Another 5 Terrible Decisions in Cyberpunk 2077 - Phantom Liberty

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in this video I'll be exploring another five  terrible choices you can make in cyberpunk   Phantom Liberty five quests whose outcomes  can range from diabolically terrible for all   involved to actually somewhat okay there's a lot  to get to here so let's Dive Right In this first   one is an unmarked potentially wholesome but  potentially terribly tragic little Quest that   can be completed as early as the first time you  enter the stadium coming to the far end above   the tank and car exhibits you'll find this robot  sparking all over over the place jacking into the   laptop nearby will establish a text conversation  of sorts the robot can't communicate with actual   words yet but we do learn that its name is  1R-0NC-LAD and it can send drone imagery and   diagnostic data as well as affirmation to our  questions in the form of symbols through these   means were're assigned a five-part scavenger hunt  around the stadium to track down parts to repair   1R-0NC-LAD all fairly straightforward thus far  though we do actually have to search for these   locations this ain't your classic map marker  following type thing fortunately they do follow   something of a straightforward Trail the first  is up here between the food vendor and the kid   Netrunner another potential candidate for spectral  kid who knows opening the crate and sending the   data will advance us to location 2 in the med  clinic just across the bridge from us we also   get a transcript of ironclad's Creator Erwin Kirsch  welcoming them to the world which is part one of   ironclad's backstory acquiring the second crate  we'll learn that Kirsch was forced to become a   Barghest engineer to pursue this project after  everyone else refused to hire him thus with barghest  funding 1R-0NC-LAD was born box three is to the  right of weapon vendor Harold's store in a crate   just here and with this we learn that Kirsch created  1R-0NC-LAD with the vision that his programming   would be no less worthy of love and respect than  human sentience that 1R-0NC-LAD ought to be treated   with the same value as any organic or rather now  cyborg person that lives we'll then unlock box four   over by the other weapon vendor and located to  the left of her tucked away back here cool little   Easter egg on the other side as well is a weapon  crate for Mr Wick eliciting a reaction from Johnny   because well you know why sending this fourth box  over we learned that Erwin was forced to give his   creation over to barghest to fulfill whatever role  they have in mind almost like leaving a child that   he only had a small amount of time to instill  good morals and World values into for the final   box you'll want to head back towards 1R-0NC-LAD then  past him some it w be reachable from inside this   little food place but we can awkwardly sneak down  here and grab it it will need uploading personally   so come back here and access the laptop again  where we'll have a potentially terrible choice to   make before determining the final outcome though  there's a little more data to clue Us in on what   actually happened firstly is a communication sent  from Erwin regretful for giving up his child of   sorts to barghest so freely acknowledging that  creating such an intellect as he sees 1R-0NC-LAD  renders this like selling it into slavery and  then we learn the tragedy of how 1R-0NC-LAD ended   up like this within this capitalized string of  commands it would seem that Murphy another barghest   engineer that we meet during firestarter  in fact well Murphy ordered 1R-0NC-LAD to kill its   creator Erwin a test of loyalty perhaps or maybe  it's because of Erwin's forbidden contact however   in a classic case of also having a pre-programmed  unbreakable directive superseding this 1R-0NC-LAD   couldn't follow the order this led to a conflict  in his code which aggregated into a mass buildup   of processing power attempting to overcome this  conflicting Paradox eventually causing a critical   system failure rendering 1R-0NC-LAD in the state  we found it following this Murphy and Bennett   discussed how to handle the situation with Bennett  who we'll get to later claiming he'd be back with   some techies to sort the thing out so that's the  story of 1R-0NC-LAD and backing out of the terminal   we'll be forced to make a choice there on the  spots these can end tragically terribly and okay   respectively let's start with the first wiping  1R-0NC-LAD's memory it'll return to a writhing mass   of blue Sparks on the floor and it'll be like  we never did anything in fact it might even be   worse I mean listening closely we can hear this  creature's sobs of Anguish left us suffer like   this whether fully sentient or not now I'd imagine  it's more akin to an intelligence like Brendan the   SCSM than a full-blown AI but still this is  just sad not to mention remarkably similar to   the end of Return of the Jedi anyone else getting  that or just me this all said even despite being   unable to save 1R-0NC-LAD there's still a chance of  receiving a text a few days later with a little   thank you for trying reward and let me tell you  I really tried to get these epilog to trigger for   me waiting for days reloading old saves even  replaying the beginning of phantom Liberty but to   no avail in my game he simply disappears and  never seems to text again annoyingly I think it   might be a bug it was probably added quite late  in production given the lack of recording voice   lines though maybe there's another reason let me  know if you've had this problem in the comments   still thanks to the wiki and Reddit mostly I can  still share the outcomes and moral implications   therein this reward then is found further up in  the stadium but is only accessible during The Roads   to Redemption gig so hopefully you're here before  completing that else there's no way of retrieving   it apparently the loot isn't specific but could  range from skillshards to some snazzy weapon mods   clearly 1R-0NC-LAD was programmed with kindness  in his heart and not to Harbor bitterness or   resentment the next option leaving Ironclad alone  may seem better at first it just sort of stands   there and if you're me disappears a few days later  but what is supposed to happen after this ending   is this returning to Ironclad will learn that  it reached out to Erwin its creator luring him   back only to fulfill the objective that Murphy had  programmed indeed repairing and not reprogramming   Ironclad seems to remove its background directory  of not killing its creator so not only do Our   Benevolent actions get a guy killed but from Erwin's  perspective he's practically getting killed by   his child something he dotingly created but did  admittedly sell into slavery his words not mine   the prize here will be Erwin's loot and 1R-0NC-LAD I guess will be picked up by barghest again at some   point definitely the most terrible outcome to  this I'd say turning a kind natured robot into   a killer and that's why the best outcome in my  humble opinion is to reprogram 1R-0NC-LAD into   a guitarist if you have high enough intelligence  it'll somehow there and then produce a guitar and   start riffing away a cover of hardest to be a few  days later it will text or again should relaying   an image of a crate along the interior Overlook of  the stadium whilst explaining they plan to become   a full-time guitarist the crate again will contain  a small reward and 1R-0NC-LAD will get to enjoy a   humble life of innocence entertaining those around  it unless of course barghest return and take it   away sometimes choices aren't as clear-cut as  they seem a quest leans you towards one side   of a conflict only for you to later find out  that you were being lied to the whole time the   quest shot by both sides is appointed by Mr Hands  and first involves heading to the apartment of   a journalist named Bree Whitney to pick up a key  card it's a reasonable studio apartment even by   today's standards and scanning the surrounding  area it's clear that Bree has a taste for the   Finer Things in life premium coffee expensive  cinnamon and Bergamot perfume with gold Nano   particles and some exotic house plants to add  a sense of style digging a little more deeply   though it's clear that Bree's desires extend  a little further there's no less than three   indications around here as to her desire to  go on some expensive holiday somewhere sunny   and exotic but in her current position she simply  doesn't generate the eddies for it she can't afford   premium travel agency membership putting her in  a ridiculously long waiting List and her last   article was merely a corpo tarnishing piece on how  some kid lost a tooth biting into an All Foods bar   hardly front page stuff so is it any wonder that  she now has her sights set on a far bigger story   more importantly her motives for chasing it  down it's pretty clear here are self-centered   and material anyway find the key card under  the bamboo really dick weed that look like   a bamboo to you kiss my ass okay that's quite  funny the bamboo is in bree's bedroom but as we   go to leave but we're interrupted by a neighbor  a key player to the terrible choice we'll have   to make later bearing a striking resemblance to  Dawid Posiadlo the artist behind Phantom Liberty's   theme this guy is behaving a little sus from  the Get Go claiming to live next door but only   hanging out in the corridor and seemingly a  little too concerned with Bree's whereabouts   for now though he'll stay put and we'll go to  Dogtown's tunnels to meet Bree turns out the   keycard unlocks an abandoned Cynosure facility  that's been shut down for decades this of course   connects heavily with the somewhat damaged main  quest and there's several shards and emails here   that connect with that reaching the main server  room though so bree can extract the data we'll   learn that militech returned here in 2068 after  decades away attempting to weaponize some of   their old Tech via the help of an AI from Beyond  the blackwall an irresponsible nay really freaking   dangerous thing to do that we'll pick up on again  later anyway the expedition was eventually brought   to a premature end and they went home Bree claims  that this is going to be a huge story for her and   that she's going to use her role as free press  to highlight the hypocrisy and irresponsibility   of these tyrannical Mega Corps calling out militech  on their [ __ ] in the same way Max Jones tried   to of course that really didn't wind up too  great for Max so can we really expect Brie   to release a huge story like this unscathed Well  turns out the answer to that is an immediate no   and a moment later Bree's suspicious quote unquote  neighbor arrives to set the record straight Dante   unsurprisingly is actually a militech special agent  sent here to stop Bree and prevent the sensitive   data from falling into the hands of a foreign body  he explains that Bree used to work for militech   and the article we read back at her apartment  was actually just sponsored [ __ ] flinging   against a competitor clearly Bree cottoned on to  Cynosure whilst working there and saw it as an   opportunity to break out of the grind that 99% of  people are stuck in and thus the stage is set for   the terrible choice we have to make in this Quest  three people are in this room and at most two can   leave do we protect to our lying client or side  with the guy who's actually speaking cold hard   facts well let's see by helping Bree and killing  Dante we'll be completing the quest as instructed   Mr Hands will be pleased awarding us 5K Dante's  body can be looted for the Ol' Reliable revolver   which I reviewed along with the others in this  video and he also has a Shard recounting an OP   from seven years ago during which he tracks down  another former militech employee only to have him put   down for what he might say or do afterwards  drinking away his sorrows and wrestling with the   morality of the situation guy's conscience clearly  isn't entirely clean but he is honest with himself   now it would seem in fact if you've seen breaking  bad and Better Call Saul I'd say Dante strikes a lot of   similarities to Mike playing it this way Bree will  also leave her riskit pistol here on the side and   this is an item we get therefore regardless of  the outcome Quest ends as planned all is fine   and dandy until a few days later where Mr Hands  calls again admitting that everything Dante told   us was true Bree didn't publish the story and  instead gave it to netwatch to be used as an   informational bargaining chip however to maintain  a monopoly on said data netwatch are prepared to   zero anyone who knows about it including us  though all this really translates to is that   maybe a car of netwatch Agents will attack you  at some point and in fact I don't even recall this   happening in my playthrough so either it didn't  or just wasn't a memorably dangerous event what   does factor in here though is that Bree lied to us  and we sided with her over the dude that told the   truth in fact going back letting Bree die we'll  be able to read a Shard on her body with a netwatch   watch agent where she'd parlayed for a new life  in some far off resort in exchange for acquiring   the data now the holiday hunting makes sense  V will admit to feeling like a used Gonk Dante   explains that morally he's just fulfilling a job  role and tries not to think about the long-term   implications of his actions though clearly some  things do still play on his conscience grateful   for our support though he'll give us 5K which will  make up for losing Mr Hand's payments after failing   the assignment militech sensitive data will  remain in house we'll disappoint our fixer and we   won't get the Ol' reliable revolver if this isn't  rewarding enough for your tastes then there is a   third choice but I'd recommend only doing it after  Dante has paid you if you want double pay once he   has you can simply shoot him too again getting  both guns and the Cynosure data for yourself   afterwards in your call to Mr hands make sure to  choose the dialogue about data and we can sell   it to him instead to be used however he sees fit  though Johnny does have this interesting point to   make on that front stopped Bree from selling the  Corp data now you're selling it yourself attagirl  chill just selling it to hands think he's  going to donate it to charity or science [ __ ]   don't make me laugh overall this is a terribly  tough choice you have to make and I'd be lying   if I said there was a definitively good outcome in  terms of physical rewards killing Dante one way or   another is best but that's kind of a shame since  he sort sort of like a modern-day Cowboy killing   them both actually Nets you the most in terms of  rewards and whilst Johnny berates you for selling   it to hands was it really better off with Militech or  netwatch I don't think so still then you have to   kill two people instead of one and there's pros  and cons whichever way you frame it so comment   below which you think is best and why another  Quest Hands will assign us a little later into the   expansion is Dazed and Confused The Story Goes  that hands was contacted by a BD star named Lina   Malina who allegedly had been kidnapped at a BD  store and needed saving heading there the place   is in a mess and we'll find Lina locked in a booth  downstairs one of the owners shank explains that   this isn't in fact Lina obviously but rather his  business partner Edgar Tool who was experiencing one   of Lina's brain dances during a Dogtown power  search frying his brain and imprinting Lina's   personality onto his guy is now convinced that  he is Lina Malina want to make a terrible Choice   from the get-go and miss out on this quest's  rewards while not really helping anyone then   tell shank you're there to rescue the client  who commissioned you and just let to out we'll   receive a kiss for our efforts wonderful and  there'll be a guy out there making ludicrous   albeit convincingly performed Lina Malina BDS I  imagine but if you actually want to experience   this Quest then there'll be more moral conundrums  further down the line shank will suggest that we   bring Lina to the studio to shoot some content  with her not doppelganger and if we text Victor   and Judy to ask for advice they'll suggest that  tool be exposed to a combination of the new life   he's taken on and something from his old life at  the same time so return to the booth downstairs   and scan this letter it's going to be important  later potentially now head to Linas get rid of the   scavs and if you have 20 strength or Tech (OR JUST ENTER VIA THE ROOF!) it's  worth breaking in here for some cool bits of lore  turns out Lina was trying to sell her bath water  to make a quick profit which failed and she also   has a small thing going on with Razor Hughes who  actually mentions the upcoming fight with us in   one of her emails there's also fan mail from Tool  here as well as some actually really screwed up BD   ideas you can change Lina's schedule with enough  intelligence here but there's plenty of other   ways to convince her to do the shoots which are  arguably more interesting wait until evening for   her to arrive and just make sure not to tell her  the truth instead name dropping carry or fourth   wall Studios having completed the Affiliated  quests she'll then be dying to work with you   so wait a day or two and we'll get called back to  the shop where naturally this very weird situation   is beginning to escalate and this is where we  have a terrible choice to make namely between   doing the right thing and doing a thing that has  effects which are kind of positive and negative   there are three options here so let's start with  the most morally clean one asking Lina to read   Tool's letter restoring his psyche to normal but  pissing off Lena and losing the shoot tool will   mostly return to normal just occasionally waking  up and yelling Lena catchphrases but we won't get   any tangible rewards and the already suffering  BD store will continue getting driven into the   dirt the immensely heavy bills they have to pay in  fact can be found on this terminal so the second   option kind of screws Tool over but it does wind  up really great for everybody else convincing Tool   that Lina and he are sisters well firstly this one  plays a neat piece of unique soundtrack under the   scene and second the moment it's over Lina will be  happy and leave the baby boomer baseball bat on   the counter of the brainporium this gains 100%  crit chance after two hits and looks awesome in   a blunt weapon build but that's not all after  a few days Lina will text again explaining her   brand has finally taken off and her and shank  as well as Tool who's now being called Toolina   are moving to night City we'll learn later that  they even got signed with Rachel from fourth wall   Studios and probably became big hits Lina will  also leave behind her Malina-mobile bike which   I compared alongside the rest in my bike's ranked  video but suffice to say it looks cool and drives   well riches wealth and rewards await to everyone  in this ending but you can't help but pity poor   Tool's actual psyche trapped in a body that thinks  it's Lina Malina's sister I mean no doubt he's   enjoying life and he did say the only time he's  happy is when he's pretending to be Lena so be   careful what you wish for I guess is the moral  there still the third choice I would say is most   terrible of all convincing Tool he's an FIA clone  this will technically wake him up from his trance   but instead instill the reality that the world  is out to get him Lina will continue shooting   with shank not as successfully but enough to stop  the store from going under and both Lina and shank   are pretty happy in the end here Lina won't  leave us a bike in this instance but she will   leave the bat and eventually a tank top which I  mean there could be an argument to that over the   bike it's entirely up to you but on retrieving  it we also learn that Tool held a ripper at   gun point asking for a face plate change to hide  from the government by altering his identity and   got arrested in Westbrook shank means to bail  him out once he has the edies but still things   aren't looking good for Tool whereas with Toolina he's technically fulfilling his greatest wish   albeit not willfully whereas in this instance he's  simply a paranoid wreck for the rest of his life a   description which also sums up about half of dog  Town's junkie Community but let me know the order   of how terrible you think these outcomes are for  the characters involved run this town is a quest   appointed after firestarter wherein we must  determine dog Town succession at the behest of   Mr Hands now immediately we can straight up turn  this one down Hands will stop us at the door and   offer double pay though he still gives us the same  amount at the end of the quest whether we did this   or not but again the option is there to walk away  from the start in which case I believe Hands simply   sorts matters another way but seriously don't do  this it's a really cool Quest and the only other   time we get to use the behavioral imprint we also  get the only silenced revolver in the game now   Mancinella which I ranked number five I believe out  of the 17 revolvers this is the gun of Aguilar a Cuban   assassin and all round badass whom we'll embody for  the quest determining if the succession of Dogtown   Falls to Bennett an inspiring but brutish figure  who Hands once in the role or Jago an unimposing   but calculated figure there's quite a lot of ways  this can play out some arguably better than others   so let's go through first we'll have to intercept  Jago's meeting with the voodoo boys either taking   them out or politely asking them to walk away  if you're cool enough before confronting Jago now   this can go a few ways we'll either have to shoot  his henchmen or just be intimidating but either   way it is imperative when he brings up Bennett's  affiliation to arasaka to push him for evidence if   you want to unlock the optional objective if not  it's straight to the funeral where the endings we   can get are still fine potentially but it does  mean Bennett gets appointed as an arasaka mole   and they tighten their grip around the extreme  military might of barghest so I think it's in Dogtown's  best interests to go and see Bennett and knock some good sense into him beforehand   presenting then two more dialogue options the  first means events at the funeral will take   place as normal but the second saying Jago will  lead does open up an option that can split Dogtown  in two pursuing this one then making our way  to the funeral Bennett will agree to appoint Jago  as leader for a price that being Terra cognita the  high up jungley Museum District to the South we can   convince Jago to give it up splitting up this small  but previously Unified District though Mr Hands   will not be happy he wishes for a unified dogtown  still with Bennett at the helm of it all and will   settle for nothing less begrudgingly reducing our  pay from 10K to just six in fact he'll be pissed   at all of these options even if Bennett says no  and kills Jago hands will still be pissed at losing   access to all the contacts Jago had secured as bar  guest's accountants and I'd say appointing Bennett   with no steadier hand to steer him is probably  a recipe for disaster now Hands here obviously has   his own interests at heart though In fairness his  interests often do align with that of the general   Dogtown populace he's kind of like Varys from  Game of Thrones in that sense now that I think   about it so I'm just going to pose that doing what  hands want in this case is probably a good thing   for both our pockets and for Dogtown returning to  the other options then heading into the building   with it all still arranged that Bennett will be  leader we'll start with three choices the worst of   which being simply telling Bennett he doesn't get  a new toy this again will result in Jago's death   and none of his contacts I'd say overall this  is the most terrible outcome for Dogtown even   if we put arasaka out of the picture forcing  barghest to lose a ton of contacts places them   in a weaker position to stand against outside  corporate oppression so let's go back convincing   Joo to pay the price with a show of force is the  only way he'll give up the contacts to Bennett   though Bennett will murder him afterwards unless  you've got high enough reflexes and shoot Bennett   instead though that will again default to the Jago  leadership which is exactly what Hands didn't want   sure the guy is more calculated but he ain't  exactly going to inspire the troops to join up   or stay in line and I'd imagine in this instance  barghest will slowly deteriorate whilst Diego tries   to hold it together with just numbers  if he dies on the other hand having given up the   contacts Hands will be fairly pleased but will  still express some regrets at the fact that Jago   had to die Bennett untethered probably means a  strong dogtown still though I'd imagine something   of a more rabid one possibly worse for those on  the ground than it already is and so we come to   the best option at least in Mr Hand's View and mine  I'd say this can be achieved two ways either tell   Jago to give up the contacts then remind the two  that you're at a funeral or just lay the gun on   the table from the get-go and scare them both  into submission they'll agree to work together   and that'll be that Hands reckons that with a  sensible partner Bennett will achieve more than   Hansen ever did and I guess that partnership will  last I mean it seemed pretty ropey back there but   everything does appear to go okay afterwards is  a strong and calculated barghest rule good for   dogtown at all though well let's look at it this  way near everyone in 2077 is either a street kid   or Slave to the corpo Grind Aldecaldo seems like  the most decent life but it's still not what you'd   call Ideal hell even celebrities I mean I've got  a whole video going over why the famous musicians   really don't have it all that good either but to  sum that up basically their work or identity often   gets stolen by corporations so yeah either way  people are probably still going to get trampled   by someone and a power vacuum in dogtown is no  doubt going to cause even more disruption you're   looking at probably either an arasaka or militech  occupation as well as the vdbs and scavs taking   massive advantage of the ensuing chaos barghest  at least is the lawful evil here and Bennett   and Jago working together I'd say is the least  of terrible outcomes here final decision then   comes following the end of phantom Liberty it  involves us doing a deal with a literal cyber   devil and a big part of the choice is what we  want to gain from it a cyber deck with evil   AI powers or an SMG but first there's a few  prerequisites to this firstly these items can   only be locked by acquiring certain components  during the somewhat damaged quest which itself   is only gained via siding with Reed during fire  starter for So Mi's ending we'll instead get the   quantum tuner which is a decent piece of cyberware  but as I explained in this video it really loses   its utility in longer tougher fights whereas these  two well they're just really freaking cool despite   coming with some big potential moral implications  and consequences for the entire human race to get   them you'll have to access two side rooms in the  Cynosure facility which Yes means spending even   longer hiding from this terrifying maintenance  bot honestly I first played this Quest at 2 in   the morning and I was not expecting it to turn  into alien isolation that was a very late night I   think now annoyingly to get the Erebus spec the SMG  you'll actually have to have 20 Tech to reset this   fuse box and get the door open this might scale  down if you're playing at a lower level but as a   non-tech level 60 build you're pretty screwed with  this one so it's the Canto for you but presuming   this isn't a problem it'll be the the last door to  the right of the first areas exit you'll come to   a construction room and it'll be here then you'll  have to escape through the vents above now it may   be possible to retroactively get inside this way  without the tech but you'll probably have to use   a method like the Fortified ankles guts super jump  or possibly leaping with the Mantis blades I had   neither on me but bear it in mind before you  come down here the Canto cyber deck then is   located a ways further along tucked away in this  side room when we're shutting down all of the   systems just hack the terminal to get inside or  else use the code from this computer here final   piece of the puzzle is the AI itself you know the  terrifying one that's been trying to kill us so   make sure to loot its decommissioned corpse before  heading to So Mi a while after completing Phantom   Liberty it'll text us having also contacted T Bug's  friend Yoko Tsuru to modify the chip to work with   a weapon now Yoko warns us that we should never  let netwatch catch us with this and with good   freaking reason this is an AI from Beyond the  blackwall one with intent and agendas beyond   our comprehension though it seemingly seeks  to collect data on our species offering its   services to enhance our Weaponry for the nothing  price of streaming data back to them now earlier   in the video we and Brie learned that militech  sought to retrieve similar weapons in 2068 wanting   this same power for themselves and when a megaCorp with all round Highly Questionable ethics   shuts down a project that could unlock immense  power beyond their comprehension that's when you   know it's probably best left avoided both the  Canto cyberdeck and Erebus submachine gun are the   two most evil weapons in the game you thought  chainsword was bad then just listen to these screams if you didn't have the tech skill then  obviously the Canto is the only choice though   the blackwall Gateway hack is incredibly Ram  intensive there and works most powerfully in   a properly speced Health regening overclocked  build if you want it to spread to the maximum   five enemies it's fun but the Erebus I'd say is far  more user friendly and open to a wider range of   play Styles essentially just an SMG with a cool  Power realistically the actual decision you'll   have to make is just which to go with and there's  my two cents on that but let's look at this from   a canon perspective much like Johnny Skippy  or delamain the Canto or Erebus is a construct   that will talk to you but its intentions are by  far the most Sinister expressing that humankind   is destined for death and that it should be  in control and by teaching it all about how to   effectively kill humans we are literally hastening  its ability to dominate an Evermore cybernetic   world I think Alt has the most interesting points  here so bring the weapon along to the Aldecaldo   ending and she'll now explain this you should  already have a notion you encountered entities   from the other side not so talking about Cynosure the blackwall algorithms what went down in that   bunker indeed in colliding with your reality  their infinite permutability would grant   them their desired tangible form had you let  them slip through they would have become your psyche  become you fortunately your reality's technology  is too rudimentary to let open the floodgates in   limiting you it limits them keeps them at Bay. Though this will not  last you will hasten this change for you have   something that belongs to them a deadly weapon  to you a back door to the Future for them so   there you go the only thing that stopped AI  from taking over already it seems is that   technology simply isn't Advanced enough for the AI  to properly tamper with but we're then essentially   allowing it to become our own personal spyware  to more easily destroy humankind still it's a   cool graphic effect and this world's going down  the pan anyway so you know why not enjoy it for   the little time V has left I guess all that  we'll have is Nomads versus robots and it'll   essentially be that black and white episode of  Black Mirror all because of you V you and wanting   a powerful hack you didn't listen even when the  likes of militech did honestly I can't wait to   see how this plays out in Orion it's so freaking  intriguing but even so the This Corrosion Quest   cool new gear but actually a terrible canonical  Choice one of the most irresponsibly harmful in   fact that V can possibly make arguably more so  than the devil ending even after all the devil   you know is better than the devil You couldn't  possibly comprehend now I'd love to hear your   thoughts on the best worst choices in any of  these quests so let me know in the comments   huge thank you as always to the patrons for  keeping the channel alive check that out in the   description and of course thank you for watching  I'm Sam Bram and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Sam Bram
Views: 247,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077, sam bram cyberpunk, cyberpunk phantom liberty, cyberpunk worst decisions, cyberpunk worst choices, cyberpunk bad choices, cyberpunk evil choices, cyberpunk tough decisions, cyberpunk terrible decisions, phantom liberty worst decisions, ironclad cyberpunk 2077, dante or bree cyberpunk, lina malina cyberpunk 2077, bennett or jago cyberpunk, militech canto or erebus, cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty
Id: bBDM34qwSV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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