Rukia & Renji’s Wedding | BLEACH: WE DO knot ALWAYS LOVE YOU Explained!

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following the final battle between yobak versus uryu eizen Ichigo and renji we ended up having an Abrupt 10-year time skip in the following chapter 685 we had witnessed how the Ser has been rebuilding how Mye has created the next iteration of namu and more importantly Rukia has finally become a Captain with her being assigned to lead the 13th division interestingly enough the final chapter of bleach reveals that Rukia and renji ended up having a daughter together who is called icha abarai overall the epilogue of bleach was a really heartwarming way to wrap things up on however for fans of the series who may not have read the light novels everything does feel a little bit too rushed as Kubo had only tied together a few of the Loose Ends leaving some plot points unanswered and on top of all of this how were we supposed to digest the fact that all of a sudden Rukia and renji were starting a family together in this video I'm going to resolve this problem by breaking down and analyzing the very overlooked light novel we do not always love you this light novel was never translated into English despite it revealing important events that had taken place during that 10year time skip before the epilogue of the manga this light novel is focused on the marriage of Rukia and renji we do not always love you is a light novel that is set 2 and 1/2 years after can't for your own world and it is 3 years after the end of the Thousand-Year blood War Arc it was written by makato matsubara and tit Kubo a lot of time has gone into researching for this video so make sure you stick around and till the very end because I will be analyzing the trajectory of Rukia and renji's relationship as well as discussing the complicated history behind these two characters and additionally I'll be talking about the characterization of byakuya who honestly plays an excellent loving older brother role within the light novel so without further delay here is my complete breakdown and Analysis of the we do not always love you light [Music] novel to kick things things off let's discuss the title of the light novel on kubo's official fan club club outside in question 386 kubo's asked who had come up with the title for we do not always love you his response to the question reveals that he was the one who was responsible for the title we do not always love you is a clever play on words that highlights the key event that takes place the words we do is a foil of the phrase I do which is of course spoken by a bride and a groom at the end of their marriage ceremony the KN is used to indicate The Binding of two people through vows the light novels also have a very intriguing cover which features Rukia in a bridal veil this is contrasted against the bright and vibrant art that Kubo often draws on the cover of his manga volumes this drawing of Rukia instead is shaded very softly from the way that he has drawn Rukia indicates that this is a light and almost ethereal moment in a life in question 28 on Club outside Kubo was asked yet another question regarding information from from the light novels this man had wondered if the contents on La of the light novels was largely decided by him Kuba responded by saying that he had come up with and shared the contents and law with the two writers makato matsubara and rogo Narita but in terms of how they portray what Kubo had told them was left up to them furthermore in another question and answer session in question 276 a fan had noticed that when Rukia had entered into the family register she had decided not to change her last name which of course results in two Captain kuchi being around the fan had wondered if Rukia was going to change her last name to abarai Kuba responded by saying that many different Shinigami differentiate between byakuya and Rukia by referring to byakuya as Captain kuchi and Rukia as 13th captain kuchi from the manga we are aware that Rukia and renji have a shared backstory Within Chapter 98 after renji loses his fight against Ichigo Kubo inserts a flashback about both Rukia and renji revealing that they grew up together in South rukongai 78th District called inuri this literally translates to Hanging dog the name of this district is also a subtle reference to renji in rukongai each of the four quarters is divided into 80 districts while district one was the safest District 78 where Rukia and renji lived was considered to be one of the worst from renji's Reflections about their time together it is clear that he had held Rukia in high regard even though they were all district scum renji and Rukia both decided to become shinig in order to live within the ser and to secure a better life for themselves after their friends had passed away however once they had risen through the ranks of the Shinigami Academy Rukia was found and quickly adopted by byakuya kuchi into the prestigious kuchi family this had instantly transformed Rukia into a noble woman renji's romantic feelings for Rukia are never explicitly shown to us throughout the manga but in this chapter they are hinted at us through his tone of voice on the surface he was celebrating rukia's acceptance into the kuchi family as he was telling her that this was something that they had both craved for since they were children however deep down just like a stray dog renji was beginning to realize that his status was too lowly for the pedigree of woman that Rukia has now become renji's inferiority was Amplified and directed towards the nobility of bakak kuchi someone who he could never hope to be an equal to renji's happiness when he was congratulating Rukia was like a veil that had carefully concealed his feelings of worthlessness his reaction had even made Rukia feel upset because I think deep down she had wanted him to tell her to decline the offer but renji selflessly knowing that this would secure rukia's future had pushed her away by convincing her that joining the kuchi family was the right decision during the soul Society Arc his pleas to Ichigo to save rukia's life revealed the depth of the emotion that was hidden underneath renji's wild and aggressive demeanor as the manga continues the bond between renji and Rukia is is strengthened as they fight together train together and importantly overcome the different obstacles that they are presented with I do have a lot of videos on my channel where I delve deep into the backstory of Rukia and renji check out my character analysis for each of them where I delve into their backstory through each of their perspectives now delving into the we do not always love you light novel We Begin by talking about the central theme of this story this is something that is highlighted by captain hitsugaya during rukia's wedding announcement and this theme is the road to restoration hitsugaya thinks to himself that though the wreckage of the recent war with the Quincy is still spread far and wide there will be a glimmer of hope for everyone after they witnessed the union of renji and Rukia in addition to exploring the theme of Hope and restoration we do not always love you is characterized by an abundance of witty dialogue and uplifting interactions amongst characters there is no major antagonist in this story which means that there is a lot of time for Slice of Life moments which honestly I really enjoy reading about and it's a nice break from all of the constant battles and fights that we get now there are some sections of the light novel which focus on the members of the go 13 like San komamura and the newly appointed Captain isan kotatsu these serve as nice be stories to the main a plot which is all about Rukia and renji now the two of them need to go through all of the paperwork for their marriage registration and then they need to make the wedding announcement and finally settle down to enjoy the ceremony things are Complicated by the fact that ruk is a noble so there is a lot more paperwork than is ordinarily involved luckily byakuya is more than willing to do his part to help Rukia enter into this new stage of her life more of the story unfolds within the Ser with glimpses into the elite hotspots such as expensive formal restaurants and exclusive Mansions these locations are only accessible to noble families like the koochi family through all of this we learn more about the World building of the Soul society as it gives us an insight into the bureaucratic procedures that must be followed when Noble members decide to marry non- Nobles a lot of the marriage formalities that we see are interwined with Japanese culture and traditions and looking at it through the lens of modern Western Civilization it can be a bit confusing but it's important to go through all of the key events that are about to unfold for the marriage of Rukia and renji in order to really appreciate the significance of their marriage the informal announcement of Rukia and renji's marriage takes place within the sixth sector of the Ser at a fancy traditional Japanese restaurant called the safflower the guests at this venue include one Captain eight Vice captains and two thir seats those present at the time included hitsugaya Kon hanataro Momo rangiku Kira Yumi Chica and lastly hisagi the scene opens up with Kon and hanataro rushing to the venue we are given a description for the very fancy setting of this announcement the restaurant is located in a high-end area called Kiko kugai translating to Noble City Once Kon and hanataro arrive the two of them are immediately greeted by Rukia and renji as they are also accompanied by a lot of familiar faces the light-hearted wholesome tone of this scene is maintained through a lot of cheerful banter amongst all of the characters but this is comically contrasted by the tense aura that arrives before Rukia and renji are about to make that announcement it's honestly an amazing Slice of Life scene as we get to see the Shinigami worry about everyday things like expensive restaurants and clothes and taking time off to drink and party and during all of this they even have time to reminisce about the events of the Thousand-Year blood War Arc there is a lot of self-aware humor here and even the whole hisagi taking notes about what he is going to write about in the Ser bulletin is really fun to read about I mean moments like that just bring to life a lot of the tidbits that we learn about characters like hisagi from the character data books yeah we are aware that he writes the Ser bulletin but we haven't seen him act as a journalist outside of some anime filler scenes it's a nice opportunity to see the unique personalities of each of the characters similar to the manga we see that huro is shy and that rangiku is a Shopaholic but we also learn some new details with hisagi having spent all of his money which may highlight that he is bad with his money management or he isn't paid enough to be going to such fancy restaurants as rangiku picks up on this by asking if he will ever mature and reach's widely celebrated dauren hin Maru handsome Edition when Rukia and renji eventually make that announcement it appears as though nobody is shocked as rangiku reveals that she suspected that they would announce something like this especially because the restaurant that they visit is very fancy it is an all round incredibly touching scene as congratulations are passed around I'm really delighted to especially see how far Rukia has come as she is drawing on her family Connections in order to help her to prepare for the wedding she comments that she has left the planning for this announcement to Chio Chio is a maid who usually performs miscellaneous chor around Rukia and she is the youngest employee working for the kuchi family and it's evident that Rukia is the most comfortable with her I love how they eventually find out that byakuya had covered the bill for the restaurant visit to as this serves two purposes not only is byakuya very quickly characterized as a compassionate and generous older brother here but his actions highlight the class divide that exists between the lives of the Shinigami within the Ser byakuya covered the bill so that Rukia and renji's guests would not probably have to Fork out their entire month salary just on a single meal we also get a flashback here where Rukia and renji had privately approached byakuya about their intentions to get married in his usual stoic demeanor he didn't say much about their engagement so this understandably made both Rukia and renji worried whether if they had his Blessing or not but after they had realized that byakuya had paid for the bill for their restaurant visit their worries were quickly dashed away we learned that prior to the Thousand-Year blood War Arc it was a part of everyday life that the Shinigami from each Squad would gather and drink Sake together after work but currently every single Squad member is busy with reconstruction efforts following the war so it's extremely rare to come across any drinking parties even within members of the same division so for this reason Rukia and renji were deeply grateful for everybody who turned up for that big announcement so after debating about it for quite some time Rukia and renji finally decide that they will hold a wedding ceremony after all so the process of registering their marriage begins at the Kochi family mansion in the morning about one week after they had announced that they were getting married to their friends Rukia meets byakuya as he is finishing some preparations as she lets him know that they will be leaving for the new saki formalities the new saki refers to the action of entering a family register as a married couple surprisingly byakuya shows so much love and affection for Rukia as he gazes at her with soft eyes he asks her if the appointment for beginning her marriage registration has been confirmed this subtly highlights that byakuya really does care and he's doing everything in his power to help Rukia out in regards to her wedding preparation byakuya then summons their family servant Chio In order to explain to Rukia about the process of kinkai like I mentioned earlier Chio is an important character who reappears several times throughout this light novel through her we get Exposition as to the procedures of the noble families and all of the different steps that noble people have to take in order to get married with there being several additional steps and it just being an overall long-winded process which both Ruki and renji have to adjust to as neither of them were born as Nobles they don't know much about all of this Chio explains to Rukia and renji that the kinkai means golden seal Noble assembly in cases of marriages involving the four noble families it is compulsory to submit a document to the golden seal Noble assembly and that document should be presented by the head of the family themselves renji and Rukia decide to begin the process by visiting the Personnel record administ ation Bureau this Bureau is notorious for its long waiting times once the two of them receive a number ticket at the reception desk instead of sitting there and waiting they decide to visit the squad seven Barracks here they run into San komamura's nephews who are wolf children named uai and sha tetsu zon IBA who is now the captain of the seventh division comes out to congratulate both Rukia and Reni after realizing that they are under the long waiting times of the Personnel Bureau it seems as though IA made some arrangements to help speed things along this makes Rukia reflect on the fact that Captain EA has become softer now this is most likely because of him raising komamura's nephews we then shift scenes to the sixth division Squad Barracks as we learn about the living arrangements for captains and vice captains as renji prepares to leave his life as a bachelor officially seated members who are ninth seat or above are given private rooms within the squad Barracks most people go to sleep and wake up there however people wishing to live out outside of the squad Barracks are given a class of housing appropriate to their station no more than one room of a housing complex is rented out to those up to the third seat but in terms of captains and lieutenants they are provided with detached housing large enough to be called manions until now renji was living at the squad barracks and Rukia was based at the Kochi Mansion after the two of them get married we learn about how they will move into a mansion together that is built in the central first sector of the Ser it seems like and renji are rushing from one Administration Bureau to another submitting documents and then waiting for another reception counter for the next Bureau to open up so while they were waiting for the reception counter of the noble assembly to open up renji ended up being accompanied by Rukia in order to pack his things up at his private quarters renji's room is an absolute mess when Rukia walks in and there is a futon which was laid out in the center of the room with clothes and books scattered everywhere there was even a soccer ball in his room with some gym equipment too they then receive a gift from urahara that was delivered by roske and the third seat of the sixth division Yuki this very convenient gift is called a tny kui w sister this gift allows them to move their belongings from their current living quarters into their new home within an instant now this was made using the technology of the tenai ketu which if you remember back to the fake kakura Town Ark is the device that urahara had created in order to swap out the real kakura town with a fake replica using four giant pillars Rukia hesitates to accept this gift on the basis of previous commands given by Yamamoto which presumably were that teleportation or warping devices are forbidden however she remembers that Vice Captain omida had also paid meeri a great deal of money making it possible for him to W between his home and his Squad Barracks Additionally the Shinigami women's Association had also used a warp device that was installed by nemu in order to take them to their Hideout Rukia also realizes is that urahara has helped them countless times no matter how desperate the situation was he always devised counter measures and had managed to show them the path forward rukia's heart overflowed with gratitude for urahara here he is basically characterized as a war hero for the Shinigami who never actually had encountered urahara their knowledge of his remarkable Feats comes from the Ser communication and there are many people who see him as a hero it feels good that urahara is finally getting the recognition that he deserves especially after he was exiled for a crime that he didn't commit over a 100 years ago so once both Rukia and renji settle down to have dinner at the koochi family Mansion it is time for renji to pick out some wedding clothes given his station compared to the Nobles it was decided that he should have some new outfits Rukia thinks about how she will miss eating at this place but byakuya assures her that she can visit any time that she wants so renji stands before some sliding screens as two servants immediately draw back the panels as we see five pieces of tradition traditional Japanese formal wife for men appear it's evident that these clothes are way too fancy for what renji is used to after all these are the standards of the noble kuchi family we then get a description of the clothing that renji is going to wear so attached to the black fabric there were Crest which were dyed in white and they represent the six division Squad flower the chamelia since renji does not have a family crest of his own these servants deemed it appropriate to use the six divisions chamellia flower as a decoration on his attire this is honestly a really nice touch and it makes you realize that noble families like the Kochi or shien family usually marry into other noble families and for renji and Rukia to get married it's kind of out of the norm so it's nice to see everybody so accommodating an understanding of the circumstances and to make these small adjustments like this in order to make things easier for Rukia and renji so Rukia and the others finally arrive with the requireed documents at the window of the reception desk for the golden seal Noble assembly one of the official who appear to have been contacted already greeted them with a respectful bow once byakuya is done formalizing all of the documents Rukia and renji will then receive their marriage certificates Rukia decides that she does not want to change her last name as byakuya tells them that they can announce their marriage at the next Captain's meeting in front of everybody at the Captain's meeting renji announces that they have completed their new ski and they state that they will be both continuing to proceed with their current professional duties but now as a married couple when should s congratulates them and releases the confetti he is taken back by the fact that none of the other captains or lieutenants were surprised by the announcement while siyon appears to be indifferent like she couldn't care less Shinji on the other hand reveals that he had heard about their marriage from Momo myi then cheekily states that he knows all about the gift that the couple had received from urahara as he then casts a glare in their direction as the two of them then break out into a cold sweat and swiftly avert their eyes away from him when asked about the marriage ceremony it is revealed that byakuya had taken over all of the formalities in order to have the ceremony happen as soon as possible despite not really being that emotive it is evident that byakuya wants Rukia to have the best day of her life on her wedding day it had taken as far as 2 months for the new saki with his late wife H to be accepted and back then members of the go 13 also had fewer days off compared to Now byakuya comments on how the two of them were quite oblivious on all of the necessary ceremony Arrangements that needed to take place which also explains why he had to take charge in this department renji and Rukia are at a loss for words because he is right neither of them know really all of the formalities all of this makes shunu laugh as the captain Commander decides that he will change the work hours so that everyone will be able to attend the ceremony of Rukia and renji so we learned that for the ceremony day the working hours for all of the Shinigami will wrap up 2 hours earlier he does this as he understands that there are a lot of Shinigami who would love to attend their wedding Rukia and renji make a visit to the human world in order to announce their engagement they meet up with Orihime at Sakura Bashi Park in karura town and now that the scene has shifted to the human world we get an update about everything that is happening with our main characters orime currently works as a regular employee for a bread and Cake Shop called AB cookies after her older brother inoi Sora had passed away she was getting along by receiving assistance with her living expenses From A Distant relative but this relative had a originally agreed that they would only provide financial assistance up until she had graduated from high school and ever since her graduation 3 years ago orime has been searching for a job placement and during that time she was working at the shop part-time but when the shop manager had learned about her situation they had insisted that orime be a full-time employee working for the company so orime senses something different about Rukia and renji as she timidly asks the two of them if they started dating much to her surprise Rukia reveals that they are already engaged this makes orime overwhelmed with emotions and she can barely suppress her tears as Rukia surprises her further by asking Orihime if she will be her Lady of Honor since she considers her to be her best friend Rukia then tells orime that she is the first person to learn about the good news as they haven't even announced it to Ichigo Chad and the others in the world of the living yet orime rushes and places a phone call to rira but she is currently working as a designer in the apparel Department of an enter priz that is managed by Yukio another fullbringer and Jackie also works at the same business but she is constantly flying all over the world because she is engaged in work concerning the aid of developing countries therefore she is almost never seen in karakura town orime is calling rura about a handmade gift that she wants to give to Rukia orim May imagines Rukia wearing a traditional Japanese white kimono for her Bridal outfit however rira points out the fact that Rukia is a noble woman who probably already has everything prepared to the highest of quality orime then thinks that Rukia could wear a watab bosi which is a traditional Bridal hood-like headress however orime realizes that the people who would be assembled there would more fully enjoy and appreciate rukia's Beauty if she could be seen through a veil that was completely transparent rather than a wat bosi which would cover a lot of her head arime then decides to create a veil for Rukia even deciding to add some embroidery on it herself rura states that she will write down a set of instructions and send it together with the materials first thing in the morning for her the scene then shifts to Ichigo just finishing his afternoon classes and arriving home he finds all of his friends and family gathered at his home with Chad Udu Orihime Yuzu carrying KGO and mizuiro and lastly ishen as Ichigo enters the room and sees that they are all seated in a circle on cushions that are laid out on the floor and they all look over at Ichigo at the same time spread out in the middle of the room is a wedding revealed that they are all in the process of making we get some Exposition which reveals that one week ago Ichigo received a message from orime on his phone she appears to have made a messaging group and had sent everybody a message detailing the wedding gift that she had wanted to give to Rukia and renji asking if everyone could come and help her to add the embroidery to the veil or he may compared and adjusted everybody's schedules and Ichigo offered that they use his home as the location for where the embroidery would be added by the time that Ichigo arrived they almost finished embroidering rukia's wedding Vil as orime states that she went to the soul Society so that everybody could chip in and help to make it she also visited urahara shop where urahara tessai ururu and ginta had also helped out and then the day before yesterday she had even gone to kukak kiba's Residence ganju even did a bit of embroidering himself and yorichi had eventually arrived saying that she had heard about what orime was doing from urahara AIA then carried orime on her back shoing all around the ser which allowed orime to get a lot of people that she had known to do some embroidery on the veil too U is skeptical about whether or not if byakuya actually tried to embroider but orime states that he watched while his servant SE had volunteered to embroider in his place the comical reason why he did this was because byakuya is apparently a nobleman and should not be seen doing embroidery a lot of the embroidery features symbolism in the formal flowers several different flowers have been added to the veil which represent the Japanese language of flowers with some of the flowers representing the term happy family and others representing respect and love orime had decided on both of these two terms as they are an excellent Motif for a bride to represent on a wedding day we also get the reveal that after the Thousand-Year blood War Arc Udu is now enrolled as a medical student and Chad is the sparring partner of the heavyweight champion of Japan finally the day of the wedding arrives as many Shinigami have gathered as they stand alongside both sides of the path that is extending out out from the shrine leading all the way up to the gate of the shrine whilst some Shinigami came rushing in their usual Shinigami shiaka show others had wore their hair up and were dressed in beautiful kimonos because there is no real overarching deity in the soul Society religious shrines or temples do not exist within the Ser so many people reveral the soul King as a god instead when in actuality he is just a king and not really a god in rukongai several temples have been built in order to enshrine the gods and Buddhas that the residents have woried during their lifetime so they had carried forward their religious beliefs into the soul society and it seems as though the kuchi family have built a shrine in front of a mosum which is dedicated to the spirit of their ancestors it is used as a venue for rituals and ceremonies everything from family meetings to wedding celebrations and funerals any and all kuchi family events are held within this Shrine or he may begins to worry whether or not if her attire is too out of place for the occasion however Udu reassures her stating that he had heard from hisagi that it seems like only those from very well-born families end up holding ceremonies within the Ser typically for a wedding people will just invite their close family and friends for a celebratory banquet after registering the marriage and in general in the whole society ceremony proceedings and Customs differ from family to family so overall there isn't really any set rules for how to do things when renji finally makes his appearance he appears to be wearing black traditional Japanese form we for men the elderly head priest guides renji in time with the elegantly tuned music after proceeding down the path taking one step at a time renji stopped before the stairs leading up to the shrine the priest prompts him as he turns to face the gate as bells begin to ring out and the shrine Maiden calls out for the head of the family and the bride byakuya kuchi then appears before the open gate dressed in grayish blue colored Formal Wear he is also holding up a red umbrella as Rukia steps out of the henquin that she was carried here on as she makes her first appearance the entire crowd that is gathered Rises up in cheers as she is wearing a white Bridal kimono made from a pure white material the fabric is described as though it was emitting light and on her head she was wearing her wedding veil that was gifted by orime the veil is light and gentle as it matches rukia's movements with the golden embroidery on the veil sparkling as it reflects the Setting Sun in the distance Rukia then slips under the red and brown that byakuya is holding up as the two then start to walk side by side on the path that is approaching the shrine the priest then begins to recite a ritual that includes announcing the marriage at The Shrine as he then begins to shower prayers and blessings upon the couple when the couple are united they partake in a Sansan Kudo which involves exchanging ceremonial sake cups three times with three different cups as they take three sips from each of the cups this act concludes all of the marriage rituals after the ceremony concludes a banquet is held at renji's favorite bar on eer known as DaRuMa bar it is quite close to the kuchi family ceremonial Shrine this time around it was renji who decided to conduct the arrangements for the restaurant as rangiku cheekily complains about wanting to go back and dine at the high class restaurant which byakuya had paid for when renji and Rukia had first announced their marriage to her so at this point the most notable aspect of the celebrations is the gift giving that we see happening now another key highlight of the banquet is Rukia meeting with shunsui as she sits down on one of the benches in front of the bar shunsui sits down next to her as he hands her a sizable package wrapped in a furu Shiki cloth when Rukia opens the gift she is shocked to see something which belonged to ukitake it is the captain's cloak for squad 13 shunsui states that before ukitake performed the kamik Kake ritual during the Thousand-Year blood War Arc he had handed over his Captain's cloak and had instructed Ed shunsui to appoint Rukia as the next Captain in his place Rukia is visibly shocked by the mere thought of assuming such heavy responsibility despite this she is incredibly grateful that ukitake had left this behind for her shunu then reveals that the cloak was originally tailored for Ken sheiba he narrates a former meeting that he had had with ukitake in the past ukitake was planning to retire and hand over his role as Captain to Ken sheiba unfortunately 4 days after they had disc just this Kenne was murdered by the hollow metastas before ukitake's very eyes ever since Rukia had become the acting captain of her division she had assumed that her workload was going to increase exponentially this is also considering the fact that Kon had been transferred to the fourth division which means more work would fall on the captain to do but surprisingly rukia's workload had barely changed we learned that this is because the Shinigami who are in the 13th division over the years had figured out ways to decrease the workload for Captain ukitake so that there was less of a burden on him since he was sick shinsui then surprises Rukia by handing over an envelope full of cash in order to congratulate her on her marriage the envelope is so thick you can actually feel the weight of the bank notes that are inside of it of course Rukia is shocked by this very generous gift as she tries to return it however shuni insists that she take it as a gift from both him and ukitake and before she even has a chance to argue back shunu disappears using shampo now that she is on her own Rukia wraps up the captain's cloak of a former Captain as she makes a solemn vow to ukitake that she will not fail in her duties as the new captain of the 13th division 4 hours after the start of the Wedding Banquet the guests begin to leave as Udu Chad Ichigo and Orihime take this chance to hand over their celebratory gifts to renji and Rukia these gifts are mostly envelopes containing cash from the human world Rukia is surprised to see a gift from Isen as Ichigo tells her that ishan felt a lot of regret after he had heard about Ken's death as he was unable to do anything to cheer Rukia up this is his way of telling her to be as happy as possible from now on and we finally get confirmation here that ishen is in fact cayen sheba's uncle ishan was the captain of the 10th division around the time of Ken's death and he had heard from ukitake about the details and circumstances which had led to the death of his nephew isian thought that Rukia needed a helping hand so he would often try to visit the 13th division many times but whenever he had seen her saddened face from afar he found it impossible to call out to her and speak to her towards the end of the we do not always love you like novels in a very brief exchange renji encourages Ichigo to ask Orihime out as well he does this by saying to him don't keep a nice girl waiting this embarrasses Ichigo as renji as the perfect wingman separates Udu and Chad from Orihime telling her that they are going to have a conversation between men which leaves orime alone with Ichigo Ichigo is really nervous is here to speak his mind and to confess his feelings for her so they only really end up talking about Rukia and renji's wedding ceremony but later before they pass through the San kimon to leave the soul Society Ichigo finally gathers up enough courage in order to ask orime to make some time for him later so that they can talk about something which is implied to be a discussion of Ichigo confessing his feelings for her I've honestly really enjoyed reading this we do not always love you light novel as with everything there are fans who really enjoy this light novel and some who didn't and while I don't want to go into the shipping walls that happened I will say this that anybody who thinks that Kubo did not develop the relationship between renji and Rukia for them to later get married and have a child together I honestly don't think that they were paying attention to the story and instead were clouded by their own bias which made them selectively ignore all of the subtle hints that Kubo had weaved into this story about the relationship between renji and Rukia like I mentioned at the very start of the video I highly recommend that you check out my character analysis for both Rukia and renji so that you get each of their perspectives towards their backstory and how they felt during specific points in time which hinted at them being more than just friends which is told perfectly through how renji understands the importance of his feelings for Rukia as he tries his best throughout the series to regain his relationship with her after having neglected it following rukia's adoption into the kuchi family another important video that I recommend that you check out is the one that I've done on the relationship between byakuya and Rukia I think that their character growth and journey is one of the most incredible in all of bleach and seeing how byakuya went from being cold and indifferent towards Rukia to being proud and very accepting of her it's so rewarding to see unfold within the manga and it makes a lot of byakuya's moments within the we do not always love you light novel even more impactful I've honestly had a blast diving into the marriage of renji and Rukia and we've reached the point of the video where I want to hand over the discussion to all of you I know that this light novel in particular is not really discussed much because it isn't translated officially into English but this is honestly some incredible material that helps to bridge together the Thousand-Year blood War Arc ending to the epilog of the manga it ties together a lot of loose ends and it honestly gives us an incredible Slice of Life story helping us to better understand and relate to kubo's characters hopefully some of this is adapted into the final core of the Thousand-Year blood War Ark anime I'd honestly really love to see that or even as a standalone anime OVA that would be incredible so let me know your thoughts about this light novel what do you think about the marriage ceremony of r here and renji were you aware of the events of this light novel was there anything from the we do not always love you light novel that I forgotten to mention definitely continue the discussion in the comments and lastly thank you for making it to the end of this video and I cannot wait to see you in my next bleach explained video a massive thank you goes out to all of my amazing patreon supporters for helping to make this video possible if you also want to support the channel and see your name in the end of my videos then check out my patreon which has loads of perks like early video access and so much more thank you for sticking around till the end of the video and whatever you contribute will mean a lot to [Music] me
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 30,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach anime, bleach brave souls, bleach manga, bleach hell arc, bleach 2024, bleach discussion, bleach tybw, bleach new anime, bleach light novel, rukia kuchiki, byakuya kuchiki, ichigo kurosaki, orihime inoue, shunsui kyōraku, jūshirō ukitake, wedding, we do knot always love you, renji abarai, gotei 13, bleach wdkaly, bleach wedding, rukia renji wedding, rukia marries renji, rukia renji, rukia ichigo, rukia and renji wedding, bleach thousand year blood war
Id: aBlWn32e8ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 26sec (2186 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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