All 15 New ALTERNATIVE ARMORS (Silver, Daedric, Dragon, Stalhrim, etc...) - TESV: Skyrim AE Guide

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heyo fellow dragonborn catogenesis here with a guide to alternative armors all 15 of the creation club alternative armor sets were added with anniversary edition most of which being designed from the elder scrolls blades awesome as these new armor sets may be there's very little consistency in the alternative armors except that each of them has a quest and there is a story related to the crimson dirk bandits that ties them all nicely together as for the particulars though sometimes the armor from the quest is enchanted some of the armor includes only two to three pieces some of it can be crafted with proper smithing perks alone and some require quests to be complete as well as smithing perks to be crafted long story short the game made this process a bit of a chore for me so i hope i can make it quick and easy for you in this no-nonsense guide i'll be showing you where to find these armor sets what they do and maybe some extra tips along the way so let's get fancy shall we first up is one of the two that you can craft by default and that would be the alternative iron armor also known as the iron plate armor this heavy set takes the same materials to make as the standard iron armor materials being leather strips and iron ingots however its base armor value is a couple of points higher so aside from looking pretty awesome and well protected you may get eight points more of an armor bonus from the iron plate armor over the standard iron armor but this is just in the case if you want to craft it yourself there's also the enchanted variant that you can get after completing the quest brothers and irons to get this quest you must go to the night gate inn west of windhelm this is the inn kind of out by itself in the snow go inside to the night gate in and walk up to the front counter and there should be a note on the right side labeled night gate in patrons note after reading it you should begin the quest brothers and irons so you find out from the night gate in that you need to head to the far northwest near north watch keep otherwise known as the place that thou more keep their prisoners of war just west of north watch keep will be a little campsite where a few thalmar will be standing over a dead body the thalmor are naturally hostile versus you they probably just don't want to share their clam chowder so take care of them and move over to the body they were standing over and you'll see that this is the body of pale eyes containing both his journal as well as an enchanted set of iron plate armor so going down the line for enchantments that this comes with plus 17 heavy armor skill on the iron plate armor suit plus 35 carry capacity on the boots plus 25 one-handed attack damage on the gauntlets and plus 25 damage blocked with shield on the helmet so even though crafting iron plate is available by default these are some quite powerful enchantments to get early on and definitely worth it the entry level light armor set has something like that too next alternative armor to check out is the leather variant or the leather scout light armor again this can be crafted from the start at riverwood with no smithing perk requirements but of course requiring the leather and leather strips materials wise and just like iron plate you get a tiny bonus by crafting yourself leather scout over basic leather but not enough to make a huge difference the base armor of the original chess piece is 26 the leather scout armor chest piece is 27. now that we've got the basics down let's get the enchanted variant of the leather scout armor this one was actually surprisingly out of the way compared to all the other ones and the quest can be started all the way out in cliffside retreat which is south of dragon bridge in the reach this is a small hunter shack with not much opposition yet but here you'll find two things atop the barrel to read a guards dossier on el hile i think i said that right and zarya's note after reading said note which zarya wrote this should start the quest double-edged which does come with an optional objective to disrupt zarya's plan or go directly to lost echo cave you get the armor with either choice the optional just determines who you're going to fight once you reach lost echo cave speaking of the quest then takes you to lost echo cave which is southeast of northwatch tower or west of solitude once you reach the larger cavern of lost echo cave with the brazier zarya fully clad in the enchanted leather scout armor will be ready to fight you melee if you did the optional objective but if you didn't do the optional objective hellhile a mage will be standing over zarya's body and you'll have to fight him instead this one's a bit weird because it seems like you do get more for not doing the optional objective the more being el hile's journal on top of the armor itself speaking of let's get into the enchantments on said leather scout armor the body armor gives a plus 17 to the light armor skill the boots plus 42 stamina gauntlets plus 25 pickpocket chance and the helmet grants a plus 25 to bow damage a gnarly bonus if you're starting out as a stealth archer or might accidentally later next up is the steel soldier heavy armor this is craftable at the forge once you unlock steel smithing and just like your regular steel armor requires leather strips steel ingots and iron ingots to make with the tiny armor increase that the alternative armors get if you don't feel like spending purp points on the very first of these smithing perks don't worry there is a set of steel soldier armor that you can get from the quest itself too and it is enchanted to begin the quest for your enchanted steel soldier armor you'll need to go to dragon bridge a small village west of solitude with an ever so appropriate bridge with a dragon on it head inside the four shields inn and the note you're looking for in here is also on the right side of the counter near the innkeeper the note is called suicide at dragon bridge which hints at both a missing person and now a missing guard somebody by the name of valdepius comes up in this note as well as a following note you find on the guards corpse down river so once you return to the foreshields in there will be a note left for you on the table straight ahead it is here you learn aldepius's real name and are directed to the bridge of dragon bridge to confront him he draws his weapon as soon as you approach and upon his defeat you can then loot the enchanted steel soldier armor off of his corpse now we get into the enchantments the seal soldier armor suit grants an increased magic resistance of 15 the boots have plus 20 stamina regeneration the gauntlets plus 25 damage blocked with shield and the helmet has plus 40 percent fire resistance since they're close to the same level once you have the steel solder and the iron plate armor you can mix and match heavy armor pieces for the enchantments that you want we're on to the first of the light armors that actually requires a quest to be completed to be crafted but you do still get a set from the quest itself too that is the three pieces of unenchanted elven hunter light armor that's the armor suit boots and gauntlets when you do get to the point of crafting it you will need to have elven smithing unlocked as well as the quest once a hunter completed materials required being leather strips leather refined moonstone and iron ingots so now let's get to the quest we're heading to fall creek for this one and the note we're looking for this time is in the form of a guards dossier labeled ace rail which you can find in the fall creek guards barracks on the eastern edge of town after reading the dossier once a hunter begins and you get one objective kill asriel azrael's camp is basically on the other side of fall creek forest a bit north of hunter's rest and once his camp comes into view he will start attacking you immediately alongside his wolf dusk who is just a wolf take out israel and you can search his body for both some context in the form of his journal as well as a key a key that opens the wooden chest at his camp containing some generic items but also including the crimson dirks volume 7 and the elven hunter gauntlets boots and suit of armor this turns out to be a nice leather elven hybrid but like i said before is unenchanted but that means you can enchant it with whatever you see fit if you were bummed out that vanilla skyrim didn't have a light armor variant of the dwarven armor well now there is this is the dwarven male a light four piece set of dwarven armor it still looks kind of heavy to me but this is a fantasy game and style is an important stat the dormant male is craftable after you unlock dwarven smithing and finish the quest fan favorite and requires leather strips dwarven metal ingots iron ingots and steel ingots to create but there is the full set you get from the quest so let's go over that this one in particular is one of the quests that's easier to walk past because it's not in any of the main villages or cities but outside so to find the arena fans note which will start us on the quest is actually going to iverstead where you start for climbing the 7000 steps to visit the greybeards but instead of climbing said steps again we would go southeast and just past the hilltop southeast of iverstead is a little campsite which should have a dead body and ravaging through this body's pockets will reveal the arena fan's note turns out this is an adoring fan who didn't survive their encounter with their favorite champion you'll learn that the orc champion in question is at the ruins of betholft south of the location you find the unfortunate fan as soon as you're in range of betholft you'll also be in range of ergnox attention apparently because if he's aware of your presence he will come out swinging with the rest of his bandit crew defeat ergnock and you can loot a full set of unenchanted dwarven mail off of his corpse and you'll be able to craft it yourself just in case you get better enchanting even though dwarvenmail was introduced and there's already a heavy variant of dwarven armor there is another variant of heavy stuff called the dwarven plate but it does only come in two pieces an unenchanted suit of armor and some boots now the dwarven plate armor is craftable if you unlock dwarven smithing no quest required and just like the dwarven male takes leather strips dwarf metal iron and steel ingots to make however we're going to go over the quest anyway just in case you don't feel like unlocking dwarven smithing yourself and you know i want to be consistent here so the location of this note that we're going to need is going to be in mark hearth in the silver blood inn and the looters note is on the back left corner of the innkeeper's countertop this time finishing reading the looter's note starts the quest mightier than the sword inviting you to search the tower in reach wind eerie a well-preserved dwarven ruin that is not far from douche neck y'all you'll notice that looters have taken up residence here once you arrive but they're no worse than your standard bandits inside the tower and upstairs after taking care of the final looter there will be a corpse of a dark elf in here named cassaval with a note in front of him for more context as well as the two pieces of dwarven plate armor on the floor to his right with that you'll have two alternative pieces of dwarven heavy armor to wear along with your other dwarven armor if you would like everybody likes options now we're on to armor that's just brand new and that is the silver heavy armor set this falls under the same tier as advanced armors like steel plate after unlocking advanced armors the silver armor is actually found in the miscellaneous section and expectantly requires silver ingots to craft as well as iron ingots and leather strips since this is a brand new type of armor i will share some of the defense stats too which sit comfortably in between nordic carved armor and steel plate steel plate chess piece has 40 silver armor has 42 nordic carved has 43. so like i said a comfortable midpoint but this is only if you're smithing it yourself if you just rather not bother with crafting it yourself especially gathering up that silver for it that's where the quest for the silver armor can help we go where a lot of quests begin and that is white run after entering head straight ahead into the bannered mare inn and in the kitchen which is off to the left on the back table in here will be amshara's diary after reading when the cats away we'll start that's cute the quest then points you to the dragon's reach dungeon so once you hit dragon's reach just take a right and round back and then you'll be in the dungeon to the right are chests of confiscated goods but right between them will be amshara's confession the note contains amshara's key and instructions as to where the silver armor is stored and that would be lund's hut out to the west and northwest of rorickstead after getting inside of lun's hut the one with all the skeevers about opening the chest at the foot of lund's bed will reveal the full four piece set of the silver heavy armor it's not over just yet though because once you step outside lun's hut an imperial captain and two east empire guards will attack you finish off them and you'll finally be able to walk away with your silver heavy armor now we're moving into the alternative orcish armors starting with the orcish scale armor there are four pieces in this light armor set even though like all the others there is a quest to get this set of armor orcish smithing is also all that's needed here to get a set of your own and it requires leather strips or calculum ingots as well as corundum instead of iron ingots to make so now the crafting part out of the way let's go over the quests the note you're looking for for this one is in missed veil keep in riften more specifically in the mistvale keep guards barracks that's the door on the left of the main entrance if you go upstairs in the guards barracks and look for the bunk that's a little more private than the rest on top of the dresser in there will be the guards dossier for antonius after reading the quest gambler's edge begins and it takes you up north through the rift and into the edge of east march to a location called crags lane cavern once you arrive in craig's lane cavern and take care of any opposition you encounter you'll be guided to antonius's corpse with another note and find out that an armor collector in rifton has the armor that you seek you do have a few options on how to deal with her like convincing her to walk out of town so you can take her out quietly or just paying for the armor set outright for a thousand gold there's also the option of just pick pocketing the armor after you make your choice and acquire the orca scaled armor the quest completes and you have your orcish scaled armor next up we go over the orcish plate armor which like vanilla is another heavy set of orcish armor with that mild bonus that the alternative armors get and to make it available you only need the orcish smithing perk and the materials to make it so leather strips or calcum ingots and iron ingots but this is one of the sets that does come with enchantments if you do complete the quest so let's get into that if you've gone from embershard mine to riverwood to whiterun you've probably gone to all the places you need to to get this orcish plate armor but we'll need the infamous note first so just as you enter whiterun on your left will be the guards barracks and straight ahead on the shelves will be the guards dossier for yak tu gra or colg read that and smith and slash begins as soon as you close the book your quest ends up being to find the orc smith in embershard mine many of you have been here before so you'll know to expect bandits but there will also be additional enemies wearing orcish armor crafted for them by this smith so basically you'll be able to pick up more orcish plate that's not enchanted if you want it after reaching the main chamber of embershard mine you'll find yaktu grat orchog along with a particularly well-equipped bandit one that is equipped with the armor that you're looking for after you take them and the rest of the bandits out you'll be able to get a key off of the blacksmith's corpse which leads to a chest that contains materials for smithing like i said the armor itself would be on the bandit that was outfitted particularly well so you'll have both the armor or multiple sets of the orcish plate armor as well as upgrade materials in case you feel like upgrading then and there this four piece set of orcish plate armor off of the blacksmith's champion is fully enchanted so let's go over those the armor's enchantment is plus 25 block damage with shields plus 35 carry capacity on the boots plus 25 weapon and armor improvement on the gauntlets and plus 17 heavy armor skill on the helmet this is one of the very few pieces of gear that will offer a bonus to weapon and armor improvement so it's good to keep these gauntlets handy whenever you do want to improve your gear next up is the alternative to ebony armor the ebony plate heavy armor that is enchanted if you complete the quest and it comes in four pieces if you're going the crafting route you will need the ebony smithing perk as expected but also need to complete heart of crimson the quest that accompanies the armor before we get into the quest i did want to make a side note that there is no light variant of ebony armor this is just another heavy variant that's slightly better defenses wise than the ebony armor by like single points per piece with that let's get to the quest this one has a level prerequisite and once you hit level 32 you should be approached by a courier and given a letter from tyra bloodfire the leader of the crimson dirks after reading it starts the quest heart of crimson where you must go to windhelm and give gold to a beggar and afterwards the quest points you to the shrine of talos that's just to the west of windhelm where you're meant to meet up with tyra when you approach the shrine of talos she will attack immediately and when defeated all of the armor you're looking for will be on her person as well as a personalized note just for you some details changing depending on how nice you were to the beggar but since we're here mainly for the gear rather than exposition about the crimson dirks let's get into the cool enchantments these four pieces of ebony plate have the armor has a plus 50 health bonus the boots plus 30 stamina regen the gauntlets plus 30 one-handed attack damage and the helmet gives plus 20 to the heavy armor skill so this gear appears to have an emphasis on sword and board or dual wielding rest in peace tyra next is a bit unexpected but not unwelcome the daedric male a light variant of daedric armor there is a bit of weirdness with this one the set comes in three light one heavy so i don't know what that does in the terms of matching set stuff but what i do know is daedric male is kind of on par with the light to heavy between dragon and daedric being a few armor points stronger than dragon scale once the associated quest is complete you can craft your daedric mail with leather strips ebony ingots and daedra hearts provided you have daedric smithing that is and while the set you get is not enchanted there is a ring that goes along with this quest that is definitely worth your time so let's do the quest so this one starts a bit weird go to an innkeeper and ask about rumors after you do that there should be a second dialogue choice that comes up saying i'm in need of work do you have anything for me if you ask that then the innkeeper should hand you a note and start the quest missing merchant reading the note will then guide you towards traitor's post which is east of windhelm past the farms part of the bandit crew includes two named individuals erwan and gunther while erwan has more context on why gunther is here now gunther's body contains the ring of master and the crimson dirk's vol 5. you might also notice that the ring is not double but triple enchanted reducing illusion spell costs by 30 increasing stamina by 20 points and improving sneak by 20 a ring nearly everyone can benefit from in some way after picking up the ring and the notes you then have the option of using the ring to trade for the daedric male you can trade the ring of master for the armor or you can pay 5000 gold outright for the armor so you can keep the ring as well and gold is easy enough to get and the ring is irreplaceable so the best outcome for this is walking away with a triple enchanted ring and some pretty sweet daedric light armor this next one daedric plate is in a similar situation to the dwarven plate armor only having two pieces that are identified as daedric plate and that is the chest piece and a helmet but for the sake of matching sets it does match with the rest of the daedric armor and the quest rewards you with a full heavy set of enchanted armor anyway i hope that makes sense the daedric plate is craftable without the quest provided you have the daedric smithing perk that is with leather strips ebony ingots and daedra hearts but like i said the armor that's rewarded is also enchanted so extra incentive to do the quest alongside which happens to start in white run within the dragon's reach dungeon as mentioned before this is the entrance to dragon's reach on the right side of the building so if you go down inside the dragon's reach dungeon where the cells are located there will be a table somewhat straight ahead with a little book labeled death of a crimson dirk alongside a copy of the crimson dirks vol 3. but after reading death of a crimson dirk the quest beyond the grave will begin and this first objective will take you to the fall create graveyard which is just to your left if you enter from the west gate there will be a dead khajiit here next to an empty coffin with a note on their body read the note on the body as well as the note in the coffin if you want and this will point you to knife point ridge where the armor you're looking for is and knife point ridge is somewhat in the mountains northwest of fall creek when you make it there you'll encounter your standard bandits as well as a bounty hunter fully clad in daedric armor after the bounty hunter's defeat you will find a note explaining why this person has this armor in the first place as well as the armor itself that you can then take for your own like i said at the start of this entry this one is a bit strange because daedric plate only consists of two pieces as well as two pieces of standard daedric armor but since it's all heavy it should count towards matching set bonuses i hope so let's go over the enchantments starting with the daedric plate pieces the armor has a 20 illusion spell cost reduction and the helmet gives a bonus of 50 health as for the standard dater pieces the boots provide muffle while the gauntlets provide a bonus to alchemy with a 20 bonus for more powerful potion making as you can tell the enchantments as well as the armor itself is a bit all over the place but this is alternative armor with a bit more color when it comes to a heavy daedric set now to get into the dragon alternative armors and we start with the four piece set of studded dragon scale light armor again like everything mentioned previously the differences in base armor are negligible at best and to craft your own set of studded dragon scale armor you'll need to have the quest tilted skills completed as well as dragon smithing unlocked in the perk tree after having what you need perk and quest wise it requires leather strips leather dragon scales and iron ingots to craft and even though this doesn't come enchanted from the quest you still do need to get the quest completed to craft it yourself and well have a free set too after the quest so to start tilted scales you'll need to head to candle hearth hall in windhelm you don't need to talk to anyone this time and straight ahead in candle hearth hall is a short hallway that leads to the rooms if you're staying there on the right side of this hallway will be a table with a copy of the crimson dirks vol 4. activating this as if you were reading it and then putting it back down will activate the quest and it will send you into the mountains a little ways northwest of windhelm to yorgrim's overlook this is an external location rather than a full-on dungeon after arriving at yorgrim's overlook to discover some skeletal remains and a chest locked behind a metal gate you'll be attacked by skeletons one of which is named ulf near boneskin after putting off near's bones to rest you can pick up the overlook key from his remains unlock the gate access the chest and the full set of studded dragon scale light armor will be inside i've also heard tell that you can just show up here in yorgrim's overlook and get the armor too without prompting the quest from candle hearth hall at any rate that's how you get yourself a full set of studded dragon scale armor to enchant however you please the pinnacle of dragon armor at least in the heavy category is insulated dragon plate a four piece set of heavy dragon bone armor the quest granting an enchanted set of heavy armor as well as a couple other goodies this is the one where the quest is definitely worth it however dragon smithing perks unlocked you can craft your dragon insulated plate without needing to complete the related quest and for crafting insulated dragon plate armor you'll need leather strips dragon scales and dragon bones but the enchantments that come with the quest reward armor are really good so let's get into that part this is another innkeeper oriented quest and doesn't seem to have a level requirement at all so all you need to do is find an innkeeper of your choice and keep picking bounty and rumor dialogue until you get a new dialogue choice that says any bounty work i can help with the innkeeper should then hand you the bounty for crow's tooth and start the quest bones for a crow read the bounty and you'll be sent to crow's tooth's camp which is in the mountains on the south side of the rift the quest will also lead you through dark light tower which has its own quest but this is primarily the way to just get up to that elevation however you choose to get there just west of dark light tower will be crow's tooth's camp this camp includes a diverse cast of enemies including a hagraven named lanell defeating her and looting her corpse you'll get another note this one sending you to arkwind point another location in the mountains further west now arkwind point is a place with challenging draugr most times and the wide winding path that goes through the ruins will cause you to run into at least a couple of high-level draugr but not the only challenges here because as soon as you start moving towards the tower ruins crow's tooth and the remains of her crew will attack you killing and looting crow's tooth as well as alvas or the rat should result in some nice enchanted gear to take from their pockets crowsu having a force worn axe by the name of tyrants bane which has a fire damage enchantment and alvasor the rat should have two things on him the dismal visage a falmer heavy armor helmet that has 25 cost reductions to conjuration and alteration spells along with a falmer war axe named namira's itch that is enchanted with stamina absorption some nice loot and not even what we're here for once you climb up to the top of the ruin tower you'll find the corpse of bjormund windstrider off of whom you can get his diary as well as the full set of enchanted insulated dragon plate armor the chess piece is also technically a unique called the dragon bone male which grants a hundred percent fire resistance to its wearer the boots offer plus 40 carrying capacity the gauntlets plus 30 percent two-handed attack damage and the helmet plus 50 health so despite being a bit of a gauntlet over the other quests for alternative armors bones for crow ensured that the end loot was worth it there is one more alternative armor to go over and that is the stall rim fur heavy armor four piece set out of the requirements of the rest of the armors here this one requires pretty much everything all of the above you gotta start the dragonborn dlc you've got to have ebony smithing you have to help out skull village and soul stime you have to unlock stalrum smithing from their side quest and do the quest related to alternative armor's stallion fur the nice part is though you can get your set of stallion for armor just by doing the alternative request so you don't even have to bother to unlock all the stall room stuff when it comes to smithing and the skull village stuff you merely have to find this alternative armor quest if you are going the crafting route this will require leather strips stall rim and quicksilver ingots to craft and like all the alternatives previously mentioned the starring fur carries a bonus of about two base armor compared to the regular heavy stall rim armor but enough with the extra details let's just go get a set of it in solsteim southwest of skull village there's a small unmarked campsite right near the frozen pond in that area and upon the barrel instead campsite is skeol's journal after reading and closing the journal you'll start ancient ice and this takes you way to the north west of solsteim in a small iceberg where you'll find skiol the tongueless and be forced to kill him thanks to him being aggressive after that in the sarcophagus he was standing next to will be the full four-piece set of stallion fur heavy armor and this set does not come enchanted but if you've made it to soul styme and help skull village and all that stuff you're probably at a point where you can enchant it with some decent enchantments i hope oh and stall rim for as well as everything else prior when it comes to survival mode has been equivalent when it comes to warmth value as well so that's nice that's nice that that was included so out of all 15 of these alternative armors which one do you find yourself wearing the most which do you think looks the most awesome and what kind of character are you playing with said awesome alternative armor please share in the comments if you found this entertaining useful or a little bit of both please do whatever you see fit to show that among the things you can do is showing your support through patreon like the amazing people on screen now including wasteland legend sven thank you so very much for watching i'm catogenesis and may you wonder tamriel like you own it you
Channel: Caedo Genesis
Views: 352,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alternative armors skyrim, alternative armors daedric mail, alternative armors steel soldier, how to get daedric mail, dwarven mail skyrim location, skyrim dwarven mail quest, skyrim silver armor crafting, skyrim silver armor location, skyrim silver armor smithing, how to get silver armor in skyrim, daedric light armor, daedric mail skyrim quest, leather scout armor skyrim, leather scout armor quest, dwarven light armor skyrim
Id: rv52xd5Yb14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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