All Of My 50+ Varieties Of Peperomia | Houseplant Tour

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hello everyone my name is Nick and today I'm going to show you guys all of my peperomia so amongst many other groups of plants I absolutely love to collect the genus peperomia mainly because it's such a diverse genus of house plants there are over 1500 species in the genus peperomia and others mind-blowing so I absolutely love to collect them and around 20 or so are pretty readily available in your local garden center but beyond that there are some pretty wild ones so it's really fun to research and find some new ones out there and there's always a new one going on my wish list so I have been collecting peperomia for roughly two and a half years the obsession started when I walked into a local plant shop and I found a parallel peperomia or a peperomia tetra gonna and I loved it and I brought it home and when I did a little bit of research on it I found out how closely related it was to my peperomia obtuse of folia which is another rather common peperomia and then very soon after that I got a peperomia hope and a pepperoni or ba and I was just like these plants are so different looking yet they're so closely related and I did a little bit more research on the topic and I discovered you know what's up with peperomia and how fascinating they are so ever since I've been collecting them I have around 52 varieties of pepperoni as last time I counted and that is spread amongst roughly 40 to 45 species I would say so I have a lot to share with you guys and we're gonna start over here on my bark art or my plant car because there's no alcohol on it anymore so right over here I have this peperomia Meridiana which is nothing spectacular in terms of foliage but I really enjoy its red stems and the small green foliage and one thing I really enjoy about peperomia is how small they are so I can have 50-plus peperomia and it's not going to take up a tremendous amount of room so that is something I really appreciate and then amongst this one I also have this peperomia scandens over here which as the name suggests is a very scandens grower so it grows very similarly to your standard heartly philodendron and I think it almost looks pretty much identical and if I didn't know any better I would probably have thought this was a hartley philodendron if I walked right by it in a garden centre I think that's all the pepperonis I have over here so we're going to move over to my plant corner which actually throughout this whole entire plan when I only have one peperomia and it's in this terrarium right here so tucked inside this terrarium if I pull back these leaves there is this peperomia metallica and it's the wider form of metallica which i think sometimes I see as the Rebbe re-form but if I'm not mistaken peperomia rep i is a misnomer for this type of peperomia metallica here I don't typically grow peperomia zin terrariums I'm a little nervous at the rock but this terrarium right here I with very well draining soil and I have it with a Pylea new malariae folia and a philodendron red super dwarf so I these aren't very heavy drinkers so I'm not worried about rotting out this peperomia so that's it for this corner we're gonna move over to this window over here whew alright I have a bunch of pepperoni nice to share with you guys in this window so this is a Western exposed window and there is a tree right outside so it's kind of locking some of that extra light late in the day so right here is a very large peperomia Tetra gonna this is what they also called parallel peperomia or stilt peperomia and I absolutely love this one this one is very large I bought at large so I did not grow it out unfortunately and this one right next to it is a peperomia versatile TI which they also refer to as a mini watermelon peperomia which you will see the regular watermelon peperomia later on and then up here this beautiful cascading red plant is a peperomia Ruby cascade which is a very very fast grower and in very drought tolerant peperomia it definitely appreciates a little bit more light than some of these other pepper Romeo's but I've noticed it to be very good as long as I'm not over watering it and then we gonna work our way up so I have quite a few peperomia is actually up here in this window hanging so right here this long one is a peperomia bow I Viney I it looks very very similar to peperomia hope but from what I have found out peperomia Bhavani is a species while peperomia hope is like a cultivated patented plant so it is made by somebody and it's not supposed to be replicated although they still replicate it and then down here is a peperomia quadrangle eros which is a rather nice one it's one of my favorites I really love the way that the leaves are shaped and look at very similar to the peperomia tetra gonna but it's a little bit more muted and round so I don't know why but I just love the way this plant looks and then this little one right here is a peperomia Kim na Chi I so this one is a rather new one to me I haven't had it very long but when I received it it was just one small cutting in a pot and now it has two vines coming off of it so I'm very excited to see how this one grows back here I'll actually pull this one out for you guys to see this is a peperomia alba batata rana Verde that I actually have grown from a leaf cutting so this one has grown quite a bit absolutely adorable really love the way this one looks like kind of inspires me to do more leaf cuttings because this came from one leaf and there are like 10 plants in this pot and that is absolutely crazy so I am loving that and then one more that I will pull out for you guys so it's kind of hidden back here it's rather large it is this peperomia red ecuador is how i purchased a size so it looks kind of similar to like maybe a peperomia rubella meets a peperomia virtus alotta so mm maybe that's what it is but knowing peperomia is they're so diverse so i really don't know what this one is I have been giving it a maybe a little bit too much light from the yellowing that I've seen on the bottom of the plant but this plant overall has grown tremendously and I would consider to be very healthy and growing really well and it's even putting up some babies for me so I'm really really loving this peperomia this is one I haven't really seen that often so I'm not sure if it's a rare one or not but I I don't even know if that's the correct name for it so another window over here we're gonna move into over here is a rather lush corner in my home that is once again a west-facing window that has a little bit of the tree outside that is blocking some of that light but as you can kind of see cuz the lights kind of blowing it out but there are some larger plants amongst the back of my window kind of blocking this sunlight for the plants I have in the front level here so actually over here a little bit out of the way I have this peperomia scandens variegata which is just a variegated version of that peperomia scandens as I showed you guys that I had on my bar cart and hiding just below it I actually have a pepper kappa rata which I'm not too sure on the cultivar of this I think it was all to me as gray Luna so that could be it but if we work our way over I have a peperomia along godom it is a very interesting pepper on me I don't see very often apparently there are some medicinal qualities about this plant so I think that it was very interesting along with the another type of peperomia scans I have kind of back here that is actually some cuttings that my friend gave me because she found that her plant kind of sported a little bit into a little bit of a different type of arrogation so we don't really you know have a name for this plant it's kind of just a little experiment so who knows but something I'm just kind of keeping track of and then right next to that I have a peperomia glabella is how it was sold to me as it could be something else but and down here kind of trailing in front in my group partner paw I have this peperomia per se i Kolya which looks very similar in a sense to peperomia tetra gonna but it is also very different this is one I kind of was not giving it enough light and I recently moved it back to this window and I have three or four new shoots coming out from the base of the pot so I'm very excited to see what happens with that peperomia is actually tend to grow a little bit more in the winter time than they do in the summertime which is a little bit contrary to what we are used to so they're technically known as summer dormant plants and winter growers so I'm hoping once another month or two goes by I'll see some expedited growth on these plants and actually not a peperomia but one that's often mistaken for peperomia is this Pylea peperomia teas that I have right here so it actually gets the name because in Latin the suffix IDs and pepper Miyagi's means it looks like so it's saying it looks like a peperomia which is actually kind of funny because it looks a lot like the peperomia that i have up here which is peperomia poly Bactria which they also called the teardrop peperomia which gets rather large leaves and it's probably a pepperoni that would appreciate a little bit more sunlight in my experience and growing inside the pot with the pepperoni poly watcher I have some peperomia Pro strata which they also call turtle vine or string of turtles so a really finicky peperomia I will say but I have found some really good luck growing yet when I grow it inside this pot with this poly Bactria so if you are struggling with the peperomia upper strata yourself I would recommend maybe growing it as ground cover rather than as the plant itself like with another plant so just an experiment I'm doing I actually have another peperomia or two all the way up here so this one that's kind of back here is a peperomia in Cana which is one of my favorite peperomia it's very blue and felted so I really really enjoyed that about it and another one I had back there is peperomia axel eros is how I purchased it I think it's just another form of peperomia dollar performace which you will be seeing once again later in this video but I have really struggling with that form of dolla performance that has not been the easiest I find it rots very very easily and I also have another peperomia tetra gonna all the way up here I have a few of these I really enjoy growing it's a very easy grower and you do not need to water it very often at all I'm seeing right behind the camera here that I have this peperomia cap errata I believe this is Kappa rata emerald ripple and then down here I have this peperomia Frost which is a rather new cultivar of peperomia that I have seen pop up on the market and I have found this one to be an excellent grower in lower light so this one is you know up against this wall here it's you know about maybe six feet from that west facing window I've probably had this one for about nine months now and has been growing very very well for me I don't have that many peperomia is in this window because it is a south-facing window so it's some pretty harsh light but I do see I have a peperomia Tetra gonna once again which is one that can take quite a bit of light and then I also have a few that I'm just kind of propagating so I have another peperomia press key I folio down here with a pepper on the ear on a verde right next to it and then up here I have a peperomia cap arada raspberry ripple I believe this one is so it's got some nice like pink coloration to it around the burgundy and up here I actually have another part rather my first peperomia hope that I'm sharing with you guys so this is a really easy one that really would prefer a lot of light in my experience and it can rot pretty easily under low light conditions so this is when I find grows very well on a south-facing window but over here in this other south-facing window I have some pepperoni --is that are really good at taking some intense light so this bright red one right here is peperomia gravy Allen's which actually in Latin gravy Allen's and beans odorous so this one actually gets a flower that smells very bad but I have not personally smelled it so we are on a very good terms at the moment and then kind of hiding behind it is a peperomia columella which is a rather a new one to me that I actually got from my friend Linda and then there is this pepper made dollar performance right here which is the form of peperomia performance that I'm used to seeing compared to that peperomia axle heiress that I showed you earlier that I kind of struggle a bit more with so this one has been much easier for me to grow especially in bright light up just a little bit from that south-facing window I have this peperomia argyria which they commonly referred to as the watermelon peperomia this one definitely likes to be in brighter light than some of my other peperomia but I found when it was in too bright light inside the south-facing window I did find it got a little bit of brown scarring on the back of it so I have left it here ever since then and then up here I have another pepperoni at scandens erragadda one of my most notable pepperoni as I will say I really love the way it grows the skin and growth is incredible I love the way it looks here with my hartley philodendron and I just love the variegated patterns and I actually have a few more of pepperoni is down here so as of me filming this I actually just toasted a plant so I thought my work urban jungle last night and here's a few of the plants that I got treated and my friend ash treated me this peperomia cap errata which I've noticed has some wonderful pink blush to the leaves so I really enjoy that and then back here is a peperomia clue see I fully a red margin that I've had for quite some time it has a lot of character and then a peperomia Alba vuitton Arana bear day another one that I've had for a little bit more time I kind of abused this one I've noticed that from the way my one that I've grown from leaf cutting has grown in that window that it prefers a little bit more light than some of the other pepperonis and I can tell from how these leaves have faded that I haven't given it enough light so these new leaves are coming in quite nice I have it in a brighter environment here but I used to have it on top of my microwave in my living room and it was not very happy there so this seems to be doing a lot better over here I think that's all the pepperonis I have in my kitchen in my living room so now we're gonna move over to the bathroom I think I have a pepperoni or two in there and then we'll move over to the bedroom I do actually have a few pepperonis in the bathroom so I have this beautiful large pepperoni argyria watermelon peperomia I purchased this one large so I didn't grow it out this big but I love how big the leaves are i've just fell in love with it as soon as I saw it I was like I have to have it there's just some plants where you already have one and you find another one and you just have to have it so and then kind of off-camera I have this peperomia rugosa which is a kind of uncommon peperomia but it's still readily available enough then below that is probably one of the most common peperomia is peperomia obtuse Apulia variegata and I actually find these to be not the easiest peperomia so I find that the obtuse of folia rots rather easily so I have to be very careful with the amount that I water it and then I do have one more pep up here at peperomia glabella I showed you one earlier in my living room but I have another one here growing in a special substrate that my boss at work makes and grows plants and green walls so I'm kind of just experimenting with that growing in a shot glass and it's been doing really really well so that's all the pets in here so let's move over to my bedroom and I'm sure I have a lot of them in there so okay we're here in my bedroom and as you can see there are a lot of plants and there are a lot of peperomia in here so pepperoni is grow really really well in here because one I'm supplementing a lot of light I have this artificial light from my crowbar and then I have some purple lights that are usually on down here but they're turned off for your viewing pleasure and I have a lot of humidity in here just from there being a lot of plants and this being a very small space and also receiving a good amount of light so it's kind of just like the perfect storm if you will and my plants seem to absolutely thrive in here so I will say the first one I'm noticing is this peperomia silver bandit which is an unidentified species that peperomia I believe that has a wonderful silver band down the center and some lovely red stem it kind of looks similar to peperomia rana Verde to me but it grows in a more of a habit that obtuse avaya would grow so I think that's rather interesting to me and then over here is a peperomia HOF mani which I think could actually use a bit of water but this is one I've noticed will just drop a leaves for me looking at it it's always when I'm kind of worried about and paying a little bit more closer attention to back behind it is actually - I've just recently got this week or the past week this one is a peperomia veerudu severe I recently bought that one from steve's leaves as well as a peperomia fuzzy mystery which I've been wanting for quite some time and recently but the bold on I actually get a lot of my more fun pepper Romeo's from Steve's leaves so that is definitely a great resource if you are looking to collect some pepper Romeo's let's see what else I have down here I have a peperomia albo frittata a piccolo Bandar kind of a mouthful but this has not been like the most easygoing peperomia in terms of its new growth its new growth has come in rather small I see them come in very very large usually when I purchase that the leaves were quite a nice size but it's grown in quite small for me so I haven't quite figured this one out yet and then in this glass closure I have a pepperoni at turbo Ensis which is similar looking to the peperomia argyria or the water watermelon peperomia but I've known this one to do very well in terrarium so I decided to go ahead and put it inside this glass closure I do have a peperomia Harmony's pumpkin down here which was supposedly like a very sought-after peperomia I kind of got it from like a mistake at work but it literally just looks like a peperomia rugose at this point it looks nothing like the orange that it used to have on the leaves that you can kind of see faintly on some of the old leaves but the new leaves have come in look pretty much dead on like rugosa to me now so I will say personally or to you guys I would say that if that is one that you have been kind of seeking after I might check that one off your list because I don't think it's as viable as a house plant it kind of rubs me the way of the pink Congo philodendron if you've heard about that not a peperomia but down here I have a piper of Parma Tom which is actually in the same family as peperomia is the piper ACF family but it is in a different genus and Piper's are actually more diverse than pepper Romeo's there are over 2,000 species of pipers but so I thought I would just point that went out to you guys I'm seeing right next to that Piper I have this peperomia tri nebula which is very similar to the peperomia glabella I showed you guys earlier but a little bit different nothing really remarkable in terms of its foliage and then behind that is a type of peperomia obtrusive folio which is a green margin variety or green edge I think I believe it's green over here I have this peperomia Grigio Argentia pink lady which is like a new hot peperomia if you go it's the one with the pink of arrogation to the leaves so I've been really enjoying watching that one grow let's move a little bit over here I know up top and kind of in the back so it's gonna be really hard to see from this angle of course but I have a rather large peperomia cubensis which has some nice large green leaves in the red sentence once again nothing really spectacular in terms of foliage but it was a large hanging basket when I found it and I can't turn down a large hanging basket the peperomia because you do not come across that very often and then seeing behind this Hoya right here is a peperomia trailing Jade which looks rather similar to the Kim na VI and could very well be kin not GI but because of their differences in appearance I am referring to this one that has the namesake as I bought it and then behind that is a peperomia adult steady eye which was a gift from my friends at the potted elephant so I'm really enjoying that one looks very similar to peperomia tetra gonna but has some more qualities of the peperomia quadrangle Eris and I love quadrangle Eris and tetra gonna so tell there's a peperomia for Nikolas down here but I see right here I have a few so this is a peperomia virtus alotta and we're moving into the south-facing window that has a ponytail Domino monstera deliciosa kind of blocking some of that intense south like they seem to like it but these types might burn a little bit if they were in too bright of light so I see we're getting a little bit blown out but wool I'll bring you guys then close so there's this peperomia furnace Salada which is a rather fuzzy stem peperomia and I also have peperomia and Cana once again this is one of my favorite pepper Romeo's I just love the way it grows it is such a wonderful grower and then another peperomia Grigio Argentia pink lady I think this one means a drink I don't think I pay it close enough attention to this one and then another pepper I mean that's rather interesting this one is called peperomia pepper mill I have seen it as a misnomer or I believe or a synonym but I don't think it actually has a name I think it's just an unidentified peperomia from Ecuador and then I can move this strim anthe there's another peperomia argyria or watermelon peperomia right back here it's a rather small one but I don't find these very often at the shops I had together when I find them another peperomia poly Bactria and I see that there's a peperomia rubella hiding behind it which is a rather small leaf peperomia that does really really well in bright light and then the peperomia fairy ray which is a the stringbean peperomia they call it this is a rather succulent peperomia as well there's a peperomia try nervous try nervous temperament try never seen they have so many similar names right here this has been a really wonderful peperomia for me to grow very very prolific and rather hard to find so if you can get your hands on the site you should only see this at like both ethical gardens but one of my growers had it for a hot SEC so I got my hands on it and I've been loving growing it and then I also have my peperomia hope that I've had for a really long time up here I bought it as a very small 2 inch pot as you almost often see peperomia hopes sold as and this one has been growing like a crazy since then they're slow to start but then once they get going they really crazy and then I seen it I pepper me down here I don't have the exact name of this I think it's peperomia serpens but I am not too positive so if you have any info definitely correct me but I've been referring to it as peperomia serpent since I have gotten my hands on it I think that's all the pepper Romeo's I'm sure I missed one or two here and there but for the most part I think I'm sure as soon as I finished this video I'm gonna find another one I'm about damn but yeah I think that was all of my pet Romeo's alrighty thank you guys so much for joining me today on this little peperomia house plant tour if you guys enjoyed it I would definitely love to do this again with my arrows in my Hoya's I think it's a little bit more fun to kind of hone in on a specific topic when I'm doing these house plant tours rather than go over everything as a whole and kind of have to graze over everything because I have so many named plants at this point so thank you guys so much for watching if you don't already follow me on instagram at filly foliage subscribe to my channel and I will see you guys in my next video have a great time
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 81,501
Rating: 4.9372301 out of 5
Keywords: peperomia, peperomias, houseplant tour, plant tour, tour, plant haul, houseplant haul, haul, piper, pilea, peperomioides, nick pileggi, philly foliage, phillyfoliage, peperomia collection, collection, tours, 50+ peperomia
Id: kWi2LgdQHdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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