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today we are discussing the strongest hunters in Solo leveling they are significantly stronger than even most s-rank hunters which is supposed to be the highest rank it's expected that a national level Hunter has cleared an s-rank gate which would be impossible for most S-Class Hunters as the name suggests each National level Hunter's influence and power can be at least the equivalent of that of an entire nation these ultimate Hunters are even treated like kings in some Nations we see throughout the series that normal rules just don't apply to S-Class Hunters so you can imagine how much more that is the case for these Chosen Few so let's get into all five of these confirmed National level Hunter beasts just don't forget to like And subscribe if you do enjoy seeing Soul leveling videos like this one and want to keep them coming on the channel so in fifth place we got sidarta Bachchan perhaps because he is the weakest the author has revealed the least about him we don't even have a picture of him but there is some stuff that we do know he is ranked the fourth strongest Hunter in the world based on the point system during chapter 149 but it's revealed that this ranking is already outdated and in actuality he should already be ranked fifth he is the strongest hunter in India and considering India's population calling this guy a one in a billion kind of guy is an under statement there are also some Hunters who have fragments of brilliant light in them these Powers come from the rulers who are a powerful and Angelic humanoid race that fought against their Arch enemies the monarchs there's a lot to it but the gist of it is that some humans are stronger because they've been blessed with ruler powers and some as we'll see during this video are stronger because they've even been blessed with Monarch Powers as well it'll all make more sense later on right now I won't go into the whole rulers versus monarchs backstory because that's the topic of a different video but I will say that the rulers and thus sidarta are capable of the skills rulers Authority and spiritual body manifestation for instance ruler's Authority is a kind of telekinesis that our main character Jin Wu uses during chapter 26 to get all the giant Soldier statues around him to bow down it's like a heavy overwhelming gravity is pressing down on them until they are crushed into the ground earlier versions of this ability can simply allow one to control and move smaller objects like daggers too however despite how overpowered it can get it has its limits and obviously won't work on stronger opponents and spiritual body manifestation as we'll get into is like a powered up transformation sort of like going Super Saiyan if you will but it looks different for every user as we'll get into next in fourth place we have Christopher Reed he's from the USA and thus despite being one of the strongest hunters in the world still gets overshadowed by another stronger USA hunter that we're going to get into he too is a vessel for a ruler and so has the aformentioned ruler abilities when the monarchs come to take him down we see his transformation the monarchs are impressed that a mere human can pull off spiritual body manifestation re takes the form of a giant Cyclops with burning fire for for hair but the monarchs were too much for him despite his impressive transformation and he met his defeat offscreen at their hands and that was the end of him now we're going to get into one of the really hype ones at number three we have the strongest Chinese Hunter Liu ziang and I got a hand it to the author he does a good job of building the hype narrative around the guy you're starting to see a pattern here with these guys being vessels for rulers and Leu is no exception meaning he too could use ruler's Authority and spiritual body manifestation this man was the strongest hunter in Asia until the number one on this list surpassed him he was introduced to us in the story by a sailor who said despite his impressive record s-rank goto ruji the strongest hunter in Japan still has a long way to go compared to Liu and He suggests that it is obvious to anyone who saw leu in action Le is just on another level even compared to s-ranked Hunters he faces a wave of countless flying ants during the ant Arc and keep in mind these ant Fighters are hard to deal with for hunters even for some top tier Hunters yet this dude proclaimed that he was going to make every single one of them sink into the depths of the ocean he took out his dual swords his weapons of choice and launched a giant energy blast using them the sky lit up like fireworks as his one attack killed this giant wave of flying ant soldiers as he used this attack you even saw the aura residing off his body to show just how strong he is not only could he do what many even S-Class Hunters couldn't he even calls these beasts lame and says if the ant s Jin Wu had battled was still alive then he would be having a bit more fun right now so this dude is easily the most hyped character since Jee woo I'd even say overall in the series this guy has a more hype Aura than the next fighter we are going to talk about who does nevertheless beat him in the ranking system when a giant from the Tokyo srank gate was traveling across the sea we're told it was defeated by Leu we often get these passing references to his power like this and it builds up his character big time especially because he never seems to struggle one of my favorite details about this dude comes during chapter 141 when when it's revealed that he's taken an interest in sjin Wu we are used to classes like eClass C-Class a class even s class but Leu is spoken of in terms of being China's sevenstar Hunter clearly a different grading system but that's not even the best part as we're told China doesn't follow the international standard for ranking Hunters instead they use their own system and get this Hunters with five stars are considered the highest rank but just one Hunter Liu Xiang was was given a sevenstar rank end quote so yeah not only did this dude get an impossible off the charts ranking he didn't even settle for a six out of five but got seven out of five stars if that isn't an unbelievably awesome Flex I don't know what is it's remarked by S Hunter and chairman of the Korean Hunters Association that he supposes the strong recognize the strong and that's why Leu has shown an interest in Jin Wu during chapter 148 Leo remarks to Jin Wu that he was surprised how strong the giant was that he fought and that fighting the beast on water made it especially difficult he's been waiting to meet Jin Wu ever since the man who defeated multiple powerful Giants with ease he also comments that he's glad that Jin Wu put Thomas in his place and we'll get into that during our next Hunter discussion Leu says he's positive that it was Thomas's fault the two shake hands and even Jin Wu can't help but think that Leu is a pretty interesting person as strong as he clearly is he says that he never wants to fight Jin Wu so that's about Leu next we move on to number two national rank Hunter the one we already mentioned Thomas Andre Andre ranked first in the world among Hunters however it must be said that more points doesn't mean you're automatically the strongest at this point it was said that Jin Wu would rank third or fourth after his victory over the Giants and yet he'd already beaten Thomas Andre as we're about to discuss proving that whatever the scoreboard says he's the stronger of the two so Andre is the strongest hunter in America and before Jin Wu he was was considered the strongest in the world he was called the Goliath he too is a ruler's vessel and so can use ruler Authority and spiritual body manifestation as we're going to get into so we can't explain Thomas's powers without talking about his fight against Jin Wu they ended up fighting because the s-ranked Hang wanted revenge for his older brother who Jin Wu had to kill long ago in self-defense Jin Wu though was too strong at this point in the story so hang came up with an idea he take the Revenge out on Jin Wu's best friend H who's like a brother to Jin Wu at this point and who was also there when hang's older brother was killed when Jin Wu showed up Thomas would have to act not because he wanted to in fact he warned Wang not to mess with Jin Wu but because hang was a member of Thomas's Clan since S-Class members are hard to come by if the two got in a fight of course Thomas would have to intervene for the good of his Guild from the beginning it's not really a fair fight Thomas' Guild helps him with the fight and so they clash with Jin Wu Shadow Army while the shadow Army can be viewed as an extension of Jin Wu's powers and that definitely isn't the case for Thomas' Guild members so despite the fact that Jin Wu has to take down multiple opponents with his powers he still ultimately wins to Andre's credit he does deal with most of the Shadow soldiers that get in his way pretty easily and when Jin Wu tries to stab his bare body with a dagger it has no noticeable effect Andre even gets some hits in that send Jin Wu flying it's definitely not a boring battle they both use telekinesis aka the ruler's Authority in this fight and Jin Wu uses it to his favor when Andre pulls Jin Wu towards him he uses his own powers to keep Andre Frozen in place and the fact that he's being pulled towards his opponent to amplify the force of his own attack this time Jin Wu sends Andre flying around this point Andre realizes he needs to go all out so he uses his transformation called reinforcement in this powered up form Andre is surrounded by armor he easily collapses the ground below him with his fists he uses such a high level of ruler's Authority that he creates a black hole Jin Wu admits that he would have been sucked in too if it weren't for his own ruler's Authority Powers cool armor transformation or not though Jin Wu is still stronger when their fists Clash Jin Wu gets the better of Andre and when he knees the knight in the face the helmet cracks and then as it's pointed out by The Observers Jin Wu starts pulverizing Thomas punch after punch Andre is shocked asking himself how can a magic type Hunter possess this much strength and speed even after he's asked to stop by others since he clearly want the fight already Jin Wu keeps punching Andre and that's something I actually like about this series Jin Wu isn't a goody two Sho Superman type he can be brutal when provoked and this is an example of that finally when Andre himself admits that he lost that's when Jin Wu stops and this fight isn't large part why it's easier for me to see leu in a more hyped way because Jin Wu never beat him like he did Andre into that pitiful State as The Observers call it even with healing magic the damage is too much and Andre has to walk around with a broken arm for a while waiting for it to heal naturally but it must be said props have to go to Andre not only does he not hold a grudge he realized that jinu showed him Mercy by not wiping him in his entire guild out and so he actually thanks him and gives him the powerful cous daggers which then become Jin Wu's most powerful daggers to date so of course if you've been paying attention you shouldn't be surprised that the number one National level Hunter has to be Jin Wu the main character and the man who left the guy previously considered to be number one in a pitiful State the best way to describe Jen Wu is that he went from Zero to Hero from jokingly being called Humanity's weakest Hunter he undoubtedly became Humanity's greatest hunter whereas the other characters had rulers to thank for their insane Powers Jin Wu's powers are a bit more complex he had the shadow Monarch to think who blessed Jin Wu with his own insane Powers but he used to be a ruler as we'll get into so there are some similarities Jin Wu became the second Shadow Monarch and at that that point it was straight up suggested that the shadow Monarch and him had come to see things so similarly because of their connection that they pretty much became one in the same person so the old Shadow Monarch was ashborn the king of the dead and actually he was considered the strongest ruler and greatest fragment of brilliant light before he fell and was reborn with his shadow Powers however before he could reach the absolute being whom he wanted to save the other fragments of light had killed him meaning the absolute being in their Rebellion anyways long story short the whole system where Jin Wu leveled up was created by a mage called the architect using the shadow Monarch's immense power in this way even if Jin Wu wasn't immediately a suitable vessel for the shadow Monarch he could eventually become one and eventually like the absolute being allowed for ashborne to be reborn as a more powerful being after death so too did ashbourne's power allow Jin Wu to be reborn as a more powerful being after his own death after he comes back from being killed by the monarchs Jin Wu has the full full extent of ashbourne's power at his disposal he even gets access to powerful Shadow soldiers that ashborne had under his control in his time eventually Jin Wu fights and defeats anares the strongest Monarch and the king of dragons he under goes a transformation like the others on this list but way more powerful he uses the power of the darkness to put on Armor he makes a bigger and sturdier dark armor he says he'll make it so big that every living thing in the world can see it he summons the power of death onto Earth as the Dragon King puts it in this form Jin Wu says he can feel an incredible and unimaginable amount of power endlessly flowing through him in this form jinu's attack even cuts through ant's destructive Flames to hit him then they fight physically the king of dragons in his giant dragon form and Jin Wu in his giant dark armor form eventually Jin Wu reverts to human size saying it takes a great amount of Mana to maintain such power and teres also returns to a humanoid form and they continue to fight fight eventually Jin Wu slices an's body and the dragon king is weakened enough so that when the rulers show up to finish him off all he can say is that the world is covered by such bright light and such Dark Shadows I didn't have any chance of winning from the start end quote however that kind of Victory doesn't even satisfy Jin Wu instead he decides to flex by asking to use the cup of reincarnation one more time so that he can take care of the monarchs including anies and their armies by himself in the dimensional Gap he says he lost too many people and wants to bring them back even though the cup of reincarnation has almost been exhausted there is still enough for him to turn back time just one final time during this redo if you want to call it that he enters the dimensional crack to deal with the monarchs before they threaten the Earth he spends 27 years there and beats the monarchs including the monarch of transfiguration who was at the core of everything according to Jin Wu all he has left then is to defeat the big boss B again you guessed it anares however it's important to note that time flows differently in this Dimension and only 2 years passed in the outside world and of course Jin Wu this time succeeds in beating anares alone and is only left with a burned but working hand as a momento of the epic battle then the ruler suggests that Jin Wu is too powerful to stay in the human world and that his power threats to change the world or perhaps even to destroy it but Jin Wu decides that because he has people he loves here and that love him he will stay he'll take that risk and if new threats appear he'll deal with them like he did with all the others and eventually Titans do show up in the unawakened earth and in the old timeline they showed up in the ruler's world but now chasing traces of the great power that Jin Wu possesses they changed their target to Earth however Jin Wu and his shadow Army make relatively quick work of them and unlike against anies the first time there is never the feeling that jinwu is having any trouble I don't think that it's a stretch to say that by the end of the series Jin Wu is the strongest being in existence so I can't really see any threat showing up that he can't deal with at this point remember to like And subscribe if you enjoyed this solo leveling video and want to see more like it on the channel feel free to suggest video ideas for solo leveling in the comments if you really want to see some topic covered and if you do that it may just be the next video you see thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 212,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gnrR5LasMi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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