All Apartments Ranked Worst to Best in Cyberpunk 2077 2.1

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with update 2.1 we can finally invite guests  to our apartments in cyberpunk 2077 there's   several of these across the game that we can  acquire each with a different style and set of   activities so in this video we're taking a look  at all of them in detail to figure out which is   best so without further Ado let's Dive Right In  with number 10 down at the bottom this time we   have Rivers Trailer Park Family Home a residence  that unlocks after completing the following the   river Quest located in the sticks on the Edge Of  Night City this home is actually a surprisingly   spacious one-story place that even has a nice  outhouse for River's nephew we can shower and change   here as well as sleep if we romanced River but it  very much isn't our home in fact it's barely even   Rivers but rather his sister Joss's and her kids  Joss enjoys standing on one leg and pretending   to smoke all day whilst her children either lay  in bed and stay her blankly at the wall I mean   thank God we can invite River to ours now because  this place kinda creepy I always suspected that   Phantom Liberty would add a new apartment but what  I didn't expect was that it would be the worst   place ever then again that's kind of the whole  vibe of dog town as a place to live so it fits   we'll come here with President Myers after the  plane rescue and kind of just claim it thereafter   I mean to be fair who else in their right mind  is going to choose to live here apart from these   two who most likely wound up dead one way or  another at some point this all said Dogtown's   presidential suite does both a couple of amenities  it's got power thanks to a very loud generator   that's going to be a nightmare to sleep to it's  got stuff that might be useful it's got space and   Hell there's even a dance floor for us to wave  our arms around like nobody is watching in fact   nobody else is going to watch because attempting  to invite romantic Partners here will be met with   a resounding thanks but no thanks because I don't  want to die which to be fair that is probably a   sensible answer and if anyone saw the state of  this place well I guess we could tell them it   was good enough for the president so it should  be good enough for them and to be fair The View   isn't half bad we can also smoke much to Johnny's  approval and we can meditate which just means kind   of kneeling down and looking and feels entirely  just like a Witcher reference if we come just out   into the hallway there's even some custom Tarot  graffiti artwork and some piping leading in from   the Badlands and in fact back in the apartment  these pipes can also be fixed so then at least we   can take a shower a shower though that's probably  going to end in us coming out dirtier than before   let's be honest of course it's impossible to tell  if that's the Case by looking in this mirror and   I genuinely hope this blurriness is a feature of  it being dirty rather than a bug because that's   genius also to get to this one it's a long  elevator ride both up and down so far from   convenient either so overall nice to have a place  in Dogtown just not a nice place next up Panam's   little tent at the aldecaldo camp may not constitute  a home in the same way even River's Place does   but it has something River's place doesn't yes  Panam obviously but we're not comparing love   interests here rather it's got the Aldecaldo vibe  that sense of community and belonging drinks   around a campfire chooms playing guitars a thriving  nomadic Community which is a hell of a lot more   welcoming and less awkward than imposing on a  single mother and her family we can still shower   albeit slightly more openly there's a precariously  balanced mirror and a clothes rail the bed might   be a bit of a squeeze but honestly is anyone  going to complain and on top of the basics   there's also an on-site weapon vendor and a ripperdoc as well as various other friendly characters   to engage in conversation with not just Panam and  in the case of an attack one of the most powerful   pieces of military gear just stashed away in the  garage with all this in mind and the Fast Travel   point being right in the middle it's arguably  one of the best One-Stop shops in the game for   switching out cyberware and gear at the same time  but whilst it's a cozy Vibe it's far from a Cozy   home and I think the best example of this is the  shared communal toilet out back which currently   has a guy sat on the floor with his laptop yeah  you can tell why Panam is now Keen to head to   our place sometimes up in Northern Kabuki Judy's  apartment represents a decently average place in   night City boasting the same sort of amenities  as River's home just without the extended family   in the room Judy of course lives alone at least  now so visiting doesn't really feel awkward it's   a quirky little place complete with wall art  and Tech exhibits that we can even comment on   with Johnny there's a swivel mounted toilet TV  to ensure you never miss an ad at any time of   day and quite a large fish tank which is kind of  cool Judy may have also mentioned during Pyramid   Song owning a Max tack uniform and she wasn't  joking about that it's here and up for grabs   in her bedroom along with whatever gift we can  now send her as part of the new update either a   vehicle or flowers which she'll touchingly display  on her bedside it feels like Judy as a character   too got a bit more character building than River  and that extends into her home with the number of   emails on her impressive multimonitor setup providing a bunch more cool bits of info to flesh   out her backstory but aside from the basics and  being conveniently close to a fast travel point   there's not actually a whole lot of activities to  do in here the lowest ranked apartment we can own   that's actually in proper Night City then is the  one up in northside if you've completed the Flight   of the cheetah gig beforehand you'll already know  that this isn't the safest place to live but at   a cost of just 10,000 you won't find that much  cheaper around and in fact those who just happen   to have 20 intelligence can even hack the system  to lease this one for free and whilst a little on   the cramped side this small space does manage to  pack an impressive amount whilst also not feeling   utterly horrible to exist in I mean compare  it to the Suite we get down in Dogtown and   ask yourself where you'd rather live this place  has a desk that reminds me of mine save for that   vertical monitor that's kind of terrifying also  a sofa a bed and a hole in the wall looks like   leading to our weapon stash though to be honest  I'd repurpose that into a kitchen because sadly   here microwave meals is all you're getting heading  into the bathroom and looking in the mirror I also   had this genuinely spine chilling experience no  don't believe it I don't know if that's new in 2.1   I've not seen it before but I think it's a really  powerful way to again Hammer home the urgency of   what the Relic is doing to us there's also a roach  race arcade machine which for me really makes this   apartment just something in the aesthetic though  fair warning the previous tenant did disappear   never to be seen again Mike Gallick is inquired about  in our emails as his friend Theodore Collins is   looking for him and with The Shard on the bedside  it's pretty clear that Mike got in a bit over   his head taking a gig to dig into a member of  the night city council and last Theodore heard   somebody was knocking at Mike's Door basically  don't answer the door to strangers and we'll be   fine though answer the door we must to each of the  love interests we can now invite over personally I   think this is a slightly cramped space to chill  though with snuggling on the sofa showering and   sleeping being literally all we can do there's  not even a view to admire here so Props to it as   a cozy little cave and you might as well buy  it or get it for free if you can though it's   definitely far from the best on show so I know  functionally Kerry's Villa is just the same as   all the other romance partner homes but man it's  a freaking Mansion so it ranks higher not only   that but I think the decoration of this place is  one of the best examples of a setting being used   for characterization in the game one tour of this  place and it's abundantly clear may be one of the   most successful citizens to come out of Night City  one of the only three residents of North Oak but   he's a pretty lonely guy living in this Castle  away from the masses all alone and this place has   everything a grand piano a bar a custom portrait  of naked Kerry holding a sword and everywhere you   look there's no expense spared though Kerry  could definitely do with hiring a cleaner and   let's be real he has no excuse not to leading me  to potentially suspect that the mess scattered   around is done so to make the place feel more  lived in indeed this amount of space perfectly   pristine lived in alone it's the opposite of  cozy and comforting for me it could be nice but   only if there's someone to share it with in Kerry's  emails he's trying desperately to hire a guy as a   cook or a gardener just for some company and his  security robots have got hats just to give them a   little more character what's more many of these  Sun lounges are deliberately arranged in pairs   and they serve as places where Kerry lies all  day reading articles about himself the guy has   a beach in his garden an aerondight on the display and  one of the nicest views in the whole of night City   security is also fantastic of course though one  time a group of guys did manage to break in and   steal his guitar which we can steal back for a  Gig hop over this wall though and you'll find a   free militech apogee sandevistan on the ones who failed  to escape one of the best pieces of gear in the   game which they clearly needed to get in and  out fast enough though I was very surprised to   randomly find one lying about like this maybe it's  RNG but let me know overall though whilst this one   is nice and luxurious to come to sometimes the  fact it's a total mess and not technically our   Apartment rank it no higher than this for me the  corpo Plaza Apartment may be the most spenny place   to live at a full $110,000 but that definitely  doesn't mean it's the best yes everything has   a certain premium feel to it but again it's the  same sort of soulless expense as Kerry's place not   that I'd ever complain living here it's safe with  a security gate spacious luxurious and all around   a very premium place to exist it just doesn't feel  the same value for money as some of the other ones   one of the neighbors has already sent out an email  complaining about window exhibitionists doing   adult things in a window opposite but all that he  gets offered as a solution is to instead move to a   smaller place with no windows corporations once  again looking out for the customer fortunately   we've got a bit of a nicer view into the Towering  City Center with a giant mysteriously engraved   statue down on the ground to stare at and Ponder  the potentially Universe breaking meaning of   inside the apartment we have the basics of course  a shower bed mirror and wardrobe but also a TV   and a big one at that's along with a fancy record  player then there's a bar to sit at to smoke and   drink whiskey a tea set to brew the kind of fancy  green tea that Mr Hands offers us in dogown and   most usefully it's got a coffee machine which when  used will grant an extra 5% to stamina regen over   the next hour and it's actually one of the only  two apartments to come with one of these then the   office come weapon Room In fairness is probably  the nicest of the bunch and it's the only one   really to not feel like a forgotten side room or  a hole in the wall inviting dates over there'll be   a couple more activities we can do in this space  that we couldn't do in NorthSide stand and chat   or hug by the window admiring the NC Skyline or  dance to I really wanna stay at your house in   this area by the front door just don't dance with  River I mean come on what's he doing I mean to be   fair dancing is kind of an awkward thing to  program into game like in Totentantz it really   works with all the people but first person dancing  with one other person when there's no touching I   mean it's impossible for it not to look forced  to be fair and I do appreciate what they're doing   with the whole immersion aspect of it but on the  whole for this apartment I personally prefer the   more cozy less corporate Vibes than this and  when it comes to coziness I think the next   apartment is definitely the winner there at 30k  eddies the Japantown apartment feels like a bit   of a steal this place is at least triple the size  of Northside whilst both preserving and expanding   upon that place's feeling of homeliness we have  again another arcade machine of roach race it   seems unlike the corpo apartment fun once again  is permitted here and further to that Japantown   is the only place to sport a guitar where aided  by Johnny's imprinted muscle memory no doubt we   can jam out to a choice of chippin' in Never  Fade Away or Archangel though amidst the new   update this is kind of a Bittersweet feature to  me since when I invited over Panam in order to   show off my guitar skills this option entirely  went away and we were instead left once again   with chilling on the social showering awkwardly  dancing and finally going to bed and okay maybe   they didn't have any pre-recorded voice lines to  compliment V's playing but come on that would have   been so cool even still at least we can set the  vibe a little more in this place by burning some   incense making it smell lovely and nice for our  guest to peacefully sit and chill I'm sorry what   is that noise okay so out in the alley we have a  scav serial killer yeah that explains the lower   price tag a bit more though In fairness taking  him down did stop the constant noises of someone   being beaten up luckily so it's back to chilling  and washing up our dishes in the bathroom sink   apparently given the lack of a kitchen one unless  I don't know maybe this surface folds up somehow   then the office as well is pretty cozy to be fair  and of course comes with a miniature ff06B5 statue   because no you can't just get a little bit  of work done without being reminded of the time   you caught a glimpse of the universe's base code  after finding a secret in an arcade game and if   that whole thing is causing you trouble sleeping  at night there are some shards dotted about here   of deliber boring stories to send you drifting  off so overall love the vibe just be a little   bit wary of the area in my first apartment video  I ranked this one pretty low I was assessing the   places purely on design that time and compared to  many others this one didn't have much in the ways   of character or design flare but where it loses  out on the design front it more than makes up   for in just how many features it has that nowhere  else does pretty much all the Collectibles we can   acquire through various missions will wind up  dotted about in here we got posters gifts from   romantic Partners a painting from the Moon Misty  will give us a dream catcher for collecting all   the tar graffiti though to be fair I think that is  one that does move to other places there's also a   plushy of the troll who distributes new cards in  gwent a trophy stand for the Chimera core and scorpions   action figure that reminds me of Dishonored and  also if you missed Lizzy wizzy's musical number   during Phantom Liberty you can luckily watch  it again on a BD recording basically whilst   this place doesn't have built-in character the  character comes much like a real home from the   furniture contained within the souvenirs acting as  memories of events that we as players went through   and experienced whilst other homes might have  just as many little nuances housed within the   nuances in here are special and stand out since  they all have a specific meaning to us in addition   there's probably more character interaction that  can be had in this place than anywhere else and   I'm not just talking about our romantic Partners  as of 2.0 Johnny will now appear on the sofa any   time we're in here and be available for a little  chat and sure we can only seemingly pursue three   Paths of conversation with him ever but it's still  nice to have that immersive feature when it does   come to inviting dates over this apartment also  has one thing that none of the others do and I   guess it's down to the positioning of this mirror  in particular where characters can walk in and out   of shot but they'll actually come up behind you  and do one of a few things from a shoulder rub   an affectionate little Peck to recreating an iconic  scene between Bo Katan and Ahsoka in the the Clone Wars yeah that's a thing that happens now so I  wonder how much that clip's going to go around   circulating it's also In fairness a pretty sweet  view out of this window the Japantown Skyline   I think is the nicest looking one there is and  in fact just down to the right is our potential   future home major leagues really was just a  stones throw away the whole time but one very   big thing which we again can only get in this  apartment is Pets both the cats and an iguana   to get the cat you'll have to first purchase  some cat food from a vendor in night City then   head out the apartment door take an immediate left  and around the corner to the right there'll be a   bowl in which to leave it come back a few hours  later and a wild cat will have appeared after   which we can take it to its new home meowing  and purring all day in our washing basket   again the character of this place is defined by  what's in it not its design as for the Iguana   that's far less straightforward during the heist  you'll first have to spot and pick up this pretty   obscure iguana egg from yorinobu's place then placing  it in the apartment it'll hatch after about 100   Days by which point you'll probably be well well  into a playthrough and won't be able to enjoy it   for that long still reptiles are generally less  high maintenance pets than mammals though I'm   sure these two would probably be perfectly fine  even if we never came back here though when it   comes to quickly getting to an apartment the Fast  Travel point placed just outside the door makes   it far easier to do so with this one than any of  the others really just another reason to buff it   up the list why isn't it at the top then well in  some ways it is but in my opinion it still loses   a lot of points on the general design fronts but  before we get to my winner on that here's a quick   honorable mention Now spoiler alert for the end  of the main game probably so just jump to the next   timestamp if that's an issue the penthouse then  is our reward after completing the Sun or Don't   Fear the Reaper ending path and choosing for V  to return to their body it is by far the most   luxurious thing we can take technically live  in during the game and it's practically an   estate situated on top of a building a mansion  similarish to Kerry's and surrounded by a huge   plot of high up land complete with a pool and  yeah the garden could have some more character   but the interior is nice and I suppose prior  to 2.1 this was the only home where a romantic   partner could technically come over as part of  a scripted event for the end of the game quite a   bits of our memorabilia carries over from the mega  building apartments and it's clear that like that   place this had become V's main home where they  spent their nights studying every Space Program   Under the Sun in preparation for the heist of  a lifetime and i' suppose I can say that since   the last Heist technically wound up in death  and rebirth and we're not the first night City   Legends to live here indeed this seems to be the  place that David and Lucy moved to after becoming   huge successes themselves I guess V's time here  will be pretty shortlived as well unless things   go remarkably excellently so who knows maybe this  place is cursed or maybe it's just that anyone who   flies too close to the Sun is going to burn and  whatnot anyway figured I'd mention this one but   since it's not accessible in the free roam part  of the game it technically doesn't count so with   that here's number one The Glen is available for  80,000 eddies and was definitely not the coziest   of Apartments it somehow manages to balance a bit  of that with spaciousness there's a pretty long   elevator ride to get to it but once you do you'll  be greeted with wider views than any other place   not as picturesque necessarily as Japantown but  now that dogTown's been fully fleshed out as   a district there's a pretty nice view over to the  black sapphire and the green light shining up from   the heavy hearts club which kind of reminds me  of a Minecraft Beacon now a nice kitchen is very   important to me in a place and this one has the  nicest of the bunch plenty of worktops a drinks   cabinet and of course the genuine gameplay  utility of a coffee machine I know this isn't   a feature but if you ever wanted to cook a meal  say with your date this would be the only one not   totally cramped in trying to do that I don't know  do people still cook meals together in 2077 anyway   there's also a nice Corner over here though to  chill and read books or for some more interactive   entertainment roach race is also available over  here it's almost a shame that all the apartments   only have this game and none got switched out to  trauma drama or even arasaka 3D but there we go   it is what it is and in fact it was kind of cool  to walk in here to Find Judy playing it while she   waited for us and finally unique to this place is  a pool table or a billiards table maybe where we   have the option to either successfully pot the  ball or Miss and flip off the table again it'd   be cool to have a fully implemented way to play  a game against our partner though that sounds   like an utter nightmare to implement still if any  experienced moders are watching there's an idea   for you as for the bathroom and office there's  nothing particularly stand out about them but   again they're perfectly nice rooms that'll be fine  for what they're built for basically since the   mega building one is owned as part of the story  already there's not really much choice but to   live there though if the option to buy additional  places was limited to just one if we had to choose   singularly out of all of them then I'd choose this  place hands down it offers the most stat boosts   for one Apartment I.e. shower coffee and sleeping  is a nice area to chill with a sweet View and   it has roach race unlike Coro Plaza which by the  way beating the top score in that game will earn   you some special rewards so you might want to take  some time in your playthrough to do that it's good   fun but comment below your favorite apartment  in cyberpunk 2077 and why and if I missed any   more interesting details on these places then do  feel free to add those in the comments as well 2.1   has made the game a lot more immersive in general  now a lot of the stuff added makes the world feel   more alive and if you want to discuss anything  cool that you found with a group of like-minded   chooms then I'm pleased to announce the launch of  my new Discord server which you can join from   my description in this video or Channel links  it's of course open to everyone but if you're   a patron you will get assigned a special rank  in accordance to your patreon tier as well as   of course your name in each video and early ad-free access to content but with that I hope to   see you on the Discord thank you for watching  I'm Sam Bram and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Sam Bram
Views: 264,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077, sam bram cyberpunk, cyberpunk phantom liberty, cyberpunk 2077 apartments, cyberpunk 2077 best apartment, cyberpunk 2077 apartments romance, cyberpunk romance update, cyberpunk romance 2.1, cyberpunk apartments, cyberpunk apartments ranked, best apartment in cyberpunk 2077, new apartment cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk all apartments, cyberpunk player homes, cyberpunk apartments tour, cyberpunk best apartment
Id: _Gr95JSq2q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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