All Revolvers Ranked Worst to Best in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0

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revolvers got massively expanded upon in Phantom  Liberty jumping from just nine in the game all the   way to 17 though that doesn't just mean eight new  ones to look at since pretty much every original   Gun too now functions at least somewhat differently  but don't worry you can still absolutely live out   your western cowboy dreams so for the second time  in my life let's take a look at all the revolvers   in cyberpunk 2077 before deciding once and for all  which is best on average because of course there's   a lot more Nuance to that now and hopefully  by the end you'll know which revolver is best   for you specifically quickly though here's how to  get the best out of most revolvers with perks and   cyberware cool is the fundamental attribute for  revolvers and pistols now with perks unlocking two   main abilities Focus mode prevents stamina from  draining when aiming down the sights and dead   eyee improves accuracy and damage when near full  stamina transforming these guns into the ultimate   powerhouses for landing head shots additionally  the tech tree now Buffs all weapons understandably   unlocking bolt mode a more damaging less cover  penetrating shot which you get from firing a   tech weapon just before full charge for cyberware  then there's a lot of choice the apogee Militech  Sandevistans can be toggled on just before firing  each shot to help achieve more accuracy but I   also found a chrome compressor no OS build worked  pretty well especially for the slower firing   models immovable force and shock absorber both  help a fair amount with recoil and accuracy whilst   shock and awe offers bonus protection when fighting  at more close range revolvers are no longer fit   for stealth purposes save for one that we'll come  to and we can no longer attach silencers therefore   I'd recommend a more heavy armor defensive build  since you are going to get shot at and no matter   how good your quick draw skills are many larger  fights will definitively involve some return fire   the dr5 Nova cements itself in 2.0 as probably  the most average revolver of the bunch I know   makes sense sitting at the bottom but by that I  mean it behaves and performs as you'd expect a   revolver to albeit with zero quirks or literally  anything to make it stand out Superior on paper   to the basic overture in every way save for Pure  damage capabilities it's straightforward to use   in combat and can even hold its own on very hard  mode mostly with the right build though there are   so many more guns on this list alone which perform  better and are just more interesting including not   least this gun's two unique iconics which we'll be  getting to only thing the Nova does have going for   it above those same as any basic weapon really  is the fact that it's modable sporting just one   mod slot at least on the one I found though you'll  have to choose carefully what buff you want for me   the most noticeable were Parallax which increases  range and with the Dead Eye Perk the stamina regen   debuff doesn't matter equally critochet is good if  you want to just shoot at the floor though this   is very much far from the best Ricochet gun trust  me and of course pyro is always a safe bet after   all setting enemies on fire for extra damage  over time is just a straight up non-nonsense   way to secure more damage and looks kind of  cool at the same time bear in mind though once   you assign a mod unlike with the X-MOD2s you  won't be able to remove or replace it to acquire   the Nova then just like any basic gun either roll  weapon vendors until they sell one or more often   than not just pick them up as loot an entirely  new model of revolver for Phantom Liberty is the   metel from Techtronika or Techtronika I think possibly  contextually described as is really not that   great but better than nothing designed to be  cheap not cheerful and suited to serve those   down in the slums I found when using this gun that  that description was apt with reduced stats when   compared to both the Nova and Overture though  beating them both in pure damage it comes again   with a singular mod slot to which I would heavily  recommend attaching pyro rounds from this gun are   already explosive so why not make them explosive  fire rounds also that explosive fact appears to   mean that the gun won't Ricochet making critochet  a mod to absolutely avoid I also found Parallax   fairly pointless with this one since this really  isn't a longrange revolver like say the Overture   acting more as a mini shotgun of sorts packing  a decent punch and one- shot headshotting weaker   enemies in fact this one pairs pretty decently  with the apogee Sandevistan provided you're just   toggling the Sandy on and off specifically for  when you take shots don't wait for a second one   in Sandy time because it's going to take forever  this gun has a pretty low fire rate though bear in   mind there are two unique variants of this coming  up both of which are straight up better comrade's   Hammer what have they done to you taking a king  a god amongst weapons and bringing it down to be   just like everyone else worse even a faint shadow  of its former self a slow situational really not   too strong projectile anymore in the grand scheme  of things listen let's just remove the comparison   to Old comrade's hammer for a second and look  at this one for what it is a supped up Burya with   the strength of three rounds condensed into a  singular more powerful one which yes you can do   a hell of a lot of damage with when fully hitting  a Target and hell is one of the few examples of   explosive rounds actually being noticeable and  inflicting Splash damage if fired into groups   though bear in mind that might also be partly  down to the chain lightning bolt perk for Tech   weapons this gun however is extremely clunky  to handle I don't pretend to be above average   in accuracy as a player but I certainly found this  harder to land hits with than plenty of the others   the problem with that being a Miss with this gun  precipitates a need to reload every single time   to be fair there's actually a cool workaround  for this at least as we can instead use Quick   Melee hits for an instant reload encouraging you  to literally get right up close and fire this   devastatingly explosive thing at Point Blank Range  this is a kind of viable way to use the hammer now   and cyberware like proxishield will protect you  more at these ranges but it doesn't really work   amongst bigger groups the surrounding gunfire  just doesn't let you live long enough out in   the open even with the most offensive protective  cyberware money can buy ranged attacks work okay   and hell this isn't a bad choice to use against  bosses I took out Wesley Snipes in like three   hits and normally he's quite a difficult fight the  problem is and I need to go back to comparing it   now to the old one this gun used to fire a literal  Unstoppable force of ridiculous power that could   go through anything and anyone and going through  cover is still the signature ability of most tech   weapons though specifically not this one anymore  it was infuriating and sad to see all these foes   hiding behind cover and there being literally  nothing I could do knowing that what I held   would have gone through whatever the cyberpunk  stand in for vibranium is to destroy them back in   1.6 whereas now it's just mediocre the slowness  and limitations make it less worthwhile picking   compared to other revolvers and situations where  it is still the best thing to have are very few   and far between the two main ones of those though  being shooting it into big groups when they're   out in the open or dashing around in One V ones  repeatedly meleeing then firing this thing again   the actual shot is still by no means atrocious  just not the Unstoppable God it once was and   firing into cover is a real pain in the ass  now only thing that hasn't changed is how to   get it as always the crafting spec can be looted  from the body of Darius miles from the suspected   crime activity in Arroyo at least now crafting is  no longer tied to the tech tree so it can just be   straight up built at any time suffering from the  same major debuff as the comrades Hammer now of not   penetrating cover the Laika at least does come  with a special ability to somewhat make up for   that as part of the techtronika weapon series  that we can loot from airdrops this one has a   high chance to set enemies on fire in this special  flame which ensures crit damage on anyone who has   it this Stacks with how many enemies are burning  at once increasing crit damage across the board   as it does but also weapon innaccuracy and that  second part yeah that was something of a problem   for me using this much like the comrade's Hammer  like her feels hella clunky to use and despite   having two shots instead of one each does still  have to count especially in more intense fights   the charge time coupled with the non-too-accurate  scope just make for a difficult to use gun in my   opinion whilst the damage is good when you do land  those hits It's not really enough by itself in my   opinion to justify the lower rate of fire decent  ish against for enemies but the lack of a melee to   insta reload and the fact comrade's Hammer does  higher damage per shots probably make it a win in   that department out of the two where Laika beats  it then is in how it pairs with the other two   guns of this series as well as the Volkodav machete  slotting all of these into a build together will   create this compounding critical fire effect where  you can switch between each depending on the Range   and situation Laika may be one of the hardest to  use but its burn chance is significantly better   than most of the others therefore Landing a hit  with this first then switching to The Alibi Volkodav  or even Taigan for more accuracy after this is  an effective strategy whilst the lingering burn   effect itself isn't much to talk about compoundingly  increased critical damage is pretty damn effective   especially in larger fights just probably don't  take Laika to be your primary weapon there are   far better choices out there for that you know  what turns out to be a really decent choice in   update 2.0 amidst a plethora of specialized  overtures to choose from the bog standard one   actually holds up very well with increased damage  over the dr5 Nova and lower stats everywhere else   on paper for some reason I find this one a lot  more easy and satisfying to use maybe it's just   the classic cowboy Magnum feel but that still  absolutely counts for something performing well   at close to mid-range and one I found particularly  easy to land headshots with and perhaps that's   down to the nice straightforward iron sights best  thing about the Overture though which helps it to   keep up with its Superior iconics is the singular  mod slot which you have have a number of   decent options for pyro again is run-of-the-mill  but effective and whilst critochet is a decent Choice   aiming properly with this gun specifically is  none too tough as a standalone weapon I'd say   it pairs best with Parallax provided you have  the deadeye perk simply compounding that range   and accuracy when aiming even more equally for  those sporting amnesty which works best straight   after drawing then this is a good secondary to  switch to in order to keep cycling that effect   and by applying a Zenith mod to this Overture the  swapping will take place faster and give this gun   a bonus crit chance and reduced weapon spread  a more than worthy alternative to the iconics   though those can often be a little more powerful  or stylized just a slightly improved variance of   the regular Overture next Roso is acquired only  provided you take out Dodger in the waiting for   Dodger gig and whilst it should rightfully be  one of the most powerful revolvers for those   skilled enough to wield it its special ability  just straight up seems to not work apparently   shooting an enemy first in the leg then in the  head should neutralize them on the spot and I   don't know about you but neutralize to me sounds  like a more sensitive way to say kill supposed to   be a very stylistic takedown and yeah it would be  then any head shots to enemies on the ground will   be guaranteed crits that part does work I believe  whilst the leg headshot thing rather than killing   enemies as it should will sometimes instead  knock them down but again this isn't a 100%   guarantee and may more just be an effect of the  overture in general than specifically the Rosco rather   than shooting an enemy in the leg then the head  though you might as well save yourself some time   re aiming by Landing multiple headshots to begin  with bear in mind headshot bonuses are actually   lower on this than the regular Overture but there  is a bonus 50% crit damage giving this one just   a small Edge to anybody spec into higher crit  chance other than that the stats are pretty much   identical Rosco does do a little more base damage  giving it a slight Edge but really compared to the   other variants is in reality not that special  which is a real shame given the creative tactic   that this pertains to rewards and in a game where  we now have the likes of the Neil mod which in a   well specced build allows shotgun hits to just the  leg to instantly kill Rosco wouldn't even be too   overpowered I don't know either I'm reading this  wrong or the mechanic is genuinely broken I did   try extensively to figure out if I was missing  anything maybe it's only a certain half of the   leg I don't know but it does seem on forums  like others are having the same problem as me   hopefully it gets fixed and if it does no doubt  Rosco would bump up a few spots our first of   two metel variants now taigan compromises a little on  base damage in return for a slightly faster attack   speed otherwise it feels very similar to the Basic  Metel albeit with the same crit damage burn effect   as the Laika yes taigan is another revolver that is  part of the Techtronika weapon set and again pairs   pretty nicely into a build utilizing just these  four weapons in fact as far as revolvers go and   the fact that this one has eight rounds in instead  of two it's possibly worth slotting in favor of   the laika yes the rounds are only half as damaging  and the metal ain't exactly a dawdle when it comes   to handling either but I found this one a little  more user friendly and a lot more forgiving than   that clunky as hell comrade's Hammer knockoff  for a lot of situations another good place for   all this series weapons in fact is actually in  a Netrunner build specifically one making heavy   utilization of contagion maybe something running  the Raven microcyber as that's best for spreading   quick hacks see applying burn to any enemies  affected by contagion now will cause them to   explode compounding again the damaging effects of  the techtronika series as your enemies explode in   a cloud of Green Smoke though then again the  same effect could be achieved by slapping a   pyro mod on literally any basic gun fire damage  is not that hard to come by anymore and perhaps   the handling of an overture would be more to  your taste anyway you can grab the Taigan same   as the laika via the air drops in Dogtown I don't  think there's a specific method to triggering its   spawn just head to every red smoke plume you see  I guess until it shows up it makes sense that out   of all the Overture variants this one wouldn't  rank as high discounting Rosco being broken of   course after all a downtrodden night city cops  gear shouldn't be able to compete with a literal   Cowboy militech a mob boss or indeed one of the  most famous rockerboys in the world crash is of   course gifted To Us by river at the end of his  quest line and the whole thing with this one is   that it fires automatically if you hold it down  for a while kind of the same as it did before   but a little bit different no longer is it an  automatic but only slightly slower version of   amnesty rather this Autofire is now particularly  slow favoring instead accurate Shots by reducing   recoil and spreads pretty user friendly as it  goes actually and you can still get by dashing   all over the place to avoid damage head shots are  noticeably very powerful with a 200% multiplier   and again a bit easier to land with this crash  really isn't a bad gun it's just that comparing   it with all the rest of the ability abilities  this kind of serves as more trusty and reliable   but far less adventurous the Archangel variant  which we'll come to in fact can aside from all   the accuracy Buffs now achieve all the same  effects as this one and more if you also find   yourself experiencing the 1.6 comrades Hammer  Blues then look no further than the bog standard   rt46 Burya now this actually is the closest thing  to Old comrades Hammer that we can get in the game   less damage than the new hammer and laika sure but  to the benefit of better handling and Range four   rounds in the barrel and most importantly that  little thing most tech weapons are known for   called shooting through cover yes this is the only  variant of the gun which doesn't get constantly   snagged up on the surrounding environments  doing with great efficiency exactly what it   was designed to do Landing head shots no matter  the obstacle for more often than not an instakill   sure it may not have the insane five even six  figure numbers the old Hammer with would stack   up but it really doesn't need to provided it's  doing its job of you know taking out the enemies   honestly it wasn't until coming to use this that I  realized how much of a drawback the other two were   suffering from there are very few Tech handguns  in the game now and I think this might be the   only one to pack a single powerful shot making  it by default a standout revolver for me with   this rare ability what's more we can of course  install mods one model I found had just one slot   but another had two I'd recommend the wall puncher  Chimera mod to make this thing even more powerful   though see-through is a lesser but still decent  alternative if you're wanting to use the core for   something else a quick spoiler warning for the  fire starter quest of phantom Liberty so jump to   the next time stamp if you haven't played that one  yet Bald Eagle is Kurt Hansen's edition of the new   metel revolver and can be acquired after defeating  him in the boss battle an event which only unlocks   if you side with Reed during this big decision  moment it's mental in fact just how many unique   items you get through this ending path as opposed  to the other one don't get me wrong I love them   both but this one just has way too much good stuff  to not do for your main playthrough if you ask me   bald eagle is far superior to the Basic Metel even  if we put a good mod on that with a crazy 250%   headshot damage bonus 75% armor penetration and  Explosive Rounds though again that last one really   isn't as exciting as it sounds it definitely holds  its own as a singular unit boasting better stats   all around than its base Counterpart though same  as that one does start to show Cracks around   the edges feeling sluggish shall we say especially  when aiming and drawing it reload speed mind you   feels okay the standout feature of this gun then  is its ability to work in tandem with the Fang   knife also formally Colonel Hansen's and allowing  us to recreate for ourselves his signature move   throwing this thing into somebody's leg then  immediately switching to bald eagle and shooting   it will shatter said Limb and instantly return Fang  it takes a little practice but nailing down this   technique it actually works really well though  equally lower level enemies will go down just   as easily by shooting them in the head of course  using this Eagle Fang technique on the regular   probably means you ought to spec into some knife  perks as well shouldn't be a problem since you'll   already have plenty of cool points for the revolvers  themselves anyway of course there's sleeker guns   out there which feel of higher quality on their  own but none with a synergizing Target pin ability   quite like this in fact there's several instances  in 2.0 where you're encouraged and rewarded for   comboing totally different weapons like this  and I love that Ol' Reliable makes the Bold   claim that Cassidy would ditch amnesty in place  of this gun now that's an argument that could   be made it certainly wins out in some departments  but what the two guns essentially boil down to is   a difference in range amnesty excels hip firing  up close with multiple Speedy shots whilst Ol'   reliable favors the cowboy who shoots from the  top of the saloon at range indeed sporting an  irremovable scope to help with this though honestly  I found it more of a hindrance like I said earlier   overtures iron sights are one of the best in the  game and I actually feel like I miss more with   the scope since I can't distinguish the background  as easily nevertheless this thing still performs   excellently often pulling off One-Shot head shots  even as we get into the longer range with the   further away ones having a higher crit chance that  synergizes with the crit damage buff though there   does come a point where this seems to drop off at  very long distances probably the best long range   revolver in the game so if that's your style then  it's worth considering in fact despite suggesting   you should ditch amnesty for it I found a better  solution was just to use both switching to   close-range hip fire whenever necessary then Ol'  reliable to take out anyone at greater distance   probably a better pairing overall than the simple  Zenith modded Overture that I suggested earlier   though acquiring this one involves a tough moral  decision brief spoiler warning for the side quest   shot by both sides so jump to the next timestamp  if you haven't played it yet you see this gun was   formerly owned by militech agent Dante who confronts  you and Bri down in the Cynosure facility in terms   of the morals of this Mission Dawid- sorry uh Dante  is definitely the one in the right here but more   on that in another video however we will of course  have to kill him in order to loot his gun bearing   in mind Bri too is sporting her own unique pistol  though you don't have to kill her to get that one   equally you can just kill them both for shits  and gigs and just be a terrible person either   way though Dante will have to die here to get  Ol' reliable unless maybe it sells in the black   market afterwards which I don't believe it does  I haven't seen it there at any rate so whilst   it may have one of the most clear use cases of  the revolvers that being longrange Magnumming it is   also one of the most story costly to get quasar is  what a tech weapon should be and more despite just   being a standard non-iconic gun this thing really  has a hell of a lot going for it sure on paper it   might not sound tremendously amazing at any one  thing but all its various Buffs and abilities in   tandem make for a very powerful gun 150% headshot  damage is very nice though you won't be landing   as many head shots with this one as most but the  armor penetration not to mention the decent range   are things you don't necessarily notice but they  do passively make combat a lot easier of course   not only does the quasar penetrate cover which is  the whole draw of tech weapons but it also fires   automatically once charged now I must admit the  level of recoil this generates does make it less   accurate than most not enough to make it bad  and I think the cover penetration makes up for   this but do be prepared to miss more often than  say with other guns another thing I like about   this one though is just how much you can afford to  hide behind cover in a fight not only can you just   shoot through whatever you're behind if needs  must but you can also hit foes for good damage   anywhere within a sort of mid-range distance but  what really makes the quasar well above average   for me is the ability to slot not one but two  additional mods placing it on par with an X-MOD2 weapon which I've done a dedicated video for and  you can check out for a ton more info on weapon   mods in general two I found to be great on the  quasar were firstly spinetickler which at tier   five grants a 50% chance for fully charged shots  to also generate an EMP blast this is obviously   particularly effective with this gun due to its  automatic nature and basically grants it the same   ability as the yinglong one of the best SMGs the  other one I found to be great was again the wallpuncher Chimera mod though it comes at the sacrifice  of the other three you could craft it'll charge   the weapon to 200% whilst taking no extra time  meaning it utterly ignores armor now and receives   no damage penalty for shooting through cover  slot this onto the quasar and combat basically   feels like an open plane everywhere it's nothing  close to the old comrade's Hammer but it's a hell of   a lot closer than the new one and in fact this gun  made the Ross Ulmer fight super easy on very hard   whilst previously I'd been continuously struggling  to win it with the laika just be careful again with   this one of the aggressive level of recoil as  a replica of the gun used by an Infamous Cuban   assassin the mancinella is now the only revolver  in the game viable for a stealth build for anyone   wanting a return to the silenced one-shot Overture  build this is as close as you're going to get now   though bear in mind there are plenty of pistols  too which can viably make for a build much similar   the gun itself doesn't seem to sport a silencer  and don't ask me how the effect actually works   but somehow when you enter combat The increased  damage and lack of detection stealth bonuses   remain in place briefly for about 3 seconds  provided the enemy you were shooting dies in   that time stealth will remain active allowing for  the systematic Hitman style of play the gun also   Sports slightly better handling than the regular  Nova and much improved range which is very useful   for these scenarios Ricochet shots are disabled  however in place of rounds which inflict poison   a useful buff in open combat but none too needed  in stealth if you want you can pair it with the   black mamba circulatory cyberware though which  tra grades 90% of poison damage for a bonus 18%   damage across the board allowing for quicker  stealth kills I tried it out in open combat   to though of course and there it didn't shine  nearly as brightly suffering from all the same   mediocrities as the regular Nova kick that makes  it hard to be accurate and a damage level that   can't compete with the Overture not that this is a  problem there's plenty of alternatives on the list   that we can switch out to at this point but none  that can also dominate the Shadows like the Mancinella   can a true assassin revolver and remnant of  a bygone age only other downside is you won't pick it   up until pretty late on in the expansion given to  us by Mr Hands at the start of the Run This Town side   quest prior to which there's a number of stealth  missions to first get through for which you'll   just have to make do I suppose with a standard  silenced pistol only iconic variant to the   quasar next Gris Gris can be acquired from slider's  personal storage room during the main quest the   damned however in order to get inside you'll have  to first play through the gig treating symptoms   which also involves facing down the voodoo boys in  a different base once you see this large sort of   lion server stat you head through the door to the  left and pick up the key later at slider's base   of operations come to this door here which will  automatically open now inside which will be Gris   Gris named after an amulet that is said to bring  luck to the bearer or Misfortune to others aptly   fitting considering this weapon's special ability  for each hit to have a small chance to also upload   a quick hack to the foe the strongest ones being  very rare indeed sure you may not be able to   attach the wallpuncher or spinetickler mods the  latter of which is essentially just short circuit   but i' definitely say this random ability is  probably the more interesting one to use a little   bit like the Wabbajack albeit more reliable  you never fully know what you're going to get   though it certainly makes for some pretty colorful  combat in fact functionally it's almost identical   to the hackatomy Chimera smart gun mod which also  uploads hacks only in accordance with body parts   not just random luck and I think an interesting  build with this one could say be a tech Netrunner   who's constantly uploading hacks both from their  Tech and their guns alas the modded regular quasar   is able to Trump this in terms of raw damage  and this one sits above it mostly due to the   roleplay and fun factors out of all the guns that  were also in 1.6 doom doom is the one that feels   like it's changed the least in terms of what it  literally does firing three rounds per shot now   instead of four granted but still the idea  is to inflict devastating and wide albeit less   accurate and far-reaching swathes of damage every  time you pull the trigger it very much feels with   this one like you ought to plow your way through  hordes of enemies systematically annihilating each   one up close inflicting more Gore as you do  so though honestly for the amount of Gore the   description of this one sets you up for there  are far more annihilating weapons found across   the game brance the entire School of shotguns  and lmgs as well as the Cut-O-Matic chainswords   that said what doom doom does give you in Hefty  Amounts is satisfying collages of red and white   numbers thanks to each of the three projectiles  and their bonus critical damage though we can also   thank the Cockatrice eyes and visual cortex support  cyber Wares in this case for the red numbers as   always though doom doom is only acquirable under  a few Hefty base conditions during the pickup at   the start of the game you must stay on good terms  with Maelstrom and this either means ratting out   militech or paying for the Flathead yourself this  will however lock you out of one of the funniest   weapons to use in the game Sir John Phallustiff A  vibrator so effective it can literally cause death   a power I've only otherwise seen in the House of  Hope quest in Balders Gate 3 also it can lock   you out of the chaos pistol unless you wait for  Royce to die once he suits up into this laser Mech   thing otherwise just make sure that dum dum lives  through this Quest a character who gets majorly   expanded upon in the no coincidence book by the  way which is totally worth a read Link in the   description but anyway if dum dum lives he'll show  up later at Totentantz during Second Conflict at   which point you must aggro on him after which you  can loot his revolver overall it does about double   the damage of a regular Nova but forces you into  a more close range play style if I were you and   had enough perk points I'd definitely pair it with  a more shotgun based build it leans right in with   that tanky Annihilation style of play very chaotic  very powerful but leaving tactics and planning at   the door amnesty was back in 1.6 my number two  revolver funny how things circle around at that   point I couldn't praise it enough for just how  well it captured the essence of a Clint Eastwood   Quick Draw western cowboy and whilst its stats  have been somewhat reshuffled now it still very   much successfully captures that Vibe still running  with the whole quick firing thing this one shoots   twice as fast as a regular Overture definitely  a little slower than before but still great   for spamming left click in fact out of all the  revolvers to pair alongside of Sandevistan I'd say   this is one of the best since you barely notice  any time slow penalties when shooting as opposed   to others where you totally do written in yellow  then is amnesty's special ability hip firing a   head shot immediately after drawing will always  be a guaranteed crit stacking with a 200% bonus   to headshot damage and 50% crit damage anyway  pretty specific this and you'd better get used   to holstering and redrawing throughout combat to  make the most of that bonus or else use the Zenith   or 'Ol reliable methods that I discussed earlier  clearly you can see exactly what they're going   for the classic Quick Draw stance from any Western  ever of course anyone with the nerves of tungsten   Steel perk is going to get guaranteed crits with  headshots anyway provided you're above 85% stamina   making amnesty's ability not void still useful  at below 85% stamina but still less relevant the   biggest drawback to this gun now then which to  be fair just further informs the play style it's   designed for is range at less than half that of  the regular Overture this thing is not designed   for anything past mid-range range combat tops and  closer mid-range come to that feeling very similar   in fact to how I use the Pozhar X-MOD2 shotgun  albeit with a Western twist not all that suitable   for weaker builds in larger fights unless your  dash skills and sandevistan timing are impeccable   but when speedily dispatching smaller groups  it's still a very fun viable way to do that this   Overture variant will always hold a special place  for me and is a late game must at least try for   any Gunslinger builds as before though it actually  can't be acquired until the Aldecaldo ending   when you shoot enough bottles for Cassidy Righters contest it will then be yours throughout the rest   of that ending but will also be rewarded to you  when returning to the point of no return which   actually hold on the winner then and I just want  to say when I tested all of these outs I never got   a definitive inkling that one outshone the rest  perfectly and when carefully considering the order   afterwards this is what on average came out on  top for me in 2.0 again doesn't mean it dominates   in all situations but perhaps rather that if I  had to choose one revolver to carry me through   everything every possible form of combat in the  game I think this one would score the most points   across the board without specifically winning in  any one sector Archangel is of course the Overture   variant gifted To Us by Kerry Eurodyne after we play  the music gig with him in 1.6 its whole thing was   that it applied shock damage and in 2.0 that is  still very much a feature with 20% chance to apply   shock outside combat though this seemed for me to  scale to 100% when entering it for a lot of extra   lingering blue damage effects incredibly useful  since many of the shots seem to be taking enemies   down to about 5% Health with shock then finishing  them off but this isn't all not anymore Archangel   also offers a higher the most 220% headshot damage  multiplier which I mean yeah see for yourself it's   mental and it can also fire in fully automatic  mode now though bear in mind not groundbreakingly   quickly and not nearly as fast as amnesty can  can and if in focus mode to with the deep breath   perk it's going to feel really slow apparently  this is to the rhythm of the song Archangel   which yeah awesome idea though kind of tough  to pick up on when the literal only sounds are gunshots what this automatic fire does do though  which is another hella useful feature is knock   down enemies on successive hits and reliably too  unlike Rosco seriously these Overture variants   all very much feel like mini shotguns in their  own unique ways and given that they can't be   silenced anymore that's not actually a bad combo  of weapons for a gunner tank built this one also   handles a little noticeably better than most  so totally viable in more ranged combat though   beaten by Ol' reliable if we were assessing it  on Range alone if this one is its own King Of   Anything it's damage over time thanks to its  shocking ability and it also makes it a good   contender in electrical damage themed builds but  overall if you're playing an average every man   kind of build without that much Nuance Archangel  is certainly a very excellent choice though to be   fair so is at least the upper half of this list  so you know preference fun Etc of course this is   all my opinion I'm sure yours differs at least  a little bit and that's good because I'd love to   hear down below which revolvers are your favorite  to use and what else can you combo them with for   a supremely powerful Gunslinger build I'm going  to try to make videos like this for every class   of Weaponry same as I did before as well as  Vehicles gigs endings Etc just bear in mind   they take a hefty amount of research work and  most importantly time to make more so than most   so they may take a while huge thanks as always  to the patrons for supporting me to keep doing   this and if you also want your name here then do  check that out in the description thank you for   watching hopefully you found this one useful I'm  Sam Bram and I'll see you soon in another video
Channel: Sam Bram
Views: 274,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077, sam bram cyberpunk, cyberpunk phantom liberty, cyberpunk 2077 2.0 builds, cyberpunk revolver, legendary revolvers cyberpunk, cyberpunk revolver build, cyberpunk amnesty, cyberpunk archangel, cyberpunk bald eagle, cyberpunk gris gris
Id: hQN0QCvM1pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 49sec (2029 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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