People Share WORST Things The Weird Kid Did At SCHOOL (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit what made the back quote weird kid at your school weird super long post worth the read I promise some of these sound more like stories but the person involved fits this thread too well enjoy my high school had twenty five hundred plus students predominantly white and from a very wide range of economic backgrounds so here's a list one kid dressed up as Santa and passed out CDs of a song that him and another student made about the teacher in order to stall for time so that we wouldn't take the final before winter break Michael Jackson kid wore a sequined glove every day and would randomly yell he or Sharmila he was in choir and during their final performance in front of the whole school he broke away and started dancing a very good immigration MJ dance he also loved dressing up as the school mascot so much that he became a furry wonderful guy one kid had a wheelie backpack and would sprint like his life depended on it to the lunch line every day he would run all Naruto like with his free arm back and hunched forward much shorter versions a girl that was intentionally trying to endlessly gain weight by eating anything and everything girl that acted like a cat which wasn't healthy to begin with but then she showed up with her butt plug tell in her be whole this kid came in on the first day of middle school and asked writers class started if there were any cameras in the rooms and my teacher jokingly said yes he lost his [ __ ] and never came back first day of high school this kid intentionally threw up so that he could leave school he also never came back turns out that he got a girl pregnant over the summer and ran away after that class the absolute ultimate there was a kid in my English class who was normal as all hell white average height middle area GPA and relatively quiet he always carried a green thick clipboard that was able to be opened so that he can store papers in it now this English class was wild I was in it because I told my teacher to I wasn't allowed back in regular classes so I was in this one we had heavy alcoholics drug dealers and even one kid that told our teacher that he had a healthy breakfast of cynics and Hennessy every morning lots of characters so that regular kid with the open above clipboard was in this class to be like a few others in the class of I'd say mid-thirties amount of kids was again normal as can be except for what was in that binder we had to do public speeches for our final and the teacher stressed to us to make sure that we passed them because they were a fairly large amount of our grades the topic was to be decided on when you got on stage and you had to talk about that topic for three minutes well normal kid could not get anywhere with what he was given and gave up about 30 seconds in he said the top it wasn't something he was interested in so my teacher goes well what's something that you're interested in at this point me and a few others already know what's in that clipboard so we immediately start joking about him doing a speech about on it teacher hears us talking about it and goes ok I'll pass you if you can make it three minutes off of what's in the clipboard normal kid freezes and stares right at the teacher and says but I can't get in trouble for it right teach her vows that he's safe no matter what and that he asked him to present so he's safe normal kid goes okay I warned you a hush immediately goes over the whole room he wasn't going to actually do it right the overhead projector turns on and the clipboard opens normal kid flips through a few pages of the clipboards content and finds his most prime page then with a huge slum he puts down the paper for the overhead to project and the whole class can see this he says with the most malicious grin as the projector shows the page is my hand draw Animorph hardcore porn portfolio NSFW there before the whole class was a Tony the Tiger looking drawn man with what was probably a dragon penis lodged into another Tony the Tiger looking guy as he bent forward to drink milk out of a all this and much more throughout his easily ten minute speech and the quality was fantastic I am NOT into that stuff but man he was an artist full color background and let's just say a very creative imagination needless to say the class is dying laughing and my teacher as pale as he could get after the speech and all the laughs finally died out there was a reflection of seriousness that i whould never guessed from this class where we just talked about how good he was as an artist and how to respect his work my teacher handled it very well actually and normal kid past no one knows what he's doing now but it's a safe bet that I wouldn't want to look too hard to find out one of them in high school had this thing to go to the top floor and we had this stairs where the middle is empty and stairs go around it and you can look at the bottom from the top so he threw food down stairs like ham or vegetables anything from inside of his sandwiches the very same guy with another one wrote our class colleagues last name everywhere possible for instance on the walls chairs tables biggest suitable letters on chalkboards right before most classes this got to the point that teachers knew they were doing this and started making fun of it some of them for instance on religion classes the priest called them to go to the chalkboard and told them to write it without even saying what to write everybody knew they were punished a few times for it class master called their parents they had to clean the school from their writings etc but after all what were they supposed to do told their parents your kids write his colleagues last name everywhere how that even sounds I wish I could have heard the principal telling them had a girl classmate who was afraid or something to talk to everyone she wasn't even questioned during classes because her parents asked teachers not to and not to force her we didn't bully her or anything she was this way from the very start I can't remember but it was probably in elementary school so we were pretty young and in really stupid age she talked to teachers a bit but mostly in it or when her mother came to the school also other girls talked a little bit with her on the breaks but she didn't say much but we could tell she appreciated the effort not to isolate her now that I think of it we had some manners back then even as dumb kids because we didn't use that against her almost at all even tried to encourage her to say something during classes I can only imagine what kids these days would do to her as far as I know she grew out of it but I don't know anything specific that would be too long if I proceeded no one would read it so have a good one this will probably get varied but the weird kid at my high school always wore an Indiana Jones style hat was very quiet and shifty hustled to all of his classes and had a speech impediment he was picked on notoriously but never seemed bitter and even showed a lot of courage once by attempting to do stand-up comedy at a school talent show he flopped I'm not proud to admit this but my circle of friends and I would pick on him in school everyone did but I will never forget the day I was holding an unopened bag of Doradus and even while being surrounded by people who were being cruel and making fun of him he asked me if he could have the chips I was holding and stumbled on the words as he sheepishly said him hungry I'll never forget his eyes in that one moment I stopped seeing him for being the weird kid and started seeing him as a kid who probably had a tough life and has been through a lot frozen and stunned I said sure you can have them I watched him eagerly grab the chips and immediately scurry down the hallway while shoveling them in his mouth there is no telling when the last time he ate was I cried my entire drive home from school thinking about him and found myself having random snacks on me at times and would Loki give them to him if I saw him in passing when I heard people make fun of him I didn't find it funny anymore it made me sick I never stood up for him because of my fragile HS ago but I no longer participated I did try to get to know him better but he wasn't receptive even though I was genuine about reaching out to him he was so guarded and mistrusting that I figure he saw me as just another bully trying to disappoint him and ridicule him even when I offered him the occasional snack he will probably never know it but that weird kid at my high school changed my life I'm RHS teacher now and one of my favorite things is to pinpoint and get to know the weird kids in my classes they are always so appreciative to have their presence be acknowledged and to be treated the same as everyone else I try my best to help the isolated / weird kids find a friend it always makes me think of the weird kid with the Indiana Jones hat I hope he is doing well if you're eating this I'm sorry I was an ass to you all those years ago I've had a few an on hash one let's call him jack Jack didn't have very many friends he would listen to strictly Marilyn Manson and nothing else there were train tracks near the school we went to and he would lay on them or right next to them and watch the train go by he once carved his crushes name into his leg with a razor blade he showed me after he did it and he made everything into a sexual innuendo all the time and on hash - let's call her Emily Emily was a furry and would draw furry art and porn in the middle of the class and would also act like a cat in class she would lick chairs desks and people she refused to sit in a desk so she always sat on the floor she would also bite people including Jack one time to the point where she drew blood and then drank it she would also tell people that she would drink her period blood she would make all kinds of sounds in class I'm talking squawks screams and she would hide at people if they laughed at her she also made a laugh sound like a dolphin noise an on hash three let's call her Alex Alex would constantly find something to chew on even if it meant finding something on the floor her favorite being pens she once chewed on a pen so much that the in clicked onto her mouth leaving a big black ring around her mouths she would constantly run around the walls with her oversized book bag running to people and not saying a word she tried to convince people that she was wanted for murder in the state of New Jersey she could produce spider silk out of her butt and that her father forced her to sleep on a bed of nails somehow she got my phone number and would text me at ungodly hours of the night and the one time I can remember her calling me she was complaining that she ate the world's hottest pepper and on hash for let's call him Mike Mike was known to be a compulsive liar the most common lie was that he owned a metalworking shop where he would make swords all of the time one time he dated a girl in our class and apparently while they were video calling he had to leave the room and came back to her being naked on camera he took screenshots of her in the nude and showed the moth to people in our history class then one day after he was showing the nudes off he starting banging his tablet onto the desk shattering the screen and then continued to smash it to pieces once he was done he said something along the lines of it's just an object it doesn't matter public school is just great I had a few one was obsessed with elation culture kind of random since we lived in a very rural community in Canada with little connection to the outside world let alone to Asia and would lose her mind if anyone said anything remotely negative about it it started out as mainly just a fixation on Pokemon anime and pop but quickly branched out to all things Asian she once hit me with the textbook because we were discussing and butterfly in class and I said that I didn't like it this was at age 16 another kid used to pick his nose until it bleed and then go home because he had a nosebleed he would also eat the boogers we were all surprisingly chill about that part of his personality the thing we all hated most about this kid is that he would lie about the most random stuff like he would deny that he got it when playing dodgeball or caught when playing tag on the playground one time my neighbor made me a little in upchuck glue to a piece of driftwood and I brought it to school to show the class this kid picked it up in front of everyone immediately dropped and broke it and then denied that it was him that broke it even though we had all that erally watched him do it he cried when we continuously called him out on it this was also at age 16 edited to added that the lying kid one time broke his arm and came to school in a sling the next day the sling was on the opposite arm even the teacher called HM out on that one in hindsight she wasn't so weird she just marched to the beat of her own drum she was very overweight and had a lot of health issues including more than one skin condition so people saw her as gross and they avoided her I can remember all the way back in first or second grade when we did dancing in gym class no one wanted to be her partner because her hands were covered in scaly rashes but she was smart and she had an odd sense of humor and despite how everyone treated her she was confident in herself and never had any part of her personality she was always the first to speak up in class and she challenged other people's opinions so readily but at the same time she was constantly falling asleep in class and she snored so loudly I remember she sat behind me during our rap exam for American history and for the life of me I could not focus on my tests because she was breathing so loud she was incessantly bullied to the point of being pity voted on to prom court she had one real friend and then a year after we graduated she died completely unexpectedly I remember waking up to go to work one morning and my best friend had texted me that she was dead and I was absolutely shocked apparently she had been out to dinner with her aunt and on her way back to the table from the bathroom she collapsed and they cold and resuscitate her they did an autopsy and couldn't confirm a cause of death her mother died about a week after she did and they had a joint funeral probably the saddest funeral I've been to the part about her death was that I lived in a really small town so it's all anyone was talking about for weeks her biggest bullies were some of the loudest voices some people from my graduating class held a memorial service for her where they sent off paper lanterns that I couldn't get myself to go because it was full of all the people who made high school miserable for her I couldn't bear to listen to them talk about how great she was how beautiful she was when they never held those sentiments when she was alive there was a kid at my high school who never talked it was that he couldn't speak or that he only spoke to his close friends he just wouldn't speak to anyone teachers didn't call on him because they knew he didn't talk when a substitute would come in and try to call on him there was always some kid who would have to explain Ricky doesn't talk if you asked him a question he would just look at you it was weird and some people would take offense to his silence but eventually everyone realized that was just his thing and rolled with it the only time he spoke was when we had to present individually in class on those days people would get really excited if they had a class with him because hearing him talk was like seeing a unicorn edit a lot of people have mentioned this possibly being a case of selective mutism I looked up the diagnosis and it seems like a good match there were also rumors from kids who rode the bus with him who said that once he got off the bus he would meet up with his neighborhood friends and presumably talk to them when he did present in class he didn't have a weird voice or any strange vocal qualities Eddie - oh wow this really took off I never thought my most influential comment would be about Ricky haha thank you for giving me my first ever and it's over I really appreciate it a lot of people have asked me if they knew Ricky I will tell you that I went to school in Kentucky and I graduated in 2013 if I give any more information publicly I would feel like I'm violating his privacy and that's not cool if you still think you know him I'll continue to respond to private messages and confirm or deny your guests I have also been asked to add a link to slash are slash selective mutism for anyone who wants to find a supportive community of other people like Ricky I was in year tenth when he came up from primary school I don't know what was wrong with him but he'd always pretend to be a train and chug along through the quad people would chuckle as he went past but he didn't care him and his other weird mate would just scoot on by minding their own business when I was in year 11 Swann of the scratcher kids a proper mom through and through blocked his tracks and took the mick out of him a group of us shoved him out of the way and berated him for it and encouraged train boy to go on his way ours wasn't the best school in the district but god damn at least the trains ran on time edit thank you to the people who gave me the award things I don't want to seem ungrateful that I'd rather you donate to your local / favorite charities year turns 14 over 15 years old penultimate year of secondary school the quad an outdoor social area in a square / rectangle shape where the moderately popular kids hung out of out school good memories mates friend squatter kid the dirty unhygenic funny-looking and/or misbehaving kid in this context a short land with buck teeth with a bad case of small Manson Jerome ma ma to me always just meant someone who behaved like a [ __ ] and had negative aspirations but it has further connotations that are deemed ably stick or a syst take the mick taking the michael to make fun of i'm from the texas of england yorkshire so this is kid kid was that kid that ran to each class with a rolling backpack in tow he was small had glasses and your cliche general highschool target I'm not sure if he ran between classes because he got bullied or what but he must have it got to the point where he was basically on the defense all the time I had even tried to be friends with him at one point just because he sat by me and he just snapped back at me he wanted no part honestly think he had trust issues and I don't blame him because he would react it kind of made him more of a target I had seen him multiple times where someone stepped in front of him or heckled him as he rushed along kicks over the backpack etc it actually just sucked to see you would stand up or say stop it and it would just continue and he almost seemed embarrassed that you did something about it for him so anyway senior year we have a speech going to be made by the valedictorian and then the school votes on someone to make a speech someone started telling people to vote for kit as some [ __ ] up joke kit one I specifically remember my English teacher sitting us down and talking to the entire class I think probably all the teachers went as a unified force in defense of him they told us Kurt had had a lot to deal with the last few years and the people of this school voted for him basically as a cruel joke but this could really be a defining moment for his high school career and just begged us to let him have it I think most of the people in the school weren't bullies but all it would take is one person to ruin it day of graduation kid made a great speech it was almost 15 years ago so I'm sorry to say I don't remember what he said but the entire class like 1,200 students actually listened at the end we all cheered like crazy cheered with standing applause you could tell it was a good day for KITT he was so happy and maybe even relieved here's a kid who had been bullied for years and is being cheered and supported by a crowd of 1,200 plus of his peers no one should have gone through the bullying and I'm sure he went up there with a lot of anxiety but her certainly left the stage with a huge smile on his face edit Hey I'm like super happy I go to tell this story I'll never forget this kid's face he was just so happy I'll never forget it it was very touching and like I said in other comments I don't think I remember what he said because I remember being nervous someone was going to [ __ ] this up for him I think someone yelled yeah get when he got up there but that's it whether it was in a mocking way I'll never know but no one responded or fed into it if it was also those who don't want to believe the story I'm sorry I get the why would someone go on the internet and tell lies but it was something that happened for those asking if this was their high school you'd know because we had the honor of being the first class to graduate in the stadium and it started raining as we were walking to the stadium for graduation they decided not to cancel hoping the rain would hold out the stadium had no roof if this sounds familiar then yes it was probably your high school as it happened my first elementary school had not one but three weird kids their names were Hannah Justin and Anthony and although they were strange in different ways each of them seemed to be in constant competition to see who could provoke the most revulsion from their peers Hannah was a dark-haired girl with a perpetual glower on her face and a sullen stubborn demeanor she had a reputation for being somewhat into social and probably could have been mistaken for a crotchety old woman if she hadn't been in first grade Hannah's claimed to repugnant fame stemmed from the fact that every so often she'd wander around the playground in search of discarded food would she'd eat right off the ground it didn't matter if the fair had been thoroughly stomped on and it wasn't the result of any malnutrition either in fact there were days when Hannah actually four went consuming her own lunch in favor of seeking out others leftovers Justin was a more amiable fellow but his particular form of foul nurse was also much more extreme for no reason other than to amuse himself Justin would do anything he could to disgust people from jiaming things up his nose to sticking his head in the toilet to make matters worse it seemed that most of the time Justin didn't understand what he was doing at first there was one occasion for instance that he tried cleaning his dirty fingernails his teeth and when this was pointed out as being repulsive he laughed aloud and made a big show of eating and apparently enjoying his own fingernail gunk Anthony however was the worst of all if you've seen the television Chilhowie then I want you to picture the boy named never everything about him from his appearance to his attitude is Nayan identical to how Anthony was if you haven't seen the show though try to imagine a fat child with absolutely no shame an expression of oddly disquieting innocence and a tendency to cause gag-inducing circumstances without so much as batting an eye Anthony's worst ever offense occurred one terrible afternoon as our class was watching a movie when he was seen reaching beneath his chair shipping off dried butchers and then openly eating them when told that his behavior was revolting Anthony replied no it's okay I put them there a good friend of mine since the second grade who only wishes the best for other people went through some interesting phases that started in early high school let's call him Boris each phase lasted anywhere from six months to two years I'll try to list them in order practicing witchcraft phase boris had made fugu dolls of some of his enemies but then didn't do anything with them because he was afraid the people would actually get hurt also chanted protection spells over his friends a polygamous relationship phase Boris had two girlfriends at once but these chicks weren't winning any beauty pageants any time soon the girls hated each other but they would each hold one of his hands as they all walked down the halls together one of the girls also had another boyfriend goth phase Doris was spiked collars leashes and other odd black leather accessories I eventually became worried about bi own image at school so I started to avoid him and wouldn't even sit next to him on the bus we'd still hang out after school sometimes and Boris would pretend like he didn't notice that I was dodging him this is something I'm ashamed of to this day over 10 years later Mary Faye's Norris wore a fox tail to school also told me he jerked off to furry gente at this point I break all contact off with Boris and focus on my other friendships a homosexual phase although he was not attracted to men he felt guilty for discriminating against dating someone based on the anatomy between their legs he had a few boyfriends one of which who was 5 to 6 years older than him I mature a bit Boris and I rekindle our friendship a vegetarian then later vegan phase this was actually a blessing in disguise as he went from about 200 to 130 pounds which seems like a healthy weight for a guy who is about 5 feet 5 inches one day he threw his animal abuse morals down the drain so that he could buy and wear the sick leather jacket which did admittedly look pretty good on him he gained all of the weight back after a few months and then ironically the jacket wouldn't fit him anymore Boris actually becomes my first roommate when I started college MLM phase hard this part is the saddest and we sold Boris on a dream of financial freedom he worked minimum-wage jobs and poured all of his free time and money into this pyramid scheme all while burning his social bridges to his friends and family the only good thing about this is it seemed to fix his identity crisis later in life Boris shared with me that he never really felt like he belonged to any one group he had father issues growing up which ultimately gave him confidence problems or their lack of his parents would hardly hug their children or say I love you one time his dad got mad at me for taking a hash - in their house Doris thinks that if he had parents who were a bit more supportive he'd wouldn't have been so weird in high school he's now a normal dude with a wife house and career in automotive manufacturing we are still friends thank you for watching don't forget to Like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 3,294
Rating: 4.7108436 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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