My Favorite Peperomias

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hello everyone my name is Nick and welcome if you're new if you've been following my channel for quite some time you may have noticed that one of the genus of plants that I personally like to collect are pepper Romeo's pepper Romeo's are very rich in diversity with over 1500 known varieties and they tend to be very low-maintenance which is probably why I gravitate towards them last I counted I had 47 varieties of pepper Romeo's in my collection and I wanted to share with you guys the ones that I currently like the most so without further ado here are my favorite pepper Romeo's I think I tend to talk about this first one a lot on here so I wanted to go ahead and get it out of the way but this one is peperomia tetra gonna I think they also used to call this plant peperomia putty Oleta and it's commonly referred to as a parallel peperomia or a stilt peperomia this is probably the most common peperomia that's going to be on this list and this is probably one of the first peperomia is that I added to my collection actually I believe it was the second peperomia I add it to my collection first being peperomia obtuse Apulia I don't even think I knew peperomia obtuse a folio was a peperomia at the time that I purchased it but when I ran into this plant I remember I had seen it on like a YouTube video or social media because this was probably before I even started doing YouTube or Instagram and I remember seeing this plant at a local plant shop and like being like oh my god like they have this like I've never seen this before and of course in most recent times this plant has been much more readily available you can usually find it at least one of your local garden centers they should have it in small pots but this plant is just so wonderful it's so easy to grow I love the texture it feels like cardboard and it's very it has a lot of language it tells you when it needs to be watered if the leaves are thick and feel like cardboard you don't need to water it but if they get flimsy and don't feel like cardboard anymore you do need to water it this plant is a fast grower to an extent peperomia is all for the most part stay very compact so this plant has definitely like tripled if not quadrupled in size since I purchased it almost a year ago and it is still a small plant but it looks wonderful if you want peperomia is to get big you really need it's more about quantity than growing one out because one peperomia is never going to get big so for an example if you did want a larger one I have this example of a larger pepper and the intent you're gonna hear but is in fact just a bunch of plants shoved into one pot so here is a really lovely one this one's a little bit more unmanageable for me to hold for the entire video but a really really lovely plant a really easy peperomia and definitely a really easy one to find if you're into pepper Romeo's or if you want to get started but collecting peperomia peperomia tetra kona is definitely one of the easiest ones to find they all are very easy to grow I think the worst thing you can do with pepper Romeo's is overwater them I tend to water my peperomia snow more than once a week unless it's in a very I've a few that are in very bright light and they need to be watered every few days but they use their language as I said when they get when they lose their succulents they're telling you they need water but if they feel flocculent you don't water them so I really enjoyed the language that peperomia has have which is probably another reason why I gravitate towards them but they're just really wonderful plants overall peperomia tetra going on being one of my first ones that I ever added to my collection and also one of my favorites the next peperomia that's very high up on my list is peperomia in Cana now peperomia in Cana is not very common I've personally never seen this one for sale in person I've only seen it in person besides the one that I have a botannical garden and this one I purchased from steve's leaves which is known for doing like more rare species like more botanical garden species is more what they have on their website but I just adore this peperomia it's grown incredibly well for me in fact it's grown so well for me that I was even able to propagate it as you can see right here I have a little baby one too and what I love most about this plant is it's kind of just it's not the most like showy peperomia which I really appreciate it looks very similar to a polly bought Rhea in its shape which is the teardrop peperomia but this one's fuzzy it's very fuzzy it's got more of like a Bluegreen hue it's showing up as very shiny because of my light but it's really not that shiny it's actually quite dull in person and I just really enjoy the way it looks overall I'm very excited to watch it grow because they start off really small and even the one I'm propagating is really small but I feel very confident that I'm gonna have this plant for a very long time my next favorite is another one that I think tends to be a little bit more out there or a little bit more hard to find and this one is peperomia Hawk mani I I freakin love this peperomia I just adore the way it grows this growth habit is just like incredible it just drapes so lovely I have it in this really wonderful circular pot but the pot doesn't even matter because you can't even see it anymore so a real joy to grow peperomia Hawk mani I really really wonderful i got this one from steve's leaves as well I feel like I've gotten a lot of my more out there peperomia is from steve's leaves calm and not a plug for steve's leaves i just really genuinely love their website and i have had this one for probably a year now so we're still getting acquainted but i am getting to know this plant pretty well to a point but i I just love the way it grows I would really love to add another one to my collection I love it that much and I have a few trailing peperomia x' but I'd say this one is by far my favorite and I really do favor the Charlie Pepper Romeo's like I was showing you guys the peperomia Tetra gonna which in a way is a Charlie peperomia for the way that it grows upright and then trails down but this one is just so lush in the way that it grows I don't see many other pepper Romeo's grow this lush probably due to how small the leaves are you can see how minuscule they are and if I ruffled this plant I'm sure I will lose a bunch of leaves so I have to be really careful this is a peperomia that I am extremely careful not to overwater particularly because these leaves are so small and there are so many of them so I know that this plant holds on to a lot of that moisture although the stems are quite small they are still have a little bit of succulents to them so I I can tell that this plant doesn't need a lot of water this is not one that is as easily or tells me as easily when it needs water compared to like my peperomia in Cana and the peperomia tetra go now that I showed you guys prior but this one is still very easy I feel like it kind of looks a little bit more dull overall when it needs water so it does have some language it just doesn't have same language that the last you had if you can get ahold of peperomia huff Manny I highly recommend growing it it is such a reward to grow I just love how full it is and it really just like turns my shelf into a lush landscape it's a little bit plain looking I will say but I that's kind of what I even appreciate more about it because it is a peperomia so it is just like a more it means a lot more to me even though it does look a little bit more plain so an absolutely lush plant that I just absolutely love to grow another peperomia that's very near and dear to me is this peperomia alba patata piccolo of Banda now this peperomia is definitely growing in availability in the United States if I'm not mistaken over the last two years it was only really available in Europe kind of a back story behind this plant as to why it means so much to me is I saw it post on an Instagram and I have one I wanted it so bad them it was one of those plants for me even the influencers get influenced so I had seen someone post this and I was like damn I want that peperomia and I was like researching it and I found like oh like I can't get it like it's just not in America yet so that was probably like a year plus ago I've only had this peperomia for probably like six to eight months so this is probably one of the newer ones to me in this video but I was at my friend's shop ill exotics and I was chatting with them and they mentioned like oh we have this peperomia coming in next week and I went like to stop them put my finger up and I was like if you guys ever get the piccolo bandha let me know and they're like that's the one we have coming in I was like I was like aghast I was like that's the way like I was like how'd you get it like I'm a freaking buyer and I can't get it although they have some magical ways of getting some rare plants I don't even know about so definitely check out their website once again not a plug just really like their store I think they have a website like ill exotics calm I'll include it in my description really really cool plant really love the colors and it's very prolific it was very small when I purchased it because it was like when they got them like fresh off the boat and I just really loved the way that it looks and I'm just in love as soon as they gave it to me so I'm really happy to own this one really would love to see this one become a little bit more common because it's still a little bit rare but you can still get your hands on it if you want it so peperomia piccola bandha another one of my favorites another one of my favorites and i think you guys will see very quickly why this is one of my favorites is this peperomia grab yellen's it's just it's so lovely and it's so big this plant has grown exponentially for me when I purchased it if you have seen these plants ever sold in stores this is definitely a more common peperomia on this list they're normally sold in very small pots and they only have like one or two stems coming out of the pot and that's exactly how I purchased this plant last year and in the winter hid a pepper Romeo's are a little bit more active growers in the winter which is actually kind of interesting because most of our plants grow more in the summertime but the peperomia is kind of kicking the year in the winter time so it's really enjoyable and another reason to love them because while your other plants are kind of sleeping these plants are growing so I really love it actually kind of a side note grabby islands in Latin means odorous and like a bad odor so apparently the flower on this plant smells bad i has not flowered for me and maybe it will drop out of my favorite list once it flowers but until that day I really adore this plant the green is very vibrant and the red on the back is also very vibrant so this is a plant that with the red color I totally fry at this plant in my south-facing window and it's probably one of the only peperomia is that could really love life in a south-facing window I have a lot of self facing windows in my home and if you have dealt with south-facing windows before although they have a lot of light and which you might think is good it's actually kind of a struggle because a lot of plants tend to burn when they received that much direct sunlight in my bedroom I keep a fan blowing so the the leaves keep moving and the foliage is constantly just like getting ruffled around so if there is a little bit too much like they don't burn but I have a few more windows than that in my living room so I don't keep a fan blowing out here so I have to find plants for those windows that grow exceptionally well in high light succulents and cacti aren't really my favorites so I kind of have to experiment and find tropical plants that grow extremely well in that environment and peperomia grabby islands is one of them this is definitely a peperomia on while we're on this topic that looks a little bit more like a succulent and behaves much more like a succulent but it's still a peperomia in fact if you were looking for this plant I wouldn't be surprised if you found it in the cactus and succulent section of your garden center so I really enjoyed the red color on these leaves and even another reason why I love it so much kind of even a little bit more backstory for this one is it was about this size maybe six months ago and I was hanging a planter in my window and it fell and it fell right on this plant and chopped it in half and I was like like this was like my prized peperomia Graviola pnes so of course propagation is a thing I stuck all the pieces in water that were chopped off they rooted and I stuck them back in the pot and now my peperomia gravity islands is nice and big again so I really really love this plant an incredibly easy pepperoni to grow it does not require a lot of water it does require quite a bit of light if you want to hold up that nice vibrant red color and this plant does have some nice language it doesn't have that you know you can't fold them the leaves like the other pepperonis I was showing you however these taco shaped leaves will fold in on themselves pretty harshly when they need water so it does have some nice language and another reason why I love peperomia is so much is like I said they just tell you when they need water so you don't need to stress about when you need to wire these plants when they tell you when they need to be watered I might as well just show you all my pepperoni is if I keep going but I will have one more to share with you guys that is one that really stands out to me as one of my favorite pepper romeo's so this one right here is peperomia quadrangle Eris and this is one that I absolutely adore it was on my wish list for quite some time before I got it last year I believe that wish was granted by steve's leaves once again where i get probably a large chunk of my rare plants at a pretty decent price - i will say once again not a sponsored thing for steve's leaves just really love their website in fact i think i mentioned them so much i might as well include a link in my description but really really adore this plant it's a very slow grower it's definitely another one of those succulent i mean one of those peperomia is that behaves more like a succulent similar to the peperomia gravity islands however I don't have this one in as much light as I have my pepper gravity Ellenson because this one is so green I would kind of worry about burning the foliage it isn't a south-facing window but it's kind of down lower hidden and shielded by a few other plants so this one is getting it seems to be even metal like the leaves are coming in a little bit small so I might need to experiment with maybe some fertilization to see if I can get these leaves to get a little bit bigger or I could experiment with a little bit more light however at this plant is still alive and still quite full and really looks nice the way it's starting to trial out of the sides of the pot so really really lovely peperomia and I'm so happy that it's still chugging along for me I definitely know I'm watering my peperomia quadrangular is very often at all I probably water it like every two to three weeks this plant has a very similar language to the peperomia tetra gonna and in Cana where you kind of just squeeze the leaves and it tells you whether or not it needs water if it's stiff it doesn't need water if it's flimsy then it does need water because it's lost some of that water in the leaves and that's no longer succulent a really wonderful plant to grow peperomia is in general are really wonderful not to mention they are all pet safe so if you have cats and dogs that are kind of nippy you don't need to worry about pepperoni as being in your home in fact when people come into the plant shop that I work in the kind of complain and they're like I have pets so I can't really have plans to my home I say on the contrary because pepperoni has exists them there's over 1,500 varieties of peperomia so you can have a house full of pepper Romeo's and you don't have to worry so a really wonderful plant just highly recommended to everybody if you don't grow any pepperonis in your home already I highly recommend going to your garden center and picking up a few because I would be very surprised if you walked into your garden center and didn't find a single peperomia in fact at the plant shop that I work I feel like I normally have like at least 15 varieties in stock at a time because they are just so prevalent at the moment thank you guys so much for joining me on today's video where I talked about my favorite pepper Romeo's just to recap my favorite pepper Romeo's were peperomia tetra gota peperomia in cana peperomia hawk mani i peperomia alba batata piccolo banda peperomia grab you gallons and peperomia quadrangle eres if you don't already follow me on instagram at fille foliage and i will see you guys in my next video have a great time
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 84,207
Rating: 4.9520497 out of 5
Keywords: peperomias, my favorite peperomias, top 5 peperomias, top 5, top 10, top 6, plant haul, haul, unboxing, tour, plant tour, houseplant tour, houseplant, plant, quadrangularis, incana, tetragona, puteolata, hoffmannii, piccolo banda, graveolens, nick pileggi, philly foliage, phillyfoliage, illexotics, steves leaves
Id: 4_YYHd7feF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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