All you can eat buffet employees, what's your best story? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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all-you-can-eat buffet employees what is the most disgusting display of gluttony you have witnessed never directly witnessed but when our local China buffet first opened it was a simple you can eat not two weeks later there was a big sign that said two hours time limit max where I live we get loads of Chinese tourists they come and fill their plates with mounds of food usually seafood not even eat half a [ __ ] a TOC then we have to throw the rest away it was a moonless night dark as pitch went out of the mist came a beast more stomach than man he ate all our shrimp and two plastic lobsters he was no man he was a remorseless eating machine when I was staying in a travel to heaven a few years ago a guy came to the breakfast buffet with his own big plate to get more food the staff clearly knew he was doing it apparently the guy lived there and did it daily the worst I think that I ever saw was a couple filling up two tables with more than five plates filled up with food in the freaking breakfast like 9:30 a.m. and never ate even 30% of it what happened next was even more stupid they picked up their filled dishes and went to the surrounding tables to see if anyone wanted any food that was in it I was at a Golden Corral about 30 miles south of Dallas TX when I was in HS this dude looking like Large Marge his brother grabbed a chair and pulled it up to a buffet line I reached over to get some pizza and this do told me I can't have it and that it's all his he seriously freaked out because I grabbed a couple slices what surprised me even more was the employees didn't even react to the guy sitting there while patrons had to walk around him to get food probably the worst was when I went to Goldman Carol that had just opened in my town with my family a woman on a scooter she had to be at least 600 pounds was going around to each section and just piling the food on to about three plates if you know Goldman Corral the baked potatoes are typically sitting near the Mexican nacho staff as I picked up the tongs to grab a potato cheese oom Dwight passed me almost smashing me against the counter and on all three plates she continuously scooped nacho cheese out and piled it on top of her food it was all pot roast steak pizza et Cie including those butter rolls you get they're all covered in nacho cheese don't get me wrong nacho cheese is a magical thing but ro embassy suites complimentary breakfast woman comes downstairs and with the towels from her room takes the stern a tray of bacon and walks back to her room to adults piling jelly over their roast meal at a theme park buffet then proceeding to stick their heads under the ice-cream machine and to top it off scraping their scraps into various different pot plants not an employee but I live in China just google Chinese buffet and gilt of videos it is ridiculous I've seen it firsthand people will literally shove you out of the way and scoop up food with their bare hands or use their plate as a shovel then they won't even eat the stuff at their table not so much a disgusting display of gluttony more of just a disgusting display I was at an a ycb in tucking into my meal I was looking over at the food as I was getting ready for round two there was another custom and wrap there filling his plate long story short the guy had too much food of there and some items fell on the floor instead of leaving it or even letting a member of staff know he put his plate down bent down and picked up the items and put them back in the buffet for someone else to get and eat safe to say round two did not happen that day I'm not an employee and I've long since VAT lis improved my diet but when I was 20 I encountered my first parent unsupervised breakfast buffet at a nice hotel I loved bacon and had never been allowed more than 3-4 pieces at once so I loaded my plate with over 60 pieces of bacon I think it was 63 the proceeded to eat at all about two hours later the salt hit me in fall my stomach hurt the rest of the day and even guzzling water for hours didn't had the worst dehydration hangover I've ever had beyond any drinking morning-after never again oh man never again I was the guest on this story and not my proudest moment this happened like 20 years ago but it is still fresh in my mind like yesterday a good friend of mine just received like his annual salary as bonus for outstanding performance in his sales job he had a six-figure salary to celebrate he took like 20 of his close friends to a local Chinese restaurant this restaurant operated unlimited menu system it is not a buffet they charge per head and you can order unlimited item on the menu there's 20 of us so we split into two table of tens someone suggested that we just simple order one of each item on the menu and see which table finished all the food the fastest food came and gone we ate buff and competed it was all good two hours later it became a marathon we were struggling and people were dropping off like flies I had to go to the toilet i stumped across my friend the host who didn't make it to the toilet in time he was puking right outside the toilet into a potted plant what's worse is he was puking out whole shrimps and big pieces of beef on shoot yeah he was still talking about that night 20 years on I am NOT an employee but I shall regale you with the story of the pissed-off Asian man who owned one to set the scene I was out with two of my friends there is me saerom 86 at the time of 380 pounds man of hunger with me were pails Pillsbury who was 420 lbs and shark shark looked like two of me we were planning a devious dangerous heist our target China garden buffet we walk into the establishment looking casual the staff has no idea what hell they are in for it is 2:00 p.m. the swap from lunch to dinner is at 4:30 the three of us have no plans to leave by then instead we get our first helping heaping plates filled with enough food to made an Ethiopian cry at what was about to happen to it we eat we get our second plates we I claim full first pills and shark yet another set and another and a fifth by the time they finish their sixth plates pills claims to be full Chuck gets a seventh I go get my third now and thus does the robbery begin we traded off someone would stop eating because they'd had enough and the other two would take so long that the first person ended up wanting more we were there until 5:00 p.m. finally this old Asian man comes out his face a mask of anger to this day his words ring in my soul more than at all you can eat not eat all you can get out and thus we were forced to depart the bountiful land of China garden I realized that Russian holiday people will just take blades full of food and leave half full plates lying to rot probably to show off their wealth worked at a place so many stories the one that stood out for me whether two kids who decided it would be a great idea to make huge castles out of mashed potato directly on the table while their parents looked on I was at an Asian buffet where they kept the sweet-and-sour sauce in a hot well in the booth next me I hear one old lady say to the other have you tried this sweet and sour soup lo and behold this woman is eating a bowl of sweet and sour sauce with a spoon golden coral employer here and I believe I've told this story before once this big lady started it in her pants on her way to the bathroom it fell down her legs through her shorts onto the floor in front of the dessert bar she cleaned herself up and went back to the table and kept eating I was walking past a bunch of workers standing by the bar and saw something on the floor I asked the manager is that caramel he answered no can 890 that's it not an employee but I went to a place called Pizza Ranch it was just opening for lunch and after being seated I walked up to get a couple slices of pizza and two fat women rushed ups of the counter and grabbed all six pizza trays that had just been put out they then piled on all the chicken in the heating tray while those two fat a'chiz ate their food the rest of us about thirty people had wait another 25 minutes for something to eat ourselves stupid hogs ended up leaving half of the food on the table after they gorge themselves I love this question and hope it has responses my response is not quite there but one time in Austin TX I went to a [ __ ] Joe's barbecue maybe for the first time and it was great but I saw this enormous man devouring an equally enormous mound of barbecued brisket and sides with vigor and enthusiasm I mean like $50 of meat I had spent about 12 dollars including a drink and that's a big meal for a regular guy like me and I thought okay I'm in the right place and this was the one on Palmer Lane it's not that great but it's pretty good I wrote as much in my yelp review and the owner designee or whoever replied and said thank you we aim to serve all our customers hee haw the restaurant I work at isn't all-you-can-eat by default but we do have a breakfast buffet on Sunday mornings I'm always there for food taken is meant to be eating on-site only but we have had numerous cases of people helping themselves to ridiculous amounts and putting it into a container or bag to take home we only get so much stock on Sundays and [ __ ] like them have been responsible for us running out early causing later customers to miss out and at the risk of being down voted for being intolerant it's always always either Asian people or ridiculously overweight people I seriously have never seen anyone who doesn't fit either description call this kind of crap in the few years I've been working there now fat woman walking with a cane came and grabbed about six handfuls of orange chicken she didn't use the serving spoons my friend's brother would pack two bread rolls into his cheeks as he was leaving to eat later like a buffet ninja chipmunk not an employee just a guy who likes crab legs went to get some when I saw they refilled it and some other guy literally took all of them onto plates in front of me even after I told him there's other people I wish I would have stopped him mrs simpson what did you and your husband do after you were ejected from the restaurant we pretty much went straight home mrs simpson you're under oath we drove around until 3:00 a.m. looking for another all-you-can-eat fish restaurant and when you couldn't find one we went fishing not a buffet employee but once when I was an EMT I was working a high school football game with an older paramedic Leroy we got into the truck and he asked to stop at the grocery store to pick up some dinner I thought to myself dude Lee are only going to be on shift for like three hours can you not wait but I didn't say anything and drove tot he store and parked and he went it he came out in 20 minutes or so carrying several bags he had bought a whole rotisserie chicken large Chinese food meal from the hot bar like bourbon chicken with rice and egg rolls a sushi meal a box of cookies a two-liter of Diet Coke it took him a good 45 minutes but he finished every single bite he is a morbidly obese man who is also a furry actual buffet worker here this is actually not funny but who goes it was a couple she was probably 500 pounds and wheelchair-bound he wasn't that much lighter but walked only via using her wheelchair like a walker they were put at a table that holds for two chairs on each side they had the wheelchair on one side on chair on the other there were slow getting food back to the table but they each brought two mounting plates like layer after layer not trying to be rude but they were each so large they really couldn't lean an over the plate food had a large journey to make from plate to mouth and things like rice and such were falling off yes they were getting food on themselves the table next to them demanded to be moved as they were disgusted by the mass plus their heavy breathing it was getting late so we just didn't seat anyone else next to them there is a casino buffet by my house every so often they have a coupon to get gamblers him to the casino where they offer $5 admission on Friday crab leg night normal prices around $21 I've walked in there before and seen lines that no joke honest to god for hours way to get into the buffer now they typically have crab legs on Tuesdays as well and while you see your typical displays of gluttony think chain-smoking overweight casino crowd the worst part is the opportunity cost if one made minimum wage it would make more sense to work their minimum-wage job and go on Tuesday night instead of waiting four plus hours in line for $5.00 all you can eat crab legs never made sense to me but then again this is the casino crowd were talking about on a hilarious note my mom is an emerald card holder at the casino which means we are allowed to bypass a buffet line well she met me there for dinner and just to spite everyone I asked to go to the buffet people were ducking pissed when we got to bypass the entire four hours line and be seated immediately they reserved a table for emerald members I saw someone get a huge bowl of chocolate pudding then ladle it into a ziploc bag that they carried under their coat later they cut a corner off the ziplock bag and slowly squeeze the pudding into their mouths sort of like a hamster drinking from a water bottle and that person was me i sat next to her family mother father and two sons not fat which seemed normal at first so after three plates of food one of the sons stopped eating and told his parents that he was full the mother started shouting at the child that she will never bring him to another restaurant ever again if he only eats that little it wasn't little so the child starts eating again enforced himself eating a little more so after another plate he said again that he could not go further his mother was still pissed and told him to at least eat one more plate with desserts and it so he gets himself a dessert and was barely done with it and boom he throws up like a waterfall puking all over the table and starts crying his parents in the other child didn't say nor do anything so I ran to a waiter to get some napkins later the mother started to address reproaches to his child and I was like WTF I stopped eating since it was just disgusting how people can act like it bags if there is an all-you-can-eat buffet oh the smell didn't help either later the mother started arguing with the owner and that his food was expired and bad the owner tried to be reasonable but got furious in the end and demanded the family to pay the bill and duck off [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 14,363
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, funny, r/
Id: BC6Vgticqr4
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Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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