The MOST POWERFUL Sandevistan Build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0!

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there are so many good ways to use sandevistans in cyberpunk 2077 now ensuring a more steady and   accurate aim escaping tight situations without  getting shot in the back or using way more attacks   in a small space of time than you ever otherwise  could for this video though I have tested a huge   variety of Sandevistan based builds to finally  construct what I believe to be the most dangerous   most terrifyingly powerful and effective Sandevistan build you could ever possibly make I'm   talking infinite use practically no cooldown  whatsoever as well as an exceptionally fast   attack speed which serves to continually replenish  our health stamina and Sandevistan usage with   this build on very hard difficulty I was able  to defeat MaxTac the border patrol guard and   Don't Fear the Reaper Adam Smasher with relative  ease and it's not too complicated to get working   effectively either with the fundamental Basics  alone already taking the build to about 80% of   its power so sit back relax and when I'm done you  too will be utterly Unstoppable so this whole   build is fairly holistic every part just about  connects feeds into and synergizes with something   else from Perks cyberware and weapons and outside  of the core fundamentals there's a decent amount   of variance to suit your preferred style of play  I'm going to of course give you the best possible   combination of things but also highlight the  absolute must haves for its work for attributes   then the best possible combo is 20 reflexes and  20 Tech then at least 15 into body and anything   else into cool leave intelligence alone as it's  entirely unnecessary this said if you want to   experience multiple builds in one playthrough by  respeccing perks this build also works perfectly   fine with a mere 15 in everything there's no  essential level 20 perks just useful ones body   then is all about health Buffs with the painkiller  and adrenaline buff nodes bought up of course this   will regen our health and generally make us  beefier and each sub perk directly coming off   of those will be relevant too offering bonuses  you probably won't notice but will definitely   appreciate into reflexes then and most of the  perks I've chosen here are core fundamentals I   would say definitely buy up the large primary  perks as a matter of urgency if you're earlier   on in the game the build is predominantly Katana  based so of course blade perks are crucial bullet   block is okay though in Sandy time I found  myself barely using it and if you're short on   perks bullet deflect are two you could probably  afford to let go finishers however are very much   needed especially on very hard in the thick of  a fight Although our Sandevistan shouldn't have   any cool down with this it will still deactivate  once its duration is over leaving a millisecond   of vulnerability before we use it again however if  you toggle the Sandy on and off during a finisher   wherein you're Invincible you can reset the  Sandevistan in a safe space shall we say but   for this build to function properly we need to  be killing enemies in quick succession with Dash   and air dash of course being a big help with that  darting from enemy to enemy with a stupid degree   of speed via this combination of Dash and Blades  then make absolutely sure to get the Flash   and Thunderclap perk as well since it'll let us  leap automatically towards enemies with our Katana   from about 10 m off saving us more crucial time  also if you want a cool vehicle ability too don't   forget to grab stuntjock to LEAP out of moving  cars directly into fights if you do have the 20   attributes then get slaughterhouse and Tailwind  to which restore stamina for dismemberments and   dashes respectively though thanks to our cyberware  these Buffs are slightly less needed and I found   myself doing fine without them Tech then most  crucially is for buffing cyberware an equally   important component to Our Success with this  driver updates and chipware connoisseur will add   small but helpful little Buffs when upgrading  our cyberware with the latter allowing us to   choose from three different options for which you  always want to take the one with the highest melee   damage followed by any health boosts and damage  reduction getting lucky day with this will then   allow us to upgrade more quickly extended warranty  should improve apogee duration and then if you have   the attributes get Edgerunner for a bonus 50  cyberware an occasional activation of the fury   state for even greater damage bonuses not that we  need that bit but the cyberware yes then and this   bit isn't crucial to the build you can entirely  forgo it for an alternative or nothing at all and   definitely only start speccing it after everything  else but this tree has a number of extra Buffs   lower ones will boost the effectiveness of  our healing items and are probably the most   worth getting for staying alive but then also  Pyromania and doom launcher I found since Katana   far outweighs any of the melee arm cyberware  for this build especially the only one actually   useful in combat is the projectile launcher and  indeed since this build is predominantly melee   it was exceptionally useful for any turrets or  foes you can't get to as well as groups a little   ways off or in the odd occasion that our Sandy  charge actually does deplete the Doom launcher   perk then Buffs the launcher all round and most  importantly provides it one extra charge finally   ticking Time Bomb causes you to detonate an EMP  after 3 seconds every time you activate the Sandy   a new numerous occurrence for this build which  will be pretty useful when amongst larger groups   of enemies also whilst charging this thing you  get a massive 50% damage reduction though can   take a small hit when the EMP goes off serving as  a potential hindrance in say boss battles like in   the Smasher fight for example it kept going off  and docking me 40 Health when I was nowhere near   him or any other enemies to damage and I could  possibly have done with unequipping it there but   more often than not it is going to be useful and  with our cyberware is going to heal more than it   takes if there's any attribute you want to spec  20 into for definite in fact then it'd be Tech now   anything remaining is going to go into cool since  the next best accompaniment after katas for this   build are throwing weapons with scorpion sting  and juggler respectively making them poisonous   and instantly return after any critical headshot  or poison neutralization in fact this entire build   can be adapted to be throwing weapon exclusive  working almost as well save for against the likes   of Maxtac and bosses in general I'll touch  on this again a little later and the changes   you maybe want to make to optimize for that but  now though they'll merely serve as another ranged   backup for when we need them then Road Warrior is  going to extend our Sandy to work in cars as well   not crucial to the build necessarily but can be  fun finally we come to The Relic tree and hugely   important thing to get here is vulnerability  analytics alongside machine learning these   diamonds of explosive electrical damage which will  then crop up will be gamechangingly brilliant for   us but we'll come to that after you've done this  then just spec in a jailbreak and of course launch   capacity override again for the projectile  launcher onto cyberware and I'm going to go   through this in order of most to least importance  so first up we of course have the centerpiece best   sandevistan in the game used by David Martinez  himself the militech apogee and you want to upgrade   this too as a matter of priority decreasing its  cool down whilst increasing its damage stats the   militech Falcon is a working alternative though  the apogee is just going to suit our purposes so   much better slowing time to 85% with an 8 to 10 second  duration and 25 second cooldown at tier 5++ of course   with a lot of cyber magic and a tint of skill  we're going to make that coold down entirely   disappear though the lower it is to begin with  the easier that's going to be and since this will   be primarily achieved with katanaing preserving and  restoring stamina is a key note of importance here   thankfully this Sandy Buffs both its own duration  and our stamina on each neutralization whilst it's   active to make it go even further though get  used to deactivating it at moments when you're   traversing from foe to foe in the middle of a huge  group you should be fine that's enough harvestable   Souls around you to keep it going but out in the  open alone you're wasting charge if not under Fire   so switch it off even if just for a millisecond  as it'll go further but also importantly reset   the usage at a time that suits you now let's take  this power even further axolotl is acquirable very   early in the game as a reward for completing all  of Regina's gigs in Watson or else you can buy it   from Ripperdocs in Dogtown this one restores  an additional 12.5% cooldown fully upgraded   to any cyberware not just Sandevistans though  debatably the cyberware capacity cost might be   a little too much in this build given we're using  no other cyberware with a cooldown I did test out   initially combining this time slow stuff with the  likes of Revulsor Kerenzikov and synaptic accelerator   for the ultimate Slow Time build as it were but  soon found out it was way too over complicated   trying to balance what was slowing time when just  made more sense to simplify it down to the Sandev-   -istan only I also tried the quantum tuna for  an extra sandevistan charge at the start of   a fight but it was too costly in cyberware and  not economical in the larger tougher fights it   just wasn't needed besides you can only get that  via one Phantom Liberty ending anyway but back   to axolotl and you could debatably just use the  Newton module instead only restoring 1.35% for   every neutralization that's barely anything sure  but remember the Sandy itself already gives 20%   duration per kill personally though I did notice a  difference not having the Axolotl here and did   run out of Sandy charge on a few occasions thanks  to not enough kills in quick succession that said   in this instance the bonus cyberware allowed  me to buy Chitin for a huge health and armor   buff allowing me to survive where I otherwise  wouldn't in real time basically for the promise   of infinite Sandy go Axolotl but if you want  a higher survival rate in the event of ducking   out of the fight for a second go Chitin the two  next most important things are dense marrow and   adrenaline booster the first of which improves  melee damage by up to 27% at the expense of 15%   more stamina that drawback will then mostly  be mitigated by adrenaline booster restoring   a further 25% stamina with every kill and keeping  our lightning flurry going heal on kill then will   do much the same sort of thing only with health  instead and biomonitor will mean we don't have   to worry about manual heals at all if we ever get  too low you could switch this out for blood pump   that will give you better healing overall but  then you'd have to manually keep an eye on and   activate it yourself now this build isn't lazy you  do have to focus still and personally I prefer the   ease of removing this distraction the rest is all  about bonus damage and defense stabber is going to   improve our crit Chance by a nice 20% both with  the blades and throwables then for armor proxi-  Shield or if you have the cyberware peripheral  inverse will reduce all damage from nearby enemies   which when we're darting around and are always in  close range of someone will be useful for the odd   time they land hits and when they do shock n  awe will hit them right back 10% of the time for   a huge 500 damage particularly great in a tight  spot but if you want more protection and less   flair then go for say pain editor or painducer  skeleton isn't too specific after dense marrow I   had room for bionic joints and epimorphic skeleton  though if you can switch out the joints for   Parabellum a huge buff to armor overall reinforced  tendons can give you the most maneuverability in   legs but this one can be whatever you want eyes  is All or nothing either take the basic Kiroshis or   if you found a lot of cyberware shards than the  cockatrice eyes for again a higher crit chance   and overall improved damage and of course  as I already explained projectile launcher   finally for those wanting to use more throwing  weapons handle wrap from hands is going to help   with this when you first equip them a priority if  you're using the alternative style that I'll get   to but if not just an as and when you can afford  it kind of deal now for the creme de La Creme of   this build a centerpiece arguably more important  than the sandevistan itself which can hold its   own even with time moving at 100% speed getting  this weapon is pretty simple just head to Japan   town and complete all of the 8 gigs for Wakako and  if you want a greater appreciation for the nuance   and interconnectedness of the story details Behind  These then stick my Westbrook gigs video on in the   background where I piece all of that together  but after doing this wakako will gift you Byakko   arguably the most powerful Katana in the game a  detail which shines even more true when time is   slowed see by leaping towards an enemy then killing  them you'll activate rapid combo mode allowing you   to swing this Katana deathly fast dispatching all  other foes with extreme ease as you do this thanks   to our perks and moreso cyberware stamina  and health will continue to regen the more   foes you dispatch and under 85% time slow with  the ability to instantly leap and then slice at   ridiculous speeds even for what we can see this  is literally the craziest thing I've discovered   in 2.0 the speed at which we must doing this in  real time I doubt is perceptible but what makes   this even better is vulnerability analytics as you  swing at these helpless Time Frozen people you   want to be aiming for these as much as you can not  only are they going to harm the enemy in question   they'll also explode their cyberware for yet  another EMP blast on top of our shock n awe and   possibly ticking Time Bomb this is particularly  good for the mech enemies who are still kind of   spongy even with our Speedy Katana swings but  setting off one of these specifically will   more often and the knots blow them up also bosses  targeting these on Adam Smasher probably cut that   fight in half just bear in mind you might have  to move around the enemy to keep a direct line   of sight of the vulnerability Diamond but with the  way byakko works there are a few things to consider   it's basically a possessed demon sword which only  brings out its special power after being fed with   Souls though robots will do that too without first  killing an enemy though it's going to be just a   regular Katana so with this in mind when faced  with a group of enemies always take out the weakest   one first Target something strong and there is a  high chance that the sandevistan can wear off   before you've actually dealt with them and then  we're in trouble see whilst this is a pretty much   Limitless closed feedback loop we've constructed  here it is still a careful balance of death Soul   Magic Use the Sandy too long without feeding this  system and its duration will deplete has will our   health stamina and byakko's special ability the  endless unbreakable Loop essentially will fall   apart and collapse speaking of endless Loops  go watch bodies on Netflix it's really freaking   good that's not a sponsor by the way it's just a  show I really liked and want to share anyway this   ideally Works in fights with more enemies then  and the only place I'd say it could fall short   is in the longer lone boss fights I did defeat  Smasher with it along with all of Don't Fear   the Reaper on very hard it wasn't a breeze but  it was very doable though arguably for Smasher   I could have done with switching to the scalpel  say and getting bonus crits for that fight since   there was no way of activating Byakko's speed until  the snipers came along and in fact when fighting   MaxTac because they don't immediately die the  loop starts to collapse when fighting them alone   so it can be worth in that case jumping away and  taking out weaker law enforcement alongside MaxTac   border patrol soldiers on the other hand  were individually very easy with this though the   turrets in that area did serve as a great example  for why to have projectile launcher and throwing   weapons in fact turrets are the only time with  this build you might need to find cover once all   of the human enemies were gone and the feedback  loop circuit was no longer sustainable I did have   to resort to this slightly less dignified classic  style of play mind you by taking Agaou from the Ayo   Zarin boss fight up in Dogtown as your second weapon  turrets get made short work of two emitting yet   another EMP Blast for extra damage thrown into  a group and pairing it with the launcher you can   take out like two turrets at least per Sandy use I  know this is a very specific situation I'm talking   about now but this method is good for applying  to all unreachable turrets throughout the game in   this build so yeah with relative ease I did clear  the Border checkpoint but sadly the game itself   then said nope and forced me to die somehow I took  Fang as a backup for this version of the build but   need to fully rerank all the knives before I can  give you the definitively best ones but equally   you could take a shotgun a revolver or actually a  sniper could work very well given it would extend   this thing to work at range but again don't overcomplicate it this build went through many iterations   until I nailed it down to work this well and stuff  that seems like a good addition at first will more   often than not just distract from keeping that  all inclusive feedback loop up and running so third   weapon is up to you if you even want one I've  used Byakko like 98% of the time for this build   because that is the core of its ultimate power  that being said it can be very easily adapted   into a throwing weapon build for this all you need  to do is spec more heavily into cool get that to   at least 15 keep reflexes to a maximum of 15 in  this case then you might as well substitute blade   perks for these stealthy ones instead throwing  knives are of course silent weapons even the   explosive Agaou it seems so this does work a lot  better for an effortless stealth build shall we   say by which I mean I was able to clear most  of this place in stealth without even really   trying to be and this is actually where the knives  work best receiving massive boosts when used from   stealth definitely get the vanishing act perk  which triggers Optical camo whenever you sneak   Sprint and you can then move around in stealth  with even less effort insta kill headshotting   most everyone with increased accuracy and speed  from time slow and receiving your weapons back   immediately when you do of course there are the  odd occasions outside of stealth especially where   juggler won't activate because you won't land a  head shot a crit or poison and you could run out   of weapons on stronger enemies hopefully finisher  perks will help mitigate this even more offering   another thing with which to fully restore weapons  but aside from that you still have the projectile   launcher to fall back on though equally if you'd  rather have something that doesn't also run out   in your second secondary you could spec perk  points from Doom launcher and pyromaniac instead   into blunt weapons and roll with gorilla arms or  alternatively get some blade perks back and use   the Mantis plates but gorilla arms are better and  this video here explains why as for the rest of   the cyberware as we're no longer really using  melee adrenaline booster can be replaced with   blood pump second Hearts is also an option here  especially for the likes of Don't Fear the Reaper   to avoid death via General [ __ ] and silliness  though that one does have a pretty hefty cool down   of 3 minutes and 20 seconds so is mostly useful  when brought down by Axolotl Dense marrow can   also be replaced with something else maybe run  Parabellum and epimorphic skeleton in Tandem and   given our attacking from greater range now shock  n awe and proxishield can afford to go too just   make sure to replace them with at least Optical  camo but yeah that's about all you have to do to   turn it into a throwing variant like I say it's  more stealthy more tactical in a sense still very   powerful but doesn't quite match the utter quicksilver ridiculous n that Byakko Apogee leap attack air   Dash build does I really hope I come up with a  better name than that before I title this video   anyway as a little closing point yes Don't Fear  the Reaper was relatively straightforward with   this build I didn't complete it first try I'll  admit or even second but that's more down to very   hard mode having this EldenPunk style feature  wherein getting hit with the wrong move by The   Wrong Enemy at the wrong time will drain health  so much as to bypass biomon and instantly kill you   but learning that this giant Mech can stomp you  in one or that a heavy gunner is going to Blitz   your health as soon as you've accessed the main  frame or even just not to let Adam Smasher get   anywhere near you like ever were all just lessons  that improved my skill as a player and borrow   from that soulslike concept of you as a person  Skilling up by learning from your mistakes and   I think if there was a build or a style of play  wherein any old sod could Waltz in here and easily   succeed at very hard difficulty on their first  try the game wouldn't be properly balanced so   I like to think this is a sign that it's not  a definitively broken build just a very very   powerful one albeit dependent on a constant influx  of multiple enemies to work at its best though In   fairness the individual components are powerful  enough to also hold their own anywhere As proved   by how this build can also defeat Adam Smasher  so let me know down below your thoughts on this   build have you created something similar do you  think you will now and most importantly is there   anything you would change to make it arguably even  more powerful huge thanks as always to the patrons   for your continued support and keeping the  videos free of irrelevant sponsors more on that in   the description and finally thank you for watching  I'm Sam Bram and I'll see you very soon in another video
Channel: Sam Bram
Views: 362,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077, sam bram cyberpunk, cyberpunk phantom liberty, cyberpunk 2077 sandevistan, cyberpunk 2077 sandevistan build, cyberpunk 2077 sandevistan gameplay, cyberpunk 2077 sandevistan cooldown, cyberpunk 2077 infinite sandevistan, cyberpunk 2077 infinite throwing knives, cyberpunk best build 2.0, cyberpunk byakko build, cyberpunk powerful weapons, cyberpunk 2077 powerful build
Id: R_BWwiRo_Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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