All Iconic Cyberware Ranked Worst to Best in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

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in update 2.0 and Phantom Liberty nothing has  changed more than cyberware Not only was a ton   more stuff added to the game but also much of  what we had now works differently if you've   struggled to wrap your head around all the  new stuff amidst the limitations of the new   cyberware capacity system then I feel you I really  do that's why for this video we're exploring the   most expensive and often powerful cyberware  on offer usually only found within Dogtown   legendary iconics when used right often have the  power to make or break a build but they are also   incredibly spenny and cyberware intensive so you  only want to be using them if you really need to   I tested them all in appropriately accompanying  builds so you don't have to now let's go through   from worst to best just what the iconics do as  well as how and when to use them note I won't   be covering operating systems here they have their  own videos already and I will explore the rest of   the cyberware in other videos but for now let's  get to it down at the bottom is one I honestly   cannot recommend for 100,000 eddies or even if you  find it for free 40 cyber capacity the effect of   this thing is incredibly specific and even then  practically unnoticeable the electromag recycler   is an upgrade from the feedback circuit an item  which itself grants plus 3% Health at tier five   when hitting an enemy with a Charged weapon shot  a tiny but I suppose welcome bonus to have the   electromag recycler then improves upon that  by upping the health buff to 5% and extending   it also to stamina now my first question with  this is whether it would be possible to create   an infinite feedback loop like we'll be doing  with RAM or sandevistan charge but instead for   health and stamina with tech weapons the answer  is not really yes you get a minor buff with each   hit but not nearly enough to make up for what  you're probably losing I figured then since the   Raiju is an automatic Tech weapon when fully charged  maybe there'd be some broken mechanic there but   again it appears not the Raiju just doesn't seem to  be regening my health upon hits and the stamina   cost per shot even with perks that buff this far  outweigh what we get back seriously the price of   this thing even for a purely Tech weapon toting  player I just can't find a way to justify it   and I have tried multiple tactics hell if you're  going to get either then save the cyberware and   just get the marginally worse feedback circuit  because seriously by the time we even unlock this   legendary thing there's going to be much better  stuff out there as we'll get to of course I'd   love to be proven wrong on this and if you have  successfully created a positive feedback circuit   with this thing or otherwise just a decent  build then let me know in the comments below   I'm including the faceplate quickly because it is  technically an iconic acquired as part of phantom   Liberty's storyline though for Combat gameplay  it only really offers one use granted it's a   useful use basically a call off wanted level button  but sadly it doesn't really offer any actual in   combat utility don't get me wrong there's some  great content in this expansion which revolves   around the use of this faceplate but in actual  practice it's more of just a pain to navigate to   Via the equipment list than anything else still  escaping the law by canonically changing your   physical and digital appearance is a pretty cool  ability to have not to mention useful when you   accidentally knock over someone on a drive to  somewhere important mind you even this ability   takes a whole half an hour to recharge which  can be lowered to 25 minutes when upgraded   but still not the most useful for those prone to  constantly accidentally getting in trouble with   the law not only that but it's not going to work  on a bounty level of five so no quick getaway once   you realize what a terrible idea summoning Max  tac really was leg cyberware got expanded a bit   in this update most notably we have a couple new  ones which in exchange for jump boosts Grant the   ability to run faster Jenkins tendons are a kind  of start off running fast but quickly slowed down   though the iconic leg item that we'll be looking  at today is the Leeroy ligament system obviously   a reference to Leeroy Jenkins and and as you've  guessed granting a straight up boost to movement   speed of 18 plus at tier five now yes extra speed  is certainly a nice thing to have running faster   getting to places quicker no brainer right  except not exactly in this ecosystem and there   are two connected reasons for this the first is  reinforced tendons or maybe fortified ankles if   you prefer jumping high see dog Town especially  uses a lot of verticality in its terrain being   able to jump to Greater Heights or have a more  controlled double jump is exceptionally useful in   this environment as well as much of the rest of  night City additionally now though we also have   the dash ability from reflexes and better still  the air Dash This is how I've been getting around   really quickly since 2.0 via a combo of double jump  air Dash double jump air Dash so on and so forth   maybe single jump depending on the verticality  but more often than not leaping twice is going   to provide that bit of extra distance in the dash  not to mention how much time you'll save should   you come across any wall or tall obstacle in fact  I'd argue that the extra Dash distance from this   cancels out any bonus movement from the Leroy  ligament system meaning yes in a basic Sprint   the Leeroy system would obviously get you there  quicker but actually when traversing the real   world the extra speed really isn't that useful  and doesn't carry through into air dashing anyway   sure occasionally you won't be able to jump and  will get to places quicker and with the Sprint   sneaking perks say this could be technically the  superior option but honestly double tapping space   then control whilst holding W is so embedded in  my muscle memory now that anything else including   this ironically just feels slower the isometric  stabilizer is built for one purpose to Grant   melee users 20% more attacks when fully upgraded  why do I specify melee users well because clutch   padding the base version of this offers the same  percentage stamina reduction though purely for   shooting thus it's entirely unnecessary to upgrade  if you just want to use guns but is 20% lower   stamina cost really worth it for just melee users  and truthfully especially at a higher level when   you'd be able to unlock this no not really it's  pretty much entirely useless for berserk seeing   as how that removes stamina cost anyway though  you will get a tiny bit more melee I suppose   outside of the berserk effects although at that  point you'll probably just be hiding and waiting   for that to recharge Sandevistan users could benefit  from this a little bit Katana wielders say could   get more swings in before being drained of Stamina  but honestly I didn't have any problem Katana   sandevistaning without this thing and thus I  don't really think it's worth the 40 cyberware   cost as for a monowire toting melee hacker yeah  could be useful again but there too there are much   more valuable items to be spending your cyberware  on especially when it comes to hacking all in all   this thing is overpriced for what it is though  again if you found a really cool way to use it   then please let me know down below otherwise maybe  consider the clutch padding if say you're sporting   an automatic weapon because yeah extra stamina  when shooting especially earlier on can be fairly   useful now with this next one don't get me wrong  RAM reallocator isn't a bad piece of cyberware to   use and might still be worth picking up for the  more mixed play quickhacker however the heavy   cost of cyberware same as all these iconics is  less justified in this case when we consider that   its base counterpart the Camillo RAM Manager  is just a little too similar in stats merely   differing in their coold down both will instantly  restore a percentage of ram between around 20 to   25% depending on your level once RAM Falls to  20% this obviously allows for more hacking in   a shorter space of time and being intelligence  attuned high level int characters will be able   to bring the cooldown of the ram reallocator to  below 40 seconds this can also benefit from the   effect of the quantum tuna which we're coming to  and that will mean restoring a ton of ram earlier   on in a fight when you have all these bonuses  except here's the thing these are all later game   items and by the time you reach this point in the  game if you're heavily speced into net running enough   to wonder about buying this then you'll probably  well beyond the concept of basic cyberdeck RAM and   instead are likely chaining multiple hacks across  enemies in a closed feedback loop of overclock and   health Rejuvenation more on that tactic further  up this list suffice it to say though that   overclock mode and support cyberware for that  massively supersedes the small benefits which   the reallocator has to offer now again please  tell me if I'm missing a crazy powerful build   to which this is a crucial components but far  as I can tell right now it's mostly just a waste   of cyberware and money next up we have one of the  many new variants of Kiroshi Optics now whilst the   majority of these predominantly focus on scanning  the surrounding area whether it be people traps or   cameras the cockatrice does away with all of that  in return for some increased lethality afforded   by its deadly gaze there's really not all that  much to this one depending on tiers it offers   between a 25 to 35% crit chance bonus albeit  at a hefty cost of 30 cyberware first up totally   useless for a hacking build since the cox2 cybersomatic  optimizer already gives you the full 100% chance   and in fact I think it's the only crit bonus  cyberware to offer crits for quick hacks it's   also fairly pointless to any long ranged fighter  since the Deep Field visual interface gives a   super high chance of crits at longer distances  what this is a nice little boost for though is   Clos range combat seeing as you aren't really  going to be scanning the environment amidst that   fast-paced action anyway you may as well deal  some extra damage for guns this Stacks well   with Sharpshooter specifically the practice makes  perfect perk which can also increase crit Chance   by up to 49% in combat overall it's a decent  piece which is worth having if you can afford   the cyberware though since crit chance only goes  to 100% just make sure they're actually going to   make a difference in your build before buying and  equipping them adreno trigger is basically a speed   boost that activates winning combats increasing  our movement speed by 30% useful amidst a katana   wielding build say for darting from Target to  Target quickly but not what I'd call an absolute   GameChanger especially if you're sporting Dash  and air Dash as well which are arguably faster   still also it's worth bearing in mind that the  base counterpart adrenaline converter is actually   better in the smaller fights increasing speed  by up to 40% this one however only lasts for   up to 9 seconds great for a few foes but wasted  thereafter in larger fights the adreno trigger on   the other hand does last a lot longer especially  in a high reflex build where each point grants a   bonus 3 seconds duration fully upgraded with high  reflexes this can last for two whole minutes and   don't get me wrong you can move through bases  like a speed demon it's just that the usefulness   of that varies significantly given how fragile  you are nowadays many builds are going to have to   opt to stay behind cover rather than rushing their  way through enemies I found a combination of byakko  and the apogee Sandevistan did work really well with  this thing but even there this style of play can   leave you very exposed to gunfire despite feeling  like a badass berserk is an obvious use case given   you don't have to worry about taking damage and  are exclusively using melee weapons and in fact   that's where this piece is probably the most aimed  netrunners mostly won't need this yes there's some   up close and personal hacking builds but they  tend to be very cyberware intensive leaving   little room for this in the build that said it is  a very cheap 20 cyberware for an iconic and if you   find yourself with that many points spare and not  needing anything specific then it can certainly   be a welcome buff granted improved speed didn't  necessarily improve my skill at parkouring around   though and again you get all you need for that  from The Reflex air Dash Tree in a nutshell it's   a nice buff for those who Dart around and get up  close and personal but that's about it this one's   pretty straightforward the revulsor is basically a  short burst Sandevistan which kicks in when you hit   25% Health slowing Time by 60% for 4.5 seconds  at tier 5 and granting a 40 second cooldown in fact   these stats are literally identical to its base  counterpart The Reflex tuner only big difference   between the two then is that whilst The Reflex  tuner also slows you down like a kerenzikov would   the revulsor does not like a Sandevistan this difference  though costs 27 extra cyberware points worth   it for about 67k maybe but probably not anyone  already running with a falcon or apogee really does   not need this you already have almost unlimited  access to the same effects it's probably best   used by Berserkers to escape combat once berserk  wears off and in fact using these two in tandem   is probably the closest you can get without mods  to feeling like you have both at the same time and   trust me invulnerable rage mixed with superhuman  speed is a very nice combo ditto with any net   Runners finding themselves too much In the Heat  of things though in that case on very hard mode   especially which I've taken to calling EldenPunk  it's very often the case that you'll lose health   so quickly as to plummet right past 25% all the  way to immediate death and thus not get the chance   to use this thing plus as I've said already and  as we're coming to powerful netrunners already   require a fair amount of other expensive cyberware  so probably don't have room for this all in all   though a really decent item but as with many only  really viable in a more specific kind of play   style update 2.0 did a great job expanding on the  choice between ballistic co-processor and smart   link no longer is it simply choosing between  Ricochet and smart targeting but there's also   a few more ways we can improve our damage with  guns the iconic one in the hand segment now then   is immovable Force which at tier 5 offers a 30%  reduction in Recoil as well as minus 25% bullet   spread now recoil is how much your aim moves  whilst firing a gun whilst bullet spread is the   sort of targeting Circle around which your bullets  can hit lower spread means more OnPoint shots   whilst lower recoil means greater accuracy over  time we get a recoil bonus from the base variant   shock absorber too and that's almost as good as this  one though we don't get the bullet spread however   what's cool about these two is if we unlock both  Hand slots with the ambidextrous perk we can equip   both at once for a massive reduction in Recoil not  only that though but Immovable Force also offers   the ability to activate ranged weapon effects  which would otherwise only work from behind cover   and specifically this applies to one particular  weapon mod Ready Steady which itself offers a   further reduction in Recoil hugely boosted when  firing from behind cover of course the behind   cover now is no longer relevant by stacking  one or two of these onto a gun then alongside   this cyberware it is possible to remove recoil  entirely hitting the same spot every time with   zero sway throwing a recoil reducing muzzle break  into the mix as well you'll reach 100% even faster   except here's a tiny caveat the best most widely  used weapons in the game are of course legendary   iconics with all their unique and creative bonuses  Phantom Liberty adds a ton more of these by itself   thing is none of these iconics now have any mod  slots meaning to take full advantage of this bonus   you're going to have to use just a regular boring  gun now there are three x-mod iconics which can be   found and modded but sadly none of them are fully  automatic it's a shame that guns like the problem   solver can't fully benefit from this Synergy but  that said even just using Problem Solver with   immovable force and shock absorber do transform  it from a gun constantly pulling away from where   you're trying to shoot into an insanely fast  firing actually fairly accurate SMG for relatively   close targets again it's like many others use this  cyberware in the right combo and you can massively   exploit one mechanic though it will lock you in  to a specific style of play and doesn't favor   the more fun iconic weapons sadly otherwise  without specializing or synergizing it it's   still an okay buff to have though I'd say fairly  indistinguishable from the regular shock absorber   Rara Avis as the name would suggest really is an  extraordinary thing serving as the gatekeeper item   of sorts to fully filling this insane 1500 armor  bar that said it's only really worth picking up in   builds which are going extremely heavily into that  armor stat otherwise it's actually worse than its   base counterpart the Parabellum you see Rara Avis  offers a massive 35% boost to your overall armor   stat 40% if upgraded which as you can imagine at  1,000 armor is going to take it up to a crazy,   1400 though at 200 say you're only going to bleed  an extra 80 armor from this thing conversely the   Parabellum whilst only offering a 12% armor  boost at tier 5 will grant an additional 90   base armor on top of that and as you can see at  the lower armor ratings Parabellum is actually   better and even once we get into the 500s the  Improvement is still so minute as to really not   make it worth it for an extra 32 cyberware and  insane 130k eddies but if you really and I mean   really really just focus all of your cyberware  points into that which offers the best armor   stats then yes this thing really becomes necessary  and Central to that kind of unbreakable tank type   of build so with the combo of this epimorphic  skeleton Universal booster painducer cellular   adapter Chitin and fortified ankles I was able to  make my armor rating over 1400 but with some more   upgrading of various parts you could definitely  get it to 15 this all was with about 2 thirds of the   total cyberware capacity however testing this  build on very hard I was surprised by just how   delicate I still felt and whereas in the old game  it was possible to stroll around with cold blood   and just not die I still found myself having  to Run for Cover very very often and in fact   the Saving Grace to this wasn't really armor at  all it was my Sandevistan which gave me time to do   just that sure I can stand out in the open now  for about 5 Seconds instead of two before dying   but honestly you can't just go full armor in  this game to become unbreakable at least not   on harder difficulties that said being actually  able to move through combat blasting everyone with   shotguns or a torn-off HMG was actually possible  with this build which is a really fun way to play   and speccing into healing items from Tech health  regen from body and possibly shotguns in my case   is a viable build but you know what they say the  best defense is a good offense and yeah whilst   this offers a lot of Defense you are potentially  better off going with cyberware that's going to   help you deal higher damage sure you'll be a bit  more delicate in combat but if you're taking out   enemies quicker then that doesn't matter as  much honestly I think this Hefty armor build   might actually be a good one to use with the  Chrome compressor which I'll Explore More in   another video but yeah I'd say don't buy the Rara  Avis unless you're at say over 800 armor already   the Deep Field visual interface essentially the  farther you are from an enemy the greater the   chance at dealing a crit hit upgraded to tier 5++  every shot from over 100m will be a guaranteed   crit with this alone for comparison the classic  visual cortex supports will only deal a 30% crit   chance tops though granted you only have to be  30m away with that one to get the full effect   as usual immense power comes at a trade-off of  course though there's one obvious play style   for which this will be the single most important  component I'm talking of course about snipers and   I tested this with several Rasetsu which is acquired  via the Phantom Liberty campaign and is a tech   sniper already has an insane amount of damage  when fully charged throw a critical bonus onto   that and well headshots would on-shot any non-skull enemy on very hard at level 60 OverWatch   is of course our classic silenced sniper though  disappointingly I didn't find it that great for   stealth now maybe it's something I'm doing wrong  but anyone I shot with this seemed able to lock   onto me instantly despite the fact I was very  far away and I thought out of sight this was a   problem in version one of the game and it appears  to still be persisting sadly though stealth in   more Close Quarters forms works great now so  who knows now you may be wondering if you can   also hack enemies from afar with this and still  get the critical damage and the answer is no you   can't don't worry there's an item coming up where  you can from any distance but it ain't this and   that kind of renders this item obsolete for most  quick hacking builds save for maybe Paraline and   smart gun users do bear in mind though this can  also work with other guns like assault rifles and   pistols it's just that it's obviously optimized  for long-distance shooting and with anything closer   you may do better to save your cyberware and  just get the visual cortex support of course   with any long-distance shooting perks like long  shot will synergize with this to ensure maximum   base damage and thus higher crit damage whatever  distance you're shooting from this item really   does make sniping a viable and fun build in 2.0  so if that is the route you're going be sure to   keep an eye out for it this next one is pretty  special at least in terms of the lore surrounding   it the quantum tuna is acquired via just one of  the Phantom Liberty endings that being the king   of Wands a few days after which we'll receive  an anonymous text telling us to return to somi's   special place the sofa overlooking dog Town tucked  beside it we'll then find a hermetically sealed   container with this piece of cyberware do bear in  mind that picking this path for Phantom Liberty   will lock you out of some arguably much better  gear though the Erebus submachine gun or militech   Canto cyberdeck both more interesting things to  get a hold of in my opinion not that the tuna is   bad it just doesn't offer an amazing benefit when  we inspect it more closely see what the tuna does   is essentially offer an immediate Second Use of  another piece of cyberware be it berserk Sandevistan   or an overclocked cyberdeck the second that gets  drained Quantum tuna will rejuvenate the Cooldown up   to 40 seconds maximum which is well beyond the  best ones anyway additionally it provides the   passive effect of reducing all cyberware cooldown  time by 12% or 15 if upgraded certainly useful but   not an absolute game Changer sure in a medium-sized  fight an immediate Second Use might be exactly   what you need to carry you through but after the  quantum tuna is used it won't regenerate until   you exit combat again I.E providing one extra  use of your OS in a fight now compare that to   the axolotl which restores a portion of cool  down for every enemy killed and that one quickly   becomes a lot more valuable since there's no cap  on how useful it can be is the Quantum tuna still   good to have yeah it's all right but I got to say  that using the apy without it and just having the   axolotl I really didn't feel like I was missing  out on much best case scenario I can think of   for the quantum tuna is alongside berserk given  that that one's the most likely to cool down when   you're in the thick of a fight and an immediate  reactivation could be hella useful equally the   extension to overclock mode wouldn't go amiss  but there's better ways to achieve that as we'll   come to overall for 45 cyberware I'd say probably  only equip this one if you just have that extra   lying around and don't know what to do with it or  maybe you're on a streak of medium-sized fights and   just really need that extra use to get it over  quickly though if you're struggling to choose   a phantom Liberty ending and are maybe thinking of  deciding based on what items you get then do not   choose King Of Wands just on account of this  go get Erebus instead peripheral inverse is a   must I think for both shotgun users and anyone  sporting any form of melee weapon what this one   does is reduce all incoming damage Less Than 3m  Away by 40% at tier five this then tapers off and   any damage from 6M away or more does not receive  any reduction this costs 32 cyberware and is well   worth it in my opinion though for comparison the  proxiShield which does the exact same thing just   only with 20% damage reduction costs a mere 8  cyberware now like I say and it's the same with   the majority of these this benefit is entirely  situational and befitting to a specific kind of   build wasted on a sniper or any mid-range Gunner  and probably wasted on a Netrunner unless you're   somehow surviving in the middle of the action with  a monowire say though mostly I'm going to pin this as   useful for sword wielding ninjas or perhaps Hammer  swinging tanks bear in mind of course though that   even if you like to get up close to enemies it's  still likely even in the larger combat scenarios   that you'll also still be getting hit from afar  so this isn't a total solution to damage reduction   but it certainly does help and hey get close  enough to some enemies and their allies might   even end up hitting them instead of you whilst  all the while you're taking 40% less damage and   maybe even are healing up super quickly by combining  this with Chitin super super powerful this one but   only in close quarters there's been a vast range  of stuff today from the bitterly disappointing   to the utterly goated and essential but Chitin Chitin  is the only cyberware in the game which truly and   genuinely makes me feel safe somewhat in a high  body build it cost a fairly steep 42 cyberware but   a decent enough 33k edies for the price it grants  a whole 200 armor 216 at tier 5 plus and is the best   item in the game in basic terms for that stat  granted armor doesn't do tons in the grand scheme   of things it's nice to have but don't bet your  life on it as we already established no Chitin's   best thing is rather its body attunement granting  a whole 10% to health regen for every point in   body yes that's 200% with 20 points and just  look at this this is how fast my health Regens   mid combat basically so long as you don't take too  much damage at once which you probably will still   to be fair you can't die now of course this effect  only really works this well if you're properly   speced into the necessary perks for health regen  these mostly reside in the central body node   containing painkiller and its subsequent Buffs I  think it's supposed to be a higher-tier variant   of subdermal armor I think but honestly these two  things are just unrecognizable world of parts and   this is definitely one of the best upgrades you  can get when sporting a high bodybuild of course   for all you delicate netrunners and stealthy  bois this ain't the one for you unless you have   what 10 plus attributes in body at least as well  which you could do to be fair now that we've got   a level 60 one of the absolute best pieces of  frontal cortexware to accompany any operating   system but especially Sandevistan and berserk is  the Axolotl far superior counterpart of the   Newton module and offering a 10% cool down at tier  five to cyberware this can go a little higher to   about 12 if upgraded as well you can also get  one of these for free after completing all of   Regina's gigs now and basically this thing is the  closest we can come to achieving an endless Sandevistan   or berserk build in 2.0 see provided you're  killing or neutralizing enemies quickly enough in   any fight the charge bar of your cyberware will  just keep on refilling now of course once you have   the apogee or Falcon sandevistan's you'll only be  toggling them on for key moments and therefore   they should last longer though in a Close Quarters  fight that toggle will probably be coming on very   frequently but luckily that's where the Axolotl too  thrives the best dealing with lots of foes at once   and recharging your cyberware quicker than you  can use it and it's not even just the operating   system this affects all cyberware meaning more  Optical camo more second heart uses and more RAM   with ram reallocator say and for berserk this thing  applies even more I'd say given the up close and   personal nature of that OS now coupled with its  raw invincibility the ideal place for you to   be with that is in the middle of all your foes  creating a closed loop where the more you take   out the longer you can stay there of course it's  also potentially worthwhile having in a cyberdeck   build but not entirely necessary as there's other  ways to keep overclock mode going and we're going   to be needing our cyberware for more important  important pieces in that regard such as serving   as one of the heftiest upgrades from its base  counterpart the COX-2 Cybersomatic Optimizer   takes the bioconductor's 35% crit chance for quickhacks and amps it all the way up to 100 at tier five   immediately this is obviously a game changer  crit hits deal 50% additional damage to regular   hits and that's just at their base level we can  increase this in various ways such as with perks   and cyberware it's an extremely powerful item  which essentially bolsters the damage of every   single combat hack to an insane degree though it  does come at the heavy heavy cost of minus 8 Ram   so yes our hacks will do more damage but in theory  we'd also be doing less hacks at least that's how   it would work for the Casual Netrunner though  I'd be willing to bet anyone willing to throw   down 50 cyberware on this thing is anything  but casual and using the power of overclock   alongside some of the best healing cyberware and  Powerful hacks this can become an utterly broken   closed loop system of infinite Ram health and time  that we're overclocked now many permutations of   this tactic were pointed out to me in my cyberdecks ranking video for which I'm very grateful   but also annoyed I didn't include it in that one  it's an absolute game changer for hacking but   does lock you into a certain method of playing  you will of course need to unlock quick hacking   queues and overclock mode as well as the perks on  screen now data recycler will restore 80% of the   RAM used against an enemy so that's any hacks  left in their queue if they neutralized early   Blood Daemon will restore Health corresponding to  the quick hack queued onto an enemy once they're   neutralized and this is a super important Loop to  set up since overclock is converting our health   into RAM the more we heal the more we hack you'll  also want the blood pump and biomonitor for   instant auxiliary healing once Health drops below  25% and spillover and Queue Mastery wouldn't go amiss   either once you hit 20 intelligence the best  deck to use with the COX-2 for Pure hack damage is   in fact the tetratronic rippler which it turns out  is probably the best purerunner cyberdeck   when used right uploading Sonic Shock first in  the queue will maintain that stealthy boi mode   with short circuit then being a reasonably priced  high damage dealing hack to follow up with if you   are using the rippler you'll want to then follow  that up with a cheap non-combat hack and in this   case I'd recommend cyberware malfunction for the  damage Synergy that it has with short circuit   in addition to that damage Synergy you'll also  get a plus 40% to damage from using that combo   bearing in mind this is all stacking alongside the  COX-2 for some absolutely insane crit damage that's   what makes this cyberware so op when used right  but this of course is all pretty RAM intensive   and nigh on impossible to cast on more than two  enemies without the help of overclock that's where   legendary synapse burnout comes in not only does  this do a broken amount more damage in overclock   but also extends that mode by 5 Seconds for each  enemy killed therefore it stands to reason that   so long as we're neutralizing one enemy every 5  Seconds which in turn should be healing   us enough RAM each time this Loop can continue  indefinitely across an entire combat scenario   defo one of the most Godly ways to play in my  opinion though it can make the game arguably a   little too easy seriously one-shotting bosses  on very hard feels great but also technically   robs you of the boss battles so you know either  way though the COX-2 is clearly a crucial part to   one of the most powerful Purerunner builds in the  game and absolutely deserves its place on the this   list along with the 50 cyberware cost of course  for anyone not hacking it's well useless which   would make axolotl the clear winner in that case  so let's call it a toss-up a draw a tie depending   on your style of play but basically I decided  these two were the winners because when trying   their respective builds without them they're the  two items that I really really missed having and   thus are the winners comment below though your  favorite piece of legendary cyberware and why   and I will of course cover the rest in various  videos at some points but figured I'd tackle   all of these together since they are the most  costly and need to be the most carefully chosen   so hopefully this video helped you in deciding  that as always massive shout out to the patrons   for supporting the channel and keeping these  videos free of annoying irrelevant sponsors   and of course thank you for watching I'm Sam  Bram and I'll see you soon in another video
Channel: Sam Bram
Views: 336,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077, sam bram cyberpunk, cyberpunk phantom liberty, cyberpunk best cyberware, cyberpunk cyberware ranked, cyberpunk all cyberware, cyberpunk 2.0 best cyberware, cyberpunk iconic cyberware, cyberpunk axolotl, cyberpunk bioconductor, cyberpunk top cyberware, cyberware ranked, cyberpunk 2.0, cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty
Id: 9X73LofS7WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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