My Peperomia Collection — Ep 097

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we went over peperomia care tips in the last episode but for those of you who are big plant nerds I know you're curious to see what peperomia I'm growing indoors so I'll show you some of my collection and dive a bit more deeply into their characteristics so over here to my left just as a reminder are the more succulent varieties of peperomia and as you work your way over to the right of me it's going to be the less succulent varieties of peperomia so let's start here on the left some of the succulent varieties of peperomia are some of my favorite I am not necessarily growing them directly in southern or western windows here in the northern hemisphere I have some that are kind of pulled a little bit way back because they don't necessarily grow in such strong light as some of these are actually understory plants or growing on rocky crags what I think is interesting of some of these varieties so this is peperomia Ferrier and there's peperomia Dola performance Dola performance means ax shaped which actually refers to the leaves and this peperomia grave lens and actually if you come over here you'll be able to see this peperomia that looks like Wolfgang crannie eye but it's actually peperomia silver spark it's a different type of cultivar but you'll notice that these leaves are kind of folded like hot dog buns that's what it looks like to me and what's interesting about this this plant is that it's very succulent and its leaves that that thickness is actually caused by the epidermal layers within the leaf so typically when we think of a leaf we think of a by facial leaf it has two sides right an upper side which is called axial and a lower side which is called AB axial and that's what we think when we think of a leaf however interestingly enough these leaves are actually Yoona facial so it only has one side it doesn't have an upper or lower surface it's actually just like a hot dog bun kind of folded into itself and the epidermis is actually this thin long window this is called peperomia green bean so you know funny enough for long beet and sometimes it's called but there's this little darker green window that you could see in the Ferrier and the dole of performace for instance or even in the grave lens what's interesting about that is that you usually see that window in some African species like huar Thea Cooper eye or lithops and that usually brings in the light and then refracts it all certain ways into the plant which means that it's trying to reduce or increase the amount of light in certain aspects of the leaf and these are more South American species I think actually most of these are from Peru or or Chile or Bolivia or some of those areas and so this is a strategy for it to actually not only retain the water but also to direct the light into its leaves accordingly in these extreme conditions now as you start to go a little less succulent you see the upper and the lower surface of the leaves but it's got these really actually hard almost armored leaves and very thick hard stems in the case of this Komachi i or i believe this is peperomia tetra Phila it's never had a name but i do believe that this is a tetra Phila or you might see peperomia Hope which is a hybrid cultivar which also has these really succulent penny shaped leaves and you have peperomia in Cana or peperomia virtus alotta which is called bellybutton peperomia maybe because it's fuzzy I'm not sure why I don't know how many people have a fuzzy bellybutton but these actually are another form of succulents where they either have a cuticle like this shiny cuticle in obtuse ofoh Lea or they have this fuzzy nature and that tells me that it's either you know reflecting light back so it's probably in some kind of extreme light condition and also protecting the the water on the end side of the plant so in this case these are some fuzzier varieties of peperomia which you don't always often see now this one is a very common variety peperomia obtuse if olya there's also peperomia clue SIA which has a little bit more of a thinner droopier leaves this is the variegated version and you also have one that has a red edge you also have one that's on really dark green very common to find in garden centers and also again very succulent stem very succulent leave but also has this nice shiny cuticle and as you kind of work your way over you'll see in some cases it gets less and less shiny but still has a very thin layer of cuticle the interesting thing is you wipe off that cuticle or scrape off that cuticle and the plant will dry out very quickly so even in some of these succulent varieties where it has like up to 80% of this epidermis this little water storage unit in this leaf if you wipe off that cuticle a lot of that water will actually dissipate and disappear and that plant will dry out very quickly so that cuticle on the peperomia leaf is so important in order to be able to keep the water in and again making it such a good house plant because you don't have to water it all that often now these plants have ridges as you could see this is pepero myanmar Mirada which i think looks similar to peperomia kappa rata which you see these three different varieties here this is peperomia silver frost peperomia Ruby and peperomia pearl Kappa rata pearl and you'll notice these these ridges on the leaf these furrows and I believe that this peperomia probably has deals with some dry conditions because of its succulents but also probably deals with some really extreme wet conditions and has these furrows probably to lead the water off of its leaves and maybe into the environment around it so if you ever tend to overwater peperomia notice they'll rot pretty quickly so this might be a way for the peperomia to actually shed water away from its root systems particularly if it's going through a heavy rain one of my favorite varieties of peperomia peperomia Piroska folia which is starting to get a little less succulent but still has kind of that meaty stem and you get into peperomia along gada peperomia prostrate ax which has these really beautiful round shaped leaves and cascade over a hanging basket very beautiful hanging basket plant and then you have some of my other favorites which is peperomia - Teddy I have a couple of these very vigorous plant that kind of cascades over quadrangular as' which I think has a stem that has like four edges similar to like a mint very good one to grow never I never overwater this when I treat this very much like a succulent plant this one is a common one and I have two versions of it here I have several of these growing in my home this is peperomia tetra gonna and they usually sell it kind of straight up but pretty soon after it starts to go a little bit more scanned into the ground and kind of crawls along on the ground this is often called peperomia poochy alotta but that's just a synonym for its scientific name which is peperomia tetra corona it's also called parallel peperomia I love the pinstripes on this eye I do love that kind of like pinstripe bee watermelon look which is also common in the argyria which you see here and you could see also that pepper that stripe you look a little bit in the Dolf deadia and the quadrangular s this is peperomia metallica there's a few different variations of this I found this to be an extremely resilient plant this is actually and has been growing in my vertical swing garden for years now and you can see that it's starting to get a little bit more robust and putting some noose out there this one is a sad-looking pepper of eeeh this was sad when I got it I got this as a cutting from a botanic garden this is May / Ensis it's a little fuzzy on the outside of its leaves and it looks really chlorotic to me it was chlorotic when I got it and I have not been able to get it past the SADS looking stage so I think as the springtime comes up I'm going to fertilize it a little bit more again but this is a very thick stem and fair fairly succulent in nature so I don't want to overwater it in some cases people would be like oh I want to actually water that peperomia but in many cases peperomia react kind of opposite to most house plants they'll actually wilt if you give them too much water strangely enough so we're gonna be moving a little bit over to the right here I know I skip some of these like peperomia weirdest variegata very easy one to grow and also fairly common you can find this around in garden centers if you're lucky and then over here these are like the slightly less I would say succulent varieties even though this peperomia poli Batra is a bit more succulent I find to be a very resilient plant to grow and you can see is quite tall it kind of reminds me this Pelt 8 leaf reminds me very much of the argyria one that I have here the watermelon peperomia very easy to take cuttings of this one as well peperomia blonde de which is one of the ones that I have flowering is quite thin but still pretty resilient and then I have peperomia James Tony Anna here and I have to laugh because I had a little pepper on me a cap errata in here but the Jameson Jana just like kind of engulfed the cap errata so I only have like a few leaves of the cap errata left and you can see it's just like spilling itself outside of this little terrarium that I planted it in this is peperomia cubensis cubensis means that it's discovered in Cuba I don't know if it's endemic to Cuba but it or even if it's found in Cuba but cubensis usually says that it's from Cuba this is peperomia clover I don't have a species name I think it's a cultivar and peperomia rubella which i think is actually native to Jamaica I believe it's cute little one I have it growing in several of my terrariums and then this is a cultivar called peperomia European trailing really nice green leaf and the other one that I have growing right now temporarily in this terrarium I had to take it out of my other terrarium to kind of show you is my peperomia Fraser eye which is called flowering peperomia and this one has like the thinnest leaves very finicky as a plant and it also has succulent stems but they're very frail I find if you like hit them the wrong way they actually easily break so that one is a little bit more of a challenging peperomia to grow oh and I have another you know favorite one that I had totally looked over if you get come over here and take a look here it has little red underneath this is peperomia virtus alotta so same as the bellybutton peperomia but it's cultivated name is red log and I think that it probably just has this little red underside which i think is so adorable actually got this from the Netherlands and brought it in so I hope you enjoyed nerding out on all of this peperomia because I really do want to give you a sense of the breadth and diversity of this great genus of plants check out the peperomia care video if you haven't yet and let me know what pets are new for you and what ones you'll likely be adding to your collection in the comments below if you're up for supporting more videos like this then plant your cursor on that subscribe button and hit the notifications bell so you know in the next video drops and stay tuned to more news on my blog at homestead Brooklyn com follow my daily journey on instagram at homestead brooklyn and dive more deeply into house plant cultivation in care and house plant masterclass com
Channel: Summer Rayne Oakes
Views: 79,135
Rating: 4.9718046 out of 5
Keywords: Summer Rayne Oakes, Homestead Brooklyn, Plant One On Me, plants, houseplants, indoor plants, garden, gardening, house plants, houseplant care, Peperomia plant, Peperomia care, Peperomia caperata, Peperomia plant care indoors, Peperomia rosso, Peperomia propagation, Peperomia care tips, Peperomia scandens, Peperomia prostrata, succulents, succulent plants, succulent care, succulent terrarium, peperomia collection, peperomia show and tell, watermelon peperomia care
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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