The FULL Cyberpunk Timeline...So Far | 1859 - 2077 | Cyberpunk Complete Lore

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the universe of cyberpunk is one filled with incredible technology Grand leaps in space exploration an outstanding human Innovation however alongside that comes a ton of corruption within corporations and governments Grand scale Warfare like the world has never seen and financial crashes that saw people all over the world lose their homes forcing them to live out within the countryside of their countries for almost 200 years Humanity had taken one step forward in becoming a great society but yet three steps back when it came to International relationships and even to this date in 2077 corporations still run the lands governments are still corrupted and gang Warfare is rampant among the streets especially within night City but what happened over these 200 years or so what was going on around the world in terms of politics and War who were the important figures within these events and how did we get to this point now in 2077 going into 2078 and the 80s well in today's long long long video we will be looking at everything from the origins of arasaka to the nuclear Holocaust of night City and even how we got to this stage in cybernetics but before we get to the title card there are some facts that I have missed out within this like the birth of some Corporation owners because to be quite honest they don't fully add any really interesting information to the overall story and if I added them this would be about 10 hours long but for now these are the significant events from all of the cyberpunk timeline from the 19th century up until 2077. [Music] our story of the cyberpunk timeline all starts with one man named sassai arasaka born within the mid to late 1800s with some documents stating 1859 not much is known about sassai apart from the fact that he grew up within Tokyo Japan and during his late teens would join the Imperial Japanese Army becoming so recognizable for his skills that he would go on to be promoted to Captain just before he would go on to retire from the Army after leaving the Army sassai would go into the business industry and become just a standard worker within some companies to learn the ropes and eventually became a businessman of his own but many saw him as being extremely ruthless maybe because of his army training but they would label him as a shrewd businessman within Tokyo and quickly became extremely experienced within the industrial companies he worked in by 1900 that Fierce businessmen were going to meet the love of his life you and five years later would go on to marry her helping SanSai arasaka to become known as a proud businessman and family man after this coming together sassai realized he wanted to fulfill his life ambition of forming his own Industrial company and through his sheer will and religious beliefs finally went about doing it creating the arasaka company which would go on to become one of the more successful wartime manufacturing companies in Imperial Japan as the first and then second world war came about arasaka took full advantage of this and supplied all of the military with some of the latest and greatest weaponry and Equipment after the end of world war one sassai had gained a lot of reputation for his work with araseka and not only that we're going to have a child in 1919 with you that they would go on to name Sabu arasaka as war broke out again arasaka once again started supplying the Imperial Army with armaments but sassai near the end of the war could sense it was going to go badly for Japan and because of it it would diversify his Holdings around the world allowing him and his family to continue to hold their wealth for the many years to come during the time of World War II however sassai Sans Brewer would be sent into the conflict himself but as 1942 came about Saburo would be heavily wounded whilst on his mission escorting a flight of Japanese g4m Betty Bombers out of Rebel Island during this Mission Saburo would be hit by several bullets that hit the cockpit of his plane and shattered his left arm driving splinters of perspex and metal into his left eye and skull seborough would be labeled as being in a critical condition being unable to really stay conscious for long but amazingly Saburo regained control of his plane was being in a horrific State patching himself up to the best of his ability and flew back 560 miles to report back to his Commander but despite his heroics his commander and the Japanese Army saw saburu's wounds as being far too serious for him to continue on in his War career and told him that he was damaged and Beyond use discharging him from the Army for good this would absolutely devastate saburu as he looked back on those events wishing that he in fact died in the Sky With Honor instead of being a broken man walking the Earth with no ambition with this news sabura headed back to his home within the arasaka family compound and spent days weeks and months looking back at what had happened as this continued on sabura would witness Japan losing more and more ground and eventually on the day that Japan surrendered saburra was filled with hatred he had defended this Empire for years and now they had given up and sabora also felt like this was a sign that maybe he too should give up with this new subura would contemplate his existence and just before the ACT he would suddenly have an epiphany and a vision he would see the actions of his father sassai and have accumulated millions of assets all over the world in many different countries for Saburo this would one day be all of his to control and with it he also saw Japan rising from the ashes of their humiliating defeat and would one day become an economic Powerhouse he knew that one day he would be at the Forefront of all of this and could use the nation's power to dominate the world politically and economically with this Vision sabura lowered his swords and came back to reality Saburo was now a new man with a new ambition and this wartime past was never to be spoken of ever again [Music] as the years went on arasaka continued to grow all over the world with their funds still Untouchable with now sabora helping their growth as the year of 1960 came about the 101 year old sassai would Breathe his last breath and left the world leaving behind everything he had created saburra would go on to inherit everything built over the 40 years sasai had been CEO taking the title cessarily used to own Sabra would help the company grow even further expanding it from a simple Manufacturing Company by opening the arasaka bank division a decade after this after being in power for a little bit sabura went on to create a new part of arasaka a darker part to the corporation this being the arasaka security division which would be used by saburra to fulfill any undercover Black Operations that could help the arasaka brand grow even further what those operations were no one knows but they absolutely helped this company grow going into the 1970s and this was certainly to help saburu's vision for how he wanted Japan pan and arasaka to help take over the whole of the world like he saw originally in his vision by 1980 saburra finally settled down and had a wife and child at the age of 61. the reason for having a child was simple he needed someone to pass his legacy to when he died and that was to pass on to their first child Kai a boy who he had spent a lot of time to help him become the future ruler of their corporation but sadly at the same time saburo's wife tragically died soon after Kai's birth but it is unknown why but for Saburo it didn't seem to bother him too much as he would go on to quickly remarry a few years later as the arasaka corporation was growing throughout the decades since the start of the century it would seem like saburo's ambition for world domination was going to come to fruition one day and his father's company was going to be at the Forefront of Japan's Uprising however in the year of 1988 little did Saburo know that a boy would be born under the name of Robert John Linda within College Station Texas and when coming to full adulthood in the future would be one of the primary people that would see the downfall of everything saburu arasaka had built in his years as CEO this individual would go on to be later named Johnny silverhand but for now understandably this would mean nothing to saburu it was just another child to add to the billions of non-japanese individuals Saburo couldn't care less about what he might have been keeping an eye on at this period of time however was the political landscape of the world in the year of 1989 a new group was forming within the United States behind the back of the president this group had been around since the end of World War II and were a part of the whole Cold War situation with these individuals investigating Soviet Union individuals and groups that might go against their country when the Soviet Union went on to crash within 1989 ending the Cold War officially a weird tension started to form between both America and whole of Europe with Europe coming together to solidify itself against any further threats creating their own group named the European economic Community or see but with this formation America saw it as their biggest threats I think in the eec would be able to overpower them economically and politically winning over all of America's allies and enemies this triggered the shadow group of the gang of four to take shape trying to find a way to make it so America could find a way to gain power back once again using anything necessary and not having to worry about what the president or Senate thinks this gang of four would consist of members from the NSA CIA FBI and DEA utilizing their contacts from all other countries that were still on their side but before things could kick off even further the 1980s had come to an end and political tension was at an all-time high between Europe and America for Saburo arasaka his wealth and power was still growing by the day and for him he could just sit back relax and watch the rest of the world tear itself to shreds and reap the benefits from it this was certainly a good plan because heading into the next decade is where it all started to kick off and saw the fall of some of the biggest countries in the world [Music] the world had now gone into the 1990s and Europe and America were at each other's throats all thanks to the collapse of the Soviet Union some positives were coming out of this turn of the decade however in 1991 the eurospace agency or Issa fully set up on its mission to venture further into deep space partnering with the pan-african alliance who would go on to help them construct the mass driver in the future essentially a space catapult that would be located on Mount Kilimanjaro over in the corporation of biotechnica located within Italy they were going to produce a resource that would revolutionize the world in the future this product came at the best time within 1991 as the world was eventually going to go through a huge energy crisis with fossil fuel running extremely low as well as the cost it put on the environment here biotechnica created the fuel known as ch00h2 which was a man-made alternative to fossil fuels and with it now been in development stages they were going to change the world forever becoming the standard fuel all around the world eventually in the 21st century the response was so positive that biotechnica's board of directors sold the license to 14 other manufacturers around the world but saying that petrochem would eventually go on to be the main supplier owning 60 of it due to how much land they had to grow the yeast needed for production of the fuel itself on top of all of that the eec fully launched the Euro market and the euro dollar which would come to fruition within 1992. something that's still to this day in 2077 lived strong over within the United States a successful businessman known as Rich Knight was concerned about how the world was shaping out a future energy crisis was causing many to become angry and start riots the tension in Europe was reaching a boiling point and all-round Richard Knight was becoming more worried about what was to come in the near future Knight believed he was the only one to do something about it and due to his sheer wealth even really could looking to create something positive Knight went on to found night international to help gain enough resources to achieve his utopian dream of a brand new city named Coronado city this city was to be completely controlled and ultimately kept safe from the rest of the warring world around them it would be self-sufficient and capable of holding off even the most determined criminals bringing about neighborhoods that showed off all of the different types of nationalities and cultures within the modern world as well as housing a super modern Corporate Center that would stand out and shine as a beacon of enlightened capitalism this plan was overly ambitious but certainly doable as he would go on to purchase the land within the Del Coronado Bay and the time was perfect as the world was only getting worse from this point on by 1992 things has gotten even worse between the two of the eec and America as the eec went behind America's backs and started providing humanitarian and financial aid towards the failing Soviet States meaning the Soviet Union's perhaps was essentially going to be fixed and actually saved by their warring Neighbors on top of that the eec also publicly started a friendship with the USSR and asked them to adopt their new currency that was the euro dollar instead of the U.S currency which they will be enforced to adopt not only that but other European countries such as East and West Germany saw the eec as being a true Powerhouse to be a part of and now putting their differences aside would join the eec as just Germany and as well as that they would withdraw from NATO believing that American military aid was completely obsolete now the gang of four who essentially in control of the US at this point knew they had to do something if they were to regain control on the situation they were losing so much power compared to the eec who were even making massive developments in space exploration at this point and as a result without any Authority started using Espionage and stock market manipulation to undermine the eec's overwhelming influence and boost the US's this would go on to include directly hacking into the European and Asian stock markets changing the value of their stocks bonds and currency as well as sabotaging military and diplomatic talks between the USSR and the eec this whole event would be named as the quiet war and would have horrific effects on quite a lot of the world France and Great Britain were some of the worst hit within Europe itself as they would suffer massively from a period of economic turbulence which resulted in Mass labor uprisings and Major General rioting within South Africa Not only was Apartheid still in operation but the whole country would fall for very unknown reasons however some sources would state it was due to a horrific genocide most likely thanks to the dip in global economy caused by the gang of four matched with the horrible tension thanks to apartheid for the US despite putting the world in the horrific economic crisis thanks to their actions within the stock market the gang of four had their eyes set on South America more specifically the dry drug trade going on with it in the central countries there as well as the ownership of the Panama Canal whose treaty had just expired almost immediately the U.S went on to send military forces to Panama to take over the canal citing it was a National Defense issue linking it to the drug crisis that was plaguing the world apparently behind the scenes within the gang of four the DEA started making its own plans to hit these drug lords within South America and created artificial plagues to be launched into the selected countries however with the release of these plagues that were to curb the dragon street it only brought about a struggle for resources bringing about drug cartels fighting one another in a power struggle at this same time however the governments of Chile Ecuador and Afghanistan would all go on to collapse possibly due to the change in the economy or once again the actions of America and the Gang of four whilst the War was happening out within the Central American countries involving American troops desperate to gain control over the Panama Canal New York City was suddenly and unexpectedly hit by a tactical nuke that was set off in the center of the city in 1993. this huge blast went on to kill 15 000 people officially at least however the unofficial figures are much higher the group responsible for this were the Colombian drug lords who were wanting revenge for America's attack on Bogota Colombia this attack went on to absolutely destroy some vital landmarks such as the World Trade Centers and the Rockefeller Center and sent Manhattan into one large combat zone with no Authority able to control it whatsoever there were plans for fully rebuilding this iconic City however this plan never saw fruition due to events that were just emerging around the corner out within East Los Angeles in 1992 a family was starting to emerge into its own unique group this was all thanks to the hard work of one family member named Juan aldocardo a young migrant who wanted to make sure his family never had to worry about finances violence or drugs that were destroying the worlds around them Juan did everything he could good he would attend college being the first of his family to do so receiving his engineering degree and with it would enter the defense industry to try and acquire as much money as he possibly could to provide for his family sadly doing this job wasn't enough though as he would have to work within General grocery stores just to ward off collectors and even sell his own home just to be able to buy enough food despite everything he did one eventually had to move his whole family down into cheaper neighborhoods eventually setting them up in the city's worst slum out there whilst there one urged his son and daughter to stay in school to be fully educated and to live the best lives they could however sadly just before her 17th birthday Juan's daughter would be killed in a car accident this destroyed Ramon Juan's son who immediately dropped out of school and would go on to join the Red Dog gangs after falling for a Filipino girl who was part of them but this did not last long either as Ramon got caught up in a failed robbery attempt on his 19th birthday and was shocked to death at the scene of where it happened Quan in front of all of the police and the media ranted on every Network about how the world is filled with jackals and vultures who make a living out of the suffering of millions of the poor this whole event would allow the people to recognize the image of this angry grieving Juan aldocado and that year in 1993 the avocado clan that Juan had brought together would be removed from LA to fend for themselves out within the wildlands of America most likely due to Juan's Outburst on National Television during this same point America was still at war against the drug lords and countries of Central America but that the Helm of their government was the new 42nd President James Richard Allen who would bring about a new era for the country for Richard Knight his project within Del Coronado Bay was finally beginning as Coronado City started construction funded by Knight himself alongside Partners Meryl asukaga and Finch petrochem Euro Business Machines and saburu's Japanese Powerhouse Corp operation arasaka who all loved this idea of this capitalist Utopia in the heart of America this construction would be held by the newly forming Nomad Clans who were starting to see their country was in financial trouble with many of them starting to lose their own jobs and some being the survivors from New York City realizing that Coronado City needed more land than originally planned and what the bait actually had the partnership leveled the surrounding Hills and dumped them into the ocean this allowed them to reshape the land to exactly what they needed reshaping the harbor area making it capable of porting the large ships carrying all of the materials needed for the construction of their Metropolis in other parts of the world starting with Russia the new ruler of the still functioning and European invested Soviet Union took office that being Andre gorbarev and would go on to change the Soviet Union into the new Union of sovereign Soviet republics a free trade zone that United The Sovereign republics similar to the eec but with its own Army and foreign policies not too far away within Australia the new government put in new modern forward-thinking plans to recognize the Aboriginal people and reinstate them with their original lands however by 1994 the corporations dominated within that area of the world would start putting pressure on the new government forcing them to fully abandon all of those plans of recognizing the aboriginals and instead give the land up for the corporations so they could bring in money into their economy and allow the corporations to expand even further within Europe things were still heating up however with many countries who did not want to join the eec or were having their own financial troubles Holland for example reached the boiling point in 1994 with riots taking place all over causing the Polish government to also go into martial law in the UK more protests were still going ahead as well as martial law was still in effect over there as well forcing some of the Royals more significantly Sarah Ferguson who had just divorced her sweaty Nancy husband prince Andrew into leaving the country completely and going on to live within Texas in the US along with her daughters for saburu arasaka and his new wife makiko arasaka they were going to also give birth to another member of his family that being yaranubu arasaka who was born on the 8th of September 1995 and would later become saburu's true heir to all of his wealth and Status whilst it look like the world was going through a lot of change on its own things within the US were about to get 10 times worse for the people living there as the stock market crash of 94 was about to happen this whole event named simply as the crash of 94 was all thanks to the actions back in the day where they would manipulate the stocks to try and get the upper hand on the eec and the Asian markets eventually the eec would discover that the gang of four had organized this artificial inflation to promote the illusion of American Wealth and lead the news to all of the World Press with new spreading of how security of the exchange rate had been undermined the whole system fell under itself and the US is a con me completely destroyed itself countries all over the world started issuing instituted embargoes on the U.S and its trade only adding to their pain forcing many independent businesses to go completely bankrupt and millions of people to become homeless and jobless roaming the streets to find any work they possibly could this whole event became worse for the US and turned into the event known as the collapse which would take place in the year of 1996. the elderly were the first to be hit during this time as all of their pensions and Investments would be completely wiped out leaving them with no money or property to live in pretty much all of the elderly at this point had no other options they were all homeless and most went to live with their relatives or on rare occasions were able to join back into the workforce violets was on the rise at this point as people started to panic about what was going to happen now that the stock market had fully collapsed and as a result many living on the streets would be killed by the riots or by just the elements with the World Bank and the world stock exchange now gone because of this crash the US had no one to borrow money from meaning they could not print money quickly enough meaning by the end of 1994 going into 1995 the dollar was almost worthless with the rise in violence spreading All Over America like a wildfire it became evident to those in charge that their military reserves needed to be brought in and because of it the first Central American war came to an end with the gang of four bringing back all of the military they could to help them deal with the Anarchy on the streets but despite having the military there to help them they could not isolate the problematic areas it was not just the less fortunate areas and neighborhoods it was the whole country and could not be isolated within Pittsburgh for example things got even worse for the public there as a nuclear meltdown would take place there killing 257 people and causing a massive surge of cancer rates within the area reaching levels never seen before in the country's history this turned the city into an absolute Wasteland in need of desperate repairs but before anyone could be hired into rebuilding it it would be renamed as the pit and would be host to another combat zone similar to New York City however unlike New York City who had to cancel this rebuilding project thanks to the collapse the newly formed eldocado Clan Run by One aldocado were hired to venture to the pit to help rebuild it in the next coming years during this collapse a massive Purge event took place all over America where criminal lawyers would be taken out with many blaming them for what had happened to the country or to just take out their rage on a group of people they believed to be nasty pieces of work anyway martial law officially took place after this event as the government saw how bad this whole situation was getting this came to a head literally on the 17th of August 1996 as the president of the US would go on to be assassinated with the vice president Harold Harrison hunt being killed as well this left only one option left that being the U.S Secretary of Defense Jonathan Seward who would claim the presidency for himself as the speaker of the house and the president pro tempore of the Senate declined to accept it for themselves knowing exactly what was going to come from it things were popping up all over the place at this period of time with Miami Florida being the combat zone for years now with the primary gang being known as the Bloods the fiercest group out there but now during the collapse were the ones holding it all together and welcoming people into their family helping any struggling to survive especially those from Caribbean African-American and Cuban South American cultures the first booster gangs also started appearing at this point in time a regular street gang whose members enhanced themselves massively with cybernetic technology Nomad clans were also gaining in popularity due to how many people were out of a job and homeless with the aldocados becoming one of the largest Nomad Clans out within America with tension Rising more and more throughout all of the US Mainland the government decided to completely withdraw from Japan and Korea bringing all of their resources once again into martial law to try and control the the outbreaks happening all over this could have also been tied to the fact that a Japanese government wanted to push through a new article titled article 9 of the Japanese Constitution which would outlaw War as a means to settle international disputes involving the state this would have been the best thing for international relations however the problem arose thanks to arasaka it would go on to pay off many of the politicians within the government to vote against this article and because of that plan article 9 did not go through meaning Japan could go to war at any time they needed which would make the US's withdrawal make more sense in response to this however a lot of other corporations within Japan started realizing how much power and influence arasaka held and knew they needed to hit back against them if they were to be free from their control this would bring about the far Asian co-prosperity sphere group also known as facts brought together by various large and small Japanese corporations to counter arisaka at the start of 1997 things didn't get any easier for the world as a huge War took place within the Middle East between pretty much all of the nations in this region this war was going to be named the mid-east Meltdown as it was a conflict that was primarily nuclear-based and saw the absolute destruction of many countries in the region turning them into radioactive sludge and glass-like Fields including the Arab Emirates Chad Egypt Iran Iraq Israel Libya and Syria the sheer force of all of the thermonuclear weapons hit in the land meant that radioactive fallout spread throughout all of the world and for years on end would change the environment for the worst this whole conflict ruined the US even further destroying all of their military assets within kuwaits and Saudi Arabia as they encountered a massive intelligence failure meaning they couldn't pull them out in time not only that but the oil prices would Skyrocket because of the conflict as the fossil fuel oil supply was completely cut in half to make sure the US was protected going forward from this they would go on to co-op the entire island of Oahu to ensure the security of Hawaii and the rest of the nation back in Japan the battle between facts and arasaka had started to emerge using the Japanese government officials to try and put through policies that were beneficial to that specific group by the end of that year however a new conservative yet anti-arasaka government was formed but with this election many Armed Force members did not want to work for the new government and instead arasaka would go on to recruit a majority of them for the corporate forces and sent them to a training camp called Hokkaido where they would be ready for when arasaka was to come back fighting for power within Russia a KGB Uprising was taking place and was horrific but sadly not much is known about the outcome but the event only been labeled as the Knights of fire in the UK tension was still extremely high and this all got worse within August as an extremely popular rocker boy social activist and populist named James Manson was clubbed to death by British police whilst playing at an Amnesty International concert this attack was due to the fact that Rockabye Manson encouraged his audience to write in the speech made before he went on stage now he had been killed the people did just that and started a riot causing 500 more deaths showing that the UK was really losing control over its people and sadly for the area in which the Coronado city was being built California their economy had been doing all right up to and during the collapse however in 1997 it could not hold on any longer and collapsed itself joining the rest of the country in its financial problems and on top of all of that within the Pacific Northwest a huge toxic spill would happen which would cause mass panic within the area with much of the sea life being wiped out the worst part about this was that it completely destroyed the fishing industries within the area causing yet again many many people to lose their jobs and their livelihoods making matters worse for America once again as a result of everything that had happened a formal investigation finally took place into what the gang of four had been up to in the lead of the First Central American War as well us the crash of 94. with them being under the microscope maybe finally the American people could find someone responsible and with them behind bars could finally try and rebuild without being hindered similar Justice was happening out within Japan as an event called the Bald Hill political Scandal went ahead in which it found 60 percent of Japanese politicians were guilty of bribery charges and in results were arrested for their crimes of corruption but it wasn't all bad news during 1997 as Humanity finally ventured into the stars with the purpose of expanding their home it would be in this year that the first lunar Colony would be founded that would be named taicho four bases would be set up there with the latest greatest equipment that were all under the rule of the esa as part of this Colony ice would be mined for air and water plants would be brought in to create a viable ecosystem and the mass driver they used to get there was to be used for future construction projects out within space with this first ever Colony being set up on the moon a lot of people around the world saw a chance for Humanity to expand and get away from the damaged Planet they were currently on as 1998 came around a giant 10.5 earthquake we're going to absolutely decimate Los Angeles causing 35 percent of the city to fall underwater with over 65 000 people dying in the process the Midwest didn't have it easier as they went on to experience horrific droughts that would destroy a large amount of crops which would cause hundreds of farms to be completely wiped out and once again leaving many homeless seeking out other opportunities over the rest of the country over within Kentucky they would be hit by an extremely deadly group named the luds a neo-luddite group who would oppose all forms of modern technology especially cybernetics during the rise of this new group they were going to Target this area hitting it with a spree of bombings that would go on for over 10 years with no one being able to stop them in their attacks really going to show that despite the acts of the government and Military no one could slow this wave of Anarchy down back within the newly forming city of the Coronado City planned out by Richard Knight himself trouble was brewing for a few years after the start of the construction of the city night's life was frequently threatened by different parties such as the mafia and the Yakuza who are at that period of time controlled all of the construction companies within the region seeing what Knight was wanting to do with the city ruling out crime completely multiple assassination attempts went ahead with it escalating into sabotage and intimidation realizing he was in danger Knight brought together his corporate Partners to shut down these issues swiftly and ruthlessly but despite all of this on the 20th of September 1998 Richard Knight's luck had run out as he was shot and murdered in his penthouse suite at the top of the newly constructed Parkview Tower sadness ran throughout the city as many Saw what he was ultimately trying to do but not only this city but for the world and in response to his brutal death the newly elected city council decided that Coronado city was to be renamed to night City to honor the great man and what he had set out to do all those years ago and on top of that plans had started to take place to create the Intercontinental maglev system within the city to allow it to have fast travel services to all of the other major cities around the country really helping this city to become Grand in scale and very renowned Richard Knight's wife Miriam Knight also wanted to make absolutely sure after this event that her husband's primary goal to perfect the city was to be upheld and to do this she would go on to set up the knights Foundation to make sure the construction of night city was kept to exactly what Richard wanted for all of those years big changes were also Happening Now within the rest of the world especially in the Soviet Union where a new state-funded Oil Company would be set up originally kerosov was the state-run oil industry who sat on vast fields of oil but now they had become so influential that it was able to break away from the oligarchs of the Federal Central Committee and changed into the new company of sovietsky nifty annoy combinet AKA neo-soviet oil combine or soft oil whilst this was a good thing for the oligarchs they also realized that the oil they were sitting on would not last forever and unfortunately they were also losing business thanks to the development of biotechnica's ch000h2 fuel which they did not have the rights to to help their corporate growth but for the UK they probably had it the worst at this point as riots and Anarchy was still rampant over the whole country because of this within 1999 the British Monarchy was completely overthrown as the martial law Authority an anti-monicus military dictatorship assumed power and enacted a Perpetual state of emergency there was a response from the monarchy to fight back and take the country from this extremist group with King Charles III leading the Royal Marines into battle against the MLA at devonport however he would be killed within this battle alongside his dodgy brother prince Andrew meaning the line for succession had been hit massively and it looked like for the UK the monarchy never going to come back again by the end of the Millennium things were finally looking like they were going back to a form of normality for the US anyway the economy was going back into a more stable State and the violence was slowing throughout all of the country because of this martial law officially ended within 1999 and alongside that a new legislation was issued which was called the federal weapons statute this legislation issued by the gang of four specifically the National Security Agency was to officially govern the ownership responsibilities and punishment for all gun owners within the United States now put into action the statute reduced rioting in urban areas Across the Nation by up to 30 percent and brought about far less chaos it was finally a turning point for America and maybe they could go back to building up their country once again out within Korea however this was the opposite as both the North and South were back at War for the second time the South claim in the North had violated airspace despite no foreign radar picking up any activity as fighting waged on there was death and violence all over the two countries ruining both of their economies however for the corporations who were supposedly involved within this war they would go on to see massive profits from it as they supplied both sides with military equipment arasaka for example made massive profits thanks to its product range called the family Kabuto personal shelter which sold in the thousands proving that wherever War went arasaka profited massively from it this wasn't the only bit of good news for Saburo however as within that same year he would go on to welcome his third child to the family that being a daughter named hanako arasaka who would be the third in line to the heritans when saburu died bringing about a new era to the arasaka family and more room to expand their cooperation when all three of the children were to reach maturity the turn of the century was coming and the Millennium was within sight and many big changes were happening all over the United States and the rest of the world since the collapse in 1996 more and more Nomads were Rising around the country with many people joining their communities two more of these communities would arise within 1999 and those were the Jones who used to be Farmers from the dust bowl until they were decimated due to climate reasons and now roam the lands looking for work turning to Los Angeles on a salvage operation the other Nomad group to arise during this time were the Bloods from Florida who ventured out under a new identity of a traveling circus housing a lot of ex-members from the Disney Corporation This Crew were going to be seen as some of the best entertainers around the world and one of the most exciting Nomad groups to be seen roaming the country however despite most of these Nomad groups being pretty harmless during this time only looking for work one group was Rising during this time that was causing a lot of panic and disruption for a lot of people this group would be the Millennium cult who would start going around warning everyone at the end of the world was going to come about thanks to Y2K and it was all because the world had embraced this new technology that was was going to cause utter destruction despite these cries about the end of the world Y2K would be fine for the remaining countries around the world and the turn of the Millennium was going to be absolutely fine with that said however going into the 2000 wasn't going to get any easier for the US and the rest of the world and in fact whilst it didn't bring about the end of the world this new millennium would only bring about more Wars more Devastation and the rise in corporate control it was a brand new era and unfortunately America's life was only going to get worse from this point on yeah as the 2000s finally came around in the Y2K Panic finally came to an end the start of this new era really went well as a large space station started to go under construction to celebrate every human achievement made this space station would be named The Crystal Palace and would be used by all the capable Nations out there whilst being owned by the esa this whole construction cost the esa 7 billion Euro dollars utilizing the mass driver that was set up on the lunar colonies to catapult materials to them but despite the cost and risk what they were going to get was going to be a legendary place that would be incredible to go to and visit if one could afford it but sadly the excitement of the Crystal Palace construction would be short-lived within America and Europe as a wasting plague started spreading throughout the lands what was something that had started up in 1999 had turned into a horrific infection that would attack the intestines of its victims and made them starve to death no matter how much they ate eventually Japan was able to fully fund the vaccine later in life and cure it once and for all however thanks to the ignorance of the gang of four who couldn't care less about it only focusing on the chaos going throughout the land it was estimated that 14 million people were killed by this before a vaccine was finally administered to everyone once again the climate did not slow down for parts of America as well as firestorms took a whole of the Northwest regions destroying all of the Farmland there creating once again another food shortage and drive him many out of their homes looking for work at that same time within the cities more gangs were emergent this time in the form of poser gangs people who would try to emulate famous individuals to hide their true identity whilst committing crimes on the streets one example of these was the poser gang named the Kennedys who would bio sculpt their bodies to look like the 35th President of the United States John F Kennedy as well as the rest of his family but as these poser gangs Rose to prominence the opposite was happening within the Millennium cult who on January 1st 2000 concocted the series of horrific acts with most of them being wiped out completely ending their panic but this would leave many in horror about how insane they really were so the cult they believed Y2K made the end of the world happen and there was nothing worth living for now they had entered the dreaded 2000s over in Berlin however the Millennium cult took things a bit too far and instead of taking their own lives released a chemical attack out into the public which would kill upwards of 19 000 people forcing the government to take action against this horrific terrorist organization after the first year of the New Millennium had ended when humanity went into 2001 another massive technological jump took place as the framework for the net was fully set up this net was to be a vast network of telecommunications enabling people all over the world to access all of the data they required at all times and on top of that allowed for other things like digital appliances and even cybernetic limbs to be worked on and updated regularly whilst the net was still in its construction phase during 2001 only having the world set network being finalized what then they offered was going to change the world forever for good and sadly for a lot of bad for a few years before the 2000s a mega Corporation known as Arma Tech lucesi International began issuing the U.S infantry with the latest and greatest weaponry and equipment for a good few years this company grew more and more help in America in its Journey Through the collapse of 1996 and onwards however when going into 2001 Donald lundley became the new CEO to help push the mega Corp into a new era widening their Arsenal and range of equipment to their paying customers with his appointment lundley renamed the Armament company to militech and with the change we'd go on to forge one of the largest corporations the world had ever seen over on the other side of the world big change was going on within Australia during this point in 2001 as a new huge reform saw about the new federal republic of Australia for the western part of the country however this did not sit right with them at all and because of it split the country completely in two with one wanting the ways of this new government and the other one in the ways of the traditional Australia as soon as the West declared their independence they would then find a major backing from a nearby Ally that being arasaka who would Embrace this new independent country and support them if the federal republic of Australia ever tried to take them back by force out within La the jodes who started their salvaging mission here within 1999 had finished what they had set out to do but sadly now without work they desperately tried to acquire new construction contracts from someone but no one had anything for them as they would lose to the other Nomad Clans venturing back to their lands however the Jones and many others out there within the country would witness once again another horrific crisis where crops from all over the world were hit by an unknown new virus this virus took a hold of so many of the crops and caused an International Food crash crisis in 2002 as people panicked about this during this year the U.S were able to get through the worst of it by developing a counter agent allowing their food to be edible once again ending what was a terrifying moment for the people of the world back over in Russia more changes were being made with soft oil officially gaining enough resources to make itself fully independent from the USSR government and making itself a big competitor on the world stage the move was so significant that it devastated the ussr's reputation and as a result of this massive loss gorberev went on to resign taking the full brunt of responsibility for this huge loss for their economy alongside this big reforms were also happening within the us as word was starting to spread about what the gang of four had really been up to and how they had started the first Central American War as well as laid the groundwork for the crash of 94 and the collabs in six but this was to quickly get pushed to the side as the U.S found itself within a new but familiar War fighting against the Central American countries once again this war was started on the 15th of January 2003 by the gang of four once again it would go on to invade Colombia Ecuador Peru and Venezuela in an attempt to distract them from what was going on at home and to try and destroy the drug lords in the country once again who they claimed was still a danger to the US economy despite the fact that most drugs within America that came from these countries mainly artificial designer narcotics were advertised to the public saying by American and positively helped the economy this was just an easy scapegoat for them but this war was a horrific embarrassment for Americans mainly due to the fact that they were fighting against troops who knew the ins and outs of their lands and like with Vietnam were overwhelmed by their Guerrilla tactics not only that but American involvement in these countries also affected the euro corpse and in response the Europeans got involved as well sending the latest weaponry and Equipment as well as employing some of the best neo-soviet Union tacticians to help them fight them off America responded to this by utilizing their latest invention of the AVS and their new super soldiers known as the Cyber soldiers who would be sent in to take out their specific drug lords this brought about a new form of warfare utilizing Air Forces to dive into battle and use their cybernetics to take out the enemy but whilst this war started kicking off within Central America for the second time back at home president Jonathan Seward who was touring the country would go on to be assassinated by an Irate Nomad who was actually an NSA operative working for the gang of four allowing the gang to get a bit of breathing space once again saying that however one individual known as Tesla Johannesen who has worked for the world news service would not hold back from the discovery she made about the NSA and the Gang of four and would immediately expose it out into the world stage allowing everyone to know what they had done to start the First Central American war whilst this was a massive blow for the gang of four the war still waged on and for the troops within it they were suffering massively for Robert John Linda he would be sent out to Nicaragua to fight against the troops there believing that he was defending his country when in this conflict however Jon was injured on the floor and would be saved by his friend who would sacrifice his life to save him it was during this battle that the troops finally saw the news of what had been going on within their government and they finally started to realize that they were fighting a corrupt war and quickly dropped their banners deserting the military the Government tried everything to change this idea that they had lost control and launched an attacking propaganda campaign turning the American public against the deserters for Jon he was one of the men who had given up on this war seeing how corrupt it really was and devastated that he had not only lost an arm in the conflict conflict but also a friend returning back home John would head to night City and stay within the hotel pistor Sophia for a whole month to reflect on what happened now with a change perspective on the world Robert John Linda would change his name to Johnny silverhand his last name representing the cybernetic arm that he had just installed to replace his missing one now onto this new personality Johnny started his mission of rebellion to try and expose the corruption of the government and the corporations and we're going to set up his Rebellion band known as Samurai which their keyboardist Nancy Hartley named after the huge sacrifice historical samurais would make in combat willing to die for their cause even if it were immoral or just plain wrong the ban throughout 2003 would go on to play in various bars and clubs all over the city such as Palladium Destiny and Nexus with their first gig being played within the red dirt bar until one night in that year after playing within rainbow condenza the band would be a approached by a massively recognizable Jack Masters the head executive at Universal Music and after speaking with them for three weeks would sign Samurai to their record label allowing them to record and release a wide variety of number one hits such as blistering love and going on tour around the world spreading their message about corruption to their passionate fans around this same time the Nomad clans of the Jones and the aldocados were setting up their new lives and were prospering because of it the jokes went back to their old ways of Agriculture after being unable to secure any construction contracts whereas the avocados were able to secure construction contracts and started working within Mexico City helping them rebuild what they had lost this contract made the clan the biggest out there due to how much it paid and how much it helped them Focus together as the world went into 2004 sadly for Tesla Johannesen she was going to be assassinated in Cairo Egypt by NSA operatives clearly as a result of her exposing their terrifying secret to the world this event however would cause the U.S to forego a plan to return to civilian government and would allow for four more years of Martial law to control what was a rising tension between the public government and gang of four but things didn't slow down there as a new war was beginning but a war unlike anything ever seen before this war would be named as the first corporate war and would be between the factions of Euro Business Machines orbital air and Zeta Tech this war all came about as EMB tried to acquire the failing business of Transworld Airlines but seeing how beneficial this company would be to orbital air as well they too would also want to acquire it for themselves with the two parties both trying to buy out this failing business both would use questionable tactics to shut the other one down with ebm hiring terrorists to kidnap orbital airs negotiation team it quickly became evident that the two were doing anything they could to shut the other one down and ruin the business plans and eventually to air hired Zeta tech technology corporation to start a large-scale net attack against ebm but ebm saw it coming and repelled their attacks completely destroying all of zetatec in cyber warfare after this ebm went on the offensive attacking the orbital air facilities leading to a large war that included acts of terrorism net attacks piracy corporate solo attacks as well as using proxy soldiers from the third world as the war waged on other big battles started taking place the CIA and the Army realized they needed to do something about the gang of four more specifically the NSA and launched a counter coup on them causing battles all over Washington DC most of the ganga 4 would be pushed out at this point however many still remained and escape the prosecution of the CIA here the remaining members would continue to hide in the shadows with some joining large corporations Rising all over the world such corporations like arisaka and militech within the eec after hearing of what had happened within the gang of forger in 4 crash went under some major changes bringing about a major bureaucratic Reformation to make sure everything went according to playing going forward by 2005 things were happening all over the world to start with the Cyber modem of the cyber deck was first invented a device that would dramatically catapult the technological landscape of the world allowing more roles to emerge such as netrunners who would be able to control other people or passengers utilizing the decta interface with them when venturing into the net these would also help going forward in battles and would bring about a new style of warfare for the militaries of the world luckily for both the ebm and orbital air corporations they wouldn't have to worry too much about using this technology as after two significant battles orbital air were able to attack breach and capture the main compound of ebm's CEO of grumwater and forced him to surrender to orbital air bringing about the end of the first official corporate War this set a precedent going forward to the the other corporations making it clear that if they also house the strong military and pit them against other corporations they too could gain quite a lot from this very viable business practice and now going forward into the late 2000s many other corporations would certainly look at following in orbital Air shoes take him what they wanted from others own new problem that was in the form of the mob who had started taking over all of the regions of the city after Knight's death the ncpd during this time could not do anything about the rising combat areas forming all over the city and by 2005 the mob officially dominated the land all around Del Coronado Bay the mobs rule only took place thanks to the corporation's openly stating that they only wanted to be within the city and wanted no part in ruling it at all now under mob rule the city's government would be replaced by corrupt mob selected puppets to do their bidding for them even shoving out some of the largest corporations out there such as the original partners of petrochem and M A and F it was a dark corrupt time within night City and suddenly everything Richard Knight had envisioned was falling apart and his wife's Foundation set up to protect his legacy was ultimately useless now but once again for the rest of America on the 5th of November 2005 the new president of the U us Henry Jacoby would go on to be assassinated with all evidence pointing to the corporation known as mantoga Inc finding all of the evidence they could about the assassination the corporation was given an ultimatum on the 17th of November to leave the USA completely within four days but man toga refused all responsibility and ignored the ultimatum completely this prompted the US military to move in on the corporation's facilities in an event labeled operation big stick allowing them to overrun all of the storage and Factory facilities with troops armor and artillery and destroying every office they held with concerted airstrikes with one of the largest being within Chicago 12 hours after operation big stick had begun most of mantoga had been wiped out with just the cleanup duties left to be done including killing any and all men toga employees and operatives who had attempted to or had escaped the country by the 3rd of April 2006 operation big stick was officially closed as their last man toga Inc administrator was assassinated in Bonn Germany this whole operation sent a message out to the corporations once again specifically the ones on American soil if they were to push the government too far they would fill the Wrath of the country and would suffer the same fate as that of the mantoga Inc Corporation during all of that over in Korea the second Korean war was coming to an end as the North had its Chinese Aid completely cut off as the South would go on to run a bombing raid on the subhuno dam with China unable to supply the north the South Korean armies could invade the capital city of Pyongyang which would last three days until finally Kim Jong II was officially removed from Power ending the war in February 2005. with this war won for South Korea they could claim all of the parts of the north and turn themselves into the United Republic of Korea a new age in their history the general responsible for their great Victory General went on to be elected as the first president of this new country however almost immediately got himself into a massive controversial news story as he was rumored of being in a close alliance with the cooperation of arasaka and Japan that was signed at the Royal Palace however these rumors never came to life as within just a few weeks he and many others would go on to be killed by a Bomb Blast that leveled the palace this was also followed by General E's brother e hotong being shot down in his F-16 by Korean Air Force pursuers as he tried to get to China as the plane landed on Chinese soil his body was never found and why he was leaving there was left a mystery as well Korea after this would go on to choose another National war hero as their new leader the general sanjin Park to help lead the new United Republic of Korea into a bright and positive future a few other positive changes happened during this time for many individuals and corporations starting within La who had their reconstruction project officially finished thanks to the many Nomads who had came here for work and now with all of it done the nomads left in their droves to seek out other jobs either in construction or whatever was available at the same time another massive technological jump was revealed to the world as the first human clone was grown and was said to be a major success this sparked great praise all over the world as Humanity was now able to start the development of artificial organs to one day be released to the general public which would be a massive benefit for all the ex-soldiers who had lost limbs during the many wars that had been happening over the recent years however saying that within 2006 the military started issuing their soldiers cyber limbs to help with their service making them far superior within battle also making sure people could return to the front line even if they had both of their arms and legs blown off in combat it was certainly a turning point for how soldiers were made and used to fight Wars of the 21st century for those at home just trying to enjoy their everyday lives they were in luck as a brand new form of entertainment technology had been created that was named the brain dance thanks to implants put into the brain this technology could record everything someone could see hear and feel and put it onto a disc for anyone to watch back and experience this would allow others to be able to witness crimes to see what really happened on that day experienced sexual encounters they may not be so lucky to experience and if someone really wanted to feel their odd fantasies like prince Andrew for example they could be someone just before their final lights go out this technology was huge on the public stage and really did bring about a new form of interactive entertainment for the public around the world regardless of how weird it is for the Recently made independent Corporation of sovoil they had been building a reputation throughout the years manipulating the Soviet Central Committee utilizing bribes and boosting politician popularity to ensure economic stability in the USSR however their biggest achievement was within 2006 when they were able to acquire the right to produce ch00h2 from biotechnica the alcohol-based fuel that was the solution to all of the world's energy crisis with the rights to this it would allow some oil to emerge even more into the global corporate scene and finally be able to challenge their competitors of petrochem to be the largest fuel supply in the world but with recent news about soft oil producing chorh2 this did not sit right with petrochem and saw this as an opportunity to grab some of oils land for themselves petrochem went into this offering a partnership to receive partial drilling rights on soft oil soil and for a moment it looked like it was going to go ahead however just before they signed the document silver oil developed a brand new drilling technique which meant their whole partnership was pointless as their technology was now far superior than petrochems as both left the negotiation tail with tensions run running High when the two expanded out into the South China Sea that tension led to War and the start of the second corporate War utilizing all of their militaries diplomats and resources petrochem struck first blowing up a sov oil platform claiming it to be an act of Revenge for how they had been treated on the public stage so I've all fought back and looked like they were in control of the war but saying that because of the Endless battles 75 of both of their oil facilities were lost within just a few weeks of the war but regardless of this loss neither Army gave up and continued fighting into the next few years over in Hong Kong after years of fighting between UK Rule and now Chinese Rule and new horror was facing the people as racial pogroms started to spread throughout all of the land really going to show that countries all around the world were reaching their ultimate boiling point and funnily enough despite causing so much pain over the years the US was looking more like one of the karma countries out there saying that however in 2008 America found themselves involved in another War despite still fighting within Central America but this time in a new conflict up in orbit this would be labeled as the orbital War where the U.S started attacking soviet-owned spaced installations to try and gain the power and be the dominant Force up in space the surprise attack on the Soviet mere 13 space weapons platform became the first ever space suit invasion in history but this did not go without a fight as the esa got involved to defend their Soviet allies this kicked off the wall which would only go on to last a total of six hours but saw the destruction of over 40 percent of the world's earth to orbit platforms and vehicles sadly for the people of Colorado Springs they would be completely bombed from orbit using the taicho mass driver and the same happened within Australia's Northern Territory of Alice Springs which went on to kill 25 000 people as the war ended it went down in history as the highest cost per hour in material destroy void and expended in history with it being around 2.98 billion Euro dollars per hour luckily for the Crystal Palace it was too far away from the conflict which allowed its construction to continue on throughout it back on earth a huge reform was happening within the US government that finally saw the end of Martial law once again over in night City the Intercontinental maglev project was finally complete allowing the people within the city fast traveled to many different locations all around the country it just needed to be turned on at this point surprisingly over in Taiwan they was going to fully break away from China and pledged a new alliance with arasaka given them their full freedom however the main thing was it gave arasaka yet another plot of land to expand their ongoing growth furthering cebu's ambition to one day take over the whole world foreign 2008 was a dark time for them however as their keyboard player of the time Nancy Hartley would be sent to jail after pushing her abusive partner of the time out of her apartment Window killing him in the process getting out of jail in the heart of 2008. Nancy would come to witness that Samurai had not been gigging at all waiting for news on her whereabouts and because of it the band had fully split up with both Johnny and Kerry going on to setting up their own solo careers to keep their stardom going as well as spreading their ongoing messages the breakup of Samurai at this point could have been shown to be a turning point for America their days of terrible corruption and being run by the secret government of the gang of four was at an end and a need for the protests of Samurai was not as popular as it once was with that said going into 2009 the US realized it needed allies going forward Europe and the Soviet Union were controlling so much that after announcing their new Mission to Mars they had really cemented themselves as the ultimate superpower with this the U.S signed a mutual defense treaty with China to make sure if anything happened in the future they would have allies to defend them as they could not take on the Euro Soviets on Earth or in space on their own and soon after that it didn't take long before the US were already threatening to take over full control of the underdevelopment Crystal Palace the Euro Soviets were quick to act and set up the taicho mass driver to aim at Washington DC to create the warning that if the U.S were to do anything they would fill their wrath and have their Capital completely destroyed realizing this was a bit too much for them to chew the U.S backed down and focused on what their plans were going forward for the second corporate War however battles were still raging on as it looked like petrochem were turning the tide of War as they infiltrated the spratly island chain and assassinated Anatoly novikovo the CEO and founder of sov oil utilizing planes loaned from the government of Malaysia but this did not stop the sov oil military and only encourage them to to come together and find some more going into the end of 2009 but for now another decade had passed bringing about a ton of changes from technological ones to the way the world was run by corporations it was quite clear that the 2000 set some dangerous precedence going forward and now going into the 2010s more wars were going to kick off and dramatic changes to the landscape of the US and the worlds were taking shape the 2010 started in a pretty positive light as finally the second corporate War had come to an end with soft oil taking the victory out within the South China Sea and gaining more land for themselves however this didn't bother petrochem too much as they decided to put all of their eggs in one basket and started developing the ch00 H2 fuel technology or soft oil was still had a lot of effort put into utilizing their large untapped oil fields within the Siberian region over in the Western Hemisphere the second Central American war was also finally over after America realized they could not do anything more and it was so embarrassing for them as they thought it was going to be an easy Victory but the end of the war brought about a new problem the higher-ups in the military noticed they did not have the funds nor did they want to spare the funds to bring out all of the citizen recruits they had brought into their ranks to fight for them instead the higher-ups diverted the fans canceled all of the civilian contracts and used all of their funding on getting the equipment and high-ranking soldiers back to U.S soil this outraged a ton of people who found themselves without a job and no way back to their Homeland but the government also making the home public believe that they were deserters as well making them extremely hated at home this was all thanks to the fact that by this point in the US the media company known as network 54 controlled 62 percent of all broadcasting within the country meaning that the United States government could control the message that was delivered out there with ease and most households would most likely be watching a station owned by this Mega Corporation Not only was it the ex-soldiers affected by this but a lot of the contracts they had offered the Nomad communities out within Central and South America were also canceled meaning they had to just up and leave triggering the process that would be called The Long Walk as most of them had to Trek hundreds of miles to get back home with no help or funds from anyone this was a horrific time for many and it really went to show a lot who had fought for their country or worked to help build it back up but the ones in charge could not care about them at all and would rather that they just died out in the rest of the world just so they could save some money out within night City they had a new problem that was on the rise thanks to the new cybernetic technologies that were emerging around the world this was the rise in cyber psychos who had been driven mad and going on killing sprees utilizing their deadly military hardware in response to this night City and a lot of other cities would bring about a new type of law enforcer this one being named the psycho Squad AKA Max attack or Borg Squad and would be created by the extremely experienced solo named Ares this squad would be the best of the best and would be able to take out deadly criminals with ease finally allowing for some order on the streets where even the most deadly cyber psychos could not succeed in taking over the cities how within other countries of the world Romania were going to suffer a horrific Earth Quake that would destroy a lot of people's homes and would go on to kill 267 people but over in Italy they were suffering a corporation issue for a good while Italy was on the side of their farmers and its agricultural sector however within 2010 the Italian government caved under pressure from the rising corporations and decided that farming was a thing of the past and now that land was to be sold to them for their energy gains and maybe artificial food products as the year turned to 2011 my city was undergoing new changes as mob War had reached its boiling point and was happening all over the streets the corporations were desperate to take back this city for themselves and objected to the way the mob wanted to rule people nearing the end of the war arasaka trained paramilitary troops in assault vehicles would lead the charge into the city as well as hitting the mob with a wave of bombing runs and assassinations taking out many of the mob members who were not ready for this level of attack at all it didn't take long after these attacks attacks before the majority of the mob's power base was utterly destroyed and they had been driven out of the city completely as the war came to an end the corporation took over the rule of the city and placed a puppet mayor in power and made it their mission to clean up night City once again almost immediately they turned around the Corporate Plaza and made it pristine once again and then went on to focus on other areas in the city however with this new corporate rule this caused even more of a homelessness problem because the corporations were asking those in houses to pay to renovate their house to make it look better and if you couldn't afford it they'd be kicked out by force this change forced hundreds out onto the streets as their once affordable homes were now turning into luxury places for the corporate troops to live in a lot of space victories were to be had within 2011 as well as the Euro Soviet Mission to Mars was reported back to be a huge success and now plans could be made for what they did with this planet they could Now read and relatively quickly as well the eurospace also saw a big win as finally the grand Crystal Palace finished its construction and opened its doors allowing them to own a permanent hold in high Earth orbit but for some corporations they would not like the news that they had just heard and neither would the us as the once soldiers fighted within the Central American wars had become so angry by what their government had done that they had formed into their own Nomad Clan and gone on to steal billions of military hardware venturing out into the ocean and then hijacking an oil rig within the Gulf of Mexico to set up as their own new headquarters called metaki trying to labor themselves as their own International Nation this group would be named metacorp named after their leader Jonathan Metta who was once a loyal American Soldier but now does everything in his ability to take away from those who abandoned him and his men during the Central American war for many this whole island would be seen as new Utopian city that offered its people a lot of freedom and was a great way to get help away from the traitors of the US government by 2012 more drama hit the us as the city of Chicago would be hit by a horrific bioplague that originally the citizens thought was a form of Ebola but was actually fully manufactured by the federal government the reason why this plague was released was because the university that was producing it had just left all of the most deadly viruses mankind had ever seen abandoned in the labs collecting dust over the many years since they have been there as construction jobs started to take place after the collapse was over this building was leveled down and then when it was dug back up again all of the deadly viruses released into the environment wiping out over 200 000 people and destroying pretty much all of the city it was one of America's most horrific moments and a real error on the NSA and federal government's behalf once again even more blood was on their hands at the same time long walk that the nomads like the avocados and other regular citizens were on had finally come to an end but tragically only 10 percent who set out on this journey back home actually returned with the rest dying due to exhaustion or just going missing deaths were happening in the thousands within night City Chicago in the wastelands all thanks to decisions made by the federal government once again and even out within Spain more deaths were hit in the news as a series of small corporate wars were devastating the lands really shown once again that the corporations were doing anything to gain more ground and Eddies for their businesses within 2013 the net was becoming a huge part of everyday Society however within it was a lot of illegal activities for that were going unnoticed to counter this a global policing organization would be founded thanks to a U.S Euro theater treaty being signed this organization would be known as net watch who would Patrol the net to prevent any and all cyber crimes utilize facing netrunners known as net cops wolves weasels and the Icemen who would be equipped with very powerful software to move through the net with ease if someone were to be caught doing illegal activities on the net these Troopers would find you and use programs known as black ice to kill or maim you on top of this new technological leap another one was spreading over the world in the form of nanotechnology which would gone to really help many people when it came to surgery and healing wounds that couldn't have been healed before with all of this Rising technology especially with the growth in the net arasaka suddenly shot onto the scene in 2013 and took to night City to seek out more power as well as the new Incredible Netrunner known as old Cunningham old earlier on in their life was praised for her work with the Mets setting it up within the Pacifica region and developing software that many hadn't seen before being seen as something special to the technological boom olds began working for a mysterious its corporate duration and started working on a revolutionary human AI transfer program focusing majorly on cyberware to augment her net running skills it was here where she would meet her lover of the time Johnny silverhand and when 2013 came around arasaka had heard of the work she had been involved with and wanted her skills for themselves after a Johnny silverhand concert the two would head outside of the building after having an argument to find that arasaka had sent mercs to capture olds to take her back to the corporation Johnny would try and fight them off but it was no good they were far too much for him with their latest military-grade hardware and was successful in capturing olds for their AI program not allowing aroseka to get away with it Johnny would put together a riot outside of araseka tower to cause a distraction for the arasaka troops with that done silver hand along with a few of his other team including his ex Rogue immediate reporter Thompson and The Nomad named Santiago burst into the tower and thought through finally getting to old body that was hooked up to the Mainframe the Shira harada the arasaka executive tried to convince Johnny to see sense but without a moment's thought Johnny would shoot and kill him and try to save Alt from the program that he had her in but it was no good disconnecting her from the Mainframe killed her physical form and left Johnny with her lifeless corpse however old soul remained stuck inside the net where she would remain for years one day being able to get into contact with Johnny once again but with that said her personality would never be the same again after this event though 18 people would be killed in the riots outside of the Tower with 51 wounded the arasaka tower would be completely gutted and Johnny silverhand had to get away from it all he would go on to join up with the eldocado clan and stayed there for a few years until the heat died down by 2014 funnily enough nothing much happened the only thing of note was that during this year the net underwent massive changes probably thanks to all being integrated with it and with all of the time in the world and with that net worth would also be working hard on keeping it safe from illegal activities that following year the nanotechnology that had been developed a few years ago finally became available to the public allowing all of those incredible benefits to be available to all as long as they could afford it anyway out within Japan however big changes were happening their emperor of the time was removed from office and with that change Japan was also removed from the EC meaning they were an independent nation once again this could have been because of arasaka's involvement in international Politics as well this meant Japan had to undergo a new currency change and soon after their leaving of the eec Japan created the new yen to be a counter currency to compete against the euro dollar however not much was different about this currency compared to the last gen but with that said I would in Asia it was the dominant currency used compared to the euro dollar but this did go on to trigger the Yen Wars within Europe where Germany would try and limit International corporations within Eur Europe as much as possible knowing full well that if they succeeded the euro dollar might lose out to this new yen currency this war wasn't the only thing happening though as once again the world was plunged into the third corporate War this time between night City's partners meral asukaga and Finch along with the mercenary business of Lazarus against the corporation of the rostein fund this war however was unlike anything anyone had seen before as it happened mainly through the net as data fortresses became the armed camps trying desperately to take each other out and steal their own data this war was all set up due to some dodgy business practices by m-a and f as they use the Rothstein fund as leverage for their Investments netwatch also got involved within this data War as they tried to limit their access all over the world leading to many arrests and flat lines eventually this data War turned into a real world war as mercenaries were hired to fight their battles on Earth and in low orbit but then tried to destroy the locations of their enemies net Communications gear this war was extremely expensive for all parties and cost so many lives and at the end of the war the Rothstein funds ceased to exist and their M A and F turned in the two of their Executives who started this whole War into the Lada having to pay for all of the damages caused within low orbit and on Earth it was yet another horrific war that the world had to witness and once again set another dangerous precedent as it showed what the net could be used for it was not only for accessing the vast amount of data it could also be a Battleground for corporations looking to gain more power amazingly it was still 2016 as the third corporate War only lasted six months and whilst this was going on Australia was also having major problems as its water supply was suffering massively with many cities having none at all this started major riots in many of the cities with arasaka having to get involved to solve the situation not much was better for the UK as Scotland also started rebelling again and started a massive Uprising against the English government but on the positive side to this year BioWare finally became publicly available all around the world however considering how many wars were happening at this point in time maybe this wasn't as such a good idea in 2017 the U.S went through yet another president as president Blair was voted in however for one individual named Elizabeth Cress she was asked to become the vice president after having served a great career as the president of the armaments corporation known as militech Cress was a big win for the country as her acceptance speech titled rebuilding the dream was received extremely well as it seemed like the US was under some good leadership finally this government also helped NASA in their space mission during 2017 of trying to reach Mars to potentially one day set up a colony there maybe this was an act to counter Euro Soviet space missions which had already been a major success a few years before with that said Europe was still having problems specifically within the UK once again things would seem like they were going terribly for them as the Thames flood barrier would be bombed causing major flooding within London most likely caused by the Scottish nationalist Rebellion with that said however the mla's rule on the land was coming to an end thanks to this open rebellion and mainly due to the fact that no one seemed to like them anymore with them losing power martial law officially came to an end and the monarchy was re-established but without Charles III and his family line available the next in line to the throne was Princess Beatrice who had been living within Texas since the 1990s returning back to Britain in 2017 Princess Beatrice was named as the new Queen and took the title of Victoria II as she led protests against the MLA and saw their inevitable downfall the UK seemed to be back to the way it was the people celebrated the new queen and the corporations who once avoided the country were coming back to it and starting demanding the country have a liaison Fair style of government as the new government was set up a new tunnel was constructed going from the UK all the way to Northern Africa with the former British colony of Gibraltar being turned into a gigantic Waypoint for people and goods the British also gained a new military force consisting of privatized Armed Forces there was said to be some of the best the British people were happy once again and regular chance of we are back to the good old days were being heard all over the land apart from maybe Scotland who was still in conflict with England until 2018 but quite honestly who cares out within Africa however arasaka had located some precious resource buried below the surface believing them to be theirs for the taking the corporation would move in to grab it only to then find that militech were there to defend the land and population from their takeover after thinking about taking on militech araseka eventually saw reason and pulled out of the land however this didn't last long at all because as soon as they got back to their base the arasaka corporation would just go on to buy the land from the natives anyway and keep the resources for themselves leaving militech with nothing they could do what's the world's politics seemed to be creating new treaties and going back to a form of normality The Nomad clans of the US realized they needed a platform in which they could come together to help their societies and to help them go forward into the future with this seven Nomad Clans would come together to make a loud voice so they could be heard by other nations of the world this would go on to create the Seven Nations which would consist of The Nomad clans of the snake Nation the aldocados blood Nation folk Nation the Jones phallus nation and The Nomad Corporation hybrid metacorp together as one this would give the nomads far more credibility allowing more people to join them knowing they were set up as their own unique nation and would also help them gain more contracts in their process leading to a new bright future for anyone wanted to break away from the traditional Nations and instead Go full on Nomad by 2018 more space launches were happening with the eurospace agency looking even further out at the planet of Jupiter and would launch its first manned ship towards it to see if they could set up a base there or in its orbit for solve oil they would also send up some ships to try to get to Mars to build up a colony or base there allowing them to expand their cooperation even further and maybe start mining for precious resources out there down on Earth though wars were still waging amongst the nations of Europe as Czechoslovakia would go on to launch a brutal attack on Poland at the same time Romania would also go on to invade Bulgaria and out within Greece they would go into Annex Macedonia with the help of Albania but quickly in response to this thanks to the many different treaties going on at this time Serbia would hit back and invade Albania for themselves really going to show that nothing was learned at all from World War II or the wars following it and still all of these nations were desperate for more land and resources to help them Prosper over in the US in 2018 president Blair would become extremely ill when would tragically die in duty this would leave the country in the hands of Elizabeth Cress who would be brought into office in 2019 as the next president of the US and would be so popular with the public that eventually would go on to be the longest serving president the U.S had ever had a popularity rating went up even further as the NASA Mission to Mars was a massive success and finally they could look at colonizing the red planet however in another part of space within 2019 massive revolves were going on within the space colonies within the L5 space Colony they would completely revolt and would declare full Independence that L4 space colony in response to their rights would be placed under martial law not letting them turn into what the L5 colony had turned into and the orbital colony of L3 also followed in suit revolting against their leaders as well for the first time ever space colonies would become in their own unique communities and took command for themselves the 2010s were a relatively quiet time compared to what had happened within the years before however saying that once again technology had grown massively allowing for new types of warfare and during this decade corporations were becoming more and more powerful even ruling countries and sending them into brutal Wars the events in night City seem proof that for corporations like arasaka they could get away with doing whatever they wanted thanks to people like Johnny silverhand and other mugs they could be stopped and their plans hindered and that was certainly a theme that was going to continue going into the 2020s the 2020 started with the nomads gaining contracts once again now within the desolate Wasteland of Chicago one Corporation known as storm technology was offering out contracts to go into the city itself to salvage precious resources and to start a reconstruction project however many claim that there was something mysterious and dodgy about this Corporation and what they wanted from the city was unknown but regardless many Nomads needed the work and this was a perfect opportunity for both the jodes and the other cardos taken up this corporation's contracts but the rest of the Nomad Nations they were going to get contracts to continue working on expanding their InterContinental maglev into Boston which would allow a lot of these nations to gain work and help their communities grow even further over in night City the urban region was still Rife with violence and Street crime thanks to the homelessness problem and the rising gangs for the corporate sector however that was growing by the day and enjoying the flux in Eddies however the worst was to come in 2020 when out of nowhere a corporate aerodyne would crash on the outskirts of the city and as it crashed a deadly plague coated the land being labeled as the carbon plague this plague would spread over the city for two full weeks killing 4 000 adults and anyone under the age of 18 who was hit by it would find they had nanotech-based mutations all over their body Washington DC took immediate action hearing about this spread and got Dr David Chang onto the scene to start researching what was causing this plague and what could stop it and miraculously within two weeks of its initial spread he would be successful and would find a perfect cure Dr Chan would find that this plague was a form of rapidly reproducing nanites that fed off of CO2 and heat and was able to move large amounts of material at the molecular level rapidly now in this information Dr Chang would adapt their programming and allow them to become controlled by computers turn them into a product that would be labeled as nanotechnics which would go on to be the foundation for many forms of technology going forward into the next few years after that bizarre event the world was about to go into 2021 however just before that NASA wanted to follow in the European Space Agency shoes and also launched a group of Pathfinders to Jupiter with their plans to arrive there by 2025. if they did this it would be a huge success for the us-based space agency and in 2021 they would also go on to build a base on Mars that they would call the Christ base which would be their own form of space colonization by the end of 2021 going into 2022 things really started to heat up and it was all triggered by three corporations Sino otec and ihag ihag was a failing underwater shipping and tech company that eventually went bankrupt seeing this both Sino and otec took to trying to buy the assets to boost their land and resources and with this goal both of them engaged in brutal tactics to try and shut down the other one Netrunner started to try and devalue stocks and strike forces were sent to intercept negotiators similar to that of the first corporate War Eurobank also got involved shutting both of them down to try and gain the assets for themselves and make sure they were the dominant Global nautical Tech and shipping power with all of these things in place the world braced for a global collapse once again knowing that these companies controlled the supply of goods going across the waterways and if they went to war they wouldn't be able to get their vital supplies eventually after a lot of persuading otek would go on to higher militech the us-based corporation and Cena were going to hire the Japanese corporation of arasaka to defend their goals at first not much fighting happened as both just wanted to gain the resources for themselves but within early 2021 a militech security team would go on to kill an arasaka advisor with militech unaware of who she really was as tension Rose the original members of this heated Affair Sino ihag and otec were forced around the table to negotiate before things got out of hand on the 22nd of February 2022 but by this point arasaka and militech had gotten too involved and needed to recoup their multiple accidental damages that they had caused each other this meant the fourth corporate War had now officially begun and now it was between the Armament powerhouses of arasaka and militech within the month of March as the War Began arasaka would go on to work on their latest program named the soul killer 2.5 which they had used alt to piece together with this they would test it on a militech executive's processor the soul killer program worked perfectly as they were able to capture his mind and interrogate it and with that information we're going to assault the miltech night city office triggering the start of three months of covert strikes between the two megacorps for one man known as raishbad Moss whose physical body had died back in 2020 he would be located within the net similar to alt whilst in here Miller said we're going to contact the net Runner and ask for his assistance against arasaka within the war alt would go on to also convince him to follow it up and with that persuasion bar must attacked arasaka from inside the net after locating their master program of Soul killer ruining a lot of their long-term plans however this was quickly followed up with a raid of where bartmos's body was after they tracked him down and as the corporate troops went in on the conapt building they would fully kill bartmos and wipe his data or so they thought anyway two weeks after his death a virus would be triggered all over the Nets created by bartmos in the event of his death named rabids the roving autonomous bartmos interface drones and with that release would go on to cause the full data crash event destroying the net in an attempt to ruin corporate control the overall result of this virus caused the shutdown of 78.2 percent of the net in just a matter of months to try and counter this net watch desperately created the black wall a potent AI with the sole task of blocking off sections of the net that had been overrun by Rogue AIS with ice so that the rest could be salvaged it was also reported that arasaka was able to save some of their data as well and we're going to store it within their headquarters within night City something that militech would eventually discover in year with the net now essentially unusable the war would continue on all over the world with more boots on the ground combat but also would happen within space in an event that would be labeled as the seven hour War within this war one orbital space station named the O'Neill 2 that was built back in 2017 was treating its workers terribly not giving them any freedom at all and this would reach boiling points on the 29th of September 2022 as the colonists started hitting back against the esa station Masters and the other reason was down to fear that they would be course up within the war between arasaka and militech coming together extremely well the colonists started a quick and effective coup against the entire station taken over complete control it was an easy win as the colonists overwhelmed the esa staff by 40-1 there were not enough guns for the esa to win and now in full control the O'Neill 2 crew used the station's weapons to bombard a number of key Esa and eec Facilities as well as the Tactical Defensive destruction section of a number of corporate owned orbital weapons to make sure they could not be caught up in the conflict going forward the seven-hour war was over and the colonists had officially won and due to the actions they had made both Japan and the US recognized them as a new High Rider confederate government meaning they would not be hit in the conflict taking the loss to Heart the esa moved on to other projects as they would joined together with sovoil once again and build a base on Mars naming their isidis base creating a colonial government as well [Music] by 2023 International Trade had broken down completely due to the nature of the war between arasaka and militech despite that NASA was still continuing on as normal and started offering people with commercial flights to Mars but the war was majorly disrupt in space travel and other missions as well with the Pathfinder mission to Jupiter losing all communication after Cape Canaveral and NASA's Mission Control Center would go on to be destroyed in the endless bombing runs of the two Mega corporations this war came to its biggest event that happened on the 20th of August 2023 where a Strike Team run by the incredible solo Merc responsible for the influx of edge Runners and mercs all over the U.S Morgan Blackhand as well as Johnny silverhead who would go on a covert mission to infiltrate the arasaka building to capture or destroy the recovered data from before the data crash more specifically capture the soul killer program data and in the event that they were found out on a mission could not go fully to plan like extracting the data for themselves they were would be equipped with mini nukes to take out the building completely with all inside two different stories are told of this event one including Morgan Blackhand who played the main role within Omega team and another story involving Johnny silverhand and his actions within the raid despite the conflicting stories both would go on to encounter the terrifying arasaka Merc known as Adam Smasher who would love killing anyone who got in his way encountering both Morgan Blackhand and Johnny silverhand he would go on to absolutely prove why araseka keep him on the pay books by hindering their plans massively and annihilating Johnny silverhand's arm as well as capturing him and allowing the arasaka forces to bring him back to their CEO saburu for interrogation but before this could happen the strike team was successful in their operation and would go on to fully nuke the arasaka tower triggering the event known as the night City Holocaust as the building went up in the Rage of fire sabura captured Johnny silverhand's soul and disposed all of of his body Within the Ruins of the arasaka tower as for Morgan Blackhand his body was never recovered and no one knows if he was still alive after this event Adam's Smasher however was massively injured in the event and turned to essentially fleshy sludge however with half him purely cybernetics at this point arasaka were able to recover what was left and would be able to bring him back this time making him almost 100 percent mechanical and a real terrifying Force to see in person with this nuclear Holocaust happening within the heart of night City they would be plunged into a new era an era labeled the time of red simply due to the fact that the whole city was coated in a Red Cloud throughout all of the day and night for months on end but this time araseka had lost a horrific amount of respect all over with Japan almost collapsing completely with this news araseka had to take full responsibility for everything that had happened over the years during the fourth corporate war and thanks to them doing that Japan M was able to survive arasaka was punished massively from this with many countries especially the US stating they could never trade within their countries ever again only being allowed to do business within Japan itself for saburu not only had he lost years of progression in just a few years with arasaka losing all respect and being blamed from the nuclear bombings in night City but he had also lost his firstborn son an heir to his Empire that being Kai who was killed quickly after he declared an end to the fourth corporate War being convinced to do the samurai tradition of sapuku by two members of Johnny and Morgan's Strike Team spider Murphy and Rogue by 2025 the fourth corporate war was finally at an end and arasaka was exiled back to Japan with no trace of their involvement in U.S politics on their home soil to make sure this never happened again president Elizabeth Cress forced militech into being fully nationalized and because of that became the official military country of the US but at that same point Elizabeth Cress was losing some ground as Washington Oregon Idaho North California and British Columbia all unified into the new Pacifica Confederation a new chance for them to create their own policies away from the rule of the main US government with things back to a sort of normal everyday life and business could continue once again as NASA set up a new operation alongside the Japanese Aerospace Bureau as they would launch a mission to try and reach Saturn to maybe one day set up a colony there by 2026 up until 2029 many groups would start going back into areas that were first hit during the collapse all those years ago this was to salvage precious resources lost in the corporate Wars and the collapse or to just be able to live in a new abandoned area that hadn't been completely totaled by the war this also included the Looting of old technology and abandoned storehouses as times were getting extremely desperate because of how disruptive America was becoming again with people looting everything they could get a hold of President Elizabeth Cress turned into more of a dictator figure as she would order a full state of emergency to go throughout all of the country as she started her plans to try and unify every state back together into one powerful Nation once again and whilst all of this was going on the newly nationalized military would try and re-establish contact with NASA's lost Pathfinder Mission unfortunately despite having their Communications back up and running on Earth no contact could be made twenties had officially come to an end and it was safe to say this whole decade was one of the bloodiest the world had ever seen as both arasaka and militech did everything they could to wipe out one another many lives had been lost in that fourth corporate War and the nuclear Holocaust was a turning point for the American government however going forward into the later years America as well as night City would dramatically change and the new era would be born for them one that Elizabeth Cress was dreading not a unified Nation but one that was split up massively it's fair to say that during the next few decades not much was to happen within the world as most of it was being tidied up from what was such a horrific War for night City Elizabeth Cress had blamed arasaka for everything that had happened there painting them as the evil foreign power looking to control the country but despite that view did not want to help night City at all in their recovery Chris would go on to claim that the city was unrecoverable and stated that it would be easier for the people living there to move into the new United States to survive that way the people who had lost everything thanks to the bomb were suffering massively during this point being left homeless these individuals would not follow Chris's ideas and instead set up Shanty towns where they could within the surrounding suburbs of North Oak Westbrook Pacifica Haywood and South night City what was left of the night city government looked outside for help on their rebuilding projects calling in the old Nomad families who had once helped them before the outer card others were the ones to lead the operation as they had a lot of experience in this thanks to what they did within the Chicago rebuild project set up by stormtech the rebuilding process would be a long and grueling one but with the passion people had for the city and the skills of the nomads it would be doable and it would look as it did the first time it was constructed over in the North Oak columbarium an Epitaph was set up for the Fallen Johnny silverhands that had on it the words Robert John Linda son of a [ __ ] who never gave up a legend among Legends however within the Corporate Center one silverhand fan who happened to be a firefighter Samantha Stevens would go into The Hot Zone on a request from a techie known as Angel within the Hot Zone Samantha would go on to recover a non-detonated mini nuke from the bunker of the destroyed Tower as well as the body of Johnny silverhand himself with that she would hide the body ready for transport and also find the locations of his other possessions such as the milorian 3516 handguns and is Porsche 911 taking those possessions she would go on to hide them within her garage somewhere within night City making sure they were protected for years to come but most importantly Johnny silverhand's body was recovered and was ready to be transported to safety at the same time rumors were starting to spread about a man who looked especially like Morgan Blackhand within the first wave cities places that needed little reconstruction and resources to rebuild after the war with others claiming he had returned back to president Cress to report the failure of his last mission whether this was actually Morgan Blackhand no one knows however the descriptions given do imply that someone of his build and skills is still out there but maybe it's just someone with military training with his personality Ingram inside them utilizing similar technology to that of The Relic but that's just a theory for now by 2038 Johnny silverhand's body is still being transported by Samantha however this time she is tasked with taking it to Los almost Labs within New Mexico as she went on to leave she would entrust a Merc known as Zara with one of Johnny's malorians she had found in a wrapped package stating that she couldn't think of a better person to use it by the time Samantha had gotten to Los Almos Labs within New Mexico the crate with the body within it was handed over to the person who had sent her on the mission in the first place the techie known as Angel and once she opened the crate to see the body Angel would whisper hello my love forever 2040s not much really happened apart from the rumored sightings of Morgan Blackhand and the Reconstruction of Adam's Smasher with Smasher now fully functioning again albeits being mainly a machine now he would be sent out to look for Johnny silverhand's possessions that he had located within Samantha Stevens garage and around the country Not only was he able to find Johnny's Porsche that he would keep for himself but he would also find his melorian arms 3516 but he would eventually pass down to his second in command and loyal worker Jeremiah Grayson in 2050. with that he would also go on to locate silverhand's body and bury it just outside of night City making him one of the only people who knew the location of where Johnny's body was either meaning Smasher went on to kill Angel who gained position of Johnny's body or Smasher was tricked and the body he went to bury outside of night city was actually a body double but again that's just a random Theory the only other event that was of significant note was within 2047 a young man would be born to Mama Wells named Jackie Wells who would live within Haywood in his family's home Jackie certainly didn't have the best upbringing as his father would frequently get drunk and beat him mercilessly with a belt because of this horrible upbringing Jackie learned to become strong relatively quickly and that would help his life change going forward two years later after Jackie was born his soon-to-be partner in crime would be born that being V who was born in 2049 however their backstory is obviously a bit of a mystery but for the people of America the population was getting a bit out of hand and affordable homes were not coming onto the market it was decided here within the late 2040s that Mega buildings were to be constructed to help with the population growth as they could house thousands of families in one high-rise building and at the same time they were extremely cheap to maintain but also brought in a pretty Eddy over in China they were rebuilding after what had happened to them within the fourth corporate war and for one company that was the colonel of China's forces shiming zhu's defense company it had now become fully debt free because of the work he had done to rebuild them and because of it it fully rebranded to the corporation known as Kang Tao with this new Rebrand Kang Tao started debuting on an international weapons market with the a22b ciao smart pistol which would finally give some competition to the main manufacturer of this type of thing which was arasaka but with them out of the picture it was Kang Taos for the taking over in night City in the year of 20 51 the people there were once again hit with an epidemic as a rogue case of the bird flu took over affecting thousands of people and by the end of the year killed over 7 000 people the flu went away for a bit however in 2059 it came back and even harder this time killing over 10 000 people but life continued on for the people of this city and most just accepted this was the world they lived in now as they continued on into the next decade a new mayor would be elected within the night city council the leader of the new devolutionist party Lucius Ryan a proud night City resident who had lost his father within the night City Holocaust and had his mother captured by race bar Moss's Rogue AIS within cyberspace with that tough pass Lucius tried desperately to make the world and night City a better place through infrequent inspiring speeches and calls to action to help rebuild the world in the newly formed Watson development his other plan was to stand up against the new United States of America and its governments who were desperately trying to force night City and many others into its ranks to unify the country but sadly for Lucius night City would once again be hit by another case of bird flu in 2061 but this was the worst one so far being labeled as the great bird flu which would go on to kill 12 000 people this time at this same point in history over within Haiti this country would be officially wiped out due to a series of horrific storms and climate change effects forcing everyone who lived there to venture out and seek a new home here they would travel to night City and seek Refuge within the Pacifica District an area that was going to be a luxury resort for all of the corporations and visitors to night City this transformed the area into a full refuge for all immigrants from Haiti and other Islands affected by climate change and War bringing about a loyal community of Haitians who would form together into a gang known as the voodoo boys over on the outskirts of the city one Corporation known as NC Dam Limited would go on to purchase the dam and Reservoir just outside of the border of the city as this happened on the 17th of July's 2062 a massive disruption attempt by the residents of Laguna bends took place as they knew they would be thrown out of their homes if they were to purchase them despite all of their efforts NC Dam limited was successful as they sent in their corporate troops to force out the residents from their home and with them now gone they were able to flood the area and with it the town in which many lived including the brain dance editor Judy Alvarez by 2063 night City had had enough of the bird flu epidemics and decided to finally take action putting into place the avian extermination act which was to quell outbreaks of avian-borne diseases which claimed tens of thousands of lives in the city over the past decade despite looking like night city was under good leadership now gangs were starting up all over the place and for one group of the Tiger Claws they would go on to pick on the wrong those being the residents of Elizabeth Borden's bar during one of their nights outs at the bar three tiger club members went on to kill one of Lizzie's night workers which would drive her mad with rage as a result she would get her revenge killing all three of them with her ax but the Tiger Claws didn't hold back and immediately got their own Revenge killing Lizzy as well this was a tragic moment for the community and United all of the people working at the bar and all of the night workers forcing them to form together into a new gang that would be labeled as the moxes who would always do everything they could to honor their once leader Lizzie and protect all night workers who needed shelter over the city over in Japan arasaka would start their full rebuild process as one of their bodyguards were going to save the life of the emperor of Japan in 2067 helping them to gain a positive reputation with their country once again finally helping them to step out of the negative Shadow they had been in since the forced corporate War other things were happening over the the world at this point as well one of the positive things was that the first ever settlement was made within Antarctica something no one ever thought was possible why it was set up there no one really knows but it was an achievement nonetheless but sadly at the same time the people of the world would be sad or happy depending on their perspective that the last of the Sharks officially died out the sharped tooth terrifying creatures of the sea were now officially gone and the ecosystem was dramatically changing because of it over in Australia as well a gigantic Bushfire would rage throughout the land and would go on to kill all but one of the koala population this koala named Omega would be the last of its kind and would be massively protected by all who knew about it but by 2068 Elizabeth Cress was finally succeeded by a new president known as Rosalind Myers due to the fact that people were learning about the truth behind the bombing of araseka tower in night City four elections and a dictator's style of leadership during part of it had made her the longest serving president the country had ever had but now it was time for a change and Myers who was also an ex-militex CEO was certainly going to bring about that going into the next decade and Beyond with Rosalind Myers becoming president it didn't take long before she set the world a light or more specifically America alight Myers had similar Ambitions to Cress but was more ruthless in how she went about them Myers was desperate to unify the country once again and to make them become a superpower on the world stage in January of 2069 she did just that as she extended Federal rule over the many free states stating she was strengthened in the country this immediately cooked off the unification War as the free states refused to accept what Myers was trying to do for a few states such as Washington Oregon and Idaho they would remain neutral within this conflict but the federal government said they could only be free from conflict if they held some of their concessions on their land the Republic of Texas as well sided with no one and stood for themselves in the conflict giving them two enemies in the nusa and the alliance free states the nusa was extremely aggressive in this war attacking all of the free states with their sheer militech strength but by the mid-war arasaka saw an opportunity to resolve themselves on the land and started providing the free states with their best resources to fight back against the government with war waging everywhere the people of night City thought they were going to be invaded at any point and as a result corporations started leaving in their droves meaning the Pacifica District lost all of its funding and turned into a hostile land filled with crime and gang Warfare eventually the nusa troops made it into the outskirts of the city but Lucius Ryan had a plan as he had asked the exiled arasaka who had been helping them with resources anyway to help them defend their City almost immediately arasaka answered the call and their super carrier showed up within the Del Coronado Bay forcing the nusa to retreat realizing that arasaka was on the enemy's side the nusa knew that if they were to continue in you this war would get worse and would be more horrific than that of the fourth corporate war and because of it they had to end it now with this a treaty of unification or the Arvin Accord was signed ending the unification War once and for all my city benefited the most from this as it became completely independent from both the nusa government as well as the north California's rule for the rest of the parties none of them were happy with the treaty but were just relieved the war didn't start another Global crisis and because of it all of them claimed they had won it by 2071 arasaka had a foothold within North America once again and they could finally grow their corporation once again as well here they would help their name grow as they would prevent Mass riots within San Francisco shown to many that they were there to help maintain the peace helping many to believe in their cause and see them as a positive light within the community especially within night city as they would build their main North American HQ in the same spot that had been destroyed all all those years ago in 2023 within night City corporations were coming back into the central complex however Pacifica was left completely due to how dangerous it had become and for the gang of maelstrom who were on the rise ever since the metal Wars years ago they had a new leader known as brick and a new brutal regime was taking place in their ranks another law was passed during this time and that was the selling of domesticated foul to once again stop the spread of any bird flu type epidemic this didn't stop it however as people just did it on the Black Market at that same time a new epidemic happened in 2072 in night City this time being a zoonotic disease called rat fever which would go on to wipe out all of the animals within the nearby land and causing a few animals to become extinct in 2074 night City realized it had a real problem on the streets suddenly in the ncpd or even Max Tech could not control looking for options Rosalind Myers attempted to bring in militech to help night City with its gang crime problem however the ncpd commander objected to their involvement seeing there as just an attempt to get control of the city and bring it into the nusa world instead araseka was still seen as the ones to go to over militech and Myers This was helped once again as arasaka were proving themselves to be true peacekeepers as they would destroy a terrorist cell in Rio de Janeiro killing all those responsible for a series of attacks helping their PR once again and showing night City that arasaka were the better option over militech and the nusa in 2075 the infamous hacker who caused the downfall of the old net reach boss Moss's body that was frozen in a cryogenic freezer had found that his contract with them had expired and because of it the Frieza in which he was housed in was discarded at the Badlands landfill something he requested on the eventuality of his death not the most honorable way to get rid of this Legend's body but it was what he wanted at this same time they a gang known as the animals who use cybernetics to make them more animal-like in skills and talents had acquired a new leader named Sasquatch and started taking over more land fighting anyone they could to prove their strength for one individual during this time however known as Lucy kushinda she would go on to meet with an individual known as kiwi in 2075 and would join her mercenary crew run by a legendary solo known as Maine becoming part of their Edge Runner operations by 2076 This Crew would be doing as many gigs as they possibly could until they were going to encounter the young ignorant and angry individual known as David Martinez This Crew would try and teach him the ways of being an edge Runner and eventually get him up to a point where he could be useful within raids sadly for the crew they were going to lose two members in their operations those being the leader maim who would turn cyber psycho due to how many implants he had and dorio who would be killed by maim during his psycho spree with the crew now leaderless David went on to take on maim cyberware adding it to his military-grade sandovistan which he had acquired thanks to his mother back when she was an EMT throughout the many months This Crew were active in 2076 the crew would go through many betrayals and deaths in the end leaving just David and Lucy however with how much cyberware David had at this point prior to them just being David and Lucy he was being driven mad and was going into the full cyber psycho process and was under attack by militech forces desperate to get the Prototype cyberware he was utilizing including the Giant and terrifying Adam Smasher as Adam Smasher crushed and wiped out almost all of the crew David would engage with him in a final stand but sadly it would not be enough as David would be killed there and then by the mechanical Beast of a man if you can even call him a man Lucy David's lover was the sole survivor left and after living through all of that Bloodshed fulfilled her lifelong dream aim of visiting the moon when there though a vision of David became visible to her reminiscent of the first time the two had a brain dance together where they would also go to the Moon David's crew would sadly be forgotten like many other Edge Runners however the impact they had on night city was quite significant and if Adam's Smasher wasn't on the scene who knows where they would be now in the late 21st century the year was now 2077 and arasaka made a massive announcement of their new technology they had developed this was named as The Relic which was a unique buyership that would imprint a user's personality on it to allow their descendants a way of communicating with them long after they had died this product would be hugely popular with corporate investors who saw this as one of the most revolutionary pieces of Technology ever seen and when it did launch it would be a massive seller on all markets at the same time biotechnica also came up with a phenomenal breakthrough as they were now able to revive three extinct species lost by the rat fever in 2072. those three species being the North American Beaver the swift fox and eastern cottontail who were popular amongst the wealthy clientele with the Relic being in such high demand especially within night City one fixer named Dexter Deshawn would raise a crew to Infiltrate The combeki Plaza Hotel and would still the Prototype utilizing the data collected by Evelyn Parker The Raid went well initially as V and Jackie Wells were able to break into the penthouse suite locate The Relic without being noticed however everything went South as sabur arasaka and his son uranobo arrived to discuss their future and solve their differences as Jackie and V hid from the sight of the arasakas and their bodyguards they would go on to witness the murder of saburu by his own son after that event the whole Tower went into lockdown with both V and Jackie being seen as responsible the breakout went from bad to worse as sadly Jackie was hit in the escape and were gone to die in the process V would also get infected by The Relic which they had to store in their own neural cortex to make sure it did not expire however when getting back to Dex V would also go on to be murdered to hide dex's involvement in the raid but the Relic did something unexpected as it would go on to reboot V's brain and bring them back to life but at a price the engram within the Prototype Relic would be none other than Johnny silverhand who would start attacking V's body and assuming control of it three months after this event V would go on a journey to try and fix themselves from this engram taking over trying their best to get on with Johnny at the same time along the way they would go on to meet various individuals from night City developing unique bonds with them as well as engaging in gang wars that were happening all over the city for the rest of night City Lucius Ryan would die of what was said to be a heart attack due to a cyberware malfunction but the truth was Ryan would go on to be murdered within the Strip House known as the red Queen's race as a virus was loaded onto his D overwhelming his senses and killing him there with his death and murder covered up Welden Holtz became the acting mayor trying to defend his role from new up-and-coming nominee Jefferson parellas as the vote went through perillas would go on to win by a large majority becoming night City's latest mayor and the people's favorite as this went on V along with sabura's Once bodyguard Guru takimura would capture saburo's daughter hanako and try to convince her to join their cause in bringing yaranobu to Justice and alongside it helping V from being absorbed by Johnny's engram arasaka more specifically Adam Smasher would launch a brutal attack on where hanako was housed trying to kill all within this event would trigger hanakoen to eventually helping V and together with all other parties V had met on their Journey would launch an attack on the arasaka tower to try and get down to the basement integrate with their makoshi Network and either remove the engram or let it fully take over their body it was now the summer of 2077 and future would depend on how they handled the arasaka tower Mission they would either go on to be taken to the arasaka orbital station where they would go on to have their relics safely extracted from them or they would be on their way to the Crystal Palace or leaving night City for good but that would only be if Johnny's engram fully took over V's body it is unsure what the future for V would be during all of this or if there are any other events that would happen before that final raid on the arasaka tower however it is said that in the years going forward that nightcorp is finally able to complete the maglev connection to Chicago in April 2078. it is also said that Lizzy wizzy one of the biggest pop stars out in America is said to be playing a concert at the Crystal Palace as part of a cosmic tour throughout early May of that same year by the winter of 2078 it is said that the Intercontinental maglev network is planned to become fully operational finally allowing people to travel all over the land and by 2080 the connection to Chicago that would take three hours was said to go online as well the last thing on the cyberpunk timeline is something that to many will be a terrifying thing to hear it is said by a leading AI analytics that by the year of 20 there will be a 74 chance that the second hot war between the new United States and the free states will occur once again and if it were to happen it would most likely mean that Humanity would be plunged into one of the worst wars they had ever seen with most likely arasaka and militech trying to wipe each other out once again with maybe corporations like Kang Tao also getting involved to protect their Investments and show off their new revolutionary Weaponry but with all of that said we will just have to see what the future holds for this timeline maybe life will calm down and Humanity can just enjoy their new world exploring the Stars rebuilding other cities and just embracing the new technology that is coming out on a regular basis or maybe they will just annihilate the planet completely in the name of their chosen Corporation eventually moving on to either the Moon Mars Jupiter or even Saturn who knows what will happen but for now this has been the full timeline of events from the mammoth brutal and fascinating cyberpunk universe [Music] I want to say an absolutely huge thank you if you made it this far in the video and please do let me know what you thought by leaving a comment or just leaving a like And subscribe if you haven't already this took so long to make but it was worth it as this universe is incredible and even if you do not like the game I think a lot of people can agree the writing is pretty good I know I didn't cover absolutely everything in the timeline but some things were just too small to include or they either had no information on them or outright confused me due to lack of information so for what it is I hope I didn't miss some absolutely vital details out I want to say a huge thank you to my patrons and YouTube channel members for sticking with me and letting me take my time to make this I really hope it was worth it so a huge shout out to my small fishes my big fishes Anthony also creme Christopher Greg and last Persona user my YouTube channel wise ones video game player 75 Ico the wolf Sith Lord 906 and fiery Italian my sharks Jason x117 Rhoda C and wow search gaming and my megalodons Chernobyl stalker hazy thoughts and sinus but that is all for now I'm going to drink tons of water to let my throat recover and start planting for the next big one but thank you all so so much once again for watching support the channel the best you can by checking out the links in my description and until next time I shall see you then a massive legendary cheers machums so what do you want [Music] [Music] it
Channel: WiseFish
Views: 732,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk 2077 history, cyberpunk 2077 timeline, cyberpunk 2077 story, cyberpunk lore, cyberpunk 2077 lore, cyberpunk 2020 lore, cyberpunk 2077 explained, cyberpunk 2077 gangs, cyberpunk 2077 night city, cyberpunk 2077 lore night city, world of cyberpunk, all cyberpunk 2077 lore, cyberpunk 2077 lore wiki, cyberpunk 2077 lore book, cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty, cyberpunk lore explained, cyberpunk lore timeline, cyberpunk 2077 timeline explained, cyberpunk 2077 full timeline
Id: wRwCP37RilI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 11sec (7631 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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