All Swords Ranked Worst to Best in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0

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in this video I'll be going through every sword  and melee blade in cyberpunk 2077 showing you   where to get them how best to use them and  ultimately weighing up their pros and cons to   figure out which is best let's get to it to give  you some context though here's the sort of build   I used when testing out most of these blades  some swords will require tweaks depending on   abilities but generally this will get you about  80% there for all of them perks wise I buffed   my health with the central body tree bought up blades  perks of course to unlock finishers bullet deflect   and importantly The Flash and Thunderclap leap  attack perk tying into the air Dash tree which   you'll also want to unlock after this you most  importantly want these perks from the Central   Tech Tree to buff your cyberware and if you can  afford it some of these to help buff heels too   then from The Relic tree vulnerability analytics  is going to be incredibly helpful so buy that up   before anything else in there I've done a whole  video on a specific version of this build if you   want a more detailed breakdown but into cyberware  and the Apogee sandevistan is crucial to use with   the best of these swords with Newton module to  recharge it more quickly or axolotl if you have   enough cyberware capacity dense marrow and stabber will  increase our damage with blades whilst adrenaline   booster will restore much needed stamina with  each kill shock-n-awe Chitin and epimorphic skeleton   Will Keep Us protected in close-range battles  whilst biomonitor and heal on kill Will Keep   Us Alive in general finally reinforced tendons  of course for better terrain navigation which   is particularly important for melee again no need  to follow this religiously it's just context to   understand the basic build I used through the video  and certain swords will definitely benefit from a   switch up in perks or cyberware but we'll get  to them first though the worst sword or melee   blade weapon if we're being boringly specific in  cyberpunk 2077 is actually the first of the few   machetes on this list the Kukri a classic blade  originating from Nepal and looking at it it's   the sort of thing I'd more expect to hack at wood  this thing has a slower attack speed and higher   stamina cost than the likes of the katanas whilst  at the same time offering little extra damage no   extra damage in fact when compared to some of the  iconics now the Kukri comes in two variants this   regular one and a very different looking voodoo  boy Edition which I simply couldn't find back in   1.6 now I've got the opposite problem Voodoo boys  are very common place in Dogtown and I was lucky   enough to pick up one of these during Phantom  Liberty for the Showcase as far as acquiring   machetes into 2.0 goes in general though that's  a bit more of a problem no longer can you craft   barely any of them even though you could before  and I haven't been able to find a single weapon   vendor selling a Kukri or a regular machete just  a razor not even Spector Cheng sells them who   specializes in blades so with no discernible way  to acquire this one whether or not you choose to   use it depends first on whether you're lucky  enough to loot it off the villainy of night   City even if you do though you'll be choosing it  purely on a case of aesthetic preference this is   the weakest machete by a long shot despite no  change in speed or stamina definitely the worst   sword but in a well specced high-level blade build  it can still absolutely work well enough also   it comes with mod slots and we'll go over  mods in a bit up next our second machete   is the Razor described in the database as a  brutal orcish Cleaver lacking Elegance whilst   still being highly effective it basically does  the same as the Kukri only better with about 20%   more damage per hit though do bear in mind I've  noted slight variations in damage from Razor to   razor so take that stat with a grain of salt  nicest thing though is that we can actually   buy this one from a vendor the weapon one at  the stadium not this dude but rather her and   again I said this back in 1.6 but I just love the  noise this one makes more than the clink sound of   the others I don't know it's kind of like a  roaring tear and just sounds awesome have a listen it may not be able to beat the regular  machete on damage but once you're high enough   level and any one of these will do I'd probably  pick this just simply because it's more satisfying   to use that and you can actually get this  one without relying on sheer luck also a thing   about machetes in general is they do come with  their own unique finishers which whilst not as   elegant as katanas certainly have a cool brutality  about them anyone who wants to play a more Savage   ferocious MC you may very well want to pick this  over a katana it benefits from the blade perks all   the same and with the Cyclone melee mods you can  remove the triple combo limits and just endlessly   hack away kind of like Byakko which is found way  higher up the list though individual Swings with   a machete are still slower we do however have  an iconic variant of the razor with a special   ability coming up amidst the many Katana variants  we can obtain we of course have to talk about the   regular non-iconic versions found randomly on  enemies or purchased from vendors non-iconics   are annoyingly non-upgradable but this one  is at least craftable at tier five by buying   the spec from Spector Cheng you can also get  from him two of the three blade mods bleedout   and Haemocide the third slice em up is annoyingly  rare RNG loot despite being the most powerful the   only real benefit to using a non-iconic in fact  is the choice of various mods but which is best   on a katana well let's go through Pax is good for  non-lethal incapacitations and slightly stronger   on first strikes or stealth hits but overall  not tremendously brilliant silencio is again   good for stealth more crits when crouching  but fairly useless after that air strike is   a fairly decent bet if you have the Flash and  Thunderclap perk since it gives you more common   and damaging crits on leap attacks but out of  all the standard melee mods I'd say Cyclone is   probably best though it does take some getting  used to basically as I started to explain with   Razor hitting an enemy with a Sprint attack  will unlock the same unlimited combo effect   as Byakko except this time the speed does increment  by up to 35% with each consecutive swing very   very powerful but possibly more so if you have  enough stamina regen in your build and things   like the adrenaline booster cyberware will help  massively with that as for blade mods bleed out   is okay applying critical bleeding damage over  time but becomes a little useless in a powerful   blade build since you'll be Downing foes too  quickly to notice case is the same for Haemocide increasing bleed time doesn't particularly matter  as much when you're a mega powerful ninja though   they are both decent mods earlier on in the  game and I'd say for lacking anything better   to just apply bleedout however if you're lucky  enough to come across a slice em up mod then   that is absolutely the best one it may say just a  20% extra susceptibility to finishers but trust me   with this thing you're just going to be probably  spamming F and going from finisher to finisher I'd   say that mod in particular actually would buff the  katana up by several spots but given how tricky   and RNG that is to find compared to pretty much  any of the iconics Katana is staying down here   keep an eye out for that mod though and give it  a try if you have it one of the better machetes   now and in fact the only iconic one there is  Volkodav is acquired during the waiting for Dodger   gig in Phantom Liberty tucked away up here by  this confiscated airdrop it's a part of the   four-piece Techtronika weapon set alongside the  Laika and Taigan revolvers and The Alibai shotgun   which themselves are all located from actual  airdrops each of these weapons can inflict a   unique burn effect which thereafter makes any  hits on a burning enemy critical and the more   enemies are burning at once the higher these crit  damages will be at the expense of your accuracy a   problem for the guns but less so for the machete  it works pretty well using these weapons in a set   for a sort of pyromancer wizard build but to be  honest trying to do this I found to be not nearly   as effective as a simple through and through sword or  blade wielder yes setting large groups on fire and   benefiting from the crit hits is cool in theory  but in practice it just means you have a ton   of living enemies which rather than systematically  eliminating you kind of want to keep spread out to   proc as high of a fire crit damage as possible  complicated to engineer and unnecessarily so   no I found Volkodav to be most effective when simply  used like a machete you still get the benefits   of the burn effect on one or two enemies at a  time which provides some extra damage but it's   still not nearly as good as any of the weapons  sitting above this in my opinion and is basically   a worse version of Errata still at the very least  it's a cool looking and brutal red Cleaver Tsumetogi   is acquired during Pisces and actually has the  highest base damage out of all the katanas its   position here then is probably proof that that is  less important than the katana's special abilities   our first introduction to this one if you side  with Maiko at least is this after which you can pull   it from the chest of poor Hiromi Sato and continue  to deal Justice against the Tiger Claws or just   take it from the stand either or whilst it does  do higher damage though its special abilities are   a little less exciting than several of the other  katas firstly it applies shock instead of bleed   with a 25% chance which is interesting but doesn't  quite beat scalpel which has a 30% chance for the   same effect otherwise its non-standard attacks  will deal a small amount of increased damage   I.E block swings sprinting strikes leap or jump  attacks and anything from crouched encouraging   you to perform a range of bizarre movements  to be slightly more effective not nearly as   brilliant as you can be with other katas on the  list in fact it can kind of work detrimentally   for boss fights since there you're probably just  better off laying in the regular attacks and not   letting up of course with a properly spec build  this matters less and you can simply choose it on   Aesthetics if you like yellow handles just bear  in mind there's a lot of far more optimal ones   which I found a lot easier to perform well with  the most powerful machete for raw damage then is   the well the machete the regular one actually it  does come in three variants a regular one one from   the Valentinos and another from Maelstrom the only  one I could get my hands on for this annoyingly as   it was already in my stash was the Maelstrom  version I did find all three in my 1.6 blade   tools ranked video but it's proving a lot more  difficult now it's annoying because this thing   actually deals a crap ton of damage like more  so than anything else on this list and it comes   with two mod slots seriously if if you can find  one of these and a slice them up mod then you my   friend have an exceptionally powerful F spamming  build right there as you're seeing right now   honestly it's insane that all said I find the raw  hack and slash nature of these machetes is a little   less appealing than the specialized iconic Katana  variants even with the truly awesome mods and the   context surrounding some of these blades doing  disasterpiece with cocktail stick for example   can all become part of their appeal so whilst  this machete is undeniably very good its lack   of discoverability and less satisfying nature  keeps it relegated by a few more spots than it   otherwise would be probably the flashiest sword  of cyberpunk still Evelyn Parker's cocktail stick   can be found in her dressing room up at Clouds  during automatic love a woman clearly prepared   to deal with Troublesome clientele if you missed  it don't worry it should still be available at   the black market in Dogtown instead as far as raw  damage goes this one sits in the lowest category   alongside Satori and Errata a few points lower than  several of the other iconics but its 30% chance   to bleed definitely makes up for that however  there's a pretty specific and slightly silly   optimal method of using this one thanks to its  unique ability see every strike with this sword   whilst Optical camo is active will apply a very  long-lasting bleed effect sort of like a Marked   for Death on any enemy it touches lasting for  around 16 seconds to drain all but the toughest   foes of Health provided they don't heal up you  might think therefore that this is a stealth   blade but not really long-lasting damage is pretty  pointless in stealth since kills need to be quick   to avoid detection and of course Optical camo only  lasts for 7 seconds and has a 50-second cooldown   anyway so this is an effect you'll rarely get to  use unless you have the vanishing act perk from   cool a buff which triggers Optical camo anytime  you're Sprint sneaking or sliding provided cool   down isn't fully drained this led me to adopt the  ridiculous method of Crouch sliding or sprinting   into to everyone for the first hit in order to  proc that sweet sweet bleed effect it's so much   more of a faff than many of the better iconic katanas  cool abilities but not a terrible strategy to use   mid game to be fair since you can get this one  fairly early into Act 2 and might hit 15 cool  quickly depending on your build it is a powerful  bleed effect and worth using for lack of anything   better so yeah should actually be quite helpful  in more drawn out fights with lots of enemies   even though it is a little bit silly serving  as the most witchery Witcher sword prior to   2.0 black unicorn can be acquired as early as the  start of the game simply by linking a Gog account   to your copy of cyberpunk after which it'll be  in V's stash starting as a tier one item which   can simply be upgraded with various components all  the way to tier 5++ the glowing blue runic symbols   look very slick slashing through the air and in  terms of raw appearance it's probably one of my   favorite katanas its damage armor penetration  and bleeding chance are all the bog standard   but black unicorn's standout feature is to not  have attack speed affected by stamina you see   majoritively most blades or at least katanas will  swing in sets of three with the gaps between sets   and swings lengthening massively when you're low  on stamina whilst black unicorn though will have   to wait longer between the combos of three when  stamina is empty that triple Arc is still going   to be as fast as ever taking out enemies quicker  and is most useful I noted in one-on-one melee   boss fights not giving the boss a chance to get a  swing in edgeways of course this won't break their   defense but will delay them indefinitely so you  can regenerate health and stuff a useful feature   but quite a situational one still excellent  buff to put on an early game Katana though where   enemies are tougher and will take more swings to  down whilst our stamina is also going to be lower   so until you unlock some blade perks and a better  sword this is quite possibly the best starter   blade up next is the sword previously owned by  Goro takemura Jinchu-Maru translates to something   like the loyal one in Japanese which of course is  perfectly fitting for his character he eventually   passed it to his Apprentice Oda whom we then  take it from after defeating in a duel during the   parade it does decent damage per hit one of the  better ones and has a few special abilities though   none I'd say a gamechangingly brilliant firstly  the last combo hit will be a guaranteed crit   that's basically every third strike if you have  the stamina to swing in quick succession and this   is decent but there's definitely better out there  then we have a buff that only works when using   optical camo making all hits critical and letting  you leap to targets of course the leaping means   nothing if you have the Flash and Thunderclap  perk that allows all swords to do this but the   crit hits that's kind of good but again just like  with cocktail stick it essentially encourages this   awkward sneak sprinting attack on everybody when  in general combat only this time it's worse as we   want to do that for every hit and not just to  apply a bleed effect totally get why it's like   after all Optical camo was a big thing Oda used in  that boss fight and in situational stealth moments   for us it might be more useful it's just very  faffy to use this sword at its Optimum in general   combat it also does increased damage against Elite  enemies though which is nice levels the field a   bit but at the same time plenty of other blades  have better effects that then apply to everyone   so this goes from one of the best katas in 1.6 to  now just a reasonably okay one I covered these in   my arm cyberware video in more detail but since  they're technically swords for your arms and   some of you guys have requested I include them  here's where I'd place the Mantis blades they can   after all occupy their own fourth weapon slot  which is useful keeps them out the way and you   can choose between basic Thermal electric and  toxic they come with a very decent leap attack   Relic perk which actually has more range than  Flash and Thunderclap whilst according to Stats   they claim to have a pretty low damage but higher  speed personally I haven't found this to be the   case entirely leap attacks will afford three  initial very quick swings yes but after this   it'll be a continuous albeit slow set of bladed  arm throws maybe because it's continuous and not   sets of three it does work out faster over time  but often these three swings from the katana are   all you need anyway per enemy and if sporting the  likes of Byakko for example or something modded with   Cyclone that's going to massively Beat the Speed  of the Mantis blades and while some of the   more highly ranked blades might not beat it on speed  they do have special abilities which can function   better in the right build and let's not forget  that the Mantis blades have lower damage per hit   than anything else even the Kukri and for reasons  that I again explained in the arm cyberware video   the other three arm mods are all better in  my opinion though In fairness none of this   can take away from just how brilliantly cool the  actual idea of mantis blades are and if running   around with little swords embedded in your arms  makes you feel like a complete badass then yeah   completely fair enough whilst the Cut-O-Matic chainsword  may be slower and more stamina intensive than the   regular swords in the game despite only doing  a marginal bit more damage this thing is just a   Next Level Gore Fest of intensive fun and in 2.0  it feels like they really gave the chainsword   some more Love by granting it its own extremely  brutal finishers which I'm sadly going to have to   blur here these things can be picked up randomly  like any non-iconic and do tend to sport a mod slot  however the thermal damage dealing iconic X-MOD2 version is easily the best variant of this   homage to the greatest warriors in the Imperium  found in the Terra Cognita region of Dogtown tucked   away to the left of the criminal activity scav  building creatively embedded in the head of a   barghest soldier named John Blum for selling some  residents of Longshore Stacks to the scavs I've   done a ranking video for all of the XMOD-2 weapons  specifically but basically they're just better   versions of the base variants that can be upgraded  and also have their mods interchangeably replaced   perfect for testing out the various mods to  find out which you like the most do feel free to   screenshot these Graphics outlining what all the  weapon mods apply to and what they do of course   the biggest issue with this weapon is that it's  completely off the table for any stealth-based   builds not only will it alert any enemies in the  vicinity due to the you know chainsaw noise it's   also going to terrify any civilians that you  run past so lugging around a massive machine   gun is apparently fine but a blade that makes  noise nah bro not cool canonically the database   says this thing's motor has a tendency to cut out  at the most inopportune moments but that's never   happened to me I don't think I guess I have the  emperor's blessing not that emperor that one and   maybe at some point I'll make a total guns blazing  Space Marine build since this game pretty much has   everything you'd need for that despite being set  nearly 38,000 years too soon okay so the butcher's   Cleaver isn't technically a sword at all but hear  me out because in 2.0 I'm now following the weapon   mod groups to structure my videos so for melee  it's divided into blades Blunts and throwing   weapons since butcher's Cleaver is a knife but  can't be thrown though I figured this is where   best to compare it as a melee blade and to be fair  it does benefit from the blade perks such as leap   attacks and even deflecting bullets so I feel like  this is where it belongs anyway you might expect   with the length of this blade that the butcher's  Cleaver is super clunky to use in combat I assure   you it is not and despite attacking slower and  draining more stamina than a katana it does a   huge chunk of extra damage and has a 40% chance to  bleed synergizing fantastically with the Cleaver's   special ability of being bloodthirsty swinging  faster and using less stamina on any bleeding   enemies essentially giving it the grace of a  katana in that case albeit a much more deadly   one and this really reflected in combat not only  one-hitting weaker enemies on very hard but also   draining Maxtac of Health quicker than I  thought possible seriously in the right build   like the sandevistan one I devised for Byakko this  might actually be better for fighting Max Tac and   by extension I'd presume other bosses too a very  underrated little blade which is good for more   than just role playing the demented Butcher of  night city as always you can pick it up during   map tann pelen after placed uses it to butcher a  chicken one of the milder crimes that guy committed   if missed though it will also be available later  at the black market Satori no doubt the most   contextually iconic sword in the game having been  the personal property of Emperor Saburo arasaka   for over 100 years and now as of 2.0 it comes as  a set functioning best when used in tandem with   the Nehan knife found on Mr Arasaka's freshly  deceased corpse if you missed it or picked up   Phantom Liberty from a 1.6 save fear not it's  still available at the black market for a price   Satori of course though as always is accessed  during the heist by coming to the penthouse   rooftop after t-bug's opened the doors taking out  the guards and looting the AV there's also proof   on there that Saburo was considering nuking night  City making Yorinobu the hidden hero of cyberpunk 2077   one of the most interesting videos that I'd say  I've probably made anyway Satori and Nehan go hand   in hand inflicting bleed on an enemy with one then  attacking with the other will lead to hemorrhaging   a vampiric drain effect which saps the enemy of  their health and uses it to regenerate yours hold   on did I just say vampiric drain effect- highly  sought after by the vampire Elite in arasaka it   could transform saburo's enemies into werewolves  [ __ ] maybe saburo is a vampire after all I mean   that would explain the unnaturally long life too  well vampire or not I've got to say I'm absolutely   loving these encouraged weapon pairings that  we have now we of course have bald eagle and   Fang probably a cobra Kai reference Pride and  Prejudice are reference to well probably something   I'm sure and of course these two which compared  Side by side actually look identical in design   foreshadowing perhaps the bond between Yorinobu  and Saburo other than that it does pretty low   base damage certainly not one of the heavy hitting  katanas anymore and it's also got the sheath attack   which will always cause bleeding when used it's  a cool idea but kind of annoying in practice as   it means constantly sheathing the weapon whenever  using it still bleeding still happens fairly often   without it and what I actually found worked better  anyway was throwing Nehan at someone then finishing   them off with Satori to get hemorrhaging it just  makes more sense using the weapon with one attack   first so whistl Satori ranks highly for contextual  purposes and creative Ingenuity it does kind of   force you into a blade/throwing knife build to  be used optimally so a little less versatile than   many of the other swords but still very good I'm  not going to lie when I saw they were adding a   genuine Witcher sword in 2.0 I got a little bit  hyped I mean black unicorn is all well and good   but it's still just a retextured katana an actual  longsword however now that is a cool crossover   after all with all the scav dens scattered about  the place we could really do with something   designed to kill monsters Gwynbleidd is of course  Welsh gwyn meaning white Bleidd meaning wolf thus   this sword is named after geralt's Alias of white  wolf and to unlock it you will have to register   your ownership of both Phantom Liberty and The  Witcher 3 on Gog after which you can simply   retrieve it from your stash as the only item on  this list that's actually genuinely referred to   as a sword dealing a bit more base damage than  some of the other variants but a lot of extra   damage to bosses indeed this sword seems to be  aiming to emulate the idea of geraltfighting   boss style monsters in The Witcher but geralt  of course also often fights off several foes at   once and this sword counts for that too so after  a rapid succession of kills you'll enter this sort   of focus mode where all attacks are guaranteed  crits lasting for as long as you keep dispatching   enemies the same effect also works when your  health is critically low aiding in last ditch   effort to survive and yeah both of these are very  effective this is a fantastic sword to use across   the entire game I mean the minimal number of  swings to take enemies Down Under This effect is   insane but if the sword itself weren't so cool I'd  say the effects are a little more uneventful than   others like Byakko or Errata don't get me wrong more  crit damage is great but personally I just prefer   setting things on fire or swinging at superhuman  speeds then again role playing an actual Witcher   that's pretty special too is it a wonder that one  of the best swords in the game is one from a quest   that's a very direct reference to one of the best  shows ever made actually to be honest of all the   shows I'd expect to get a reference in cyberpunk  the office sits pretty low down basically the   first time you leave rogue's booth in Act 2 you'll  come face to face with Dennis Cranmer that name is   also a direct Witcher reference but he doubles  as a stand-in for Daryl from The Office I suppose   and he'll send you to the Kabuki docs to procure a  package who is none other than haruyoshi nishikata   a heart surgeon who stowed away to America on a  boat after not saving a gang boss who died on the   operating table sound familiar office fans this  dude is basically hidetoshi hasagawa from the office   literally point for Point save for the offering a  katana as thanks for his rescue maybe scalpel is a   blade designed to operate with surgical Precision  meaning that under the effect of a Sandevistan crit   chance is increased by 50% and will apply bleeding  exceptionally powerful in a build where   you can regenerate the Sandy quickly enough to use  it endlessly and in fact I said in my byakko speed   build video that scalpel is a better alternative  in certain instances with less speed but higher   damage and better damage over time making it  especially effective against bosses using it   in the Smasher fight with a well specced Sandevistan  build should make him fairly simple to defeat even   on very hard and even if the Sandy runs out this  one still applies a 30% chance to Shock no matter   what so even better against mechanical enemies  what's more the blue handle makes it actually   resemble a surgical instrument no doubt one of the  flashiest designs in the game and I mean just look   how easily I was able to take down Max Tac all of  the gameplay in this video is on very hard by the   way and yes I am using a very optimized build  here but still definitely one of the blades of   all time for Sandevistan users just don't use it to  steal Rob or kidnap the president's son or you   will end up like prison Mike eating nothing but  gruel and becoming somebody's [ __ ] added in 2.0 a   blade that isn't quite a lightsaber but certainly  comes closer than probably anything else with its   glowing red Edge Errata can now be pulled out  of the furnace during the disasterpiece quest   and its burning hot properties never appear to  diminish after that again if you're picking up at   Phantom Liberty it'll also be at the black market  and despite being one of the coolest or should I   say hottest looking swords in the entire game it  actually deals one of the lowest base damages it   still just like a lightsaber though this thing  doesn't bleed but rather Burns a property that   to be fair has spared multiple Sith who would  otherwise have died though that certainly isn't   the same in this game this 30% burn effect  does go further though in that any burning   enemies will then suffer critical damage when hit  with this thing doubly hastening their demise all   the more quickly best of course against singular  strong enemies who are going to last long enough   to really suffer these pairing effects though  Errata can also be highly effective against   crowds too if you bring along some incendiary  grenades to proc that crit damage ahead of time   and if stacked with a sandevistan their 5 Seconds  of burning will feel a lot longer personally I   prefer the ridiculous speed afforded by Byakko as  it feels more quicksilverish I suppose though   I cannot deny that Errata's effects probably make  it a better all-round Katana for both groups and   solos if used correctly of course you could just  switch them out according to the situation and   get the best of all worlds but still it's been a  fan favorite since it arrived and totally deserves   to be sitting perfectly in any flame based build  and you can perform leap attacks with it without   needing The Flash and Thunderclap perk so maybe  refund that if just using this sword but after   much much deliberation and forethought I think  the sword champion of cyberpunk 2077 ultimately   has to remain the same I won't pretend like Byakko  is the best in all situations indeed without   first killing one enemy me it performs as nothing  special just a katana that can leap without Flash   and Thunderclap against solos you are likely  better off taking Errata scalpel if you have   a Sandevistan or even Gwynbleidd hell maybe the butcher's  Cleaver but in any multi combat scenario this   practically turns you into a human blender if  you can maintain the ridiculous speed that the   sword unlocks now we've noted the combo of three  that swords generally swing in before having to   take a pause but not Byakko no take out one enemy and  this thing will swing endlessly provided you have the   stamina that's why I'd recommend the adrenaline  boost cyberware to go with this which restores   a hefty amount of stamina on each kill basically  this is the centerpiece to my endless sandevistan   build video and I stand by my reasons for  picking it over the other blades there's also   the awesome factor of combining super speed Swings  with a general time slow to get in like I don't   know like 100 swings a second or something ridiculous  not something I'd imagine you could match even   with fire damage or more criticals and this insane  speed will synergize with the Apogee to keep the   charge of that at Max provided you're toggling it  off when not engaged in direct combat with anyone   just again keep one of the previous three at least  or you know any you like the look of from this list   in your back pocket for the bosses to get this  one does require a little bit more effort than   most as you have to complete all of Wakako's 8 gigs  I believe around Westbrook so of course prior to   that you will have to wield one of the others if  you want a breakdown of all of the Hidden and   interconnected details of those gigs by the way  then a link to that video is in the description   basically there's a ton of obscure story tie ins in  every gig across the game and I've pieced together   all of them in a series anyway no wonder Wakako  is such a powerful and successful fixer if in   her younger days she too could turn into a human  blender and I only hope that we can uphold the   Striking Legacy that she must have established  but let me know down below if you agree with Byakko   being at the top spot or if not why another  sword is more deserving in your opinion huge   thanks as always to the patrons for supporting  the channel whilst I crack with these rankings   and other projects and thank you for watching  I'm Sam Bram and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Sam Bram
Views: 246,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077, sam bram cyberpunk, cyberpunk phantom liberty, cyberpunk sword build, cyberpunk sword, cyberpunk sword build 2.0, cyberpunk best sword, cyberpunk swords ranked, cyberpunk katanas ranked 2.0, cyberpunk machete, cyberpunk best blade build, cyberpunk best blades, cyberpunk best blades 2.0, cyberpunk best swords 2.0, cyberpunk ranking, cyberpunk best katana, cyberpunk best katana 2.0, cyberpunk best katana 2.1, cyberpunk katanas ranked
Id: rALsIbXnDU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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