Peperomia House Tour — Vlog 001

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okay I just hooked my compost like 14 blocks or so kind of heavy today but I always bring my compost to the farmers market and it's a fairly nice day oh and it looks like the park just got opened up again that's fun alright gonna check out the farmers market but today the goal is to show you some more of my peperomia that i did this a little bit more vlog style a little bit more informal I did two episodes and peperomia it was only a small section of my peperomia collection so I thought I'd show you my peperomia and where they are in my house I figured I'll pick up something relatively quick to eat could check out some of the pep questions that have come through we get YouTube and Instagram let's see thank you really appreciate that what is the best soil someone says they've never heard anybody talk about the smell of the rat tails meaning the flowers it's a very subtle smell someone asked where I got my chicken pot from my chicken planter I got that up of Etsy I love that planter obviously got it after I got Kippy Deepa asks could you please also show where you place each plant in the house so that we'd get an idea that is precisely what we're gonna be doing today okay I'm gonna clean out the broccoli in my teeth and I think I got a good handle of what people are asking as far as pepperoni goes so I'm gonna head back home and we're gonna look at some of the pepper Mia thank you so much speaking of peps this is a peperomia HOF manya and it's a really flush one you can see the little peperomia flowers I have this one I put it in my bio pod but I think that was a mistake because I haven't seen it into my bio pod in a very long time this one's gorgeous all right so I promised that I would show you guys some pepperoni in my house in their natural habitat but you'll see that I have my watermelon pepperoni here this is actually on my windowsill and I noticed it started getting this brown underneath the leaves you see it hasn't really affected the tops of leaves but the bottoms of the leaves are getting brown and I think it was just getting too cold on my windowsill so I moved it here it's doing swimmingly well I have my peperomia Polly Batra here as well past the pachira aquatica and this is very gentle light it's like north east facing light and I get some ambient light from the lights above actually I think that light bulb is out or actually it's probably on this so I have some ambient light that comes in and some northeast light and this pretty gentle light and pretty perfect for my peperomia I probably water them close to like once a week so it's not that frequent and you'll see that I have some more peperomia here actually just switched up some of my plants but kept the peperomia this is peperomia hope and peperomia cannot GI peperomia tetra Phila peperomia cubensis right here all of these have been growing very well peperomia clover also right here oh there's one right up here and somebody had asked actually that there peperomia preska folia has been drooping but I think peperomia preska Folie actually droop I don't think if you're giving it maybe top down lighting it'll grow up but I think my experience with a lot of the peperomia that kind of drooped down I just ripped off a leaf is that they're just trying to get a little bit more light and maybe they're not getting a tremendous amount of light but is this a healthy plant it's not like it's turning brown or anything like that but I really like the preska Foley I think that the are a meteor version of some peperomia doing a quick scan oh here's some peperomia these are growing pretty much in the dark I found that my peleas actually grow extremely well here in very little light but this is a peperomia cap errata so is this one I'm kind of testing them out here I think I'd probably want to add a little bit more light here for them but these are generally okay with some of the ambient light this I've already showed to you of my peperomia metallica this has been in my vertical garden for quite some time it's a slow grower but you can see it's kind of shooting out some of its stems and growing extremely well in this condition again it's it's pretty close to this northeast facing window so it gets a lot of gentle light and I probably water this maybe twice a week more or less it really depends I mean you really water in relation to the amount and the intensity of light that a plant is often getting and you know and I tend to somebody asked about the soil that I use and I tend to always use a little bit more well draining soil no matter what my plant is so I'm always kind of adding perlite or lava stones or something to my soil just amending it a little bit if it's just a regular potting mix just because I just never want my plants sitting in wet feet if I don't if they don't have to be here's another peperomia preska polla you could see that it's starting to droop down in some cases and again I don't think that means that the plant is unhappy or anything along those lines it's just that it's probably one of the ways that it grows you'll notice that peperomia Tetragon it also grows this way this is a little dry so I probably will need to water this one but again I think it's a beautiful plant the internodes are starting to get a little longer as you could probably see here although this one's quite short so this might mean that it is you know reaching for a little bit more light might be better under a grow light some of the ways that you could tell your peperomia needs during I mean it may droop but it may also droop if you overwater it in some cases you might see the leaves start to pucker but it really depends on the peperomia because you have some really succulent versions of peperomia and then you have some that are a little bit more semi succulent but a good way is to also just kind of get a sense iike de pull on the plant a little bit and you can see that this is pretty pretty dry in here the whole thing is actually pretty dry and you might want to give it a good you know soaking and let the water flow out of it and that should be enough for this peperomia too for it for a little while because again it's not getting really intense light so I wouldn't want to be over watering this plant alright let's move it back here Oh before we move it back here I have some new peperomia somebody had asked about the Meridiana which i just actually received so I don't have a tremendous amount of experience with this one but I'm kind of looking at these as potential ones for a terrarium which one is this one I can't remember what this one is per celada so these kind of I don't know to me they kind of look a little bit more like this one looks a little bit more like Frasier aye and this one looks like it would grow really well in a terrarium but I could be completely wrong so I'd have to do a little bit more research on their natural history but I did get some plants here for a little bit more areum growing which actually I could take you back speaking of that to my terrarium or apolinaria more whatever you want to call it I'm a little embarrassed by how it looks because it is completely overgrown because these conditions are so right for so many plants they grow extremely well as you can see I have some kind of growing out the mesh into the light here my poly ona poly Onias are going crazy like look at this but the problem is I have planted so many plants in here and I have no idea where they've gone like my HOF manya which is like my centerpiece I think has been completely engulfed by other plants and I actually somebody asked also about my HOF manya and I had my HOF Banja growing here strangely enough we found a Hopf monte at the place that I was eating at some have done extremely well let me see this is my anthurium scandens actually okay so this one this little fuzzy peperomia I got from NSE tropicals it was growing in her green wall and in some of her other plants that's what the funny thing is like a lot of these pepper Romeo's they're just growing in other pots of plants and this one's a cool one right back here peperomia turbo Ensis that's grown really well but it's also probably because I gave it a back wall with sphagnum and this ones I love it cuz it's like that little silver it looks like my philodendron brandt annum which is somewhere back here the conditions in here are quite perfect for a lot of peperomia because it is nice it's nice light but the plants can hide under you know in some of the shade if they need it and it has higher humidity and it will literally water itself when it needs in order to be able to create these like jungle like conditions where a lot of peperomia live because a lot of peperomia live pan tropically in the tropics so this is kind of like a set it and forget it to a certain extent because as you could see I really need to cut this back and there are probably more peperomia back here that I just I can't even get into so that will have to be another episode in the future alright so I have some pepperoni here this is my peperomia along gotta you can see that the leaves are growing very horizontal to the ground probably to take in some of the light again a lot of these peperomia are very used to growing on the forest floor so this one is to my knowledge it looks like it's like pushing its leaves down in order to be able to get some of this light because there's not a tremendous amount of light here and the the plants that I'm growing here a little bit more rhipsalis peperomia actually started growing some hoya and experimenting with hoya here that will have to be another upcoming episode but the hoya didn't grow as well oh geez look at this this rhipsalis is blooming that's super cool sorry I'm getting sidetracked but that's pretty neat and and then I have this peperomia silver frost right here which seems to be doing well it's a little I feel it's a little droopy so it probably needs a little bit of water because I don't think this has been watered and it feels very dry you can also take out the pot and if the pot doesn't feel heavy when like notice when you put water into the pot and then how heavy it actually gets and it's almost like a feel for the plant as opposed to sometimes it's just a science so you could put a water gauge meter in there as well but as you start to get a feel for your plants you might recognize whether they need water or not this whole area actually needs a little bit of water so I could see some of my plants are actually drooping I'm here here's a peperomia scandens being attacked by another plant this one looks like he's coming out a little bit I have a huge variegata version that I'm gonna have to show you but this was just a regular peperomia scandens you could see that it's like a scandens it's kind of growing along on the ground and here is another pepper um Raska folia that I had the grown by by root oh and you could see it's actually has a little flower on top of it that's so funny cuz I I rooted this up from a cutting that I got from steve's leaves look at that little flower I don't smell anything yet but it's a really beautiful so this is actually a Southwest facing window and so the light is pretty crazy it's kind of pouring in here and it has also a grow light so these plants are getting a pretty good or decent light I would say and plants could dry out very quickly here so I have to be on top of watering which is why I have humidity mats here but usually the second shelf starts to get a little bit more drought stricken here's a one its peperomia bamboo stalks this one's a nice succulent version you could see these really beautiful ribs along the Internode's and this one's a much more succulent version so you don't want to give this too much humidity because if you get too much humidity it'll start to rot a little bit and I have to be very careful because this is a humidifier so I will probably end up moving this one and I just want to let you know that if you're not giving it a lot of like great top-down light its internals start to get become very long and they start to drip over so you might want to cut it back or keep it relatively short so I'm probably going to push this if I could find a spot underneath one of my grow lights in the work room which I'll show you because I have some peperomia growing there that grow fairly well I think the challenges like a lot of my peperomia where I was growing a lot of my peperomia I'm growing Hoyas because Hoyas seem to grow very well whereas growing my peperomia so I just have to you know you have to you have to make space and unfortunately you know when I have a lot of plants growing already it's it's hard to make space here's a little peperomia here this is a Dulla performace but you'll notice actually as they get older and older they start to become woodier and some of the Dulla performance I'll show you are much more succulent and some are a little bit more flat this one is also probably pretty dry let me see oh here's um bellybutton peperomia peperomia virtus alotta this one is again in like south west facing window so it's getting some light but it's like a little bit more of a gentle light compared to the spring or summer months because I would probably remove that in when it gets to be too spring or summer because that one would probably burn a little bit I don't like to keep a lot of my pepperoni into that bright light the Dulla performace is will dry out very easily compared to some of my other succulent plants so it's probably better if you pull that away I'll show you where some of my other performance is growing alright we're going here and you'll notice I have only really a grow light right here from Seoul tech solutions I'll leave a link to this and I'm actually growing philodendron zurafa to Forres and of course peperomia here and you'll see this is my peperomia doll study I this was actually in this particular one was in my kitchen a little bit further away from the north east facing window and was dropping leaves like mad and I already had a peperomia Duff study I this one that was growing in here and was growing extremely well under the grow lights and so I quickly moved this one in here and that's the Dada saved it and it saved it because it was like I said it was losing leaves and oftentimes a plant will lose a lot of leaves if it was not getting the same amount of light that it was getting are the same conditions even that it was getting in the greenhouse which again is really hard to to recreate especially because like you know you have to gently acclimatize a plant to your home especially if you have like drier conditions or less light conditions right back here you might be able to see this peperomia vir dis variegata and that has been growing again here for for quite some time I have this little light that I could turn on too that helps you know every little bit of light helps but again this is very high light but as soon as you hit here you're probably in a medium light area and again by the time you hit here it's probably medium to low light area like I said peperomia don't need a tremendous amount of light so growing under a grow light in the interior of your space is totally fine for a lot of peperomia alright let's see what else I have oh here this one's a relatively new one I've had this growing under my ficus now for a little over a month probably a month and a half this leaf is a little brown probably just got dry this is something that you could actually probably cut off if I had a pair of scissors right now I'd cut this off this is peperomia rana verde I think it's actually a relatively new cultivar because I haven't seen it before I you know I don't overwater this I mean I have my fig tree of course but I have all these other plants kind of growing underneath this ugly anima philodendron I have some calathea here and this one's growing extremely well I think it's probably used to even though it's a cultivar peperomia are often used growing on the forest floor or in rocky crags or in wood and so this is probably accustomed to growing under this it's a nice dark leaf which kind of tells me that it has a lot of chlorophyll in so it could probably handle being in a slightly less light condition so loved this one so far it's a beautiful cultivar this is my peperomia quadrangular as' and it has been growing here in this pot for 3 4 5 years I have no idea Dow anymore it's I've never like really moved it from this corner and it's growing extremely well so it's definitely one of my favorite pepper ah Mia's and I treat it much more like a succulent like I'm not watering this very often maybe again once a week and I'm not this doesn't have a hole in the bottom so I'm very gentle with watering it like I'm not watering it so that it has like a bunch of water sitting on the bottom so I just I'm a little bit more mindful I guess there's Farrah ray right here and my in Cana which probably could look a little bit better but again these are in a Southwest facing window probably what is this about three feet away from a south west facing window and I don't they seem to be doing fairly well I kind of moved these now and again a lot of these on the bottom get kicked over a lot so they get a bit mistreated compared to the ones that are you know up here and that are receiving a little bit more attention I noticed this one has a mealy bug on it so I'm gonna have to come in here and and do some mealy bug kicking some mealy bugs bums alright and then if we over here we have peperomia glabella which i think this is a little bit better as a terrarium but this has been growing in this pot without drainage for quite some time I rarely overwater my peperomia and in most cases I default to watering less than more alright let's- I'm just doing quick scans to see like if I'm missing any peperomia this is peperomia ruby cascade which is a relatively new one for me it's really succulent and a nice kind of hanging basket I'm also cutting off its leaves to see if I could actually do cuttings of this particular plant I'm not quite sure how well it propagates but I'm gonna give it a shot especially like in my situation I don't have like the best propagation station here setup but here is my peperomia scandens variegata it is a massive plant I used to have an Asian anthis kind of here but it shed like a sheepdog didn't grow really well in that space that I put it in maybe it was getting too much sunlight but for whatever reason this peperomia scandens variegata grows extremely well you could see it gets - it starts to shade itself out and it might get some like brown leaves here and there and some crispy bits but that's kind of what you get when you have something that's so full and it's you know shading itself out and shading some other plants out as well so that's a really great great plant I mean it's I'm so happy that it's it's happy here and you can see again south west facing window coming in but this one's on the furthest side of the Shelf from the south west facing window so really great position for it I almost like don't want to touch the plants if they're growing so well in that particular condition if you come over here I have my peperomia blonde ax right here and my peperomia obtuse ofoh Leah right here facing a Southwest facing window but kind of shielded by this box and it grows really well there so I'm not gonna complain I'm gonna keep it there again how much do I water these maybe like once a week in the summer maybe it has to be a little bit more because the light becomes really intense in this room um another pepperoni obtuse of folia here you can see another ver gotta back here and if you come down here you'll see a pepper I make a pirata this is needs a little bit of water it's definitely my water day is usually tomorrow where I go gangbusters but for right now I'm looking at some of these I'm like you need a little bit of water and here are some of my peperomia Dulla performace and you could see how they have like different variations like this one has a much thinner flatter leaf this one's a little bit more smaller and you know almost like crusted in a way this is X Alaris or s parola sorry s perilla and this one's a dollar performance as well and you could see that this like epidermis it's kind of like a taco or a hot pocket stuffed of epidermis and it's got this cuticle and again this is sort of from a south west facing window but not directly in a southwest facing window and it is just kind of like sitting here and a little bit of shade and I find that kind of works a little you know much better for peperomia here you'll see my grave lens right here it's always been kind of shoved here I used to have a grave lens in my bathroom but it didn't really do well I think this needs a little bit more light than some of my other peperomia that I have in north east facing windows and I have some pull Zi and some rubella back here that's again kind of stuffed I do kind of forget about them but they don't mind being forgotten about because the peperomia and they don't always need to be loved the way that we love the rest of our plants Oh completely missed pepper Oh Matt Jamison Jamison Jana this has always been growing in this window and it has seemed to do well with a cold because this gets really drafty here and then I have some peperomia kind of growing here also fighting off some mealy bugs that I've found kind of growing into these on these plants see here's a mealy bug right here yeah I've had um some mealy bugs on the the crass Gila here on the Jade and I went ahead and still planted plants in their mealy bugs tend to look like you have under watered your plant it'll start to make the plants pucker a little bit it takes a little longer for a peperomia to pucker because they're so succulent depending on the the peperomia that you're dealing with but I just have to go in there and just like be the very OCD and try to clean that out or bringing in some integrated pest management which I usually do in the springtime and releasing them and letting them go whole hog enough on those mealy bugs oh peperomia prostrate uh also in flower right now he probably are only gonna get it in a silhouette fashion because the the light is pretty bright coming in but this is I have growing and it's growing pretty well had one in my bathroom didn't have enough light but this seems to be growing really well it gets balled on top but it's also because it's not getting a lot of light you're getting the the light coming in from the side so I don't mind that it bulbs on top a little bit it's just natural because it's the light that I'm kind of giving it if I'm giving it a little bit more top-down light then you'll probably see that it won't go so bald on top so there you have it if I didn't answer any questions you can type them below in the comments and you could watch the other two peperomia videos if you haven't yet because there's a lot of great information there too see you next week hope you liked that little pep talk today and you saw where I'm growing my pepperoni --is and the kind of lighting and watering conditions that I'm giving them but for right now I'm gonna head over to the chicken coop because I've been paranoid this whole time that I'm filming because I saw a hawk there this stalking the chickens and I'm a little bit concerned I'm a concerned parent where are you girls get over here what are you doing over there get your buns over here there's the hawk sitting right up over there come on apricot what are you doing oh my goodness you guys are terrible you're gonna get meal rooms last cuz you were the boldest [Music] apricot please oh good what I got this we got some eggs here you go these little apricot egg oh look it look calcium deposit right there and perfectly so here oh oh brown egg today [Music]
Channel: Summer Rayne Oakes
Views: 188,680
Rating: 4.9137726 out of 5
Keywords: Summer Rayne Oakes, Homestead Brooklyn, Plant One On Me, plants, houseplants, indoor plants, garden, gardening, house plants, houseplant care, peperomia, peperomia care, houseplant house tour, houseplant home tour, peperomia collection, peperomia care tips, Peperomia plant, Peperomia ruby cascada, Peperomia prostrata, Peperomia plant care indoors
Id: qu7ZyWb3lLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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