Peperomia "Show and Tell" | Planterina | Best Indoor Houseplants

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So, I brought all of my Peperomias together for a family reunion. so I don't think there is any better time to do a Peperomia show and tell. I am only going to tell the good things. We are not going to show the bad things. ok, don't worry, we are not going to divulge any family secrets. Peperomia clusifolia 'red edge'. you are over here. I am going to sneak in here. gently bring it through. how cute is this little firecracker of a peperomia? its got those long wavy leaves. waxy, very succulent like and extremely sassy. Peperomia caperata 'Rosso'. So this Rosso is suer adorable. It has these undersides that have this beautiful maroon. It has a waffly texture leaf. its very dense and very moundy. its extremely easy to take care of. And Rosso is a such a cute so fitting for this plant. I think you are adorable. I am going to show you my show and tell. Peperomia caperata 'Luna Red'. Really really really beautiful. Just deep rich color and texture. So I find this plant to be extremely easy to take care of. I likes medium to bright light. it needs more water than the obtusifolias and the clusifolias because their leaves are a little thinner its not as succulent like as the others but it still needs to dry out between waterings, and it should be fine. Gorgeous little plant. And they stay very compact which is great and if you miss a watering you will know and those bottom leaves will start drooping quick. Peperomia caperata 'Pink Lady'. This Pink Lady was once a big beautiful pink lady now its a quarter of a pink lady. I don't know what happened. I didn't get the watering right. I had it for quite a while so I think from this I can get back to where I was. so its in a terra-cotta pot. its getting the right amount of water and the right amount of light now and I have hope for this lady. There is hope for this lady. poor guy. Poor lady! Peperomia puteolata Parallel Peperomia. I shoed this in another video and it was in a white pot and not being treated very well. I don't think I was received very well either. I took it and put it in a terra-cotta pot and I am going to give it the love it needs because its a super plant. they love to grow upright but in nature they re actually trailing plants. these leaves are similar to the watermelon peperomia but just much smaller. And they are great terrarium plants. Peperomia verschaffeltii Dwarf Watermelon Peperomia. Here is the dwarf watermelon peperomia. extremely cute, very waffly leaves, longer than the watermelon peperomia, over here to my right. and a much smaller growing plant. it need. it needs to dry out between waterings and it also needs bright indirect light, to be happy.and we want our plants to be happy. Peperomia clusifolia 'Rubra'. Adorable. A larger version of the Red Edge clusifolia. Cute little leaves, Kinda of just sad droopy dog ears.. I love it. And this extremely beautiful purple. like irredescent purple ding around the leaves. Absolutely stunning. Peperomia orbifolia Baby Rubber Plant. This one isn't such a baby. hold on. I am gonna get you, I got a little Pokemon, This was gift for somebody and I did not give it to them, because I love the shape if this one and it isn't going anywhere. It staying in my peperomia family. You are amazing. I am not giving you up. Peperomia obtusifolia variegata Baby Rubber Plant. Here is this gorgeousness. You have to admire the variegation of these leaves. these leaves are succulent, they hold a lot of water. They get heavy. So I pinch back this whole plant and in order for my not having to use a stake. I don't love using stakes in plants that are sculptural so I pinch them back. Oy, hard to talk with holding a heavy terra-cotta pot in your hand. Peperomia prostrata. Where are you , Here. I just wanna pinch theses leaves and squeeze them and tell them how cute they are but I think thats considered plant abuse and I don't want to get in trouble. nor do I ant to hurt it. I just wanna encourage it to grow. keep it dry. keep it in a sunnyish spot and let it do its thing. I am all for you getting ahead in life prostrata. Peperomia argyreia watermelon Peperomia. Ok. I am going to point it, to it, because its heavy. you maybe have seen this plant before, maybe you having, but its called a Watermelon Peperomia, because it leaves look just like the fruit of the watermelon fruit and the rind. And its stunning its gorgeous, its glossy, its succulent. it likes it in a bright spot and it likes to dry out between waterings. Peperomia graveolens 'Ruby Glow' Look at these cupped elongated leaves. This very succulent like structure. its going towards the light, growing towards the light. this plant loves it dry, loves it bright and it actually likes to be fertilized during the growing season. so you should fertilize it during the growing season. And there is one I don't have a card for because, I just don't. This is called a 'Ruby Cascade' Peperomia. I had a difficult time with this. it was very full very lush, most of it all died back, but I managed to save two or three strands and now it is growing its coming back so by next year, by next years video for my peperomia family this guy is going to be all grown up. I am hoping. anyway, So thank you for joining along for my Peperomia family reunion. They all have to go back home because they are getting homesick.
Views: 328,816
Rating: 4.931941 out of 5
Keywords: peperomia, plant, plant care indoors, plant care, best indoor plants, indoor houseplants, indoor house plants, low light plants, houseplants, houseplant, best houseplants, best house plants, plant haul, indoor plant tour, houseplant tour, easy care houseplants, houseplant care, plant styling, top ten indoor plants, peperomia obtusifolia, peperomia caperata
Id: iXGj6mwBL9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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