you're going to tear it in a very unique way you're going to fold it up like this for half its length and notice now that this entire part here is sticky so you're going to tear down here like this and you're going to stick it there and you're going to tear down here like this and you're going to stick it there so now this looks like you've shredded the post-it but in fact you have one little bundle and it's sticky of course don't do this this isn't a very good trick but you're going to hold it like this you're going to put on top of the seven of diamonds and don't put a lot of obvious pressure just set it down a bit of pressure with the thumb and it's stuck and i like to keep my finger over it to give the illusion that my finger is helping and keeping this together you don't want to start gesturing like all right guys this part's going to be awesome kind of looks silly so you want to put your finger over there and now we're going to do the pirouette change [Music] which is an old but really really great color change and in this case it's not going to be used to change a card the seven of diamonds is going to be the background and it's going to look like the post-it is going back in time and getting restored so my finger is here my thumb goes to the bottom right corner my middle finger goes to the top left corner and i lift with my thumb to get both the cards so now this is a double again remember my index is going to stay there because i want it to seem like i'm really holding those pieces down so for the pirouette change what's going to happen is you're going to shake back and forth in big gestures and psychologically the bigger gesture covers the smaller gesture and the smaller gesture is that on the way back from one of your shakes your ring finger is going to push that corner just a little enough for your index to grab here and rotate the whole way like this so you're here and in slow motion it's gonna look like this as you're shaking on the way back you do this and that and because that seven of diamonds is the same it looks like that post-it went back in time so we're here let's do it fast you give it a shake you you obviously say you know we could fix things that are broken if we go back in time the third wish is going back in time look how great that looks now you place the double down here you peel this card off and as you do that i like to keep my thumb there with my fingers putting a bit of pressure down because that post-it is creating a bit of elevation really not that much but it is pushing up so by pushing it down like this i keep it flush but they're really focused on this which i show i give it to them they can check it out it's fully examinable and at this point i'll be honest with you 99 of the time i put the cards back in the box i get rid of that post-it later but on various occasions if i want to follow this up with a different card trick i get this card to the bottom so you can double undercut or shuffle or whatever you want uh to get that card to the bottom so you could like you know maybe do a shuffle like this or whatever you want and it's a simple matter of just pulling it off with your fingers like this maybe by the edge of the table you just get rid of this one bundle put in your pocket drop it on the floor but honestly i almost never do that i just put the cards away and i just go on to something else and then when i come back out to do another trick i leave that one card in the deck and we can move on but they're left with an amazing souvenir um they keep this and you haven't ruined your deck you haven't ruined any cards it's a great multi-face trick and you're right back to having your normal deck there it was guys hope you enjoyed it and remember to have fun with this one it's such a great presentation it really gets you to know your spectators that'll connect with them so have fun with it enjoy i know you guys are going to crush with this let me know in the comments what you thought and i will see you on the next one
Channel: SpideyHypnosis
Views: 76,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e-PhTucGvpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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