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[Music] not furry furry dangerously furry dangerously cheesy oh he's hit a hundred percent bad news walter we forgot the balloon at home so i don't see any cops he's flying away like ah i got my old chum just screaming he's doing it though he ain't got no balloon he doesn't need a balloon all he needs is his imagination enter strangers leave as friends re-enter as lovers isn't this beautiful aren't you glad you can see stare at it look at the waterfall the foliage one of the great gifts of the world it gets worse before it gets worse this is a patch you can put on your backpack if you want or something who cares it gets worse [Laughter] it's a motivational message i have a headache this weather stinks best by september 7th 2018.043 serial number you're an insightful individual and i appreciate you thank you hey i got you guys covered in case of broken glass i got a broman dustpan just in case you need it i got you guys thank me later thank you later ksc try our new bucket what's it a bucket of the colonel will never tell it's a bucket full of surprises cartoon network you suffer because it's what you deserve coming up next is destroy build destroy but it's in reverse the internet was once a fun place for watching cat videos instead of monitoring the real time collapse of late stage capitalism just keyboard oh god i can't read this what floor sign good thing they taped a picture of a wet floor sign to it can't read the bottom part though okay this is very very important okay here are all the different kinds of cheeses we have a cheese ingot and then if you extrude those rods of cheese you get mozzarella sticks you mold those rods you get baby bell's cheese pulverize that you get cheese powder like you put in your craft you can also get cheese or add heat it's molten cheese for your nachos keep the heat going you got cheese gas just squeeze right into your big dumb face that is the transitive property of cheese clicking avatar to represent you oh no i think this one right here right the far left this guy middle row far left closed for renovations looks fine to me i'm trying to watch a film [Laughter] yes continue he's got an adventure to complete when i die i may not go to heaven oh no do you like cowboys don't know where the rounds went please ask for dolphin-free cranberries this thanksgiving every year at least 12 000 cranberry bok dolphins are scooped into nuts and canned make this year different it's okay if you mash my berries with your toasies but don't you dare get flipper involved you are the one from my dreams they call me davish deja vu area this is your first time here if this platform feels familiar immediately alert an mta employee if you see something say something if this feels familiar you may be in the back rooms the smiling horse a beacon of strength for children about to experience dental services just open your mouth smiling horse you want pearly whites like mine you gotta go if your teeth are crooked i'm gonna kick him out your face i'm the smiling horse oh dude finally windows 8 on floppy disk that's what i've been waiting for man disney would like to buy you for 79 cents do you accept the only option is yes you think you can say no to walt we'll bring the head out and he's got a word to say to you every disney ceo has to talk to walt disney's frozen head before they assume the position some have never been the same ask eisner your baby is worthless if it isn't a dj this early photo of david guetta hits different blessed are the meek for these shall inherit the earth i don't know if i'd call dolphins me cure what they do in their free time something with cranberries [Music] wow i hope he's not enjoying this as much as i am oh no don it looks like it's a pretty crazy time in there man a creature without a mouth is doomed to starvation well he's got multiple orifices he should be fine i don't think there's an issue here dr emil i can hear your nightmares and quite frankly some of you are scared of stupid things like heights imagine being me i'd go to great heights to get rid of these ears but i can't i'm stuck with them sorry dr euroman darren he wants a drama-free relationship one where he can wear his skull man cosplay without being judged will you be his windows 10 is now available for free for your device launch system settings to perform a system update oh i mean if i gotta keith brony is an emoji translator please translate my virtual hieroglyphics i need to know what they mean keith it would be a keith too there's two understandable enemies the world and the flesh in that order america and all of its residents have been erased would you like to start again they're all gone and you did that respawning in three two one connection ever ah he's stuck in a loop gotta hit the router this would be a sick clock to have in the background of my videos one two three four etcetera oh that'd be dope oh oh my britches would be full if i had this hat two faces detected oh it's about to be one i'm getting out of there love ordering pizza i hate receiving and eating it call the fake pizza hotline it's a perfect simulation of the pizza ordering experience no pizza will be made or sent to you and that's the fake pizza hotline guarantee vegan and gluten-free options are available that was an operation or one less than 24 hours or maybe just over 24 hours actually it looks like [Laughter] hours operation specifically these two dates abc 2 news we are experiencing a fire in our building we'll return in a moment all right i'll wait now you've heard of the last of us get ready for naughty dog's incredible prequel the first of us it's not sad it's just it's just cavemen ah yes the vegetables aisle i was wondering where that was forget why you entered the room every year millions of people like you walk into rooms and see things they're not permitted to see this requires the authorities to partially or completely delete your memories using extensive clinically untested chemicals do not disturb ever like his face he's like what whoa not the scarful counsel except christ to get a free playstation too click here anger and sadness well that makes you french how do you say omelette the only keyboard you need the official keyboard of bisexuals i like frog i think that's the joke right the bisexual frog hat whatever it is long distance game by the year 2000 you'll be able to challenge someone hundreds of miles away to a game the games will contain miniature radio transmitters and receivers which will transmit your move and receive those of your opponent with very little time delay you can even send messages to your opponent telling him that you [ __ ] his mother that's called trash talk but in the realm of the game it's just a how do you do this not wanted we gotta put up a sign now we can't even open the door how does he keep getting in you're not showing me him no what's the matter smooth skin never seen a ghoul before i'm sorry prince philip what of what of the was the radiation done to you go it's ride comfortably and sack on running board your goat will ride safely in this sack which is quickly attached or removed when you prefer to take your goat along for the ride but prefer not having it inside the car it can ride safely and comfortably in this sack it has it has a hole for the head and has sewed for the goat google image search obama i find out hey siri google image search obama here are some images oh my god the best gorilla joke of 1897. did you hear about the gorilla who escaped from the zoo nah i did not that is because i have a quiet gorilla muffled sounds of gorilla violence i don't know the new for that one [Laughter] just like muffled punch sounds and ape screams unwanted sexual urges have a graham cracker and calm yourself down the flaky crusty graham cracker will keep my sexual urges at bay nevermore will i jack my pecker off today is going to happen are you i certainly hope so you will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension like this dump truck better than saying juicy oh no which version of barack obama do i take friendly or hostile i don't know please go online to well i mean they are getting a reboot is the site going to go back up are you in the right headspace to receive information that would possibly hurt you yes or is my dog dead we had to find a way to tell you the internet hole well if it says so it's coming it's bad i wouldn't say that necessarily way out of the jaws we've come to look at the droid you're selling you're interested finally jesus is oh he's right there [Music] [Laughter] everybody in uganda knows kung fu welcome to uganda that's how they great yet if the penalty for a crime is a fine then that law only exists for the lower class i said what i said hi my name is alan i was the lead developer on this game and i just wanted to say i'm sorry for everything i don't gotta apologize alex okay league of legends [ __ ] it does suck it does suck thank you thank you thank you someone gets it it's hard work but i will learn yeah you will you weird weird person you the greatest threat to world peace let's see we have kim jong-un 17 okay ali come uh all eight percent vladimir is eight percent xi jinping seven percent lebron james a whopping 41 someone stop this man before he gets to the space jam that's a level five rat warning the rat on platform 2 is violent and has claimed the platform as his own it's mine made for little hands like his an unacceptable lobster is a dramatic lobster keep that in mind kids ah it's him the rat lord cordially invites you to the sewer for a tasteful dining experience how do you accept this invitation with gratitude or with enthusiasm how do you accept my invitation tell me look at you hacker a pathetic creature of meat and bone how can you challenge a perfect immortal machine stupid hi there do you think i could have your credit card information please card number expiry date security code thanks oh you're welcome little one wait man wearing tv on head caught on camera leaving old tvs on front porches he gets away with it again no one's gonna stop him he's a legend a chair hurling itself of the unsuspecting mario who will perform a family guy death fall shortly after it's only natural if you're reading this you've been in a coma for almost 20 years this is our fifth attempt with this technique we don't know where this message will end up in your dream but we hope we're getting through please wake up incoming text message from marty you worry too much about your job stop it you are not paid enough to worry quit your job burn down the establishment move to cancun you're talking a lot of the language i like to hear little doggy obama would like to access the microphone how could i say no maybe he has something important to say let him on the mic [Laughter] the most immersive skyrim mod instant heart attack this mod gives your character a heart attack damn and he was doing so well i'm gonna buy this shirt and wear it in my next video i am a mom against cat boys don't don't bring none of the meow meow fellas in front of my face i'll punch them we present a monkey with content and two buttons the red button is cringe the green button is based this is how we find out who the new based gods are the earth is not the same in every place there are many kinds of places on the earth some places have mountains there are mountains where you live i bet they're not stupid got no mountains look at this dude get your photo here with the msn butterfly really oh i thought i'd never get the chance you may have killed me but i'll never regret criticizing your taste in music i mean who who who genuinely takes advice from the needle drop anthony fantan no thank you you must wear a face that includes you skin walkers the male finishes his nap and checks with any females have appeared seeing there are none he returns to his slumber the doomer polar bear cycle continues [Music] a potato that wasn't a christian a story for children not as funny as it sounds just warning you now oh no a comedy could be derived from a spud that what that didn't believe in god welcome to windows 95 do we crunch my voice up for this did you know did you know touch your monitor it is warm like flesh but it is not flesh not yet yeah you know what i think i'll show this welcome screen next time i start when does i think i think i want to be reminded actually i'm having second thoughts about installing this version of nvidia can i stop it oh no the nvidia installer cannot be stopped at this point we're doomed it's game over could this object be built i mean you tell me it looks built already finally a perfect united states of ohio the united ohio of america i gotta get out let me out i gotta find a way out and what are you so frantic for you little kitty cat he's tripping off the nip stop them you missed your chance pal they're filthy water our blessed ground if you see a horde beast evolving push it back in no air lungs for you you stuck breathing water pal everything that we know and love is reducible to the absurd acts of chemicals and there is therefore no intrinsic value in this material universe mickey donald hypocrite that you are for you trust the chemicals in your brain to tell you their chemicals all knowledge is ultimately based on that which we cannot prove will you fight or will you perish like a dog [Music] this disney comics looking a little weird i don't know if walt approved this one always look out for road signs like this one avoid philadelphia now we know i mean it was common knowledge but now we really know today's kids don't remember big phones which means they're idiots who suck share if you hate all children this is another meme verified by the lettuce dog woof woof you have a message from the pig i want to see you i'm in the barnyard i wanna know how you got udders otis you're a male cow how do you got udders guys girls something that's different is the appearance of arms really this bag will exist long after your bones turn to dust in the grave thanks for shopping psychology warning this video game psychologically profiles you as you play it gets to know who you really are then uses this information to change itself it uses its knowledge against you creating your own personal nightmare this game plays you as much as you play it have fun good luck the playstation can produce mind-boggling effects like you think those are real skeletons oh so scary no that was a digital buddy [ __ ] you didn't know that scare jet your pants put your pants back on is that a pc plush oh dude probably a dog house though i'm not sure since there's no dog around only a shambling mass of flesh that once resembled a canine would you even want to go in the doghouse unfortunately the clock is ticking the hours are going by the past increases the future recedes possibilities decreasing regrets mounting do you understand i understand i'll remain ignorant much happier that way oh he is lucky he died for his guts ripped out i know right from 97 to 98 i was a baby from 98 to 2001 i was a toddler from mo 2 to 2014 i was a kid the walgreens phase in 2015 the bagel place phase in 2015. for 2015-2019 don't ask and now we're here in 2020 hey hire me where's your god now in my socks well wipe my socks the fall of rome no don't do it monkey reject reject reject reject warning there is nowhere you can run okay can i shut down santa claus is joining the terrorist force oh no please don't dial 9-1-1 these are screams of pleasure okay and i'm not talking about how eraser pleasures i'm talking about pleasures with a tickle feather you know what i'm saying as you listen to this record your eyelids will become very heavy and you will fall into a deep sleep when you open your eyes you will feel serenity and be able to understand contemporary art and therefore you are now a fan of free form jazz the global internet is being attacked by sharks google confirms wait why do sharks like fiber underseat fiber optic cables what's why do they like it so much wouldn't you just build a cage around the cables then someday this sign won't be here and neither will you alright have a good day see you later i spent the best evenings of my life unaware they were significant and now here i am a shell of a man but at least i still got the blockbuster danger quicksand danger quit hey wait did you not read the sign oh you know it's it's redundant now just sink just sink dude it's the smorcolam and it's on but it ain't telling me their smork benadryl allergy you can't sneeze if you're unconscious you want to be proven wrong benadryl you keep checking the date you must be confused it's 1995. that feeling that you installed windows 95 a long time ago is just confusion windows 95 will now run solitaire to calm you don't fret it's tuesday october 23rd 1995. you just had a meatloaf there was onions and you loved it now let windows calm you hey i'm curious you only good with rifles well it depends you're talking to super mario you might even know sources none all of this information was actually useless i can't believe you just sat through this dummy pretty studied my ass spirits the spirit's just like [Music] [Laughter] quote from man stabbed what again do stab me apparently i'll do something like that oh dude look out and give me the spray paint he's shaking a bottle of little items what do you want to talk about the stock market exotic vacation sites or the latest swimwear you know what i'll talk you know i want to talk about the stock market jamie to the moon let's talk about my investments what is this dr seussian stop sign i love it were people just ramming into the stop signs and decide to install it to the wall this is great here lies robert this sucks you see a grave near the trail well i'm playing a grave by the trail so i would assume so not now sweaty mommy's cyber bullying just but no go go go play your video games mommy's making a kid cry on the internet sierra bladed crimes oh they're up by one oh god someone stop him i don't feel a thing being bombarded by so many vibes and i don't feel them your vibes are weak this man ate my son and now he's nice and can cone can you believe it damn you ted cruz you who are standing by my grave don't look so shocked at this site yesterday i was just like you and tomorrow you'll be just like me with a cool gravestone warning trees may free themselves from their holes and in case of sudden uprooting please stay calm and report the incident to your local forest administration they do walk and they are aggressive do not engage with the trees hey guys did you see the new popular meme troll face here's all the versions of it the original the epic the epic v2 i don't know please i don't want to remember it espanol have you ever trolled the quantum realm my mind is disinterred collected poured into a vessel without ant and i cascade hey man i don't know what you're on but it seems like you're having a good time i want to take part i want a cascade asmr to help you sleep beating you until you're unconscious oh thank you thank you so thank you thank you so much i really needed this to sleep it's now safe to turn off your computer thanks microsoft i was getting scared congratulations you finally reached the end of the internet there's nothing more to see no more links to visit you've done it all this is the very last page on the very last server at the very far end of the internet you should now go turn off your computer and do something useful the rest of your life suggestions read a book do some public service personally interact with your neighbors that you've probably only met online plant a tree or introduce yourself to those other people who live at your house that's your family and please don't forget to drop the lights on your way out in order to save time we will now start downloading the internet to your local drive don't ask to see the hidden files of the internet you've accessed all there is to access night night dip it that's not how i remember the teletubbies you've reached the end of the indexable side of the internet there's no more congratulations you're going to be a mother fool thanks mr t maybe i'll contact the plan b team i don't know welcome back thank you you know what i appreciate as someone who just got back is now recording things yeah i appreciate that thank you for watching no other subreddit would do it but you know what internet funeral you've done it and for that gold star the first real fight club is have fun and be yourself the second royal fight club everyone gets one bar of soap with the logo all right everyone gets one if you lose it you don't get another one you're out of the club third rule is uh if you have any sort of gluten intolerances bring it up with the management you are now dressed as a member of caesar's legion didn't know members of caesar's legion were so dang cute do i get to dress up as one now yesterday it was partly cloudy today it's lightning tomorrow dark why what's going on tomorrow i love dating my computer it's my lover and my best friend help me no no no no i watched the movie her youtube are gonna be dating you're gonna be friends forever i didn't watch her i just know that joaquin phoenix is in it how does it how does it end i don't know i don't know what happens in her i just know that he falls in love with like a os and this is kind of like that so that's why i made the comparison oh i apologize for the bad game play tonight is okay just depends on how bad it is if it's just a little buggy i'll forgive you but if it's unplayable you'll get a letter pal you get a letter straight from me we'll be closing at 5 30 due dude nobody want to work well i understand and you know what more that that's perfectly fine by by me listen all we need to do to get to a perfect robot society is replace all of the workers with drones tax the drones and everyone can chill but no one comes to me for ideas because we don't want to live in a wall-e by and large world whatever earth sucks and i'm living on it this would be the perfect spot for a dollar general oh not the dollar general monster not the cosmic horror in charge of all the dollar generals he's the regional manager egg represents new life rabbit represents threat of disease why why is the rabbit the threat of disease what what disease is it representing oh it's entropy the ultimate thermodynamics game you can't win you can't break even you can't even quit the game oh you don't don't worry about buying it you're already playing a frog living blissfully unaware of the concept of capitalism a damn lucky bastard really you know kermit says it ain't easy being green but that frog has no idea about capitalism so maybe it is easy he doesn't want us to know i wish you were wherever you really want to be disney world thanks man you just killed my vibe that's wiggity whack yo alright who wrote this line [Laughter] all right just bring me the person who wrote this because i just i really just want to have a conversation long conversation over the phrase wiggity whack by the funky stu couldn't even give him a name couldn't even give them a name you are now listening to a three hour old chick giving its opinion of things in general what do you think about canned goods chick very nice what do you think about chicken nuggets huh yeah don't talk i am extremely happy all the time well that's good well it looks like a sad world backdrop i would not be surprised if like noah monk popped up behind that text let us help you get on your path too uh i don't know where that is but i don't think i'm going there at all buckies hell is real only nine miles away join a hilarious adventure of a lifetime work by consume die where do i sign up you are what you eat just all caps in this on the shirt and he's just oh horrifying horrifying image warning no hunting okay children that play in the woods if you hear laughter after dark go back in because that's towards the cemetery area and there's this weird area in the back where they at the very it's a weird complicated story anyway uh they buried a dog and now it's back i don't know i don't know what happened do you like hurting other people in the chicken suit not necessarily no do you with a smile like that i think you might yo i can get void gelato mmm tastes like empty oh my god it's mr joe greed what could he be up to now this record-breaking incredibly successful businessman why did you give birth to me uh um uh marketing you know kid i've been running around the speed of sound all my life but no matter how fast i run i can't outrun alcoholism and the kids just like uh you had a chaos emeralds league of legends for men finally finally i can smell like i've been sweating even though i'm perfectly dry oh sorry it's burped that's disgusting don't include that please don't don't include that and reverb it and make it a sensor sound don't do that now who's the loser dad you aren't you are still son cause i financed that boat right can we get fish love to solve the puzzle it was fish love baby fish love lucas knows what you did yeah and that's why lucas isn't allowed in my bathroom goes in there throws up yeah no okay i i know i had panda express last night don't gotta tell me about it king face look at him it's a feast ronnie may i introduce you to my best friend jesus nope ronnie you you're going to meet jesus whether you like it or not because he's already here he comes out of the back seat hey fellas [Laughter] oh jesus how are you doing oh you know just busy being dead for your sins and all keep on gaming but never become arrogant that's true that's uh it's a real it's a real message by our favorite little wizard turtleman memes won't change the world oh sorry i'm getting uh getting a message on the computer that's up to you really anyone can shoplift that's true from your kids to your grandma anyone can steal something but whether or not they get caught is up to their health and speed survival of the fittest a message from mikos greetings from the center of the earth my name is mikos and i am a resident of the city of ketheria i'm talking to you from the library of pork logos located in the hollow earth you've waited for thousands of years to hear our message and it is only now that the vibration is high enough for us to come forward and speak to you so tune in to us sit quietly and feel our vibration engulf your physical body and raise your energy field we wait for your call all right thanks mikkos now stay back in the hole in the hollow earth hole i'm just glad i put up results like that for the millions of fans teaming to get a glimpse of my huge ball you're huge what bowser [Music] oh you had me into the last like six letters so that you had me going like i was reading that with full comments to the last six words of that sentence it's not funny stop laughing bowser we didn't think you'd make it this far well i did wait who's that back there who the hell is who the hell is that i don't think i want to make it this far now i think i want to go back you have failed miserably for your disgusting insolence you must remain in your seat while you watch all the real students ascend into heaven okay all right guys this is important it's about monkey syndrome uh symptoms are monkey um i would contact your local physician see if you have monkey syndrome don't give up now you've come too far well that was encouraging thank you click on the funky dog click it click on it i bet you just pause the video right now stupid unless you're watching on mobile in which case what time stamp is this at hand over the bread i've paid my four dollars all right whatever you say buddy is here's your bread you must break the pattern today or the loop we'll repeat tomorrow this is a call out post this is about my productivity i don't like this i am pig boy what does that say does that say here i breed what what does that say i can read the i am pig boy but i can't read this bottom part your favorite place go on in just like you remembered cold damp can't see anything in there but i think seeing nothing gives you this overwhelming sense of calm who knows what comes next you won't see it coming anyway we guarantee that your experience at the end of the world will be a pleasant one thank you shopkeep that's very reassuring this gets more and more existential as time goes on nothing brings me pleasure any longer well po that's because you're the worst teletubby and you should feel bad about it well there's no wild pokemon here just a bunch of boring naked girls come on pikachu let's go you're right ash get the heck on out of there man pikachu left you to go hang out with the naked girls pikachu no be a useless person but pretty thanks thanks for the advice i guess pray slaughtered good job mario you did it here stood quentin tarantino january 16th 2016 at 8 p.m he tinkled and hit he missed every spot of that urinal he missed the cake missed the porcelain he ran to the floor right on his shoes burnouts and butt stuff get karen hell yeah brother rev that bad boy facebook ranger see my office chair patch but shows i am a keyboard warrior reminder your wife is dead cry okay unit 8850 cannot revel in destruction unit can say shoot them all okay whatever you say unit 8850 dude robotnik's machines just get more and more ridiculous why doesn't he just shoot sonic because that takes out the fun man you think you felt true fear you think you've known actual pain don't even know the start of it pal sure the consequences exit 79 let's go a 3d rendering of a skeleton showcasing bisexual lighting sensual dramatic this is tusk schriff wind farmer's apprentice i found the most effective strategy is to enter the soil head first oh can you show us a demonstration maybe sometimes the [ __ ] breaks you you good man mortify the sins of the flesh all right sounds good adult novelties german fedoras magic pokemon yu-gi-oh and airsoft guns it's something for everyone success no one will ever understand the horrors you've endured egg egg with lair herring row fire truck toyota supra nissan fair lady z some of so just some sushi you can get honestly today i am square what am i supposed to do just stare out the window while it rains last time i did that a cat showed up with a big old hat someone too watching on you oh really hopefully like what they see i don't know what any of this this is all in russian i can't read russian but i can see that this guy does a little trolling a typical human and he's funky this guy [ __ ] italians any gender anywhere called a big time duh oh [ __ ] dog woof that's the stuff you never want to look at posts again the internet is dangerous the end oh they closed down the library really is the end you can rest now why is this right after the end this is kind of what's going on here oh this last one's nice the last signs of life slip over the horizon finally i'm alone with my crimes unrepentant what's the worst thing you could have done you're a little you're a little pomeranian on a wake board you couldn't hurt a fly ass world [Music] i want to go i want to go you walk in there right in your face that's what you get if you're going to ass world buddy it's all it's all big farting asses dummy [Music] you ever wonder where we get our fart sound effects from ass world we just put a hook up mic up thank you that's stupid that's a stupid joke just a obs just does that the ass world's coming on one of two ways i chose the fart joke way you get what you pay for at assworld oh hi i who's the who's the bloodshot elder eye next to you who's disintegrating into dust was he thanos snapped look at him he's he's melting what happened to him say something i call 1900 9099 cry and let it out you lose a game of fortnite you get a number two choke royale go ahead and call 1900 9099 cry and we'll listen kinda clown to clown communication clown to clown conversation uh i don't know why you're showing me this image of two people who are not subscribed having a chat but you know what what a way to start remind you to subscribe with best compliments from him contamination area keep out safe or not how about you find out the cool bus hell yeah backwards had sunglasses in the cool bus but does this bus take diesel doesn't look like it an economically forward cool bus dare i you already pulled the pin you did dare spidey and why are those grenades so big or are you just really small do eat okay i will [Laughter] thank you yeah every night the evening news is nothing to report but man's in humanity demand bert the planet's dying bert and you're worried about getting sleep okay who didn't install cs source okay dude all the dishes haven't like there's errors you told me you installed it the ether bunny the easter bunny's much more morbid cousin there is no exit what about the entrance can i just go out of there slow down you're entering the flavor zone you want some ice cream it's the best buy for 4.29 oh they got steven dos crunch ice cream free of shrimp god damn you've been completely forgotten check again tomorrow to see if anyone remembered you no they took me off the ofrenda no one remembers me now fragmented ending your fractured soul lays heavy on the static frame your code has run dry dissipating into the air and falling into the infinite digital abyss below like pixels of snow embrace my fractured geometry and crumble warmly into my arms my dearly fragmented so is that a good ending or a bad ending this is friends and we're gonna go get beans turn off your mind become frog i used to be like this hey what's the deal bro what games i'm a brutish man not a delicate frog but now i'm like this serenity peace i am divine i'm a gamer and i can help chat with a gamer now yeah you want help i can teach you whatever you need to know roger garrett iii found the bones and with a mustache like that i don't doubt it gas plus gives you gas and fun assorted colors i'm a good man you're not i'm not what finished a man you know i'm a sewer rat baby slinging around in the sewer excessive heat alert yeah well why'd you have to give me that emoji about it why'd you got it why did you gotta do it like that i knew it was excessive heat but that's that's just crass you are here am i i don't wanna be how do i get out of the green room today's highlights there are no highlights listed for today well damn it why the whole community wasn't interesting today all right we'll try tomorrow a sample of citizen humor luther hey ronnie ffr-3 what has six laser holes in it and sell secrets to the gummies ronnie gee i don't know what laser zap zap zap zap zap ronnie bleed bleep bleep bleep bleed citizen humor we are the real monsters you are a real [ __ ] no that's the zombies [ __ ] i hope you are dead now idiot i think it's them stupid i missed the internet plot twist one person wrote all of that oh this is just sad looking it was nice while it lasted through the pillow this looks like something this looks like it would have been this looks like it belonged in bo burnham's last special this is very like artsy and melancholic cool things to do in new york number one leave well first of all that's not new york there's like buildings that look like new york but that roller coaster you get going out i don't know what that's about piss like fluids equal equals three oh the forum's not gonna be happy about this one cannot find love okay ever wonder how computers work it's millions of tiny bees doing a lot of math so you don't have to thanks tiny bees and if you listen to your computer the thank you back there's a message from me but someone started using the phone so i guess i'll check back never we're all furbies in god's microwave set just a little too high the milk walker says be safe be sure you know your full name the address where you live the city you live in and your home telephone number for if you don't and i catch you walking past curfew the milk walker will turn your bones into dust for you not drinking enough dairy oh look out he's got the really big mistakes eraser he's going to erase you no signal in the brain or on the tv on this site in 1897 nothing happened good usually something happened when it's really old but i'm happy nothing did omen i'm sure it is special promotion back pain 75 percent off awesome and uh so how do i how do i is this a space that's like only a limited time or just someone kick me in the back like what happens the revolution will not be televised well what's on the tv right now you've been here before but do you remember how to leave through those bushes is nothing but more bush the sidewalk leads to an endless loop how about you sit down a while and think about what the options you have laid out in front of you are the trees whisper if you listen the rat is always right that's true as a rat and a leader of the sewer rats i would know for those of you who don't know i call my subscribers on my main channel sewer rats just a nice little it's a nice little you know it's it's a term of endearment sewer rats are cool like master splinter wanted somebody to go back in time with me this is not a joke p.o box blank in oakview california you'll get paid after we get back must bring your own weapons safety not guaranteed and i've only done this once before what offered someone to go with you we're going back in time in general what kind of doc brown situation am i dealing with here what's happening she loves me not oh no sorry wow this is gross looking what's the text say skin is a necessary evil i wouldn't call it an evil it's just a necessity come on little lady give us a smile come on the merry go this looks like an acid trip right in front of me i hate this so why don't we go somewhere only we know no making right at videos can't leave sorry weird cryptic posts don't talk to me until i've had my son [Music] just one word responses for the rest of this video a cheeseburger stabbing you know what i think out of the this is probably the best thing that news cycle got that day in toledo so riveting story somehow the falling skies don't seem to matter anymore now that we're star side who knew that being all the way up here made everything down there looks so insignificant when you die you can't see sunsets so enjoy him while you're here john the president's canary is being held hostage in syria do you know what this means you gotta put more credits in you are on camera any illegal driving activity will be reported to police warning absolutely do not tailgate this vehicle all right i'll tailgate it but i'll take out the cameras nothing to do nowhere to go no one to talk to nothing to do nowhere to go no one to talk to nothing to do nowhere to go no one to talk to nothing to do nowhere to go no one to talk to nothing to do nowhere to go no one to talk to get drunk it drunk get drunk and drunk get drunk and drunk anywhere it could be paradise as long as you have the will to live and then thank you and farewell that the character arc changes drastically depending on your answer all the man i've met so far have been so weak well judging by the one laying down i wouldn't take i wouldn't doubt you we got cove at 19 20 20 ebola 2014 fukushima 2011 h1n1 2009 h5n1 2007 the bse 2001 the ussr crash in 1991 and of course chernobyl in 1986. i'm an end of the world veteran show your respect can i get lower prices what is this hamster doing describe what you're wearing absolutely not how dare you hamster hamtaro hey what breed is he well he's just a little boy is that a recognized breed from the american kennel club is that an akc recognized breed little boy here's uh some inappropriate speech what year is it after lunch and here's some incomprehensible speech what year is it now you know the difference birthday that it is and you look like a very tired chicken relax on your birthday rest the giblets i don't know god my family my president and my country i have high blood pressure well maybe you're loving a little too hard linda calm it down when someone says nothing can be more complicated than love just throw physics books on their faces you read einstein i love birds i didn't think so oh select all the squares with chimneys well i can just skip but who's this delightful man on the tractor on the john deere can i click on him you have used all of the four gigabyte high speed data in your t-mobile monthly data plan you will experience slower speeds up to 128 kilobits per second until 1205 2019. visit website for info or to purchase more high speed data we apologize i didn't realize you were the purple guy you're the man behind the slaughter please continue film theory is wally satan no he's a robot did you even watch the movie matt that god my husband likes to eat eight hot dogs for dinner that's why i married him because boy can this man choke down a wiener a faux chicken nugget necklace you ever want to look like your gen z get the chicken nug necklace and i'll punch you in the face how to prank your school principal step one go to his office step two distract him step three put a fish on his desk doesn't matter what kind maybe i don't know maybe uh a barracuda why not it's fun maybe a goliath grouper let's just give it an idea my gf's avocado plants learning how to floss get rid of it fast it's gonna grow up to be peely but an avocado dark gary light gary god i love them girl's name starting with p you got paige you got patricia you got pakistan international airlines long name of that one can be hard to put on tests and you got penelope classic girls names last remove hand wins girl like i i like my man in the third in the middle of the pack he seems rather laxati it's like he could be here we could be somewhere else he doesn't really care about winning he's just there for the content congrats to phil for being our trucker of the month for april he finally stopped in today on his way through and claimed his prize which was 50 alpha cannon copenhagen thank you for your surface and keep dumping them loads we love our truckers thanks harry potter hates ohio oh this is a meme trucker god bless him give him another 50 off free copenhagen take the truck stop dip challenge if you can pack your lip with an entire can of copenhagen you get it free haters i hate bts come back take a sit with others wait for me to give a [ __ ] for pound sign cook man those are some savage comebacks and insults for bts haters that's ridiculous that's i feel offended hello i'm from turkey well hi zincy i just stumbled upon the angry birds oc wiki and what jeffrey the evil jeffrey the good and jeffrey the neutral which one are you tag yourself in the comments i'm feeling like i'm jeffrey the neutral joe rogan freaks out over giant dinosaur bird uh it's called a shoe bill and yeah they're scary completely completely believe you there for freaking out i would do he's in the universe journey through the wormhole he's going in what what sights will you see you dimensional traveler you orange juice is tasty in fact it's so delicious he can break through the fourth wall and drink it and i can too check your fridge the juice is gone top cahoots what is climate change well i'm glad you asked angry birds official it's happening right now okay you are awesome i also like iron maiden too i don't like iron maiden are you anywhere in the shirt then you tricked me and that's not very nice of you k what you cook up is lies forget about city lights give me tire lights that's all i need help how do i get home well clearly you're trapped in the underbrush so just keep going through and once you find the small crawl space go through that backwards okay you gotta retrace your steps happy to help cat at lowe's oh and i got a wholesome seal as well as it should i wonder what that cat's gonna buy does it have a membership card i'm not satisfied with the product sellers reply he is lying i call fibs i call fibs you love this product tell the people of the truth cup of water no water no ice mantis how much did you pay for the mantis what's his name or her well it's tiny so this would be him what's his name mike is hard god i hope so cause i got a big job for him sex gifts half-mast texas another senseless tragedy i know i read that backwards i do these how i want thicken nugget oh he's a gorgeous boy circle the smallest number 10. tell her show how you know the answer rainbow oh that's an a plus for effort an a plus for imagination nut none has been here consuming food for over 10 minutes i'm concerned not enjoy his peanut notice here again not has returned untied funeral wet pants denim wet look dry feel no one approaches you in the wet denim yes i would like one beer please just kidding you [ __ ] idiot i'd like two beers please oh you got me dude explosive diarrhea causes nbc's ultimate slip n slide to pause production it's real messy on the ultimate slip and slide shut up i can feel myself sinking in my chair there we go toad pooping a giant turd in quality 4k amazing thank you micro macro world finally i can see how a toad the dairy queen hawaiian shirt it's like the taco bell hawaiian shirt at the taco bell hotel it's a great place man what another great day here i am as a pirate it's beautiful friday heading for the incredible saturday peace love it's ringo sparrow love that guy hand santa's are available here maybe you shouldn't have made the hand sanitizer so tasty scott really wouldn't have been drinking it i do not like puerto ricans man why not they disgust me well what do they be saying because honestly i agree i'd be discussing you too oni shoniel i feel like i've seen this post before and i still hate that name scooby-doo taught us that the real monsters were always human the moment i'll stop loving scooby-doo would be the moment i stopped breathing and that's what's new how to gain 1 million views in just 3 days in youtube very secret tips well i'm not sure if you even know them because you have 7 views want to know how i got these scars sharp hamburger i didn't know they made hamburgers with sharp corners it's the last time i go to wendy's it took him one second to solve and i don't know how letters it's a rip roaring corker this masterpiece sent a titter around the office the caption is sonic pissing all over mario and that's a t-shirt winner please can i see some pictures of people's stairs sure here you go not quite what i meant banned words in our store zootopia fox nick wilde and dream smile face dude said his name too many times and now it's banned sorry the aunties win this time japanese sushi is too delicious the highest will you make friends with me not with that mask on are you pissed try my experimental dance therapy i have strategies to cool down it works for me and i'm intense i'll teach you how to be less pissed through dance before and after look at me smile guaranteed or double your money back if you're serious about change my website is and i accept bitcoin just in case you didn't know scheme ski mask the corn dog well i think it bad bands that suck balls train well you're not wrong or are you you'll never know my opinion on the band train what i think we should see other people are you being for real what the [ __ ] is with the confetti i just thought maybe if i did it in a cheerful way you'd be less upset tree indeed it is what are bushes but just trees that haven't quite gotten their growth spurt yet this picture speaks a thousand words and all of them are gibberish have you ever done anything weird with your food before preparing it i decided to show this little guy a sunset before boiling him and you know what i think he tasted more passionate yeah that's a taste it's an umami flavor the big ass of tv brings my toilet-faced heathen to the center please show us what's on the day time soap operas tatooi not good enough i love this this is exactly what they want this is big media baby big media big dookies you received zero dollars from ethan element and you paid a one cent fee get cancer oh i don't think i could do that just on my own but i i guess i'm now i'm paying a fee for it over ethan ethan it's not very nice dwayne the rock johnson says raising fish is his way to decompress and shows off a prized bass well i'm glad he has a passion maybe i can go to his dwayne the doc johnson and fish with him i don't know thank you guys for watching if you like this video and want to see more like it be sure to subscribe and until next time my name is damian you've been watching dele and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DeeLee
Views: 252,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% true stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, ez pz, reddit funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 16sec (3196 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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