All Sandevistans Ranked Worst to Best in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0

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so update 2.0 and Phantom Liberty are finally  both here and with them comes essentially   an entire set of new and improved mechanics  things which we have to learn and relearn to   get the most out of the game now different perk  trees cyberware and new weapons to name but the   most basic fundamentals so this means of course  it's time to retrace our steps and break down in   detail once again the core gameplay components  of cyberpunk 2077 and at almost a year to the   day I figured it only fitting to kick this new  series off with the now top and only five Sandevistans   technically which we can acquire in  the game weighing up the pros and cons of each   before deciding once and for all which is best  bearing in mind that whilst this is a ranking   it's also just a dive into some of the new best  ways sandies can be used in 2.0 so let's get to it   as always with these rankings let's quickly  establish the build I used when conducting   most of my research to help explain exactly  why my gameplay appears the way it does and   also possibly give you some tips as to what to use  with the Sandevistan I first used the perfectly   balanced set of attributes here to experience the  Sandevistans alongside a variety of effects but   bear in mind on very hard difficulty especially  you'll have a much better time more heavily   specking into just three attributes unlocking  more of what each has to offer from body I took   several perks from the central node not to help  with the Sandy per se but to help us stay alive   once it runs out some shotguns also pair well  with Sandevistans now in which case you'll   want to grab up some shotgun related perks too  in reflexes air Dash and maneuvering in general   is not only great for combats but also the best  way to get around on foot especially in Dogtown   blades have always been a staple Sandevistan  impairing and they're going to be again here   onto Tech and this Central node will help  boost our cyberware capacity which is going   to be especially useful for the sandys at the top  of this list cool has many items of Interest with   perks from the Deadeye tree improving damage with  powerful single shot weapons now much more viable   than the Sandevistan while the Ninjutsu tree  will help us duck out of combat when needing to   recharge especially when paired with the emergency  cloaking perk from The Relic train also the road   warrior car park is going to be crucial if you  want to use the sandevistan in cars too whilst   perks and throwable weapons are also great if you  can afford them since there's some really cool new   knives and tomahawks to try out in Phantom Liberty  and 2.0 finally intelligence can be left more or   less empty a tree best reserved for cyberdecks  unless for some reason you just love to sport   smart weapons which are now tied with that tree  and finally also in The Relic tree vulnerability   analytics can provide a much more explosive  alternative than always aiming for the head   by highlighting specific weak spots on different  enemies now with that done it's on to cyberware   so again here not saying this is what you have to  use but I do find these items pair particularly   well with a Sandevistan especially so  in frontal cortex we have the Newton module   or alternatively the overpowered but much more  expensive Axolotl which reduces Sandy cooldown   every time you neutralize an enemy kerenzikov is  also going to sit in as a useful alternative when   waiting on cooldown with the kerenzikov Boost  system therefore helping us to aim with that   also the defensikov will help us take less damage  after using kerenzikov with corrosis maybe grab   something simple to free up cyberware capacity  since the best Sandevistans on this list   come at a heavy heavy cost to that that said if  you're playing on very hard then something like   the second heart can provide a second chance when  you get into a tight spot equally the blood pump   is by far superior to inhalers and defo  worth grabbing up too for hands I'm not going   to be using smart weapons so no point bothering  with smart link but I can recommend the micro   generator now a hand mod which works like Electric  Cherry when reloading an empty weapon particularly   useful if you're sporting something with low ammo  like the comrades hammer or equivalent Optical   camo is of course crucial alongside the perks I've  picked here whilst finally reinforced tendons will   make you even more maneuverable than the already  OP air dash of course take this whole thing as   basic guidelines and I'll have detailed guides on  all cyberware releasing in the coming weeks slash   months but now it's on to the Sandevistans and I gotta tell you things done changed   down at the bottom then is the still acceptable  but nonetheless overall inferior Dynalar Sandevistan   slowing Time by 50% I.E half normal speed  and providing a varying extra crit chance and   crit damage five percent at tier 2 and 15% at  tier five now a good thing about this one is   its tier 2 variant can be unlocked very early in  the game from about level 10. it also very much   lends itself to more offensive builds offering  a not great but not terrible time slowing effect   alongside its booster crit stats and the cost of  18 cyberware capacity is relatively conservative   compared to others and mostly fair for what  you get now as I said though Sandevistans   done changed no longer are you forced to endure  the entire duration of a Sandevistan in one go   instead being able to toggle it off again at  any given time and then only have to recover   the amount of overall charge that you used so  when facing an enemy you could say line up a   shot activate Sandy time for boosted accuracy  and crits then quickly turn it off again after   firing this feature not only makes these things  more versatile in combat now but also makes them   much more gun friendly when used properly whilst  previously the most effective way to use that full   duration was with say a katana since melee wasn't  beholden to the speed of regular time in the same   way that guns were automatic weapons still aren't  brilliantly effective with Sandevistans which   is why I first took a combo of her majesty  the stealth pistol you unlock during Phantom   Liberty then Leika which is found in airdrops  and functions like the comrades Hammer but   fires Explosive Rounds which can't penetrate walls  and finally Gwynbleidd because an actual Witcher   sword is both awesome and still super effective  with a Sandevistan so why is the dynalar at   the bottom of the list well firstly acquiring the  tier 2 version in the early game is gonna land you   with a 55 second cooldown a long time to wait even  bearing in mind that method of using it little and   more often with a maximum duration of 8 seconds 9  at higher levels that means means the Sandy only   activates for about a sixth of the time definitely  not the most useful on the list though this can be   lowered to 30 seconds at the absolute maximum tier  and using the new Attunement mechanic we can also   increase the duration by an extra 0.1 of a second  for each point we have in reflexes therefore at   tier five plus plus with 20 reflexes we'd get an  11 second duration and 30 second cooldown which I   suppose can technically go lower if we're also  neutralizing lots of enemies with the Axolotl   cyberware now that sounds much better right and  yeah it is but by the time you've reached that   point far better Alternatives will be available  to you no this is now pretty much exclusively an   earlier game Sandevistan providing a small but  welcome boost for occasional use in combat it does   do an okay all-round job and is probably best  suited to offer Sharpshooter support at lower   levels so on the whole compared to other entries  I found it just doesn't hold up it didn't offer   the versatility to dive in and out of combat  frequently like others and with Close Quarters   melee especially on very hard it was only  by the grace of using blade finishers that I   could possibly survive such ordeals not this Sandevistan up next then is the QianT warpdancer now   whilst this company absolutely dominated the Sandy  game prior to 2.0 with this and the mark IV my God   has the Warpdancer fallen from grace in a sense  no longer the Supreme device for Pure time slowing   warpdancer now more resembles a berserk of sorts  masquerading in the family of Sandy's with its   super long cooldown ranging from 70 to 50 seconds  and the fact it only slows Time by a mere 20% it's   clear that this one has different priorities and  indeed its primary function now is more to serve   as a damage mitigation and resistance tool with  an actual decent 30 to 50% resistance to Thermal   chemical and electrical damage as well as up to  24% mitigation chance and 12% mitigation strength   mitigation by the way is a two-fold damage  negation bonus which remains active at all   times mitigation chance dictates How likely each  hit will get a mitigation bonus whilst mitigation   strength determines how much of the damage from  that hits will be negated it's essentially a role   to save from tabletop games as I understand it  so with all that in mind alongside the admittedly   decent duration of between 9 to 12 seconds the  best use of this I can think of is as a combat   support device not necessarily activated when  going on the offensive but rather when escaping   tight situations like here in this particularly  heated encounter with the voodoo boys using the   Sandy won't therefore give much of a Time slow  but you will take less damage when it's active   just like berserk of course where this wins over  the new berserks themselves is in the fact that   you can still if you want use guns whilst berserks  now are regulated to melee weapons only but do   make you utterly Invincible for a short time  perhaps therefore this thing is best reserved   for an lmg build say after all gunfire won't  be slowed by much at all and you'll be able to   stand at a vantage point for longer simply laying  into hordes of gang members again it doesn't feel   like a tremendously useful benefit across a big  fight compared head to some of the other sandies   but definitely worth having as opposed to not  when you're under Fire especially earlier on in   the game when you haven't unlocked the falcon  or apogee yet the warp dancer is available from   tier 3 onwards so level 20 plus I believe  potentially worth grabbing therefore for an   up close and personal Sandy user beginning  a new playthrough at the shortcut start of   phantom Liberty it's also got the lowest cyberware  capacity of just 14. though I'd say the marginally   higher cost of the next one on that front is  still the superior early game Choice depending   despite not even receiving a legendary tier in  previous versions zetatech sandies have always   stood out to me as underrated but brilliant and  whilst unlike the last time this isn't a secondary   stand-in for the QianT mark IV it is in my opinion  that the superior of the three earlier games Sandevistans   of course nothing on the next two but  hear me out as to why you should run with this one   until you hit Level 30 and tier 4 unlocks first  up this thing has a really decent cooldown right   from the get-go of just 45 seconds a stat which  can be potentially reduced all the way down to   just 20. whilst duration can increase from 6  seconds all the way up to 12. is it an endless   sandevistan no far from it but in my testing  it was certainly the most notable and useful one   of the first three in combat and part of that is  down to the fact that the ZetaTech encourages you   to use it in a certain way you see on the ground  it provides a fairly poor 30% time slow alongside   a worth having small damage increase but when V is  is in mid-air time instead slows by 60% the damage   doubles and we get a massive boost to headshot  and weakspot damage as well on top of that falling   from Greater Heights is gonna be fine given the  30% reduction in full damage now granted lining   up shots in mid-air is significantly more  difficult than from standing and using this   one with melee weapons doing stupid looking  jump hits is actually worthwhile but here's   the thing because after practicing with this one  for a while lining up perfect shots and Tomahawk   throws as I fell towards the ground I genuinely  felt like my moving aim was slowly improving and   I feel like using this at lower levels for lack  of anything better can give you a lot of time to   seriously improve on that skill also reaping the  stat benefits from doing so I think especially if   you're going for a blade thrower or Gunslinger  build this is certainly a useful placeholder to   have until you unlock the superior sandies and  still only costs are reasonable but slightly   higher 20 in cyberware capacity in fact it was  using this one that I finally understood why   why they removed the Epic fortified ankles aka the  hoverlegs because otherwise that would have created   an utterly overpowered combo of some floating  god-like build who's just really good at getting   headshots goddamn you cdpr noticing exploits before  we do that said as we move on now you'll notice   the Zetatechs mid-air stats are actually only  marginally better than the remaining two sandies   which serve as only high level rewards unlocked  at level 30 and 40 plus however as I say before   reaching that level Zetatech in my opinion is  the most powerful and fun Sandevistan to use   ladies and gentlemen we now have the final two  utterly GOATed Sandevistans the creme de La   Creme of 2.0 and one of my favorite overall ways  to play both of these are militech sandies and   let's start off first with the Falcon first  available at tier 4 or level 30. this thing   offers the game-changing ability to not only turn  off but also turn on at any time provided there's   some cool down remaining in the tank granted it  will only last as long as the charge you have   remaining after that but this feature opens  up a whole new world of more versatile combat   applications not only this but the Falcon also  slows Time by a whole 70% almost on par with the   old QianT mark IV and offering a nice feeling of  familiarity base cooldown ranges from 40 to 30   seconds alongside an 8 second duration though  of course with toggling on and off at will this   is literally just a balance ratio denoting that  the Sandy can be used a whole quarter of the time   essentially I love using this one with single  shot high-powered weapons and activating it in   the moment before firing not only offers a cool  slow-mo effect but also 10% extra base damage crit   chance and crit damage at tier 5 anyway plus  there's a very useful 10% extended duration and   a five percent Health increase every time you  neutralize an enemy pair that with the reflex   attuned duration boost in a scenario when you're  killing a lots of enemies and this thing should   pretty much remain available throughout  the entire fight provided you activate it   conservatively and only for brief stints when  firing not the same endless Sandevistan   as we had before but I feel like this is kind of  a cdpr compromise on the build that we loved so   much that said these top tier sandies do also come  at the cost of using about double the cyberware   capacity of others meaning unless you're heavily  specked into Tech or a very high level you are   gonna have to forgo some of the other supporting  cyberware for your Sandy built though in my tests   I've definitely found a toggle on and off at  will Sandevistan to be far more valuable   than any passive armor increase or other more  notable effects don't get me wrong everything   definitely feeds in as a useful buff most of  which you'll notice sure but nothing is quite   as powerful as being almost able to stop a fight  at will when you're in trouble lining up a shot   or just want to get some extra swings in so use  this with guns in the on off way I've described   or just use it with blades in the more classic  drain it till it's gone method after all you   are getting a damage bonus with this too but  remember that now in 2.0 you are going to be   beholden to stamina limitations and can't take a  ridiculous number of endless swings each second   like you could before is the sandy sword combo  still good yes but Defo try it out with guns too   is all I'm saying of course whilst this Sandy may  be an insane Cut Above the Rest we can actually   still do it one better with what actually is the  same sandy used by the notorious David Martinez   the militech apogee as the name would suggest  simply is the indisputably best Sandevistan   Superior to all predecessors and I'd argue even  better when used right than the QianT mark IV pretty   much taking everything which makes the new Falcon  great and providing improvements contextually it   serves as an off-record model produced at Lunar  Labs which was never supposed to hit the public   markets so quite how every Ripper seems to be  selling one to a level 40 plus v is interesting   to say the least especially given the Rarity of  this particular model in cyberpunk EdgeRunners   still I guess gameplay and lore have to compromise  somewhere now whilst this thing is only available   at higher levels as I said you have very little  reason once acquiring one of these to ever go   back especially if you're running with blades  as part of your build with again the same thing   of providing bonuses for neutralizing enemies  this one gives a major plus 20% to duration per   kill and instead of Health this time a plus 22  percent to stamina making it slightly more oriented   for offense than the Falcon by allowing you  to inflict more attacks at once what's more   it provides greater crit chance and damage than  the Falcon and encourages headshots specifically   by improving their damage too time has slowed to  a whopping 85% just five shy of the old warp dancer   but still Landing Us in essentially time-stopping  Quicksilver territory they actually allow you to   play as David Martinez even more closely in this  version of the game and I am absolutely here for   it again using this thing by toggling it on and  off at the appropriate moments feels very much   like one of those badass movie action sequences  you know the ones that keep switching to and from   slow-mo for certain moments Mission Impossible  2 Springs to mind a spy movie as it happens so   not only does this Sandy allow you to fulfill  your David Martinez role play dreams but it can   also make Phantom Liberty feel even more like a  spy Thriller than it already was at tier 5 its   cooldown is going to be 30 seconds so it stands to  reason that tier 5 plus plus would be a mere 20.   pair that with the 10 second duration at 20 reflexes  and this one can be active for essentially a third   of the time if not more provided you're taking  out enemies in set time sure 44 cyberware capacity   is the heftiest price of the bunch but this late  into the game it shouldn't be a problem and is   absolutely worth it insanely insanely fun to use  and on balance quite definitively the number one   Sandevistan in the game but do you agree or  does the fact that it's such a late game unlock   mean you mostly prefer a different one let me  know in the comments down below and also tell   me what you want to see ranked next we have a  lot of ground to cover pretty much all my old   ranking videos have been rendered obsolete now so  I'm going to be slowly working my way through the   new ones though be warned it will take a while  as always huge thanks to the amazing supporters   over on patreon for supporting me and delivering  even more content like this to you Chooms and of   course thank you for watching I'm Sam Bram and  I'll see you very very soon in another video
Channel: Sam Bram
Views: 526,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077, sam bram cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty, cyberpunk 2077 2.0, cyberpunk sandevistan build 2.0, cyberpunk sandevistan 2.0, cyberpunk best sandevistan build 2.0, cyberpunk best sandevistan 2.0, cyberpunk sandevistan gameplay, cyberpunk apogee sandevistan
Id: jYOYsrW4low
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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