All 42 Nations Battle on a Giant World Map! (Civ 6 Gathering Storm)

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here we go every single sieve from the base game to the dlcs to rise and fall and now gathering storm on a giant earth map in their true start locations you guys been bugging me about this for a while now i've been trying for a couple days to make it work it doesn't really it doesn't really work entirely but uh this is the best i can come up with i don't think i've ever made a game crash as many times as i've done here this is definitely not supposed to be the way you play civ 6 but um yeah this is good enough also just because every civ is here doesn't mean all the leaders are here i had to leave out some of the alternative leaders because they would have started off in the same exact spot causing too much too much chaos and yeah i'm talking about paris and london that's the big one i'd leave out the base game version of those civilizations we're using eleanor instead since she's the new person on the block so she might be talking to herself a little bit here because she's leading both these places you also might notice that some of the colors are a little bit weird and that's because i'm using a mod that slightly tweaks that problem was again civilization six was giving me so many issues i i was getting so annoyed like all the city banners were coming through transparent so this was the only way to fix that lastly you might notice that there's no maori because they start off in the ocean and they can settle anywhere and that doesn't really work with a game like this so uh yeah i think the modern stuff to try to figure that out but they're gonna be here just in a different way than you probably expected i don't think that changes much though because at the end of the day i think no matter how many times we do this australia is always gonna win or at least get in the top three because uh they just have too much land all of themselves and no one maybe indonesia after a while can i guess take them out but it's still it'd be too late by then all the natural wonders are in the right location so we have mount everest as well as i've set disasters to uh their highest possible i don't know how many i'm gonna notice of those but i'll keep my eye out on it one thing i did pick up on though is the ring of fire there's definitely a ring of fire a lot of volcanoes in the spots you'd expect them especially obviously in indonesia this part of the map there's pretty much five all in a row loyalty is turned off just for the capital city which is kind of what you have to do specifically in a place like europe when you have a lot of settlements kind of just right next to each other speaking of that mechanic though it is going to be interesting to see how certain civs colonize because obviously that'd be a big factor in stopping some of the crazy stuff like let's say if someone were to make it to the new world i mean even though there's people already here i guess that'd apply more to if we did like an old world game like we did back in the day we're going to see a lot of patches before that though spain grabbed a coastal city that's pretty good that's always kind of a big problem for them because madrid starts off right in the middle of iberia they get a navy now and the dutch are already having some problems at least they're being attacked by the french as of now we'll see if maybe the germans join in but one good thing i do have to admit is this map i mean for someone that doesn't even play i just kind of watch this is the greatest quality of life thing i could ever ask for i should probably just watch the whole thing like this one nice thing about civ compared to like hoy4 or eu4 is i mean there's crazy things that happen in those games don't get me wrong a lot of crazy things but yeah in civilization this [ __ ] is just wild and again as i was saying australia the only sieve so far i think it's like turn 10 with three cities and things are only going to continue to snowball like that oh wait no no no a lot of places in north america do as well so i mean that shouldn't be oh not not canada though come on guys this is your first game don't embarrass me already brazil's probably gonna take over this little city state which i mean these guys were already in a very unsafe location just right in the middle of south america france has settled almost all of france and a little bit more and they should be pretty safe getting everything out here in the west here's the first free city which i believe they revolted from hungary it's hard to say because as you probably noticed uh all the cities will be accurately named depending on their location that's gonna make things a little bit harder on me to try to figure out like who originally settled certain places or not so yeah i don't know i'll just i'll try my best and russia is already working on walling off all of the east which i mean they do pretty well at since they start with more tiles than everyone else and we'll have to see if georgia starts to head up north i mean if they just chill in the middle east that's fine but they can cause a lot of trouble depending on who they attack between russia or cythia the mongols seem to be kind of doing their own thing i don't think they will be attacking china or korea anytime soon not with this massive desert but who knows once they get some horsemen i think molly just took a city state as well they are one of the only to capture something this early on london is kind of already screwed unfortunately because uh well scotland grabbed liverpool before they did so they're pretty much trapped unless they get to ireland which i i doubt of course of course why am i not surprised whenever this happens to poland you two always seem to be here actually i think the only two alternative leaders here are from india and in the indian subcontinent which is good because there's not that many sieves that start off in this area is someone actually gonna take afghanistan because uh i mean not only is it difficult in real life but this game especially because of this huge mountain range friends is getting booty over here eleanor is uh just going nuts she's clearly invested way more of her strategy into yeah into the french not not so much another place germany's gonna take back warsaw because uh reasons they just you know they like to do that in scandinavia things seem to be going pretty alright they both are chill sweden and norway i i think they'll avoid war but we'll see if that changes one thing that's not accurate though which i mean shouldn't be too surprising are the rivers the rivers are not correctly named i wonder if we can get that one day that'd be pretty awesome egypt did just finish the pyramids though so uh that's enough realism for me roman's struggling here though i mean they didn't settle enough and they do start off on the smaller italian peninsula they probably should get to africa yeah it might be too late for that the aztecs are playing very aggressive as they just grabbed what is this oklahoma nebraska iowa things like that so that's going to limit the expansion of the us and canada that's for sure smart of nubia to kind of just head towards the south not grab up more of the river giving them more the desert i mean in certain situations that might have been a good idea also egypt has done the same thing skipped over the sahara and uh yeah go for something that's more valuable pretty sure molly's supposed to be like super rich right they get a bunch of bonuses that allows them to be super rich trying to think how we can test that out ah now spain has made the jump to north africa pretty smart that should be a good location to maybe attack morocco don't leave these guys here you might as well just eat them up europe is still very much dominated by the french but the vikings are over here trying their best to maybe raid some coastlines something like that uh i don't know if they're gonna take the city though well the two india's are looking pretty scary yeah i mean they are not stopping they pretty much have their entire subcontinent maybe just there's a little bit more land down here they'll get that soon though and then there's australia which i mean again they are personally my pick even though i mean this isn't super valuable here st they have plenty of other stuff though i mean grab this then go to the philippines indonesia seems to be struggling so that yeah it's understandable luckily this isn't krakatoa i'm pretty sure their entire civilization should be dead if that was the one to erupt whoa okay wait a second so the vikings did somehow take amsterdam i don't know if they're going to keep it it looks like that is unlikely i mean they're being invaded by the french and maybe england will take a city georgia's starting to move up which i mean it might be a little bit too late though uh they have another settler coming too there's not much land and uh yeah cythia and russia not gonna be too happy and who else but the mongols the mongols would be the ones to take beijing or actually it might be the koreans too they no okay no i'm stupid the maori are doing pretty great i mean for their circumstances uh at least they're still alive honestly i'm just happy canada's still around i really thought that the us would just wipe them out early but uh nope they're okay and they do have some snow which i mean they're supposed to like snow england's making it work england is making their horrible situation work as they grabbed iceland and uh they actually have a settler out here randomly in greenland so have fun with that i never realized how awesome these egyptian warriors were i gotta zoom in a little bit more to just check some of this stuff out oh that's right i completely forgot about religions so uh egypt is now confucius all right sounds good to me i want japan to have a good game because they normally don't do well in civ there's not that many tiles on these islands and i mean when they do it's because they get to china they're not getting to china in this situation though oh wow and i just now realized that hong kong was taken i'm sure by yeah by force it looks like the koreans got something new sweden and norway are both kind of just sharing finland as well as everything just east you might as well that's kind of nice of them though obviously for this video i didn't want to include any modded civilizations because one i just wanted to do like all the official sieves but two this barely worked like this barely worked so i'm sure if i used modded tips my computer would just die the us is going to be pretty unstoppable now since they have control over orlando you know they got some insane warriors down here i kind of forgot about the aztecs and their jaguar warriors normally you know those are really op units but since they started off with no one nearby they couldn't really utilize this stuff and at this point yeah it's kind of too late there's definitely some battles going on between the inca and brazil i don't know yeah i don't think anything has changed hands just yet but it might i'm guessing the french and romans are pretty good buddies since i mean the romans have a ton of troops just within their lands and they've been right there for a while now and the scottish have made it to ireland so um it's safe to say they're gonna dominate more than likely the north sea and if they want they could probably take out iceland the mongols have lost beijing and the koreans have renamed this city apparently i didn't know you could do that that that's a thing i guess anyways that's kind of a big deal a city-state has been liberated i didn't think that was going to happen but all right it's nice to see that the ai actually does that stuff and hungary might be dead hungary very much might be just killed here i think uh yeah massive don wants to take some stuff over since they only have one city two you gotta do something all right you guys are getting a little too crazy right now i don't know what norway's thinking but um i mean they're doing the right thing they're doing exactly what they're supposed to just rating everything just right here i don't yeah i don't think they're at war yet though hungary's dead and uh i believe greece is next more than likely i think the ottomans are going to take them over uh unless someone gets some other ideas persia is also starting to struggle a bit i'm assuming it's probably because i mean they're in a tough spot they've got a lot of enemies and i don't think their mountains and hills are really going to save them that much i feel like the cree should have done the best in north america they had a lot of area to grab up but they allowed the aztecs to kind of take up a lot of the states spanish is not afraid to settle right in the middle of the sahara desert i mean eventually that's going to pay off there's no way they see this uranium here but all right good job the vikings are just not giving up on weedland they need they need weedland back and uh i think they're gonna get it more than likely uh i don't know because the french have unlimited amounts of troops nearby i'm really surprised that arabia is still around and they grabbed the third city because yeah persia revolted or something like that they're always going to struggle in these tl cells though because they're just kind of sandwiched in all right so uh bringing back city states must just be a cool hip thing now because yeah hong kong is back once again i believe it was taken by china to china do it i have no idea maybe it's japan india seems to be randomly sending an invasion force to korea i think all right guys you do your thing man well there goes alexander's only conquest budapest has now fallen to the french not sure how that happened i think it was through conquest but amsterdam was taken back by the vikings this is actually the craziest part of the map i think i would have really liked to have seen some sort of scythian mongolian wars that would have been perfect but i i don't know the scythians aren't really doing that much and they're not i'm they're not fully attacking the russians kinda though i'm a big fan of the khmei empire which i always think they potentially could do well although the chinese grabbed up a lot of southern china they could have got this land too and then they could always take out indonesia indonesia is yeah they're kind of doomed to struggle it's safe to say weird stuff is still going on with the ai as this english settler has been here for centuries centuries maybe a thousand years i don't know doesn't want to settle the germans are i believe invading sweden not sure how that's gonna go and i don't even know why this war started did you not allow them to use your railroads the biggest miracle of all though is that poland still survives that uh that is the greatest human achievement although of course things look horrible for them i love what phoenicia's trying here they are going after athens with a just a massive naval invasion as well as some land troops that's that's pretty good this actually looks like it's gonna be successful i feel like if any city state's gonna survive here without having to be revived it might be these guys since egypt or the romans really aren't building a navy oh spain better start to worry spain better start to definitely worry because now that the french have a foothold in iberia and actually there's a nice little road headed right towards the capitol okay yeah that is bad news the u.s have settled cuba as they've always wanted and actually this is a beautiful little canal going straight through oh man i like that i like what i see from spain though even though they could get taken out by the french i mean they're still trying they're the only person colonizing a different continent i believe the phoenicians have taken athens but i don't know if that's gonna last also this city's just been ravaged you probably don't even want this and japan is slowly expanding to a place that actually no one else is so it is safe that i mean they normally do this in civ ai only games they grab up like all this stuff in siberia because no one ever wants this or gets here korea's a little focused on china i think right now which is maybe for the best because i mean the chinese are looking great and they can continue to take some of this coastal territory if they want and they might have to attack the kamai or maybe the indian soon as i thought i mean at this point still no one even comes close to threatening australia and there's multiple i guess directions they can expand towards i mean they don't even have their continent yet and there's plenty of islands up here so they're good now that i've been doing those history videos i feel like i can reference like other things this looks like charlemagne's empire like the hre with french northern italian territory not so much in the middle you know i don't know it kind of looks like it australia has just grabbed a city in southern persia well okay i'd imagine that even though like george is doing well i don't think they would survive forever or a lot of these places actually wouldn't survive forever because they're just in the middle of the map they can't really expand to get anywhere a lot of these a lot of these sibs would die anyways that's about as far as i can get without more of the game crashing uh again this is deity difficulty so i mean this is as fast as the ai can go you know getting into the next era and things like that as you can see i mean the ai doesn't expand as well as it did in like civ 5 still that's unfortunate i mean the french did but i'm wondering how much they benefited from the loyalty system i'd imagine a lot maybe in the future i'll come back and do something like this again i especially would like to try the old world game because those are always fun you just have none of the new world sieves and i probably would have to take loyalty out for that one i don't know how that would work when it comes to far away colonies like this thanks for watching i'll see you next time and big thanks to free cruise lpc destiny [ __ ] nine thousand hate me like you do your sheila elijah senpai bruce for occasions argo maxi g king solomon van moe gally tanner of the nazareth mr berkeley cooter donkey brandon h mega fat boy sneaky g jarrod clark thank you
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 1,227,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Civ 6, Civilization 6, Civilization 6 Gathering Storm, Civ 6 Gathering Storm, AI Only, Civilization 6 Battle, Civ 6 Battle, Civ 6 World, TSL Earth Map, Civ 6 Canada, Civ 6 America, Civ 6 Cree, Civ 6 England, Civ 6 Germany, Civ 6 Russia, Civ 6 Aztecs, Civ 6 Australia, Civ 6 Japan, Civ 6 Korea, Civ 6 China, Civ 6 India, Civ 6 india, Civ 6 Persia, Civ 6 Ottomans, Civ 6 France, Civ 6 Spain, Civ 6 Rome, Civ 6 Mali, Civ 6 Zulu, Civ 6 Hungary, Civ 6 Sweden
Id: LNk28XbjSEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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