All 24 Bleach Captains RANKED from Weakest To Strongest! (Every Gotei 13 Captain in Bleach Ranked)

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what is up everybody it's 414 anime here for anime or prom and today we're going to be ranking every captain from weakest to strongest similar to our recent video where we covered all of the captain's Powers link to that in the video description by the way we again have a lot of captains to break down as we are looking at the current captains and the former ones too so buckle up as we have a lot to get through now if you do enjoy these bleach videos on the channel and you'd like to see more you know what to do smash that like button get Suga tensho style if you haven't already make this the video that you subscribe and hit that notification Bell to turn on all notifications you can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram at anime overall and now without further Ado let's jump into It spoilers and all coming in at the bottom of this list is Lisa now to become a Captain is no small fee so I have to mention here that though she is at the bottom of this list it does not mean that she isn't strong every single member on this list is a master in swordsmanship keto shumpo and more they possess an insane amount of spiritual pressure as well as immense strength durability and endurance not only do they have raw power but they have very high tactical and strategic intellect Lisa Rose through the ranks as the once Lieutenant of shunsui to become the captain of the eighth division she has an expert Mastery of her zompoc toe being able to wield it with both her left and right hand to which she frequently swaps between during combat we saw just how skilled she was with the sword when she used her move send Maya roshi against a menos Grande defeating it with absolute ease she also has her qualification Powers which give all her Shinigami Powers a significant boost however she can only hold her holification for five minutes at a time now because of this and the fact that we have only really seen her in fights that she has either been interrupted or she is unfortunately taken the L she has to be placed here compared to the other captains on the list but like I said this does not mean that our girl is not strong next up is another of the wizard captains in love ikawa the former captain of the seventh division love is an absolute Powerhouse we have seen his crazy strength on hand and I mean literally so we saw him take down several high-leveled Hollows at the same time one of which was him putting his hands straight through the mask of a Manos Grande and then completely splitting it in two as if it was nothing now here's arguably one of the most laid-back captains on the list but this shouldn't be used as a pointer underestimate him as he is very skilled and has a ton of experience behind him not only that but he is a master strategist and has been able to swing the outcome of a battle in his favor many many a time of course just like as we mentioned with Lisa love gets a very significant boost in power when he takes on his holification however he can only sustain him is for three minutes at a time though it is less than Lisa I do believe that in a one-on-one fight Love's power would give him the win against her thus placing him above her again we haven't seen him win against any major opponents his most noticeable battle was against Stark to which he and Rose survived but it was ultimately shunsui who got the final blow we also saw him go up against Eisen a little later but he was just not a match for him at all now I know this guy was only an anime only filler character but he was still a captain shusuke armagai was the former third division captain and one that had so much potential from what we saw of I'm a guy he was just you know super impressive he had a way of leading and rallying those around him not only that but he also had the power to back it up his zombogto was a fire type that packed a lot of strength to it and also is worth mentioning here that he is the first captain in today's list that possesses bunkai so we saw in his fight against Ichigo just how strong and experienced he was as a fighter he had masterful control over his zompoc toe and was certainly a Powerhouse but he also had another weapon up his sleeve that weapon was of course his bacoto now the special ability of his picoto was that it could completely negate a soul Reaper from their soul Reaper Powers by cutting the connection between them and their spiritual energy thus meaning that their zompoc toe became completely useless to them in a fight yes our boy was an anime only but he was one that I truly loved watching and a character that I constantly wondered you know but what if you were a main captain in the show you know just how much could you have brought to the table unfortunately we will never know and for that fact we will place armor guy just here now we were talking of Love's battle against Stark and how he fought alongside Rose so here he is on the list Rose is among a select few who were stripped of their powers and Captain's status but were later reinstated after eisen's defeat Rose being the current captain of the third division which is a very clear nod to us that his abilities are up there with the best Rose has mustered his Bankai which again speaks volumes of his power and experience his Bankai is one that allows him to create visual Illusions using music which is a very nasty one to go up against he also has hollification as advised which will give his powers a huge boost however just as love Rose can only maintain his Hollow mask for three minutes at a time now we have seen him like the previous two visor captains make quick work of some very high High leveled Hollows which you know is impressive again he did fight alongside love against Stark but the two were clearly unmatched and for the start of the battle he was pretty much just a bystander until he was crushed by some rubble from another battle he did join in on the fight and survived but the two certainly struggled especially against Stark's wolves now we really got to see what he was made of in his battle against mask we saw just how impressive his bonkite is where we saw him use both his sea drift and Prometheus abilities but before we could see the big boy Power move mask burst his own eardrums which made Rose's bonkai pretty useless and he was then hit by mask star flash attack before being saved by renji so although Rose took the L in his most noticeable fight the demonstration of his powers and Bankai were more than to solidify his place above the previous two visor captains Henry kuchki is next up he was the former captain of the sixth division over 110 years ago and though there is a lot about him we don't really know when it comes to power I feel there is enough information that gives him a deserved place on this list so first of all we know that he was the 27th head of the noble kuchki family and with that position we can presume that it comes with a person who is both wise and Powerful also the fact that he is biogria's Grandfather would further Aid in our assumptions of his strength it must also be noted that he was present at the promotion ceremony of the newly promoted 12th division Captain kisuke urahara alongside head captain Yamamoto and Captain unahana both who are extremely strong captains now we know that one of his greatest strengths was that of his intellect where he would very quickly be able to determine his opponent's strengths and weaknesses and then use that knowledge to put together a counter-attack as well as that ginray had a great amount of spiritual energy that could repel even the most powerful of hypnotic spells and was a very very skilled swordsman and though this knowledge of him is little and we never really got to see him in battle it is clear from his lineage and importance the ginray was certainly a force not to be underestimated kensei mukaruma is another Visage on our list who was stripped of his captaincy later to have it reinstated post eisen's defeat kensei is certainly a very very powerful Shinigami whose brute power and strength is most noticeably seen when it comes to close combat we saw him knock Ichigo back a great distance with just one elbow strike and in the fake karakura Town Arc we also saw kensei dispatch multiple high-leveled Hollows with just his fists now physical hand-to-hand combat is really where kensei shines but it's not all brute strength when it comes to his power but it's his ability to be perceptive while on the battlefield that has often given him the upper hand against his opponent now kensei does prefer his hand-to-hand combat style but what makes him extremely impressive is the fact that he combines this style of fighting with his swordsman's skills using the two in Union his shikai and bonkai are both very impressive too he manipulates the wind utilizing wind slashes and explosions to completely overwhelm his enemy his bunkai simply puts this destructive power into two knuckle blades that pack a punch excuse the pun and as advised he of course has the same qualification Powers as the others which not only boost his Shinigami Powers significantly but also his punches gained more power as his fists are covered in spiritual energy kensei can maintain his Hollow mask for five minutes at a time so I believe of the Visage we have covered thus far kensei definitely stands above the others as his strength is just insane he managed to block Wonder wise's attack and then hurled him a great distance with just one hand before holifying and we also saw a good display of his power against mask with said knowledge on this guy he had to take this spot on the list Conor May tozen takes the next spot and I guess you could argue is the first OG captain on today's list he was the former captain of the ninth division prior to his portrayal of the Soul Society alongside Guin ichimaru and sosuke Eisen now kaname's powers are interesting pre-holification his powers are all about manipulating his opponent's senses his shikai has the power to completely overwhelm his opponent's hearing to the point of them losing Consciousness and his bonkai creates a space that takes away all of his opponents senses bar Touch of course it is that sense of touch that is the downside to his bonkai as its greatest weakness is the fact that it has touch nullification we saw this in koname's fight against the brute strength of kempachi's Iraqi yes kaname's bunkai is an extremely powerful one but that one slight opening completely changed the game in that fight now when it comes to kaname he has both hollification and a resurrection that make him an absolute lethal threat particularly in the fight against both komamura and his Sagi kaname was utilizing all of the holification abilities at his disposal which include the power enhancement and the very high speed regeneration kaname was able to go up against komamura's bonkai Toe to Toe while holified but took the fight to the next level when he Unleashed his resurrection turning himself into a horrid insect-like creature in this form koname was able to block and Crush komamora's bonkai's sword and also crack his chest causing a mirrored injury to komamora himself economy was certainly a very strong character now if we were to base it off of just his Shinigami power is I think he would have been a little bit further down the list while they are very impressive they also have their drawbacks but when you add in his qualification powers and his resurrection then he definitely deserves to be where he is on this list but no higher going with kaname next up is komamora former captain of the seventh division komamura is a very unique Captain not only in his wolf-like appearance but also in his powers too yes he is of course a master swordsman with expert keto and shumpo knowledge but for me it's his bunkai that really stands out Above the Rest along with having clearly one of the best names Coco Joe tengen Mio is an absolute Beast of a Bankai in short he replicates a huge body of Living Armor that mirrors his moves this thing has certainly been the difference in a lot of his battles now it does have a downside in the fact that whatever damaged the armor giant takes it also shares with coma Maura however the flip side to this is that if komamora were to heal himself mid-battle the armored giant would also heal so this downside also has its pros komamora is also the first captain on this list that actually has a few big W's to his name in key battles against some pretty big opponents his first noticeable fight was against kempachi back in the Seoul Society Arc where he managed to block kempachi's strike with his arm and helmet which led to the reveal of Koma Mora's true appearance we then saw him in action against Chao Nang Poe barragon's largest fraxion where his Bankai completely overpowered him he managed to send paucero right back down his throat before destroying him with a single blow of his bunkai's sword then there was of course the fight that his character's story had been leading up to which was against kaname in the fake karakura Town Arc komamora's bonkai completely shattered kaname's left arm with only a single strike however kaname did have the upper hand thanks to his holification powers and his resurrection but komamura and his Sagi did come out with the win in this one his last battle was against bambietta where we got to see Coco Joe tengen Mio dangai Joe which was where his bonkai removed its armor dramatically increasing its destructive power as well as making it pretty much invulnerable all to any physical harm now this form is only possible if komamora uses the humanization technique where he sheds his Beast form and returns to that of his human one however this is at the cost of removing his own heart pretty gnarly stuff and one insane power boost with significant consequences because of this kobamora is without a doubt one of the strongest captains and to this day one of my favorites like I mentioned he is just so unique and his powers are just an absolute joy to watch Rukia kuchki the captain of the 13th division is up next we have seen a lot of rookia over the series as the leading lady of the show and as such have beared witness to the power that she has and developed over the course of the story Rukia is a master of Keto a very competent fighter and an expert with her zompoc toe as zompoc toe that is said to be the most beautiful in all of the Soul Society she is an ice user similar to heatsagaya though different in her use of it her Bankai also considered the most beautiful in all of the Soul Society turns Rukia into a literal ice queen who has the power to control the temperature around her she can make everything so cold to the point that it is unable to move and even shatter she has had some great battles over the course of the series and taken a few big W's with her along the way her first major fight I would say was against the Espada adeniero a battle that not only showcased what she was capable of but also one in which we saw emotional growth we also got to see how tactical she can be when she managed to expose his true form before impaling him with her sowed no shilaiuki Rukia is without a doubt a strong character and her Bankai is extremely impressive albeit for the need to learn a little more control as to not suffer any fatal consequences once she has full Mastery over that I am sure she will be much higher on this list next up is the commander of the Stealth Force and second division Captain soy phone soy phone is a master assassin and an absolute master of her craft she is very fast and can take down multiple opponents in an instant before even being seen herself we saw her shikai in action against yorichi which was extremely deadly especially in the hands of someone as skilled as soy phone Hershey Kai is a poison that will take down her opponent if they are stabbed in the same spot twice by Susan abachi in that same battle we got to see another very impressive ability in her Arsenal which was that of her shenko this combines hand-to-hand combat with keto to deliver some extremely powerful blows at the time of that battle she hadn't completely mastered it but has definitely developed it much further since then now the in interesting thing about soy phone and her style of combat is the complete Stark difference in her Bankai a different so bold that she actually refrains from using it as it damages her Pride as the commander of the Stealth Force however her Bankai also delivers a lot of damage to her opponent we first saw it in her battle against the Espada Baragon and it was just absolutely insane it is basically a huge rocket that hones onto its Target completely destroying them on impact now in that same fight against barragon we also got to see her determination her will and her ability to keep calm and collected In the Heat of battle as she lost her left arm but managed to continue fighting against an extremely strong opponent and most importantly she came out of that battle alive soy phone is certainly no joke and very worthy of the titles that she holds and is only second to one other who will appear later on in this list captain of the 12th Division and second President of the Shinigami Research Institute mayori kuratsuchi is up next and while he isn't really known all that well for his strength he is certainly a master in other areas and I think you know to be honest that might be an understatement mayori is incredibly smart as you would expect of the Soul society's mad scientist his style of combat is all about extensive research into his opponent prior to engaging them and then utilizing that knowledge in the form of tactics faints and even ambushes rather than an all-out brawl mayori utilizes drugs and equipment to gain a sneaky advantage over his opponent and completely overwhelm them with his Superior intellect this isn't to say that mayori can't brawl but the Mana is all about results that's the line of work he is in and he certainly strives in it we saw just how well he plans his strategies out beforehand and his fight against the Espada Zia laparo he had researched him so well that he knew exactly what moves he was going to pull off and when he was going to do them xyle Apollo used his Voodoo ability in which he can destroy a person's organs however mayori had planned for this by implanting fake organs within himself xyloporo also tried to take control of mayori's Bankai but again he knew this was coming and had made countermeasures beforehand and then the finishing blow was when xyle Apollo had recreated himself within nemu's body but mayori had already placed a few drugs within her that had now fused with xyloporo leaving mayori disappointed in his adversary But ultimately this gave him the win now we saw the use of his shikai and how it complements his fighting style as early as the soul Society Arc against Ishida where the Venom of his Ashi sogi jizo cuts off the brain signals to the limb of where he has stabbed his opponent his Bankai also utilizes a deadly poison that affects everyone apart from himself once this poison is breathed in it instantly starts to break down that person from the inside out mayori is just an absolute mad genius the lengths he goes to in terms of preparation and his modifications to both his Bankai and himself to create foolproof strategies easily make him one of the most strongest and one of the most terrifying captains in the go Tai 13. the final visor on the list but easily the strongest of the bunch and its leader is up next Shinji hirako is the captain of Squad 5 as he was over 100 years prior before being stripped of the rank Shinji is certainly a very strong Captain not only strong but wise to match as he is definitely a man with a lot of experience under his belt his sheikhai ability is also a really tricky one to come up against as it utilizes the power of Illusion when the sword is spun it creates a Mist that places its victims into an optical illusion where all of their movements are reversed not only Direction but perception is affected too as we saw in his face off with Eisen the fake karakura Town Arc where we saw that he had caught Eisen totally off guard leaving him confused and Shinji was even able to strike him with his zampark toe obviously this wasn't enough to take down Eisen as the difference in their skill sets at this time were just far too great but the fact that he managed to do this at that time really does showcase to us just how impressive and Powerful Shinji is Shinji azervised also has hollification powers that will greatly enhance his abilities that being his speed strength endurance but as well as that his holification gives Shinji the ability to fire off a very powerful Shadow blast Shinji can also maintain his Hollow mask for five minutes at a time so easily the strongest of the visor captains and very deserving of his reinstation as Squad 5's Captain we have never seen his Bankai we know he has the ability to use it but not what it does if it's anything like the ability his sheikhai possesses then you bet Shinji could climb up a few places higher on this list Gene ichimaru was the former third division Captain prior to his betrayal of the sole Society alongside both kaname tozin and sosuke Eisen Keen was hailed as a child genius as he was extremely proficient and graduated from the Shinigami Academy in just a single year not long after that he gained a seated position this praise and high expectancy for his talent was certainly not wasted as Gene became a very strong Shinigami Gene just has everything you would expect of a powerful captain of the goatai 13. he is strong has a Mastery of his zompoc toe a keen intellect as well as a large spiritual pressure but where Gene really shines is in his calm-headed nature and Mastery of both manipulation and deception Gene remains calm at all times and is rarely ever taken back by his opponents move sets and abilities he instead toys with his opponents utilizing psychological warfare weakening both their mind and resolve in order to give him the advantage his zompoc toe shinso is amazing in its abilities where it can extend or retract giving Gene the best possible position when in combat now his zompoc toe's deadliest ability is in its Bankai with the ability named kurose kamishini no Yari in which he can turn his zompoc toe into a dust when it is extending and retracting that will find its way into his opponent's body and at his command will break down that person's cells from the inside Keen played the game and waited for his moment to make his move on Eisen using kamashini no Yari to stop him and take the hokiyoku Keen was successful but only for a brief moment but he certainly pulled off a huge move here gain was a very strong Shinigami now I only wish we got to see more of him and his abilities in the series he was easily one of the strongest and fastest long range fighters in the go Tai 13 and his bankai's true ability was one that really gave geen a deserved high place on this list ishine Kurosaki was the former 10th division captain and a very strong and very dangerous Captain to come against Gene was an absolute Powerhouse and had it all enhanced strength and speed an amazing amount of spiritual energy and a zompoc toe that could stand up against anyone the man just has an absolute presence about him and when he is on the battlefield he is an opponent not to be taken lightly now with just the single flick of a finger ashine managed to send Eisen flying through a good few buildings A Move that he calls only Deco pin his zonpok too and its shikai came with some pretty op abilities too we saw him use engetsu's ability to deal a huge amount of destructive power if he was to spit his own blood onto the sword we also saw him use an insanely powerful getsuga ten show against Eisen that split him straight down the middle now ishin is definitely Rusty in the fights we have cinnamon and that's due to the fact that hasn't been a Shinigami in a very long time as a former captain and head of one of the five Noble houses we know that he possessed a huge amount of power like he is powerful now but back then he was even stronger we also know that he does have bunkai but because of the strain that it puts on his body and the fact that is Sheen can no longer easily fix his spiritual energy we have never seen him use it but we can only imagine at just how insane his bonkai would be and for me a full powered is Sheen of the past would probably make it into the top five but because of how he is now he will remain just outside of the top 10 but man what an amazing Captain he is in terms of raw power next up we are into the top 10 and we have another child prodigy and the youngest Shinigami to become a captain of the go type 13. none other than toshiro hisagaya captain of the 10th division hisagaya is an excellent captain and Commander he is probably the captain we have seen in combat the most and has an impressive set of wins under his belt as a captain he's the Gaia of course has all the tributes you'd expect a captain to have but one of his strongest is that of his Keen intellect Instinct and intuition sometimes he can be a bit ruthless in his way of thinking but this is all due to his age and experience compared to the other captains as well as this we have seen him lose himself to his emotions where other captains would have remained calm and collected nonetheless heatsagaya has proved that he can get the job done on many an occasion now being the youngest ever captain in the go Thai 13 heatsagaya is also the youngest to achieve Bankai his power is the manipulation of both ice and water something that he has demonstrated a high level of Mastery at however even though these skills and power are displayed due to his age his bonkai hasn't matured properly yet despite this we have seen him use a large amount of abilities in fact he may have the most we have seen in the show to be honest his most notable fights were against Espada tier Harry Bel where he really showed off the fact that his age and experience wasn't a problem of course not an easy battle in the slightest but one that really did highlight what he is capable of after the final battle against Eisen heatsagaya spent 18 months developing training and strengthening his bunkai during the thousand year blood War Ark here sagaya fought against Gerard Valkyrie and we got to see the results of said training that being daiguran jorin Maru hisagaya is definitely deserving of such a high place on this list and again due to his age we know that he is only going to improve and get stronger so it'll be interesting to see where he will eventually end up in a weakest to strongest list but for now he stands very very proudly here the number nine spot goes to the former 13th division Captain juiciro ukitake ukitake is the image of a calm collected Serenity but that appearance should not fool you as this man is as deadly a warrior as they come he is an absolute master of Keto in fact his Mastery of it has immensely enhanced all of his abilities to a very impressive level we saw just how impressive a swordsman he was when he teamed up with shunsui to take on none other than the Headmaster Yamamoto himself now the battle ended in a draw with Yamamoto surely coming out as the Victor but he and shunsui earned well respected and deserved praise from their Master one of which being his zompoc toe ukitake has the best defense of any of the captains due to the ability of his shikai this allows him to split his into two separate blades and absorb the attack coming at him the power of their attack travels through a rope connecting the blades at their Hills where ukitake will fire it right back at them with much more power than the original attack had [Music] such impressive move and one we saw him use in the battle against the Espada Stark now ukitake was unfortunately plagued with a deadly illness so we never really got to see him at his full potential and with that we never saw what the power of His bunkai was but from what we did see of him we were all very well aware at just how powerful a captain he was again here's another case where I could very well see him being higher on the list if we knew what his full potential was but let's face it top 10 is still a very impressive feat next up we have the former captain of the second division and commander of the Stealth Force yorichi shihowing we spoke earlier in the video that the current captain of the second division and commander of the Stealth Force soy phone was only second to one other and that one other is without a doubt yorichi she is utterly amazing and the true master of assassination she just has all the attributes she'd expect of a person in this role but what makes yorichi that much more impressive is her flash step it is that impressive that she holds the title of flash goddess or Flash Master she can move at Great distances in the blink of an eye making it impossible for her opponent to keep up she has mastered the flash step to the point where it appears that she is in multiple places at once wiping out entire squads in a matter of seconds just as soy phone has the Shinko ability as does yorichi but hers is far more advanced and more importantly controlled we saw in her battle against soy phone the difference in its use and as the series has gone on we have seen it evolve further with her Thunder God battle form as well as her Thunder beast battle form now yorichi does have a zomp October but she rarely ever uses it as she prefers to fight in a hand-to-hand combat style she is without a doubt one of the strongest unarmed users in all of bleach so we can understand her reasoning behind not using her zonpok toe seventh spot Goes To None other than biogria kuchki he is the captain of the sixth Division and the 28th head of the kuchiki clan biochia is one of the strongest captains in Bleach no question about him in fact he was one of the first captains we saw in the series and a true indication at the immense power that these captains have now one of the things that stands out about biochia is his incredible speed using the flash step technique which was taught to him by yorichi his favorite and a very very devastating ability is called Sanka where he moves at his opponent's back directly attacking and sealing their sequetsu and hakasui in two very rapid and devastating strikes these strikes cut off his victim's spiritual energy flow now this was what he used on Ichigo in the very early stages of the story when biochi has character was introduced to us flash step aside biochia easily has one of the most unique beauty beautiful and truly terrifying zompoc toe in all of bleach called zenbonzakura it's shikai and bonkai utilize tiny petals that cause devastating slashes to his enemy it's an utterly overwhelming technique that many of his victims have fallen prey too now move sets aside biochia is probably the master of calm and calculated decisions without any hesitation when he fought against the espartas Amari biochia lost control of his left leg due to the asparta's power of being able to control whatever it is his eyes gaze upon without a second of hesitation biochia cut the tendons of his left leg so it was unable to be used against him it's those kind of decisions that set him apart from the rest and the fact that he truly has the speed and power to back it up making biochia one of the strongest characters in the entire series next up is the former fourth division Captain retsu unahana she was one of the eldest and most experienced go Thai 13 captains and was the best healer in all of the Soul Society now she was pretty much used or only ever seen as a Healer in the show so to those who don't know about unahana this placement will come as a surprise and just to warn you again spoilers here so it wasn't until the Thousand-Year blood War Arc that we truly got to see just how strong and terrifying unahana really was so she was to teach 11th division Captain kempachi Zaraki zonjutsu in order to teach kempachi how to become stronger the two engaged in a battle to the death and we find out a couple of things in this fight so unahana was once the most diabolical criminal in all of the Soul Society Yamamoto actually sought her out when he was putting the goatai 13 together and she became the first captain of the 11th division as well as the first kempachi during a mission she came across a boy who attacked her on site and the two went on to fight that boy was none other than a young kempachi Zaraki during their battle kempachi himself admitted that it was the first time that he had felt fear in a battle ever since their first fight he wanted more as he loved this feeling when fighting this speaks volumes to how much of a strong opponent unohana is if Kenpachi was to say this now the fight between the two was truly great and we really got to see this new side to unohana as well as the impressive power that she possessed one of the great mysteries about unohana was her bunkai unfortunately there isn't a lot known about it as she was slain before we could really see what it was capable of we only know a few things such as when her Bankai is released the blade of her zompoc toe turns into a thick dark red liquid that flows all around her which many have theorized is blood but there is no confirmation of that the liquid of her Bankai is that of a very strong acid strong enough to melt an opponent to the very bone as we saw with campachi other than that I think there was still so too much more to her than we ever saw but from what we did see and find out about unahana she is clearly very deserving of this spot on the list okay top five now and in fifth spot is none other than the absolute brute force that is kempachi Zaraki 11th division Captain so where to start with Kenpachi so the guy is just an absolute force and a master of combat now when I say a master of combat I really do mean Master as he lives and breathes battle his whole soul driving force is just battle and become stronger so naturally one of the things that comes with that lifestyle is of course a ton of experience now the other captains tend to keep him at arm's length and I always get those kind of Outsider Vibes when it comes to him we know just how strong the captains are but they have chosen words such as Supernatural and immeasurable to describe zaraki's power now going back to his battle against unahana prior to becoming a division captain him when he was young she herself mentioned that despite being the one left standing in their fight she knew that he was stronger and better suited to become kempachi Kenpachi himself has always had untapped potential and he had never bothered to try and tap into it due to the fact that he was scared that his fights would be over far too quickly if he were to try and tap into his true power and potential as such his eye patch seals his overflowing and intense spiritual power just so that he can indulge in his love of combat but he has removed it in a couple of fights and man none was it truly a sight to behold when he did that the guy was next to Unstoppable his Bankai also matches the same sealed theme in which he will transform into a Berserker demon when he activates his bonkai however this is at the cost of his own sense of reason kampachi is just so incredibly powerful and there are very few who can beat him at his best which is why he takes the fifth spot on this list [Music] taking the fourth spot is the man the myth the legend that is kisuke urahara kisuke was the former 12th division captain and president of the Shinigami Research Institute and man man is this guy impressive Lara is without a doubt arguably the smartest character in the entire series he is a master strategist and tactician as well as a keen inventor that has gone on to kanja some of the most unique and Powerful items with the most devastating being the hogioku now he isn't just smarts as he is an expert in unarmed and armed combat as well as being very very experienced in keto use his Mastery of Keto has not only allowed him to be able to perform high level keto but he has also created some high-level keto himself which is a feat that speaks a thousand words into the absolute Brilliance of this man now it's his zompoc toe particularly his Bankai that ranks urahara as one of the strongest captains or characters for that matter in the entire Series so his bonkers summons a crimson dressed giant woman that gives kisuke the ability to tear apart and re-stitch anything that he so chooses things such as the terrain he is fighting in you know he can increase the strength of his muscles or even heal himself from injury as we saw in his fight against Askin no one is invulnerable of course but urahara is pretty close with the power of His Bankai so it goes without saying not only is urahara one of the most important characters in this series but also one of the strongest to which easily gives him this fourth space in the list that is getting you know pretty insane with its Personnel at this point the current commander of the gothai 13 and first division Captain shunsui Kuroko is taking third place and man is this guy impressive soon sweet is what you would call the complete package yes all the captains on this list share very similar traits in terms of being masters of swordsmanship Etc but shun sway man he's just on a completely different level across all fields and it's because of this that it is near impossible to defeat this man in combat for he is just too powerful so his zompoc toe is equally as impressive as its personality is unlike any other zampark time his zonpokto's personality only comes to light in battle and will only let shunsui fight at his full power when it is in the mood for it and if you wanted a clear example of just how powerful he is then here we go so since we took out the first ranked Espada Stark only using his Sheik eye bruh not only is this a flex on Shoon Suites abilities but also a nod to the terrifying power of His Bankai that shinsui himself refuses to use unless it's absolutely necessary reason being is when he releases his Bankai and Aura covers the area around shunsui this Aura changes the perception of a person's surrounding environment and causes those trapped within its range to feel Despair and sadness his Bankai causes mental Despair and the effects of death and because its effects affect everything and everyone within its range shinsui does not want to gamble with innocent or Allied Forces who may be trapped within its boundary now it's his bonkai combined with just how strong he is when he is not using it that confirms to us that shunsui Kyoko is one of the strongest Shinigami in all of existence coming in at second is none other than sosuke Eisen former fifth division captain and a man that pretty much attained god-like status after he betrayed the soul Society Eisen has so much spiritual energy the most in the series can't even comprehend just how powerful he really is Eisen was pretty much an immortal being who could take down any and everything he wanted and you know what I I'm sure even a deity wouldn't have been out of his reach now when it comes to his time as a captain Eisen was without a doubt on his way to becoming one of the strongest in the entire series he was one of the strongest Swordsmen in the gotai 13 and was also one of their greatest military strategists and that's the scary thing about Eisen his mind is pretty much as powerful as his strength is Eisen is a genius his his intellect is just unmatched but he also uses his genius for manipulation Eisen is extremely cunning and has betrayed so many that have fallen into the Trap of trusting him and when it comes to his power the best way to understand just how strong he is is to look at the battles that he has fought and won well Eisen basically took on the entire go tie 13 and the Wizards and came out of it as the Victor if that wasn't enough to convince you then look at the time that he also went against the PowerHouse Trio of ishinkurasaki yuruichi shihowin and kisuke urahara and again came out on top Eisen is just absolutely insane the man is pretty much unbeatable if it wasn't for of course Ichigo sacrificing his spiritual powers to use mugetsu if he hadn't have done this Eisen would surely have gone on to have either destroyed or ruled over the entire world first place goes to the absolute Legend and beast mode captain that is none other than the former commander and founder of the ghost High 13 and first division Captain genre usai Yamamoto Yamamoto is just Next Level power and someone who you just have no hope of besting in fact he served as the go Tai 13's Commander for over 1 000 years due to the fact that there was just no other Shinigami that was stronger than him despite his old age he was a master of everything and even wielded the oldest sonpark toe a zampokto that was so powerful that it was stronger than all of the other zampokto in the soul Society combined yes combined and his sheikhai release Commander alone just lets you know how much of a beast mode Powerhouse Beefcake this guy is man I'm talking all things in the universe turn to ashes I mean come on you do not get any more than that that that there is the highest level nothing more can top that you you don't go any higher than that now speaking of his shikai and bonkai the power they willed is almost disgusting you know the Flames they emit cut or burn everything out of existence again if that doesn't sound super op to you then I honestly don't know what else does his Bankai also comes with some nasty abilities with one of them being able to summon the Fallen at his hand so not only can he summon those he has defeated but he can also choose who it is that he summons meaning that this Powerhouse can defeat whoever he wants and then just summon them to fight alongside him Yama please just stop honestly you know I could should go on for an eternity about how strong Yamamoto is and why I am so apparently in love with his power but just know that there is no Captain that has any hope of getting anywhere near this man's power he is number one always has been always will be and that is it every Captain ranked from weakest to strongest we certainly hope that you enjoyed this ranking as it really was a lot of fun to make so we just want to say a quick thank you for all of the support on the bleach content on the channel thus far it's been an absolute privilege to bring these videos to you definitely make sure to let us know you made it to the end of the video by telling us in the comments if you agreed with our ranking and how you would rank the captains also just give old man Yama some more love I I do I don't think I did enough I don't now if you enjoyed this video and you'd like to see more bleach videos on the channel make sure to let us know by Smashing that like button get Suga ten show style if you haven't make this the video you subscribe and hit that notification Bell to turn on all notifications or you will miss future anime abroad videos remember you can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram at anime Oprah thanks again and we honestly really can't wait to see you in the next video till next time friends
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 348,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FcslFXfLkgE
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Length: 53min 9sec (3189 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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