Mario but I’m Blindfolded

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

A new video immediately after the subathon, we are truly spoiled

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ProfessionalMrPhann 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2022 🗫︎ replies
I woke up one day with an itch to play Mario but Mario is a fairly simple and easy game to play and I can't have that so I decided to see what would happen if I blindfolded myself and had someone verbally guide me through the game I called up my most chaotic friend I have Jacob of course we plopped down in front of the original Super Mario Bros and gave it a shot our first attempt wasn't that bad all things considered so you know how one one looks so just kind of walk forward and jump over the Goomba coming up you did oh my God okay so now you're in the first two pipes there's another Goomba coming up jump oh hold strong jump big jump there you go keep jumping all right sorry no that's your fault actually and this is where I get to learn I'm a chronic over apologizer but that's not relevant to Mario so I'm just gonna sweep that one away for later we kept trying for a bit to various degrees of failure uh jump [Music] keep run jump okay that was on me sorry actually I'm gonna stop saying sorry because it's not my fault my God these game over is gonna be so brutal if you keep going to the very okay um and after dying the fifth time we realized doing this challenge with this game was gonna be next to Impossible because after you lose all your lives it restarts you to the beginning and you have to do everything all over again Mario Bros 3 A classic I like this one anyway can we play as Luigi uh I don't think so what but you're the controller make me pick Luigi okay press start press start again press right press a all right now you're Luigi awesome different game yet same situation Run and Jump again now keep going okay there's a piranha plant no don't jump oh sorry I I assume that you assumed that I would get over the piranha I assume Okay jump job and again oh he's jumped I was like so shocked you made it I forgot to tell you to jump over the pit jump jump jump jump there we go jump okay uh okay let's be cool at calibrate because it's the furthest we've got yeah yeah so let's go let's go let's go a little slower now because I think this is pretty easy no you're just not moving at all it has this jump so now we're dodging some piranha plants uh jump forward jump jump oh my God okay keep jump forward jump forward jump forward it's looking a little scary okay big jump forward yeah yeah run forward all right okay okay well you just take like one step to the left for me okay okay okay oh my God after getting a bit further and further with every few attempts kind of uh two steps forward one step back situation we managed to beat the first level in around 10 minutes run jump bit like big jump forward but like instantly and just keep holding for it okay like like that run forward a little bit more a little right the right and hold jump [Music] yeah you did it we did that was so stressful oh now imagine watching it it was a small achievement in the grand scheme of things but it was the first shred of proof that we could at least build enough teamwork and communication to accomplish something together and that's a big deal in this situation we entered the second level and started chipping away at it when we realized this game also starts you over if you lose all your lives oh what so uh you have to do it again yeah Super Mario World what an awesome game the funny thing about using this game to do the challenge is it continues the tradition where I still have yet to play this game like a normal person the first time ever touching it was the Kaizo Mario ROM I played a while back and now I'm playing it blindfolded I still to this day have no idea what this game actually looks like so we started from scratch yet again and we're trying to figure out a plan of action we decided to only play up until the first castle because beating the whole game would have been genuinely awful for everyone involved but since there's two ways to go we had to figure out how we wanted to play in the game so do you want to try and clear this whole island or just make a beeline straight to the castle I just want to beat it okay then yeah let's go right are you kidding me oh my God this video is not gonna be easy and this is where I get exposed friend of millions of people okay I'll admit it I don't know my left and rights like it's really bad so keep running the left that's the right below the right hard left jump left left left left left left left left left I saw that I don't know how I never learned them I think maybe I just faked knowing them as a child and got away with it somehow and now I'm like this finally reaping the consequences 20 years later I've tried to use those tricks to help me remember like the the one where they say if you hold up your hands in an L shape then the one that's a real L is left L for left and all that but like I do that and in the moment they both look like elves so anyway Jacob is realizing now that he has partnered up with someone much more incompetent than he initially thought for this little gaming session on to the left path we go do a run jump and then stay still jump run run forward boy stop stop hey run and then stop all right jump forward okay wait still no yeah sorry okay well short-lived mushroom okay walk forward okay stay still jump forward okay let's walk up a little bit you can put some oomph and it's a it's a slope you're climbing up now chill oh a little more a little more a little a lot more even more oh my God just I'll tell you when to stop now stop jump forward jump oh wait jump forward jump oof jump forward jump forward jump forward all right jump forward jump again okay stay still jump to the right and jump after a lot of struggling and still not beating the level we decided we should just make a beeline straight to the castle for our own sakes and that was a good idea because we beat that one on like our first try time your jump now now go keep run jump just keep running that's it and you hit the bar did I yeah that level felt like he was made for the Blindfolded players even though that little wind felt good our newly blossoming confidence was short-lived as Jacob realized what the next level was I didn't know if it automatically I have to walk to it no oh my God this is uh oh this was a platforming level full of timed jumps changing blocks moving platforms and a Death Pit over nearly every jump it was truly the worst thing we experienced what kind of jump medium and jump again oh walk a little bit jump right need a little more jump from that one a little more now jump right and jump right when I say go oh sorry it's fine for you to mess up but let's not jump to the left okay he's out of panic I just feel like it'll undo my mistake no no it doesn't it no jump forward jump forward okay so that's three tight jumps you're not dead though okay um what go to the left you were just stranded after making absolutely zero progress we decided to backtrack again again and play the optional level we tried in the first place to the left so we could flip the switch and make this level actually possible with a blindfold on we were prepared to spend a lot of time on it again like last time but I guess after working as a team for like an hour at this point we were starting to get the hang of it more we were building more of a language for ourselves we barely got to the checkpoint the first time we tried it and then coming back to it we beat it immediately jump big jump all right perfect that's where we died last time okay cool okay so keep going to the right uh jump forward and mash jump again oh you didn't jump that's fine damage boost keep going rate did we do it yeah we did oh yeah oh yeah it was hit and back to the worst level ever we go but this time a tiny bit easier because at least we don't fall to our deaths every jump anymore jump jump good you're gonna medium jump to the right and then you're gonna do a big jump when I say go okay so medium jump [Music] perfect little left little left jump right I why would I why did you say jump and I'm running right no if I could date you this actually Jane take off your blindfold just look at this Freeze Frame we have [Laughter] okay you're at the mushroom block again okay so just press your a and then walk forward what happened you got it medium jump right and again on go I have no idea what happened there okay okay so go to the left and jump Oh no you're just dead okay that's fine that's fine he walks off the edge no he doesn't oh my God run jump forward jump forward jump forward okay okay go all right all right perfect walk again too much is death so walk a little forward to the right a little more a little more a little more [Music] what made the level really hard as a Duo of helpless blindfolded person and guide dog was all the really tight and timed jumps I don't know how big or far of a jump I need to do ever so Jacob needs to try and explain every single one to me the best he can and even understanding this is a tall jump with medium distance I don't know how to do that what's that mean I just have to click the buttons and hope I clicked it the right amount and if I don't I hear the Mario Death sound and Jacob Sai plus a lot of the gems had to be perfectly timed since the platforms moved that was like the worst part for us big jump to the right big jump to the right okay go go go all right I take a few milliseconds to process the action and input I need to make do it make it a third of the time and then Mario slips off anyway because his shoe has got no grippies on them we finally make it to the checkpoint and it doesn't even feel good it just it just gets worse we've spent so much time on specifically this level and only just now made it halfway we keep trucking through at this point I think it's really starting to take a toll on Jacob oh I I passionately dislike this old this is the hardest possible level to be blindfold okay oh my God you didn't know the momentum for it oh this is so hard oh my God Jaden you do not understand how hard this situation is oh this [ __ ] level Jaden is so hard we got to the end we can do it again okay hard right huh I guess this isn't really like that big of a challenge for me you're kind of the one who's having to do all the work here whoops my bad sorry anyway okay now we're gonna do a big jump to the right on go when I not that go sorry so again on go you're gonna do another big jump to the right go we didn't we didn't make it oh and I'll tell you when to go left okay tall jump [Music] sorry jump right that one's unfortunate not even your fault stop big jump right same thing happened again oh my God yeah okay I'm gonna start looking out for that this level was really putting our friendship and communication to the test we had to take I thought we knew visuals throw it away and rebuild it all together through verbal sign language we started implementing different rules like if you're explaining what to prepare for a timed jump lead with when I say go instead of leading with the input because stuff like this would happen victim for the right when I say go oh [Music] I understand the confusion and since we kept dying from Mario's slippery little slime shoes we implemented that Jacob would say left and I pull back on the jump so we land perfectly big jump to the right and I'll tell you when to go left go left oh this works perfectly we were becoming a stronger duo with every death at least that's what it felt like to me Jacob was still having to do all the hard stuff so his morale wasn't quite there anymore but after a full hour on this level okay so another run jump on the cycle uh on go here we go one yeah we're coming up on it go walk slowly to the right I think that might be the end of the level but I'm not entirely sure I think it is keep going don't have a Goomba here or anything please that's the end run yes we did it oh so many times I wanted to give up but look at us now we passed the goal and it felt like our souls left our bodies with how early we were since we'd been recording for a consecutive two hours at that point I asked Jacob if he wanted to take a break and he said no I just don't think it's possible so we took a break one consumed Pizza later and our energy was rejuvenated and Jacob wanted to be friends with me again since the levels were supposed to get more and more difficult even though we had a pizza we were still a bit unsure on how long their whole run was gonna be but honestly it turned out to be not what we expected at all the stage before the castle was a water level with a bunch of platforms and fish and spike balls and even though I had to learn how to swim at first you can get out of the water right you just have to hold up or something to just jump mesh I mean have you played this game before no we found a star power up and as soon as I got that we beat the level immediately wow that's the level wait not yet uh go left more now go right okay hold right there we go Mario just looking at the pipe for a little the goal was touched after three minutes of attempts just like that we were at the Castle I was optimistic because it was the last level in the run but Jacob was not optimistic because he's played this game before and was worried about the boss fight which is reasonable also I'd like to mention when I was sifting through the footage to write the script I saw this Sprite of Mario looking up at the castle and I was surprised for our moment because in the Kaizo hack the Sprite looked like this and I didn't know that wasn't the original I I really need to play this game at some point uh jump right now yeah what went forward uh you're gonna jump in place in a second now I was a little off we were surprised to be getting through it so quickly but it's ironic because the little cage wall climbing part surprisingly became the easiest part for us to maneuver because when Jacob would say stop Mario would stop immediately so it was like instant feedback it was almost like he was playing okay maybe not really either way we got to the checkpoint and after that was an auto scroller so now we have the auto scroller section don't don't run don't run careful now run jump to the right wait actually still jump ah that there's a fire flower there jump right okay so Jump and Go Right jump now we struggled a bit but honestly got to the boss really easily okay still uh run Ford yeah yeah oh oh my God okay uh we're at the boss tour oh funny little moment uh we were standing in front of the boss door and I wanted to take a moment to mentally prepare and get ready for the last little stretch so I took my blindfold off just in time to experience a jump scare you know they did that this is terrifying I didn't know they did that that's so mean the way the boss fight works is you have to jump on Iggy's head to shove them into the lava while balancing on a teetering platform and scratching our heads because how is Jacob gonna give me specific directions to jump on him perfectly consecutively and in the right direction if I need to keep avoiding the guy's fireballs and the ledge in general we decided to just wing it uh jump maybe maybe jump right wow okay so this is gonna take some time uh spam jump forward okay you still move forward a little bit get that mushroom all right jump forward all right jump jump forward jump on Fireball spin Fireball jump okay you didn't you did half of those things what I I definitely did I did which one did I not do jump oh here are two Fireball sounds and then start spinning jump wow there you go uh jump forward from forward okay that's fine that's fine you got a mushroom uh jump to the left oh oh oh oh oh my God what did we do it what happened we did it but we died before the game registered it and so it didn't count huh doesn't that sound familiar as soul-crushing and slightly humorous as that is at least we knew that it could be done with the right amount of luck which is another reason why I brought Jacob on board this project because heaven knows I have nothing to bring to the table in that department Fireball Fireball jump forward oh perfect perfect uh just you know chill jump to the left now and to the left oh too far left too far left too far left oh my God that didn't hit uh jump whoa whoa jump jump jump okay left and [Music] okay so I think I I got the Strat now Fireball Fireball jump right okay face left and spam wait now spam Fireballs okay oh that's it what really yeah how oh we got lucky awesome that that was easy Yeah by some miracle we tossed that weird Turtle into the lava without even looking at him probably the most disrespectful thing I've ever done in a Mario game we beat the whole first world of Super Mario World blindfolded what a tremendous feat we were able to accomplish together and all because of the power of friendship did you have fun I had a great time playing my favorite video game well that's good that's what matters did you have fun [Music] yay all done thank you you still want to do the rest of the game how many levels until the next Castle no if you're watching this today it was uploaded and everything is gone according to plan that means I'm sabathoning right now and now that the video is over you can come back to the stream so you should do that now please come back
Channel: Jaiden Animations
Views: 3,581,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaiden, animations, jaidenanimation, jaidenanimations
Id: ZYnaQS3ezzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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