All 48 Nations Battle on a MASSIVE WORLD MAP! | Civilization 6 (All CIVS)

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After looking around, it seems to be the Giant Earth map built into the Yet (not) Another Earth Map Pack mod

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/President_War_Bear πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
forty-eight saves on a massive Earth Map we've done this on a smaller Earth Map this one's gonna be huge and the Western Hemisphere is gonna be a little crazier with the Mayans and Grant Colombia can change things a lot in the new world by the way this video was sponsored by 2k and four axis the civilization six new frontier paths is now available for $39.99 it's comprised of six DLCs purchasable individually or you can buy all with just this pass first DLC was obviously the mine and Grant Columbia pack as well as that new apocalypse game-mode new city-states natural wonders and resources and if you do purchase that new frontier pass you're gonna get a persona pack which is gonna be a new take on Teddy Roosevelt and Catherine de Medici and that's gonna be out with the second DLC coming out in July but of course praxis is also gonna be releasing free updates in between each DLC which is gonna include new maps scenarios bounces and more so this is the key we've got a massive Pacific Ocean Japan is no longer like right next to North America so there's gonna be some distance now between the East Asian SIVs and North America I kind of feel bad for the new Mayan nation because they're jam-packed in Central America like not only are they right next to the scary Aztecs but they got to face Gran Colombia I think the Colombians will more than likely stay in like the northern part of South America they've got a lot of room to work with since the Inca are kind of pushed down this way Brazil has to move all the way through the Amazon so not only do we have all of the SIVs but also all the leaders so I included the extra France and England England had to be pushed off to Ireland cuz there's not a lot of space to work with here whenever we do a civilization battle on a giant earth map Australia always has to be a favorite they've got this huge continent all to themselves and I think this continent is bigger than ever before they just have to worry about the Indonesians and of course the Maui who still have to make a choice out here I'm personally hoping they go to like North America at some point but it's unlikely cuz you got to think the AI doesn't see the world map they're seen like all of the fog of wars so I don't know which direction they're gonna choose to go by the way this is with the new apocalypse mode which means there's gonna be more natural disasters than ever and new natural disasters I really like the forest fires that pop up because sometimes they just like don't ever stop and they consume an entire like huge subcontinent I feel like some saves could definitely use that as their advantage I'm looking at you Russia maybe intentionally just like start burning stuff run away that's that's the strategy that's the strategy this is always gonna be one of the worst parts of the map to be in because we've got to Greece's Macedon and the Ottomans all right next to each other I don't really know I think this Greece is not gonna last long then there's good old sweet home Georgia Georgia is in between all of these volcanoes and on apocalypse mode I'm pretty sure like all of them are gonna erupt like it's gonna be a disaster and they're gonna erupt multiple times so big Earth Map all the SIVs all the leaders including the two new ones and a ton of natural disasters this is gonna be chaotic so now we are gonna be going to New Zealand I guess it looks like they're gonna be landing on the northern island soon northern islands I say that right and there is Belize City so I feel so bad for them oh they also have to deal with a lot of volcanoes themselves Stern like for and we already have a hurricane okay we went away ouch okay so immediately out of these three SIVs we've got this England's doing particularly good because they got their second settlement down Scotland could probably fit one more and actually yeah they can easily get access to Iceland so I think they're gonna be okay there is no way for them to reach the new worlds yet they're gonna have to discover deep-sea sailing so that is what wait yes there is oh yeah I can totally still do it but that would be an adventure and I don't know if the AIS willing to do that already seeing some problems with revolts possibly some cultural swaps might happen again this is not a fun part of the map to be in Russia already expanding taking all these extra tiles because Russia's gonna Russia gonna grab up everything I feel like not only Australia but also the Zulu have very good chances because they're all by themselves in all of like South Africa they can grab up a lot of stuff and then we know pretty aggressive they like to kill a lot of people the battle for India is gonna begin probably pretty soon because there are only three tiles away from each other like that is not enough space boys that's the other thing about the giant map is there's all of Central Asia that can possibly be utilized now there used to not be in the smaller ones so I don't know Mongolia Russia Cynthia they've all got pretty good chances it looks like the Dutch might have taken something from Germany already well Germany is not looking good at all and hungry Wow okay so we're gonna start to see some cities swap hands like right away wait a second that's not supposed to be happening to you guys you're like the good England at that you're supposed to be like holding on not having cities revolt that's the thing about Europe there's so many like civil wars at the very start nice little tornado just right here on Gibraltar that's cool make sure no one leaves Indonesia always has a little bit of trouble they're gonna have to sit here with a settler for a while I think until they start figuring out how to you know how like boats work and stuff work Scotland with the reverse card also Germany's dead Germany just died right in front of us now can pull and pick up this revolted City this revolting City or will the Dutch take it to I don't know I'm not sure if this is gonna be enough is this gonna be enough Scotland imagine if they take London they're safe they're gonna have a really good game Alec that's confirmed if they do that this England on the other hand though pretty screwed there's really nothing much they can do maybe they can make it to North America yeah that's like the one thing they can do can't wait for the forest fires give me more forest fires that's not good already three Australian cities so I kind of feel bad for the mouth the Maui will probably survive because look there's no like you gotta have deep sea to travel which they do but no one else does they out here exploring though oh are they gonna get their second city I hope they don't do it they're maybe just you know like move a little bit further over that's three tiles better than one we've got three Roman cities and they're looking pretty strong they might also start colonizing if anyone's gonna start calling izing North Africa it's gonna be Spain or Rome Wow Giorgio's moving all the way up here maybe taking something from city they're gonna are they gonna take that no no they're gonna be close but that would've been crazy rush is looking good now since these two are over here distracted I mean they're just they're just chillin you gotta watch Paul and look at Poland maybe Poland won't be dead by turn eighty Gran Colombia moving on down towards Brazil so they're just gonna go deep into the Amazon rainforest forward settling by Arabia how could you do that that's gonna piss off both Egypt and Nubia a lot of cities revolting it is happening kind of everywhere now it looks like London is gonna hold on because I don't think this is definitely enough Scotland no wow you got lucky England France and the debtor also at war to which I don't really wait a second what what happened to France sounded bad happen to France I think the other France not the blue France didn't take long for India to just go after each other which it's too early it's really hard to take over cities I think at this part of the game don't do it Mongolia don't do it already leave China alone maybe Korea can like I don't know get involved somehow I don't think just stay out of Korea my favourite city my favourite city with Daddy in it whoa oh dang look at this capital got taken down by a ton because this volcano erupted now is it tagged attack Mayans attack oh you guys done goofed and that's where I gonna have an all game-like eruptions are gonna happen all the time on this apocalypse mode who lost these two well that's kind of fortunate pretty messy over here Oh finally yeah I've never been so happy in my life to see just a random forest fire okay but I don't think that's gonna like spread too much it's so beautiful it is so beautiful Maui now with three cities I don't know how good they're gonna be but at least they're expanding girls got three cities from Canada and America and I think so far can is in kind of trouble because it's not a lot of room for them to work with especially if like Washington continues to do his own Louisiana Purchase Oh London's gone lemons gone and it wasn't because they were taken over and they might even leave leave lose this city leave it they're gonna be leaving it too he lost this Oh France might come oh wait no France might get this I see I just realized we already lost one Greece and a Macedon so this game is deadly we've got a couple saves with four cities and that's obviously pretty good one of the only nations in the world and they're right next to each other and the Dutch and they're in the middle Europe but I don't know who knows with all the revolts happening it's hard to say who's gonna keep all this stuff no it's gone but out already in my test runs it was like running all game because he just kept burning things down it was like right here lasted forever why would you do that Columbia I don't know why I did that like he's fourth settling now more than ever the Inca and the Brazilians that's gonna piss them off Rome now picking up and taking advantage of some of these sips that have lost their C's they've got five well that's scary let's hope they don't like start like drinking led or something it's the only thing that could take them down well this England is at least gone this this is gone there's still a chance we still have Irish England which is weird to say Viking invasion Viking invasion I should have known better I should have known and they're all that's scary why you gonna do that Vikings love this Poland I like this moving up towards the Baltics and you know chillin maybe then get up to Finland maybe one day and there even about to take the city away from Gorgos Greece I think there's yeah they're gonna take that five warriors surrounding it I didn't expect that to happen I don't know where you guys even came from but the Dutch just swooped in also the Aztecs with their own like forward sadly and that's a huge forward settle where it was that in Kansas Ravin Kansas like that I feel very bad for the Mayans to the Mayans well they have enough warriors to defend themself maybe but against Eagle warriors that's not fun whew the Phoenicians up here now taking out the Ottomans it looks like we've lost another sieve I guess forward settling the Nile was a bad idea for Arabia let's see who gets this well battle between Persia and Sumeria it's all it's all fine it's all good Spain is going after Paris I don't think they're gonna do it though these warriors don't have enough health left but that was a pretty ballsy move whoo so the new england the new england picked up the other england second city maybe they're gonna be okay spain is determined to stay in their own continent they're not leaving liberia yet with that settler moving up this way i thought they'd go after morocco sooner than that every sieve in north america now has four settlements the others three of them out of four just have them all like packed together how was Rome retaining six cities like this I could have swore they were gonna lose it least of these two no Scandinavian battles just yet but look at Norway with four cities they don't care if they're up in the Arctic and a chill up there sweetens gonna need to go after like Finland or something soon because I think either Russia or Poland will take it before them Zulus starting to forward settle the Congo kind of scary whoa oh that was not the phoenicians I thought they were attacking Nubia Nubia is now I think I think they're probably the favorite to win Africa Rome with another city now I think this is formerly Hungarian or something yes seven settlements it's crazy nuts doing pretty good too I forget that the Dutch have also seven whoa Viking invasion Viking on Viking invasion I knew it the Zulu they couldn't resist of course they're gonna do that they had this city for like a couple turns and then they already decided to attack the Congo oh man gone he's not looking so good Gandhi the other India is destroying you guys six it looks like it yeah they're gonna be trapped up here in the Himalayas probably the whole game nice they go flood okay still some disasters happening and no Dasia finally is gonna get off their starting island I think about time so here are the faiths that have been discovered there's six of seven there's still gonna be one more thing Buddhism by Japan Protestantism from England Houston ISM from Australia the autism in Brazil Eastern Orthodox in Russia and Shinto by the Cree a man I missed this mega colossal eruption that happened that killed five population that could have been useful for Egypt if that happened like a little sooner but nope they took the c2 Nubia continues to just roll on through on goya it feels like at least Mongolia's got off to a pretty slow start you think they'd get everything by now it's a random snowstorm it's kind of weird cuz you don't expect like snow to be surrounded by green don't do it don't do it Russia stay away from that do not lead anyone into that Russia I know you want to Wow okay Aztecs you guys you guys really you got yeah that comment down there's no way you don't lose that how would you keep that up speaking of someone who forward settled and ended up losing it Columbia so they are now gonna struggle they got two cities Zulu were successful in their invasion Congo might lose something else to Poland now taking a little revenge although the Dutch are kind of here to may be distract I don't know what the Dutch are doing exactly come on let Bolan just get a little revenge just a little bit just a little bit Oh Sweden's gone how'd it sweet oh this just like that there was only like I don't 10 20 turns and sweet doesn't even exist alright don't mess with the Vikings who weren't familiar with that man looks like they're gonna settle mainland Asia I don't know if that's a good idea but I don't think it's a good idea and Scotland has made it to Iceland's just barely I guess so maybe they will get to North America although there's not gonna be much room left but bΓ»che got a little piece of this Brazilians not a little piece they got all of this Brazilian cities but let's see what happens after Mayans got their second city now exactly where I wanted it I wanted them to go to Cuba but okay that's fine too the Ottomans have broken up Gorgos Greece which means that Poland should have a lot of success taking this like northern city away from them whoa who Birds all your stuff down India there's also about MIT was at the come I come I are doing something that's just a forest fire that expanded yeah look it started in the Himalayas and then it slowly have spreaded spread to their territory I love it I love it it's like messing with their elephants up elephants you got to get out of there oh they're dead they just died in front of our eyes really didn't expect to see elephants on fire dying in front of me today but here we are not again Japan not again why can't she was just doing this it's almost every game in every game they do this Maui why are you why would you do that why would you do that Scotland is find a way to make it work five cities in just this really small corner of the map so the forests do grow back oh there they go they're growing back okay so it's not gonna be burnt down forever just for a good amount of time after it you know took out Indians elephant Indian elephants but the Mounties decision-making here is still pretty crazy yeah white right there you could have gone to Hawaii it probably didn't know better they couldn't see if nations really liked this part of the Arabian Peninsula just continuing that's just how they're gonna do they're gonna control the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea though nobody's looking so good right now Norway can just chill up here for a while they need to get to Finland but I like their chances and Norway's out discovering the new world I think has got these long ships out in the Atlantic look at this chain that the Aztecs are building just straight up north they're probably building roads and bam they might be able to take out the creek oh no the Cree are kind of running towards Alaska they might be safe that's really their only hope another forest fire this time it is affecting Poland and well it might be affecting Russia too they might lose his heavy chariot Oh think that was gonna stop that might go all the way out into Russia a wooden catapult versus one forest boy okay it's still it's still standing just barely you guys might want to put that out we need to smokey the bear out here Zulu doing over here next to Cornwall Egypt's not gonna survive much longer hey Congo got their City back they're doing okay I think the Zulu might be a little distracted by Nubia now Cynthia's gonna kind of cut off Russia if they get all of these mountains so that might keep them I don't might keep Russia and check a little bit especially because my Galia still hasn't really done anything and it's gonna continue this is gonna ravage Russia which you know what Russia's fine with this they're used to that it's actually gonna help Russia in a way I bet I bet don't know if it's gonna help Poland though it's not good but it's you know it's leaving Poland didn't even realize Georgia had one city left and they probably won't keep it days for as far as still going and it's gonna just it really is gonna ruin a lot of what Russia has built all these tiles there they're gonna be on fire soon all of them Mali is really trying to avoid that Sahara Desert but I guess everyone is there just funnier because it's like they're just staying away from it they still got this river this river would be okay vein is finally made to Africa it took them long enough so Finland is gonna be shared in this universe with a Polish Finland a Polish southern Finland and in a northern Norway Finland is that right something like that something like that got three new cities up for grabs and that's big because all of these SIVs that surround it there's a lot of sense that surround them they could use it actually the ottomans could really save their game if they get both of these great rush and fire continues to just tear down everything so bad it's just spreading now it's just continuing to spread what have their shrines gonna catch on fire this trying to be okay I'm pretty sure I don't know how it's getting like avoided right now I guess he's an Orthodox it's really working for them something's working fire power and there another one this one doesn't look like it's gonna affect one nation too badly but the Congo got hit slightly oh this is gonna mess up this whole force there's a lot of forests Wow it's getting this is actually worse this this might be worse it just won't be worse for one particular country so Chicago is settled but they're having problems I think keeping it I'm not sure if that's the Aztecs the Aztecs are just messing with everyone hey grant Columbia kind of recovered they've got four cities and they're holding onto this Marilee get your units out of there get your units out of there do not be in the Congo who's gonna take it is gonna be Nubia Spain or Mali everyone's in a race to take out my my sweet my sweet when I thinking of waifu I'm sorry waifu okay i think this i think it's finally over i think russia has survived for the most part the fire is actually gonna come back into poland a little bit you don't want that you do not want that up your Australia that's the thing Maui are like huge thorn in everyone's side pretty much it was Spain Spain killed Egypt so now they're gonna be kind of committed to North Africa they probably don't want to settle Tunisia or something is this the same fire this fire somehow get over here what happened what the hell is that what is that anyone know what that is it's freaky is that a new that's a new thing nothing looks demonic it got like masks on what are they falling over here what is this he's an Orthodox I've never seen that before Burrell's it's just it's just standing in the flames it's like a demon demon spawn from hell I don't know who's scarier in Europe is it Rome or the Dutch probably Rome and the Ottomans have kind of recovered although they might I don't know what they're about to lose but they're gonna lose something not the Amazon not the Amazon that's not gonna stop alright the Aztecs are taking over North America I don't think I feel like they needed to be if they need to be stopped like way before this Scotland has now made it to Greenland so they are making their way slightly over towards North America there's nothing else really to get unless you want just snow get a snow city if you want and Spain is slowly gonna start to connect their two cities I think and I don't know if Rome Rome doesn't care Rome's a little distracted yeah Rome is worried about taking out the Ottomans Mayans aren't dead yet but it's only only a matter of time so reminder this is only the first DLC there's gonna be even more sips that get released in the future so I'm gonna have to come back and continue to fill out this map and make it even more crazy which is scary don't forget about the new front Pest if you want to check out more information about that the link is down below thanks for watching see you next time and big thanks to my patreon supporters imagine carrying a baby for nine months just named drew stormtrooper 501 Oxenberg love queen of Europe Joe dover de daΓ±o rap smacker 3000 I'm the real Oh sick Aryan after a han qualif dilute riley a manΓ­s incorporated like stole tyler be Pulaski love it I need to xyg sorry Elijah sent by an LPC
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 657,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Civilization 6, Civ 6, Civilization VI, Civ VI, all leaders, all civs, civilization, sid meier's civilization, sid meier's civilization vi, civ, all 48 civs, earth, earth map, real earth map, map, civilization 6 gameplay, civ 6 gameplay, civilization vi gameplay, civilization vi earth, every civilization, nation, country, frontier pass, gran colombia, civ 6 maya, civ 6 mods, civilization 6 mods, ai only, world, massive world map, world map, geography
Id: 7UIa8a6HHHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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