$150,000 Funniest Survival Games...

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we are competing in a huge Minecraft Hunger Games but the winner gets a hundred and fifty thousand dollars I'm finally putting all my billions to good use I think this was so funny turns out people aren't prepared to have 150 000 on the line so they got a bit crazy also please do consider subscribing so I can do more things like this because this is pretty cool Patricia subscribed but please just double check because I'd appreciate it so much enjoy oh I feel like we're gonna die I am so terrified how do I open things 150k online it's time to cheat I'm one block closer okay stop stop literally the lag what the muffin muffin Gotta Go Gotta Go James James come on do you mind if I stick with either of you oh my sure we need some fresh meat yeah okay all right so techno blade and fruit berries and I've ended up with James I'm gonna end this day with 150 000 you know how all the money goes to charity you want to start a company and we take let's actually go get stuff by the way this is like Edge I was gonna say it's for the parami foundation but that just means for me in Spanish yo what's up yo thanks guys yeah we'll be calling ourselves guys what's the team name hey TBS I swear that's like an sdd or something you know we could even be as well it could also be BTS I mean I can't dance I used to do contemporary dance actually but I did like the the Floppy Fish and the um you know I'll do the Floppy Fish right now I'm thinking do we want to stay up here it's just it's a little Eerie isn't it yeah I think I should clutch no no look there's water over there we'll just bridge to it it or I could clutch I'm Gonna Keep bridging you ready yeah keep going James don't do that James [Music] it's clearly a problem with the surface the the 150 000 service what's wrong with them this damn leg I can I didn't have my glasses on but my wife left me right no no no no no no I was scared of heights I'm scared of heights now although dead and useless James for just some reason had a link to the map which shows everyone's location I figured why not cheat you find someone to kill meanwhile while the other players were playing their best Tommy in it was scouting yes break down the fridge see if I can find more fridges yes another fridge this is amazing I can see some stuff out there that's blue but it's not [Music] I hear you down there oh I heard this one there's someone in here my hearing [ __ ] there's just so much iron because of fridges on this world also it turns out I'm actually not a billionaire I'm just I'm in debt so to give 150 000 to the winner and their charity this video is sponsored by monster legends monster legends is a poggers free-to-play battle RPG mobile game that will put your strategy skills to the ultimate test there are over 900 monsters to collect the Gogi monster there is a goalkeeper plus new monsters coming out every week you can also make monsters do it breed you can breed them with no ill intent to create cool new species starting from right now they have added the Tommy in it Monster you can find all the details on how to get my monster in the game on the YouTuber Island level up your monster from Monster Legends the fun living RPG with runes relics and talent to gain an advantage in the battles that lay forth ahead put your strategy to the test in the ultimate Challenge battling of the monsters in real time time live Jewels or in the multiplayer mode where you can conquer trophies win rewards and fight for a chance to reach the top of the league if you download the game now using my exclusive Tommy in it Monster Legends RPG link you will get and I'm not kidding 50 000 Foods 300 000 gold 10 gems ten Tommy monster cells what is that I'll no I'll tell you if you can use them to create my monster which looks like this now don't panic this is a limited time offer make sure you download the game now claim your rewards and get the tummy unit Monster uh back to the Hunger Games foreign map what I'm not sure if we should be using this but I have I don't think we should use that it's definitely UAV that's kind of busted but it is our busted all I'm saying is techno is alone down there oh finally sky diamonds huh oh he found diamond blocks oh I found diamond blocks I wandered into one of the buildings that you just found me in right and I was like okay I've gotta find I've got to find some resources turns out the fridges are made of blocks of ironing the friction wait wait oh [ __ ] wait what are we leaving Phil wait wait can a lion pickaxe my netherrite okay like am I gonna really need more than two blocks of netherite this feels a bit overpowered but you know does it work does it work it doesn't work I'll help it's breaking so slow Tommy it's just gonna break it's just gonna stop please you're gonna be disappointed Bill what this is all the right somewhere okay okay [Music] wait Phil what's our code red for an urgent situation armor oh my God wait who's at the center I want to go speak to him you gotta run past him okay go go go go go go go it's Tommy and Bill it's Tommy and Phil right okay um wait are you are you going are you oh you're going to you're going to though right okay no no no no no no no no whoa whoa that's aggressive I don't think they want to be friends no I don't think they want to be friends either it's so stressful this is so [ __ ] awful are we getting to Texas I think he's here wait no this is the most dramatic [ __ ] no I Am The Lorax it's the clay tree are you at team please say yes okay I can't hear [ __ ] what's the game plan where did you find your diamond though you see that house over there with a bunch of diamond blocks on the side me can I have a diamond pickle oh God the rain it's hard okay that sucks yeah I can't tell if we're in the UK if we're in California nice that rain looks out there there's an everlasting tornado and fog just everywhere this is just doomsday man this is like scary oh wait no there's a whole team over there I'm gonna go talk to him but really I'm just gonna try to hit him with a handle hello how is it going what do you want I come bringing gifts here let me let me show you let me show you [Music] anvils oh I mean what kind of gifts are you planning on hey I can't believe they got you like that uh can I have some netherrite please yep hold on Phil's naked I don't know should we can't you're naked I'm gonna have a look at the Dyne map there's a lot of people at the mid oh yeah you're cheating again I'm not cheating Phil it's a it's it's my hero cheats and I'm gonna cheat I'm either referring to Dr disrespect Audrey what if we just walked up to them and started making sounds let's do it just make a few sounds and then after 10 to 15 seconds we leave they're doing something maybe they're gonna come over and say hi hello what if we just start roaming the streets and then Tommy and Nick can use his intuition elitist yeah to pray I think us three should be a team I don't think we team with anyone else and I think no here's what we do should we team with more people and then backstab them guys what should I code word be to backstab I don't know okay I don't know when we when I go ah no when techno goes ah no we go kill him I'm not using the code word let's just stab him immediately like why would we bother because then we can gain their trust and then they'll be weaker we can go oh can I just could I check out your enchantments because we've been like struggling to enchant bam and everything but Jesus Christ I am i Phil oh people people there's a dude yeah you should yeah you should take this you should you should read that oh my God a published novel oh my God it has my IP address yeah we need we need to talk Tommy I don't want to mess with this guy look he's got our IP address okay wait let me run him through the test let me run them through the test guys we have an idea that we instead of giving the money to charity we're gonna take it for ourselves are you in or not I mean hey I'm done running so fast okay they're in we're gonna call you three shark mate we actually named her what is that we're BTS oh I don't think anyone's taken that we can't we came up with an uh what's the song okay it's called Dynamite all right here we go [Music] that's BTS hi do you want to join us yeah no wait can I can I give a can I give a gift sure I like presents get [ __ ] on oh language okay fellas come on let's head out let's go to the mid let's go to the mid and then let's build a sky base okay so do we agree anyone that isn't our team now we [ __ ] kill all right we [ __ ] kill him just remember the rule BTS still alive BTS stay alive hey we're gonna drop Dynamite with a [ __ ] fist she's gonna turn them into butter oh god look that way oh oh everybody oh wow [Music] Tommy just ditched he's out of there I'm not surprised hey we're BTS oh how's it going BTS made any cool music lately no die die die [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yeah you're not gonna do any damage to me man come up team hey is Tommy Tommy with you guys no I've never met that man before in my life all right let's form a cross team of 20 and then we can all win together Phil why are they dead so they don't want to fight yet I guess oh my gosh I'm gonna hit Tommy with an anvil or the BTS to kill look above you oh [Music] God this [ __ ] you got to kill me you have a secret code word to betray your teammates oh mommy's just gonna go murder that guy by the way I think we should you know oh no I've angered them that guy squashed me that rep rack bastard we need to kill him I don't like this [ __ ] where is that guy gone let me look at my map I can get a TV yo I can be a TV they'll never suspect it and he he tried to squish me and you know I'm a very unsquishable figure it's me it's me TV man what wait the Border oh no I should I should have left the TV didn't work [Music] hi shoot him down how is that possible how is that even slightly possible [Music] oh yeah it wasn't worth it I'd like to talk to you about your car's extended warranty Insurance what how did I get jump boost [Music] [Music] okay can we just stay here until the storm passes oh wait there's a bunch of people over there staring at us another race do you think they will be friends wait wait wait wait this is the sign of friendship what are they building it's a penis it's a penis maybe they're hitting on us no I'm interested now it's a penis and a vagina it says hi it's a penis and a separate vagina oh my goodness I just got a great idea do you guys want to try mining to the center like we go underground oh my goodness I just realized this could be like the ultimate sneak attack [Music] punch get out get out get out go go go oh you can't play anything what are you serious [Music] are you kidding no I didn't know oh wait wait they just died was that an accident or was that actual no I'm sure they intentionally suffocated to that can I just say anyone else now we killed no matter who it is okay but there's like a team of like eight guys and other rights that's like the whole game with the trio plus Freddy yeah we got this with the Sleepy boys I'm badly so we're gonna [ __ ] win this oh my God it's how I think it is right there it's bad lunar that has to be bad liner a BTS remember let's reunite oh hey there's the guy in actual there's tapple though again we're not teaming with it we're not teaming with him okay Freddie you go in and tell him to run away telling me that's five seconds I would run away if I were you they're not they're not being friendly just get out where you can get it get out now but you have five seconds hold on all right behind using a Nottinghamshire to kill Tapout kill him kill him kill him okay okay Harvey do you need things yeah can you give me folding at the right please bill look out the borders slowly running you over no no oh yeah this is not good this is not there's a little alarming thing I'd like to call your right hand side it is the Border hello hello there's airdrops oh my God there's airdrops Gotta Get Ready Get rid of him whoa oh okay we gotta keep his Reaper dude wait the CNT right the CNT right there's TNT rain ah there's CNC rain eyes let me shoot him with my punch zero power zero bow oh my here let me use my singular chipped Anvil come on oh my God the TNT does a lot of damage a bit of a tight squeeze going on here I think wait we can mine we can mine oh yeah we can find armor make a room make a space for me please yeah okay for me please this is probably the best place we're making a diagonal right now we're making a diagonal oh wait okay so all right oh wait I can't mine but I can't even eat it anymore oh maybe it's just live maybe maybe oh no we're dying wow yeah I think Dynamite I love it I love it [Music] wait is the Border above ground now okay guys don't fall asleep come down and we'll team with you I don't know if I trust any of that Tommy I remember last time you know funny quick ly is he a Trader yeah please please please yeah I got tons I got tons dude I got tons check this out Moss dude he's got muscles here we go now we go now we got his blocks in the building [Music] follow us up how could you do this to me I didn't do anything on your own dude no that was so much Tommy and your fault you could have protected me [Music] how dare you do this to me how dare you I've just killed wait Phil I just got a laxative pill what oh my god dude why is that in the game what is the point of this what's the point of anything role play having an office job yeah they're they're gonna they're gonna yeah oh the angel drops dude don't worry guys I'll Google a way out of the situation I'm just trying to wash the windows here oh let's go [Music] start stabbing them yeah everybody gang up here I'm going in my own let me jump out the building all right what's happening oh no I don't know but we gotta get out of here but really it's gonna be knocking people down from here Phil right wait why is there a pill that's that's kind of that might actually be really possible take the pill right now [Music] it's probably not going to work after that guys I'm just trying to clock out of my job why are anvils getting dropped on me no overtime I'm just trying to go home tonight okay you ready [Music] oh I'm dead okay guys we stay up here we kill anyone that isn't ozone right let's get rid of this barrier it's okay it's for charity break everything underneath and break everything underneath them everything underneath can't count guys now oh God oh God I'm in a hole sorry sorry Captain I'm sorry [Music] wait how is this not like so rigged right now wait how did his three survive okay guys guys did we fight or do we just let it eat us I don't want to betray you guys I don't want to fight we're just gonna see who dies from the fall this is a lot to put up to chance Phil this is 150 000 pounds of the chance I'm not I'm confusingly not comfortable with that wait why is the Border a block dramatic so dramatic the young inherit the earth no wait wait all right everyone's oh oh God okay it's just whoever the Border like some more film he's gonna eat some food real quick hold on [Music] Phil Phil went [Music] thanks again Monster Legends the fun-loving RPG fun for sponsoring download the game and go and get my monster and other special Rewards [Music]
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 4,188,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, funniest minecraft video, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, jschlatt, philza, minecraft mod, modded minecraft, hunger games, survival games, Minecraft's Funniest YouTuber Hunger Games...
Id: s9FqnrJnmDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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