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hello everyone x4 it's here and welcome to all stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 5 golden wind an updated version to my all stands in Ventura radio video that was released a little over a year ago but now with all anime footage to celebrate the conclusion of the golden wind anime and to look back on all of the bizarre stands and characters we met along the way so in this video I'll be going over every stand that appears in golden wind in chronological order giving a brief description of the stands ability who the stand user is and what the stands musical references also please excuse some of my Italian pronunciations in this video because the audio is from the original version which obviously was before the anime and before we heard everyone's names correctly pronounced by the voice actors but with introductions out of the way let's dive into the beautiful and bizarre world of golden wind [Music] so to start off the first stand to appear in Ventura Rio is actually an old friend echoes from Diamond is unbreakable echoes as I stand with the power of sounds sporting a variety of sound based abilities through its three forms the stand can control what you hear feel and way through putting sounds in your head brynnie announce to life which is probably its best ability considering the possibilities like being able to control any element through sounds like sizzle swish and chills and its final ability is to add an immense amount of weight to a single object with echoes Act three the stand user is Mario's finest cuicci her Jose and echoes his musical reference is the Pink Floyd song which is composed of three acts echoes next up we have the first new stand to appear in the part gold experience with its ability of life-giver the stand can give life to inanimate objects to create small animals like ladybugs or frogs as well as just anything organic like plants small trees body parts and organs which allows go of experience to heal its user and others gold experience is a humanoid stand which is also a traditional punching ghost but it's punches have a secondary effect besides dealing damage they will overload the enemy with life energy to cause a sense of euphoria and make their brain think faster than their body to throw them out of sync although this ability is kind of scrapped as the park goes on and punches begin to strictly cause physical damage Gold experiences stand user is our main Jojo of the part giorno giovanna and its musical references the album the gold experience by Prince next is sticky fingers a stand with the ability to open objects and create pockets avoided space through zippers the stand can place a zipper on anything and decide whether it wants to open it like a doorway or create a pocket of space to hide its user or objects it can also be used to disassemble things and put them back together via zippers the stand user is pacion capo Bruno Buchi Lottie and it's musical reference is the album sticky-fingers by the Rolling Stones Black Sabbath the stand that lives in the shadows it's an automatic long range stand that's ability is to move swiftly and stealthily throughout shadows where its power is dramatically increased but when exposed to sunlight the stand becomes nearly immobilized black sabbath's may purpose is to create newsstand users for the game pacion as its user is the head of the initiation process to pacion and to enter the game you must become a stand user but it is possible that they allow access to people that are not yet stand users but still very loyal and dedicated to the gain so because Black Sabbath is mainly used to create newsstand users one of the stand arrows is actually part of the stand but it's unknown if the stand and the arrow fused together when it was created or if they were forged together manually its last ability is to forcibly remove people's souls from their body which it Pierce's with the stand arrow to create a new stand user or kill the person if they are not strong enough to possess a stand Black Sabbath user is Popo and its musical reference is the heavy metal band Black Sabbath moving on to Moody Blues a stand that reveals the truth its ability is to look into the past of a specific location or object and rebroadcast the events that took place for example it can be used in a cockpit of an airplane to replay the actions of the previous pilot and on the more extreme end just by seeing a picture no matter when it was taken the stand can replay the events at the location in the picture before or after it was taken when rebroadcasting events the stand becomes automatic and uncontrollable unless stopped by its user and this leaves both the user and the stand very vulnerable when rebroadcasting the stand user is a BA Keo Leone and the stands musical reference is the band Moody Blues next is soft machine a fairly simple stand that's ability seemed conceptualized to highlight other stands like Moody Blues and sticky fingers during its fight its ability is to deflate people as if they were full of air the stand has a small rapier that it will stab with and it gives people the properties of a pop balloon which can quickly make people disappear and travel through small and tight spaces it works best when taking enemies out one by one stealthily the stand user is marios the cheero and its musical reference is the rock jazz band at soft machine next up is another stand out of our main cast Sex Pistols Sex Pistols is composed of six small sentient beans named from numbers 1 to 7 skipping forward because their user disdains the number 4 4 being considered unlucky Sex Pistols work alongside their users six-round revolver being able to change the direction of bullets in midair by passing them around through kicks and punches and also reload the gun themselves they can also protect their user from oncoming projectiles by being able to catch bullets even a point-blank gunshot to the head it's notable to mention each and every sex pistol is unique and have their own personality so once seeing them work together it makes for some pretty great panels and dialogue one of the most fun stands in the series Sex Pistols user is Guido Mistah and its name is in reference to the punk rock legends Sex Pistols next is Kraftwerk a stand that can control kinetic energy its ability is able to stop any moving object in place instantaneously regarding the speed it's moving then it can build up its kinetic energy and release the object at will and also slightly touch it to change its trajectory a really simple ability with tons of potential uses for example throwing a handful of rocks into the air and then being able to walk on them like stairs or stopping a bullet from going into your skull Kraftwerk's user is sail in its musical reference is the experimental electronic project craft work moving on to another minor villain stand we have little feet a stand with the ability to make your feet little okay moving on to the next stand no I'm just kidding okay but there is some truth in that so little feet has a sharp index finger that it will attack their enemy to initialize the stands effects similar to soft machines rapier but in this case once attacked by little feet you will gradually shrink over time and in just a few minutes you will only be an inch tall it will also shrink your stands so stands that are strong physical attackers will be rendered useless but I think the stands best ability is that it's able to affect its user instantaneously being able to shrink him and then restore him to normal size in less than a second which gives the illusion of vanishing and being able to give the jump on enemies little feats user is formaggio and it's musical references the band at little feet but with an A in feet [Music] now for the stand that defeated Little Feat Aerosmith Aerosmith is a stand manifested as a small world war two fighter jet with the basic ability of being able to fire bombs and bullets from close to long-range with unlimited ammo it is also equipped with a carbon dioxide Raider to scout for enemies through their breathing there is a small pilot inside Aerosmith's cockpit which goes by the name Smith song but really doesn't do anything except sit in there Aerosmith's user is neuron chia and its musical references the American rock band Aerosmith next we have man in the mirror its ability is to access a mirror dimension known as the mirror world which is the same as the real world except everything is mirrored and devoid of all life men in the mirror enables its user to access this dimension by using any reflective surface as a door wave regardless of size it can also forcibly drag people into the mirror world without their Stan leaving it in the normal world but man in the mirror and its user can transfer world together so it's best way of attacking is just to drag someone into the mirror world leaving them defenseless without their stand a notable aspect of the mir world is that anything that is disturbed or moved in the real world is also reflected in the mir world so for example in the real world someone destroys something or knocks something over that will also happen in the mir world it will just look as if a ghost did it or the object is moving by itself but everything will stay the same there is just no life in it only the people that are brought into the mir world by its user and the user itself the stand user is a lose oh and it's musical reference is the Michael Jackson song man in the mirror onto Purple Haze is a very powerful stand physically that attacks with massive aggression its ability is a flesh-eating virus that is stored in the bulbs on its hands that break open when it punches the virus will surround the stand and spread slowly around itself it is extremely dangerous for both friend and foe if exposed to the virus it can destroy a body in less than a minute a very powerful ability with few weaknesses like strong light weakens the effect of the virus and it cannot be used in small areas because it will kill all of the users allies and the user itself if exposed to the virus purple Hayes's user is pannacotta Fugo in its musical reference is the Jimi Hendrix on bull haze mr. president a non-lethal stand that can create a secret room for people to enter when combined with the turtle coco jambo when entering the room you will be shrunk down to a size even smaller than we saw with little feet and it's instantaneously once inside the secret room you are protected from enemies physically but still vulnerable to stand abilities the stand user I guess would be Coco jumbo and it's musical references the band mr. president next up we have beach boy the stand that takes the form of a fishing pole it can phase through any object and people's bodies to hook on to internal organs to cause fatal damage the line from the pole also works as a sensor being able to sense how many people are in the room and their health status through heartbeats the stand can attack from close medium to semi long range and all the damage dealt to the fishing pole does not transfer to its user the stand works best when there is a distraction around or the stand user is very hard to find beachboys user is Pesce and its musical references the American rock band the Beach Boys following beach boy we have the Grateful Dead its ability is rapid age acceleration that has a semi long range of effect for example it can affect an entire multi car passenger train and make everyone on board rapidly age both physically and mentally this ability is dramatically increased if the user comes in direct contact with someone being able to kill them nearly instantly The Stand works best with a partner to serve as a distraction as the Grateful Dead's ability slowly incapacitates all of its enemies the stand user is prosciutto and it's musical references the rock band The Grateful Dead next up we have Baby Face definitely one of the strangest stands in the entire series baby face manifests as a computer that is used to impregnate a woman the stand will select a host best suited to create a strong offspring and unleash itself upon the targets upon fertilizing the egg the bazaars stand and human offspring reproduces cells rapidly and will be born in just under three minutes and it takes the form of a homunculus not a stand most people think that the offspring is the stand baby face but it's kind of a Frankenstein versus Frankenstein's monster situation so baby faces creation is not a stand even if it has Stan like abilities it is a physical and visible beam to every including non stand users this specific offsprings ability is to manipulate matter it can break itself and others into cubes to rearrange them while keeping them alive war caused damage by removing cubes that contain vital parts of the body like throats and hearts there is a lot more to this stand like its ability to learn and grow but we aren't even done with less squadra yet so let's keep on moving baby faces user is Malone and it's musical reference is the R&B artist babyface next up is white album a stand that we have talked about a few times on my channel already so to keep it simple it's an ice elemental type stand and it is the first suit stand in the series it allows its user to move at high speeds by skating on ice it creates and can freeze enemies while protecting itself with an ice barrier its secondary ability and sub stand is gently weeps its ability is to bring the temperature around the stand to the lowest possible negative 270 degrees Celsius to freeze the air around itself adding another layer of protection the stand user is gacho and the musical reference is the Beatles The White Album and their song while my guitar gently weeps next up we have King Crimson the stamp is asked by our main villain of the part it might seem a little early but the stand reveals itself just about halfway through the story so let's try to explain the most debated and arguably one of the most confusing stands in the entire series in just a minute so King Crimson works alongside its sub stand epitaph which is represented by the small face on the stands for head King Crimson's ability is to skip time a maximum of 10 seconds while epitaph can look ten seconds into the future and show the user this is usually done before a time-skip is activated if what the user sees in epitaphs prediction is less than desirable like getting shot or attacked he can skip the time that he took damage so it didn't really happen if the time is erased the effective skipping time is global and felt by everyone leaving moments of confusion every time King Crimson is used so for the 10 seconds epitaph predicts and that King Crimson skips everyone except the user is a slave to their fate and cannot change what they are going to do for that time only the user can consciously decide their actions within the erase time giving him a massive advantage King Crimson and epitaphs users are d and doppio in its musical reference is the band King Crimson and their song epitaph so if that explanation still sounds a bit confusing I think it can be explained best through examples so for example King Crimson next up is clash a long range stand that takes the form of a shark and can instantly teleport between open liquids ranging from a river to a spoonful of soup and the stand size changes depending on what liquid it is in the bigger the liquid the bigger the stand will become the smaller smaller it will become so considering the stand is a shark it has pretty good attacking power clashes user is swallow in its musical references the band The Clash next up is talking had a parasite type stand that attaches itself to its target stun to control what they say being able to lure the targets allies into dangerous situations and ambushes it works best with a more lethal stand as its partner because of its almost non-existent offensive power Talking Heads user is Tiziano and its musical references the band talking heads next up we have the notorious Stand b.i.g one of the most unique aspects of the stand besides the fact that it cannot die is that in order for the stand to activate the user has to die once activated b.i.g start small but will rapidly grow through absorbing energy around it like a tax thrown at it and inanimate objects producing energy like a plane engine since the stand has no stand user to command it it's automatic and will attack anything based on its speed the fastest thing around the stands relative surroundings will be attacked VI G's user was carne and it's musical reference is the American rapper notorious bank moving on to the last stand from our main cast members we have Spice Girl Spice Girl is a humanoid stand with similar properties to most punch ghosts but instead of breaking fins it makes thin soft turning solid objects into elastic and bouncy which like most stand abilities can be used very creatively like turning a real bullet into a soft nerf bullet Spice Girls user is Trish Oona and it's musical reference is the all-female musical group Spice Girls next is Metallica the stand can control the elements iron around its close proximity including the iron in people's blood which there is a lot of making for some pretty brutal uses like forming scissors and razor blades in a purse throat it can also use the iron in nature to form the same weapons the stand can give its user camouflage by surrounding him with iron that will reflect off light making him blend in with any background Metallica is a colony type stand with each individual resembling the famous painting The Scream by Edvard Munch the stand user is risotto Nero in its musical reference is the greatest metal band of all time Metallica the next stand to appear is actually an unnamed stand from the past in 1978 inventor Oreo we learned that the stand errors were forged from a meteor that fell from space in Cape York Greenland and in 1978 a team of surveyors were exploring the crater which formed tens of thousands of years ago but there was a lingering virus one of the researchers was exposed to the virus and his body began to mutilate but before he died shortly after being exposed he shot lightning from his fingertips very reminiscent of a standability and that's really all the information we know the stand user is unknown and it obviously doesn't have a name I'd like to imagine the stand would have been named ride the lightning in reference the Metallica song and album moving on to the last couple of enemy stands we have Green Day a long range virus type stand that affects anyone that is a lower altitude than the user with a mold infestation the lower you are the faster you die the user can also disassemble themselves to control each limb independently by having them all affected by his own virus except it doesn't kill him but gives him control over his limbs Green Day's user is Chico lotsa and it's musical reference is the punk rock band Green Day next up is Oasis the second suit stand in the part and in the series away stuff surrounds its user and allows him to travel freely underground and through objects it also enhances the user's strength and speed giving him more mobility when facing underground it just kind of looks like he melts underground and the way he comes out of the ground is like he's swimming in concrete Oasis relies on sound to be able to locate its enemies on the surface and this is also its greatest downfall being easily deceived and disrupted by loud sounds Oasis his user is psycho and it's musical reference is the English rock band Oasis approach in our final battle we are surprised with an old friend a really old friend silver chariot from Part three but not before long silver chariot is pierced by the arrow forged with the Beetle and train forms into the Requiem the Requiem or silver chariot Requiem has the ability of Soul Swap if you have ever seen Freaky Friday you are familiar with this concept the Requiem will put everyone to sleep in its surrounding area and when they wake up they will have their souls and stands swapped with the others affected the Requiem is protected by all stands if you try to attack it it will only result in your own stand attacking you back it's only weakness is its shadow which is casted by the person's soul closest to it which is represented as an orb of light above the person so the only way to defeat the Requiem is to destroy its shadow and to do that you have to destroy your own soul it must require a sacrifice to end silver chariots user is jean-pierre polnareff but once transformed into the Requiem it no longer has a user it's musical reference is Mozart's Requiem our next stand is the last Requiem gold experience Requiem once gold experience is pierced by the same arrow that created the original Requiem it begins to transform and fuse with the arrow to create GE R GE ARS ability is the power of zero it can nullify the effect of anything and any stands ability returning it to its previous state which heavily contrasts our main villain Stan King Crimson creating a duality between the two King Crimson can remove the cause and leave the effect while ger removes the effect from the cause in action G ARS ability almost appears as its rewinding time but it doesn't it only reverses actions not people's behavior and with this ability GE R becomes the most broken stand in the entire series o also if you're killed by the stand you are thrown into an infinite death loop where you spend eternity dying over and over again from your worst fears gold experienced requiems user is giorno giovanna and it's musical reference is the gold experienced by Prince and Mozart's Requiem and now finally on to the last stand inventory o Rolling Stones Rolling Stones is an automatic and uncontrollable stand that takes the form of a large boulder it will attach itself to somebody around it who will soon die and slowly reveal to them their dead body in its rock it will easily influence people to take their own life but have dire consequences to the ones around you if refused Rolling Stone is one of the most thematically rich stands in the entire series and revolves around the concept of fate considering the Sark happened before the events of the part it created the fate that all of our characters would soon meet rollin stones user is Scully P and it's musical reference is the rock band The Rolling Stones and that my friends is every stand-in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part five golden wind and if you couldn't tell already its exports from present time here just a few hours after watching the finale and it was incredible shout out to Jono Giovanna to be the only Jojo who took back control they're opening after the villain invades truly God to your status so thank you all so much for watching and hopefully my audio from a year ago wasn't too bad I had considered re-recording the whole thing but I don't think I would have made too many changes to make it worth it but with that said like the video if you enjoyed subscribe for more and hopefully I'll be back for another installment of all stands very soon [Music] you [Music]
Channel: xForts
Views: 2,865,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JoJo's bizarre adventure, JJBA, JoJo, part 5, vento aureo, golden wind, all stands, all stands in jojo, all stands in vento aureo, all stands in part 5, giorno giovanna, gold experience, diavolo, king crimson, gold experience requiem, vento aureo anime, JoJo part 5 anime, part 5 stands, vento aureo stands, all stands in golden wind, golden wind stands, golden wind anime
Id: TeW0laJs7DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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