All You Can Eat Buffet Workers, What Are Your Horror Stories? (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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all-you-can-eat buffet workers what are your horror stories I bus at a slightly nicer restaurant on Fridays on Sundays we offer a prime rib and crab leg buffet among a salad bar hot and cold n trayz and a desert bar it's honestly pretty nice and our buffet runner keeps anyone from doing ungodly things to the buffet but the one incident that will always stand out to me was when this family of five came in from the moment they came into the moment they left they ate as many crab legs as they possibly could their server and I were clearing plates off as fast as we could but every time we would return it seemed like another mountain of crab leg shells would appear in front of each member of that family I know not how they ate so much and I honestly can't recall if they are anything besides the crab piles upon piles of shells were left upon the table after they left it was truly a sight to behold what's more is after I wiped down the table and came back with settings I had to get another AG to wipe down the table again because something in the crab leg juice combined with our sanitizer and left a nice milky residue upon the table delicious when I leave this job I'll never be able to look at crab legs the same way not mine but I had a buddy who was 400 plus lbs and the dude could put away some food he went to a casino buffet that was one of the higher end ones that had crab legs and steak on about his fourth or fifth plate stacked full of crab legs the manager came out and gave him 250 dollars in free slot play to leave the buffet edit so I linked this to my buddy who pointed out that there were two other dudes there and none of them was under 300 lbs they killed a metric duck ton of food between them and he was putting them to shame the buffet was higher-end so it was $50 a person but they easily late probably three to four times that and he ate probably eight to ten times that worth in food he then went on when just over a hundred dollars with that free slot play as well if you can't beat the casinos at the games beat em at the bar or buffet a woman came in with two of her kids and had a pretty regular meal you pay when you leave at our place and she decided to sneak out with a younger daughter before paying leaving her underage son alone at the table we caught on pretty quick and sent someone after her who found her in her car in the parking garage waiting for her son to come as well she refused to come back in and pay so we had to keep her son hostage until the police came to handle the situation what some people will do to their kids I swear edit forgot to mention we also found out from her son that she's still one of the managers kickers and they would regularly come into the hotel and juice the card to go swimming in the top floor pool smart I'll give her that but still my first job was as a dishwasher in an all-you-can-eat fried catfish buffet people are animals especially the ones that get far more food off the buffet than they can eat then they take the leftovers and pile them on a plate or tray cover in ketchup and tartar sauce then pour their iced tea over the top of all that a lot of people did that got at least two plates like that a night went as a customer to a Golden Corral in walking to the chocolate fountain and three little girls step in front of me and all three of them just go hands deep in the fountain the family was the first table by the fountain and all they did was laugh about how cute it was employees turned it off immediately buffet where I lived got shut down for serving coioured meat and labeling it as other meats at one point myself and two other family members worked at a Golden Corral each in different sections because small towns don't have a lot of job options for high school college kids I worked in the bakery which was surprisingly low in horror stories other than the chaos the remained after a large group of children came through my brother worked the steak station he got these regulars that would tip him pretty well if he would prepare blue steaks for them the very idea of ordering blue steaks from a buffet makes me gag my cousin worked the salad bar management would require her to keep seafood items on the bar for long after the where they'd be safe to consume I think the record was chilled shrimp from Mother's Day that stayed for over a week and a half they finally caved and let her toss them when a customer complained about the smell picked up some fish and chips recently saw they had all-you-can-eat on Wednesdays so I asked what is the most that someone 18 pieces of fish and three plates she held up this huge platter of fries every single Wednesday so he eats that exact order every week yes and he goes to a different back quote all-you-can-eat every day of the week he got banned from the Chinese place down the road not a buffet but I worked at a pizza parlor that offered a lunch buffet of endless pizza the lunch ran from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. this gentleman comes in I think he was homeless he serves up a sky-high plate of pizza and just goes to town he stayed from the beginning to the very end to make sure he got his money's worth well his body didn't appreciate being stuffed like a pin etre of pizza he got up waddled fast to the bathroom and next thing I know I'm being told he had liquid sheet trailing behind him to the bathroom and inside the bathroom I was informed by my boss about the incident I told him I was just heading out for a break I was not about to clean that up my parents owned an all-you-can-eat buffet and I was there every day of my life from 4 to 14 my favorite horror story is when a couple came in to eat obviously they loved aired the crab legs and every time my mom puts them out they took it all also just a reminder crab legs are expensive forget the other customers they just took it and ate it all so they are there for maybe 2 hours now and it's getting dark they eaten through at least a week stock of crab legs and my mom finally decides it's enough she stops putting it out in the buffet and brings individual plates to the customers who wanted it but couldn't get any due to this couple under tanda bleah the couple is angry they literally flipped the chairs at their table flip their plates bowls cups et Cie and completely trashed their area food was all over the floor table chairs sticky soda was dripping into the carpet they left in a hurry but someone caught their license plate we called the cops and I think they said they charged them with something I can't remember the aftermath details clearly because I was probably eight or nine years old 20 now I just remember looking at the mess and feeling really angry that my sister and I had to clean it up with our ma it was a family-run business so we didn't have much help anyways that's my horror story the end edit typist cause I was on mobile not a worker but I went to Hometown Buffet and the kid in front of me was slightly shorter than the buffet bar but had his hands in the yellow jello just massaging it then his mom came by and snatched him away but didn't say anything while a guy came and made himself a bowl of jell-o tenha rolled me was to a pool to say anything I haven't eaten jello since th I worked at a Ruby Tuesday and sent a city Philly first floor of the Liberty Place building I had a couple that would come in about twice a week that requested me they would gorge themselves at the salad bar for about an hour ask for large glasses of water with no ice then both would take the water into the bathroom they would come out a few minutes later with empty glasses ask for the check and leave I finally put it together that they would be limit after I walked in the women's bathroom and it smelled like vomit very polite folks and tipped well though not an employee or a customer but we had a Chinese buffet shut down for a health code violation which was employee was cutting Vegas while taking a sheet to this day I still wonder if that means dude brought a bucket into the kitchen or Vegas into the sheeter and I honestly don't know which is worse I was once at an old country Buffett waiting patiently to get some mac and cheese the kid in front of me plied his plate high and then started tapping the serving spoon to get all of the chessy goodness free from the confines of the spoon once he was satisfied with his handiwork he licked the spoon clean I didn't have any mac and cheese and hadn't been back since I had a co-worker that briefly managed a ron's buffet he said that it was fairly common for people to gorge themselves then purge in the restroom and start eating again so that they could get their money's worth I didn't work at an all-you-can-eat but my sister did the buffet itself was on the first floor so you had to take either the stairs or the elevator to your seat once there was a lady who was carrying a tray with a whole lot of stuff on it down glasses plates and a whole lot more of junk my sister asked the lady if she needed any assistance to which the lady replied you assume because I'm fat I need help my sister didn't react a few seconds later the lady fell down the stairs there was blood and food everywhere watched a man at the Ponderosa walk up to the buffet without a plate untuck his t-shirt pull the hem up to form a basket reach into the steam tray of chicken wings with his bare hand and just load up on hot wings in his makeshift shirt bucket the woman in the kitchen was like please sir can you use a plate or just tongs guy scoffed and looked at her like she'd asked him to Donna tuxedo college friend worked at a Chinese buffet he said they caught a regular two fingers pizza in the 1:10 soup bowl like in the queue and not at his table and eating it bites dip bite dip bite dip after the fourth time in a month he did it management finally kicked him out so I work in and backquote all-you-can-eat using tablets this is according to my boss based on a Japanese kind of restaurant we serve mostly Asian food from Chinese to Japanese and even some Korean the premises had people order their food in rounds and we then bring the food to their table when it is ready we always warn customers beforehand that if they leave food behind because they ordered too much they will have to pay extra depending on what they left behind we have seen people try the weirdest stuff if it comes to not paying extra people dumping food in their handbags to people shoving it in their mouths then go to the toilet and flush it to put in hair on it and blaming us for it we see them pull this stuff etc and when we actually catch them doing it they blame us for it and refused to pay some people that had come down to the police to sort it out sometimes there have been multiple occasions on which they were involved to solve the problem for just 5 euros I guess some people's greed has no extend not an employee but once I saw someone using their shirt as a bag and filled it with BB Q chicken wings not a worker but I once saw a grown man have a childlike meltdown over the fact that he showed up to soup plantation too late and missed out on the biscuits and gravy worked in a buffet restaurant for a few weeks a while back it was fairly common to see people do disgusting things like sneeze in the food or just poke their fingers and things like sauces to taste them even saw one guy literally dropped a slice of pizza on the floor and after awkwardly looking around he put it right back brought it up a couple of times but the restaurant wasn't doing well and we were told that we couldn't accept the losses to start throwing good food out not a worker but I was at a Chinese buffet with a hotpot option that you had to pay extra for there was a separate section with the stuff for that which was raw this guy loaded up his plate with all this raw stuff and was eating it including dangerous raw stuff like shrimp I think he may have been slightly intellectually disabled the Chinese staff had to come over and inform him that he was eating the wrong things and try to explain it to him he got really embarrassed and said that he did not understand how it worked between the Chinese staff with their limited English and his poor guy who was not capable of really understanding what he had done wrong it was one of those awkward moments in a life that you cannot forget no matter how much you try not an employee that I was standing behind a woman at Hometown Buffet she was getting some lasagna or something basically a really cheesy pasta that when you lift the serving utensil a lot of cheese hangs on I witnessed her lift her pasta twirl all the excess cheese that was connected around her index finger and there was a lot clip it off with her thumbnail and then fling it back into the pasture I knew I shouldn't have been at hometown buffet in the first place but this solidified my stance to never go back at one point I worked for a pizza place that used to have a day Buffett that I would make pizzas for one time two huge dudes come in the moment we open for the buffet the manager on duty dropped the first two pizzas down on the buffet turned to grab the next two turned back on both pizzas were gone a few minutes later both dudes walk back up and each taken entire pizza again and walked back to continue eating they proceeded to do this over and over grabbing an entire pizza reached for themselves for the entire three hours we were offering the buffet was one hell of a day edit with all the replies hat out the gazon morbidly obese and pizza had 2011 with regular dough not fin medium pizzas 12-inch s rally 30 centimeter diameter sized pizzas there was a fairly expensive restaurant in Dallas in the 8th is called southern kitchen about $25 per person back then with food served to the table really good stuff there were famous for cinnamon rolls the owner said he'd seen many many women ruin expensive purses hiding those rolls man I miss that place I used to work in an all-you-can-eat buffet I would usually be the one who cleans up after people once closing hours pass essentially I was the de facto janitor of the place this one time I had to clean the bathrooms after the place closed no problems in the female bathroom but when I went into the male restroom the image was burned into my retinas tent Lee an old man was lying on the floor face down in a puddle of mark not just any sewage mark but opaque black mark it had the color of motor oil smelled awful too like a mix of fecal matter and rotting durian certainly didn't help that the liquid wasn't just smeared all over the floor but spread across the walls too there were ducking handprints across the wall presumably when the geezer was trying to stand himself up I peered into the toilet more of that brown liquid along with chunks of corny poop there's also this fluid in your digestion called chyme it's basically the thing right before food turns into poop the pulpy acidic liquid with partially digested food in it I could see scraps of chicken breast and sauce mixed in there with the pulpy chime as for the old guy well turns out he didn't merely faint he actually died I was in a room with the fresh decomposing corpse in the stages of alga mortis he had his pants off presumably he sheet himself to death but I don't know Ducker emptied himself like one of those cement mixers you'd see in a cartoon except you just replaced the cement with a liquid that embodies death itself needless to say I liked him emptied my digestive contents just from the opposite end that he did after that I quit duck that place man [Music] you [Music]
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Id: cDy-Py1StFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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