Destroying All 50 US States Until 1 Left... kinda (Worldbox)

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welcome to the first ever u.s state world box battle royale we have all of the u.s states uh we have a lot of the u.s states actually not all of them and they're getting ready to destroy each other alaska and hawaii were kind of left out but it's not like they do much during these games anyways who will come out on top it is anybody's game because pretty much everyone is starting off on a completely level playing field i mean as level as it can be some states don't have as much territory as others but also there's some states that are just breeding way quicker there's only been a couple days that's gone by and they're already getting into it and by breeding i actually mean like a cell like a like a mitochondria itself i don't even know what that word means but they only start with one and then they just magically come up with two each state has also been given the same starting resources and all of the necessary starting resources so if their civilization collapse that's on them personally my money has got to be on texas they have so much land over here and unless new mexico oklahoma maybe louisiana starts to colonize them they're gonna be able to get all this stuff to themselves so we're starting things off i'm not gonna make any changes i'm not gonna have an impact at all in this game so if they die they die and already the most populated state is wisconsin at three but biggest village is texas i'm not sure what determines 16 where they pull that number out of but there is a total of 56 world population or united states population right now this is definitely gonna be a hot spot immediately vermont new hampshire and maine all rubbing up against each other these borders are gonna get a little bit tense now maine only has one population for now but they got a lot more space to work with they might also want to recruit this chicken to be in their military and the first collapsing civilization is colorado colorado i don't even know what happened but they got a bunch of buildings still left over maybe someone else can make use of this pretty much if these states don't start to mate like with each other new mexico nevada california if you only have one population you gonna be in trouble everyone up here has at least more than one so they're oh oregon someone just starved to death i think maybe one of the village members ate the other possibly or could this be a man-eating turtle i don't know imagine death by a turtle that's uh it's not the most glorious way to go out all right he's getting nuts over here everyone is heading north for some reason i i don't know why there seems to be more land the other way but i think they want stuff around maine another collapse has occurred and this time it is in utah so a neighboring state there must be a problem with this land i guess there are plenty of sheep to live off of look at all this oh there's literally an invasion of the turtles now i know what i said earlier about the turtles but if these are like one of those snapping turtles i can understand how things wouldn't go so well uh i think the turtles might be declaring an entire invasion on one of these states let's also not forget that there might potentially be some huge naval battles happening off the coast it depends on like who starts to colonize the coast uh why is there a turtle island so this is where the turtles were trying to make it to this whole time honestly you know what everyone just give up we're gonna give the dub to the turtles california doing what they do best and that is have a ton of populations so let's see if they can do anything with that or at some point maybe we'll see a mass exodus of everyone leaving the state to start joining nevada and texas the third state has been lost and this time it is oregon look at all the stuff they left behind how could you not make that work wisconsin is still number one in terms of population with 11 but look at montana montana making it work they got nine and now the first collapse due to war has occurred it's maine taking over new hampshire but before this new hampshire took over vermont now vermont is independent since the capital got taken oh maine is coming down here they come they're stabbing people where's bernie at they need bernie to lead oh they just burnt the whole city down so immediately maine has jumped out as the front runner they have two settlements up here both with eight pops now how will new york massachusetts and connecticut respond they can't let this aggression in the north go unchecked though it looks like missouri and illinois might be a part of the same empire they are not because the star indicates that's that's two capitals got a little excited for a second there texas has got a nice little neighborhood going on the little road circle road with a farm they're cutting down trees but they're also being outpaced by oklahoma they only have nine people living down there oklahoma got a much bigger village but it's not as nicely organized i will say not a big circle now who will take the upper peninsula michigan has this in our world but always said it wisconsin it it feels like it should be wisconsin's i don't know though people from michigan always get mad at me for saying that but you know what's up with this and another conquest has occurred it also happened in the northeast massachusetts has taken over connecticut now is this enough to stop maine from continuing to go down south new york is also doing pretty good over here with 28 they've got the most population so maybe that'll be enough to at least defend their lands and maryland versus new jersey oh boom it just happened right there so new jersey has taken over maryland obviously this part of the map is much more compacted together so they're going to go to war earlier and they kind of have to because all these guys have to do is start to colonizing sending people out explorers and stuff like that they can be pretty peaceful what is this mass what what are all these sheep doing here does no one need the wool to build a bed in their minecraft the non-existent wyoming really trying to prove that they exist at least in this game 23 people looks like the village is doing pretty good what the hell look at that sky was that the king i thought this was some sort of invading zombie remember turning zombies on in this game total of 48 people have died so far whether it was due to uh starvation or battles you know the states that actually fell apart colorado utah oregon washington they might have been taken out i might not have seen because this says it wasn't due to any of these factors but we're almost at a thousand people living in the us these guys are breeding a lot and currently it is kentucky the kfc empire they are doing the best with 37 people they clearly got a couple kfc's going on up in here a little weirded out when two people go inside of a building and then the building starts shaking how did this occur how did maine take connecticut and then new hampshire and massachusetts are now a thing uh new york is now colonizing we have a first state that's colonizing turtle island is still going strong though they don't need to be like us barbarian humans they're not out here just destroying each other they're just chilling i'm imagining them pretty much crab raving out there we have mississippi with their next settlement so it is starting to happen just not as fast as if like they went to war north dakota's got the right idea they're moving closer to south dakota they are going to be the superior dakota who will be named best dakota in this world that's what i want to know same for best carolina and best virginia strangest borders currently goes to alabama my birth state with uh this abomination i for some reason really don't like this random patch of dirt it looks like we do have a best virginia and it is not west virginia there are four cities now it looks like these guys are clearly the most powerful at this point but damn watch out for the kfc imperium 55 people that's not as impressive as four settlements but still pretty good looks like florida and georgia are gonna start to probably get into it i don't think uh the florida men of this high council are gonna appreciate that speaking of florida man there seems to be just a lot of uh random naked people running around maine has fallen and they have fallen to new hampshire so did they somehow regain their end so that's the thing keep in mind if your state falls it's possible to come back like if new york takes over new hampshire then massachusetts and maine could get their independence and be revived for instance virginia's gone now west virginia has completely taken over and oh that okay never mind i was gonna say we have our first like uh state that doesn't actually exist wait i actually mean second state that doesn't actually exist big old war happening in new york but new oh okay well that was quickly ended new jersey has now annexed massachusetts and new hampshire maine is back though oh never mind things are changing so fast i can barely keep up kind of afraid to even announce things but at this point georgia has taken over florida we'll see if that lasts trying to figure out why louisiana has just been so slow at growing when you look at all the surrounding states i mean arkansas mississippi alabama there's so much more populated i'm assuming there might have been a battle that happened and they took a lot of casualties maybe less migration too i mean maybe that's texas's problem a lot of other villagers are not joining the texas kingdom is that what this is a texas kingdom he looks like he looks like a knight the biggest battle so far looks like it's about to take place between new york and new jersey of course the two best of friends new york basically is almost landlocked and jersey is like a maritime empire also new york is actually sending in stuff and uh they are destroying boats they're shooting arrows i don't know how many arrows it's going to take to take down this huge ship it's a nice attempt you might as well just escape somewhere else man it's one new yorker's just coming in there with a chicken leg about to beat someone over the head with a traditional strategy in new york isn't i think at this point uh this empire just needs to slow new jersey down because they have the coasts they can really just start taking over everyone i don't know how they're supposed to protect pennsylvania though pennsylvania is kind of out in the open jersey seems to be kind of just minding their own business they're just farming and building while a lot of conflicts are happening in the north maybe they're trying to do some trade with turtle island they got some valuable stuff over here people don't realize that there's probably a d-day happening every single day on turtle islands you know like when turtles are born sea turtles they they have to be on the beach and then they have to run birds come down it's probably actually the deadliest part of this map wisconsin has claimed the up the upper peninsula is now rightfully under wisconsin control i'm sorry michigan don't get mad they can take it over though i don't know if they're gonna hold on to this both oh they got three now there might be a really cool naval battle in the great lakes if they start building ships texas is so slow like they have all this land but they ain't doing anything with it indiana has taken over illinois i know that confuses a lot of people in general the eyes with both of their starting letters it's probably for the best i think dyslexic people like me would enjoy that the amount of times i've mixed those two states up i'm embarrassed to admit pennsylvania is back new york has been split apart which means they can divide and conquer jersey's probably going to win out here baby now here's a weird one idaho colonized and created this village but the village said no hell no i'm not going to be a part of idaho so they went out and did their own thing there's only two people living here how could you allow that idaho is idaho that friendly that they just decided yeah you can have your independence for now i like how these guys clearly got the better deal look how many houses they took with them you only got two people what are you gonna do with all these houses arkansas is now infringing upon oklahoma and lands i wonder how they're gonna feel about this and the eye nations have uh colonized a new spot in between the two states it doesn't start with an eye though that'd be nice if it did unbelievably idaho has settled a new settlements and they joined the two people living to the east idaho must really be that bad nobody wants to live in idaho so now they got a total of five look at that they got three people and are they fighting each other they are fighting each other boom okay yeah they you can't you can't go in there idahoans come on now you know this land is only for three people and nothing else no one else oh so they're invading are you gonna kill these children i love that idaho might actually get taken out by just a random made-up nation at this point their military isn't even that deep look at this guy he's hiding in the shadows he's using vietnam strats i don't even see him right there or maybe he's in this tree but it looks like he's over here he's actually taking people out they did they lost i can't i can't believe it idaho is uh they they lost to two five people it's been kind of a rough time in this game for uh anybody that lives in in these states in general in this part of the map california keeps on spreading though they are getting closer to nevada but they've decided to keep nevada around again just in case they need to escape california you need nevada for that or maybe they need their weekend vacation getaway this is where they go to to party and chickenland has grabbed himself some country music tennessee has been taken out kfc has like five or six settlements they even took away this one from indiana and illinois oh but they're trying to take it back there's a little there's a little battle going on in between do you guys even have anything you're running around with no weapons aren't you well one guy has weapons but everyone else is just meat shields i guess yeah just just run away the stick's not gonna do anything i really don't know what to think about this part of the world because now maine has everything that new jersey had pennsylvania has everything new york had i don't understand turtles are even colonizing they now have another island this one by michigan maybe they're using the boats too is are they using human-made boats to like travel around like an uber where are these boats going exactly because i am seeing a lot of movement in uh non-existent canada checking in on the most depressing story of the game idaho they still are here but um the capital has eight population now i would have rather gone out in the first two days like colorado than to have done what idaho did texas is having the same problem though don't let this happen texas you're never going to be able to live this down if you get taken out by the made up imaginary nation you got 50 population owned they are trying to take it back oh you are burning down don't do that oh you're just gonna destroy this you don't even care yeah you're wow you're running in there remember the alamo we'll see how about remember the shygo oklahoma has just reversed card arkansas they decided to settle too close to oklahoman lands and uh they just got wiped out although they lost something in the process clearly they lost a little bit of a settlement kansas making do with the best of their situation they've got five cities out here that's like the most for a place that started kind of out in the open montana's doing pretty good with four but you know they got some catching up to do california also has four minnesota has eaten south dakota but in the process they lost one city at least they might try to go take that back and there's only one dude defending all this territory you might as well just come up and shank them kentucky has now defeated both indiana and illinois so they're looking pretty strong here especially because they don't got to worry about their west or their south they can just focus on these guys alabama is tired of the incest jokes and they are looking like they're going to take it out on the world so they have to defeat mississippi who's looking pretty strong but they are in a battle it's a pretty rough battle look at all this going on right here there's like a group uh gang something there's a gang beat down basically that's going on it's just all of the alabamians running in after mississippi not a good strategy to just stand there though you're gonna get shot with those arrows left and right damn they're even taking out the kids they don't care about the kids mississippi's got some range though that i mean coming in with the sticks is an okay strategy if you have enough people to sacrifice i don't think alabama cares that they could sacrifice them this big dude with the knight oh they oh they're wiping out this i thought this guy was gonna take them all down it was too many of them david versus goliath right there goliath didn't take out any of the david's alabama has the numbers though where they can do that sort of thing they can just throw in people like meat shields boom they got at least one city from it two now they just gotta take the actual capital sad this one turtle's not allowed on turtle islands they they won't let them that's kind of mean they're bullying some of the turtles out here so there's some trading going on i think with some of the new england civilizations and maybe i yeah it's got to be wisconsin michigan has one poured up but i don't know if they're doing much with it alabama is looking scary they now have all of mississippi and uh they just i mean they have to worry about louisiana kind of but not really oklahoma's kind of too spread out they just have to focus on georgia and then they'll be good best virginia ended up winning out over regular virginia that's good best slash west virginia does sound better for the memes i was kind of rooting for ohio but i don't think it looks like they're gonna be all ohio a lot of strange stuff happening on the border between minnesota and north dakota because south dakota isn't around anymore and they just collapsed the whole village is just gone now i don't know how that happened they had population right with the where are these ships going because i don't think there's any ports down here by florida so these must be being sent down way up north it's got to be from the main empire but i don't know where they're trying to go to exactly oh wait that's not maine that's pennsylvania but yeah it is getting packed in tight over here there's barely any land left people just keep colonizing a lot of battles happening too there is one pennsylvanian city just chilling in between all of these main cities that's not going to end up pretty well also all your buildings have been burnt down might as well give up are they just living in this well that last person might as well just throw himself down it look at all those dots all of those dots are damn maryland's just getting utterly obliterated pennsylvania used to have control over this empire something really bad happened diplomatically this must have been like a huge coalition they have messed up and it is horrible there's a mass migration to just destroy all of maryland's and the former pennsylvanian empire which used to be new jersey i don't know things are confusing what are all you doing out here was that necessary maryland wasn't hurting anybody well they're all gone now and the last remaining member of new england or like the east coast in general is just maine well there are other east coast states kind of but i mean it's not a lot i can't even begin to tell you what is happening in those borders right now i'm just seeing a whole lot of movement from everyone looks like maine has their own little stonehenge set up here except this stone is made out of gold or really like this empire that ohio ended up building out it's just this straight line it's like the chile of us states it's a long boy that's for sure the next great invasion seems to be happening and it's from wisconsin i believe they're coming over to north dakota for some reason look at all these people come and boom and they're just taking things out look at this poor guy there is one dude and like 10 people shooting arrows at him guys like boromir from lord of the rings just taking him in the chest wait a second that blue is actually i was trying to figure out where the blue is coming from that's from kentucky they must have open borders with iowa they're just walking straight through iowa's territory look at texas go to they're finally trying to start to do something they're approaching oklahoma oklahoma got 100 people living here though big three-way battle happening in the west coast california arizona and nevada and it looks like arizona is the aggressive one they're going after nevada california might not be a part of it but they are watching from the sidelines getting ready to strike the next invasion is coming from michigan and they are just destroying the city look at that boom it dropped from like 30 to now for chicken land might have spread themselves out a little bit too thin they just got done with north dakota they had all these cities up here but they might not have been protecting their homeland they took out north dakota by the way they have all these cities so at least they'll survive even if they do get completely eaten by michigan which is a definite possibility because there are a lot they're just chilling by this tree they don't even know what to do they got so much warriors just hanging around and there you go arizona has eaten nevada so it's going to be between these two states and the west coast watch the state that randomly got its independence from idaho win the whole thing i mean i don't know it doesn't look that great they got five cities though the city of nevada has fallen california has burnt it down now they're going after arizona well they were going after arizona but they're probably going after the city now something really bad clearly just happened to west virginia oh west virginia just lost himself ohio is really taking stuff over so many different massive like conflicts going on that i can't even keep up what is happening so many people are just sending in massive invasions everywhere i don't even know where they're going we have some people going north of nebraska like trying to make it up here to montana i think other people going south and maybe through kansas i don't know who their target is wisconsin maybe are they going up is dropping nukes now what is that what oh that's just grass never mind you know what this is what i agree with the most right here screw wisconsin and michigan having the upper peninsula the upper peninsula should just be its own thing how about that and that's what they've done i don't know for how much longer there's only three people living here and a lot of randos just walking through their territory for a second there i thought utah was back but no that's you law same thing wait a second this isn't even wisconsin anymore someone else took over the wisconsin capital wisconsin i don't know what's going to happen to it wisconsin's gone wisconsin got so powerful that all their other cities decided you know we don't even need this guy anymore there's actually only a couple of original states left at this point montana being one of them but they're so similarly colored to the other nation that i don't know how big they actually are texas is basically done for a while there i thought they were going to be doing okay california is over in texas so yeah accurate californians invading texas that's still happening in this universe north carolina has lost their capital so it's basically over for them same thing for jersey or anything else i mean this is just a huge mess they were clearly eaten up by ohio ohio is i think the number one nation i think ohio won they also must have heard me actually there is a gonna be a massive rivalry between of course the two ohio versus michigan michigan is massive though michigan has got like these stone buildings everywhere this is looking like a real nice place to live michigan might be getting a little distracted by some of these fantasy worlds though just leave those nations alone we're not even going to count those they don't even know texas has finally fallen and it is actually to louisiana louisiana got a little bit of help from california as well though this map is disgusting i didn't realize there's gonna be so many collapsed villages and michigan has obliterated ohio there is only there's nothing left ohio's how did they do that so quickly they must have heard south carolina has all of wisconsin too south carolina went all the way around michigan and they have all this down this way so they're doing pretty well though california survives they aren't very powerful at all these cities aren't even over 30 population oh michigan lost a lot during that invasion though they took out ohio but they might have taken out themself in the process they literally might lose their capital here because they were so distracted by beating down their arrival ohio with the last laugh maybe for the first time ever in a u.s state battle royale it actually looks like all of the states just destroyed each other there is no clear winner everyone just killed each other and everyone looks like it's like a post-apocalypse world like look at all this stuff that's just been burned down like no one's even trying they're not trying to take each other over they're just trying to ruin each other's lives world population is down under two thousand for a second there it was over ten thousand thirty thousand deaths oh my god doesn't help that there's clearly been some sort of plague i can't believe the map looks like this like this this is horrible but montana's trying to pick up the stragglers i guess yeah they're spreading out very wide look at all these cities they're getting although some are not staying up there oh maybe that's kansas i can't tell the colors are very similar same with michigan i can't tell the difference between michigan and these guys i know last time i checked they actually have all this stuff new york is back and it's under california control is that yeah i think that's correct not only will ohio have the last laugh but they also exist still they got their cities back while michigan is around they survive barely i don't even know how we're supposed to classify a winner here in this like mad max version of usa the most populated village is nebraska and only 55 and the biggest village is kansas it's 75 overall though this is the greatest empire with 500 citizens and over a thousand plots of land and that empire is someone that doesn't even exist they didn't even start this game off well i guess if whatever state you were rooting for if that city still exists maybe you get some credit if it was up to me i guess it's either michigan or montana honestly probably michigan but they fell apart at the end but technically montana won in terms of stats the most land out of the states that started out the most population but just barely this is michigan down here montana only won because they have more buildings and slightly more land let me know if you want to see another battle royale in world box maybe it won't be as apocalyptic as this i might as well just contribute to it because that's just what i like to do and big thanks to the patrons zephy stormtrooper 501 patrick c poppy drew manny manny 74. m203 brushes luxembourg lovely i'm about a nut fusion wool full sand nick happy elijah senpai dalton d arien after hours aaron f and aaron f2 if you'd like to become a patron check the link down below
Channel: DruuuWu
Views: 1,678,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew durnil, druuuwu, worldbox, worldbox update, worldbox modern city, worldbox timelapse, worldbox war, worldbox boats, worldbox mods, worldbox new update, united states, all 50 states, battley royale, usa, us, worldbox us, worldbox america, worldbox states, worldbox united states, worldbox world, worldbox tsar bomba, worldbox simulator, worldbox city, worldbox kingdom, worldbox lets play, worldbox nuke
Id: kVX_ZzHcbqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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