All You Can Eat BUFFET Workers What Are Your HORROR Stories? (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit all-you-can-eat buffet workers what are your horror stories my first job in high school was cic eyes pizza we were constantly dealing with gross things people sticking gum to tables walking in wearing swimsuits dripping wet with no shoes on this one we finally told the people they had to stop doing it and even just some of the practices were disgusting there's a reason I will never eat grape tomatoes at a restaurant ever again but the worst was this family that would come in at least once a week they were all very obese except for the husband who was super scrawny and looked perpetually exhausted the woman was missing a bunch of teeth wore 1970s style glasses and they all smelled slightly like urine she would ride in on her scooter and pay for her dinner with vouchers and then make requests after a quest they never ate off of the buffet which means that every Pete survey ordered was sent to their table directly I don't know if they still do this or not and everyone was wrong I legitimately have no idea whether the son was developmentally delayed or just socially award but it felt like he and the mom worked as a team one pizza would come out they'd eat about three quarters of it and then realized something was wrong no problem we'll make another no they wanted something different a zesty pepperoni with mushrooms oh these mushrooms are canned I wanted fresh also after eating 3/4 soin goes another order only to be wrong the whole time the woman starts parroting whoever is tasked with delivering the pizza or whoever she can wave over to their table because none of them get up they even do this to get people to refill their drinks as this is all going on the Sun is getting more and more upset because his pizzas but he still ate most of our wrong and starts getting loud gets up and starts pacing back and forth etc it eventually escalates to a point where we offer to remake after two to three pizzas and the woman is yelling about how we keep messing it up why would she want to come back here to eat we can't seem to get it right maybe it's that Mexi can we have in the back making the pizzas if he knew English maybe he'd know how to do it right blah blah blah until the manager rushes out and gives them vouchers for a free meal on us and they okay well maybe we'll be back but I just don't know and then a week maybe two weeks later here they come rolling back in I was so relieved when I left for college and I could kiss that job goodbye I didn't work there but this is my horror story I was 13 or 14 and visiting some family in Modesto California one day my lance and I are leaving the mall and he asks if I'm hungry I say yes and he says you want to go here while motioning to some Golden Corral type place that's built into them all I say okay because I'm a teenaged bottomless pit' we walk around the stations get our plates for and sit down to eat we are eating for maybe five minutes when we both hear a loud commotion not sure what the Sounders we look up at each other and then around the dining area both confused as to what we are hearing slash where it is coming from and then we both see it across the dining room a morbidly obese man is sitting at a long table by himself the alarming sound we were hearing was his loud guttural retching that's when I see the most violent spray of vomit I've ever witnessed there was sue March it must have been a solid six or seven heaves and he wasn't even slumped over he was such a big person that as the vomit was spraying out of his mouth only his head was jerking back and forth he was trying to cover his mouth with his hand but it looked like it had the same effect as when you hold your thumb over the end of a water hose the spray easily covered his table covered his plates and then was spilling over the edges onto the floor near the end of the heaves there was less pressure so it was just using out of his mouth and onto his chin chest belly and thighs he doesn't move he sits in it some employees who didn't look like they were much older than me run over and take inventory of the damage they are asking him if he is okay they are apologizing they are taking his vomit covered plates away they are wiping the table off with wet rags one of them brings a bucket in mop over he uses some of the rags to clean himself up the people who were sitting near him have already gotten up and left an obvious disgust my uncle and I cannot look away the employees leave he's doesn't move he sits there I go back to eating my food because I'm a hungry teenager a few minutes later while I'm eating my uncle gets my attention and motions for me to look back at the man's table we both watch him stand up grab his Walker walk back over to a station and start to serve himself more food he went back to his table sat down and continued to eat it was incredible I grabbed myself a soft-serve cone on the way out I once worked in bar where they catered events in a number of ways one of which was an all-you-can-eat buffet during one of my shifts and christening reception was in full swing we had knowledge already that some of the guests would be late so we were told to progress the food to the buffet table slowly we put out several sausage roll platters sandwich trays and cake plates finger food for those already there the event started at 12 o'clock at 1400 hours in walk who I'm going to call mr. creosote and creosote jr. the wife / mother was already there and from outward appearances mister and jr. didn't look like the sort that had barrels four stomachs by then the event room was packed so we began putting out more of the hot food and platters I was working drinks from the bar and so had a good view of both the event room and the main bar room while cleaning glasses I see creosote mr. and Junia piling their plates pizza slices cream buns cheese and onion sandwiches spines from the pineapple Hedgehog all of it in a heap on a cardboard plate then they disappeared this happened several times for at least half the times I saw them they both had a plate each then I look up and they are sharing a plate finally only creosote jr. is walking back from the tables now creosote jr. wasn't the only kid there but he was the oldest for a while two five-year-old boys were running through the bar and into the big garden and back as they're running through the boy in front is running shaking his arms above his head in a frenzy as he runs meanwhile creosote jr. is now slowly creeping his way up the table a far cry from his happy strides from earlier he's just finished piling his next plate of food when it happens in run the five year olds who make a beeline for the tables creosote jr. is slightly away from the table boy one arm swinging flies around creosote jr. and as he does so slams ax fist the size of a cricket ball into creosote Jr's crotch it all happened slowly the boys ran out of the room unaware the leaning tower of pizza and cheese of creosote splayed topples over as his hands moved to his crotch he dropped to his knees mrs. creosote comes over to him checking if he's okay as he screams in agony creosote jr. gets this look on his face he quickly gets up hand over his mouth and runs for the main barroom stumbling he hits the bar and a loud burp erupts from him yet his hand still holds his mouth tight he can't see the sign for the bathroom he rushes back to the bar and died sensing it's nearly geyser time point to the far corner of the room too late a torrent of pineapple chunks melted cheese various colored liquids and bread pieces come flying out of his mouth splashing across the bar the patrons of the basket I jumped back it went everywhere he drops to the floor a mixture tears and vomit stains his mother rushes out I rush out with a towel and I help him get up before they both go to the bathroom we had to open the other end of the bar while we cleaned up the vomit I don't work there anymore but the smell is still there almost a year later edit spelling and punctuation not an employee but a customer a long time ago my mom and I picked up a friend of hers and we went to a local Chinese food Buffett this place had a thing where you could get a pound of food for five dollars in a tequila at container instead of sitting and eating at the restaurant if you want so that was our plan the three of us were browsing around the buffet line with our tequila at containers adding what we wanted to them and then I noticed my mom's friend doing something [ __ ] disgusting he was eating a chicken wing like right in front of the buffet line hiding his face behind his tequila at container and then he took the chicken bone and put it back in the buffet tray I walked over to my mom and told her what he was doing and at first she thought I was joking so she walked over towards him and now he was standing there eating a slice of watermelon right off the buffet and then putting the rind back in the tray so my mom is like what the [ __ ] are you doing and he's like tinned worry I do this all the time they never notice so of course both me and mom are panicking worried that they're gonna call the cops or something because of this dis fit we basically pretended to not know him and continue to fill up our containers the right way after a couple minutes one of the employees walks up to my mom and tells her that they noticed what the guy was doing and they noticed that we were all so uncomfortable about it and didn't intend to blame us but they warned her that if she doesn't get him to pay for the food in his container and leave immediately they'll be calling the police so of course mom tells him that we need to go now and he just brushes it off like I don't care they are not gonna do anything well me and mom walked up to the front paid for our containers apologized and walked out and left him in there a minute later you can see and hear him shouting with the staff he throws his container on the ground and food splatters everywhere he storms out shouting insults as he leaves and of course gives them the rhyme never coming back to which they reply or not allowed in here no more we'll call the cops so we are standing out by the car waiting for him of course we yell at him for being a piece of [ __ ] we get in the car and the next thing you know this [ __ ] starts pulling chicken wings and Chinese doughnuts out of his [ __ ] pockets and eating them we dropped him off at home and never spoke to him again I managed a buffet in a casino in Renault for a few months had this family come in mom dad two little kids I get called over to the table because the mom had thrown up on her plate / table and wanted us to take it away and clean it up I asked if she was okay and she said she always throws up when she eats cheese she had gotten herself an enchilada it was Mexican theme night WTF lady enchiladas pretty much always have cheese I told her I would have to call janitorial because none of my staff was trained to handle by artisodes she didn't understand why I couldn't just take it janitorial came in and couldn't clean up because she refused to move from the table so janitorial left she calls me back over and starts yelling at me dad starts yelling - apparently she wanted to keep eating after throwing up which I thought was really gross I had them sit at another table so they could all keep eating janitorial came back and cleaned the other table finally they go to leave and decide to make a huge scene in front of the whole restaurant and demand their money back I refused dad gets in my face and starts shouting that I'm just a racist white [ __ ] and his wife makes loads more money than I do I call security and they storm out pulling pictures off the wall and shattering them on the floor and dad also picked up of ours and broke it the two kids are running around and banging on the walls security finally shows up after they ran off I have to do a report and they were put on the 86 List I [ __ ] hate people I used to work in an all-you-can-eat buffet I would usually be the one who cleans up after people once closing hours part essentially I was the de-facto janitor of the place this one time I had to clean the bathrooms after the place closed no problems in the female bathroom but when I went into the male restroom the image was burned into my retinas tent Lee an old man was lying on the floor facedown in a puddle of mark not just any sewage mark but opaque black mark it had the color of motor oil smelled awful too like a mix of fecal matter and Rossing Dorian certainly didn't help that the liquid wasn't just smeared all over the floor but spread across the walls too there were [ __ ] handprints across the wall presumably when the geezer was trying to stand himself up I peered into the toilet more of that brown liquid along with chunks of corny poop there's also this fluid in your digestion called chyme it's basically the thing right before food turns into poop the pulpy acidic liquid with partially digested food in it I could see scraps of chicken breast and sauce mixed in there with the pulpy chime as for the old guy well turns out he didn't merely faint he actually died I was in a room with the fresh decomposing corpse in the stages of alga mortis he had his pants off presumably he should himself to death but I don't know [ __ ] emptied himself like one of those cement mixers you'd see in a cartoon except you just replaced the cement with a liquid that embodies death itself needless to say I liked him emptied my digestive contents just from the opposite end that he did after that I quit [ __ ] that place man I worked at a pizza Buffett for two years during collage I have a number of stories but the one that I will always remember is the guy who got super upset that we wouldn't make more desert pizza when we were half an hour past closing time this guy comes in with his presumed wife and two children around 8:30 we close at 9:00 nothing out of the ordinary happens until 9:00 rolls around where it was still commonplace for people to be finishing up and eating what pizza was still left I was doing the dishes and taking the empty dishes back from the buffet and I see this guy arms crossed and staring at me as I take the empty dessert pizza dish he says something to the effect of when's the next one coming out I never got any I let him know that we closed at 9:00 and we can't really make anything past then because the oven gets shut off luckily the manager overheard this and stepped in to back me up and I quickly scamper off to the back to continue the dishes he seemed pissed but it wasn't unheard of as being a cheap pizza Buffett you don't exactly bring in the most affluent of folks about five minutes later as I'm finishing up the plates the same manager comes barreling through the back door out of breath he grabs two of the long wooden pizza pushers and says come with me I have no idea what's going on but I grab the pusher and follow him out the door I learned later on that he started flipping out throwing the register and a fishbowl he grabbed a broom and swung that around hitting the girl behind the counter this bid we caught on camera as I exit from the back this guy is screaming and ranting unintelligibly he was just asking for a fight he walked up to the manager got all up in his face and kinda choked pushed him back he came at me next and I was really really close to taking a swing at his knees or something but the other manager had quickly gotten back up and he resumed harassing him after about two minutes of tiptoeing around a brawl and his wife presumably screaming for him to get back in the car he eventually gets in and they drive off I won't forget the glossed over look in his eyes as he came after me freaks me out to this day I used to cook for a breakfast Buffett back in 2012 to 2013 as one of my first jobs the restaurant in question I won't say the name of but rhymed with meat and bark most of the customers that we got at the restaurant in general would be old people however a lot of the old people were very entitled and would come straight from church to the restaurant for their breakfast buffets I'll just make a list one old lady kept imply that I wasn't old enough to work there I said many times my real age 17 at the time and she kept saying I bet they are just making you say that you know it's illegal that they are making you do this and I'm just at a loss and don't know what else to tell this lady who is 100% confidence that I must be underage all working for free or something I don't know what her goal was a guy taking all of the bacon and putting it on his plate and then telling me to look at that the empty spot where the bacon was before he took it and I said okay looking what am I looking for and he said tell me what's wrong with that and I say umm I don't know is it not clean or something and he says there's no bacon left aren't you going to refill it and I'm like well that's weird it was just filled a couple minutes ago someone must have took it all knowing it was him and he couldn't put two and two together and just said I don't know but there's no bacon there so what are we going to do about it some lady looking at bacon in disgust and saying wow it's 2013 who either needs meat anymore really some lady shows up to the buffet 15 minutes after it closes while we are taking it down and says well what are you doing I haven't even gotten my food yet and we tell her politely that the buffet had closed 15 minutes ago and the servers even give last call on the buffet 15 minutes before it closes her response that's okay I'll just go complain to your manager I just said okay sounds good in my head I'm like what you're going to tell my manager that the buffet closed 15 minutes ago he knows LeMay oh nothing huge but the same lady would come to the restaurant at least twice a week and complain about how shitty her service is each time and how the food is terrible finally one of the hostesses said if the service is so bad in the food is so bad then why do you come here multiple times a week which shut her up Lou Mayo when I was 16 I was a busboy at one this morbid Leo B's family four people two parents two teenagers all gigantic came in after the noon hour when it was slow and were taking full advantage of the all-you-can-eat buffet on my way to bussing tables I walked by the bathrooms and see the teenaged son walk out of the men's room with a huge shit-eating grin on his round prepubescent face I immediately thought this can't be good and went to go check on the restroom as one of our responsibilities was to make sure that the restrooms were generally clean this guy had explosive diarrhea and had not even managed to hit the toilet there was [ __ ] all over the toilet tank the walls in the floor no lie it looked like a hand grenade of [ __ ] went off in the stall bar none the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in a bathroom I thought about cleaning it up but instead I went to tell my manager he was a pretty hard driving guy but he took one look at it locked the store and told me yeah you don't get paid enough to clean this up we'll get the janitor to take her this tonight not a horror story just funny I worked at Wendy's when they had salad bars you could get a single serving bowl they used to serve eat in chilly in styrofoam bowls and the large doubled is a Chili Bowl or all-you-can-eat platters the taco salad bottom plate on a slow afternoon this guy came in and got a single serving bowl after a few minutes our manager motion to me and the sandwich guy to discreetly take a look at the salad he was making the guy had filled the bowl with salad then made a ring of overlapping cucumber slices to extend the lip of the bowl upwards he filled that with salad then added another ring it took several minutes to build this thing but by the time he'd finished he had a tower of salad well over a foot tall WTH multiple rings of cucumber slices containing it that salad was an engineering marvel he carefully carried it back to his table sat down then looked up guiltily as our manager walked out to him the manager handed him free item coupon and said that is the most impressive salad I have ever seen your next one is on me I served at Golden Corral for six months and it was a god-awful place you'd think it would be easy because you don't take orders right wrong cleaning up the messes bussing tables getting drinks and clean plates singing for birthdays plus side work definitely kept you busy most of the customers weren't the greatest they made an appalling mess let their kids run wild didn't tip we were paid two dollars and 13 cents /hr and needed tips no matter how much you bent over backward for them I saw so many unaccompanied kids reaching into the buffet serving dishes I saw one kid dip his marshmallow into the chocolate fountain lick the chocolate off and put the same marshmallow back in over and over the customers weren't normally very easy to deal with rudeness was the norm there for example people got into a physical fight over a table on Easter Sunday the managers were dicks they abused everyone both seemed to hate women and took advantage of the fact that a lot of the start was foreign when we got a negative mr. eShop report we all were gathered into a meeting to be screamed at when the next shop report was excellent nothing had always said the report was just posted to the bulletin board my one boss told me to be shorter a portal my tips to the eyes since he was sure I be a waitress all my life he wanted to make sure I'd get something from social security when I was old spoiler I'm no longer a waitress I have a great job with an excellent retirement plan not that serving isn't a good job but it made me so mad that I was 22 at the time and this was his assumption the managers carried the tea bags in their pockets if your customer wanted a cup of tea you had to track a boss down and they would snarling Lee the grudgingly hand won over servers were also expected to catch and confront people stealing from the buffet putting leftovers in their back for example we weren't allowed to eat most cheaper restaurants will give you a meal per shift but not GC it was hard when you saw how much was wasted to not think you deserved a piece of bread or broken cookie maybe to eat you had to clock out get in line pay half price get your plate and then sit down after five minutes a manager would almost always come over and say we are busy breaks over so you had to get back to work and throw your food away I'm HIPAA glycemic so my solution was to eat right before work and carry a granola bar in my pocket I could eat the bar and get away with it in the women's bathroom because the managers were both men one time I was so stressed out and trying to scarf down my bar while in the next stall a very large woman took a very large and smelly dump I realized that it was one of the worst moments in my life I could shortly thereafter got a much better job and called up G C's corporate office to tell them everything thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
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Id: GEgk-u5Te1g
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Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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