What if the USA Colonized Africa? (Victoria 2 & Hearts of Iron 4)

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okay okay okay fine fine you guys got it you guys will not stop bugging me about this stupid idea I've tried so hard to resist it I've tried so hard to ignore it it's finally gonna happen and no I'm not talking about this this will have to wait I don't even I don't even want to do this I've talked about doing my first-ever conversion video one save between two different games Victoria to two hearts of iron for will do in a big old save game that's why this video is super long I can't believe I'm doing this so we're focusing on America and what if they participated in the Scramble for Africa much more than just Liberia we'll talk about Liberia but what if they had their own big-ass colony many people consider Liberia to be kind of a United States African colony but that's not what's gonna happen here today they're gonna be taking massive portions of land for themselves which means France and UK may be a little bit weaker here the extra competition I'm sure will not be welcomed relations are probably not gonna be that good so then as I said we're going all the way up to World War Two and I can only imagine how drastically that whole thing's gonna change one thing that I'm actually excited for is I didn't realize how good the converter is like taking a game from Vicki to to Hawaii for is just gonna be a whole different experience Victoria to actually does a great job of giving us some backstory like no one's gonna be taking over the planet in this game but it will tell us why certain countries are doing better than others before we take it to hearts of iron then forward one starts asking me I don't think I can ever do ACK to game to Hawaii for game like a thousand plus year timeline things get so crazy in that like the map is gonna look disgusting this is gonna be relatively realistic what I'm saying is it's not like we're gonna see people from the North Pole take over like half the planet we're starting off with the Texas war for independence and yeah this doesn't tend to go well from Mexico the Americans are probably to get involved we also have two minor conflicts taking place in South America and then Spain is fighting Morocco just as they normally do obviously Prussia should be uniting Germany at some point in this video but from there we'll have to see how you know the whole great war goes that can go pretty bad for them especially afterwards if they lose and they let painters lead their country now this is something we could be looking at quite often in the Victoire part of this video the UK right now is number one in the world France number two and the US will probably get pretty high as soon as the whole Imperial ization thing starts happening something we got to talk about as the Prussians actually just form the North German Federation is and actually before I say I keep in mind obviously I'm a idiot so I don't know exactly what I'm saying basically there's this fear of influence thing where major countries try to influence minor countries so like for instance we got two sicilies they just became part of the sphere of influence for France and I believe that means they can get called into a war something like that but the important thing here is that whenever we take this save too high for whoever is in the sphere of influence will be a part of that same faction so right now Japan is technically under the Americans sphere of influence that is definitely not going to say the same yes I said they technically would have been a part of the same alliance if we were to take it to heart sparring right now ouch oh yeah by 1856 Mexico's been left with just their normal territory and Arizona which is actually just a big-ass desert so you probably don't even want that and at the moment there's this thing called the United States of Central America which I really really like I hope it doesn't break apart because this is this convenient el salvador is just kind of chilling here kind of doing their own thing no oh okay maybe they're going fascist already of course any ideology that gets adopted and established by certain countries in Viki too will get converted over to Hawaii for and obviously that's gonna be a major deal in that game Oh beautiful Karl Marx just wrote his little fantasy novel fantasy novel cuz it could never work in real life Communist Manifesto alright and I think the UK is starting to feel it are you feeling it now mr. Krabs oh I could already hear the banjos the banjos and and all the statues getting put up probably the CSA is they almost never win yeah and it looks like they're probably not gonna win this time either you don't even know how they're supposed to win I don't see any sort of divisions or regimens whatever they're called in this game okay yeah yeah they're dead I guess one way they can get their independence is if they just had like a bigger uprising I've seen in other campaigns them get like New Mexico and Nebraska Kansas all the way up on their side if they had more states they'd probably better and here we go here's the beginning of the Scramble for Africa you getting their first colony right south of Morocco holy Piedmont ok can you slow down of course you know be in the 1870's the British better watch out they've got their own kind of Vietnam war coming up the the Vietnamese of of Africa you know just getting ready to embarrass a major power dam okay something really bad is happening to North Germany and the UK holy who landed here yeah the French were just seizing everything okay what the hell is going on it's the British war for Latvian liberation with the UK Ottomans Germans and Swedish okay and they're fighting Russia France and Austria yeah that is obviously a pretty scary team and while that's all happening the Americans are really able to colonize they're taking advantage of the chaos in Europe and I don't know when this happened but the Brits have really expanded Gibraltar I guess this wasn't enough let's just keep beating up on Spain we're just doing some colonisation himself in North America as they've expanded their little Connie again this could still get bought out by some lucky nation out there well whatever happens it must have been mostly under the surface because for the most part they still seem fine Italy also just formed up and actually so did Scandinavia also you know Vicky to technically doesn't have an observer mode this was back during a time where the paradox knew it would just be cancerous to include I'm using but--and of you I'm hoping that I won't get them killed if they can somehow make it through this entire video I'll feel pretty good I don't know what this is but once again we have now a North to German Austrian brothers war not exactly sure what that means but the Germans aren't looking too good which is interesting because technically there's still fourth in the rankings in terms of greatest powers the US have jumped all the way to third that's pretty great and now the Spanish have begun to colonize the Middle East grabbing parts of Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula also the British just grabbed the Suez I believe any great power could have got it I've seen the French take it once of course a I Persia loves torture nests in this game their borders look just unreasonable it's not even about looking ugly like how are you supposed to manage this and it happens it happens of course the Americans bought just the entire Russian colony I was really hoping they would just keep that I guess not this time around though in Austria is now starting to do quite a bit of damage to Germany I think I mean they've won multiple wars against them now they're starting to take some land away and also it's technically April 1900 and Germany still hasn't unified this region just yet that could be bad American Africa is looking good though they have a huge portion of this continent maybe the biggest so far yeah definitely I mean a lot of their territories to Sarah deserts so what'd you do with that but it is much bigger than the French and British territories and I'm thinking my prediction might start coming true this is the opinion map mode for the u.s. a lot of people don't like them mainly the British though which is the big one France does so that's interesting and in Austria as well which they're definitely a good friend to have at least in this campaign but I think the most interesting part of this alternative history is still yet to come with the US having all this territory really close to Europe where you know that the tends to go down World War two is gonna be real good also I believe the Chinese have been smoking some opium for the know if you smoke opiate whatever you do with opium they've been doing that for like a couple decades a civil war I believe is about to break out well it's kind of already starting to daenam Russia okay that's that's messed up taking a nice chunk out of Scandinavia it's specifically Norway as for the rest of Europe which keep in mind this stuff changes fairly quickly clearly the Ottomans have dropped out of being a major power since they're being influenced by the British now oh wow okay and Russia is already thrusting their influences in northern China this is probably how you turn commie guys damn it okay well I've been referring to world war ii as basically the stage in this game when we take it to Hawaii for I don't think that's kind of the case this is the second great war in this universe and it's 1903 once again it's the UK and Germany teaming up this time with the help of Italy be careful they change sides and Bavaria versus Austria France in the US it's actually not looking too good for this team I guess I kind of completely missed World War one my bad well here's World War two I guess ever since over here doing their own thing they're still getting more powerful at wow they just took all of Korea and they're not wasting their time in one massive war oh my god and we already have our first major nation that adopted communism who knows when it was North Germany congratulations we still got to see if they keep this also Spain continuing to spread their influences in the Arabian Peninsula not bad you guys are looking pretty good also migration is actually pretty interesting to look at obviously the u.s. I think is getting the most immigrants which actually includes that territory of Africa they now control what looks like the Chinese Empire I have handled their little civil war they're actually looking quite terrifying also somehow Korea got their independence what is this gonna stop how many damn great Wars are gonna happen do you guys just they just love killing people okay well just so we know when we go to Hawaii for technically that's gonna be World War five this isn't normal regardless it looks like we're not gonna see like a unified German region we have three different powers Prussia the North German Federation and Bavaria it's a bit divided still model colony well there you go with the competition for colonies constantly increasing as European nations scramble frappe wow this is amazing so the u.s. basically can do the best African colony maybe they should have done this all along but then again you know I believe Liberia also started off pretty good a lot of things change though the united states are also number one in the great powers list we still have about 20 years to go so definitely a lot of things can change but the UK number two France 3 China number 4 surprisingly not number 1 Japan has also kind of just come out of nowhere I believe they had something to do with the liberation of Korea and the fact that the Russians have kind of fallen in the rankings in terms of sphere of influence it looks like it's mainly France in the u.s. that are really you know taking control over a lot of these places the British really only have their colonies that's kind of about it I've also noticed a lot of commie rebellions taking place specifically in Russia that there was there was a pretty massive one rusha I know who woulda guessed right oh my god okay I was really really wrong yeah no we're definitely seeing a German Empire in this game okay why I guess this is also a what if Austria formed Germany type alternative history video so since Austria has that special ability to you know not get blamed for world wars does that get passed on to Germany damn this is terrifying though that German Empire is gonna be tough to stop I know the Americans were number one in the Great Powers list before I don't know about anymore though I like what you're doing Italy but at the same time come on man this this is horrible why did you take this part of France and also just before we take the save too high for I just like to add that I'm probably gonna get rid of these tiny Indian nations they're part of the British sphere anyways so it doesn't doesn't matter here it is games over 100 momentous here's a past but we can still take one more look at the rankings that's what I thought that is exactly what I thought but the German Empire isn't too far ahead of the u.s. they're gonna be pretty even I think in hearts of iron Italy managed to just squeeze their way into the Great Powers just like they did in real life also just like in real life I believe they're fascists as well damn okay I just figured out how to easily see whose fascists and communists a lot of very minor places have gotten the fascist route Italy being obviously the biggest one though communism is much weaker on the other hands but I you know it's all good because they've got the greatest military threat of all it's the British kryptonite if they ever stepped out of line you better believe Sulu shields and sticks are gonna be thrown at them so here's our Victoria to map in hearts of iron for it is really nice to just zoom all the way out the fact that you can't zoom all the way out in Vicky to it makes me want to kill myself so I think it's finally about time we take away four into the super sexy cinematic view there's actually a lot of things going on in this map let's take a slightly deeper look I mean first of all the u.s. is just super dominant right now no one is gonna threaten them especially in the Western Hemisphere they might possibly lose their African colonies though and even though Germany's number one in the world they're gonna need to find some friends luckily Russia and China are both just chillin here while unfortunately Japan is gonna be kind of stuck by themselves they will get the aid of Korea that it's not an annex Korean Peninsula but that's all they really have but no matter what happens I think the British are kind of screwed they are really in a tough spot whoever comes out on top between France and Germany I think is easily gonna be able to take over the British Isles okay back to normal viewing so my computer doesn't crash like every three seconds yeah the Americans also have the help of this Central American nation also funny enough El Salvador the country I joked about being fascists a little bit earlier yep they they would they they would and they're like one of only five countries in the entire world that actually chose this ideology but on the opposite end of the spectrum we have Italy which as I said when fascists we all know what that means it's the man the myth the legend a legend that I think recently changed his name bada bing bada bang bonito welcome back I'm pretty disappointed that Hirohito is in here I feel like he should be but at the same time I guess there's still a chance I mean Japan is dealing with a lot of ideologies right now oh yeah this is also super important it's probably the first thing I should have shown but the United States have 184 factories UK have 201 Germany has 231 so yeah they are leaving the world right now as they should be I guess but the one thing FDR does have over them which I guess this is FDR is military 258 divisions yeah that is super high for right now and also don't forget they're now getting all these resources from their new African territory or it's not really new that that happened like 50 years ago but you know what I'm saying the darker Sierra's got to be China I'm really worried about them they were sitting here with six million man power and I mean whoever gets them on their team is gonna be super lucky what's happening with Colombia they're the only nation I think with this radical ideology what what is that libertarian political class okay which advocates the state okay so like Walmart rules her country Afghanistan has started the first conflict in Hawaii for they're going after a much weaker neighbor to the east no wait I'm stupid okay that was to the north I was thinking of somebody else this actually might not be too easy and then we also have Bolivia versus Peru which Bolivia is democratic Peru is fascist so I don't think they're gonna be getting a whole lot of help I mean maybe from just Mussolini's competent twin brother Oh speak of the devil there is imagine though like imagine if like he has one of the best games ever and this university could be like a genius damn and you know he might actually have a chance here against Portuguese Jose Diaz this dude only has three divisions okay don't mess this up please he's gonna do it crazy bastard I love this world well and already struggling fascist ideology just lost another member I don't even know how many they have at this point now Italy's invading off the coast of Africa to take the Portuguese colonies out this way I don't know what happened to this nation in Viki - but it must been bad it's like they have no military damnit Germany haha well there goes all the fun I guess they're they're trying to restore the hree you know they kind of already had it and China is now invading the equivalent to Vietnam in this world should be a very easy pickup I mean they're so powerful okay wait a second Latvia just did some crazy ass pokemon evolution somehow Latvia became polish Lithuania how does that work I was wrong okay I was wrong once again no surprise here I thought this might be competent Benito it ended up being just regular Benito now I'm just kidding in Germany's super powerful they've got a bunch of divisions 316 factories at the moment luckily for France though I mean it's not gonna be that good but they were given a big alliance so that will help how are the Ottomans doing we so we have this like Saudi portrait that were kind of used to seeing they've got two puppets actually in Europe surprisingly they're not a great power so I'm assuming that they're struggling yeah definitely Factory why's that they're not doing too good wait a second did the Americans just get rid of Liberia yeah you can't okay this was meant to be a very different thing yeah this is a bad combination very very bad coming it seems like the democracies are in the lead but we have Germany Russia and China all following the same ideology which by the way just for anybody wondering this is a form of monarchy in which one ruler has supreme authority it's got a self explanatory and then there's also Mexican Franco Mexican Francisco Franco does he remember in the very beginning in like 1836 when he controlled Arizona wouldn't you want that again actually did they have a claim no claim really oh yes they do oh my god their Flags change so I didn't see it at first and here we go all right this actually might be the beginning of World War five yet World War five Jesus this gonna be a disaster there's just no way they can survive I don't see a scenario where Japan or Korea don't get their booty kicked I just a check you know China still has somewhat ok army composition which is surprising although they could just get rid of everything else and probably just stick to these well you guys just messed up you guys just messed up real bad France declared war in Russia we'll see if Scandinavia wants to join I seriously doubt it because that's what happens that is exactly what happens and actually that that's what should happen whenever Germany has you know smart rulers in charge damn okay they even got the Ottomans to just join okay this is gonna be tough I don't care how much territory the Americans have this is not looking good Wow okay France just go ahead and bend over you might as well I'm there being supported by of course Great Britain and the USA that probably what am I said that's not gonna help them at all Scandinavia is smart Scandinavia is real smart they're just gonna stay out of it they don't care if they're supposed to help out just don't do it and then of course GB is just gonna make things way WAY worse China is definitely joining the the Alliance of Germany now oh I don't know let's let's see there's a chance they don't also Japan just got Burma on their side as if that's gonna save them once again the Americans are also trying to help out British Raj but it's really not gonna help they're gonna need to actually get involved here and they're getting involved okay yep they are actually getting involved I know I told you to do it but why the would you listen to me so friends is gonna get taken out by Germany that is very clear hopefully Scandinavia somehow escapes their fate and a lot of democracies basically Britain Japan Japan's not a democracy and the US are all attacking China oh that's what this is I was wondering the whole time like what this Congo nation was it's a puppet to Scandinavia it went communist okay I I just really hope you guys aren't doing the same thing that uh Belgium did you know what I mean just please I hope you didn't do that you're the current borders of Europe Wow and they've made all these changes in like the last four years man maybe Austria really should have unified Germany and it only continues to get worse and worse as expected China joined Germany so right now it's uh it's world war two it's just probably gonna be very one-sided again maybe it pulled in Italy and somehow switch sides they were part of the French now part of the British they're dead either way though okay okay this is good this is a start you gotta at least get the Western Hemisphere on your side so you can stay safe over this way here we go here's some African warfare for ya some sub-saharan African warfare actually things are going well though as I said Mexico could really mess some stuff up especially with that claim on Arizona I could I could see it happening oh yeah American troops are just flooding into the African front that's actually really good to see and they are currently taking Ethiopia looks like the battles are actually happening all throughout this continent it really is the battle for Africa the Germans have landed there though and then lots of stuff is happening over this way which I mean who knows maybe you should've kept Liberia you coulda used some some extra hands damn okay Colombia they are legitimately trying to do the whole like Gran Colombia thing I guess with their new radical ideology oh my god this this just as the u.s. started making a comeback yeah Mexico joined in but look at this I mean they were pushing inside of Africa there was there was small amounts of Hope but then again you know I think it's fine I this is gonna be a small annoyance but 15 divisions from Mexico isn't really gonna stop anything and this is only gonna make things even juicier because of course the Ottomans want to kick out Spain from the Middle East that actually makes a lot of sense problem is obviously that's gonna mean Spain Spain being a democracy will join the Americans so now we'll bring the battle to Europe like clockwork there it goes I don't have much faith in Spain or in their alliance now but we'll see oh man but this might have been exactly what the u.s. needed look at oh I didn't even think about this so smart this content is really acted as like a home base almost they almost lost it too obviously that would have been the end of everything in this invasion so far seems to be working I can't believe it I don't know how they're gonna stop like Russia and China though but at least they can take back Europe that's that's something okay I don't know if Spain was like way more powerful than I was thinking I don't think so though they weren't in the great powers list this is crazy though and now begins the invasion of Russia I don't know if China will ever fall but it doesn't really matter at this point I mean they did their job by the way I don't know what's going on here just wanted to point it out that whole Afghanistan war has accumulated zero casualties it's been years guys are you sure you know what you're doing this is a really strange sight to see Spain controlling all of Europe a lot of Russia then we have the Americans in Siberia wonder what's gonna happen when they take over China BAM this feels like the biggest peace deal ever just cuz of all the things we had to do to get all the way to it USA only taking 12 States Great Britain taking one Spain taking 14 maybe they really were just this super powerhouse that I had no idea about and then obviously democracies were completely restored or put into power lots of place oh my god this this is gonna be so gross first of all East Asia okay that is really cool that's exactly like Vickie - that's what the Empire of China looks like I think we're should got out easy nothing happened to them which is really odd see as we move closer to Germany what the man okay I probably should have removed Korres from Vicki too but at the same time that's what made this so interesting I think also yet Russia definitely didn't technically get out too easy and honestly you know I want to say it was all because of this I mean without African USA I I cannot see the same thing happening hope you guys enjoyed the first ever Vicki - too holy for on my channel you guys have asked for so so long and this was it's exactly why I didn't want to do it I've spent all day doing this I don't want to think about doing like a CK 224 like thousands of years oh my god I'd rather die but I don't know thanks for watching I'll see you next time big things - free cruise fetus that fetus raging fruit mr. Pfister Tanner of the Nazareth princess Emma dealt Aurora doctor freaky praxis spend mope gentle of diskette ICI beans King Solomon Kiwi supreme git gud mcnac a smack CG Franco is thick Swiss agro shunts Billman Jake Paul's my daddy Bruce for vacation Matthew E Elijah's Empire B and Elfie
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 1,493,551
Rating: 4.8863106 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Hearts of Iron 4, Victoria 2, Hearts of Iron 4 USA, Hearts of Iron 4 Africa, Victoria 2 USA, Victoria 2 Africa, USA, Africa, USA Colonized Africa, HOI4, Hearts of Iron IV, Vicky 2, Vic 2
Id: qd0dyLrGHoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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