5 Unusual Peperomias

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hi everyone my name is Nick and today we're gonna talk about five unusual interesting peperomia I believe a couple of months ago I did a very similar video five interesting unusual philodendron and I think this is a really fun topic to embellish on bringing light to lesser-known species of plants amongst genera or groups of houseplants that are receiving a lot of attention on social media so I think philodendron and peperomia checked that mark right there so we're just gonna talk about five peperomia that I just really don't hear anything about so the first one I want to talk about today is the ever so lovely peperomia doll study I and this is a really succulent peperomia and it grows in kind of a trailing or cascading manner of course it kind of works its way up first and then kind of starts to fall over it gets a little heavy as you can see here this is what I actually got from my friends at the potted elephant and this has a very similar look to parallel peperomia or the still peperomia which is peperomia tetra gonna or formerly peperomia petiolated there's so many names but this also kind of reminds me of a combination of that peperomia with peperomia quadrangle Eris and these are both pretty popular pepper Romeo's on the market so the fact that this one just kind of shares the appearances of those plants just really makes me love it even more because I'm such a big fan of tetra gonna and quadrille quadrangle heiress to begin with so doll Shetty I really strikes that note for me so I'm really obsessed with this one it's it's much more succulent than the the putty Oleta or the Tetra gonna and the quadrangular in in my home at least it's much more succulent I'm sure in greenhouses and micro a little bit differently but this is just so phenomenal it's so fun to watch it grow specifically because the leaves are so succulent and have like so much a pattern of ination to them it's so nice to see these grow I will say peperomia Tetra gonna is a plant that I have struggled with spider mites with in the past and this one I definitely noticed the spider mites on this as well I think they really like to hide in the the kind of like ridges on the undersides of these leaves so it's just something to look out for but as this is a very very succulent plant in nature I've never really found those spider mites to be anything more than just a minor nuisance so they don't really affect the appearance of the plant whatsoever it's just something to keep your mind on ons for watering and suddenly I'm keeping this a couple of feet away from a southern facing window and I do not water it very often as this is a very succulent peperomia I'm probably watering it like every 10 to 14 days so I am really letting this dry out and the second one I want to talk about today ooh this is a really lovely one so this is a peperomia turbo Ensis so this looks very similar to the watermelon peperomia I feel like a lot of these pepperonis I'm going to talk about today I look very similar to like really popular pepper Romeo's but have their own niche characteristics I just really enjoy so for this one it Scotch more like metallic silver coloration and it also has some lovely like red on the new growth when it comes in that I really enjoy you can see that this one is really funky because I've been growing it inside of a glass closed for a good amount of time since the entirety that I've been growing this plant so this and some other of the more unusual out there peperomia 's keep in mind these are plants that are growing in the rain forest so there used to a lot of humidity so many of these peperomia are more terrarium species so they might really take better to the conditions of inside a terrarium or a glass closed just like how I'm growing this pepper roaming at turbo ancestry here it's just so cool I actually had knocked a leaf off when I was put in the glass closure on one time a while ago and I just stuck that leaf back into the soil right here and you can see I actually have another little baby peperomia turbo wipes that's growing in here as well so it's a very easy plant to propagate all peperomia is you can just simply propagate by cutting there petiole the petiole is basically the stem that connects the leaf to the main stem and if you just cut this and I just put it in this very well draining soil mixture here but you could just put it in some sphagnum Moss or some water and you can watch it root up before your eyes so there are very easy plants to propagate but this peperomia turbo lens this it's just so cool I love the coloration it's definitely a more out there peperomia in my collection so I really been enjoying this one um it practically takes care of itself in its clash clothes clothes that's the one thing I really enjoy about plants inside those enclosures is that they really do take care of themselves because they just hold on to moisture longer but they don't seem to mind hold on to that moisture specifically because you're putting plants in those conditions that want to stay really moist so um this plant is when I'm growing and the pepper the piper permit um if you guys are familiar is in the other plant I'm growing inside a glass cliff so just kind of a tip about the plants that are a little bit more needy let's say one that I should put in the glass cloche but I do not currently have on a glass cloche is this peperomia silver bandit right here and you can see from kind of like the brown edging and this just the small way that the leaves are growing in there kind of just like a little curled that this could really use more humidity so once quarantine is over I'll definitely go out to the IKEA or a thrift store and find some kind of glass glass glass um container or vessel that I can use as a closure for this particular pan because I'm really quite fun to this so this is peperomia silver banded this is a collector peperomia it's this is not one you would see um the local garden store this is one I ordered online from a specialty grower and I just adore it I've been a peperomia fan for a number of years now and this one I just never really heard of but it kind of had some similar characteristics of say the peperomia rana Verde or the pepperoni obtuse of folia and kind of just a manner that it grew so this one kind of just caught my eye for being you know similar yet different which is what I was saying with some of these other pets it's kind of the theme with a lot of these pepper Romeo's you can see I think this leaf is kind of faded out a little bit but you can see that distinct silver line that this pepper I mean I get such is where it gets its name peperomia is silver bandit and this is actually a species so it's not a hybrid or anything like that but I just think it's so lovely I had never really heard about this man I never hear anything about it at all and I never talked about it so I figured it would be a moment to pull this peperomia silver bandit off the shelf and also make it clear to me I do really need to pay some more attention I do borrow this plant pretty often as it's a much thinner leaves it's peperomia compared to like the doll Shetty I in the turbo Ensis so I am watering this plant pretty often I'm probably watering it every couple of days and I do grow this one right directly underneath the grow light in my bedroom so I was just receiving a good amount of humidity but just giving it that glass close glass close glass close is just that step I need to take to make this plant even more happy so the 4th peperomia I want to talk about I think I talked about this recently and I think it looked probably a little bit better because I think I'd put in put and put a smaller plant inside here to kind of fill it out more but I had recently moved this plant into another condition let me just tell you the name of this plant price this is a peperomia try nervous and I just adore this peperomia there is just so much to love about it I'm sure you guys can see just that venation that's so lovely the back sides of the leaves have a little bit of a maroon coloration to them which I am a huge fan of but this is just an uncommon peperomia it's a really great one for terrariums it does appreciate a good amount of light so let me just tell you quick back story about this man I've been growing it in a southern facing window for probably like a year and a half by the time I decided I wanted to move it because it was just getting a little chlorotic but it was growing really really well so I had potted it in this pot with another peperomia try nervous to kind of fill it out and then I moved it on top of my refrigerator which is like eight feet away from a southern facing window and the plant that I put inside was just like no this isn't good enough for me and it just died off but everything that's left is from when I was growing it in its prior condition so it seems to still be happy and I really like where I have it hanging on the side of the fridge because the side of our refrigerator is black and it's just like weird green neon red coloration that this plant has just really stands out so brightly against that black refrigerator so I'm really obsessed with it but I probably should consider in the next year so maybe moving it back somewhere a little bit brighter so I'm just going to enjoy it for a short while and it's pot now but let's talk about the care because I am just going on a I'm getting a little off topic I do water this one pretty regularly as these leaves are quite small and I can usually feel they're quite succulent right now my taco tests if I talked about this before talked about it in so many videos but I try to fold up the leaves like I'm folding them up like a taco shell so if I was to fold these leaves right now like a taco shell they would snap and break so I know that this plant does not need water because they still have succulents in the leaves they still have water in the pot in the plant it's good but when this soil dries out the plant is going to lose that succulents that these leaves have and I'm going to be able to fold these leaves very freely up into a taco shell like shape so that is how I know simply went to water mint peperomia is rather than sticking my finger or moisture meter in the soil and kind of second-guessing myself if it's time to water I can just feel the plant and know it's time to water this plant so peperomia try nervous a really wonderful peperomia i really wish i heard a lot more about this but i just really don't again see anything about this peperomia but this one out of the four I've talked about so far I'd say is one that looks very unique it doesn't have another peperomia in under my knowledge that it looks very similar to so that's why this one really stands out to me amongst the rest same with this last one we're gonna talk about which is peperomia along ghana and this is another one i just absolutely adore this is a very large leaf peperomia many peperomia are much smaller leaves as you saw the last four plants I talked about head leaves that were you know about the size of a half dollar or a coin or smaller while these ones are much larger than that so I think that's something let alone just to really enjoy about this plant because that is just so unique and the leaves are really really succulent as well this grows and more of that manner as I was saying of like the peperomia obtuse a folio which is just your standard peperomia that you would see if you walk into a big box store that kind of grows in like a zigzag stem manner so it's such a cool peperomia that vein that just comes down the center and it kind of works its way out I think is so cool it's fuzzy it's but it's fuzzy but it's shiny at the same time which i think is really cool and smooth like oh there's it's so cool the stems are the fuzzy part if I have to show you guys and also the undersides of the leaves are very felted but the front of the lead is very shiny and smooth it's got like a cuticle on top so it's there's so much talk about this plan I think I could just keep going on pointing out the characteristics clearly that I am so obsessed with oh but I do have to point out the stems or the petioles I'm sorry I don't know if this is gonna focus because I can't see the monitor let me pull it this way the stems on this plant are so gorgeous there like enigmatic with red spots so it's such a small feature but it's something every time I pull up this pen I'm like oh my god those petioles I am so obsessed this is one I do not water it very often this is a very succulent peperomia and I could tell if I water this too much it would rot so I have it in a very perlite heavy mixture and I'm watering this probably like every two weeks but once again I can use my taco tests to feel in these very succulent leaves if it is folding up it needs a drink but as it is right now not folding up because it's still very succulent and the soil is pretty moist I know this plant does not eat a drink in fact if I gave this plant more water it would probably rot in a short amount of time so pepper roaming along got a really fantastic peperomia this is one that I got from steve's leaves who is known for growing some more interesting unusual peperomia so definitely check out his website but that's gonna about do for today's video five interesting unusual peperomia I think pepperonis are so incredible because of the vast assortment that exists there is just so much tell them about them do let me know your favorite unusual pepperonis in the comments I would really love to hear and if there's any pepperonis that you think I should look out to add to my wish list please do let me know because I am running out as I'm just starting to acquire many of them and I just need some more to add to my wish list so thank you and the band's for that but thank you guys so much for watching if you don't already follow me on Instagram at Philly Folio subscribe to my channel and I will see you guys in my next video have a great time
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 28,722
Rating: 4.9409351 out of 5
Keywords: peperomia, peperomias, turboensis, elongata, trinervis, plants, top 5, succulent, tropicals, houseplant, houseplants, nick, pileggi, haul, tour, unboxing, top 10, plant
Id: ibIjqc7G5YQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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