Guessing JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Characters - Part 5 Edition (ft. Nem)

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oh it's cool ladies and gentlemen I know mr. Willowby and welcome back to our series on guessing Jojo characters today we're gonna be focusing on Part D 5 yeah I'm back today with them hello in the last episode of guessing Jojo the part 5 characters we covered were can you remember any of their names that's journal room that's how you remember is our know your last name your mommy actually as it turns out it's Giovanna I had a slip of the tongue of the video but yeah that's Bruno Boudreau lathy or boots or ah t depending on if you're doing the English or Japanese versions and that on the right is Diablo or Diablo I'm not sure which ones right actually so I'm gonna say both alright so with that we're gonna get into the remaining cast of part 5 characters that the wiki deemed important enough this stand looks like a nun I'm done yeah he's got like the non hund hey does his name Sarah say yes we're just gonna go with that his first name is ah and the class name is we all lowercase yeah okay so this character's name is Leonie Abbate Oh Oh God all these hands gonna be Italian yes very Italian listen cuz the whole thing takes place in Italy alright actually I don't know if it's a bacio or a Baca Oh probably about you okay a bocce oh [ __ ] I'm already getting scary I'm not gonna get crucified unless I'm a guy whose head it looks very like shiny and holographic like something you'd see in like an aesthetic picture I'm gonna name it hologram cuz it looks like a hologram all right so this is moody blues in most of these angles translations come from crunchyroll and the video games and English it would be Moody I know Thanks no thank you like his stance look like kind of like what sprites would look like I'm like a bootleg kids game website like where everything is flash games yeah he's needed ethic little wings to them you don't talk about no I don't like them I'm because he looks like he's got like a hair net I'm calling him lunch lady he's lunch lady the worst thing wasn't ominous I was just kind of like it made me uncomfortable well this is Guido Mistah the their voices are so annoying that the gun gets really angry and shoots its own bullets I don't even know how to react it's like otherwise yelling as always with these creative names guess that but Yello so this is the stand is sex pistol all right in English it's just six bullets I've seen a gif of this one pissing I like this one he looks cute I'm glad you you already figured out that they're a boy yeah I when I ever whenever I can't figure out somebody's gender and a Jojo thing I just assume they're a guy yeah he has a waffle skirt I'm gonna call him waffle no I'm not gonna call him waffle name Tracy is this Jersey Teresa yeah it's all there's no character named Teresa this is Nancy our guy okay but they just call him neuron sia the plane like the main character from planes was a crop duster so I'm gonna call this plane crop duster that's a weird stretch today you could have said I mean you didn't have to like tie it back to the Disney movie planes so this is Aerosmith well and they couldn't use that so they used a little bomber that's stupid and it's this is like I've seen the me buff on tumblr where like he was his hand his pocket I think they don't know where his hand when I said is like sewn together he's good he's got a DA beast and it's stapled together oh my god you thirsty [ __ ] I just wanna know what the [ __ ] happened it was close he chose to name he's the Swiss cheese man sounds like he goes ah run delivering it no come to deliver myself I am that sounds like the start of a gay porno all right this is panna cotta foo go you're picking it up pretty quickly the theme here now what about is edgy buddy that's what stands to be called edgy buddies that checkerboard-cut reminds me of Alice in the looking glass so I'm gonna name them Alice okay if you want you won't change your answer no okay so this is purple haze or purple smoke in English and crunchyroll this looks like yeah now here's the question is it is it John or is it not it's John's son there's a little spin-off where instead of being like the next Jojo you're the next John this guy he's gonna be Chuck this Jacques so it actually is Jean it is Jean Pierre polnareff so he still has the same stand which is if do you remember yeah silver chariot yes but what's its name black chariot okay that's a good guess I mean that's silver chariot Requiem oh okay um I don't like the little face he's very he's very purple was wearing a modified titty sweater he seems like a cutie pie but something he went wrong something went wrong and defense in the fashion process it's like he could look so much cuter if I helped him out a little bit I could like comb his hair and I could get that just sounds like you're trying to get laid again no wait I'm near McCann Pink Floyd this is vinegar doppio something was just [ __ ] vinegar why is he all these frog like a phone let's stop looking at it like like you want to throw up I'm just gonna call him agony called epitaph epitaph it's because it predicts the future I don't like him I don't like his hair it looks like a spider he's bringing gay I want to live inside this mangakas mind what the new was this guy named after food - I don't think so [ __ ] I don't know I don't know what Italian foods are I Dino vinegar that's about it I'm naming him creepy hair no I can understand his creepy fish all right so this is squall oh and his stand is called clash and it couldn't use that so they called it crush it's like if you made a genie out of pepto-bismol okay I'm gonna focus on the guy on the left here fettuccine fettuccine when you're actually okay with naming him just random Italian food name since I was just a [ __ ] vinegar I know but like before I remember cuz he's young I don't know how to pronounce pepto-bismol Jeannie pepto pepto [ __ ] kill it God there goes our ad revenue so this is talking head no seeing him walk all I can think of is the modem [Laughter] he's just fully out out he's not wearing any underwear he's just like has his shirt wrapped around it's a double fruit that gives you the power to like him you are you are so this is karna Kombat character and his alright understand name is notorious b.i.g all right he has a constant look like he really needs to [ __ ] he doesn't have anywhere to go he looks like he's about the trip he went oh [ __ ] my meat isn't like you ripped down his pants and just left it there there's a lot as of this video this character actually hasn't been shown in the anime yet he looks like coronal he's got I was thinking Jack Frost from the third Santa Clause movie Oh God like like a Stan's dress it's very nice I don't like the guy and his stand he doesn't deserve him doesn't really have a choice it kind of is him his stand is like an icon he's a queen I stand you stand stand whose character's name is chocolata no lotta he has no kind of chocolate theme like he's Derek chokolate sames and his stand is called Green Day Oh what if made references that recent D D D he looks like like there was a tragic accident and he had to be trapped inside this body forever like again G kind of a thing he could turn into clay the power dips yeah okay some of these are easy some aren't I'm gonna name him after a sound effect after the I effective clay I'm gonna call him I am gonna have like I'm gonna spend an entire night trying to figure out how to write down this guy needs to meet up with a starlight glimmer so they can so they can communicate and horrifying sound effects so this is sick you'll want to call me out in the comments [ __ ] you but but please do tell me one of you just one how to pronounce it nobody else after that one person does bizarre adventure but every time Rose pronounced is something wrong go [ __ ] yourself yeah [Laughter] [Laughter] that's fantastic improv so this is a waitress alright okay he seems like like another another trope of like the villains stupid selfish kid if this room was his jail cell he would be fitting about half of it oh he's very large he's like your giant he's large nobody knows why he's like this or why he has like shitty eyes or why he's eating his finger oh god he's literally eating is on finger I thought it was just bends and I had something on it oh my god his like his hat thing not the stand with the dude it reminds me of that one horror guy that has the needles all over his face you know who I'm talking about yeah prickle man I don't know what's name but he reminds me of him mister needle puss I'm gonna name him acupuncture and his stand is the king of Goths so this is potable Popo just sounds like his name we're just being around or something rotund and this his stand is called Black Sabbath ah links or shadow Sabbath have Black Veil Brides passed all aesthetic wet boy yeah he's a wet boy yeah he looks like an old painter but for some reason he just has spikes everywhere it's because he is he's hard to burn to approach but but he'd be able to carry a conversation he likes conversation but not initiation oh my god I'm naming this man and I maybe I get like a small sword it's very small it's like me hocks a little dagger size doesn't matter I'm going to name this guy first of all um looks solid yeah if she feels kind no I've never cut a sheep you never been a sheet I probably have what I don't remember it they took my memory here looks like a pillow so I'm gonna call sleepy man Mimi would you call to stand again cactus man yes okay there the man family this is Mario Zacuto Mario I I laughed at it because it's Mario Socorro which sounds like Mark Zuckerberg give it Mario suck yeah and his stan is soft machine all right that's probably that's kind of why I laughed when you said this is the real soft and wet because it's softer than his name they couldn't use that so they call them tender Mitch which is funny because he looks like a cactus oh I stand his teeth I don't like it yeah there's we need to just have a supercut of me saying I don't like it mmm don't like that hair don't like it's got leggies leggy man that's his baby and his stand is teeth but with one space in between a flutter and also this stand has a vagina on the front it's like a bad deviantART artist yeah this is Sally but yeah this is Stan's called Kraftwerk for some reason I thought of the mac and cheese first in May as well and is a in English it's arts and crafts cuz we couldn't come up with anything better thanks crunchyroll looks like an evil version of cars on his name is Ritz crackers he added a tea in there yeah just what is cracker I just need to add some pizzazz to his name but at the at the bottom I'm gonna call them the little blood pill boys the blood pill gang so this is a risotto narrow that's also a pasta and his stand is Metallica why is his head so wide in the left one those are the ears yeah but still even if you were to take away his ears the head would still be incredibly wide because his head his ship his eyes like the facial features are shifting a little bit dan looks [ __ ] ready to fight like this one finger like he's like a stayin of like if not for the laws of this land I've slaughtered you it's he's just angry gritting his teeth and he's about to poke you with his one fingernail he's got shirt I'm not gonna comment bumpy and involve me he's gonna call him bombie Aiken kitty I know I his cat is like sectioned off into pieces his cats of twisty he's got like a snowman cat he built it out of style cat I because he looks kind of like a monkey what was that supposed to mean and on the right like this really part reminds me of Super Monkey Ball I'm gonna name him Super Monkey Ball and his sand is just okay so this is far Maggio all right and his name is called little feet well feet like little foot from know he's got deals kneepads yeah oh my god he does not hearts they're like lovely diamonds he doesn't have his elf shoes no he has very he has decent Footwear stand instead of all she that's cool I'm because he's a pillow I'm naming him soft boy and his stand is his triangles he looks like one was like anti-drug ads like after like an 80s cartoon so I'm just gonna call him hey he looks like a prodrug ad look at all the triangles behind him he's trippin balls I'm gonna call hey kids because he looks like an anti-drug dude that sounds really like disturbing hey kids his stand has the ability of being a child predator no he's saying say no to drugs well well grasping at so this is an elusive and his stand is man in the mirror he looks like Malfoy I'm Jojo universe I don't like a stand I don't like it it it looks like a like in zombie games I like how and the right picture both the front and back facing versions when we're trying to get at each other's dicks I because of his middle hair I become swish his stand we're gonna call him Frieza in pain any idea what it does uh cuts off your legs and he wears it for his own legs and any leaves yeah we've got finally got one think you only use once and then he's happy and he leaves and this is life as a person yeah ah this is prosciutto and his tan is called the Grateful Dead don't like him if Marco became a meth addict that's what would happen here I don't like next time you want to send an eggplant emoji send a picture of him I don't know what to name him I'm gonna make him drugs oh that's a good simple huh there's a good fight scene between him and that hate kid stand huh because that hate of all the villains but nobody hey kid stand is like an anti-drug PSA where's this is he's like the villain and that in like in like a short animation where he's like hi drugs are cool kids and then he's like no kids don't do drugs and then he punches that guy in amazing his ex a new he dislikes the heroes but he hates drugs this is Pesce hey wait his Stan's name was just fish Pesci and fish it's beach boy beach boy or just Fisher from him and he's an eggplant and he's very not confident about himself because it's probably because he has a cylindrical head ah you like it sick 3ds [Music] purple void Oh understand is this rich peji purple purple edgy this is Maloney and a stands baby face or an English baby head his hair looks like a devil fruit this is the hair devil fruit guy he's got like a Voltron Paladin suit on all right there speak up my skates oh yeah accent for the ice skate I didn't see that part because he has stomach root here I'm gonna call him Joe Joe Joe Joe know me because know me means fruit gonna just called it the Joe Joe for you gotta call the Joe Joe Joe Joe yes Mojo Jojo freed you into a monkey it's the Joe Joe Joe no me suit is the stand Oh weird I don't want to be inside my understand his stand is cats gate cats gate or cat skate I said cats gate my cousin anime it stands gay but for furries nice he is giochi oh ok and his stand is called White Album turtle with a key a show there you go you got it that's it we're done does it we'll see you guys next does it like talk no it's just a turtle this is a turtle with a key I think that's the key is the stand but it's just an anything can have a stand no I think someone just subscribed I needed to turn that off if you press the red button it'll turn him into a TMNT however because he's a turtle and his arms aren't long enough he isn't capable to reach back and touch that red button therefore he will never be able to become a member of the TMNT not weird at all I'm sorry that's the weirdest thing on all of this cousin it was Michelangelo [ __ ] and what's the key called for the power of Pizza akin all right so this is coco jambo and his stand is called mr. president it's just the Obama head on the way basically he's a mode of transport the key if everyone touches the the red part of the the key there's actually a tiny room in there and they all teleport into it and and basically what they did to transport around was they put him underneath like a train like a the seat in a train yeah and then they all transport it into them so they could hide yeah so poor master see I think her name is I think her name is Lucy but I'm gonna take my pink with an escalation part exclamation point instead of an eye because music references and her stand is that it no okay miss pink love women so this is Trish una okay this is spoilers this is the the main villains daughter okay who he wants to kill okay and her stand is called spice girl but they couldn't use that sounding this they called it spicy lady so yeah and that's her disguise not very good good saying she has bright pink hair maybe they won't think it's me so what have you learned Italians exist they have to be able to overcome their fear of bending their own spine which is their back which is unbendable that's another fear give the music thanks for watching I appreciate your patience while waiting for this next Jojo Pardo if you'd like to see the series continue hit the like button and subscribe with all of your might and make sure to hit the bell to keep up with our uploads comment below what Jojo para we should do next and what your favorite guess was I'm Emma Esplin OB and I will see you next time let's even say spine is unbendable
Channel: M.A. Splinobi
Views: 1,039,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SplinobiFORCE, MAsplinobi, Rose, commentary, funny, comedy, Nem, Blobcat Creations, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Guessing Characters
Id: MZ1YPDnb6fE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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