All 24 Bleach Captains and Their Powers Explained! (Every Gotei 13 Captain in Bleach)

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what is up everybody it's 414 anime here for anime uproar and today i will be breaking down and explaining every captain's power from bleach we have a lot of captains to break down today as we will not only be looking at the current captains but the former ones too now if you do enjoy these bleach videos on the channel and you'd like to see more you know what to do smash that like button get sugar 10 show style if you haven't already make this the video that you subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications you can also follow us on twitter and instagram at anime uproar and now without further ado let's jump into it spoilers and all the 13 court guard squads or the goti 13 are the military and protectors of the soul society they are responsible for the defense of the serete the deployment of division members and task forces as well as guiding souls to the soul society genre yusai yamamoto was the founder of the gotai 13 and was the head of the organization now a lot of the early history is unknown but we do know that the first generation of captains included of course yamamoto himself una hana and 11 others shun sui the current captain of squad 1 considered that first generation of captains as the strongest the goti 13 ever was now each of the 13 squads are led by a captain captains are usually the most respected soul reapers in the soul society as the true power of the soul society lies with them each of the captains are master swordsmen and experts in kido and shinbo they possess immense strength durability and endurance as well as having very high tactical and strategic intellect a captain has mastered the release states of their zompark toe all of this combined has earned them the authority and respect of the soul society and there are three different ways that a soul reaper can become a captain of a division one way is the captain proficiency test which requires the candidate to be able to perform bankai this test is extreme and is witnessed by the head captain as well as three other captains another way would be through the personal recommendation of at least six of the captains as well as the approval from at least three of the remaining seven the final way a soul reaper can become a captain is in trial by combat to do this they would need to defeat a captain in combat with at least 200 witnesses from that captain's division present this method is looked down upon due to its barbaric nature but it is the only way to become a captain without possessing bonkai now the 11th division actually has this as the only method in which a soul reaper can become a captain of their division so with that breakdown on the captains there let's look into every captain's zompoktow powers past and present starting of course with division one shun sui kyoko is the captain of the first division and the head captain and was the former captain of the eighth division his zompoctor is called carton kyokatsu which is translated to mean flower heaven bone of madness in its sealed form his sambacto is unique in the fact that it is a daisho which is a japanese term for a matched pair of swords shoon suis consists of a tachi and a wakazashi cartoon kyokatsu's personality is unlike other zan park toe as its personality comes to light in battle and will only let shoon sweet fight at his full power when it is in the mood for it its shiikai command is when the flower wind rages the flower god roars when the wind of heaven rages the god of the underworld sneers in its shiikai form carton kyokatsu becomes a pair of giant black curved swords the wakazashi sword is used for speed while the tachi is used for power strikes the power of cutting kyokatsu shikai form is to make children's games real the zompocto itself makes and sets the rules of these games and those who step within its spiritual pressure are forced to play and obey by these rules which also include shun sui himself now these games are essentially you win you live and if you lose yeah you possibly die pretty brutal stuff so let's look at the games that we have seen so far lazy spinning top is a technique that represents the spinning top game where large wind blades are fired towards his opponent coming together to form a tornado mountain demon was seen in shunsui's battle against stark shinsui explained that the winner of this game was whoever was higher than the other shadow demon was a game where whoever gets their shadow stepped on loses however this game allowed its players to manipulate their own shadows making it harder for their opponent to step on it lustrous demon was a colour based game in which you say what colour you want to cut with your sword and it won't be able to cut anything else that isn't that said color now if the color that you call out is a color that doesn't appear on your own body the damage will be minimal even if the attack would have been a fatal one prior to this game but it works in both ways that if the color does exist on your own body then the damage dealt is equivalent to how much of that color you have on your own body so to deal out maximum strength it would be advantageous to call out your skin colour or the colour of your clothing if you were wearing black robes as an example basically the gist of the game is risk in order to deal greater damage to your enemy you must also increase the risk to yourself as well the next game we saw was the dharma doll fell down this is based on the children's game red light green light where either schoonsweet or his opponent are marked as being it the other can travel towards the one who is it on a trail of their spiritual energy however they have to catch them by surprise because if the one who is it sees their opponent while they are moving the opponent loses the game the final game is shadow sending which is based on the children's game chi chan where children would stare at their shadow on the ground for a few seconds before looking at another surface which will produce an after image of their shadow how the game plays out is that shoon sui or his opponent can project an after image after staring hard at their shadow and then project the after image in a different location now the higher the opponent's spiritual energy the more realistic the after image will appear to be shunswee's bankai is katun kyokatsu karamatsu shinju when he releases his bonkai and aura covers the area around shunswe and this aura changes the perception of a person's surrounding environment who is caught within its range everything becomes dark and gloomy causing them to feel despair and sadness now shoon sweet's bonkai and its aura change playing out the acts or dawns of a play shunswee's bonkai actually changes the battlefield itself to suit his needs the first act is hesitance and apportionment of wounds where any wounds that either shun sweet or his opponent inflict on the other's body will also occur on their own as well shunswee says this is the story of a man who suffers from the same wounds as his partner however he cannot die from them the second act is called the pillow of shame which makes black spots appear all over his opponent's body causing them to bleed heavily the story continues here where shunswe says that this is the man of the story feeling shame after wounding his partner which caused him to collapse and become very ill the third act is the severing abyss where a huge amount of water engulfs both shoon sweet and his opponent this water remains on the battlefield until either he or his opponent run out of spiritual energy and drowns of course continuing shoon sui's story he says this is the part where the two characters both hurl themselves into the rushing waters the final act thread cutting scissors upon a blood streaked throat is where shoon sweet sheathes both of his swords and wraps a white thread around his opponent's throat before pulling it tight enough to leave a deep cut blowing up the head yeah this act completes his story where he says that the regretful man's partner ignores his pleas and without mercy cuts their throat gen ryusai yamamoto was the former captain of the first division and the head captain of the 13 court guard squads his zambok toe is ryojin jakka which is translated to mean flowing blade young flame riojin jakka is the oldest and most powerful fire type zompok toe its strength is so overwhelming that it has greater attacking power than all of the other zampak toe in the soul society in its sealed form it is usually concealed within a wooden staff that yamamoto has used as a spear now if he were to peel back the wood it reveals the true form of his zampak toe which is that of a standard katana its shiikai command is all things in the universe turn to ashes and in its shiikai form the blade is completely engulfed in fire the weapon's aura simply incinerates everything that it is swung out leaving nothing behind but ash the heat that comes from the flames of ryujin zhaka in its shiikai form are hot enough to scorch the sky itself now ryoshi and jakka has some pretty amazing abilities when it's in its shiikai form which include fortress blaze where a huge wall of flame is erected surrounding its target before becoming a sphere which traps the enemy within torch is a technique where yamamoto can create a giant inferno with a simple wave of his zompoc toe the flames from this inferno engulf and consume its target until only ash remains these flames can also be controlled by yamamoto himself to only attack the target that he so chooses not only that but he can also control how intense these flames are too flames of hell is the last technique but equally as insane as the others where seven or more pillars of flame are created these pillars are to trap his opponent within their inferno and destroy them completely the power of this ability is so intense that anyone trapped within its boundary including yamamoto himself will be incinerated yamamoto's bankai is called azanka notachi when yamamoto activates his bankai the blade takes the form of an old worn-out katana that looks to have been scorched by fire any flames that had previously been produced by riojin jakka are instantly absorbed into the blade and will burn anything it cuts out of existence completely yamamoto's bonkei is split into four abilities being zankanotachi east west south and north zanka no touchy east rising sun edge is automatically activated upon the bangkai's release and its ability focuses all of the intense flames to the very tip of the sword these flames do not burn the enemy but instead incinerate them into complete nothingness zanka notachi west remnant sun prison garb again is activated automatically upon the release of his bankai yamamoto's body is completely engulfed in heat which reaches temperatures of 15 million degrees as you would expect it is impossible to touch him or even get close to him while his bankai is activated this ability is insane as the heat from this is that high that it doesn't take on the appearance of flames in fact they are completely invisible to the eyes of his opponent unless yamamoto himself wishes for them to see it zanka no tachi south great burial ranks of the 10 trillion fire dead calls upon and summons the corpses of the ones who were killed by his flames to fight for him now yamamoto impales the ground with his sword and using the heat from it on their ashes the dead appear like burning skeletons from the very cracks in the ground that he had just made who will attack his enemies till they return to dust yamamoto can also call forth specific corpses if he so wishes finally there is zanka no touchy north heaven and earth ending ashes which is a very powerful slash of heat and flames that just incinerates everything that it touches completely out of existence now due to the extreme heat that radiates from both the blade and yamamoto himself there is a time limit on which he can use his bankai he can only wield zanka notachi for a short amount of time otherwise prolonged use of his bankai will destroy his opponent the area around him or even yamamoto himself soy phone is the captain of the second division as well as the commander-in-chief of the stealth force as the commander of the stealth force soy phone is a master in the art of assassination she is skilled at remaining hidden and striking down a target completely undetected in an instant she has a very advanced technique at her disposal called shunko or instant war cry where she combines her expert hand-to-hand combat and keto soy foam will completely surround both her arms and her back with pressurized keto soy phone wears a uniform that has no sleeves and no back because the pressure from this technique would rip those sleeves and the back part of her uniform straight off when activated now the technique itself takes on the form of wind that she can direct towards her target in a blast not only that but she can use this wind to bolster up her defenses on specific parts of her body when she used this in her fight against yurichi it was incomplete but mastered the technique fully shortly after which is called infinite shunko previously the wind would only form and concentrate around her right arm but once mastered would revolve in a vortex around her entire body being able to maintain the technique for as long as she wanted moving on to her zampacto zoyphones is suzumabachi translated as meaning hornet in its sealed form it is like that of a wakazashi she enters suzumabachi's shikai release by using the command sting all enemies to death now the sword shrinks in size and takes on the form of a black and gold gauntlet on her right hand it has a small chain and a blade that looks like a hornet stinger needle under her middle finger the needle is around two of soy phones fingers in length and though the blade has become a smaller needle it still has enough behind it to block the incoming attacks from her opponents so her shikai's special ability is called double strike finisher and it has two steps to it the first is to stab her enemy with the needle which will leave a butterfly shaped mark where she struck her opponent this mark is called the b crest flower and is now the target area for the second step or attack of this ability so if soy phone can strike her opponent a second time in that exact same spot it will ultimately result in their death and is known as the death in two steps so a much larger b crest flower appears in its place which will destroy her target's body this ability is actually that of a venom that spreads throughout the target's body in mere minutes however the more spiritual pressure the target has the longer the venom will take to spread so these crests are maintained by soy phones will and are impossible to remove unless soy phones so wills it soyvon has said that she can only maintain these crests for half an hour which was always more than enough time for her to land that second strike soy phone's bonkai is called jacoho rycobun translated as hornet thunder duke whip her bankai takes the form of a giant golden missile its base completely engulfs her right arm all the way above her shoulder that forms a face shield covering that right side of her face the missile itself is absolutely huge in fact it's twice the size of soy phone herself who stands at 4 foot 11 meaning that this golden missile is approximately nine foot 10 inches so soy phone's bonkei is a ranged type and she has the ability to launch the missile at her target she raises her right arm and uses the slit in the face guard to line up her shot once the target is locked on the missile tracks said target with precision and on contact the missile creates an incredible explosion of course there are downsides to her bonkai and the fact that she has stated that she can only fire one missile every three days anything more than that is extremely taxing on her body soy phone actually uses her bankai so rarely the reason being is you know of course how taxing it is to use and the fact that soy phone prefers not to use it as it damages her pride as the commander of the stealth force yorichi is the former captain of the second division and the former commander-in-chief of the stealth force as the former commander of the still force yurichi is a master of assassination and is a very exceptional fighter she is of course most famous for her flash step and holds the title of flash goddess or flash master she can move great distances in the blink of an eye making it impossible for her opponent to keep up she has mastered the flash step to the point where it appears as if she is in multiple places at once wiping out entire squads in the matter of seconds now the insane thing about yurichi's flashstep is that to this day the full extent of her ability is still unknown just as soy phone yurichi also has the advanced shunko technique or in her case it's called flash war cry but instead of the element of wind your ichi's is lightning now it works pretty much the same as soy phones where she has to wear a uniform that has no sleeves and reveals her back and when activated a white lightning surrounds urichi her arms and legs are enhanced and she can shut down her opponent's movements she can also fire the pressurized keto as blasts at her target creating large explosions urichi's version of the technique was mastered over a century ago and because of that she has mastered a couple of its forms the first is flash warcry thunder god battle form where the lightning from her back takes on the form of raijin's drums behind her that yoricci will unleash a huge column of electrical energy at her target engulfing them completely the second is flash war cry thunder beast battle form flash god black cat warrior princess with the previous form already activated yo richie transforms further a huge electrical column is released and when the electric gets dispersed yurichi has an electric cap form where her feet become clawed feline paws with electric covering her forearm and legs electric also flows through her hair to form electric cat ears as well as gaining an electric cat tail in a nutshell she turns into an electric cat in both mind and body her mood drops more than usual and she becomes pretty unstable which is very very bad news for her opponent and of course sticking with the feline theme an ability that is unique to yorichi is her feline transformation she can shapeshift into a small black cat that has the ability to talk now there doesn't seem to be a time limit to this transformation as she had been in her cat form for over 100 years and of course though she is a small black cat she can still move at incredible speeds and this form is a complete disguise even her voice is completely different as it sounds like that of a deep male now she was a former captain and as such has a zompot toe her style of combat was exclusively a combination of hand-to-hand combat and her flash step so she rarely ever used her zomboto we do know that she achieved bonkai and sheikai but they have never been revealed to us rojiro otarobashi more commonly referred to as simply rose is the captain of the third division and was previously a captain 100 years prior to his exile his zampakto is called kinshara which is translated to mean golden sharla in its sealed form it takes on the appearance of a katana he has an ability called arpeggio where he levitates his zompoc toe sheathed within its scabbard in front of him horizontally he then begins to move his fingers over the zampacto as if he were playing the piano which is also accompanied by the sound of said notes being played when rose does this his hand glows a golden colour as a wire appears that wraps around his target the notes that he plays will then constrict the wire crushing the target trapped within now to release his zompocto into its shiikai form his command is simply play his zompokto then takes on the form of a long golden whip with a flower at its tip that will impale his target the whip is similar to that of renji's chicai where it can extend and retract making it an obvious ranged weapon while in use the whip makes the light sound of a piano playing it has an ability called golden saltry sonata number 11 16 day old moon rose where the flower at the tip of the whip will attach itself to his opponent rose taps the whip and instead of a piano playing it is now the sound of guitar strings the sound vibrations travel through the whip and creates a vortex of sound that will create a blast when it reaches the flower that is attached to his target at the end his bankai is kinshara butterdan which is translated to mean golden sharla dan's trope when his bonkai is activated a giant pair of golden floating hands appear one is holding a conducting baton and several large golden looking beings appear that are known as the dancers of death rose's bonkai is like that of a play using music he can create physical illusions with rose himself stating that the music gives him power over his target's heart as long as their heart is deceived and the way that his bonkai works is by manipulating his opponent's sense of sound tricking them into believing that physical pain is being endured the attacks that rose can perform are like that of a play where the dancers of death follow axe act one is sea drift where the dances of death surround his opponent and spin around creating a whirlpool of water this makes the target feel as if they are drowning the second act is prometheus rose conducts the dancers to generate fire with their hands and the effect of this illusion makes his target feel as if they were of course burning alive the final act which again i will probably pronounce wrong is called ein heldenben yes which is german for a hero's life this unfortunately was never seen because he was taken out before he got a chance to use it now of course rose is advised and as such has the ability of holification where when his mask is activated it greatly increases his shinigami powers his mask resembles that of a medieval doctor's plague mask gene ichimaru was the former captain of the third division until he betrayed the soul society along with both eisen and tozen gein has a genius level intellect and was hailed as a child genius in his youth destined for very great things he even got a seated position pretty much straight after graduation from the shinigami academy now geen uses his intellect to deceive and manipulate his opponent he remains extremely calm whilst he toys with his confused enemy he plays with them to the point where their mind is completely weakened and their resolve diminished it is then that he will deliver a fatal strike now his son pogto is called shinso which means sacred spear when translated in its sealed form it looks like that of an ordinary wakazashi his shiikai is activated using the command shoot to kill and its special ability is that it extends at a very high speed impaling his enemy with ferocious force as well as that he will swing his zampacto around while it is extended to destroy wide areas or take out multiple targets all at once his shiikai can extend up to 100 times its original length which earned it the title of hundred swords now geen's bonkai is called kamishi no yari translated to mean god killing spear in its banchai form his zompot toe doesn't really change an appearance the ability of his bankai is also the same as his sheikah in which the blade glows a bright white colour and extends at very high speeds and force of course when his bankai is activated the force speed and length of his blade are all vastly improved okay in terms of numbers gene claimed that his sword could extend to 8.1 miles at 500 times the speed of sound meaning his sword would be able to extend 171000 500 meters in under 0.8 seconds however this was later revealed to be allied just to gain the advantage in battle using his manipulative style of combat the deadliest ability of his bankai is that while it is expanding for a split second the blade itself turns to dust there is a deadly poison within the blade that can dissolve and break down cells gene will leave a tiny part of his zompoc toe inside the body of his opponent when he retracts his blade which allows him to kill his target at any time as he wishes to do this gene will place his hand on the target and utter the technique's name of korisei kamikshini no yari causing the person to break down from the inside out next up is shusuke amagai who was from an anime only arc amagai was another former captain of the third division succeeding that of guinea ichimaru his zampakto is called rika which means lightning flash which in its sealed form resembles that of a kadachi his sheikai's release command was sever and the appearance of his zompak toe changes to a long white blade with a hook at the end and shell-like pipes at its hilt the pipes emit powerful flames that produce the sound of a trumpet now the special ability all revolve around those pipes that emit the fire armor guy can heat up the blade which causes it to become much more intense in doing so armagai can shoot fireballs from the hook of his zampok toe launching them forward with the swing of his sword he can also slam his zambocto into the ground with a fireball concentrated at the tip to send flames straight towards his target his bankai was called riker goenkaku which when translated means lightning flash karmic flame shell when activated his zompog toe took the appearance of a large and more detailed version of its shikai it becomes a large crimson red sword with jagged edges and a hook at the end it also had a large white shell covering the hill and the sword became as tall as amaga himself so when his bonkai is activated fire surrounds the sword and he can use a host of abilities that involve said element including using it as a flamethrower it can shoot enhanced fireballs armor guy can generate fire from the ground when he pierces it with his unpacked toe crate waves of fire and so on now he also has the ability going ryuga where amigai will twist and spin the sword above his head the blade is completely engulfed in fire and flames will shoot out of it he will then slam the zompoc toe into the ground along with a lightning strike as the ground itself begins to shake fire spears will also shoot from the ground at various angles trapping his enemy within now omega also had his bakoto which was shaped like a tuning fork and had its own unique abilities he could fire green energy blasts from it he could also tap his bokoto against the hilt of his zampakto which will create a large green blade of energy and by stabbing this green blade into the ground further energy will engulf amagai which allowed him to communicate with others within a certain area now his pagoto has a true form the bakoto will feed on the nuclei of odbokoto and amigai's nucleus was an eye hidden beneath its hilt when released the nuclei extends and extends upon amagai's right arm turning into the black gauntlet that was like a claw in his hand a sash appears on his left shoulder that contains five pocoto nuclei within it and attached to both the sash and armored right arm is a dragon-like tail from his back its special ability is that the energy blade is like a dragon's mouth that will sound out a pulse that will completely negate a soul reaper's power the way that it works is that the resonating sound will cut the connection between the soul reaper and their spiritual energy rendering their zompoc toe completely useless however amigai's connection to his zampakto is left completely unaffected retsu unohana was the former captain of the fourth division she was one of the oldest captains amongst the soul society and was their best healer she was also the first person to hold the name kampachi so uhana began practicing healing techniques as a way of being able to prolong her battles but through her constant research and her medical and healing knowledge she became the greatest in the soul society she is a master of medical intellect when it comes to healing and herbal healing techniques and has a very vast knowledge of autonomy meaning that she can heal more than shinigami as she has treated both humans and aranka so her zombocto was called minazuki and her bankai was of the same name though their translations were different so her zompog toe when translated means flesh drops gorge in its sealed form it resembles an adachi and is a slightly longer than an ordinary katana the release command for her shikai is unknown but in its released form minizuki takes on the form of a green giant one-eyed creature that looks like a manta ray this creature is used for transportation where it can either fly or grow legs for transportation on land hashikai's special ability is healing those that are placed within the creature's mouth the person placed inside will then be swallowed and stored within the creature's stomach where the acids will cover the wounded individual the creature's stomach acids are like that of a strong medicine or ointment now the creature itself can carry up to six people in its stomach at one time and once the healing process is completed or i guess at unhanas command the creature will regurgitate the people out of its mouth now like i mentioned earlier her bankai was of the same name as her zompak toe minozuki though of course i said the translations were different her banchai when translated means all things end when her bonkai is released the blade of her zompoc toe turns into a thick dark red liquid that flows all around her which many have theorized is blood but there is no confirmation of that the liquid of her bonkai is that of a very strong acid strong enough to melt an opponent to the very bone now unfortunately there isn't a lot known about her bonkai as she was killed before we could really see what it was capable of but we do know that it was a very very nasty one shinji hiroko is the captain of the fifth division he was also a captain a hundred years ago prior to his exile shinji was also the leader and recruiter of the visas his zampogto is called sakanade which means counter-stroke when translated in its sealed form it looks like that of a normal katana now hishikai release command is collapse when in this form his zompokto becomes a very large ring that allows shinji to rotate sakunade around his hand without grabbing the zompok toe at all the spinning is the shikai's ability the ability is called upside down world as the zompocto is spun a pink mist is created this mist has a very pleasant aroma to it but if smelt the target will fall into an optical illusion this illusion affects his opponent's eyesight and sense of direction even the injuries they have sustained aren't in the location that they think they are everything is thrown off and will cause all sorts of effects including nausea vertigo and confusion and no matter how strong the opponent they all fall victim to sucking nades illusions and are unable to adapt to them now we do know that shinji had achieved bonkai however it hadn't been revealed to us what we do know is he of course has hollification the holification enhances his strength speed and endurance as well as that he is also capable of using a cerro blast shinji's mask resembles that of a pharaohs sosuke eisen is the former captain of the fifth division before he betrayed the soul society along with his followers gene and tozen okay so where to start with eisen this man truly has it all he is a master of combat and keto use with a spiritual power that is completely unmeasurable he is incredibly strong and has a masterful level of spiritual power control and it's not just strength and battle prowess that he masters but intellect too eisen is a genius his intellect unmatched when it comes to strategy technique history and more he has conducted countless experiments for over a hundred years that involve things such as holification but of course he also uses his genius for manipulation eisen is extremely cunning and has betrayed so many that have fallen into the trap of trusting him some have always kept an eye on him but he has always alluded them so in terms of his zompocto and his abilities his zombocto is called kyoku soigetsu which is translated to mean mirror flower water moon in its sealed state it of course looks like that of a normal katana his shikai release command is shatter which will activate and deactivate it the special ability of kyoko soy getsu is complete hypnosis it will control all five senses of his target that they misconceive a person's form feel and smell to be that of their enemies to fall under its hypnosis the target must initially see kyoko soy getsu upon its release and by seeing it just once they will fall under its control every time that it is released even if they haven't seen it in a very very long time the power of kyoko soy getsu's hypnosis is so strong that even if a person knows they are under its control they will still fall victim to its effects this ability is truly devastating and one that really matches eisen so well it's incredibly useful to him both in and out of combat now not only can he make his target think that other people are their enemies but he can use it so it affects their view on himself to create decoys so he can hide his true movements and strike at the right opportunity now when it comes to his bonkai eisen's obviously strong enough to have achieved it but it has never been revealed now the only thing to mention when it comes to eisen's power is when he fused with the hokyoku eisen himself underwent a few different transformations that went far beyond that of a soul reaper and hollows his zompak toe was disintegrated when his body fused with the hokyoku but eisen was still able to use his illusionary powers eisen also gained a somewhat immortality when his body fused with the hokyoku all his wounds were instantly regenerated now of course he eventually reverted back to his normal state after each gokurasaki's mugetsu in their battle the hokyoku rejected eisen but he retained both his immortality and his amazing spiritual power by the time of the quincy blood war eisen eventually surpassed the power of the forms he had when fused with the hogiaku biakya kuchiki is the captain of the sixth division and the 28th head of the kuchiki clan who are one of the four great noble clans within the seoul society byakuya was taught flashstep by yorichi but has never beat her biakua is most well known for this technique and is one of the best users of this within all of the soul society he has a very devastating ability and also his favorite to use which is called senka or flash blossom when translated he moves at his opponent's back directly attacking and sealing their saketsu and hakusuy in two very rapid and devastating strikes which cuts off their spiritual energy flow now his zombocto is called zenbon zakura which means thousand cherry blossoms when translated that looks like a simple katana in its sealed form hishikai's release command is scatter the special ability of his shikai is that zembon zakura separates into a thousand tiny fragments that are incredibly sharp and look like cherry blossom petals the tiny blades disperse from the hill to his zampac toe and when biakria swings his hilt the tiny blades shred his opponents at his control byakiya can also use them as a form of defense as they are strong enough to block incoming attacks from his enemies now zembonzakura also has a safe zone that protects biakya from his own attacks where they will not cut anything with centimeters of him himself however if he so wishes the blades can enter that safe zone biaku's bankai is called zembon zakura kageyoshi which when translated means vibrant display of a thousand cherry blossoms his bankai is a larger version of his shikai where instead of being able to create one thousand flower petals in its shiikai form zenbon zakura kageyoshi can create millions biakio drops his zompak toe which then goes into the ground through a puddle of water and energy ripples throughout turning the surrounding area dark now two rows of giant swords rise from the ground and no one knows just how many swords have risen these blades unlike hishikai can be controlled using his mind and further enhanced if he uses his hands to direct their motion now he has the ability senki or slautoscope which is the true form of zembon zakura the scattered petals form into thousands of glowing swords that circle around beyokia and his opponent in rose moving in a circular motion this actually turns his thousands of blades into fewer but they are more powerful swords that each have stronger attack power biakyo can control these swords mentally but often prefers to wield them physically though this is the true form of zenbone zakara this ability is one that is extremely rare for even him to use bjorkya will only ever use this ability if he has personally swore to take down his opponent with his own two hands now this ability also requires bjorki's own blood to activate which could be another reason as to why he doesn't use it that much now sticking with this ability it has a sub ability within it called ika senjinkar where he will attack a single target with every one of his senki swords at once this is sembon zakurakage yoshi's ultimate attack another of his abilities is called gokai which is a sphere of tiny petal blades which will swirl around his opponent and then trap them in this cloud not one angle is left uncovered by these petals meaning that there is not only no blind spots but there is also no escape the sphere then collapses within itself destroying the target trapped within the last ability is called shuke hockett taikan this ability takes all of the thousand petal blades and compresses them into one giant sword which boosts its power the blade takes on the appearance of a bright white bird and a halo circle appears at biatria's back made of spiritual energy and then the strike is a final finishing blow ginray kuchki was the former captain of the 6th division and the 27th head of the kuchiki clan over 100 years ago until he was eventually succeeded by his grandson biakya interestingly his lieutenant when he was the sixth division captain was his son sojung kuchki now we know that ginray was incredibly strong due to the fact that he was a captain but not a lot is known about him his zompokto shikai and bongkai have not been revealed to us but we do know that he had achieved all of its releases we were also told that his zompakto's sealed state looked very much like biakia's zembon zakura in appearance sajin komamura was the former captain of the seventh division his son pakto was called tenken which means heavenly retribution when translated and looked like a normal katana in its sealed state his shikai release command was raw and his zompok toe kept the same form as when it was in its sealed state now his shikai's special ability was that tenken would create various phantom body parts of the armored giant that would copy the exact movements of komamura these body parts would all have a much enhanced strength to them that would completely overwhelm his enemy not as strong as when the body was complete in bankai of course but they still packed a very impressive punch now his bankai was called kokujo tengen myo which when translated means divine retribution black ropes of ruination when his bonkai is activated the full giant samurai is summoned which was referenced to as a bankai of living armor the giant itself stands around a hundred meters tall and it wields a blade similar to that of komamura's just like hishikai his giant copies his exact movements with its strength far greater than that of his shikhai allowing him to deal an insane amount of damage to his opponent the giant can also take a hit itself and despite its overwhelming size it is still incredibly fast as it copies exactly what komomora is doing if he was to heal himself the giant would also heal as well meaning that this is the only bangkai that can heal itself then there is kokujo tengen myo dangai jo in this form the giant completely sheds its armor exposing its body that is made entirely of spiritual power this form can only come to be if komamura uses the humanization technique and when in this form his bankai is pretty much invincible to any physical damage speaking of the humanization technique this is a very special technique unique to those from the werewolf clan this allows them to completely shed their war form and return to their human form this is achieved through ritual a ritual that is only achieved by removing that person's heart the body becomes a shell and by offering their heart said body becomes immortal meaning that while in this state attacks will have no effect on both komamura or his bankai as the wounds are regenerated instantly rabu aikawa simply referred to as love is advisored and the former captain of the seventh division his zampokto is called tengumaru which means long-nosed goblin when translated it has the appearance of an average katana while in its sealed form his shikai release command is crushed down and the appearance of tengumaru goes from the katana to that of a very large black kanabo that looks like cactus tengumaru in its shiikai form is also more than twice the height of love who stands at six foot two meaning that his senpak toe is over 12 foot its special ability is that it can manipulate fire and has an ability called fire blowing gavel where love will swing his zompoc toe and it will ignite itself in flames as he points his zompoc toe down a fireball is released from its tip that will explode as soon as it makes contact with its target now as advisored he of course has hollification which significantly boosts the strength speed and endurance of his shiny gummy abilities he also has an ability called mirror opening which is a technique of brute raw strength love was able to rip a menos grande clean in half with his bare hands using this ability in terms of his mask his holo mask takes the form of a traditional japanese oni mask lisa yaromaru is the captain of the eighth division one of the most unique things about lisa is that she is ambidextrous meaning that she can swap hands effortlessly during combat while wielding her zompot toe she has a technique called thousand page wholesale where she will utilize her ability to use both hands delivering multiple sword movements that happen so fast resulting in her target being shred to pieces her zombocto is called haguro tombo which is translated to mean iron dragonfly in its sealed state it is a lot longer than most resembling that of a nadachi her shikai's release command is smash which turns the appearance of her toe from a sword to a long pole with a blade fixed at its tip similar to that of a monk spade on the other end of the pole is a large heavy ball the heavy ball at the end allows her to use her zomboc toe like an axe hershey kai's special ability is unknown but we have seen her use a move called 21st article dragonfly landing where lisa dished out multiple piercing attacks all at once against her opponent lisa's bonkai is also currently unknown and has not been revealed to us just yet she does have holification being advised giving her that boost in strength and endurance but hasn't shown any ability that is specific to her holification in terms of her mask it is a lozenge shape and has a cross opening instead of mouth and eye slits kensei muguruma is the captain of the ninth division he again was a captain over 100 years ago prior to his exile and again is also advised muguruma is a guy that despite being a master swordsman with his zampakto prefers fighting using hand-to-hand combat he's a beast with extreme strength his zampakto is called tochikaze which is translated as meaning earth-severing wind and in its sealed form looks like a wakazashi kensei's shiikai release command is blast away its shiikai form turns his zampakto into a combat knife its special ability comes in the manipulation of both wind and energy where its slashes turn to explosions we have zinnim used two abilities using his shikai which include air blades where kensei will release multiple slashes from a distance that will cut the enemy down before exploding causing a huge amount of damage the other ability is called bomb thrust where kensei charges up tachikaze with spirit power till it takes the form of a glowing ball of light this he will then fire his enemy in a devastating and very powerful blast kensei's bankai is called tekken tachikaze which is translated to mean iron fist earth severing wind when his bankai is activated a large explosion of wind engulfs him after its dispersed tachikaze is transformed from a combat knife to a pair of large knuckle blades with purple bandages wrapping around both of his arms like a sort of armor there is also a thicker purple band that wraps around over his head now his bankai's ability focuses all of his shikai's power into the two knuckle blades giving kensei's punches insane destructive force that he will continuously pummel his opponent with as long as that knuckle blade is in contact with his opponent a barrage of explosions will continuously go off as well as his destructive power kensei can also change the knuckle blades into brass knuckles as well as spiked gauntlets and of course as a visor he has holification powers too that greatly enhance his strength and speed his mask resembles that of a hockey face guard kaname tozen was the former captain of the ninth division before he betrayed the soul society alongside eisen and ichi maru his zompocto is called suzumushi which means bell bug when translated in its sealed form it looks like a regular katana now when it comes to his shikai tozens is not like a regular zanpok towing the fact that it has two shiikai commands both with unique abilities the first is when he uses the release command hal his zombokto keeps the same katana form of its sealed state but a high pitched noise occurs over a large area those that hear this high pitched noise will be knocked unconscious the other shikai ability is called cricket second movement crimson flying lotus this ability turns suzumushi into its benihiko form suzumushi begins to vibrate and as tozen begins to move his sword in a circular motion a trail appears following the sword's movement this trail then turns into hundreds of blades that are then fired straight at his opponent tozen's bonkai is called suzumushi suishiki enma kurogi which is translated to mean bell bug closing ceremony field cricket when kaname activates his bankai the ring on his katana begins to spin as it spins it starts to release spiritual energy the ring begins to spin faster as it grows in size and then splits into 10 separate glowing rings of equal size that will circle around kaname himself with the slash of his sword the rings disperse and create a large circular perimeter and the 10 rings begin to form a black void that will continue to grow in size until it forms a large solid black dome within the dome a vacuum is created that completely nullifies the senses of sight sound scent and spiritual energy the only sense that remains is that of touch allowing kaname to attack them with his sealed zompot toe now the dome itself is an extension of susan mushi which allows kaname to wield the sealed zompot to itself within said dome the weakness to his bonkai is that by touching suzumushi's hilt you become immune to the dome's effects so if his opponent manages to touch the hill his bankai becomes pretty useless now the dome will continue to exist as long as kaname wishes or if he becomes seriously injured so tozen also has the power of holification that enhanced his powers strength speed and endurance as well as that he also had high speed regeneration while wearing his mask talking of his mask kaname's hollow mask covered the majority of his head and neck there was a gap at the back for his hair and he had a line that went through the middle of the mask horizontally which split the mask into separate parts finally kaname had his resurrection called suzumushi hiyakushiki gorilla grilo which is translated as bell bug hundreds ceremony crazed cricket in this form tozen's body took the form of a giant bug covered in black fur with four insect arms two giant horns and wings this form enhanced his strength as well as all of his sound abilities not only that but he also maintained his high speed regeneration he had two abilities in this form with the first being lost nouveau spektas aka the nine aspects using his claws tozen drew green circles in the air that would emit a huge burst of sound a sound strong enough that would crush everything around it the second ability is la mirada or the greys where tozen charges up a huge green cero from both of his eyes the two form together before he fires it at his target toshiro hitsugaya is the captain of the 10th division hisagaya was the most gifted prodigy in the soul society since that of gin ijimaru often referred to as a child genius gene had called him the embodiment of the heavenly white angel that blesses the soul society once a century not only is he the guy extremely impressive physically his intellect is equally as impressive his zombocto is called hyorin maru which is translated as meaning ice ring in its sealed state it looks like a normal katana however his zombocto is around 1.4 meters in length which is longer than your average zompot toe because heats again is pretty small standing at four foot four he has to wear it sheathed on his back because it is too long for him to wear around his waist now he's the guy can use the abilities of his zambocto without water being present and this is because hyorin moro is the strongest isompakto in all of the soul society in fact his guy's control over his zambok toe is so great that he can actually use some of his bonkai abilities while hiron moro is still only in its shiikai form however they can backfire and harm him too his shikai's release command is reign over the frosted heavens in its released form hyorin moro becomes slightly longer in length and also gains the addition of a crescent blade on its hilt attached by a metal chain which can also extend and be used to attack his target his shikai's special ability is that it allows his guy to control the elements of water and ice the slashes he perform are not only enhanced in power but also create a form of ice that takes the shape of a chinese dragon that will freeze anything that it touches the difference between its shiikai and bangkai abilities are pretty small but the abilities of hishikai are as follows the first is subjugation of the heavens which is both his most basic ability but also his strongest where he can control and manipulate the water and in the atmosphere around him then he has multi-layer vacuum ice wall which creates a wall made of multiple layers of ice because this is a multi-leveled ice wall it can even withstand some fire attacks which of course is the element that he is weakest against he can also use this offensively in a technique called vacuum ice blade where he will manipulate all of the ice that he has gathered and focuses it at the tip of his zompoc toe before firing it straight at his opponent there is also another ice wall technique called woven ice wall where he will erect a wall of ice by weaving fine threads of ice together his final shikai ability is called six clothed ice binding array where hezagaya will place five snowflake shaped pieces of ice on the ground creating a trap for his opponent once they step on this trap each of the snowflakes send a line of ice straight at them that will encase that target in a giant pillar of ice he's a guy as bangkai is called daigoran hyorin maru which is translated to mean grand crimson lotus ice ring when heat segaya activates his bonkai his form changes where ice from hyorin moro begins to flow into hezagaya on his right hand the ice forms into a dragon's head and his sword becomes encased in ice the ice continues to form two wings on his back and a long tail the ice continues down his left arm where an ice claw engulfs his hand heatser guy's feet are also encased in this eye similar to the claw on his left hand all of these frozen limbs are fully functional and can be used as an extension of himself during battle three purple flowers of ice also sometimes appear floating behind him each of them have four petals these petals melt away as the battle progresses i guess you could say these petals are a somewhat timer of how long heatser gaia can remain in his bankai form now he's the guy can freeze both objects and his surroundings just as his shiikai form however when his bonkai is activated this is much stronger and the range is greater in terms of techniques hisagai has zanyo ningyo lingering ice puppet where he can create a large amount of ice that is shaped to look exactly like him these ice replicas are very lifelike enough so that they even bleed heatser guy can also use his wings as a shield where they will wrap around him like a sphere to protect him from attacks he also has bankai regeneration where his bankai will regenerate as long as there is water in the air ryusenka is an attack where he will stab his opponent and a burst of ice will appear encasing his opponent heats a guy will then shatter the ice with his target trapped within he also has senen hyoyo thousand years ice prison heat sagaya will create loads of ice pillars which circle around both himself and his opponent when he commands it these pillars will begin to move towards his enemy crushing them gun show serrara icicle flock is where his sagaya will freeze water into ice and by swinging his zampak toe in an arc-like motion daggers of ice will propel towards his target hyorio sembi ice dragon swirling tail is a swinging motion from hitsugai's zampocto that creates an ice blade that shoots towards his enemy he also has zeku or void sever which allows heza guy to control this technique further even sending the ice blade into the air heatser guy's most powerful technique is called hyoton kyokasu frozen heaven hundred flower funeral this is an ability that is an extension of his subjugation of the heavens power where he can manipulate the water in the atmosphere be it rain snow and ice at will with kyoto kyokasu a huge hole opens in the clouds and snow starts to fall when the snowflakes make contact with his opponent they create ice flowers that appear all over their body that will instantly trap them in a huge pillar of ice after the battle with eisenhisagaya strengthened his bankai through 18 months of training into its completed form he himself claimed that his body wasn't mature enough at the time to completely control his bonkai and use it to its fullest potential but after reaching a more adult-like body he has achieved this ishin kurasaki was the former captain of the 10th division ishin is an absolute powerhouse as you would expect from the head of the kurasaki clan one of the best ways of showcasing his strength other than his many epic fights with ichigo of course is his only deco pin technique where ishin can send an opponent flying with incredible force with just the simple flick of a finger his zambocto is called engetsu which means scathing moon when translated in its sealed state it looks like an ordinary tachi ishin shikai release command is burn and the appearance of zompocto does not change however it is engulfed in a fire-like spirit energy esheen can use an energy attack when he is wounded where he will use his own blood and spit it onto the sword which will then release an insane amount of spirit energy that he will then use to pummel his opponent now the epic ability ashing can perform is his own getsuga tensho which was incredibly powerful he used this against eisen in the fake karakura town not only did it completely demolish the surrounding buildings but it also left eisen with a large gash in his head earning a compliment from him eisen said that the attack was splendid and it was an attack that ishin fully understood now ishin does have bonkai but it has never been revealed to us it was said that if sheen tried to use it the bonkai would put a large amount of strain on his body a strain so large that it would leave him heavily injured kenpachi zaraki is the current captain of the infamous 11th division and is also the 11th kenpachi to hold the position and when it comes to powerhouses and choosing a guy you do not want to meet on the battlefield it's kenpachi's iraqi he is incredibly tuned to combat his swordsmanship is brutal as is his expert battle senses words that are choosing to describe his power are words such as supernatural and immeasurable which really gives us an understanding of just how much of a fearsome presence he really is and his spirit energy is absolutely off the charts so much so that he has to wear an eye patch over his right eye kenpachi admitted that he has poor control over his spirit power and he has to rely on said eye patch to keep it at a manageable level once that eye patch is removed his spirit energy goes wild completely destroying large areas that can span miles away the energy is just so heavy and overwhelming that his opponent is almost always frozen to the spot when it is released it is released in energy and shock waves but also serves as additional armor only those on the same level or higher than kenpachi can cut through his spiritual pressure and land a cut on him now his zompak toe is called nozarashi which means weather beaten when translated as a child without training kenpachi was able to imprint onto his zampogto in terms of his appearance it is much longer than a regular zombocto its hilt is covered in bandages and it is extremely jagged on the blade those in the soul society believed that it was kim pach's insane spiritual pressure that was forcing his zampakto into a release state due to this unique design and interestingly kampachi was the only captain in the history of the 13 court guard squads to achieve the rank of captain without both knowing the name of his zompoc toe or being able to perform either of its release stays he of course gained the rank of captain through the exclusive and looked down upon trial by combat it wasn't until he was beaten by ichigo that he wanted to get stronger where he gained the name of his zombocto and achieved its release states kenpachi's shikai release command is drink his zompokto's appearance changes to form a giant axe-like weapon with a long grip its special ability in its release form is an insane power-up in nozarushi's strength and cutting power its power is enough to completely destroy a meteorite with just a single blow kampachi can cut clean through his opponents with ease even being able to cut through space itself now the name of ken parche's bankai is currently unknown but we do know what it does so when activated a huge level of energy is released an energy so powerful that it will take out buildings in the surrounding area kempachi himself changes his skin turns red and gains black markings over his face as well as gaining the addition of horns his zompoc toe also undergoes a change looking like an alternate version of its shiikai state this is the only bonkai we know of that actually changes the world and not only physically but mentally too in this form kenpachi is like that of a demon berserker who gains an incredible amount of strength and power he acts in a pure fit of rage where he is consumed mindless and acts without regarding his own life mayuri kurotsuchi is the captain of the 12th division and is also the second president of the shinigami research institute he was formerly the third seat of the 12th division under kisuke urahara mayori is in my mind a crazy almost evil genius he has the most intellect and scientific mind within the whole society he has performed many an invention and researched body modification but has also experimented on himself and upgraded his own body parts to use in combat and in conjunction with his zompot toe in some cases before a battle he will thoroughly study his opponent and make modifications to his own body just to give himself the advantage looking into his body modifications he has flesh splash which is like an escape tool where he will stab himself with his sealed state zanpac toe turning himself into a green liquid that can neither attack or be attacked he can still move around and speak in this form and will return to his normal state in a few days he also has snake belly arm where his left arm can extend to that of a grappling hook if this arm were to be attacked it will explode on impact but this isn't a problem for mayuri as he has a regeneration serum that will replace the lost limb mayuri is also able to pull out a part of his ear to form a scythe that is still attached to him like a flesh-like rope that he will use to cut down his opponent he has a camouflage technique called false skin where his body can blend in with the colors and textures of his surroundings now majori's craziest modification has to be that he can replace any of his lost organs with fake ones that are just as functional as the originals but are a lot less vulnerable even crazier is that this operation will take less than an hour to perform so moving on to his zompoc toe it's called ashisogi jizo which is translated as the leg cutting guardian its appearance in its sealed form is like a normal katana with the guard covered in a cloth with spikes sticking out just below the blade during the quincy blood war mayuri modded his zompoc toe by adding a sensor that blocked all sword attacks within two feet of his body at an angle of 60 degrees or greater his shikai's release command is rip the form changes to that of a golden trident with curved blades the guard of the zompok toe is shaped like a baby's head with its hands in prayer mayuri shikai's special ability is that of venom when his opponent is stabbed by ashisho the signals from the brain that control movement are severed leaving them paralyzed the only thing not affected by the venom is the nerve endings and pain receptors meaning that his opponent will still be able to feel all the pain the paralyzed limb endures he also has a shiikai ability called leg cutting jizo terror magnitude 4 where myori sticks his finger in one eye of the baby's head on his zambok toe causing a dark fluid to come out of the baby's mouth anyone who does not share the same blood as mayuri that hears this sound will be completely paralyzed for four seconds mayuri's bankai is called kanji ashish jizo which is translated as divine leg cutting jizo when his bonkai is activated a giant monster looking creature appears that has the body of a caterpillar and a huge creepy baby head wearing a red cape with baby arms and a halo hovering above his head this creature breathes a poisoned copy of mayuri's blood that is deadly to anyone who breathes it in aside from myori himself or nemu this poison can spread through an area of around 200 meters and is almost impossible to evade now there is an antidote to this poison but it is obviously kept by both himself and nemu now just as mayor had modified his own body he has also modified his bankai too making one of the most versatile he has rigged his bankai to self-destruct and return to its sealed state if it were to attack him his bonkai also has retractable blades that shoot out from his chest that will completely skewer his enemies this can also be combined with its poison for an even more deadlier effect further modifications on his bonkai led to kanji ashishi jizo matai fukiyan shotai which is translated to simply demonic recumbent womb this form is that of a giant purple skinned baby wearing a golden loin cloth it has a giant gash on its stomach with the kanji for conceal written on it and is also resting on a large pile of umbilical cords now this creature can create modified versions of kanjiki ashishi jizo that have the information or data that mayori had sent to it that copies the abilities of the one that have attacked it kisuke urahara was the former captain of the 12th division and was also the founder and first president of the shinigami research and development institute kisuke is for me just a really hyped character he just has it all amazing strength insane spiritual power genius intellect and big big moments now his zombocto is called benihime which is translated as crimson princess this is actually one of the very few female zompocto spirits known and urohara himself has described his blade as not nice in its sealed state it is a beige-colored shikomizuay which is a blade hidden within a cane when urahara was still a captain his zombocto's sealed form was that of an average katana now hishikai's release command is awaken and the blade takes the form of a medium-sized sword that has a decorative hill and a crimson tassel hanging from it his shiikai's special ability is a vary of techniques that manipulate a crimson energy and through verbal commands from kisuke benehime will execute said technique the first is sing crimson princess scream which are blasts of ferocious and destructive crimson energy that are fired in the shape of an ark these blasts are strong enough to take on in a spider class iranka's cerro blood miss shield is where a hexacan shaped crimson barrier forms a defensive perimeter blocking incoming attacks razer crimson princess is a technique very similar to sing crimson princess scream where it again fires an arc of crimson energy straight towards his target cutting them with ease spurning crimson princess is a technique that will cancel out an enemy's attack upon contact all kisuke has to do is analyze the opponent's technique where we're talking spiritual energy composition and muscle movements once that is done a circle of crimson energy is drawn that will cancel out said attack crimson princess of binding is a blood-red net made of condensed energy being thrown over the target from the tip of benehime's blade using a slashing motion the final ability is called fire playing crimson princess beaded mesh which is performed after using the previous blood red net technique kisuke will stab the net with the tip of benejime's blade that will create balls of fire all over the outside of the net that will explode like mines devastating the one trapped within the net now kiskey's bonkai is called canon biraki benehime which is translated to mean open red princess neo when activated urohara's bankai takes on the form of a giant woman with dark braided hair with mannequin-esque arms wearing a red robe that stands behind him urohara keeps the sealed sword for use in combat his bankai has the ability to completely restructure anything that it touches offensively this can be used to split or dissect something and for support it can enhance things to bring them to their optimal working state and beyond urahara reconstructed his arm to have even greater strength against askins completely overwhelm him it can even stitch things back together that were once broken we saw urohara restore his own eyes using this power to restore his vision against again askin this is just how insane the true power of his bonkai's reconstructing ability is ruki akuchi is the current captain of the 13th division where she was formally served as the lieutenant under jushuru ukitake ruki's greatest strength is arguably her mastery and knowledge of kido where she can use it to attack bind and even heal she stated that while she was at the shinigami academy that she was the highest in her class when it came to the use of keto however when she joined the 13th division her use and knowledge of keto was average in comparison to the other squad members so she trained extremely hard to develop her skills her zomboctomy is called soda no shirayuki which means sleeves of white snow when translated in its sealed form it looks just like that of a regular katana hershey kai release command is dance and soda no shiraiyuki is described as the most beautiful zampato in all of the soul society when it is in its released form the blade still looks like that of a katana but a very elegant one it also has a long white ribbon from the hilt that forms a perfect circle when rukia holds the blade upside down now sodno shiraiyuki is an ice type zompok toe and its shiikai form has multiple techniques that it can perform that are all labeled as dances the zompocto's standard chikai ability is that it freezes it can freeze targets from a distance or create paths of ice in mid air interestingly it's not her chica that freezes objects from the blade but that it actually drops the temperature of what it touches to below freezing basically anything that rukia touches will be affected her sanbok toe only extends her reach so the abilities or dances available to her shikai form are as follows sono mai sukishiro or first dance moon white is a technique where rukia holds the glowing blade upside down making a slashing motion when the enemy is in position at that moment she draws a circle with the tip of her zambock toe anything within that circle is frozen not only the ground but the air too everything within that circle's perimeter is frozen into a pillar of light the pillar will smash completely with the target trapped inside now to note if the target is not trapped within that pillar said pillar will not shatter sugi no mai hakuren or next dance white ripple is a circle of eyes similar to the previous ability that will form where rookie stabs the ground she will stab the ground four times in a semi-circle and ice particles come up from those punctures rukia then takes up a stance and the particles flow to the tip of her zampac toe that she will then release in a very powerful cold blast of air freezing everything that comes into contact with it sano mai shira fune or third dance white sword is the ability where rukia gathers all of the moisture in the air to the tip of her zambok toe forming a blade of complete ice this not only increases the reach of her blade but also freezes everything that makes contact with the blade juhaju or tree white is a direction of ice that forms a trail towards her target when she strikes the ground that will continue to freeze until the target is turned into eyes now rukia also has something called ice rope connection where she can create an ice extension that will connect her hand to the hiltifer zampocto if she is out of its reach allowing her to use her shikai abilities at a distance her bankai is called haka notagame which is translated to mean white haze punishment when activated her banchai changes her look and attire completely this could also arguably be the most beautiful bankai in the soul society rukia is wearing a beautiful white kimono with lined patterns it has an extended collar with wider sleeves as well as long flowing ribbons to finish off that really majestic look rukia herself has a small ice flower on the center of her chest and a half crown her hair also goes from a jet black colour to a brilliant white and her zompot toe becomes transparent just as ice now ruki can turn the temperature within her area of influence to absolute zero a pillar of absolute cold mist rises way up into the air and anything that is close to her becomes frozen to the very core the target becomes frozen and begins to crumble away in seconds anyone who makes contact with rukia while her bankai is activated begins to freeze instantly jiushiro ukitake is the former captain of the 13th division and the final captain on our list his zampakto is called sokyo nokotawari which is translated as lore of the twin fish in its sealed state his zompokto looks like a regular katana his shiikai release command is all waves rise and become my shield lightning strike now and become my blade once his shikai is released his single katana becomes two blades that he dual wields as the two blades separate a large red rope with five silver charms appear that attaches to the hilts of both swords his shikai's special ability is being able to absorb his opponent's energy through the left sword that will then travel through the red rope and its five silver charms that each increase its energy's attack speed and power reaching the right sword where ukitake will fire it straight back at his opponent with much more devastating force this process happens so fast that it is pretty much unable to dodge now ukitaki's bankai has not been revealed to us but being a captain we know he definitely had this ability and that is it every captain's power and ability from bleach explained this was certainly one of the longer videos on the channel so if you've made it this far then a huge thank you from us here at anime opera you truly are a legend that stands tall among the masses definitely make sure to let us know you made it to the end of the video by dropping a comment in the section below letting us know who your favorite captain is now if you enjoyed this video and you'd like to see more bleach videos on the channel make sure to let us know by smashing that like button get sugar 10 show style if you haven't already make this the video you subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications or you will miss future anime oprah videos remember you can also follow us on twitter and instagram at anime opera thanks again and we can't wait to see you in the next video till next time peace
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 499,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 32sec (4532 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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