All 13 Espada and Their Powers Explained! (Every Member of Aizen's 10 Blades in Bleach)

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what is up everybody it's 414 anime here for anime or brawl and today i will be breaking down and explaining every esparta's power from bleach the espada are all insanely powerful a wrong car and are without a doubt some of bleach's best designs when it comes to its characters now if you do enjoy these bleach videos on the channel and you'd like to see more you know what to do a smash that like button get sugar 10 show style if you haven't already make this the video you subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications you can also follow us on twitter and instagram at anime uproar now without further ado let's jump into it spoilers and all the espada are made up of ten exceptional aranka that boast insane strength and spiritual power they are ranked zero through to nine and the lower the number the stronger that asparta is each of these as spada have their rank tattooed somewhere on their body now espada is the spanish word for sword and the japanese for 10 blades the espada alongside tozen kaname gene ichimaru and of course sosuke eisen himself are all on par with the goti 13 when it comes to their power the sparta themselves are eisen's most direct subordinates though the asparta did already exist prior to eisen's betrayal of the soul society once eisen arrived the espada became one of his most important structures and the members as well as their positions were changed eisen had such a respect for his espada well more so for their abilities than anything else and was also very lenient with them as long as they remained loyal and carried out his plans but he would also trust them with his intimate plans such as the destruction of karakuro town as an obvious example the creation of the oaken as well as the hokioku's location within los noches was also trusted to them if only to test a select few as such eisen would discuss his plans and the events of waco mundo with his dearest spada directly sitting on the same table with them he trusted his espada with important and very dangerous missions such as gathering information from the human world fighting those within the goatee 13 themselves and so on now becoming an espada was the goal for any iran car as you possessed great power held rank over others were in direct contact with eisen and had a host of other luxuries which included having your own quarters within los noches that were designed to suit that espada's very specific needs being his most direct subordinates and a sparta has an insane amount of power as well as leadership capabilities with each of them able to execute command over eisen's forces within his stronghold of lost notice his forces included numerous who were combat experts amongst the iranka as well as that he had the exaquious who were the execution division each of the espada also had their own fraxion or subordinate officers that the espada had chosen specifically from the numerators when it comes to power the difference between a spada and his fraxion was likened to that of a captain in the gotai 13 and their lieutenants however the espada was much much stronger than those in his or her fraxion the command also reaches to the espadas rank the higher ranking espada would still dish out orders to the lower ranked spartas and they would follow the higher ranks command well supposedly anyway there was a lot of infighting amongst the ranks of the espada just as you see in any group such as these now the lower ranks would often take the lead and use their own initiative however the higher ranks were a lot more like trained loyal dogs in the fact that they would follow eisen's every command to the very word and despite their infighting the espada were very loyal to one another the higher ranks would be the first to try and bail out the lower ranks for their mistakes and they had a mutual bond that above all they wished to prevent losing one of their own now when it came to power each of the espada boasts incredible spiritual power and are masters in combat they were keen strategists expert swordsmen and masters of high speed movement as a spada they all had their own unique set of powers and abilities but they also shared some espada exclusive abilities such as carja negasion which was a variant of the gillian exclusive ability negacion which was a beam used by hollows to rescue their comrades carja negasion was a cube-shaped device that would simulate the same effects as the negation fields the cube would trap their target in an ultimate dimension that an average a wrong car could not escape this was often used by an espada as a form of punishment to those in their fraxion and though it could be used on other espada it rarely was this was due to the fact that their power was of course far greater than that of an average iran car and they would be able to escape that alternate dimension in only a matter of time gran rey cerro is a variation of the seto technique where the espada can mix their own blood with the blast of the shadow to greatly enhance this attack power its power is great in so much that it would disturb the very fabric of space and they can also use an ability called sedo ascoras which was again another variant of the seto used in their released state as well as this the espada had their own zompoc toe each with their own sets of unique powers and abilities then of course there was their resurrection this is where they released that weapon seal unleashing their true power and true forms to return to their humanoid form they simply reseal their power within its sort form the espada who were ranked fourth or higher i.e between four and zero were all actually forbidden from using their zampac toe within lost note chests and all espada were forbidden from using a gran rey seto due to both insane destructive power either of these are said to be enough to completely destroy the majority of lost no chess so with that rundown on the espada let's look into the powers and abilities of the espada starting from the lowest rank of 9 through to the top dog at zero adeniero was the ninth ranked of eisens espada his tattoo location is on his top and bottom heads each of the espada all represent an aspect of death and arenaro's is greed as well as having all the traits we had mentioned previously in regards to him being a master swordsman a keen strategist a sonito expert as an espotter etc arena had an ability called cognition synchronization where he could instantly broadcast any and all information that he was either seeing or experiencing to his comrades his zampocto was called glottaneria which is spanish for the word gluttony and japanese for hollow eater the form of his zompoc toe was that of a real nasty looking brown tentacle attached to his arm that had a gaping worm-like mouth with many other tentacles this was oftenly hid under a glove on his left hand its abilities included hollow absorption now hollows were cannibals in the fact that they would pray and feed on one another in order to gain more power in the hope of rising through the ranks when they got smart enough adenyero's ability was unique in the fact that he could absorb dead hollows and still gain both its spirit power and abilities this allowed him to evolve without limit unlike normal hollows and as such was the only gillian class menos amongst the espada adeniero claimed to have eaten and gained the strength of around 33 650 hollows by the time he fought with rukia kuchki another scary ability of glottaneria is its aspect manifestation in which it allowed adenyero to perfectly copy and manifest any of those that he had previously absorbed this included that person's knowledge and memories physical form and powers even their muscle memory was replicated so that his battle style became an exact copy of the originals not only that but adeniello could also call upon and use any of the powers he absorbed from others whenever he so chose adenyero absorbed metastasia who was an experimental hollow used by eisen and thus showcased some of the powers he gained from him which included the ability to merge his own body with other beings including shinigami he could also destroy a shinigami zampak toe if they were to simply touch one of his tentacles when he was in his released form now let's talk about arenero's research it was activated by using the command devour when released it turned his lower body into a huge purple like blob which looked kind of like an octopus it had dozens of again tentacles as well as large red eyes and a huge mouth with nasty looking teeth at the center of this was a bubbling area that would display the masks of random hollows that aren'iero had consumed in his resurrection state adenyero stated he could manifest the power of all of those 33 650 hollows that he had consumed at once making him a one-man army when it came to his power was the eighth ranked of eisens espada his tattoo location is unknown but his aspect of death was madness now he is the top researcher and spiritual weapons specialist of the espada unlike mayuri from the soul society he's certainly a bit twisted when it comes to the experiments and such zaya laporo had a very unique fraxion that he had modded before having them turned into a wrong car he wasn't just smart scientifically but was also a master of invention as he had created a maze that would constantly shift throughout his domain in waco mundo and within this ever-changing maze were traps laying in weight to ensnare his prey he again like mayuri loved to thoroughly analyze his opponent's abilities so that he could completely nullify them on the battlefield the only problem when facing zai lapotto is that his analyzing was all done there and then on the battlefield the speed at which he could completely break down and attacks components and then rendered them completely useless in such a short time was amazing but also very very scary his zompakto was called fornicatus which meant consort of lewdness in japanese pretty strange right anyway his zombocto had the appearance of a regular katana zaya laparos rezalexion release is sip he actually releases it by calling out his command and then completely swallowing the sword he undergoes a change in which the lower half of his body becomes tentacle-like with his feet appearing beneath them his attire is like a layered dress with white sleeves extending from his elbow in these white sleeves were more tensile like things hanging from them his hollow mask takes the form of a headdress that is a thin band around his forehead and extends under his eyes to look like glasses as well as this he also gains wings that again have those same tentacle drippings coming off of them in this form the wings act as a form of defense where he will wrap them around himself thickening till he takes the form of a ball that will block any oncoming attacks zaya laporo's release state gives him quite a few different and definitely unique and powerful abilities he has carbon copy where a black liquid will come out of his back that will make an exact copy of his opponent that will be able to use the same abilities of the one that it had copied even if it was simply a single drop of this liquid that touches his opponent its effects remain the same and it must be mentioned that he can also modify these clones to his liking this in zaya lapotto's case is often aesthetic changes to suit his own standards let's say he has an ability called puppet theater where he can grab an opponent with one of his wings and then spit them out one of the strands of his wings fills up with a purple liquid that bursts open revealing a voodoo-like doll of his victim any damage done to the doll and in particular its organs will be dealt directly to the one to whom the doll is linked to zayal apollo loves to toy with his victims by using this technique he will take the doll apart and take the organs out one by one being a very knowledgeable man he knows exactly which organs to destroy that will keep his victim alive while inflicting devastating pain to them zayal apollo can also liquefy his own body so that if he is eaten he can invade that person's nervous system and completely take control of that body the final ability we know of is called gabriel which is japanese for notice of conception this ability allows him to be reborn if he was fatally injured by get this impregnating his enemy yeah so when he makes physical contact with another he can implant a portion of himself within their body to which he will then eat his way out of them while absorbing all of their fluids and chemicals this is both a very nasty and fatal ability to his victim zaya laporo comes out of his victim in a liquid form and will then develop his body back to its original state in a matter of seconds zamarri is the seventh ranked of eisens espada his tattoo location is unknown and his aspect of death is hedoism zamarri holds the title for the fastest cenido not only among all of the aranka but the espada too he moves so fast that if he was to increase the speed of his steps by just a tiny amount it would begin to make clones of himself that he refers to as like a kind of magic trick this trick is used to both confuse and surprise his opponent zamari has stated that he can make up to five speed clones using this technique using them for diverse and multi-directional attacks now zamari zompakto is called brugeria which is spanish for the word witchcraft and japanese for cursing eye monk its appearance is that of a normal katana and his resurrection's release command is subside his body becomes covered in 50 open eyes and his legs turn into that of a pink pumpkin he gains a skull-like neck brace that has an open eye on the front the abilities of his release stay are all based around the eyes in this new form so zamari can take control of one object per eye once the object is under his control a sun-shaped mark will appear on it and this gives zamari full control over said object the insane thing is that he can use this on one of the limbs of his opponent once under his control that person's brain can no longer influence the use or movement of said limb to which zamori will often cause that person to injure themselves with it not only that but he can also use it to reduce that person's movement now if he chooses to take control of a person's head then he will gain control over that person's entire body of course if his gaze is interrupted then control of that object is lost he has another ability called the embryo which is a defensive one where that lower half of his body will become a full sphere protecting the upper half of his body too this of course breaks the gaze of his eyes that are controlling objects but it is a super strong defense it was even able to hold off biaquia's zembon zagra kageyoshi next up is greemjao who is the sixth ranked of eisens asparda his tattoo location is on the right side of his lower back and the aspect of death that he represents is destruction greengel is an absolute powerhouse he is a master of hand-to-hand combat and an expert swordsman he has an ability called hiero which is spanish for iron and japanese for iron skin where he was able to stop the attack from a released shikai with just his bare hand receiving absolutely no damage at all he was even able to grab ichigo's bonkai in the same manner as just described which is just crazy his zompocto is called pantera not to be mistaken with the band this is spanish for the word panther and japanese for panther king he was able to perform a partial transformation of his released state where his hands changed to that of black claws similar to that of course of a panther sticking with the transformation topic the release command for his resurrection is grind his appearance completely changes matching that of his panther theme the clause of course from his partial transformation not only has his hands changed but his feet too his teeth become much more jagged and feline like he also gains the addition of a long whip like tail his hair grows in length and the markings around his eyes have become enlarged his ears also increase in length to look more feline like the mask around his jaw is now a headband that covers his forehead so in terms of power once his resurrection has been released his strength speed and agility are all dramatically increased as well as his yellow that we mentioned earlier making him incredibly hard to damage he also had a sonic wave ability where he would raw at the top of his lungs creating a sonic wave so powerful that it would completely destroy that in the surrounding area and knock his opponents off guard then there was gara de la pantera which was spanish for claw of the panther and japanese for panther hooks this ability is where green jiao would fire bombs from his elbow at incredibly fast speeds in fact green gel could fire up to five bombs all at once these bombs were green in colour and looked like crystal darts strong enough to take out columns over 30 meters in diameter and credit to our boy a hollow masked ichigo somehow managed to withstand five of these bombs and was still able to keep fighting green gel the last ability which green gel claimed to be his strongest is called descaron which is spanish for laceration or great hair and japanese for panther king's claw his claws begin to glow and he makes a slashing motion aimed towards his target and each of his claws become a sharp and long blade made of spiritual energy that are then hurled straight at them green gel can swing a maximum of 10 of these blades at a target this ranged attack is not only incredibly powerful but also controlled making them near impossible to dodge or block loopy was the sixth ranked espada in eisens command temporarily replacing green jail before being killed by yeah green gel himself so his tattoo location is on his right hip and his aspect of death is unknown he was a pretty strong character but nothing compared to green joe at all loopy had all the traits and abilities of an espada but nothing really that individual until of course we look into his zompoc toe and res alexion so his zompoc toe was called trepadora which is spanish for climbing vine and japanese for ivy maiden his zompok toe was like that of a kadachi lupi's resurrection command was strangle and when activated he gained eight huge tentacles connected at his back in a hexagon shape now is it just me or do a lot of these are spider powers that we've covered so far anyway involved tentacles is so japanese anyway so his resurrection special ability of course all revolve around the eight tentacles on his back and he has four abilities we know of that include lanza tentaculo this is spanish for lance tentacle and japanese for tactile lands as the name suggests lupi uses his tentacle as a lance as he thrusts one of them at very high speeds right towards his target with a force that to be fair to him is no joke jawler tentaculo spanish for cage tentacle and japanese for tactile cage is an attack utilizing all of his eight tentacles where he will attack his target from multiple angles yeah just like that of a cage where he will then crush them with devastating force la helis which is spanish for the propeller and japanese for whirling arm array is where lupi will use his tentacles like a helicopter spinning them at incredible speeds allowing him to attack multiple targets at once or hitting one target multiple times with these high speed powerful powerful whip-like attacks the final ability is called hero vergen which is both spanish and japanese for iron maiden the tentacles coming from his back all gain additional spikes at their ends which will inflict additional injury on top of his usual whip-like attacks nuitora is the fifth espada in eisens ranks his tattoo location is on his tongue and his aspect of death is despair he holds the title of the holder of the strongest hero of all aranka and that's including all espada both past and present too this allows him to withstand pretty much almost any attack without receiving a single scratch of damage his zambocto is called santa teresa which means praying mantis and is japanese for sacred screaming praying mantis so noitore's zampocto is unique compared to the others as instead of being a standard sword type it is that of a giant axe scythe it takes the form of two crescent moon shaped blades and due to its difference noitora is a master scytheman who is trained relentlessly with his weapon wielding it with complete ease and translating his savage nature into its attacks his relaxion command is prey in his released form noitora gains the addition of an extra pair of arms that as well as his previous arms look like that of an insects each hand wields a giant scythe weapon as well which really goes with his praying mantis-like theme as well as this he gains a gold marking that goes from his forehead to below his right eye and the addition of horns shaped again like a crescent moon where the left horn is longer than the right his hollow mask also changes where it is now torn that has teeth all extending over his hole now the special ability of his resurrection is basically the addition of his arms and scythes but he also gains a considerable boost to his already overwhelming physical abilities so we're talking enhanced strength and spiritual power here as well as that he has very high speed regeneration where any wounds inflicted are all healed within an instant can i say that's already on top of his extreme hero yeah he can also grow an extra set of arms below the others giving him a total of six all of course with scythe he tends to keep the third pair hidden and will use them as a sort of surprise attack and noitora also has weapon generation where he can grow his scythe-like weapons from his wrist if he needed to replace lost or damaged scythes ukiyora is the fourth espada in eisens ranks his tattoo location is on the left side of his chest and his aspect of death is nilism ukiyora isn't just an incredibly strong asparta but also one that possesses a very keen intellect he is gifted at understanding the situation at hand and has great insight his calm collected nature combined with his intelligence is something that eisen who has a masterful intellect himself has a lot of respect for ukiyora also has solita vista which is spanish for a custom view and japanese for inclusive field of view where he can replay events that he himself has seen and also replay those events to others by removing and crushing one of his eyes the crushed eye then turns to a dust that can also relay not only his sight but his own feelings too being an asparagus the high speed regeneration that he has obviously replenishes these crushed eyes of his he can also create large television screens made out of individual gargantua portals to put together a visual broadcast of events he is currently witnessing ukiyora's zompagto is called murcielago which is spanish for bat and japanese for great black winged demon his zompok toe resembles that of a standard katana and his resurrects young release command is in close or in prison upon release ukiora's appearance becomes more bat-like as he gains two enormous black wings that protrude from his back his hair also grows longer gaining two horns from the hollow mask atop of his head the black markings on his face become more triangular and his fingernails also lengthen his legs alexion significantly boosts his strength spiritual power his speed and his hero not only that but it comes with a couple of abilities with the first being luz de la luna this is spanish for light of the moon this ability allows ukiyora to generate green energy javelins that he will use to either throw at his opponent at high speeds or to use as a melee weapon he also has the cello escodas ability that all a sparta class have except his is a black beam with a green outline packing one hell of a punch now ukiyora has a second stage of his resurrection called segunda as tapa this is spanish for resurrection second stage and japanese for second stage resurrection ukiyora calls his second state true despair and states that he is the only oronkar in the espada who can perform a second stage of azalaxian and even eisen himself hasn't seen this form now appearance wise this form looks amazing as he keeps his black bat wings his coat from the previous form is no more bearing his bare chest with his hollow hole becoming larger and has like a black blood liquid coming from it he has black fur covering the waist down as well as his arms he also gains claw extensions from his fingers and his irises turn yellow the hollow mask is now completely gone as well as his espada tattoo so his spiritual power is again dramatically increased so much so that those that can feel his spirit power feel complete despair themselves he has an ability called latigo which is spanish for whip where ukiora will use his long thin tail like a whip to either strike lift or even strangle his opponent the big boy ability in his second stage is called lanzar del relampargo which is spanish for lance of lightning and japanese or lance of thunder and lightning using his insane spiritual power ukiora creates a javelin similar to the ones in his previous form however these have spirit energy flowing off of either side that look like green flames making it more arrow-shaped again he can use this for both range and melee attacks but when used at range the destructive power of this thing is just absolutely nuts ukiora can throw three of these in quick succession though in doing so he has difficulty in controlling their accuracy these things also tend to instantly disintegrate anything that they strike halibel is the third ranked espada in eisen's army her tattoo location is on her right breast and her aspect of death is sacrifice halabel is incredibly gifted with the sword but one of the things that makes her unique is the fact that she is ambidextrous meaning that she can easily swap her sword between her left and right hand while wielding the same prowess with both her zompog toe is called taboran which is spanish for shark and japanese for supernal shark empress herzompokto is unique in appearance as it isn't very long but it is wide and it is also completely hollow in the middle she has an ability called ola azol spanish for blue wave and japanese for blue wave gun halibell pulls her sword backwards as it charges itself with yellow spirit energy in that hollow portion of the blade once charged she can fire the energy as a blast straight at her opponent she can also keep that energy stable within the blade and use it as a sort of ribbon when attacking so her reselection command is destroyed her appearance changes to that of a much more revealing one as both her clothes and her espada tattoo are gone her mask becomes the only garment that is now covering her on her arms she gains gauntlets that are like shark fins and have two ribbons that protrude from her back she also gains a spine-like pattern on her stomach and wears a mini skirt made out of bones her sword also changes to resemble that of a giant shark tooth that has a pretty unusual hilt as well as a handguard that completely covers her hand in terms of power in her resurrection form her physical powers are all enhanced and she also gains abilities that are all water-based the main ability she has is that she can create and manipulate water the water that is used for her attacks are all generated from the gill in her sword and she had an ability called trident where she will infuse her sword with spirit energy causing it to glow she will then fire three high-speed slashes that will cause severe injury upon impact then there is herviendo which is spanish for boiling and japanese for burning current halibul will simply point her blade out in front of her and any water that is near her will instantly boil including that of ice lagota which is spanish for drop and japanese for war drop is an ability where halibel will condense a large amount of water around her sword that she will fire towards her target the blast of water is in the shape of a shark's tooth and she can fire multiple blasts in very quick succession the final ability is called cascada which is spanish for waterfall and japanese for cutting waterfall this one is simple enough as it is a large blast of rushing water fired straight towards her enemy neliel was the former third espada also known as nell two her tattoo location is on her mid-back and her aspect of death is unknown so first let's talk about her child form where she has a couple of abilities the first is called nel shower where her saliva possesses a very weak healing power so to gain this saliva nell will make herself vomit and then use the saliva on the poor soul who needs healing she also has chokasaku this is super acceleration that does look like it's a form of scenido now nellie l's special ability is called cello double which is spanish for double zero and japanese for heavy duet hollow flash this is an ability where she will absorb an incoming seto and then fire one of her own shadows while returning the one she had absorbed she can still do this in her child form but in her true form this is much more devastating so in her true form neliel zompoc toe is called gamuza which is japanese for capricorn knight her residency on command is declare or praise nellie elle's new form is like that of a centaur where her lower half is like that of a horse her hollow mask becomes longer and curved and the crack that was once on her mask is now completely gone though the missing teeth still remain on her shoulders are now white spolders that cover the shoulder blade and her neck as well as this she also has white elbow guards and white gauntlets her sword is also replaced with a giant double-sided lance now the only attack we have seen neliel use in her resurrection form is called lanzador verde which is spanish for green lancer and japanese for kingfisher green javelin here neliel throws her javelin at her opponent with intense speeds as the javelin travels through the air it begins to spin and build up spiritual energy that will drill her opponent upon impact the destructive piercing damage of this attack is brutal brutal enough that it damaged noy torres zompoc toe and pushed him back when he attempted to block it baragon is the second rank to spada and was the former ruler of los noches known as the god king of waco mundo his tattoo location is unknown and his aspect of death is senescence as the representation of this aspect of death aka aging brought on by time he has some abilities linked to this so the first is a time dilation field that will slow the acceleration of time around him meaning that those trying to attack him are all reduced in their normal speeds this gives barragan more than enough time to counter-strike those in his area he also has age acceleration where he can accelerate the age of anything that he touches he used this on soy phone ageing her left arm to the point that the bones broke due to how delicate they had become his zampato is called arogante which is spanish for arrogant and japanese for grand emperor of skulls his zampogto is unique just as noytora's as his takes the form of a giant double-headed battleaxe rather than that of a normal sword the release commander of israel axion is rot or decay unlike the other espada barragan undergoes a visual transformation so purple flames appear that begin to burn his own flesh until all that remains are bones he has a skeletal head and arms and his body is covered in a purple cape with a black fur collar he wears golden chains around his neck that at the center has a red gem which was the eye of his zompot toe his hollow mask has turned into an elegant and beautifully designed golden crown that is worn upon his head or skull i guess you could say here like many others his resurrection has greatly enhanced all of his previous physical abilities and has also enhanced his synacia his mere presence ages and deteriorates every object that is around him meaning he is pretty much invincible when it comes to close range attacks even most range attacks have no effect as when the projectiles enter his space they are aged and decay at an alarming rate he also has the ability respira which is spanish for breathe and japanese for breath of death barragan unleashes a black and purple mist from himself that ages and rots anything that it comes into contact with barragan can also control the speed at which this mist is unleashed as well the final ability barrigan has in his resurrection form is called gran kaida which is spanish for great fall and japanese for acts of ruin barragan can wield a double-sided axe like his zampok toe but in a resurrection form that is hidden inside of his purple cloak the axe is slimmer in this form and the blades look like wings it has also got golden chains that drape over the blades and extend back into his cloak that are attached to a bracelet that he is wearing this axe boasts incredible power and can be used to spread his respira mist by swinging it stark is the first ranked espada in eisen's army his tattoo location is on the back of his left hand and his aspect of death is solitude the main thing to point out about stark is how highly perceptive he is while in combat he picks up on all of the tiny details during a battle such as his opponent's mannerisms which he then breaks down into the reasoning behind their attack patterns as well as that person's strengths and weaknesses he can also work out a person's attacks by simply observing them once now stark is definitely unique when it comes to the espada as his power is not sealed within a zompark toe but is instead sealed within his own subordinate lily net with whom the two of them were once the same hollow this second being if you will is called los lobos which is spanish for the wolves and japanese for just simply wolves the release command for his resurrection is kickabout or give chase in his released form stark wields two identical pistols these pistols are actually lily net as the pistols contain her body and her consciousness she herself can talk through these pistols and can still feel things too a part of lilianette's hollow mask now appears on stark's head that stretches from the back all the way around to his eyepiece on his left eye the mask is connected by two chains again around that left eye attire-wise he also gains the addition of a grey fur lined jacket over a double-breasted vest and his legs are covered in dark skin-tight pants while his lower legs and arms are covered in that same great fur the ability of his resurrection followed trend where they greatly enhance his previous stats but also grant him new abilities so he has enhanced strength and enhanced yellow but he also has enhanced shadow firing as he can fire these from his twin pistols without needing to charge them stark himself claims that he can shoot 1 000 saddle at once according to shoon sui the seto shot from the right gun are more powerful but the cerro fired from the left pistol are much faster he also has the ability cerro matrella which is spanish for submachine gun zero and japanese for infinite ammunition hollow flash this is where stark will use his pistols to unleash a powerful barrage of sedo that will fuse together to make one giant and very powerful shadow blast if that wasn't enough stock can also change the direction of the shadow while firing making it near impossible to avoid stock also has colmillo which is spanish for fang here stark can summon swords made of spiritual energy that look like regular katana the final ability is soul partition which is an ability that comes from their original hollow where they can split and divide their two souls however when they are combined they can split themselves into other entities such as a large pack of wolves at the cost of their pistols stark commands the pack of wolves to track down his enemies and once found the wolves will bite their target and explode upon impact these wolves can move through cracks and extend their bodies so they can unleash a fast and accurate attack stark has said that these wolves are way more deadlier than asedo and can overwhelm two captain-classed opponents at the same time yami is the 10th ranked sparta however comes rank zero once his zompoc toe is unleashed his tattoo location is on his left shoulder and his aspect of death is rage his power comes from his aspect of death which is rage and he is the only espada who can conserve his own spirit energy by sleeping and eating these power reserves build up over time allowing him to enter his resurrection form which unleashed his true power and changes his espada rank completely as yami's anger increases as does his physical size and power too now he has an ability called gonzwi which is unique to him yami can suck out the souls from the living which to him he sees is just another form of eating obviously the more souls he eats the more spiritual energy he can add to his reserves and interestingly he has stated that the weaker the soul's spirit energy the worst it tastes to him so his zombocto that is called ira which is spanish for anger and japanese for enraged beast his resurrection command is enraged to which his zampokto explodes and yami grows into an insane size that looks like a japanese kaiju his skull ridges become more pronounced and become head coverings going around the back of his head and the white hollow mask fragments become his jaw his entire body becomes a more tanned colour and his ponytail also increases in length his upper body remains roughly about the same only larger however he gains eight huge white elephant legs and had a white tail that is shaped like a club he also has large tubes that come out of his elbows and he gains five black tubes similar to the ones on his elbows but these appear on his back now in terms of abilities when in this form well it's basically just one huge power up his strength spiritual power and endurance all skyrocket the defenses of his hero are dramatically increased and his sero and bala blasts are also greatly enhanced now the crazy thing is that it doesn't stop there as he also has rage powered evolution where both his size and strength still continue to grow the more he becomes angrier there is actually a certain level of anger that he can reach that will cause his resalexion to evolve further where his appearance changes his damage mask is now restored the black tubes on his back become more like a spiked spine and he gains two absolutely massive horns that protrude from his back he also gains numerous horns on his head some that cover his jaw he takes on the form of more of a gorilla here where his arms are puffed outwards and he has two hairy legs with toes instead of the eight elephant legs that he had in his pre-evolved form this guy is just absolutely insane when it comes to power and man i'm sure none of us saw this coming when we were first introduced to him as the 10th ranked as spada and that is it every asparta's power and ability from bleach explained these guys are just nuts when it comes to their powers but also in their designs i always thought the espada just looked so unique and not only in their resalexion forms though of course that is where the true beauty of their designs come to life definitely make sure to let us know in the comment section below who your favorite asparta is and which one you thought looked the best design wise of course if you enjoyed this video and you'd like to see more bleach videos on the channel make sure to let us know by smashing that like button get sugar tensho style if you haven't make this the video you subscribe and hit that 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Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 260,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: otm0h4P65KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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